Guest User


a guest
Sep 10th, 2020
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
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  1. <?php
  3. $O = array( 56, function($s1s) use (&$O)
  4. {
  5. $iVl = array( 7649 => "<b>Add A New Member Account:</b><br> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <form method=post name=\"regform\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"0\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Status:</td> <td> <select name=status class=inpts> <option value=\"on\" selected>Active</option> <option value=\"off\">Disabled</option> <option value=\"suspended\">Suspended</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full name:</td> <td><input type=text name=fullname value=\"{\$frm.fullname|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value=\"{\$frm.username|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Retype password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail address:</td> <td><input type=text name=email value=\"{\$|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 1194 => " {if \$errors.no_trns}<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">No transactions to pay found.</div>{/if} {if \$errors.no_curl}<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Required PHP cURL module is not installed. Please contact your hoster to enable it.</div>{/if} <br> <center> <a href=\"?a=withdrawal_requests\" class=\"sbmt btn btn-success\">Return</a> </center> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 5092 => "insert into hm2_groups set ", 2864 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_fchk", 2195 => "Connecting to ", 9426 => " {literal} <script type=\"text/javascript\"> function googleTranslateElementInit () { new google.translate.TranslateElement ({pageLanguage: \"en\", layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, \"google_translate_element\"); } </script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"> </script> \n{/literal} ", 4467 => "</account> </auth> <data> <unique_id>", 401 => "Shop ID", 4928 => "BMMGUU6C2QDH8L3WMSMZ", 7419 => "Netherlands", 6313 => "ZAR", 4793 => "ref_range_type", 2523 => "u.last_access_time + interval 30 minute < now() ", 908 => ", actual_amount = -", 2316 => "mass_payment", 9269 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column unit_amount decimal(20,10) not null default 1", 6164 => "alter table hm2_types change column period period varchar(10)", 8668 => "Gabon", 5876 => "Western Sahara", 5190 => "U12345678", 2069 => "create_withdrawal", 8437 => "Test SMTP", 331 => "info", 2804 => " = ", 7209 => "Signature Bonus Notification", 3421 => "startup_bonus_plan", 5039 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show the PaidOut Page:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_paidout_stats value=1 ", 5371 => "Float", 9181 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> " );
  6. return $iVl[$s1s];
  7. }
  9. , function($iVJ) use (&$O)
  10. {
  11. $O3B = array( 7209 => ">Commission (%)</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>From</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>To</th> ", 331 => "Location: ?a=user_notices&page=", 2864 => "reg_fee_admin_notification", 9426 => "3QF5Y1MWJ3UBI29CH1SI", 2069 => "Priority (low,medium,high)", 4467 => "XLM", 5190 => "", 4928 => "Payeer API Request: ", 5876 => "PassPhrase", 6313 => "update hm2_history set deposit_id = ", 6164 => "Chile", 9269 => ") where id = ", 2316 => "currency_select", 908 => " and d.type_id = and t.status = ", 2523 => "ref_username", 4793 => "R ", 8668 => "7MS5CNTXEZ275JTXPCV8", 7419 => "DS5NTRWMDUQ5P2TFVGW8", 401 => "epay", 8437 => "946ZZY5R72DBCK9HMKPV", 2195 => "T07WSICIAMPOMKXD6SOV", 5092 => "insert into hm2_types set name=", 2804 => " <tr> <td>Facebook:</td> <td><input type=text name=facebook value=\"{\$user.addfields.facebook|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr>", 1194 => "exchange_system_name" );
