

Oct 27th, 2015
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  1. [00:31:44] rainbowsaurus: i can give you some background if you want to know why this all started
  2. [00:32:00] rainbowsaurus: im not about the fighting over it, but i do think there needs to be an attitude shift
  3. [00:32:10] meanmike: rainbowsaurus: what do you have against helping faction mates meanmike? KNOW better
  4. [00:32:14] rainbowsaurus: so if thats something that could be brought to leadership, i think everyone would be the better
  5. [00:32:33] rainbowsaurus: tbf, you're acting defensive when you're one of the biggest instigators
  6. [00:32:53] rainbowsaurus: instead of trying to listen to him, you're brushing off the problem and acting like it was all sullengenie
  7. [00:32:56] meanmike: well, i was willing to do that before, but just know, that if you guys came at kinzove like that, he woulda tore you both to shreds, matter of fact, i wish you guys would take this to him, and by all means be just as mean about it
  8. [00:33:25] rainbowsaurus: if he kept going on ignoring it and treating us like we're nothing, then yes we likely would have
  9. [00:33:30] rainbowsaurus: and i might have quit the faction afterwards
  10. [00:33:46] rainbowsaurus: i dont know, i dont care
  11. [00:34:08] meanmike: yeah, because i plant my ass at this desk all day and night leading and hitting, so when someone comes at us like they desrve the same consideration for doing half the work , well....yeah
  12. [00:34:20] rainbowsaurus: but i'll give you some background anyways so at least you know what was going on
  13. [00:34:57] rainbowsaurus: i've told him for months that those who run the chains get most of the bonuses
  14. [00:35:09] rainbowsaurus: and thats a thing i dont complain to anyone else but him on
  15. [00:35:09] meanmike: thts true, sadly
  16. [00:35:20] rainbowsaurus: so im not trying to start drama on it, i promise
  17. [00:35:35] meanmike: i was boitching about bonus hits today,and i get more than most, its just a supply and demand thing, but i maintain, ya gotta ask
  18. [00:35:42] rainbowsaurus: but i think the thing that sparked it was he saw a bunch of chains that were being run
  19. [00:35:47] rainbowsaurus: and said, wow, i think you're right
  20. [00:35:50] rainbowsaurus: and then looked at the data
  21. [00:36:06] rainbowsaurus: and said he can pull out the 6 people that steal nearly every bonus
  22. [00:36:18] rainbowsaurus: i still haven't looked at that data because i already gave up caring about wars
  23. [00:36:29] rainbowsaurus: but i trust him
  24. [00:37:10] rainbowsaurus: and so we were talking about how people try to give the chain merits to new birds the first day of war
  25. [00:37:12] meanmike: today i ran a chain, guess how many bonuses i got ? zero....there arent many perks or rewards for the work that we put in to makethis thing work
  26. [00:37:21] rainbowsaurus: so this wars data kinda doesnt say anything
  27. [00:37:42] rainbowsaurus: meanmike, i don't say a word usually too, except for now
  28. [00:38:12] rainbowsaurus: but yeah, he saw that there were like 2-3 people who really got the low end of the stick
  29. [00:38:23] meanmike: well, you know damn well what i do for all the new people that come in here , netoring them is EASILY the hardest part of this game for me, and i dont get shit for it
  30. [00:38:29] rainbowsaurus: and wants to make people aware, because they have respect merits they need to be aiming for one day as well
  31. [00:38:44] meanmike: mentoring**
  32. [00:39:02] meanmike: i give them money, i line them up jobs, i find them places to live, arrange marriages
  33. [00:39:10] meanmike: and it takes most of my day sometimes
  34. [00:39:23] rainbowsaurus: ok, thats great, im sure its well appreciated by them as well
  35. [00:39:27] rainbowsaurus: and we can talk about that after
  36. [00:39:32] rainbowsaurus: but its unrelated to war bonuses
  37. [00:39:41] meanmike: but it IS related to THIS
  38. [00:39:43] meanmike: rainbowsaurus: what do you have against helping faction mates meanmike?
