
Pokemon GO impressions ~1.5 hours of playing

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. I think Pokemon GO is going to catch on pretty well worldwide. It's a way to reward people for going outside and exercising, taking it a step further than traditional GPS tracking exercise apps. But at the same time, it isn't marketed as an exercise app; it's a game. I love how local landmarks are PokeSpots, encouraging people to not just go walking around, but actually encourage people to go sightseeing.
  3. We had a few hiccups during our walk tonight where the Pokeball cutscenes would stop playing, forcing us to close the app and reopen it. This happened on numerous occasions, and after a few minutes my wife received an login error message saying that the servers were overloaded and to try again later. I do not know if that Pokeball cutscene softlocks are GPS, carrier, phone, app, or Pokemon GO server issues; but My LG G5 and her iPhone SE both had the same issue. We also had a few occasions where some Pokemon grass spots didn't have any Pokemon show up when the spots entered our trainers' detection circles. I don't know if that is intended or not; it could be a bug or it could the grass could just signify that a Pokemon may be there, but is not guaranteed.
  5. I do not like that there doesn't seem to be any tutorials are help pages explaining different parts of the app, but maybe there is a website where app features are explained. What is the purpose of the blue circle that shows up when you tap the map? Is it just visual feedback that you tapped the screen? Does it do anything? Why do Pokemon have moves? I haven't noticed anything hinting to the fact that your Pokemon can actually battle. Can trainers trade Pokemon? Either locally through PAN connections, or worldwide? What does transferring Pokemon to Professor Willow do? A warning said that I would lose the Pokemon if I did. What does clicking on a Pokemon in the Nearby Pokemon list do? I'm guessing that it just filters Pokemon encounters to just that Pokemon, so if you pass by a Pokemon that you didn't filter, it won't pop up for you to attempt to catch. However, I don't know if that is the case; I wasn't able to find any Pokemon when I was attempting to presumably filter the Pokemon I was searching for. I think I also noticed that the tracks under the Pokemon in the Nearby list can have different numbers of footprints? Does that describe the rarity of the Pokemon? The distance from you? We also noticed that the detection circle seems to get bigger as your trainer levels up, is this true? We noticed that the spots that Pokemon appear seem to be stored server-side, not within the app. My wife and I were running in to the same Pokemon at the same locations on both of our phones. Do Pokemon eventually leave/move/run away? How often do the Pokemon spots "refresh"? Does your phone alert you of nearby Pokemon if you have another app open, have your apps minimized, or if your phone is locked? Or do you have to have the app open and your screen on in order to find Pokemon?
  7. All in all, the app is a wonderful idea and I've had a ton of fun with it, walking around our neighborhood catching Pokemon. However, there seems to be some bugs still, possible server stability issues due to an underestimation of demand, and I want to see some documentation explaining app features. I look forward to catching them all and seeing what features Pokemon GO comes up with as the app matures.
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