
Hivefleet Leviathan Adapts its synaptic-web

Mar 11th, 2024
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  1. Hivefleet Leviathan Adapts its synaptic-web, "Dante":
  3. "If I may petition you lord commander. We could concentrate our efforts on the guiding minds of the ships. The norncraft and their queens as we depart', said Dhrost. If we might dismantle their command network it should afford you more time to reinforce Baal. Faustus and Aphael shared a worried look. Speak said Dante to his brothers, holding up his hand. While Dhrost is here, he is to be accorded the same rights as a member of our chapter. Let the record state that the Red-Council will speak freely. We have accounted for 80% of the norn, brood and hiveships seen in the system general, said Aphael. As per standard engagement strategy when making war upon the Tyranids. The hivefleet recovers quickly. How?, said Dhrost. We lack sufficient intelligence to say exactly general, but we are certain that adaptive evolution amongst the Tyranid swarm has made the previous strategy unworkable. It appears the Tyranids have found a means to counter our destruction of their largest vessels, said Theoden. Theories?, said Dante... I have two, said Theoden. The first is that the Hivemind has device a way of exerting its will over a larger area with fewer intermediary vessels required as nodes in its neural network. If this is true it may be use to our advantage. If we were to commit to multiple strikes across the broad front of several infected systems. The operation of the Hivemind might be greatly disrupted. By extending its range the Hivemind has increase its vulnerability. Provide the second theory, said Dante. They have evolve a way of spreading their neural network more wiedly across a given area making it harder to disrupt, said Theoden. The larger ships are no longer the only nexus points for the broader synaptic webs of the fleets. Karlaen through his glblet on to the table with a growl. You mean that shooting the big ones will no longer work brother captain speak plainly Theoden. In fleet actions yes brother that is the case, said Theoden. Shooting the big ones will no longer work. We have yet to witness this change in the ground swarms, 'said Apheal. Can we expect it? Engaging swarms that remain coherent even when deprive of their leader beast will be difficult. That will not happen for a while. Unlike the ships the smaller organism are not large enough to carry psychic nexuses, 'said Corbulo. Instead we have seen produce increasingly larger numbers of the Warrior strain. According to the latest information I have from the rest of the imperium they remain the smallest species to be fully link to the Hivemind and capable of projecting its influence."
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