  39. [00:39:50] rainbowsaurus: *selective
  40. [00:39:56] meanmike: ammended
  41. [00:40:26] rainbowsaurus: you were effectively saying that you don't care about others during bonuses
  42. [00:40:39] rainbowsaurus: oh, except those that like to talk a lot
  43. [00:40:44] meanmike: not once did i say that
  44. [00:40:53] meanmike: i said if ya want em, ask for em,
  45. [00:41:00] meanmike: which is the same thing kinz has said for months
  46. [00:41:00] rainbowsaurus: you're arguing his idea of equitable distribution
  47. [00:41:16] rainbowsaurus: and acting like we shouldn't spread good around the whole facation
  48. [00:41:34] rainbowsaurus: its kind of a bad attitude to take, and justifying it with other actions
  49. [00:41:40] meanmike: well, there is another train of thought that goes back to what i was saying about the perks and rewards of leadership and chain leading being nil....i think bonus hits is pretty much it
  50. [00:41:50] rainbowsaurus: yes, i can hit this person with my car, because i donated a lot of money to homeless kids in africa
  51. [00:42:08] meanmike: thats retarded and as off base as his silly gender mention
  52. [00:42:13] rainbowsaurus: ok then take your bonus hits
  53. [00:42:17] meanmike: where the hell did THAT come from anyway , lol
  54. [00:42:25] rainbowsaurus: im not gonna complain about it again, im just trying to tell you the background
  55. [00:43:05] meanmike: yeah, a new guy that hasnt done a fraction of the work of the people hes complaining about has come in to tell us all we are all a bunch of selfish pricks that dont care about our members it
  56. [00:43:43] rainbowsaurus: well, he's not exactly a new guy
  57. [00:43:56] rainbowsaurus: and he's right
  58. [00:44:13] rainbowsaurus: but yes, you guys who put in the work to lead chains certainly do get more priority in my opinion
  59. [00:44:30] rainbowsaurus: and i also did point out other circumstances in the data that can't be explained by just looking at the data
  60. [00:44:43] rainbowsaurus: such as when no one else can hit targets so they call in kinzove for help
  61. [00:45:22] rainbowsaurus: hitting the right target faction is and always will be most important
  62. [00:45:47] meanmike: right, theres a lot that goes into it
  63. [00:45:53] rainbowsaurus: and even timing.
  64. [00:46:06] rainbowsaurus: if someone in bonus faction signs on, need to get the hits out quick so they dont fly away
  65. [00:46:06] meanmike: im just saying accusing leadership, especially me of selfishness kinda make the whole point moot
  66. [00:46:18] rainbowsaurus: and sometimes coordinating getting someone else to do that is like herding sheep
  67. [00:46:40] rainbowsaurus: well when i had to steal bonuses last war to get a first one
  68. [00:46:45] rainbowsaurus: after asking many times
  69. [00:46:59] rainbowsaurus: and being told "sorry, i dont care you've only earned 1.5k respect. im trying to get 10k respect merit"
  70. [00:47:06] rainbowsaurus: which i think was handsomepants, not you
  71. [00:47:23] rainbowsaurus: i kinda get annoyed at the selfish ones that don't look out for others
  72. [00:47:35] meanmike: its gonna be in every faction you go to kiddo
  73. [00:47:47] rainbowsaurus: thats fine
  74. [00:47:52] rainbowsaurus: ima just do my min hits
  75. [00:48:00] rainbowsaurus: get my min bonuses
  76. [00:48:04] rainbowsaurus: and move on with my life
  77. [00:48:17] meanmike: at least here , we love ya, and as much as i didnt agree with what sullen said, i told him immediately i would take it to leadership, so he was heard and treated fairly
  78. [00:48:36] meanmike: and then ...i was a sexist ....
  79. [00:48:40] rainbowsaurus: yeah, i dont think leadership will care though
  80. [00:48:48] rainbowsaurus: lol, you brought up the horible assertive argument
  81. [00:48:53] meanmike: meh, it may open an eye or two, awareness is a start
  82. [00:48:56] rainbowsaurus: if you just delete that argument from your memory, you'll be fine
  83. [00:49:14] meanmike: assertiveness has nothing to do with gender, has he even friggin met Rayne ???
