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Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. 23:35:23 <kaywinnet> hello B11796
  2. 23:35:28 <B11796> Average ''tumbeler''
  3. 23:35:32 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I need to start from the beginning of that show.
  4. 23:35:49 <kaywinnet> i tried! didn't get into it
  5. 23:35:56 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile You should though, it's only semi-contious betwen episodes
  6. 23:36:14 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I'm stuck on Rescue Me and Hannibal.
  7. 23:36:42 <DeadOutside> At the moment my german friend is acting weirdly unfriendly to me
  8. 23:36:49 <DeadOutside> And I don't really get it
  9. 23:36:59 <DeadOutside> And it's kind of weirding me out
  10. 23:37:18 <kaywinnet> have you expressed that to him?
  11. 23:37:20 <DeadOutside> She won't tell me what i've done wrong and claims i've done nothing
  12. 23:37:41 <DeadOutside> I think it was the way I acted over skype
  13. 23:37:41 <B11796> Sounds like a woman xD
  14. 23:38:17 <B11796> They want you to understand them but if you ask them they wont say anything
  15. 23:38:20 <DeadOutside> I got kind of pissed off at her over her saying I would probably only be able to visit her for a week next summer
  16. 23:38:24 <DeadOutside> I know that's pathetic
  17. 23:38:25 <kaywinnet> ...
  18. 23:38:33 <kaywinnet> i think that sounds like a human
  19. 23:38:51 <DeadOutside> B11796 Nah, she's just that kind of person
  20. 23:39:01 <Mattheous> If she says 'nothing', it's definitely something.
  21. 23:39:06 <kaywinnet> not just like a "woman"
  22. 23:39:12 <Mattheous> :What's wrong? "Nothing'. "BULLSHIT.
  23. 23:39:17 <DeadOutside> I know plenty of direct girls
  24. 23:39:27 <DeadOutside> She is normally one
  25. 23:39:29 <Mattheous> Are they single?
  26. 23:39:29 <DeadOutside> But sometimes notg
  27. 23:39:38 <DeadOutside> Yeah
  28. 23:39:43 — aflockofpigeons-mobile wants is irritated at how overgrown an unmowable area is.
  29. 23:39:46 <kaywinnet> DeadOutside: it's not pathetic, it's normal to be upset about something that disappoints you. if you reacted in a way that, afterwards, made you think you reacted "badly", try to express that to her
  30. 23:40:10 <DeadOutside> kaywinnet Yeah, I think I did apologise for being shitty
  31. 23:40:21 <DeadOutside> But yeah, me and her kind of sort had a thing
  32. 23:40:26 <DeadOutside> But it was weird
  33. 23:40:33 <DeadOutside> We didn't want to be a couple
  34. 23:40:38 <DeadOutside> but we were more than friends
  35. 23:40:51 <DeadOutside> We kissed a few times and it was awkard and horrible so we promised to stop
  36. 23:40:54 <B11796> KK
  37. 23:40:54 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Sounds like me and my ex girlfriend.
  38. 23:41:06 <DeadOutside> We never went out though
  39. 23:41:12 <DeadOutside> We were just friends
  40. 23:41:31 <DeadOutside> But friends that were inappropriately emotionly intimate
  41. 23:41:46 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> A platonic couple.
  42. 23:41:52 <Mattheous> FWB?
  43. 23:42:03 <DeadOutside> Partly due to the fact I was an emotional wreck because I got obsessed with this other girl that made out with at a few parties
  44. 23:42:16 <DeadOutside> Mattheous I think a flockofpigedons is right
  45. 23:42:21 <DeadOutside> Like cuddle buddies
  46. 23:42:30 <Mattheous> I've never done the friends with benefits thing. I'd like to.
  47. 23:42:37 <Mattheous> I'd also like a cuddle buddy.
  48. 23:42:46 <DeadOutside> I'd never do it
  49. 23:42:47 <Mattheous> Goddamnit, now I'm going to have a hard night tonight.
  50. 23:42:56 <DeadOutside> Mattheous Control yourself :p
  51. 23:43:01 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I don't see a point in friends with benefits.
  52. 23:43:02 <B11796> Ni borde bara ha blivit KK
  53. 23:43:05 <B11796> Problemet löst xD
  54. 23:43:19 <DeadOutside> I'd rather be a couple than friends with benefits
  55. 23:43:31 <DeadOutside> If I had a casual thing going I liked i'd ask them out
  56. 23:43:36 <DeadOutside> If they said no i'd end it
  57. 23:43:42 <DeadOutside> That's kind of what happened with that other girl
  58. 23:43:47 <DeadOutside> She was unsure
  59. 23:43:49 <DeadOutside> I acted crazsy
  60. 23:43:54 <DeadOutside> *crazy
  61. 23:43:58 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> It dulls the intimacy factor of sex.
  62. 23:44:01 <DeadOutside> That unsure became a definite no :P
  63. 23:44:13 <cruyff8> most girls below age 30 are either single or soon to be single
  64. 23:44:33 <kaywinnet> :/
  65. 23:44:34 <B11796> Most girls over 12 are not single
  66. 23:44:48 <cruyff8> B11796: bullshit
  67. 23:44:48 <DeadOutside> Most girls are, most boys are
  68. 23:45:05 <DeadOutside> Normally it's the ones you want to date who aren't :p
  69. 23:45:06 <B11796> Yeah sorry
  70. 23:45:12 <B11796> I mean *most western girls
  71. 23:45:28 <DeadOutside> I don't think western girls are that different
  72. 23:45:35 <DeadOutside> Most eastern girls over the age of 12 are married :p
  73. 23:45:39 <cruyff8> B11796: again, that sounds more like an excuse than reality
  74. 23:45:44 <B11796> Yes
  75. 23:45:50 <B11796> Arabic men like their little girls
  76. 23:45:52 <B11796> Seriously
  77. 23:45:55 <kaywinnet> ...
  78. 23:46:00 <B11796> pretty disgusting seeing kids with hijabs
  79. 23:46:03 <cruyff8> B11796: stop being racist
  80. 23:46:11 <DeadOutside> Generalising a billion odd people there
  81. 23:46:17 <DeadOutside> There are plenty of decent arab people
  82. 23:46:17 <kaywinnet> where is everyone getting their statistics?
  83. 23:46:33 — cruyff8 is making them up
  84. 23:46:40 <DeadOutside> I was joking with the 12 year old marriage thing, I hope that was obvious
  85. 23:46:47 <Mattheous> Yeah, I agree with kaywinnet.
  86. 23:46:50 <B11796> A hijab is worn to not make men horny
  87. 23:46:55 <kaywinnet> ...
  88. 23:47:01 <kaywinnet> i really don't think that's the reason..
