
A Boring World Ch. 5

Jan 3rd, 2013
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  1. >Day Not Sure if It’s Another Day or Not in Equestria
  2. >You wake up
  3. >Still in a dungeon, apparently
  4. >Darker than you remember
  5. >The torch outside the door must be fading
  6. >You wonder why the dungeon doesn’t have actual lights
  7. >The flickering isn’t really doing anything
  8. >Except bugging you
  9. >Budget cuts maybe?
  10. >You shake your head, trying to remember exactly why you’re in a dungeon
  11. >You never were a morning person
  12. >If it even is morning
  13. >Dammit brain, get your shit together
  14. >Memories start flooding in
  15. >You reach up and touch your face
  16. >That farmer pony sure can kick
  17. >There’s crusted blood under your lip, and your left eye is swollen shut
  18. >You chuckle when you realize you couldn’t see out of it anyways
  19. >Hah, dungeon humor
  20. >You shakily get up to your feet
  21. >The crusted blood cracks as you yawn
  22. >More memories are returning
  23. >They were coming in slow at first, but now it’s all coming back at once
  24. >You squeeze shut your one good eye, wishing it was all a dream
  25. >You know it isn’t
  26. >So, you freed the Spirit of Chaos
  27. >He rewarded you by encasing you underground
  28. >You were freed soon after by Celestia, becoming blinded in one eye during the process
  29. >You’re fairly sure the one true friend you had hates you now
  30. >You got thrown in a dungeon and promised a slow death
  31. >You nearly got raped by Fluttershy, only to be accused of raping her
  32. >It seems you’ve cemented your place as the worst person ever in Equestria
  33. >And you couldn’t do anything to make it better
  34. >The chains around your ankles chafe as you pace back and forth their length
  35. >You can feel yourself becoming more and more angry
  36. >Why wouldn’t they let you help?
  37. >If you freed Discord, you clearly have some kind of power
  38. >Power that could help!
  39. >But Celestia clearly thinks they can handle it
  40. >From what Pinkie and Discord told you, it seemed unlikely
  41. >Discord went easy on them last time
  42. >He won't this time
  43. >You’re sure of it
  44. >You open and close your fists, only to feel a sharp pain
  45. >You look down to see your left fist is still broken
  46. >The bones that once jutted out have been put back under the skin, but beyond that they are still out of place
  47. >You can feel a tear roll down your face
  48. >Fuck you eyes
  49. >You look at the wall where the chains are
  50. >You clench your fist again
  51. >You can’t let it end like this
  52. >Your fist is already broken
  53. >It won’t be able to help you much more
  54. >You walk to the chains
  55. >They’re firmly placed into the wall
  56. >You grip it tightly with both hands, and pull as hard you can
  57. >You can feel the wounds on your hand reopen
  58. >You grit your teeth and keep pulling
  59. >After a few moments, the blood has run down your hand and made the chain slick
  60. >Your grip slips and you fall backwards
  61. >The breath is knocked out of you again
  62. >You spend a few minutes breathing deeply on the ground
  63. >You stand up again
  64. >After a cursory glance, it’s clear the chains have not moved at all
  65. >Your clench your fist, relishing the pain it brings
  66. >It’s keeping you sane
  67. >More or less
  68. >Or maybe it’s just making you angrier
  69. DAMMIT
  70. >Yup
  71. >You roar, throwing your broken fist into the wall
  72. >You don’t care that’ll hurt
  73. >You just want to hit something
  74. >Your fist connects with the wall
  75. >Pain flashes through you as a crumbling noise echoes through your cell
  76. >Your eyes widen as you see your arm sticking through the wall
  78. >What the fuck
  79. >You swallow as you pull your forearm and hand back through the hole
  80. >It scrapes like a mother fucker, but you get it out
  81. >You look through the hole and see another cell
  82. >A baffled looking pony with a cape stares back at you
  83. >”What? Even the Great and Powerful Trixie goes too far sometimes!”
  84. >…
  85. >No time to worry about that shit
  86. >You have super strength!
  87. >Which means there’s only one thing to do
  88. >You’re going to break out of this dungeon
  89. >You’re going to find Discord
  90. >And you’re going to punch him in the face
  92. >You look down at the shackles around your ankles
  93. >You put your hands around one, and try to pull them apart
  94. >Nothing happens
  95. >You scowl, but you aren’t deterred
  96. >You concentrate, trying to get the same feelings going as when you punched the wall
  97. >The metal pulls apart
  98. >Fuck_Yeah.jpg
  99. >You pull apart the second shackle, and run to the door
  100. >You know it’s going to hurt, but you decide to keep using your broken left hand
  101. >The magic can heal it afterwards
  102. >But more importantly, you’re saving your right fist for Discord
  103. >You want your first in peak condition for that punch
  104. >You punch through the thick wooden door of the cell, gritting your teeth
  105. >You reach around and grab the door handle
  106. >The door swings open
  107. >Guess it’s not locked from the outside?
  108. >That's pretty cocky
  109. >”Wait! Free me, and I will be a great boon to your quest!”
