
Ch 5: Part 2: Prisoners of Paradise: Session 81

Nov 13th, 2013
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  1. [15:50] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:50] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [15:50] <Kilarra> \Part 2: Prisoners of Paradise/
  4. [15:50] <Kilarra> -Session 81-
  5. [15:53] <Kilarra> Our heroes, after their troubling revelations regarding the drow during their time in the Darklands, were finally able to speak with someone that had some influence. Queen Telandia of the Elven nation of Kyonin. Yet, it seemed they were harried and scrutinized about the nature of their claims all through their presentation. Yet, at the same time, Queen Telandia has subtly hinted at conspiracy and betrayal within the elven government
  6. [15:59] <Kilarra> True to this, the party was attacked in the night by Elven Soldiers who called out in the name of 'The Winter Council'. Though the party was successful in thwarting the attack, and the remnants were prevented from fleeing by the Kyonin guard, the mystery has only served to deepen.
  7. [16:03] * Kilarra stands amongst the party, looking around to the others; "Think these guards know anything about this 'Winter Council?' their timing was rather convenient."
  8. [16:05] * Aluthyra shrugs. "I see no harm in asking, if it turns out they do not."
  9. [16:07] <Kilarra> A couple of the elven guards approach the party. "Are you unharmed?" The guard looks a mix of horrified and apologetic. "This unprovoked assault on Queen Telandia's guests is most disconcerning." He pulls a couple potions out of his pack to offer them to any injured party members
  10. [16:08] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "I'm fine, thanks, but," She frowns, and typical to her usual lack of subtlety in speech, asks, "ever heard of the Winter Council?"
  11. [16:10] <Kilarra> The elves glance at each other, as though they do know something, but answer: "Such knowledge is best left to those in positions of power."
  12. [16:11] * Kilarra whispers to ALuthyra, "I wager that means they do know something, but either can't or won't talk about it beyond closed doors."
  13. [16:11] * Aluthyra nods, silent.
  14. [16:12] <@Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "Just tell us if you know something!" She growls, glaring at the soldier. "We've already been attacked, and I don't feel like going through the trouble of politics or... whatever's preventing you from just telling us!"
  15. [16:13] <Kilarra> One of the guards offers: "The Queen has been made aware of this affront to her guests, and has instructed us to relocate you to a more secure guest chamber within the palace."
  16. [16:18] <Kilarra> The guards look nervous, but Kahree's intimidation doesn't seem to be enough to overrule their loyalty to the QUeen
  17. [16:21] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "A place in the Palace? What do you think?"
  18. [16:22] * Aluthyra nods. "If our questions will be answered, I suppose it will do."
  19. [16:24] <Kilarra> The guard nods, "You will be provided with all the comforts you desire while the Queen's diviners complete their research. The palace's fortifications will ensure no further harm comes to you."
  20. [16:24] <@Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "Stupid elves... Fine."
  21. [16:24] <Kilarra> Kjell snickers a bit, looking to Kahree, "Not that they seemed to be all that successful at actually harming us."
  22. [16:26] * Kilarra reminds Kjell, "They weren't trying to. They seemed to want us alive. Stupid magic arrows."
  23. [16:31] * Aluthyra nods. "Right, then," She looks to the guards. "Lead us there, if you would.
  24. [16:31] <@Aluthyra> "
  25. [16:31] <Kilarra> The guards nod to the party, "If you need a moment to gather your belongings, by all means. After which, we shall escort you to the palace."
  26. [16:31] * Kilarra takes that opportunity to put her armour back one.
  27. [16:31] <Kilarra> on
  28. [16:32] <@Aluthyra> Both Aluthyra and Kahree make sure to collect all of their belongings before meeting back by the guards.
  29. [16:33] <Kilarra> Kjell gathers up his gear as well, then rejoins the party.
  30. [16:34] <Kilarra> The guards, satisfied, lead the party back over to the palace. Once there, they are led through a large antechamber decorated to the left and right by statues of enormous wasps, and then through a shimmering golden curtain into a spacious chamber fit for royalty.