  89. 23:47:03 <•atheron|afk> kaywinnet: Assosciation of Swedish Statistics, abbreviates to ASS
  90. 23:47:14 <cruyff8> the hijab is worn to keep the wearer from overheating
  91. 23:47:17 <DeadOutside> B11796 Eh, it's more about satisfiying the Saudi's cultural norms
  92. 23:47:19 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Dude...that statement ain't right.
  93. 23:47:20 <Mattheous> DeadOutside What do you mean control myself?
  94. 23:47:31 <Mattheous> A hijab is worn to preserve modesty.
  95. 23:47:31 <cruyff8> but, of course, you knew that, didn't you, B11796?
  96. 23:47:31 <DeadOutside> Mattheous What you said was serious phrasing man
  97. 23:47:34 <Mattheous> Supposedly
  98. 23:47:45 <cruyff8> Mattheous: nothing to do with modesty
  99. 23:47:53 <Mattheous> I DIDN'T MEAN HARD NIGHT LITERALLY! Get your mind out of the gutter
  100. 23:47:54 <Mattheous> .
  101. 23:47:58 <cruyff8> that's the backjustification
  102. 23:48:03 → muffinkins joined
  103. 23:48:11 <kaywinnet> muffinkins !!!
  104. 23:48:14 <muffinkins> hi
  105. 23:48:15 <cruyff8> muffinkins: welcome to racialism hour :)
  106. 23:48:15 <DeadOutside> Basically the only reason the hijab is in the quran is due to the fact he had to convert the arabs in the gulf states
  107. 23:48:20 <zombies8mypi> o,,o
  108. 23:48:21 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I was talking to B11769.
  109. 23:48:23 <muffinkins> oh geez
  110. 23:48:24 <•atheron|afk> hi muffinkins
  111. 23:48:32 <cruyff8> RACIALIST!!!!
  112. 23:48:33 <muffinkins> hi atheron|afk
  113. 23:48:46 <B11796> Hijab (حجاب) is the Arabic word for "to cover", and in general, means to be modest.
  114. 23:48:46 <B11796> The word is used in particular to mean clothing which covers a woman's chest, head and hair. This is often done in Islam for females over the age of puberty.[1][2] It is worn in the presence of adult males outside their immediate family. It may also be worn in front of adult non-Muslim female outside their immediate family. It is not necessary when
  115. 23:48:46 <B11796> females or males are within their immediate family.
  116. 23:48:55 <Mattheous> Muhammad was supposedly very egalitarina.
  117. 23:49:02 <Mattheous> His wife proposed to HIM. And he worked for her.
  118. 23:49:02 <DeadOutside> Muhammed was a dick
  119. 23:49:06 <kaywinnet> :/
  120. 23:49:10 <DeadOutside> He also married a 9 year old
  121. 23:49:13 <DeadOutside> Sorry
  122. 23:49:17 <cruyff8> Mattheous: Muhammed was a cl!t
  123. 23:49:22 <B11796> Muhammed spread Islam by the sword
  124. 23:49:26 <DeadOutside> A 6 year old, whom he consemated when she was 9
  125. 23:49:27 <Sirex> a blood clot
  126. 23:49:28 <Sirex> certainly
  127. 23:49:36 <DeadOutside> That doesn't mean Muslims are bad people
  128. 23:49:43 — kaywinnet waves at Sirex
  129. 23:49:43 <DeadOutside> Islamism is like 70% the fault of the west
  130. 23:49:44 — Mattheous nopes right out of her.
  131. 23:49:51 <Mattheous> *here
  132. 23:49:51 — Sirex does the wave with kaywinnet
  133. 23:49:52 — cruyff8 knows Muslims that are bad people
  134. 23:50:03 <B11796> Meh i dont like muslims
  135. 23:50:05 <kaywinnet> haha!
  136. 23:50:06 <B11796> and i wont change my mind
  137. 23:50:10 <kaywinnet> oh i laughed at Sirex
  138. 23:50:13 — DeadOutside lives in 93% white british town, has only met nice muslims tho
  139. 23:50:17 — muffinkins knows christians that are bad people
  140. 23:50:17 — zombies8mypi is scared and trying to figure out wtf is happeing in this channel
  141. 23:50:20 <B11796> But i also blame USA and rich people
  142. 23:50:24 <B11796> For todays terrorism
  143. 23:50:27 <B11796> and shit
  144. 23:50:35 <Sirex> i blame the parents
  145. 23:50:41 — zombies8mypi doesn't care about anyones religion/faith
  146. 23:50:43 <Sirex> for what, i don't know
  147. 23:50:43 <•atheron|afk> zombies8mypi: unlike TRontie and me those people seem to be for reals
  148. 23:50:45 <DeadOutside> B11796 The USA is responsible for much of Islamic terrorism
  149. 23:50:49 <DeadOutside> The 1953 Iran coup
  150. 23:50:52 <muffinkins> i don't either
  151. 23:50:53 <cruyff8> my mother, for example, is very Muslim and calls my girlfriend a slut
  152. 23:50:54 <DeadOutside> THe 1977 Pakistan coup
  153. 23:50:55 <B11796> Oh yeah
  154. 23:51:00 <kaywinnet> sigh
  155. 23:51:02 <DeadOutside> The Funding of the mujaheeden in the 1980s
  156. 23:51:07 <B11796> If they wouldnt have overthrown the king
  157. 23:51:08 <muffinkins> yo
  158. 23:51:09 <cruyff8> Pakistan has a coup every year without fail
  159. 23:51:14 <B11796> Iran would probably be a superpower today
  160. 23:51:15 <DeadOutside> The supporting of the saudis with oil
  161. 23:51:15 <Sirex> so i'm downloading windows 10
  162. 23:51:18 <kaywinnet> how's it going, muffinkins
  163. 23:51:28 <cruyff8> but, of course, correlation doesn't imply causality
  164. 23:51:29 <DeadOutside> B11796 They didn't overthrow the king
  165. 23:51:35 <B11796> Wasnt it that Iran deciced stop using dollars in their oil something?
  166. 23:51:36 <muffinkins> someone let me know when main simmers down
  167. 23:51:37 <DeadOutside> They overthrew the elected president
  168. 23:51:41 <DeadOutside> And replaced him with a king
  169. 23:51:46 <DeadOutside> Which lead to repression
  170. 23:51:51 <DeadOutside> And the Islamic revolution
  171. 23:51:56 <B11796> No
  172. 23:51:59 <B11796> They had a king before
  173. 23:52:02 <DeadOutside> That's what happened in 1953
  174. 23:52:03 <B11796> They overthrow him
  175. 23:52:06 <•atheron|afk> guys you do realise none of you is heaving conversation and each of you just say what they want without other reading tight?
  176. 23:52:10 <•atheron|afk> just sayin
  177. 23:52:11 <B11796> Then a islamic leader got ''elected''
  178. 23:52:18 <Sirex> atheron|afk: isn't that what we do best?
