

Jun 15th, 2018
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  1. From the trailers for Incredibles 2, we know Violet’s going to be a rage-angst filled teen, it’s just too bad we won’t get another model for her. She’d probably go from stick thin to having big hips and ass like her mom, and the tendency to gain weight if she’s not exercising like both of her parents did.
  2. Given her current flatness - and the angst potential it provides - I could see her getting a shape somewhat similar to Beccabae, or maybe a bit more belly-centred, but definitely pear-shaped with small boobs even as she packs on the pounds
  3. That’d be a great shape for her, I agree. Plus, since both her powers are defensive and mental in nature, she’s a hero who could actually get away with being overweight or even obese without too much trouble. That said, if she gets big enough to have trouble with waddling, things like her heavy breathing and sweat would make her easier to spot while invisible.
  4. The question is: just HOW much like the Invisible Woman's powers are Violet's powers? We know she can turn invisible and make force fields. Can she make force field constructs, like Sue can?
  5. Because if she can, she can just sit around at a distance, completely invisible, while her constructs fight crime for her. That's a surefire recipe for slothful obesity.
  6. Once she starts learning tricks like that, her weight would really skyrocket. She’d already be minorly famous as “the chubby super hero”, but people would notice that each time she’s on the news she’s gotten a little fatter. Plus, if she engineers a way of moving her body around on those force constructs, she could eliminate almost all physical movement, speeding up her gain even more and ensuring she could keep fighting crime even if she starts getting truly gigantic.
  7. >Violet is almost never seen, but you can sometimes hear her chewing (and belching, with the occasional fart)
  8. >the few times she's on the news she's shockingly fat, wider than the camera lens
  9. >Helen and Bob are a little worried about her, but since she can still fight crime so effectively they feel like it's not their place to criticize her
  10. >Violet learns to keep her powers on while asleep, so after a big meal and a foiled bank robbery she'll fall asleep in her construct lounge, completely invisible
  11. >the public is totally split on their reaction to Vi.
  12. >Some hate her, believing her crime fighting achievements could be done by any other hero, and she’s mostly a disgusting, bad influence who’s bringing down heroes in general.
  13. >some think she’s the best hero in a long time. Her crime fighting is fast and efficient and she’s done more to clean up the streets than any thinner hero, so who cares how she conducts herself, or how big she gets?
  14. >A few totally idolize Vi, with some fledgling heroes purposefully fattening themselves up and growing more popular because of it. A fair handful of schools have Violet fan clubs, filled with obese students who lay around discussing Vi’s latest crime fighting exploits as they stuff themselves stupid, trying to get fatter like their idol.
  15. >Vi doesn’t care what anyone thinks, for the most part. She’s just as successful a hero as ever, even as she gets fatter, more slovenly, and lazier.
  16. >among those who support Violet are grocers, food truck vendors, and restaurant owners
  17. >they like to offer her free food when they see her, which she happily and greedily takes
  18. >as she grows fatter and fatter she starts to have trouble with certain tasks, like standing up on her own or bathing
  19. >fortunately her constructs can do all that for her
  20. >she can self-generate her own personal army of servants to tend to her every whim
  21. >Vi’s decreasing mobility is more of a relief to her than an annoyance.
  22. >As soon as she can, she uses force constructs to do even the smallest of tasks, the only real physical movement she does anymore is open her mouth to usher in more food.
  23. >Food companies realize having one of the best heroes in the country seen eating their food is great advertising. The amount of free food she gets ups from gifts here and there to a constant stream of fatty treats. All Vi can eat, all for free.
  24. >Her rare TV interviews and public appearances all have Vi firmly planted on a force construct bed, covered in grease, sweat, and food stains, with her army of construct servants constantly feeding her as she talks.
  25. >The country’s greatest hero is an astoundingly lazy, food addicted, increasingly immobile girl. Her crime fighting is as perfect as ever as her weight climbs to new heights, and she’s never been a more devisive public figure,
  26. kek her costume should be American flag based, she's truly an American hero.
  27. I mean, you bring up an interesting point, Vi would probably get her own hero identity and costume when she gets older, instead of just being part of the family. Edna would definitely see the path Vi was going down, and aside from making the suit turn invisible, she’d design the suit to handle the strain of her weight gain. The stretching fabric from Helen’s suit so it always fits, it would wick sweat away, grease and food stains would slide right off, things like that. The perfect suit to handle the young hero’s runaway obesity.
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