  12. return $O3B[$iVJ];
  13. }
  15. , function($jVX) use (&$O)
  16. {
  17. $jJJ = array( 5092 => "'>[e-mail]</a> <a href=?a=user_details&id=", 2864 => " Check this checkbox to allow automatic Referral Commissions Back for direct referrals. User can set RCB percent in his account settings. ", 2195 => ") order by ec", 5190 => "REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", 4793 => "edit_account", 2523 => " and bonus_flag = 0 and actual_amount > ", 908 => "selected", 2316 => "Jun", 9269 => ", hidden_batch = ", 6164 => "smtp_host", 6313 => "Spain", 8668 => "e-mail", 7419 => "sci_pass", 5876 => "Z62457UNLGEVTMG4ADSV", 4928 => "0KH1WX9RK72FTLWZ1ELS", 401 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Edit Email Template &quot;{\$}&quot;</h3> {if \$frm.status == \"success\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Temaplte is updated</div> {/if} {if \$errors.text} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">{\$errors.text}</div> {/if} {if \$errors.html} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">{\$errors.html}</div> {/if} {literal} <script> function send_test() { open(\"\", \"test_email\", \"width=300, height=100\"); = \"test_email\"; document.edit_email.a.value = \"newsletter\"; document.edit_email.action.value = \"test_email\"; document.edit_email.submit(); = \"_self\"; document.edit_email.a.value = \"email_templates\"; document.edit_email.action.value = \"\"; } </script> {/literal} <form method=post name=edit_email> <input type=hidden name=a value=email_templates> <input type=hidden name=action value=edit> <input type=hidden name=save value=1> <input type=hidden name=type value=\"{\$}\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Subject:</th> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"{\$tmpl.subject|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=100></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Use Presets?</th> <td> <select name=use_presets class=inpts> <option value=1 {if \$tmpl.use_presets == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option> <option value=0 {if \$tmpl.use_presets == 0}selected{/if}>No</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Text Message:</th> <td><textarea name=text cols=100 rows=20 class=inpts>{\$tmpl.text|escape:html}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th>HTML Message:<br> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_html\" value=1 {if \$tmpl.use_html}checked{/if}> Use it?</th> <td><textarea name=html class={if \$wisiwing}ckeditor{else}inpts{/if} cols=100 rows=20>{\$tmpl.html|escape:html}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=\"btn-sm btn-success sbmt\"> <input type=button value=\"Send Test E-mail\" class=sbmt onclick=\"send_test()\"> <a class=\"sbmt btn-sm btn-danger\" href=\"?a=email_templates\">Cancel</a></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} {if !\$tmpl} Select e-mail type to edit system messages.<br> If checkbox opposite to template name is switched off e-mail will be not sent. {/if} {if \$ == \"registration\"} Users will receive this e-mail after registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> *Password will be replased with ***** if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration. {/if} {if \$ == \"confirm_registration\"} Users will receive this e-mail if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#/?a=signup&action=confirm&c=#confirm_string#<br><br> This string will be replaced with uniq confirmation url for every user. {/if} {if \$ == \"forgot_password\"} Users will receive this e-mail if forgot they password and request new password.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"bonus\"} Users will receive this e-mail if admin add deposit to they account and select checkbox \"send notification\".<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - bonus amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"penalty\"} Users will receive this e-mail if admin add penalty to they account and select checkbox \"send notification\".