  179. 23:52:21 ⇐ Arsanerit quit (Gerrit@Snoonet-44m.6rd.6lcgfk.IP) Ping timeout: 121 seconds
  180. 23:52:22 <cruyff8> atheron|afk: of course!
  181. 23:52:24 <cruyff8> It's IRC
  182. 23:52:25 <DeadOutside> Anyway
  183. 23:52:38 <DeadOutside> Does anyone want to talk about anything less history based
  184. 23:52:44 <B11796> Funny thing is that the communists who helped the islamists to come to power got killed by them after the revolution
  185. 23:52:46 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Yes.
  186. 23:52:56 <•atheron|afk> Sirex: sure, but their tone seems to point that they argue with someone, there's just no one arguing
  187. 23:53:02 <DeadOutside> Who likes Ice cream?
  188. 23:53:16 <Sirex> i think i might
  189. 23:53:18 <DeadOutside> Personally chocolate is my favourite
  190. 23:53:21 <Sirex> gelato is good, too
  191. 23:53:27 <cruyff8> Tudeh were Kurds, that's why they were killed, B11796
  192. 23:53:28 <zombies8mypi> I like Ice cream and Frogurt
  193. 23:53:30 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I like corn flavored ice cream (serious)
  194. 23:53:32 <kaywinnet> i like lemon sherbert mm
  195. 23:53:40 <DeadOutside> Has anyone ever had frozen Frubes?
  196. 23:53:42 <mypenut> I like fruit flavored
  197. 23:53:44 <DeadOutside> They were my childhood
  198. 23:53:47 <•atheron|afk> lemon, yogurt and grapfruit
  199. 23:53:52 <cruyff8> and, at the time, no one in the west knew who the Kurds were
  200. 23:53:55 <•atheron|afk> don;t like sweet iscreeam
  201. 23:54:06 → Arsanerit joined (Gerrit@Snoonet-44m.6rd.6lcgfk.IP)
  202. 23:54:13 <cruyff8> they realised when they watned to whinge about Saddam
  203. 23:54:20 <cruyff8> another gentleman that we put into power
  204. 23:54:37 <B11796> Iraq would be better today if Saddam was still alive though
  205. 23:54:45 <•atheron|afk> look out with "we" about half the channel is not from US cruyff8 :P
  206. 23:54:51 <cruyff8> because his predecessor refused to attack Khomeini on our behalf
  207. 23:54:52 <B11796> Atleast it would have control
  208. 23:55:00 <Sirex> i declare all of you
  209. 23:55:03 <Sirex> honorary americans
  210. 23:55:06 <DeadOutside> atheron|afk: most of western europe as well though
  211. 23:55:07 <•atheron|afk> lol
  212. 23:55:10 <B11796> Fuck America
  213. 23:55:11 — Sirex hands out free little flags
  214. 23:55:13 <B11796> Allah Ackbar
  215. 23:55:13 <kaywinnet> :/
  216. 23:55:14 — Sirex hands out guns
  217. 23:55:23 <DeadOutside> Buy your guns at walmart guys!
  218. 23:55:26 <cruyff8> atheron|afk: uhh... the Netherlands was very much up the US backside about this
  219. 23:55:31 <DeadOutside> I don't understand american gun culture
  220. 23:55:35 <DeadOutside> It honestly scares
  221. 23:55:36 <DeadOutside> me
  222. 23:55:43 <Sirex> i'm an american who likes guns
  223. 23:55:46 <DeadOutside> I can't imagine walking into tesco, and coming out with a hunting rifle
  224. 23:55:47 <Sirex> and i don't get it either
  225. 23:55:52 <DeadOutside> It's the most crazy thing ever
  226. 23:55:55 <cruyff8> DeadOutside: you'd go into ASDA
  227. 23:55:56 <•atheron|afk> idk, you can kill someone without a gun
  228. 23:55:56 <cruyff8> :)
  229. 23:56:08 <•atheron|afk> it's just a tool, it doesn't matter
  230. 23:56:09 <Sirex> i just do target shooting
  231. 23:56:11 <B11796> Everything is a weapon
  232. 23:56:12 <DeadOutside> cruyff8 Well they are owned by wall-mart
  233. 23:56:16 <DeadOutside> It's weird though
  234. 23:56:17 <B11796> And yourself is the most dangerous
  235. 23:56:19 <Sirex> i think it's enjoyable to hit a target with precision
  236. 23:56:25 <cruyff8> Tesco is not owned by walmart :p
  237. 23:56:26 <•atheron|afk> it's not like putting gun in your hands turns you into bloodthirsy murderer
  238. 23:56:29 <DeadOutside> That people thing it's acceptable that people can walk around with assault rifles
  239. 23:56:39 <DeadOutside> cruyff8 ASDA is right?
  240. 23:56:44 <DeadOutside> *think
  241. 23:56:47 <kaywinnet> i like archery
  242. 23:56:48 <kaywinnet> wee
  243. 23:56:51 <Sirex> ohh
  244. 23:56:52 <Sirex> kay
  245. 23:56:54 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Bernie's the only politician I've seen who's in the middle between conservative and liberal on the issue of gun control.
  246. 23:56:55 <cruyff8> DeadOutside: the politicians want it that way
  247. 23:56:57 <DeadOutside> Archery would be cool if I could do it
  248. 23:56:58 <Sirex> you've done it then?
  249. 23:57:03 <Sirex> i haven't, but i'd really like to
  250. 23:57:04 <•atheron|afk> politics
  251. 23:57:08 <Sirex> i was thinking about it today, even
  252. 23:57:08 → Weirdbeard1 joined (IceChat9@Snoonet-8n0.1mb.flvq82.IP)
  253. 23:57:09 <•atheron|afk> hate em
  254. 23:57:10 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile but there's implict racism in what he's saying
  255. 23:57:11 <kaywinnet> yes, but only when i was in school, not since then. i loved it oh so much!
  256. 23:57:13 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> For that reason, he has my vote.
  257. 23:57:13 <muffinkins> cruyff8: I thought you would like this article
  258. 23:57:16 <DeadOutside> Guns are fine in white areas!
  259. 23:57:23 <DeadOutside> But in black areas they're bad!
  260. 23:57:25 <Sirex> i should get a bow
  261. 23:57:26 <kaywinnet> relaxing and satisfying
  262. 23:57:26 <DeadOutside> -Bernie Sanders
  263. 23:57:31 → LordDragonfang joined (LordDragonf@Snoonet-b98.bb7.hcscc1.IP)
  264. 23:57:32 <Mattheous> Oh my go--Wow.
  265. 23:57:39 <kaywinnet> hello LordDragonfang
  266. 23:57:40 <Mattheous> He's racist to boot.
  267. 23:57:45 <LordDragonfang> Yo
  268. 23:58:05 <kaywinnet> anyone talk to jooize lately? or zaagmachien?
  269. 23:58:12 <Mattheous> Nope.
