
RevoX Chapter #4814

Jun 25th, 2015
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  1. [World]Wedha™:kuma and kizaru needs devil fruit
  2. [World]Romero.s005:also marco with df
  3. [World]Romero.s005:its the best pair with kuma
  4. [World]Skrilim:awww i dont have them with df
  5. [World]Skrilim:what about smoker
  6. [World]Romero.s005:he is good too
  7. [World]Romero.s005:he need his df too
  8. [World]Romero.s005:but you're making it backwards
  9. [World]Romero.s005:before looking for best crew on wb
  10. [World]Romero.s005:wait that your normal crew hit always 5k on him
  11. [World]Romero.s005:and also don't waste diamonds on df before finishing rings..
  12. [World]Romero.s005:not just for whitebeard team at least
  13. [World]Skrilim:oh ok
  14. [World]Wedha™:yes follow master romero
  15. [World]Skrilim:im getting marco withdf
  16. [World]Wedha™:ur proto has df?
  17. [World]Skrilim:no
  18. [World]Wedha™:get all the rings first
  19. [World]Wedha™:ur proto df then rings
  20. [World]Romero.s005:*facepalm*
  21. [World]Skrilim:i just wasted 100 diamonds yesterday for rings
  22. [World]Romero.s005:100?
  23. [World]Wedha™:smoker df cost 200 and alvida 100 dimonds
  24. [World]Wedha™:i am using them but they always die
  25. [World]Romero.s005:what ring did you buy? thunder god?
  26. [World]Skrilim:no BM ring
  27. [World]Romero.s005:i don't see any new ring
  28. [World]Skrilim:i wasted diaminds on sea essence
  29. [World]Wedha™:save them and make ring
  30. [World]Wedha™:its not waste
  31. [World]Romero.s005:ah, the ring isnt crafted yet
  32. [World]Romero.s005:diamonds on rings are never a waste
  33. [Notice]Congrats to 1PunchMan for successfully defending 30 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 30%!
  34. [World]Romero.s005:unless you craft the wrong ring
  35. [World]Skrilim:nope
  36. [World]Romero.s005:think about it, even if you don't enhance a BM ring
  37. [World]Romero.s005:if you equip it on someone who is full BM
  38. [World]Romero.s005:you insta win 40k hp
  39. [World]Skrilim:guys i have a friemd n his nami does 112k on my garp
  40. [World]Skrilim:his nami is lvl 99
  41. [World]Romero.s005:how is a df gonna help you if your crew keep getting OS
  42. [World]Skrilim:he uses full sg
  43. [World]Skrilim:whats os
  44. [World]Romero.s005:one shot
  45. [World]Skrilim:my crew dont get one shot
  46. [World]ZerkzJiro:ok interessing.
  47. [World]Romero.s005:still you're talking about some nami who does
  48. [World]Romero.s005:100k dammage on you
  49. [World]Skrilim:nope her kuma attacks then her nami does 112k on garp
  50. [World]Romero.s005:yes, excuse me, 112k not 100k XD
  51. [World]Skrilim:but garp is still alive
  52. [World]Romero.s005:idk what more i could say.
  53. [World]Wedha™:my marco can wipe out ur crew skrill
  54. [World]Romero.s005:just read marco's skill, and marco's df
  55. [World]Romero.s005:you will soon understand why hp is a huge priority
  56. [World]Skrilim:lol so what shall i do
  57. [World]Skrilim:i am ugrading my sets right now
  58. [World]Wedha™:yeah keep upgrading
  59. [World]Wedha™:it takes long time
  60. [World]Wedha™:before u ask what shall i do again
  61. [World]ZerkzJiro:no1 missed me? :D anyway i need a pilot cant play anymore
  62. [World]Wedha™:finish upgrading ur gears
  63. [World]Wedha™:I will pilot u master
  64. [World]Skrilim:ty
  65. [World]ZerkzJiro:im sick in really life, need a pilot anyway.