  84. [00:49:15] rainbowsaurus: well we did talk with toke, handsomepants, and cartis about it already
  85. [00:49:23] rainbowsaurus: and i have to say, their chains are a lot friendlier now
  86. [00:49:33] meanmike: i bet ya didnt come at em like ya did me
  87. [00:49:40] meanmike: i swear i wish kinz was on for that
  88. [00:49:42] rainbowsaurus: nope
  89. [00:49:45] rainbowsaurus: i went harder
  90. [00:49:56] rainbowsaurus: because handsomepants was the one i was most peeved at
  91. [00:51:01] rainbowsaurus: alllllllll i want is a friendly and supportive faction that looks out for each other
  92. [00:51:06] rainbowsaurus: and i know you want that too
  93. [00:51:55] meanmike: i do
  94. [00:52:24] meanmike: but im a member too, and you guys just shit on everything ive done to help this faction be better by insinuating im selfish
  95. [00:52:35] meanmike: there had to be a better way to put that
  96. [00:53:29] rainbowsaurus: i dont think it was meant for you in particular, until you started making excuses for the behavior
  97. [00:53:42] rainbowsaurus: not listening is never helpful
  98. [00:54:02] rainbowsaurus: not to mention you insinuating a lot of things too :/
  99. [00:58:06] meanmike: i listened, and i said id take it to leadership, like 2 minutes in
  100. [00:58:31] meanmike: and i didnt insinuate anything exxcept what everyone else in the channel is trying to tell you guys now
  101. [00:58:36] rainbowsaurus: nah, you made excuses and then tagged on the "but i'll take it to leadership" afterwards
  102. [00:58:53] meanmike: i dunno, maybe we are all wrong and you guys are right /shrug
  103. [01:00:24] meanmike: meanmike: he can look out for himself by hittin the gym more, imo , but we hear ya
  104. [01:00:27] meanmike: was the first thing i said
  105. [01:00:45] rainbowsaurus: lol
  106. [01:00:52] meanmike: and this was the 2nd
  107. [01:00:53] rainbowsaurus: yeah, everything you said had no relation to the actual point
  108. [01:00:56] meanmike: meanmike: well, i can assure you, no one is shutting him out on purpose, ill take your beef to the other leaders though
  109. [01:01:00] rainbowsaurus: hitting the gym had nothing to do with the point
  110. [01:01:12] meanmike: those werre my first two still looking for my excuses
  111. [01:01:17] rainbowsaurus: we can dissect the conversation if you need to
  112. [01:01:28] meanmike: sure it does, he cant take binuses if he cant kill the friggin target
  113. [01:01:31] rainbowsaurus: and i can point out every instance where you talk around the point
  114. [01:01:35] rainbowsaurus: and treat him like he has nothing to say
  115. [01:02:05] meanmike: oh, he said plenty
  116. [01:02:05] rainbowsaurus: there sure are enough bonuses to fit him in some
  117. [01:02:22] meanmike: yeah, but like lil bro said , no one is a mind reader
  118. [01:02:33] rainbowsaurus: it doesnt take mind reading
  119. [01:02:40] rainbowsaurus: just some general caring for others
  120. [01:03:10] meanmike: which you have made it clear, we dont do
  121. [01:03:19] rainbowsaurus: sometimes
  122. [01:03:21] rainbowsaurus: and some peopole
  123. [01:03:22] rainbowsaurus: are great at it
  124. [01:03:26] rainbowsaurus: cartis is amazing at it
  125. [01:03:58] meanmike: good, then lets ask cartis if i can have back the over 100m i have given to new chickies since i took over recruitment and mentoring :-)
  126. [01:04:13] rainbowsaurus: yay lets bring in non-sequitars :D
  127. [01:04:15] meanmike: thatd be coo
  128. [01:04:32] meanmike: im just sayin, your argument holds no water when i know exactly what i give to members
  129. [01:04:50] meanmike: youre letting a few bonus hits wipe away daily giving
  130. [01:04:51] rainbowsaurus: and your argument holds no water if you're saying you're nice to them sometimes and a dick othertimes
  131. [01:05:01] meanmike: im never a dick to anyone...first
  132. [01:05:35] rainbowsaurus: ok, then just say that you care about distributing the bonuses and give them lots of moneys
  133. [01:06:00] meanmike: i led a chain today , missed alunch date with a chick i really like and gave away every single binus hit ....
  134. [01:06:09] meanmike: err...yesterday , but still
  135. [01:06:25] meanmike: i didnt take one, and i could have taken them all, i gave them all away
  136. [01:06:30] rainbowsaurus: great, then you are absolutely not the person sullen was complaining about
  137. [01:06:41] rainbowsaurus: not a single bit
  138. [01:06:43] meanmike: then why come at me like that ?
  139. [01:07:06] rainbowsaurus: because you're acting defensively as if you are?
  140. [01:07:18] rainbowsaurus: and ignoring his points and acting like he is too new to have an opinion
  141. [01:07:25] meanmike: i was the one being addressed, and i also know how these things work
  142. [01:07:29] rainbowsaurus: and acting like certain faction members dont deserve support
  143. [01:07:37] meanmike: thats not true, or i woulda just said that to him, trust me
  144. [01:08:02] rainbowsaurus: what was not true?