  31. [16:35] <Kilarra> Unlike their last visit to the palace, the guards do not ask the party to give up their weapons or any of their gear.
  32. [16:36] <Kilarra> Luxurious tapestries hang suspended from slim marble pillars, many of which are tied back to give the room an airy, open feeling. Light filters in from an opening in the ceiling, and softly glowing lanterns hang from several of the pillars. The center of the room is a wide common area, decorated with potted plants and a large pool and fountain burbling in the exact center of the room.
  33. [16:36] <Kilarra> Entrances to four smaller chambers mostly closed by thick green curtains surround the larger central area.
  34. [16:41] <Kilarra> The guards indicate for the party to enter through the golden curtains. "usually reserve these chambers for visiting ambassadors and particularly influential merchants,” explains a guard, “but the queen is making an exception for you, by way of apology for recent events. You will be safe here. Please make yourselves at home, and we will speak again in the morning.”
  35. [16:44] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods with reluctance. "So I guess we just wait..." She eyes the guard. "Since these pansy guards won't tell us what's up."
  36. [16:46] * Kilarra is skeptical (but that's not new), and tries to read between the lines. Suddenly, something occurs to her, but she decides to wait until they are no longer in the company of the guards to express it. She steps through the curtains.
  37. [16:47] * Aluthyra follows after Kilarra after a polite bow to the guard.
  38. [16:47] <Kilarra> Kjell follows Kilarra inside. "This is pretty ritzy."
  39. [16:48] <@Aluthyra> Kahree keeps her glare up for a good long while! Then follows. After a while.
  40. [16:50] <Kilarra> The chamber really is quite lovely looking, and seems to posess an almost unnatural charm to it.
  41. [16:50] * Kilarra waits for the party to come back to her, then takes a seat near the fountain. "So, let's chat." She says simply.
  42. [16:51] <@Aluthyra> Kahree leans against a nearby wall. "I've no idea what's going on... do you?"
  43. [16:51] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, sitting next to Kilarra.
  44. [16:52] * Kilarra nods, "I have a hunch."
  45. [16:52] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a seat as well, curious as to what KIlarra has deduced.
  46. [16:52] * Kilarra begins by noting, "The guards were lying to us about the nature of this place. I can't say for sure what the truth of the matter is, but it's definitely not a chamber for wealthy merchants or visiting nobles."
  47. [16:53] <@Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Huh...?"
  48. [16:55] * Kilarra continues, "That said, I like this Queen Telandia. She is very clever, and very good at being subtle. The glances during our storytelling, that book in our chambers, and presumably this place as well. Kjell, remind me what the moral of that story was."
  49. [16:56] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Well, it seemed to be that allies can be found in unlikely places, and that even if you can't trust them, you can use them efectively if you trust them to act according to their nature."
  50. [16:59] * Kilarra nods, "So, I'm quite sure Queen Telandia knows who and what this Winter Council is, but from her position can't act against them openly. So, the questions is really who we are in the metaphorical context of that story. Are we the unlikely allies, or the ones meant to use an unlikely ally?"
  51. [17:01] * Aluthyra hmms. "If we are those meant to use, I am unsure who this unlikely ally would be. I doubt it would be the queen herself, but perhaps she will reveal more tomorrow morning?"
  52. [17:05] * Kilarra waits for Kahree or Aluthyra to comment, then smirks. "Consider where we are. If the guards lied to us about what this place is and who it was meant for, then what we need to do, I think, is find out what it really is. The Queen is unlikely to speak with us directly, so there must be some way of finding out from within."
  53. [17:06] <@Aluthyra> Kahree decides not to mutter about elves being stupid in their secrecy, because it isn't worth mentioning at this point. She frowns. "So... we just search around the room?"
  54. [17:10] * Kilarra nods, then looks to Kjell, "Any magic in here?"
  55. [17:18] <Kilarra> Kjell casts detect magic and looks around. "A number of very powerful illusion spells are in place here."
  56. [17:21] * Aluthyra blinks. "Can you dispel them?"
  57. [17:23] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I could try, but in all likelyhood, they would be beyond my ability to remove. Fitting, considering we are at the palace of an Elf Queen."