  66. [World]ZerkzJiro:wedha u wont troll right? i can trust u?
  67. [World]Wedha™:ofc
  68. [World]Wedha™:u trust a botter munee
  69. [World]Wedha™:not me?
  70. [World]Romero.s005:never trust anyone imo :3
  71. [World]Wedha™:and asS licker Dark rr
  72. [World]Skrilim:my prot 123k hp
  73. [World]Skrilim:2 days ago he had 100k
  74. [World]ZerkzJiro:wedha dont insult them ok
  75. [World]Skrilim:roland helped me too
  76. [World]ZerkzJiro:romero
  77. [World]Skrilim:i dont think roland is the bad guy
  78. [World]Romero.s005:?
  79. [World]Wedha™:he will still ur account
  80. [World]Skrilim:roland wont but muneeb might
  81. [World]Wedha™:Dark rr is belong to another player
  82. [World]Romero.s005:most accurate way to be sure would be to not share it
  83. [World]Romero.s005:just sayin'.
  84. [World]Wedha™:he chnaged name
  85. [World]ZerkzJiro:romero u think like me, wanna pilot me then?
  86. [World]Skrilim:how do u change name?
  87. [World]ZerkzJiro:on est des freres.
  88. [World]Romero.s005:unless some badge disappeared, or a shadow changed
  89. [World]Romero.s005:place
  90. [World]Skrilim:romero dosent pilot anyone
  91. [World]Romero.s005:i don't see any way your prot would have
  92. [World]Romero.s005:lost hp.
  93. [World]Wedha™:name change card
  94. [World]ZerkzJiro:romero if i dont come back, something happened u keep it
  95. [World]Romero.s005:not "anymore" i never piloted xD
  96. [World]Wedha™:zerks lie
  97. [World]ZerkzJiro:ill take a break, just too sick irl
  98. [World]Wedha™:he knws if he says tht u take extra care
  99. [World]Wedha™:he will cm bck
  100. [World]ZerkzJiro:wedha stop it k, i trust romero
  101. [World]Romero.s005:lol for the french sentence
  102. [World]ZerkzJiro:romero yes or no?
  103. [World]Romero.s005:i don't like piloting
  104. [World]Wedha™:no sry
  105. [World]Romero.s005:but if it can make your account safe
  106. [World]Wedha™:oe getting piloted right rom?
  107. [World]Romero.s005:i can for a short period, depending how much it will
  108. [World]Romero.s005:last, and what you want me to do
  109. [World]ZerkzJiro:wedha im not talking to you.
  110. [World]ZerkzJiro:i know wedha will steal you, the way u talk.
  111. [World]Romero.s005:and also just if you agree
  112. [World]Skrilim:zerkz maybe i can pilot u
  113. [World]Romero.s005:for me to use it for experiments
  114. [World]Romero.s005:which won't affect the account
  115. [World]ZerkzJiro:no romero
  116. [World]ZerkzJiro:dont delete items,etc
  117. [World]Skrilim:il just do daily n event
  118. [World]Romero.s005:(this way i could be a fair trade of interrests)
  119. [World]ZerkzJiro:keep it like that, just pilot
  120. [World]ZerkzJiro:so romero u think it like experiment...
  121. [World]Romero.s005:mp me with the conditions if you agree.
  122. [World]Romero.s005:my kind of experiments would be mostly with your marco
  123. [World]ZerkzJiro:the condition is simple: keep it like it is.
  124. [World]Romero.s005:removing (not deleting) your shadow, or badge
  125. [World]Romero.s005:to test dammage depending of hp
  126. [World]Wedha™:peeking women bath
  127. [World]Romero.s005:and of course equipping them back
  128. [World]Wedha™:all short of experiment abt gals
  129. [World]Skrilim:wedha put ur prot only plz
  130. [World]Wedha™:removing dress and euiping back
  131. [World]ZerkzJiro:romero i cant type ur name
  132. [World]Romero.s005:kinda that, wedha XD
  133. [World]Romero.s005:for resumate
  134. [World]Romero.s005:tell me with precision what i can do, and what i cannot
  135. [World]ZerkzJiro:ty romero, u and muneeb know my pw
  136. [World]Romero.s005:(in mp, so i keep a trace)
  137. [World]ZerkzJiro:dont talk on chat for trolling,etc.