<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - penalty amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"change_account\"} Users will receive this e-mail after edit account information.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #email# - user e-mail address.<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_request_user_notification\"} Users will receive this e-mail after withdraw request.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount#- withdraw amount.<br> #ip# - IP address of user that requested withdraw.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_request_admin_notification\"} Administrator will receive this e-mail after user withdraw request.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount#- withdraw amount.<br> #ip# - IP address of user that requested withdraw.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_user_notification\"} User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process. (After autopay if enabled, admin direct and mass withdraw processes)<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"withdraw_admin_notification\"} User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process autopay if enabled<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"deposit_admin_notification\"} Administrator will receive this e-mail after user made deposit<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - deposit amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #plan# - investment package name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #upline# - name of user`s upline who made deposit<br> {/if} {if \$ == \"brute_force_activation\"} User will receive this e-mail if his account locked after number of incorrect login attempts<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #ip# - user IP address.<br> #max_tries# - amount on max incorrect attempts.<br> #activation_code# - activation code.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#?a=activate&code=#activation_code#<br> This string will be replaced with unique activation url. {/if} {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4467 => "insert into hm2_lists_items set ", 2069 => "select * from hm2_lists where 1 order by ordering asc, id desc", 9426 => ")) as active_deposit from hm2_users as r left outer join hm2_user_balances as b on = b.user_id where r.ref in (", 8437 => "", 331 => "\">NickName</a></th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=100><a href=\"?a=members&status=" );
  18. return $jJJ[$jVX];
  19. }
  21. , function($dJ4, $BS3) use (&$O)
  22. {
  23. $O[883]($O[638](8668) . "'" . $O[31]($BS3) . "'");
  24. }
  26. , function($l7e) use (&$O)
  27. {
  28. $Rl1 = $O[272]($l7e);
  29. $Rl1 = array_keys($Rl1);
  30. $l7e = "";
  31. $x8L = $IJ6 = 0;
  32. $dsl = array( );
  33. for( $xL6 = 0; $xL6 < sizeof($Rl1); $xL6++ )
  34. {
  35. if( $Rl1[$xL6] + 1 == $Rl1[$xL6 + 1] )
  36. {
  37. if( $x8L )
  38. {
  39. continue;
  40. }
  42. $dsl[$IJ6] = $Rl1[$xL6] . $O[123](908);
  43. $x8L = 1;
  44. }
  45. else
  46. {
  47. if( $x8L )
  48. {
  49. $dsl[$IJ6] .= $Rl1[$xL6];
  50. $x8L = 0;
  51. $IJ6++;
  52. }
  53. else
  54. {
  55. $dsl[$IJ6] = $Rl1[$xL6];
  56. $IJ6++;
  57. }
  59. }
  61. }
  62. return implode($O[180](9269), $dsl);
  63. }
  65. , function($SLE) use (&$O)
  66. {