  270. 23:58:13 <•atheron|afk> no
  271. 23:58:14 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile It's good that you're voting for Bernie though
  272. 23:58:21 <Mattheous> LOL
  273. 23:58:27 <Mattheous> Voting makes no difference.
  274. 23:58:30 <DeadOutside> It's time the USA gets a taste of that sweet European Social democracy
  275. 23:58:32 <Mattheous> The country is corrupt.
  276. 23:58:34 <•atheron|afk> jooize just doesn't want to come here kaywinnet, as for zaag.....
  277. 23:58:38 <Mattheous> And it will always be corrupt.
  278. 23:58:39 — cruyff8 loves that article muffinkins
  279. 23:58:40 <Mattheous> It's an oligracy.
  280. 23:58:46 <Mattheous> The normal person has no power.
  281. 23:58:47 <cruyff8> though they should add Boris Johnson to the list
  282. 23:58:47 <Mattheous> Get used to it.
  283. 23:58:50 <DeadOutside> Mattheous Well, join a Anarchist, Communist, ect group and try to organise revolution
  284. 23:58:51 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> It's either him or Hillary...I don't like Hillary.
  285. 23:58:54 <•atheron|afk> that's my guess about jooize, he didn;t tell me this btw
  286. 23:59:01 <Mattheous> You don't get it, do you?
  287. 23:59:03 <Mattheous> Wow.
  288. 23:59:04 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile No one likes Hilary :p
  289. 23:59:06 <Mattheous> I'm gping for a bit.
  290. 23:59:09 <cruyff8> although, he can string together phrases without difficulty
  291. 23:59:12 <muffinkins> cruyff8: I kept the tab open, because I knew you would like it
  292. 23:59:37 <kaywinnet> ah atheron|afk
  293. 23:59:56 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> My dad said that if the main candidates were Hookah and Donald, he'd shoot himself.
  294. 00:00:06 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> *Hillary
  295. 00:00:13 <B11796> I think George Bush would be a good president
  296. 00:00:16 <B11796> gooo buush
  297. 00:00:18 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile It's gonna be Bush Vs Clinton II electric boogaloo
  298. 00:00:27 <•Lorgen> I am going
  299. 00:00:33 <kaywinnet> hookah lol
  300. 00:00:34 <mypenut> bye Lorgen
  301. 00:00:38 <DeadOutside> Lorgen Fairwell!
  302. 00:00:39 <•Lorgen> I wish my vacation didn't take so long
  303. 00:00:39 <kaywinnet> bye LordDragonfang
  304. 00:00:41 <kaywinnet> oops
  305. 00:00:43 <•Lorgen> I want to go home :/
  306. 00:00:44 <kaywinnet> bye LordDragonfang
  307. 00:00:45 <mypenut> t's August now
  308. 00:00:45 <kaywinnet> nooo
  309. 00:00:48 <kaywinnet> Lorgen:
  310. 00:00:49 <kaywinnet> geez
  311. 00:00:54 <kaywinnet> sorry LordDragonfang
  312. 00:00:56 <•Lorgen> :)
  313. 00:00:57 <muffinkins> you may also find this funny cruyff8
  314. 00:01:00 <•Lorgen> bai
  315. 00:01:00 <B11796> Bye Lorgen
  316. 00:01:08 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I don't know how Hillary gets autocorrected to Hookah.
  317. 00:01:38 <kaywinnet> i thought that was funny
  318. 00:01:41 ⇐ LordDragonfang quit (LordDragonf@Snoonet-b98.bb7.hcscc1.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  319. 00:02:05 <B11796>
  320. 00:02:06 <B11796> xD
  321. 00:02:34 — cruyff8 thinks vimeo is blocked here
  322. 00:03:50 <muffinkins> cruyff8: :(
  323. 00:04:08 <B11796>
  324. 00:04:24 <DeadOutside> Does anyone else love it when life feels like the movies?
  325. 00:04:43 — •Computerology is trying to figure out why the game freezes on getEntity
  326. 00:04:43 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Depends on the movie.
  327. 00:04:54 <DeadOutside> Well, hopefully not the human centipede :p
  328. 00:05:08 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Or Vase de Noces.
  329. 00:05:22 <DeadOutside> But you know, like a rom com
  330. 00:05:23 — kaywinnet waves at Computerology
  331. 00:05:29 <DeadOutside> Or a teen movie or something
  332. 00:05:31 — •Computerology waves back
  333. 00:05:38 <B11796> This is the truth of America
  334. 00:05:41 <mypenut> Or Freddy got fingered
  335. 00:05:43 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Otherwise known as The Pig Fucking Movie.
  336. 00:06:07 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: Like when something finally goes right then you hear an indie track or whatever come on that fits the situation.
  337. 00:06:23 <DeadOutside> Computerology I LOVE THAT
  338. 00:06:26 <•Computerology> And you think "Yea, this would be a perfect time to end this episode."
  339. 00:06:35 <DeadOutside> When music is playing quitely in the background it's just awesome
  340. 00:06:44 <DeadOutside> Or someone says something that could be a movie line
  341. 00:06:51 <DeadOutside> "I don't believe in love at first sight....."
  342. 00:06:54 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I like to think of my life as a sitcom.
  343. 00:07:02 <DeadOutside> That really stuck out to me
  344. 00:07:18 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Unfortunately, the ratings are dwindling.
  345. 00:07:32 <DeadOutside> And once my friend and I were sitting on the couch watching movies talking about girls
  346. 00:07:40 <•Computerology> Why are they dwindling?
  347. 00:07:44 <DeadOutside> And I talked about how sad I was about falling out with this girl
  348. 00:07:52 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> It's getting boring.
  349. 00:07:58 <DeadOutside> And then he told me this wonderful philosophical thing about Mandalas
  350. 00:08:04 <DeadOutside> And I was like, wow, this is movie
  351. 00:08:27 <Mattheous> The sand patterns Tibetan monks create?
  352. 00:08:42 <DeadOutside> Mattheous Yeah, he compared it to a failed relationship
  353. 00:08:52 <B11796> Girls are stupid
  354. 00:08:53 <DeadOutside> Basically, you make something beautiful, but it doesn't last
  355. 00:08:57 <kaywinnet> ...
  356. 00:08:57 <B11796> As so are I
  357. 00:09:02 <Mattheous> In an infinite time line, every thing ends.
  358. 00:09:03 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> ^
  359. 00:09:03 <DeadOutside> But that doesn't negate the beauty in the first place
  360. 00:09:07 <B11796> That is why i am trying to train my lust for women away xD
  361. 00:09:10 <B11796> Waste of time
  362. 00:09:25 <DeadOutside> B11796 Well, maybe if you stop generalising all women you'd have greater sucess :
  363. 00:09:29 <cruyff8> B11796: how old are you?
  364. 00:09:34 <Sirex> kaywinnet:
  365. 00:09:37 <Sirex> i like the look of that
  366. 00:09:39 <Mattheous> It's a biological imperative. It can't be trained away, unless you're born asexual.
