
Blueberry [ALL] [V1.0]

Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. # ############### #
  3. # ############### #
  5. options:
  6. prefix: §3§lBLUEBERRY
  7. prefix2: §fBlueberry
  9. on script load:
  10. if {bbBuild.installed?} is not set:
  11. set {bbBuild.installed?} to "installed"
  12. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l» {@prefix2} Buildtools installed."
  13. else:
  14. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l» {@prefix2} Buildtools reloaded."
  16. on place:
  17. if event-block is sponge:
  18. if player has permission "BB.BUILD":
  19. if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "sponge":
  20. set event-block to sponge
  21. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "sandstone":
  22. set event-block to upside-down double sandstone slab
  23. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "red sandstone":
  24. set event-block to red sandstone double slab:8
  25. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "stone":
  26. set event-block to double stone slab:8
  27. else:
  28. set event-block to sponge
  30. on right-click:
  31. if player is holding sponge:
  32. if sneaking state of player is true:
  33. if player has permission "BB.BUILD":
  34. if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  35. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Sponge set to: sponge." to player
  36. set {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} to "sponge"
  37. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "sponge":
  38. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Sponge set to: stone." to player
  39. set {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} to "stone"
  40. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "stone":
  41. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Sponge set to: sandstone." to player
  42. set {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} to "sandstone"
  43. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "sandstone":
  44. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Sponge set to: red sandstone." to player
  45. set {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} to "red sandstone"
  46. else if {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} is "red sandstone":
  47. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Sponge set to: sponge." to player
  48. set {spongeBlock.block.%uuid of player%} to "sponge"
  50. # ############# #
  52. # ############# #
  58. # COMMAND LIST #
  59. # /cclear - clears chat
  60. # /cmute - mutes chat
  61. # /pmute - mutes a player
  62. # /punmute - unmutes a player
  63. # /pkick - kicks a player
  64. # /pban - bans a player
  65. # /punban - unbans a player
  66. # /phistory - checks the history of a player
  67. # /phistory-clear - clears the history of a player
  69. options:
  70. prefix: §3§lBLUEBERRY
  71. prefix2: §fBlueberry
  72. perm: bb.MOD
  73. permMsg: §3§lBLUEBERRY §8§l»§f You do not have permission to do that. (bb.MOD)
  75. on script load:
  76. if {bbMod.installed?} is not set:
  77. set {bbMod.installed?} to "installed"
  78. broadcast "{@prefix} §8§l» {@prefix2} §fModerator installed."
  79. else:
  80. broadcast "{@prefix} §8§l» {@prefix2} §fModerator reloaded."
  82. on chat:
  83. if {muteChat} is "on":
  84. if player doesn't have permission "{@perm}":
  85. cancel event
  86. send "{@prefix} §8§l»§f Chat has been muted." to player
  87. else if {%uuid of player%.muted} is "true":
  88. cancel event
  89. send "{@prefix} §8§l»§f You are been muted." to player
  91. command /phelp:
  92. permission: {@perm}
  93. permission message: {@permMsg}
  94. trigger:
  95. send "&9--- &bHelp &9-- &b1&3/&b1 &9---" to executor
  96. send "&9/phelp &3: &bDisplays this message." to executor
  97. send "&9/cclear &3: &bClears the chat." to executor
  98. send "&9/cmute &3: &bToggles chat mute." to executor
  99. send "&9/pwarn (player) (reason) &3: &bWarns a player." to executor
  100. send "&9/pkick (player) (reason) &3: &bKicks a player." to executor
  101. send "&9/pmute (player) (reason) &3: &bMutes a player." to executor
  102. send "&9/punmute (player) &3: &bUnmutes a player." to executor
  103. send "&9/pban (player) (reason) &3: &bBans a player." to executor
  104. send "&9/punban (player) &3: &bUnbans a player." to executor
  105. send "&9/phistory (player) &3: &bChecks a players history." to executor
  106. send "&9/phistory-clear (player) &3: &bClears a players history." to executor
  107. send "&9--- &bHelp &9-- &b1&3/&b1 &9---" to executor
  109. command /cclear:
  110. permission: {@perm}
  111. permission message: {@permMsg}
  112. trigger:
  113. loop 200 times:
  114. broadcast ""
  115. add 1 to {_chatClear}
  116. if {_chatClear} is bigger than 199:
  117. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Chat has been cleared by %executor%."