  67. $V4x = array( 2864 => "` </b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Default Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=date2000-01-01 value=\"", 2195 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> RCB Percent: <input type=text name=rcb value=\"{\$user.addfields.rcb|number_format:2}\" size=5 class=inpts> - <input type=checkbox name=rcb_lock value=1 {if \$user.addfields.rcb_lock}checked{/if}> disable edit it for the user</td> </tr> ", 9426 => "refs10_qusers", 401 => "approved", 5190 => "Reviews", 5876 => "GC6RUQH7566UE7P2M5B4", 8668 => "EJS2GCEU25SJ7KWB5XG2", 6164 => "ZGNAYQN4TM5SPVPTB5T9", 9269 => "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", 2523 => "sec", 908 => "use_groups", 2316 => " 1 day ", 4793 => "&#579;", 6313 => "CAHMDV7JJYA2JSJLZK92", 7419 => "^[\\w\\d]{25,43}\$", 4928 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Maintenance Page:</h3> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings have been updated.</div> {/if} {if \$errors.no_tpl} <div class=\"alert alert-danger\">maintenance.tpl not found in &quot;tmpl&quot; folder</div> {/if} <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"maintenance_page\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"set\"> <table class=form> <tr> <th>Enable Maintenance Page:</th> <td> <select name=enabled class=inpts> <option value=0 {if \$setts.enabled == 0}selected{/if}>No</option> <option value=1 {if \$setts.enabled == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Skip Maintenance Page Pin:</th> <td> <input type=text name=pin class=inpts value=\"{\$|escape:html}\"> </tr> <tr> <th>Maintenance Page Message:</th> <td> <textarea name=message class=inpts rows=10>{\$setts.message|escape:html}</textarea> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} If you need close your site for maintenance you can enable this page.<br> User will see your Maintenance Message and can&apos;t open site.<br> Maintenance Pin can be used to allow you skip maintenance page and enter site if you need.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4467 => "INSERT INTO hm2_ref_stats (user_id, type, amount) VALUES (", 2069 => "admin_desc", 8437 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastdeposit value=0 ", 331 => "> Get a random upline (requires 'Force an upline during the signup' option enabled)<br> <br> ", 5092 => "min_percent", 2804 => " <tr id=\"tr_hold_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Hold earnings on account for <input type=text name=hold value=\"{\$type.hold}\" class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\"> days after payout (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr id=\"tr_delay_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Delay earning for <input type=text name=delay value=\"{\$type.delay}\" class=inpts size=5 onchange=\"CheckCompound();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\" style=\"text-align:right\"> days since deposit (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> Limit deposits number to <input type=text name=deposits_limit_num value=\"{\$type.deposits_limit_num}\" class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\"> deposits (for one user). </td> </tr>" );
  68. return $V4x[$SLE];
  69. }
  71. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  72. {
  73. global $Bj1;
  74. $SDx = $O[539](7419);
  75. $bwD = $O[475]($O[17](9269) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  76. $X74 = $Bxm = intval($bwD[$O[288](2316)]);
  77. if( $X74 < 1 )
  78. {
  79. $O[883]($O[1203](4928));
  80. $O[883]($O[894](401) . "'" . "'" . $O[294](5190) . "'" . $O[838](3421) . "'" . $O[52](4467));
  81. $O[883]($O[92](2069));
  82. $O[883]($O[309](401));
  83. $O[883]($O[131](2523) . "'" . $O[515](4793) . "'" . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[814](5190) . "'" . $O[552](2523) . "'" . $O[17](5092) . "'" . $O[348](908) . "'" . "#message#\n\nYou can view and reply the ticket at any time at #link#\n\n\n#site_name#\n#site_url#" . "'" . $O[353](6164));
  84. $O[883]($O[131](2523) . "'" . $O[302](9426) . "'" . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[80](8437) . "'" . $O[552](2523) . "'" . $O[17](5092) . "'" . $O[348](908) . "'" . "#username# wrote:\n\n#message#\n\nYou can view and reply the ticket at any time at #link#" . "'" . $O[353](6164));
  85. $X74 = 1;
  86. }
  88. if( $X74 != $Bxm )
  89. {