  367. 00:09:44 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> 12, I'm assuming.
  368. 00:09:49 <Mattheous> I'm infertile and I still have to deal with it.
  369. 00:09:51 <B11796> 15
  370. 00:10:06 <B11796> I dont really generalise or what you call it
  371. 00:10:10 <DeadOutside> Why are you even worried about girls?
  372. 00:10:16 <DeadOutside> It's so normal not to have any sucess at 15
  373. 00:10:17 <Mattheous> Because he's a teenager.
  374. 00:10:24 <B11796> Dude
  375. 00:10:27 <B11796> It is today
  376. 00:10:31 <cruyff8> is it, DeadOutside?
  377. 00:10:37 <B11796> You lose your virginity at 13 today
  378. 00:10:37 <DeadOutside> Like I didn't even have my first kiss until I was 16
  379. 00:10:43 — cruyff8 remembers having a girlfriend at 15
  380. 00:10:53 <DeadOutside> cruyff8 It's normal to have sucess as well
  381. 00:10:58 <DeadOutside> It's just not weird not to
  382. 00:10:59 <techn0c0> fuck I LOVE hyperfocus
  383. 00:11:03 <techn0c0> today I have finished two tunes
  384. 00:11:07 <techn0c0> thank you adhd
  385. 00:11:10 <B11796> We are becoming a more open society
  386. 00:11:12 <techn0c0> thank you assburgers
  387. 00:11:12 <DeadOutside> High school sucks
  388. 00:11:12 <B11796> Sadly
  389. 00:11:19 <DeadOutside> B11796 That's a good thing
  390. 00:11:24 <B11796> I dont think so
  391. 00:11:26 <cruyff8> techn0c0, please help this lad
  392. 00:11:29 <mypenut> techn0c0 I thought ADHD does the exact opposite?
  393. 00:11:29 <DeadOutside> It means people have choices
  394. 00:11:37 <cruyff8> , B11796
  395. 00:11:39 <kaywinnet> Sirex: that's quite the bow! i like the look of it too.
  396. 00:11:40 <B11796> More freedom
  397. 00:11:43 <B11796> More chaos
  398. 00:11:49 <DeadOutside> B11796 Not in this case though
  399. 00:11:55 <B11796> Human kind need to be ruled by a iron fist
  400. 00:11:58 <DeadOutside> People have never had happier relationships
  401. 00:12:06 <DeadOutside> And that's not what history shows
  402. 00:12:06 <B11796> Otherwise the world will end soon
  403. 00:12:10 <kaywinnet> i like that better than the plastic-y, camo bow things
  404. 00:12:21 <mypenut> techn0c0 I thought ADHD would make you unable to focus on things?
  405. 00:12:21 <cruyff8> B11796: become more confident and comfortable in your skin, you'll get women
  406. 00:12:21 <DeadOutside> It's showed that when you rule by the iron fist, you lose the humanity in your society
  407. 00:12:30 <B11796> I guess that is why divorces are so big today
  408. 00:12:36 <B11796> I am confident
  409. 00:12:42 <DeadOutside> B11796 Because people want to find people they're happier with
  410. 00:12:48 <DeadOutside> Before they'd have to be miserable
  411. 00:12:56 <DeadOutside> And have to stay with partners, even if they were abusive
  412. 00:12:58 <cruyff8> B11796: you're confident like Trump is confident
  413. 00:13:17 <B11796> No i just dont like today's women
  414. 00:13:20 <B11796> Same with men
  415. 00:13:22 <zombies8mypi> cruyff8: I think that's mostly Trumps Hair
  416. 00:13:35 <kaywinnet> that is a generalization right there, B11796
  417. 00:13:36 <B11796> Love is just air today
  418. 00:13:41 <DeadOutside> B11796 You weren't alive before the sexual revolution
  419. 00:13:44 <kaywinnet> not all females are the same
  420. 00:13:46 <DeadOutside> Your parents probbly weren't
  421. 00:13:49 <cruyff8> zombies: nah, it's that he's an orangutan from the rift valley
  422. 00:13:53 <DeadOutside> *probably
  423. 00:14:03 <zombies8mypi> xD cruyff8
  424. 00:14:17 <B11796> Yay
  425. 00:14:33 <zombies8mypi> I think its best to assume nothing
  426. 00:14:42 <B11796> Well i dont think so
  427. 00:14:48 — cruyff8 thinks B11796s brain just exploded, kaywinnet
  428. 00:14:57 <cruyff8> kaywinnet: :p
  429. 00:14:58 <B11796> Why so?
  430. 00:15:09 <zombies8mypi> less you assume, and the more you listen = the more you'll learn and comprehend
  431. 00:15:16 <cruyff8> B11796: teasing
  432. 00:15:32 <DeadOutside> I don't know how people generalise genders
  433. 00:15:32 <B11796> Funny picking on people i see who has different opinions then you
  434. 00:15:37 <DeadOutside> There's so many diffrent subcultures
  435. 00:15:47 <DeadOutside> So many different lifes, sexualities, experiences
  436. 00:15:55 <kaywinnet> Sirex: i think i shall look for archery ranges around here, you've inspired me
  437. 00:16:00 <DeadOutside> So many diffrent preferences, intrests, talents
  438. 00:16:03 <Sirex> :D
  439. 00:16:07 <cruyff8> zombies: are you going to watch the greatest comedy hour of the year next Thursday?
  440. 00:16:13 <Sirex> i'll be more inspired, myself, when i can afford something
  441. 00:16:21 <Sirex> but i think i'll go for a simple recurve or longbow
  442. 00:16:22 <zombies8mypi> :) I lost another 6-8lbs
  443. 00:16:27 <B11796> Good job
  444. 00:16:28 <zombies8mypi> cruyff8: whats that? the republican debate?
  445. 00:16:36 <cruyff8> zombies: duh
  446. 00:16:36 <DeadOutside> That's great!
  447. 00:16:42 <kaywinnet> yeaaah that's the only thing, too. maybe some ranges let you rent or use theirs sorta thing. not sure how it work
  448. 00:16:42 <kaywinnet> s
  449. 00:16:52 <cruyff8> on Fox News, 5pm our time
  450. 00:17:17 <Sirex> personally, i think i'd rather have enough land of my own to practice whenever i want
  451. 00:17:22 <zombies8mypi> cruyff8: awesome xD
  452. 00:17:25 <cruyff8> Jaan has cancelled his meetings and blocked off his calendar for it
  453. 00:17:28 <Sirex> but that will be a bit before i can do that
  454. 00:17:42 <cruyff8> we'll take a few hours off at work and watch it on the big screen
  455. 00:17:49 <cruyff8> get pizza
  456. 00:17:56 <cruyff8> open a good bottle of wine
  457. 00:18:02 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I need to see this, but the stupidity will enrage me.