  119. command /cmute:
  120. permission: {@perm}
  121. permission message: {@permMsg}
  122. trigger:
  123. if {muteChat} is "on":
  124. delete {muteChat}
  125. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Chat has been unmuted by %executor%"
  126. else:
  127. set {muteChat} to "on"
  128. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Chat has been muted by %executor%"
  130. command /pmute [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  131. permission: {@perm}
  132. permission message: {@permMsg}
  133. trigger:
  134. if arg-1 is set:
  135. if arg-2 is set:
  136. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %arg-1% has been muted for %arg-2%."
  137. set {%uuid of arg-1%.muted} to "true"
  138. add "&e[MUTE] &fReason: %arg-2%" to {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*}
  139. else:
  140. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pmute <player> <reason>" to executor
  141. else:
  142. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pmute <player> <reason>" to executor
  144. command /punmute [<offline player>]:
  145. permission: {@perm}
  146. permission message: {@permMsg}
  147. trigger:
  148. if arg-1 is set:
  149. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l» &f%arg-1% has been unmuted."
  150. delete {%uuid of arg-1%.muted}
  151. else:
  152. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pmute <player> <reason>" to executor
  154. command /pban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  155. permission: {@perm}
  156. permission message: {@permMsg}
  157. trigger:
  158. if arg-1 is set:
  159. if arg-2 is set:
  160. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %arg-1% has been banned for %arg-2%."
  161. ban arg-1 due to arg-2
  162. kick arg-1 due to "&c&lBANNED: &f%arg-2%"
  163. add "&e[BAN] &fReason: %arg-2%" to {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*}
  164. else:
  165. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pban <player> <reason>" to executor
  166. else:
  167. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pban <player> <reason>" to executor
  169. command /punban [<offline player>]:
  170. permission: {@perm}
  171. permission message: {@permMsg}
  172. trigger:
  173. if arg-1 is set:
  174. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %arg-1% has been unbanned."
  175. unban arg-1
  176. else:
  177. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /punban <player> <reason>" to executor
  179. command /pkick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  180. permission: {@perm}
  181. permission message: {@permMsg}
  182. trigger:
  183. if arg-1 is set:
  184. if arg-2 is set:
  185. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %arg-1% has been kicked for %arg-2%."
  186. kick arg-1 due to "&c&lKICKED:&f %arg-2%"
  187. add "&e[KICK] &fReason: %arg-2%" to {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*}
  188. else:
  189. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pkick <player> <reason>" to executor
  190. else:
  191. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pkick <player> <reason>" to executor
  193. command /pwarn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  194. permission: {@perm}
  195. permission message: {@permMsg}
  196. trigger:
  197. if arg-1 is set:
  198. if arg-2 is set:
  199. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %arg-1% has been warned for %arg-2%."
  200. add "&e[WARN] &fReason: %arg-2%" to {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*}
  201. else:
  202. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pwarn <player> <reason>" to executor
  203. else:
  204. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /pwarn <player> <reason>" to executor
  206. command /phistory [<offline player>]:
  207. permission: {@perm}
  208. permission message: {@permMsg}
  209. trigger:
  210. if arg-1 is set:
  211. if {%uuid of player%.punishHistory::*} is set:
  212. if arg-1 is banned:
  213. send "{@prefix} &8&l» &7[BANNED]&f %arg-1%'s punishments." to executor
  214. send join {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*} with nl to executor
  215. else if arg-1 is online:
  216. send "{@prefix} &8&l» &a[ONLINE]&f %arg-1%'s punishments." to executor
  217. send join {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*} with nl to executor
  218. else if arg-1 is offline:
  219. send "{@prefix} &8&l» &7[OFFLINE]&f %arg-1%'s punishments." to executor
  220. send join {%uuid of arg-1%.punishHistory::*} with nl to executor
  221. else:
  222. if arg-1 is online:
  223. send "{@prefix} &8&l» &a[ONLINE]&f %arg-1%'s punishments." to executor
  224. send "&e[NONE] &fThis player has no punishments." to executor
  225. else if arg-1 is offline:
  226. send "{@prefix} &8&l» &7[OFFLINE]&f %arg-1%'s punishments." to executor
  227. send "&e[NONE] &fThis player has no punishments." to executor
  228. else:
  229. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /phistory <player>" to executor
  231. command /phistory-clear [<offline player>]:
  232. permission: {@perm}
  233. permission message: {@permMsg}
  234. trigger:
  235. if arg-1 is set:
  236. delete {%uuid of player%.punishHistory::*}
  237. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Cleared %arg-1%'s history." to executor
  238. else:
  239. send "{@prefix} &8&l»&f Usage: /phistory-clear <player>" to executor
  241. # ################################## #
  242. # BLUEBERRY ESS (recode in progress) #
  243. # ################################## #
  245. options:
  246. prefix: §3§lBLUEBERRY
  247. prefix2: §fBlueberry
  249. on script load:
  250. if {bbEss.installed?} is not set:
  251. set {bbEss.installed?} to "installed"
  252. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l» {@prefix2} Essentials installed."