  90. $O[883]($O[912](908) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  91. $O[883]($O[812](908) . $X74 . $O[786](6164) . "'" . $O[427](4928) . $SDx . "'");
  92. }
  94. }
  96. , function() use (&$O)
  97. {
  98. $O[653]();
  99. }
  101. , function($ie4) use (&$O)
  102. {
  103. $wJX = array( 331 => "total_comissions", 2864 => "Content-Length: ", 2195 => "week", 4467 => "group_exists", 5190 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Registration Fee:</h3> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=reg_fee> <input type=hidden name=action value=set> <input type=hidden name=say value=\"\"> {if \$frm.say == \"saved\"} <div class=\"alert alert-success\">Settings has been successfully saved.</div> {/if} <table class=form> <tr> <th>Enable Registration Fee:</th> <td><select name=show_review class=inpts><option value=1 {if \$settings.reg_fee_enable == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option><option value=0 {if \$settings.reg_fee_enable == 0}selected{/if}>No</option></select></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Amount ({\$currency_sign}):</th> <td><input type=text name=reg_fee_amount value=\"{\$setts.reg_fee_amount}\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr><tr> <th>Payment Description:</th> <td><input type=text name=reg_fee_payment_description value=\"{\$setts.reg_fee_payment_description|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Pay ref. commission on registration fee</th> <td><select name=show_review class=inpts><option value=1 {if \$settings.reg_fee_ref_enabled == 1}selected{/if}>Yes</option><option value=0 {if \$settings.reg_fee_ref_enabled == 0}selected{/if}>No</option></select></td> </tr><tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 4928 => "update hm2_emails set status = 0", 5876 => "my:ext_accounts_blacklist", 6313 => "C3CWYESMWNGC62KVMR2C", 6164 => "3AHKJU6H39MT63H5KL8A", 908 => "site_start_month", 2316 => "/get_sha256.php", 2523 => "md5altphrase_alertpay", 9269 => "Spent on exchange", 4793 => "^U\\d{5,}\$", 8668 => "035346F0FADD44AEE310", 7419 => "select * from hm2_settings where name = ", 401 => "my:ips", 2069 => "other_refs_num", 9426 => "asc", 8437 => "#site_name# - Representative Application" );
  104. return $wJX[$ie4];
  105. }
  107. , function($L4I) use (&$O)
  108. {
  109. $OLi = array( 2804 => "state", 5092 => "tcolor", 2864 => "custom_val_", 8437 => "Location: ?a=news&page=", 9426 => "group_edit", 4467 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=settings>Settings</a></td> </tr> {include file=\"my:admin_menu_section\" section=\$admin_menu.settings} <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=referal>Referral Settings</a></td> </tr> ", 5190 => "8SVNLPVR5FQW5KKNJRAZ", 5876 => "", 7419 => "cust", 8668 => "insert into hm2_settings set name=", 4793 => "p", 6164 => "ref1_cms_max_commission_amount", 9269 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where user_id = ", 2523 => "free", 908 => "withdraw_user_notification", 2316 => "_deposit[", 6313 => "hidden_batch", 4928 => "Guinea", 401 => "", 2069 => "my:add_funds_bonus", 2195 => "minute", 331 => "my:deposit_bonus_lottery", 7209 => " The running days information: Running days: 1124 ", 1194 => " </table> <br> <b>Add new holidays:</b><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=holidays> <input type=hidden name=add_new value=1> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Date</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Description:</th> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=text name=hol1 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold1 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol2 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol3 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold3 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr></table> <input type=submit value=\"Add\" class=sbmt> </form> <br> ", 3421 => " <td align=center><input type=text name=daily_referral_min_aff_num_" );