  58. [17:23] * Kilarra smirks, "Well, if all else fails, I could probably provide navigation with a spell of True Sight, but first and foremost, we should inspect the chamber as it is. Perhaps what we were sent here for is hidden in plain sight."
  59. [17:24] * Aluthyra nods and begins to search the room...
  60. [17:24] <@Aluthyra> Kahree follows Aluthyra in her search.
  61. [17:27] <Kilarra> The four side rooms each contain beds, constantly replenishing supplies of food, and other comforts. Books, musical instruments, and other means of entertainment are also present.
  62. [17:29] <Kilarra> However, in the south western room, there is another someone present. Lounging on one of the seats and reading a book, is a half-elf woman.
  63. [17:30] * Aluthyra quirks her head. A servant to the queen perhaps? "Hello," Aluthyra greets.
  64. [17:31] <@Aluthyra> Kahree steps into the room after Aluthyra. She blinks in confusion. "...Isn't this space supposed to be for only us?"
  65. [17:32] <Kilarra> The half-elf woman barely glances up at Aluthyra. "A guardian angel come to rescue me this time? This is getting old." She looks down to her book.
  66. [17:32] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "What do you mean 'rescue' you?"
  67. [17:33] * Aluthyra blinks, then blushes, her wings fluttering slightly.
  68. [17:36] <Kilarra> The half-elf rolls her eyes. Then looks up, as though someone was watching, "You're getting creative I'll give you that. A Celestial and an ifrit is certainly a novel pairing." She looks back at her book again.
  69. [17:37] * Kilarra waits with Kjell, glancing over curiously to the southwestern room when Aluthyra and Kahree stop there.
  70. [17:38] <@Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "I don't even know what you're talking about! What do you mean by 'You're' getting creative? Because it certainly isn't us."
  71. [17:39] * Aluthyra nods in agreement. "While my wings are a recently-acquired addition, they are certainly no illusion..."
  72. [17:41] <Kilarra> The half elf woman blinks, then stands up, setting her book down. She skeptically approaches the two of them. She places a hand on Aluthyra's arm, as if expecting it to pass right through. She walks around the two of them, scrutinizing from every angle. She stops in front of them, looking shocked. "Gods, you... you're real." Her eyes begin to tear up; "You're actually... really real." She slumps to the floor and begins to weep.
  73. [17:43] <@Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Uh..." She frowns, slightly uncomfortable. "Why would we not be real?" She holds her frown, sitting down next to the woman.
  74. [17:44] * Aluthyra waves Kjell and Kilarra to enter, then turns back to the weeping woman, waiting for her to answer Kahree.
  75. [17:47] <Kilarra> The half-elf woman spends a good few minutes sobbing beforw rubbing her eyes. The half-elf woman is, like the party, not devoid of posessions, including a rapier and various jewellery and trinkets. She seems to, like Kahree, have a fondness for jewellery. She wipes her eyes and sniffles a bit, before her woe seems to ebb in favour of curiosity.
  76. [17:47] * Kilarra stands up and heads over with Kjell. "Huh. So we weren't alone in here after all."
  77. [17:48] <Kilarra> The Half-elf woman pauses a moment, then stands up, looking at the other two new arrivals. "What an odd bunch." She then asks them, "Tell me, for what have you been imprisoned? Also, what is the current year?"
  78. [17:51] * Kahree scowls. "Imprisoned? This... we aren't imprisoned." She looks over to Kilarra. "...Right?"
  79. [17:55] * Kilarra doesn't say anything, yet. She wants to hear what the half-elf has to say, and figure out where she falls in this puzzle.
  80. [17:56] <Kilarra> The half-elf actually scoffs, "What did they tell you? That you were guests? Protective custody perhaps? If you are here, then you are the same as I, political prisoners of the Winter Council."
  81. [17:58] * Kilarra smirks. This woman knew something. Perhaps a lot of something. She continues not to speak however, seeing that Kahree seemed to have sympathy for her that might serve better in getting what they want to know
  82. [18:03] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Well then... what can you tell us about the winter council? Because that's who we were attacked by before being brought here..."