  458. 00:18:03 <cruyff8> and have a drinking game at the office
  459. 00:18:12 <zombies8mypi> xD sounds good cruyff8
  460. 00:18:12 <kaywinnet> Sirex: i agree that would be the best
  461. 00:18:13 <B11796>
  462. 00:18:20 <cruyff8> aflockofpigeons: hence, the wine
  463. 00:18:25 <zombies8mypi> I'll probably do the same with a bit of beer
  464. 00:18:48 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I can't drink...
  465. 00:18:59 <zombies8mypi> Sirex: I used to live on 2 acres, got a few bails of hay out and made myself a mini archery range :)
  466. 00:19:49 <B11796> Best one
  467. 00:20:30 <B11796> Nevermind this is the best one xD
  468. 00:21:05 <kaywinnet> what the hll
  469. 00:21:06 <kaywinnet> hell
  470. 00:21:30 <B11796> So true too xD
  471. 00:21:34 <kaywinnet> ...
  472. 00:21:46 <B11796> East Europe still has it pride and honour
  473. 00:21:52 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Are you trying to piss people off B11796?
  474. 00:22:06 <Sirex> neat
  475. 00:22:10 <Sirex>
  476. 00:22:16 <Sirex> i've been thinking of places that look like this
  477. 00:22:21 <kaywinnet> ooo
  478. 00:22:25 <Sirex> maybe with a mix of desert
  479. 00:22:38 <Sirex> and dessert
  480. 00:22:54 <zombies8mypi> that looks kinda how I imagine montana looks Sirex
  481. 00:23:00 <zombies8mypi> and parts of canada
  482. 00:23:02 <B11796> This one is also true
  483. 00:23:07 <Sirex> see, the trick is
  484. 00:23:13 <Sirex> find a place with water like that
  485. 00:23:18 <Sirex> but that also doesn't get ten feet of snow
  486. 00:23:43 <DeadOutside> Sirex Washington state?
  487. 00:23:52 <Sirex> hmm
  488. 00:23:58 <Sirex> i'm thinking too populous
  489. 00:24:04 <kaywinnet> we get a lot of snow here :/
  490. 00:24:14 <Sirex> i want some place that has tons of open land that no one feels like buying
  491. 00:24:16 <B11796> Oh btw DeadOutside marriage today
  492. 00:24:23 <Sirex> nevada, wyoming, idaho, utah
  493. 00:24:26 <Sirex> that area
  494. 00:24:28 <kaywinnet> i'd like to live somewhere milder
  495. 00:24:33 <kaywinnet> maybe BC would be a good place
  496. 00:24:42 <Sirex> BC...oh, no good
  497. 00:24:48 <Sirex> the reapers start their invasion there
  498. 00:25:14 <kaywinnet> the reapers?
  499. 00:25:17 <Sirex> but in seriousness, canada's really big
  500. 00:25:23 <DeadOutside> kaywinnet: Mass effect I think
  501. 00:25:26 <Sirex> it's a joke about mass effect
  502. 00:25:27 <kaywinnet> oohh
  503. 00:25:27 <Sirex> yes
  504. 00:25:29 <kaywinnet> thanks DeadOutside
  505. 00:25:30 <kaywinnet> haha
  506. 00:25:46 <Sirex> in case some of you have not heard the song
  507. 00:26:04 <Sirex>
  508. 00:26:55 <DeadOutside> 90% of the Canadian population lives in the border strip with america though
  509. 00:27:07 <DeadOutside> Because otherwised they'd freeze their arses off
  510. 00:27:22 <B11796>
  511. 00:27:34 <DeadOutside> Has anyone seen Inside Out?
  512. 00:27:44 <QC> yes
  513. 00:27:44 <DeadOutside> It's legitimately one of my favourite movies now
  514. 00:27:46 <QC> I have!
  515. 00:27:48 <mypenut> I'll see it someday
  516. 00:27:48 <QC> its really good!
  517. 00:27:48 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I LOVE THAT FILM!
  518. 00:27:50 <Mattheous> Kind of like Australia.
  519. 00:28:31 <Sirex> okay so the plan is
  520. 00:28:35 <zombies8mypi> :)
  521. 00:28:36 <Sirex> we kill the batman
  522. 00:28:41 <Sirex> and then conquer northern canada
  523. 00:28:46 <Sirex> no one will even notice
  524. 00:28:50 <kaywinnet> haha
  525. 00:29:14 <B11796> mypenut
  526. 00:29:16 <B11796> <3
  527. 00:29:48 <mypenut> Why are you directing this to me?
  528. 00:30:36 <B11796> You are german
  529. 00:30:39 <B11796> For the brits
  530. 00:30:39 <B11796>
  531. 00:31:28 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Got anything for Filipinos?
  532. 00:31:29 <DeadOutside> But yeah, I thought Inside Out was really good because most films have so little emotional depth
  533. 00:31:43 <DeadOutside> But it was an intellgient kids movie
  534. 00:31:58 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I liked the concept and how it was executed.
  535. 00:32:04 <DeadOutside> I think Intellgient kids movies are often some of the best, like Big Hero Six and the Lego Movie
  536. 00:32:20 <DeadOutside> I want to move to San Frantokoyo
  537. 00:32:26 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Both are also excellent.
  538. 00:32:54 kaywinnet → kaywinnet|afk
  539. 00:32:55 <mypenut> I like the visuals in Big Hero Six, but it didn't do too much for me
  540. 00:32:57 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I want a Big Hero 6 sequel.
  541. 00:33:12 <mypenut> But damn, I did love the Lego movie
  542. 00:33:29 <DeadOutside> The Lego movie just worked
  543. 00:33:39 <DeadOutside> It took the most corporate, generic base for a film
  544. 00:33:51 <B11796> And now for the swedes
  545. 00:33:52 <B11796>
  546. 00:34:09 <DeadOutside> And turned in into a funny, quirky, self-refential and actually rather anti-capitalist film
  547. 00:34:36 <B11796> Fascism is the way
  548. 00:35:06 ⇐ Draemus quit (Draemus@Snoonet-k57.73e.5p6opq.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  549. 00:35:16 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Do you behave this way IRL B11796?
  550. 00:35:39 <DeadOutside> aflockofpigeons-mobile No, they're trolling for attention
  551. 00:35:51 <B11796> I actually am a fascist
  552. 00:35:55 <B11796> Or more used to be
  553. 00:36:01 <B11796> Now i am just anti-immigration
  554. 00:36:12 ← zombies8mypi left (zombies8myp@user/zombies8mypi)
  555. 00:36:18 <Sirex> ohh
  556. 00:36:22 <Sirex> who wants to hear a pretty song?
  557. 00:36:23 <B11796> Cant even talk about my political views to my dad without getting angered on
  558. 00:36:39 <DeadOutside> Sirex Go for it!
  559. 00:36:58 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> All is Full of Love by Björk?