  110. return $OLi[$L4I];
  111. }
  113. , function(&$SB0) use (&$O)
  114. {
  115. global $Bj1;
  116. global $Ioj;
  117. global $X9l;
  118. if( !$Bj1[$O[674](9269)] )
  119. {
  120. return NULL;
  121. }
  123. if( $Bj1[$O[968](2316)] != $O[83](6164) )
  124. {
  125. return NULL;
  126. }
  128. if( 0 < $Bj1[$O[1184](5190)] )
  129. {
  130. $bLe = $SB0[$O[174](908)];
  131. $bwD = $O[475]($O[862](908) . $bLe);
  132. $XX7 = $bwD[$O[1282](4793)];
  133. if( $XX7 <= 1 )
  134. {
  135. return NULL;
  136. }
  138. $bwD = $O[475]($O[412](9269) . $XX7);
  139. if( $bwD[$O[74](2316)] == $Bj1[$O[451](908)] )
  140. {
  141. return NULL;
  142. }
  144. $bwD = $O[475]($O[726](2523) . $O[836]($O[411](2864), $O[348](9426)) . $O[401](8437) . $XX7);
  145. $i1x = $bwD[$O[810](2523)];
  146. if( $Bj1[$O[1184](5190)] <= $i1x )
  147. {
  148. $O[883]($O[1056](2069) . intval($Bj1[$O[451](908)]) . $O[385](908) . $XX7);
  149. }
  151. }
  153. }
  155. , function($bEI) use (&$O)
  156. {
  157. $jj9 = array( 2804 => "\" class=inpts><br><br> ", 5092 => "ref_from", 9426 => "color = ", 4467 => "link", 401 => "edit_review", 5190 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_pay_errors limit 1", 5876 => "movetoaccount", 7419 => "Accounts Blacklist", 8668 => "</a> &middot;", 4793 => "Weather Stations", 6164 => "graph_validation_check", 2523 => "NEO", 2316 => "parent", 908 => "Tell a friend", 9269 => "Invested in package #", 6313 => "SCI Password", 4928 => " {include file=\"my:admin_header\"} <h3>Top Referral Earnings:</h3> <form method=post name=trans> <input type=hidden name=a value=top_referral_earnings> <table class=\"form nosize\"> <tr> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value=-1>All eCurrencies</option> {foreach from=\$ps item=p} <option value={\$} {if \$ == \$}selected{/if}>{\$|escape:html}</option> {/foreach} </select> <br> <input type=text name=onpage value=\"{\$frm.onpage|intval}\" class=\"inpts nosize\" size=4 style=\"text-align: right\"> top members {if \$multi_levels} <br> <input type=radio name=lvls value=0 {if \$frm.lvls == 0}checked{/if}>1st Lvl</option> <input type=radio name=lvls value=10 {if \$frm.lvls == 10}checked{/if}>All Lvl</option> {/if} </td> <td style=\"text-align:right\"> From: {html_select_date prefix=\"from_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} <br> To: {html_select_date prefix=\"to_\" time=\$frm field_order=\"DMY\" start_year=\$frm.start_year all_extra=\"class=\\\"inpts nosize\\\"\" month_format=\"%m\" month_value_format=\"%m\"} </td> <td> <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> <table class=list> <tr> <th>Username</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$refs item=r} <tr class={cycle values=\"row1,row2\"}> <td>{\$r.username|escape:html}</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>{\$r.amount|fiat}</b></td> </tr> {foreachelse} <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center>No records found</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> {include file=\"my:admin_footer\"} ", 2069 => " INNER JOIN hm2_tickets_depts_ticket as dt ON = dt.ticket_id and dt.dept_id = ", 8437 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering - 1 where ordering = ", 2195 => "bnfc_bd_Day", 2864 => ", admin_auto_pay_earning = ", 331 => "reset_security" );
  158. return $jj9[$bEI];
  159. }
  161. , 556, 144, 136, function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  162. {
  163. global $Ioj;
  164. global $Bj1;
  165. global $loi;
  166. if( !$O3R )
  167. {
  168. $O3R = array( );
  169. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 0;
  170. }
  172. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  173. if( $JXB == $O[1007](6313) || $JXB == $O[353](7419) )
  174. {
  175. $DO8[$O[737](2523)] = sprintf($O[1057](2523), $DO8[$O[737](2523)]);
  176. }
  178. if( !$DO8[$O[25](908)] )
  179. {
  180. $S01 = $O[1258]($dJ4);
  181. $DO8 = array_merge($S01, $DO8);