  253. else:
  254. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l» {prefix2} Essentials reloaded."
  256. # BB CHAT #
  258. on join:
  259. if player has permission "RANK.OWNER":
  260. set player tab name to "&c[O] %player%"
  261. else if player has permission "RANK.ADMIN":
  262. set player tab name to "&e[A] %player%"
  263. else if player has permission "RANK.DEFAULT":
  264. set player tab name to "&7%player%"
  266. on chat:
  267. if player has permission "RANK.OWNER":
  268. set chat format to "&c[player]&f> [message]"
  269. set player tab name to "&c[O] %player%"
  270. else if player has permission "RANK.ADMIN":
  271. set chat format to "&e[player]&f> [message]"
  272. set player tab name to "&e[A] %player%"
  273. else if player has permission "RANK.DEFAULT":
  274. set chat format to "&7[player]&f> [message]"
  275. set player tab name to "&7%player%"
  276. loop all players:
  277. if message contains "@%loop-player%":
  278. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 at loop-player for loop-player
  279. replace all "@%loop-player%" in message with "&o&n@%loop-player%&r"
  281. # BB SPAWN #
  283. on join:
  284. wait 0.5 seconds
  285. teleport player to location(-75.500, 67, -1.500, world "mainWorld", 135, -2)
  286. #-75 67 -1 135 -2
  288. on death:
  289. if victim is player:
  290. force player to respawn
  291. teleport player to location(-75.500, 67, -1.500, world "mainWorld", 135, -2)
  292. if attacker is set:
  293. if attacker is a player:
  294. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %attacker% has killed %victim%."
  295. else:
  296. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %victim% was killed."
  297. else if attacker is not set:
  298. broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l»&f %victim% was killed."
  300. # ############# #
  301. # BLUEBERRY FUN #
  302. # ############# #
  304. on script load:
  305. if {bbFun.installed?} is not set:
  306. set {bbFun.installed?} to "installed"
  307. broadcast "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f Blueberry Fun installed."
  308. else:
  309. broadcast "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f Blueberry Fun reloaded."
  311. command /fakesay [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  312. permission:
  313. permission message: §3§lBLUEBERRY §8§l»§f You don't have permission to do this. (BB.FUN)
  314. aliases: /f
  315. trigger:
  316. if arg-1 is set:
  317. if arg-2 is set:
  318. send "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f You have made %arg-1% say: %arg-2%" to executor
  319. make arg-1 say arg-2
  320. else:
  321. send "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f Usage: /fakesay <player> <message>" to executor
  322. else:
  323. send "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f Usage: /fakesay <player> <message>" to executor
  325. command /fakesay-all [<text>]:
  326. permission:
  327. permission message: §3§lBLUEBERRY §8§l»§f You don't have permission to do this. (BB.FUN)
  328. aliases: /f-all
  329. trigger:
  330. if arg-1 is set:
  331. send "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f You have made everyone say: %arg-1%" to executor
  332. loop all players:
  333. make loop-player say arg-1
  334. else:
  335. send "&3&lBLUEBERRY &8&l»&f Usage: /fakesay-all <message>" to executor
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