  560. 00:37:03 <Sirex> that one is good too
  561. 00:37:04 <DeadOutside> This is an awesome song
  562. 00:37:32 <phaset> hi
  563. 00:37:44 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Hi phaset.
  564. 00:37:58 <DeadOutside> Yo phaset
  565. 00:38:04 <Sirex>
  566. 00:38:08 <B11796> This is a good song and this time i am serious
  567. 00:38:14 <B11796> Not some marching shissle
  568. 00:38:50 <DeadOutside> Sirex I'm expecting some Jews rip off
  569. 00:38:53 <DeadOutside> *Jaws!
  570. 00:38:55 <DeadOutside> Not jews
  571. 00:39:05 <Sirex> שחכםן'קח!
  572. 00:39:09 <DeadOutside> That was a hiltertarian slip
  573. 00:39:31 <B11796> Oy vey
  574. 00:39:31 <DeadOutside> Let me just shave off this little mustasche
  575. 00:39:50 <B11796> Yay the anti semitism here :D
  576. 00:39:58 <B11796> It's pretty common for liberals though xD
  577. 00:40:07 <DeadOutside> B11796 No one is being anti-semetic
  578. 00:40:45 <DeadOutside> You'd have to be pretttty easily offended to intrepet that as anti-semetic
  579. 00:41:12 <B11796> As i noticed in this channel
  580. 00:41:18 <B11796> Jew jokes are okey
  581. 00:41:27 <B11796> But not other jokes about other races
  582. 00:41:41 <B11796> Oh the hypocrisy
  583. 00:41:57 <DeadOutside> I made a nazi joke
  584. 00:42:00 <B11796> i feel offended ban that person
  585. 00:42:06 <B11796> wheee
  586. 00:42:09 <DeadOutside> And Sirex said something in Hebrew
  587. 00:42:11 <B11796> Aspergers
  588. 00:42:16 <DeadOutside> That's not jew jokes....
  589. 00:42:23 <Sirex> well technically it was jibberish in hebrew characters
  590. 00:42:30 <Sirex> i just started pressing random keys
  591. 00:43:07 <•Computerology> :
  592. 00:43:16 <Sirex> also this second song reminds me of disturbed in style
  593. 00:43:47 <B11796> Computerology
  594. 00:43:51 <B11796> jew jokes
  595. 00:43:52 <muffinkins> Sirex: can confirm
  596. 00:43:52 <B11796> Ban them
  597. 00:43:59 <B11796> I thought that was your job?
  598. 00:44:08 <B11796> to ban everyone that offend someone
  599. 00:44:11 <Sirex> what are we confirming?
  600. 00:44:18 <muffinkins> not hebrew
  601. 00:44:22 <Sirex> check.
  602. 00:44:25 <B11796> I'm out you guys hate me anyway
  603. 00:44:28 ⇐ B11796 quit (11796@Snoonet-qe8.drj.d1v2mf.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  604. 00:44:33 <muffinkins> phew
  605. 00:44:41 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> Good. Fucking. Riddance.
  606. 00:44:49 <muffinkins> do you think that was trontie2
  607. 00:45:16 <phaset> or turnip
  608. 00:45:25 <•Computerology> Isn't turnip also Trontie?
  609. 00:45:30 <phaset> after last night... :(
  610. 00:45:32 <phaset> no
  611. 00:45:35 <muffinkins> turnip isn;t usually isn't that bad
  612. 00:45:39 <•Computerology> What happened last night?
  613. 00:45:45 <muffinkins> only directed at the womenz
  614. 00:45:47 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> What happened last night?
  615. 00:45:54 <phaset> muffinkins: she called us idiot cunts last night
  616. 00:46:05 <muffinkins> yes, i know phaset
  617. 00:46:08 <•Computerology> God, what is happening.
  618. 00:46:09 <muffinkins> i was here
  619. 00:46:12 <phaset> oh
  620. 00:46:22 → Trontie2 joined (Trontie2@Snoonet-qe8.drj.d1v2mf.IP)
  621. 00:46:23 <muffinkins> Computerology: rage
  622. 00:46:27 <muffinkins> NO
  623. 00:46:29 <phaset> timing!!!
  624. 00:46:34 <•Computerology> Hi Trontie2.
  625. 00:46:37 <•Computerology> Welcome back.
  626. 00:46:40 <phaset> hi Trontie2
  627. 00:46:54 <Trontie2> Thank you
  628. 00:47:00 <DeadOutside> Computerology Basically there's a complete lack of anything to stop people using this a soapbox for sexism, racism and homophobia
  629. 00:47:04 <Trontie2> B1181835 something bnoopity oop boop
  630. 00:47:08 <phaset> i am making bercan bbq chicken
  631. 00:47:16 <DeadOutside> Which Trontie has been doing, with alts and with support from other users
  632. 00:47:43 ⇐ Weirdbeard1 quit (IceChat9@Snoonet-8n0.1mb.flvq82.IP) Connection closed
  633. 00:47:47 <phaset> wife chose a shitty rub though
  634. 00:48:04 <Trontie2> The thing is
  635. 00:48:11 <Trontie2> Have you thought of that there are people
  636. 00:48:18 <Trontie2> With other opinions then you?
  637. 00:49:09 <Trontie2> You cant just ban people becasue they have other opinions then you
  638. 00:49:22 <•Computerology> Trontie2: No, but we can ban people for being offensive
  639. 00:49:29 <muffinkins> bercan?
  640. 00:49:31 <•Computerology> Who all is active right now?
  641. 00:49:40 <phaset> how is this fucking helping???
  642. 00:49:53 <Trontie2> I dont get how i am offensive? I just do dark jokes??
  643. 00:50:03 <Trontie2> Do i need to put out trigger warnings or something?
  644. 00:50:10 <Trontie2> that is why ./ignore exist
  645. 00:50:40 <DeadOutside> Computerology He's not just be doing darkjokes, he's been expressing racist, misogynist, and homophobic views
  646. 00:50:48 <DeadOutside> And has been banned already for harassment
  647. 00:50:55 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: This is true.
  648. 00:51:15 <Trontie2> So what?
  649. 00:51:22 <Trontie2> Why do i need to support homosexuality?
  650. 00:51:25 <Trontie2> I dont get it
  651. 00:51:29 <Trontie2> It's my views
  652. 00:51:33 <Trontie2> But i get it
  653. 00:51:40 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> You don't, but you shouldn't put it down either.
  654. 00:51:52 <phaset> isnt this supposed to be a friendly support channel?
  655. 00:52:01 <DeadOutside> Computerology He's been trolling for attention, and then threatening suicide when people ignored him
  656. 00:52:11 <Trontie2> Are you fucking serious?
  657. 00:52:13 <•Computerology> Trontie2: You don't seem to get that you can choose not to support something without offending people who do support it.
  658. 00:52:16 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> That I remember.