  110. >You pretend you didn’t hear
  111. >People who speak in the third person freak you out
  112. >And your fist has an appointment that it doesn’t intend to be late for
  113. >You run through the dungeon as fast as you can
  114. >You stumble a lot
  115. >Fucking Legs
  116. >Eventually you find stairs, and take them two at a time
  117. >You aren’t that fit
  118. >Apparently super strength doesn’t apply to your legs
  119. >Half way up you take a breather
  120. >10 minutes later you're moving again, but decide to take them one a time instead
  121. >You finally reach the top, and start heading your way outside the castle
  122. >Everything seems calm in here
  123. >Not to mention the lack of guards
  124. >Maybe you didn’t need to worry after all
  125. >Maybe the Elements stopped Discord just fine, and they’re all out celebrating as you run bleeding through an empty castle
  126. >You see the exit and slow down
  127. >You peek around the corner and look outside
  128. >The sky is a dark purple
  129. >There are no clouds that you can see, but every now and then you see a fiery rock fall into Canterlot
  130. >Canterlot is a mess
  131. >Fires run rampant
  132. >Floods are happening at the same time, yet flow around the fire
  133. >Some of the water is literally flowing over a wall of fire
  134. >You walk slowly, afraid that at any moment a guard or one of Discord’s undead ponies will see you
  135. >But there’s not a soul to be seen
  136. >You notice the dark purple turns black at a certain point
  137. >Below it, you see a massive rock floating in the air
  138. >And on that rock, you’re sure you can see Ponyville
  139. >As well as what seems to be a giant arena
  140. >It’s becoming obvious that the ponies have yet to stop Discord
  141. >You start out at a jog, watching out for fire and keeping an eye out for any sentries of any sort
  142. >You can only hope it’s not too late
  143. >You reach the far end of Canterlot, to see a ridiculously long bridge leading up to the floating Ponyville
  144. >The bridge also seems to be made of bones
  145. >Fancy that
  146. >You take a deep breath and begin to walk along the ladder
  147. >You’re pleased to find it doesn’t wobble at all
  148. >You’re less pleased to find it’s practically at a 45 degree angle
  149. >Like stairs, but without any fucking stairs
  150. >You clench your right fist
  151. >You’ll punch him soon enough, buddy
  152. >After what seems an eternity, you reach the edge of Ponyville
  153. >You clamber off the bridge and quickly make your way to a nearby tree
  154. >You look around the corner while you catch your breath
  155. >It seems this is where all the undead ponies were
  156. >And the normal ponies
  157. >And the guards
  158. >Undead Pegasus’s patrol the skies, watching for any ponies that try to escape
  159. >At least they didn’t expect anything to come in
  160. >Only you were that stupid
  161. >Shut up brain
  162. >Most of the regular ponies are being moved towards the center of Ponyville, where the arena stands
  163. >A fair bit are crying
  164. >You see a mint green pony with a lyre for a cutie mark crying over the body of a beige pony
  165. >You grimace, but get up
  166. >There’s no time to worry about that
  167. >You move your way through the allies of Ponyville, being careful not to be seen by good or evil pony alike
  168. >Neither was likely to help you at this point in time
  169. >In fact, you weren’t sure which was more likely to kill you
  170. >You didn’t plan to find out either
  171. >You reach the arena, conveniently very close to the buildings
  172. >You suspect Discord just dropped in on top of the old Town Square
  173. >Within, you hear cheering
  174. >What
  175. >Worry about that later
  176. >You needed to find Discord
  177. >There were two entrances to the arena
  178. >You couldn’t read pony scribble, but you could guess which each was
  179. >One line was filled with ponies, some crying, some merely downcast
  180. >The other line was smaller, but the ponies were smiling and laughing
  181. >The crying pony line was closer, so that seemed like your best bet
  182. Here it goes!
  183. >You look up to make sure there are no undead ponies looking, and sprint past the line
  184. >Some notice you, but those who do merely ignore you
  185. >Guess they’re too preoccupied to care
  186. >You get inside, and begin working your way through
  187. >It’s similar to the dungeon, except there are actual lights filling the halls
  188. >As you pass a cell, you hear a familiar sniffle
  189. >You hope the doors aren’t locked on the outside here as well
  190. >You push the cell door
  191. >It opens
  192. >Anon: 1, Arrogance: 0
  193. >You breathe in quickly when you see what lies inside
  194. >Twilight Sparkle
  196. >She looks up at you, and you can tell she’s been crying
  197. >Her sad eyes quickly turn into a glare, and you can tell she’s about to do something
  198. >Something potentially loud
  199. >You shove your shoe in the door and close it as much as you can, then put your hand over her mouth
  200. >She tries to glare harder, without much success
  201. Shh! Do you want them to find me?
  202. >You take your hand from her mouth to let her respond
  203. >”What are YOU doing here?! How did you even get out of the Princess’s dungeon?”
  204. Well, I’m here to punch Discord, and I got out by breaking the chains with my super strength
  205. >She looks at you
  206. >You can see her horn start to glow
  207. >That’s not good
  208. >That wouldn’t be good for you at all
  209. >Her eyes widen after a moment
  210. >You can see her horn glowing brighter, but nothing is happening still
  211. >After a moment her horn fades, and she gasps for breath
  212. >You’re not sure what happened, but apparently she isn’t going to hurt you?
  213. >What spell was she even casting then?
  214. Twilight… what happened? How did you get in this cell? Where are Pinkie and the rest?
  215. >You see tears well up in her eyes
  216. >”Well, Celestia and the six of us ran to the maze as fast as we could. We figured that we’d find him waiting for us there, but we thought we’d be ready for his tricks.”
  217. >Twilight takes a deep breath. “We were wrong. The ground opened up and we all fell. I got knocked out, and when I woke up the 6 of us were tied up and the elements were gone. Discord began telling us about his arena, and how he was going to make ponies fight to the death against themselves and random creatures.”
  218. >She bites her lip; the tears begin to flow freely now
  219. >You feel a sense of dread as you reach down and put your hand on her shoulder
  220. >She winces and pulls away
  221. >You can’t blame her
  222. Twilight… what happened? I have to know
  223. >She wipes her nose and breathes in deep
  224. >”I-it’s Pinkie. He chose her first, with eenie meenie miney mo.”
  225. >You feel your stomach drop
  226. >No
  227. >Oh no no no no
  228. >”S-she’s dead, Anon. Pinkie Pie is dead.”
  230. End Chapter 5
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