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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. Vandals - I’ve Got An Ape Drape Lyrics
  3. Uploaded by LOVE4LYRICS at
  5. Make it like that famous country singer
  6. Or that guy I saw last night on Jerry Springer
  7. Clean me up but let me keep my edge,
  8. In the day I like to keep it dignified
  9. But at night you know I got another side
  10. And I don't give a damn, cause I am what I am
  11. Even if it's really really bad
  12. I've got an Ape Drape, yes I do
  13. They're givin' em to anyone, and that means you
  14. You can drive to Riverside and get one too
  15. And then you'll have an Ape Drape like I do
  16. Go ahead and buzz it 'round the ears
  17. I've been growin' that one braid back there for years
  18. I've had it since the first time I saw Queensryche
  19. The front may conform to society
  20. But the back says I have personality
  21. Even if it's really really, even if it's really really bad
  22. Make it short in front and long in back!
  23. If the top's not short enough that it stands up
  24. I could be thrown out of the Bad Boy Club
  25. But don't you lay a finger on my pony tail
  26. Now fix my kid so he looks just like me,
  27. And then matching crazy pants are all we need
  28. Some may call it child abuse I just call it bonding with you Dad.
  29. Norco Neck Warmer...Norco
  30. Hockey Hair...Nashville
  31. Mullet...Canada
  32. Forbidden Hair...Europe
  33. Shom...Florida
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