
The true colors of Lusty Equine

Sep 19th, 2017
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  1. The Lusty Stallion: Eeyup?
  2. asshole.jpg: what about the egotard
  3. asshole.jpg: im interested in drama.
  4. The Lusty Stallion: Read my profile.
  5. asshole.jpg: dont have anything better to do
  6. asshole.jpg: whats his name again
  7. The Lusty Stallion: vaxis
  8. asshole.jpg: also like
  9. asshole.jpg: whats wrong with being transphobic either
  10. asshole.jpg: like im on the hated side of the fence i think. ive been on that issue because im schizotypal and the past half decade has been rough with the politics sparking against me
  11. asshole.jpg: and to boot im more republican and I like to shoot and do so whenever I can
  12. asshole.jpg: but like
  13. asshole.jpg: idk
  14. asshole.jpg: shes right
  15. The Lusty Stallion: It's a catchall.
  16. asshole.jpg: I have legitimate dysphoria but try to fight it
  17. asshole.jpg: Why?
  18. asshole.jpg: Because I know Im physically male.
  19. asshole.jpg: Shes not wrong.
  20. asshole.jpg: If people cant take it and give in, I agree, who cares.
  21. asshole.jpg: but at the same time some things set people off and they have an opinion
  22. The Lusty Stallion: I'll stop you there.
  23. asshole.jpg: She is entitled to that opinion, and how she acts, even if thats being a cunt
  24. The Lusty Stallion: She can be entitled to the opinion. Doesn't mean I have to give a fuck, and doesn't mean I have to tolerate it on my profile.
  25. The Lusty Stallion: That's first.
  26. asshole.jpg: i mean telling her to kill herself is kinda rude too
  27. The Lusty Stallion: Like I give a fuck after the way she acted.
  28. asshole.jpg: considering yesterday I had a girl tell me her and her cousin were going to commit dual suicide in the center of senior prom
  29. asshole.jpg: :/
  30. asshole.jpg: like its not really a joke when its heated.
  31. asshole.jpg: If youre talking to a dude that you know and say it jokingly cool
  32. The Lusty Stallion: I didn't mean it as a joke.
  33. asshole.jpg: but like that
  34. asshole.jpg: no
  35. asshole.jpg: that isnt cool
  36. asshole.jpg: not at all
  37. asshole.jpg: go fuck yourself is still not cool but acceptable
  38. asshole.jpg: thats just wrong
  39. asshole.jpg: i mean to be fair
  40. The Lusty Stallion: Far as I'm concerned, you tell me to kill myself, I'm going to sling it right back.
  41. asshole.jpg: Thats called being a lowlife cunt.
  42. asshole.jpg: be better than that bro, stand tall
  43. asshole.jpg: and I can see why he went out and got people telling them that.
  44. asshole.jpg: You act like a cunt
  45. asshole.jpg: Because you just throw the same shit back at them
  46. asshole.jpg: Theyre a cunt, youre a cunt.
  47. asshole.jpg: its not cool bro.
  48. asshole.jpg: he was right when he told people that and I think you know it
  49. asshole.jpg: Im on your side
  50. asshole.jpg: just be better than them
  51. asshole.jpg: ;/
  52. The Lusty Stallion: You can stop now. I'm not here to impress you, or be the "good guy".
  53. The Lusty Stallion: I give what I get.
  54. The Lusty Stallion: That's how I will always be.
  55. asshole.jpg: I mean
  56. asshole.jpg: youre not a good guy
  57. asshole.jpg: at all
  58. asshole.jpg: I dont expect anyone to be because its hard
  59. asshole.jpg: but youre being rather evil and tunnel visioned
  60. asshole.jpg: why dont you just be the normal guy
  61. asshole.jpg: youre just feeding it
  62. The Lusty Stallion: Evil because I said words on the internet?
  63. asshole.jpg: I agree with you, hes a fucking egotistical cunt
  64. The Lusty Stallion: Jesus.
  65. asshole.jpg: I mean youre saying those to humans still
  66. asshole.jpg: I know its the internet and all
  67. The Lusty Stallion: No
  68. asshole.jpg: but I think his life is the internet.
  69. The Lusty Stallion: That's the end
  70. The Lusty Stallion: "it's the internet" is the endpoint
  71. The Lusty Stallion: There is nothing after that
  72. asshole.jpg: I also think you have an issue understanding other peoples opinions.
  73. asshole.jpg: And youre a quick trigger pull to execute an end to them.
  74. asshole.jpg: I mean my username is asshole.jpg it usually isnt please forgive me and set that aside.
  75. asshole.jpg: I really am on your side.
  76. asshole.jpg: Dont associate yourself with cunts and dont act like one in return.
  77. The Lusty Stallion: I don't need to understand an opinion when it's wrong. People are of the opinion that Trump is a white nationalist Nazi who wants to oppress minorities. Is that correct?
  78. asshole.jpg: Self defense isnt a sin. A counter offensive is.
  79. asshole.jpg: Yeah but my opinions arent wrong
  80. asshole.jpg: thats blowing it way out of proportion
  81. asshole.jpg: your opinions arent wrong, either
  82. asshole.jpg: theyre opinions. not facts.
  83. The Lusty Stallion: Nope. I'm explaining to you how my opinion is supported by fact.
  84. The Lusty Stallion: Yours is supported by feels.
  85. asshole.jpg: My opinion is facts too.
  86. asshole.jpg: And all you do is feel in this situation with vax, whom I know neither of.
  87. asshole.jpg: hate. Anger.
  88. asshole.jpg: You're rather egotistical yourself, you believe you're the only one right in this situation and you arent because he sent people on your profile calling you a cunt and you said hes wrong in doing so when all youre doing is treating him the same way he did to you.
  89. asshole.jpg: All I said was that other people on the internet are human, wire or not.
  90. asshole.jpg: Thats fact.
  91. asshole.jpg: Whether theyre thinskinned twats doesnt matter.
  92. asshole.jpg: You're letting vax dig into you man. You're the real idiot.
  93. asshole.jpg: Both of you are twats.
  94. The Lusty Stallion: Not one bit. But I'm done "debating" this when you just overwhelm me with messages. It's the internet. If he can't handle it, then he SHOULD off himself. He's a total cunt, and I am never going to stand down from that fact. And I don't need you telling me I'm going "too far" for words on the internet. Words which he -could- easily ignore, but CHOOSES not to. I don't give a flying fuck to be a "better man" than him. I want people to see it. The FACT is that your opinion that I should be "nicer" on the INTERNET is irrelevant to me. So I'm done.
  95. The Lusty Stallion: Have a great and wonderful life.
  96. The Lusty Stallion is now Offline.
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