  182. }
  184. $SBO = array( $O[1091](4793) => $DO8[$O[838](908)], $O[2](5876) => $DO8[$O[25](908)], $O[1068](6164) => $DO8[$O[1200](2316)], $O[401](8668) => $DO8[$O[51](6164)], $O[1203](9269) => $DO8[$O[737](2523)], $O[30](4928) => $DO8[$O[180](5876)] );
  185. $SB0 = array( );
  186. foreach( $SBO as $wdd => $L3L )
  187. {
  188. $SB0[] = urlencode($wdd) . $O[912](2316) . urlencode($L3L);
  189. }
  190. $SB0 = implode($O[48](9269), $SB0);
  191. $sSJ = $O[833](5876);
  192. if( is_file($sSJ) )
  193. {
  194. $B49 = stat($sSJ);
  195. }
  196. else
  197. {
  198. $B49[$O[494](2316)] = time() - 5;
  199. }
  201. $VsI = 0;
  202. while( time() - 1 < $B49[$O[494](2316)] && $VsI < 3 )
  203. {
  204. sleep(1);
  205. $VsI++;
  206. $B49 = stat($sSJ);
  207. }
  208. file_put_contents($sSJ, time());
  209. $O[106]($O[954](5876) . $SB0);
  210. $LwV = curl_init();
  211. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[284](6313));
  212. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, 1);
  213. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $SB0);
  214. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, false);
  215. curl_setopt($LwV, 81, 0);
  216. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  217. if( $loi != "" )
  218. {
  219. curl_setopt($LwV, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $loi);
  220. }
  222. $wO0 = curl_exec($LwV);
  223. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  224. curl_close($LwV);
  225. $O[106]($O[269](6164) . $OsO . $O[136](2316) . $wO0);
  226. if( preg_match($O[269](4793) . "'" . $O[906](5876) . "'" . $O[159](5190) . "'" . $O[1201](6313) . "'" . $O[518](5876) . "'" . "(\\d+)" . "'" . $O[131](6313), $wO0, $jBs) )
  227. {
  228. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  229. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  230. return NULL;
  231. }
  233. if( preg_match($O[269](4793) . "'" . $O[833](4928) . "'" . $O[159](5190) . "'" . $O[1201](6313) . "'" . " value=\\'(.*?)\\'>/ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  234. {
  235. $oIR = preg_replace($O[1068](4793), $O[246](908), $jBs[1]);
  236. $oIR = preg_replace($O[126](2523), $O[620](2316), $oIR);
  237. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $oIR;
  238. return NULL;
  239. }
  241. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = ($OsO ? $OsO : $O[588](8668));
  242. }
  244. , function($iS0) use (&$O)
  245. {
  246. $wR1 = array( 7209 => " </tr>", 2804 => "blocked", 331 => "my:custom_values", 2195 => "my:pending_deposits_details", 4467 => "JMWOYH8I8AFTX1G4VM22", 5190 => "btgecv", 4928 => "GAS", 8668 => "deposit_bonus_to_plan", 6164 => "Transaction code", 9269 => "select value from hm2_settings where name = ", 2316 => ":", 908 => "Settings are broken. Contact developers please", 2523 => ", type = ", 4793 => "withdraw_memo", 6313 => "=%s", 7419 => "Nepal", 5876 => "Invalid response from server:", 401 => "DM42HSVC97QYUJHV98PS", 2069 => "./changemysql.allow", 9426 => "host", 8437 => "Security", 2864 => "ttype=earning", 5092 => "[ID:#code#] #title#" );
  247. return $wR1[$iS0];
  248. }
  250. , 954, function($dJ4, $DO8, &$O3R) use (&$O)
  251. {
  252. global $Bj1;
  253. global $Ioj;
  254. $JXB = $Ioj[$dJ4][$O[826](2316)][$O[674](2316)];
  255. $IEX = time() . rand(1000, 9999);
  256. $VEO = $O[123](8668) . hash($O[1139](401), $DO8[$O[838](908)] . $O[17](2316) . gmdate($O[266](401)) . $O[17](2316) . $DO8[$O[25](908)] . $O[17](2316) . $IEX) . $O[39](5190) . $O[297]($DO8[$O[838](908)]) . $O[924](4467) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[51](6164)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[349](8668) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[737](2523)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[1045](8668) . $JXB . $O[304](6164) . htmlentities($DO8[$O[180](5876)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . $O[717](7419) . $IEX . $O[735](401);