  145. [01:08:12] meanmike: why dontcha ask greenhaze how many hours we spent in chat when he first joined? or who got him married and on a PI...thats support honey
  146. [01:08:21] meanmike: that hes too new to have an opinion
  147. [01:08:37] rainbowsaurus: [00:43] <meanmike> yeah, a new guy that hasnt done a fraction of the work of the people hes complaining about has come in to tell us all we are all a bunch of selfish pricks that dont care about our members it
  148. [01:08:49] rainbowsaurus: i was referencing your referring to him as a new guy
  149. [01:08:59] meanmike: i said that to you, here in a pm
  150. [01:08:59] rainbowsaurus: as if that was relevant when he's seen chains for just as long as you
  151. [01:09:33] rainbowsaurus: seletive support^^ btw
  152. [01:09:41] meanmike: i didnt say it to him, even though i kinda wanted to :-)
  153. [01:09:49] rainbowsaurus: you can't bring in outside help into this argument and act like its relevant
  154. [01:09:50] rainbowsaurus: its just not
  155. [01:09:56] rainbowsaurus: ok say it to him
  156. [01:09:58] rainbowsaurus: he's right here
  157. [01:10:02] meanmike: ok, youre right, i dont do shit for the members here, ya got me
  158. [01:10:18] rainbowsaurus: ok if you say so
  159. [01:10:20] rainbowsaurus: im not saying that
  160. [01:10:23] rainbowsaurus: im saying its not relevant
  161. [01:10:33] meanmike: i KNOW better, thats why ive been shaking my head for a half hour
  162. [01:11:19] rainbowsaurus: if you ever start being mean to other people, sabotage PI's and marriages and whatnot
  163. [01:11:25] rainbowsaurus: then we can talk about it then
  164. [01:11:37] meanmike: ill take all this to kinz, but i firmly stand behind one else stops a chain to say "hey guys, hows everyone sitting on bonus hits? would anyone like this one?"
  165. [01:12:05] rainbowsaurus: many people, like cartis, know how to ask would anyone like this one
  166. [01:12:14] meanmike: naw, i can say with all my heart and soul, that we wont be talking about what i do in this faction anymore , im good with your perception of my work here
  167. [01:12:22] rainbowsaurus: and again, it doesn't take mind reading to see when someone isn't getting any
  168. [01:12:32] rainbowsaurus: its harder to see middle and top tiers
  169. [01:12:53] rainbowsaurus: but if someone has only 4, and have over 200 hits, thats pretty easy to see
  170. [01:16:00] meanmike: his point was made on his first two sentences, starting a shit show wasnt the way to go
  171. [01:16:16] rainbowsaurus: you ignoring the problem kinda started that
  172. [01:16:20] rainbowsaurus: he just made a point
  173. [01:16:25] rainbowsaurus: and everyone else refused to look at it
  174. [01:16:49] rainbowsaurus: like even now, you're flinging blame all over the place :/
  175. [01:16:56] rainbowsaurus: defensive and avoiding
  176. [01:17:03] rainbowsaurus: that has been your go to all night
  177. [01:17:10] meanmike: there is no blame
  178. [01:17:14] meanmike: its the way things work
  179. [01:17:41] rainbowsaurus: ok, ignoring your blame is fine too
  180. [01:18:08] meanmike: i mean for me personally, im top 5 every single war in hits, for someone that has never been top 5 to demand equal treatment...well, it just doesnt work that way, theres no blame, its just the way things are
  181. [01:18:28] rainbowsaurus: i could be top 5 if i wanted
  182. [01:18:31] rainbowsaurus: i just stopped wanting
  183. [01:18:44] rainbowsaurus: and this is his first war, so i guess we'll see how top he can get
  184. [01:18:47] meanmike: dont believe me, by all means you two can go try another faction, storm in and demand your "fair share" of bonus hits and lemme know how that works out for ya
  185. [01:19:10] meanmike: ill reaccept your apps when you see
  186. [01:19:11] rainbowsaurus: well for now, i'd rather argue for fair treatment for my friends
  187. [01:19:36] rainbowsaurus: but if that doesn't work, maybe i'll go find a place to argue for fair treatment of people i dont know yet
  188. [01:20:09] meanmike: well, ive let our friendship keep my tongue still quite a bit, but trust me, you say half this stuff to kinzove, you wont have to worry about quitting
  189. [01:20:26] meanmike: so if and when you take it to him, id suggest you tone it down some
  190. [01:20:59] rainbowsaurus: thanks for the tip
  191. [01:21:15] meanmike: personally, i hope you disregard it :-)
  192. [01:21:35] rainbowsaurus: lol, even if he doesn't listen, doesn't mean he's right :)
  193. [01:21:45] rainbowsaurus: this isn't my argument though, its sullen's
  194. [01:21:52] rainbowsaurus: i've only complained to him about it before
  195. [01:21:53] meanmike: hes the FL, if he says hes right, hes right
  196. [01:22:03] rainbowsaurus: hahahahHAHAHAHA
  197. [01:22:03] rainbowsaurus: no
  198. [01:22:06] rainbowsaurus: and everyone knows that
  199. [01:22:15] rainbowsaurus: they just dont want to deal with his ego so they just stop talking
  200. [01:22:19] rainbowsaurus: but yeah, doesn't mean he's right
  201. [01:22:22] rainbowsaurus: and everyone knows that
  202. [01:22:28] meanmike: tomato tomatoe
  203. [01:23:59] meanmike: what he says goes, and hes gonna tell ya the same thing i told ya , but prolly not as nicely
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