  138. [World]ZerkzJiro:dont use robin for enny lobby
  139. [World]ZerkzJiro:the rest is ok, use normal crew
  140. [World]ZerkzJiro:just collect,etc
  141. [World]Romero.s005:won't talk at all.
  142. [World]ZerkzJiro:ok thx peace every1
  143. [World]BloodSwoRd:do talk
  144. [World]Skrilim:peace
  145. [World]BloodSwoRd:robin is best at ennis
  146. [World]Wedha™:thats why he said dnt use
  147. [World]Skrilim:guys my nami dont do enough damage
  148. [World]Wedha™:low hp
  149. [World]Skrilim:she does more damage if she has more hp?
  150. [World]Wedha™:no she will not die in el
  151. [World]Wedha™:u need lots of hp in el
  152. [World]Romero.s005:no.
  153. [World]shafiqproX:aokoji or garp ?
  154. [World]Skrilim:no i want her to do damage in arena not el
  155. [World]Skrilim:garp worth it
  156. [World]Skrilim:*Garp*
  157. [World]BloodSwoRd:nub talk
  158. [World]Romero.s005:she needs high crit rate, and magical attack + pierce
  159. [World]BloodSwoRd:if u beat el u would know robin is great
  160. [World]Skrilim:yh but she still weak
  161. [World]clgt:*Garp*
  162. [World]BloodSwoRd:robin dont need pierce, no healer except law uses pierce eit
  163. [World]Romero.s005:i was talking about nami
  164. [World]Kennard:*Robin*
  165. [World]Wedha™:robin needs int
  166. [World]BloodSwoRd:sorry romero
  167. [World]Skrilim:i dont care bout int on robin she gives 50 fury now
  168. [World]Wedha™:in es loby if she gives more fury means more damge
  169. [World]BloodSwoRd:idol ken show up n bully me in opb :(
  170. [World]Skrilim:ok gonna do el now
  171. [World]Romero.s005:gl
  172. [World]Skrilim:omg i dont have chopper i got franky
  173. [World]Skrilim:i fuked up i dont have a healer
  174. [Notice]lordjohn has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  175. [World]Romero.s005:haha
  176. [World]Romero.s005:hapenned to me too
  177. [World]Skrilim:stage 38 no healer
  178. [World]Skrilim:with healer stage 50
  179. [World]SirMike:i can only reach 99 ****ing 100 is pretty hard
  180. [World]Skrilim:when is team bettle gonna be imma go offline
  181. [World]Skrilim:wedha pilot me if i miss my team battle n ladder events ty
  182. [World]Skrilim:or morgiana
  183. [World]Wedha™:kill aokiji bfr he uses skill
  184. [World]SirMike:wdha what crew ar you usin for enies lobby?
  185. [World]SirMike:i believe i still have low dodge on my crew
  186. [World]SirMike:only have 147%
  187. [World]SirMike:and for my block cre he only has 60% :(
  188. [World]Wedha™:147 is good dodge
  189. [World]Wedha™:put him bfr aokiji
  190. [World]SirMike:lost at 99, even though I have full crew with HP,
  191. [World]SirMike:smokers skill is OP haha
  192. [World]Wedha™:same crew without robin
  193. [World]Wedha™:but if I use laffite and luffy I kill levels faster
  194. [World]Wedha™:doesnt make me much more op though
  195. [World]Kennard:OP out
  196. [World]morgiana:I am the best
  197. [World]morgiana:I am the best
  198. [World]morgiana:I am the best
  199. [World]Ogden:You forgot to take your medicine, morgiana
  200. [World]morgiana:I am the best
  201. [World]morgiana:call me master morgiana
  202. [World]morgiana:baka ogden
  203. [World]Ogden:You forgot to take your medicine, master morgiana
  204. [World]Exi:yay finally got robin df ...
