

Sep 7th, 2016
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  1. DC:
  2. Arrow (through S3E14, occasionally still watching)
  3. The Flash (through S2E1, waiting for S2 to be put on Netflix then I’ll watch the whole thing in a matter of a day or two.)
  4. Smallville (through S1E07, may continue someday)
  5. The Dark Knight trilogy
  6. Man of Steel (2013)
  7. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
  8. Suicide Squad (2016)
  9. Justice League (2001-2006)
  10. Young Justice
  11. Batman: The Animated Series (1990s, have watched all the Joker episodes through S02E0something)
  12. The Batman (2004, select Joker episodes)
  13. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
  14. Justice League Unlimited (through S1E08, may come back to it someday)
  15. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
  16. DCU Batman: Assault on Arkham
  17. The Killing Joke (comic, not movie adaptation)
  19. Marvel:
  20. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (seen through S1 finale, slowly rewatching because I don’t remember much; currently on S1E06)
  21. Daredevil (through S2E06, no plans to continue)
  22. All Avengers cinematicverse movies with the exception of Ant Man (waiting for the rental option so I can see it for $2-4 instead of $15 since I am a poor person)
  23. All X-Men movies from X-Men (2000) through X-Men: Apocalypse (2016), with the possible exception of The Wolverine (2013) or X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). I know I saw at least one of them, but don't remember which, possibly both.
  24. Spider-Man 1-3 (2002-2007)
  25. The Amazing Spider-Man 1&2 (2012-2014)
  26. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (2010-2012, RIP)
  27. Avengers Assemble (through S1E??; since Netflix no longer has S1 so I don’t know where I stopped. Probably somewhere between E03 and E05.)
  28. X-Men Evolution (through S1E??; since Netflix no longer has the show at all, I don’t know where I stopped. Probably somewhere between E05 and E15, if there’s enough episodes for that.)
  29. Hawkeye comics by Matt Fraction and David Aja (through #11, due to budgetary constraints)
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