
Trash Can Yuri!

Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. >Spending time with Trash Can Yuri!
  2. >Having to lift both her and her trash can into your house!
  3. >Her refusing to speak to you when you jokingly call her Yuri the Grouch!
  4. >Making it up to her by writing her a poem on a used wrapper!
  5. >Yuri being so touched that she invites you to join her in the trash can!
  6. >You accept the invitation without a second thought!
  7. >It's a bit cramped, but you don't mind!
  8. >Reaching around in the trash can, only to find a piece of paper!
  9. >On it is a drawing of you and Trash Can Yuri together, both living in the same trash can with two trash can children!
  10. >Yuri stealing the paper right out of your hand! Puffing up and telling you to leave her house!
  11. >She tries to force you out, but the can tips over!
  12. >You fall backwards, with Yuri landing straight on top of you!
  13. >The trash collected in the can rains down upon you, tainting your clean soul!
  14. >Yuri doesn't pull herself up, instead locking eyes with you, explaining that you're now married!
  15. >It turns out, pouring trash on a male and a female is a common marriage ritual in trash-can culture!
  16. >Taking Trash Can Yuri to a landfill for your honey-moon!
  17. >Creating wedding rings out of tamper evident bands!
  18. >Going on dates at the local dumpster!
  19. >Trash Can Yuri!
  20. ---
  21. >Settling down with Trash Can Yuri by buying a huge dumpster to live in!
  22. >The dumpster isn't as cramped as the trash can was, Yuri hates it at first, not being smushed against you, but she finds ways to recreate that feeling!
  23. >Putting you in an inescapable embrace! Forced to snuggle with Yuri whether you like it or not!
  24. >Lovingly referring to you as her "trash-hubby"!
  25. >Finally starting to get used to this lifestyle!
  26. >Finding some new trashbags to use as pillows and a thick layer of bubblewrap for a blanket!
  27. >Comfy dumpster-life with Trash Can Yuri!
  28. >Calling Yuri your "little racoon", a name she wears with pride!
  29. >Eating old thrown-out leftovers with Yuri!
  30. >Everything was going fine, until garbage-day arrived.
  31. >Fighting off the garbage-men to protect your land!
  32. >Picking up Yuri and charging at them while she attempts to impale them with a broken broom-handle!
  33. >Scaring them off after wounding one of them!
  34. >Heading to bed knowing that you're both safe for another week!
  35. >Being content with the trash-filled paradise you live in, cuddling with Yuri as you pull the bubblewrap over the both of you!
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