  83. [18:03] <Kilarra> The half-elf woman nods, "Sorry, but did you answer when I asked what year it was? I am unsure of the passage of time in here."
  84. [18:05] <Kilarra> Kjell politely tells her the year
  85. [18:06] <Kilarra> The half-elf frowns, apparently not liking that answer. "The Winter Council is a shadow government, using the elven people as pawns and puppets for their own hidden agenda. I learned of them and attempted to organize a rebellion, only to be accosted by their thugs, the Shin'Rakorath, and imprisoned here."
  86. [18:07] * Kilarra raises an eyebrow, "That was the name of the group that Kaerishiel and Kwava belonged to, and made up the majority of our allies at Crying Leaf," she notes to ALuthyra quietly.
  87. [18:08] <@Aluthyra> Kahree growls. "Stupid elves." She coughs, raising her hand to the half-elf embarrassingly. "Not you, obviously..."
  88. [18:09] <Kilarra> The woman chuckles, "Forgive me, my name is Quilindra. Yourselves?"
  89. [18:09] * Kilarra nods, "Kilarra, Priestess of Calistria." she flashes her holy symbol.
  90. [18:10] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Kjell Caelian, Magus and follower of the Lucky Drunk himself."
  91. [18:10] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head, not giving herself a title, "Kahree."
  92. [18:11] * Aluthyra smiles slightly, bowing her head. "Aluthyra, archer of Apsu."
  93. [18:11] <Kilarra> Quilindra notes, "I am but a humble bard myself."
  94. [18:12] * Kilarra goes ahead and asks, "How exactly do you know about this Winter Council? The only people we've met who seem to know anything have been tight lipped."
  95. [18:13] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "It was after a lover of mine perished in mysterious circumstances. This was after he had expressed doubts about the appointment of Lord Villastir to the post of Royal Chamberlain." The party would remember that as the name of the Noble who was constantly snarking at them during their meeting with the Queen.
  96. [18:15] <@Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "What all do you know about Lord Villastir?"
  97. [18:16] <Kilarra> Quilindra chuckles, "Well, after my lover died I used my... *hemhem* wiles, and the skills of my profession, to infiltrate the CHamberlain's quarters. I found documents implicating his subservience to the winter Council."
  98. [18:18] <@Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Right. So, would he be the reason for our imprisonment?"
  99. [18:19] * Kilarra chimes in, "No. I believe Queen Telandia had us placed here to give the public that impression, while uniting us with this very woman, who has been able to provide us with the information we needed."
  100. [18:20] <Kilarra> Quilindra seems to grow excited at that; "You said that before coming here you were accosted by the Shin'Rakorath as well! Our enemies are the same! With your aid, I might finally be able to escape this place, and strike a blow against the Winter Council!"
  101. [18:21] * Aluthyra frowns. So then this woman is an 'unsuspecting ally'. Though with how the story analogy put it, this woman may be more than she seems...
  102. [18:21] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Sounds good to me. Bustin' heads, and escaping."
  103. [18:22] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "How, exactly, would we manage this after our escape from this chamber?"
  104. [18:26] <Kilarra> Quilindra smiles, "As it happens, while I was in the Chamberlain's quarters, I managed to memorize a map of the aiundara (elf gates), and a strategic course through them would take us to the Winter Council's hidden headquarters at a fortress called Thorn's End in the region of Tanglebriar."
  105. [18:27] <Kilarra> Quilindra then adopts an almost pleading tone, "Please, for the good of this nation, help me excise this corrupt society."
  106. [18:30] * Kilarra looks to the party, "It looks like we don't have much choice. We want to deal with the drow menace, and this Winter Council is obstructing us. I like the Queen, and I'm sure she would give us all the help we need to finish our mission should we handle this for her."
  107. [18:31] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods with a small smile. "As long as I get to hit Villastir over the head."
  108. [18:31] * Aluthyra nods, placing her hand over her chest. "Seeing as our goals align, I shall."
  109. [18:31] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Of course, we would be glad to help you miss Quilindra."
  110. [18:31] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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