
What Derek said in his post on that video

Sep 17th, 2022
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  1. People when I was young and made an attempt at Christianity (half baked tho it was) I was told by elder members of church and society that to be saved by grace and mercy and to bask in his infinite and eternal love that there were 2 things and 2 things only that one need do and that dear friends was to repent with thy mouth and believe in thine heart and you would have the guarantee of eternal life in paradise with the all knowing all powerful Almighty..... I'm here to tell you people I went to that altar often and prayed in my teenaged years to no avail and I looked for signs and wonders I'd convinced myself I'd see white fishing lights when I got saved and I think I may have had the men of my church annoying with my family fooled into believing that I was saved and I'd soak up the compliments and the adoration of men. They'd say things good about me and they took notice that I made sure to be in that church house any time the doors were open. But in my heart friends in my wretched vile heart I knew then that something wasn't quite right. Yeah I had gotten baptized and yeah I went to church and yeah I kept up appearances and dressed nice. But I'm here to tell you now that it's not enough and the adulation or adoration of your fellow man or fellow Christian or what have you is that which should be of the least importance to a true and obedient child and student of God. But I digress. Back to my younger years and earlier experiences in church, religion and Christianity. I think the Godhead or Holy Trinity is symbolic in relation to the number 3 in that Jesus was resurrected after 3 days, there were 3 crosses on Calvary Hill and so on and so forth. And it was neglected to be taught to me (or in humility because of the fact that I could be misremembering) or maybe I neglected to take note or pay attention when it was presented. Either way just as the number 3 is somewhat sacred in symbology relating to Christianity and life alike. I came to find there are 3 things one must do and these are as follows. Repent verbally, believe earnestly and die metaphorically. Die to Him. Die to yourself. In this I mean choose to no longer serve yourself and serve the flesh. When I did this folks I tell you it felt like I had barely made the decision and had just begun to exert 0000.0000001 percent of effort and the Lord took the wheel, He took the reins, He took control and He put upon me peace the likes of which many will never know. Ask me a month back if then I would've EVER fathomed you could excite me with anything less than heroin, meth and sex! Since I was a child I had always been the most depressed and lazy and vilest of creatures. I blasphemed. I fornicated. I got high. I sold drugs. I dabbled in homosexuality. I spoke awful, nasty, vulgar filth. I was selfish. I was inconsiderate. I was cold and uncaring. I sought to serve myself and serve the flesh. And I in the most latter of my days in Harlan County has ripped off so many or screwed over so many that none if not most at any rate of my brethren in sin had grown to despise me and detest the thought of my presence and my company and who could blame them? Not I! I can't guarantee you that I would rejoice at the thought of having such a menace or mooch or bum or scandalous individual in my presence then either! But now I'm born again. He gives me strength, wisdom and humility daily. But friends in order to be born again, first I had to die. I love you people on here and I'll pray for y'all and I'm pretty sure most if not all of you ain't done anything much worse than I have and he loves me as much as he loves you. I liken myself to the Apostle Paul he claimed he was the chief of sinners. Friends so was I. He also said "I die daily." So do I. I'm not perfect I'm just a lowly, wretched man and sinner who could not do any of this or be any of this without The King of Reality. The father and I only came to him through my savior Jesus Christ The Messiah. Thank you for taking the time to read this people have a good day I love y'all.
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