  257. $LwV = curl_init();
  258. curl_setopt($LwV, 10002, $O[834](8668));
  259. curl_setopt($LwV, 47, 1);
  260. curl_setopt($LwV, 10015, $O[863](8668) . urlencode($VEO));
  261. curl_setopt($LwV, 10018, $O[353](9426));
  262. curl_setopt($LwV, 64, false);
  263. curl_setopt($LwV, 19913, 1);
  264. $wO0 = curl_exec($LwV);
  265. $OsO = curl_error($LwV);
  266. curl_close($LwV);
  267. if( preg_match("~<result>\\s*<result>1</result>\\s*<transaction>(\\d+)</transaction>~ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  268. {
  269. $O3R[$O[1180](2316)] = 1;
  270. $O3R[$O[897](6164)] = $jBs[1];
  271. }
  272. else
  273. {
  274. if( preg_match("~<error>\\s*<code>\\d+</code>\\s*<text>(.*?)</text>\\s*</error>~ims", $wO0, $jBs) )
  275. {
  276. $oIR = preg_replace($O[1068](4793), $O[246](908), $jBs[1]);
  277. $oIR = preg_replace($O[126](2523), $O[620](2316), $oIR);
  278. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = $oIR;
  279. }
  280. else
  281. {
  282. $O3R[$O[192](9269)] = ($OsO ? $OsO : $O[588](8668));
  283. $O[106]($O[1249](401) . $VEO . $O[136](2316) . $OsO . $O[136](2316) . $wO0);
  284. }
  286. }
  288. }
  290. , 41, function() use (&$O)
  291. {
  292. global $eRO;
  293. global $Bj1;
  294. global $Ejx;
  295. global $Ioj;
  296. global $som;
  297. $Ole = intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]);
  298. $lV8 = $O[373]();
  299. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[236](7419) && 0 < $Ole && $lV8 )
  300. {
  301. $O[883]($O[812](401) . intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]));
  302. header($O[1173](401));
  303. $O[8]();
  304. }
  306. if( $eRO[$O[856](6313)] == $O[281](5190) && 0 < $Ole )
  307. {
  308. if( $eRO[$O[796](4928)] && $lV8 )
  309. {
  310. $O[883]($O[997](2069) . "'" . $O[31]($eRO[$O[735](2864)]) . "'" . $O[935](2195) . "'" . $O[31]($eRO[$O[833](6313)]) . "'" . $O[1028](4928) . intval($eRO[$O[6](401)]) . $O[385](908) . intval($eRO[$O[281](908)]));
  311. header($O[1173](401));
  312. $O[8]();
  313. }
  315. $xOE = $O[475]($O[663](4928) . $Bj1[$O[924](2316)] . $O[280](2069) . "'" . $D0R . "'" . $O[80](9426) . $Ole);
  316. if( !$xOE )
  317. {
  318. header($O[1173](401));
  319. $O[8]();
  320. }
  322. $O[1162]($O[833](6313), $xOE);
  323. $O[1162]($O[342](5190), $eRO);
  324. $som[$O[12](401)] = $O[997](9426);
  325. $O[517]($O[622](2864));
  326. $O[8]();
  327. }
  329. $RIb = array( );
  330. $LS3 = $O[883]($O[1091](4467));
  331. while( $bwD = $O[1117]($LS3) )
  332. {
  333. array_push($RIb, $bwD);
  334. }
  335. $O[1162]($O[172](2864), $RIb);
  336. $O[1162]($O[588](9426), $Bj1);
  337. $som[$O[172](2864)] = $O[861](2069);
  338. $O[1162]($O[1095](4467), $ISd);
  339. $O[517]($O[494](401));
  340. $O[8]();
  341. }
  343. , 968, function($I46) use (&$O)
  344. {
  345. global $Bj1;
  346. global $eRO;
  347. $bx9 = array( );
  348. $L77 = unserialize($Bj1[$O[954](6164)]);
  349. $I46 = preg_replace($O[171](9269), $O[988](9269), $I46);
  350. $xBb = parse_url($I46);
  351. $I46 = $xBb[$O[745](6313)];
  352. $jBs = preg_split($O[1128](9269), $I46, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  353. if( $jBs )
  354. {
  355. $bx9[$O[236](2316)] = array_shift($jBs);
  356. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[131](4793) || $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[111](9269) )
  357. {
  358. $bx9[$O[236](2316)] = array_shift($jBs);
  359. }
  361. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == "" )
  362. {
  363. unset($bx9[$O[236](2316)]);
  364. }
  366. if( $bx9[$O[236](2316)] == $O[1282](4793) || $L77[$bx9[$O[236](2316)]] == $O[1282](4793) )
  367. {
  368. $bx9[$O[1282](4793)] = array_shift($jBs);
  369. ...............................................................................
  370. ..........................................
  371. ................
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