  205. [World]Ogden:A horribly expensive one
  206. [World]Exi:shira + robin fruit so good :P
  207. [World]Exi:+50 fury
  208. [World]morgiana:chopper so good
  209. [Notice]anvil killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  210. [World]Ogden:thanks anvil
  211. [Notice]Ogden killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  212. [World]Ogden:take care reminde
  213. [World]Ogden:rrrr
  214. [World]kellar:c'è qualcuno italiano?
  215. [Notice]Congrats to TheJoker.s09 for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  216. [Notice]NDG.Slayer has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  217. [Notice]Ogden killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  218. [World]Blase:ola
  219. [World]VizeCount:hello
  220. [Notice]Med07 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  221. [World]CMZoso:is the destruction pasive skill is hard to get?
  222. [World]Ogden:not harder or easier than the other 3^^
  223. [World]Wedha™:its all based on luck zoso
  224. [World]PeronaSama:How long till Ladder battle ?
  225. [World]Ogden:2h
  226. [World]PeronaSama:ty
  227. [World]Ogden:You are welcome, Perona sama *3
  228. [World]Wedha™:manga out
  229. [World]zozoro:*zozoro*
  230. [World]Ogden:What managa?
  231. [World]Ogden:Tokyo ESP, oioioi!
  232. [World]Wedha™:all
  233. [World]Wedha™:luffy died
  234. [World]Ogden:You got ideas, xD
  235. [World]Wedha™:now zoro is the hero
  236. [World]Ogden:Hero... talking like you've never read One Piece
  237. [World]alimbavon:what is the seal stone for?
  238. [World]Ogden:sea stones enable you to upgrade BADGES
  239. [World]Ogden:BAGES you trade for either HONOR or DIAMONDS
  240. [World]Ogden:HONOR your get from GLADIATOR or LADDER
  242. [World]alimbavon:thanks all
  243. [Notice]Congrats to TheJoker.s09 for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  244. [World]Ogden:OMG I managed to STUN Garp
  245. [World]Ogden:A Coercion Garp
  246. [World]Wedha™:50% is not hard to crack
  247. [World]omar:mixed sets are epic !
  248. [World]LiuYiFei:what rank are u ogden?
  249. [World]Skrilim:when is ladder battle?
  250. [World]BloodSwoRd:11 min
  251. [World]Exi:i win 7 times but *300 point himm .d
  252. [World]Exi:get 100 150 50 point lost 500 nice .d
  253. [Notice]Pekelemebe has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  254. [World]Romero.s005:its always that in the beginning of a season
  255. [World]Romero.s005:exept its not the beginning
  256. [World]Romero.s005:its always that in the mid season!
  257. [World]Skrilim:ahhh garp game changer in ladder battles
  258. [World]Skrilim:im staying at 1000 points lol
  259. [World]Romero.s005:OP ppl are game changers
  260. [World]Romero.s005:i see so much garps in ladder that i could swim in it
  261. [World]Skrilim:yh man garp is op
  262. [World]Skrilim:*Garp*
  263. [World]Romero.s005:*Derp*
  264. [World]Skrilim:how much honor will i get from 1000 ladder credits?
  265. [World]Romero.s005:uh, i mean
  266. [World]Romero.s005:*Garp*
  267. [World]Cultocon:nothing
  268. [World]Cultocon:*Garp*
  269. [World]Romero.s005:don't look at your ladder credits
  270. [World]Romero.s005:check credit change
  271. [World]Romero.s005:if the number is positive, you will earn the number of point
  272. [World]Romero.s005:it shows.
  273. [World]Romero.s005:+ 10* the number of battle you participated in (at least 5)
  274. [World]XXZoroXX:who can help can me with getting full set BM?
  275. [World]Romero.s005:if the number is negative, you just earn 10* number of battl
  276. [World]Romero.s005:if at lvl 135 you can't perfect BM, we can do nothing for yo
  277. [World]Romero.s005:you*
  278. [World]Skrilim:i already perfected BM long tome ago
  279. [World]Skrilim:check ma prot
  280. [World]Romero.s005:i was talking to zoro
  281. [World]Romero.s005:for BM.
  282. [World]Skrilim:oh
  283. [World]Romero.s005:have to go, cya
  284. [World]clgt:why always is peke and lortgnik?
  285. [World]clgt:3 times peke and lortgnik, wtffffffffffff
  286. [World]Sunstriker:rene in ladder o.0
  287. [World]omar:damn bn
  288. [World]omar:i have 57 stars
  289. [World]omar:and now there is still aokiji
  290. [World]omar:i don't want to let this chance
  291. [World]omar:o in vain
  292. [World]omar:go*
  293. [World]Skrilim:wtf i didnt get any honor
  294. [World]omar:skrillim
  295. [World]omar:i undergo the situation your were in
  296. [World]omar:i have got 3 stars in every battle so far
  297. [World]omar:d now it's aokiji turn
  298. [World]omar:i am afraid to battle him through
  299. [World]omar:though*
  300. [Notice]sniperion has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  301. [World]Drock:Even if you do fail one star there is a chance that it will
  302. [World]Drock:still do auto in the dungeon
  303. [World]Drock:I doubt it has been fixed
  304. [World]Exi:hi
  305. [Notice]Hebe has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  306. [World]BanKai:lol i have 100K prestige xD
  307. [World]Drock:I finally got Ace
  308. [World]Drock:All I need now is a Lafittee card to finish off my compose
  309. [World]lmpoke:*Buchi*
  310. [Notice]Congrats to 1PunchMan for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  311. [Notice]FURY* has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  312. [World]Wedha™:missed ladder
  313. [World]Wedha™:missed tb
  314. [World]Wedha™:missed wb
  315. [World]Wedha™:but I won't miss lb
  316. [Notice]Bloodrage successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  317. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  318. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  319. [Notice]Needles successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  320. [Notice]VioleT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  321. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  322. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  323. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  324. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  325. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  326. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  327. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  328. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  329. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  330. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  331. [Notice]Bloodrage successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  332. [Notice]Zelgo successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  333. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  334. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  335. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  336. [Notice]diesoearly successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  337. [Notice]Narkina successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  338. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  339. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  340. [Notice]BallSackz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  341. [World]RiceJob:*Chopper*
  342. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  343. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  344. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  345. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  346. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  347. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  348. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  349. [Notice]lensiano80 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  350. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  351. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  352. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  353. [Notice]Congrats to 1PunchMan for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  354. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  355. [Notice]Ðønlogia successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  356. [Notice]BallSackz successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  357. [World]Johnnie.D.:nami or sss enel?
  358. [Notice]Bahamut.s5 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  359. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  360. [Notice]Moravak has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  361. [Notice]BatmanGoku successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  362. [Notice]VioleT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  363. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  364. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  365. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  366. [Notice]Bahamut.s5 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  367. [Notice]SatuPiece successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  368. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  369. [Notice]abdiciid8.s4 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  370. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  371. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  372. [Notice]ZKS successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  373. [Notice]GREATFIGHT successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  374. [Notice]Dewaa successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  375. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  376. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  377. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  378. [Notice]YapGuoPao successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  379. [Notice]BloodSwoRd successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  380. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  381. [Notice]abdiciid8.s4 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  382. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  383. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  384. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  385. [Notice]CICofficer successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  386. [Notice]SatuPiece successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  387. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  388. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  389. [Notice]TheJoker.s09 successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  390. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  391. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  392. [Notice]†Aizen† killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  393. [Notice]shiny killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  394. [Notice]†Aizen† killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  395. [Notice]Puneethsam killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  396. [Notice]shiny killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  397. [Notice]Puneethsam killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
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