  659. 00:52:25 <Trontie2> Now i am offended for real
  660. 00:52:37 <Trontie2> You really think i would do that?
  661. 00:52:38 <DeadOutside> Computerology The ensuring aftermath of what he did, caused huge arguements on the chat
  662. 00:52:48 <phaset> me too, this rub my wife choose sucks :(
  663. 00:53:22 — •Computerology thinks he should set the channel to only allow registered users to chat.
  664. 00:53:36 <phaset> there are plenty of other channels people can be assholes in
  665. 00:53:56 <DeadOutside> Computerology I think the main thing is to have a policy against being homphobic, racist and sexist
  666. 00:54:07 <DeadOutside> And make sure that mods enforce the policy
  667. 00:54:08 <Trontie2> I dont get how i am racist and sexist
  668. 00:54:15 <Trontie2> I never said i am against other races
  669. 00:54:18 <Trontie2> I am confused
  670. 00:54:20 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: We do have a policy, and Trontie2 has already been banned. He just keeps evading it.
  671. 00:54:31 <phaset> Trontie2: the things you said that night were
  672. 00:54:37 <DeadOutside> Can't you IP ban?
  673. 00:54:45 <•Computerology> Trontie2: You were offending people with racist/sexist jokes.
  674. 00:54:54 <Trontie2> JOKES IT IS JOKES
  675. 00:54:56 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: He can still log on with other devices.
  676. 00:55:01 <Trontie2> BUT I GET IT YOU DONT WANT ME HERE BLA BLA BAL
  677. 00:55:16 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: Which I think is what he is doing.
  678. 00:55:17 <Trontie2> DeadOutside is the reason why this group is falling apart
  679. 00:55:21 <•Computerology> We've IP banned him before.
  680. 00:55:22 → Weirdbeard joined ⇐ Trontie2 quit
  681. 00:55:30 <•Computerology> Ugh.
  682. 00:55:41 <phaset> :(
  683. 00:55:51 <•Computerology> Let's do a vote.
  684. 00:55:57 — phaset gets the blanket out and hides
  685. 00:55:58 <Sirex> I ABSTAIN
  686. 00:56:06 <Sirex> ab stain
  687. 00:56:08 <•Computerology> All in favor of setting the channel to mute non-registered users.
  688. 00:56:28 <DeadOutside> I would say yes, but I don't know how register :P
  689. 00:56:33 <•Computerology> They can chat when they register but otherwise, there are too many alts running around IMO.
  690. 00:56:36 <phaset> Computerology: how would that affect people with multiple clients
  691. 00:56:48 — muffinkins agrees with Computerology
  692. 00:56:54 <•Computerology> DeadOutside: It's easy. /nick register nickyouwant emailyouown
  693. 00:57:02 Computerology → •register
  694. 00:57:08 <Sirex> :)
  695. 00:57:08 <phaset> hah
  696. 00:57:11 <phaset> haha
  697. 00:57:12 <muffinkins> phaset: it works as long as you are auth
  698. 00:57:21 <•register> oop
  699. 00:57:22 <phaset> i vote yes
  700. 00:57:27 register → •Computerology
  701. 00:57:28 <DeadOutside> ./nick register DeadOutside
  702. 00:57:32 <DeadOutside> This didn't work
  703. 00:57:39 <Sirex> nickserv
  704. 00:57:41 <Sirex> not nick
  705. 00:57:42 <•Computerology> I forget the exact syntax.
  706. 00:57:52 <phaset> /msg nickserv xxxc
  707. 00:57:56 <muffinkins> "/msg nickserv nickname email"
  708. 00:57:57 <DeadOutside> ./nickserver register DeadOutside
  709. 00:58:45 <muffinkins> OK
  710. 00:58:47 <phaset> /msg nickserv register <name> <email>
  711. 00:58:48 <muffinkins> sorry
  712. 00:59:15 <muffinkins> ^^^ THAT is correct
  713. 00:59:18 <phaset> or /msg nickserv help
  714. 00:59:24 <phaset> :)
  715. 00:59:53 <muffinkins> sorry, i typed it wrong when i was trying to remember
  716. 01:00:02 Channel mode set to +Q by •Computerology
  717. 01:00:21 <DeadOutside> I think this is too difficult for new users to set up
  718. 01:00:21 <phaset> Computerology: is my characterization of the channel correct?
  719. 01:00:33 <DeadOutside> And I'm not sure that it will stop alt accounts
  720. 01:00:36 <•Computerology> phaset: ?
  721. 01:00:43 Channel mode set to -Q by •Computerology
  722. 01:00:45 <phaset> Computerology: modbot needs to msg unreged users on join too
  723. 01:00:51 <•Computerology> phaset: yes
  724. 01:01:10 → zombies8mypi joined (zombies8myp@user/zombies8mypi)
  725. 01:01:11 <phaset> Computerology: isnt this supposed to be a friendly support channel?
  726. 01:01:20 <DeadOutside> Is TurnipTornado a Trontie alt?
  727. 01:01:29 <DeadOutside> Because I was under the impression that they were different people
  728. 01:01:30 <muffinkins> idk
  729. 01:01:37 <muffinkins> same DeadOutside
  730. 01:01:38 <phaset> im on phone, typing hard, mmmm'kay?
  731. 01:01:41 <zombies8mypi> o.o
  732. 01:01:45 <mypenut> Yes they are different
  733. 01:01:55 <DeadOutside> Will the real Trontie please stand up
  734. 01:02:07 <muffinkins> i think they people were just comparing them
  735. 01:02:39 <muffinkins> WILL THE REAL TROLLS PLEASE STAND UP
  736. 01:02:55 — phaset rises slightly
  737. 01:02:57 <phaset> ;)
  738. 01:03:16 <phaset> so... beer can chicken!!!!
  739. 01:03:41 <phaset> i shoved a beer can up a chicken and its grilling
  740. 01:03:52 <muffinkins> that shit is great
  741. 01:04:31 <QC> "
  742. 01:04:39 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> I finally watched Birdman.
  743. 01:06:34 <phaset> harvey birdman?
  744. 01:06:58 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> It was great, but not mind-blowing.
  745. 01:07:01 → Trontie2 joined (Trontie2@Snoonet-qe8.drj.d1v2mf.IP)
  746. 01:07:06 <Trontie2> I am not banned?
  747. 01:07:14 <phaset> testingbtesting 123
  748. 01:07:15 muffinkins → muffinkins|afk
  749. 01:07:35 <aflockofpigeons-mobile> No, the Michael Keaton film.
  750. 01:08:12 → kyndro joined (Kyndro@Snoonet-ggi.ohh.r5c5oh.IP)
  751. 01:08:56 <phaset> hi kyndro
  752. 01:09:17 ⇐ DeadOutside and Trontie2 quit
  753. 01:10:25 <phaset> Computerology: its not working...
  754. 01:10:36 <phaset> :(
  755. 01:10:39 <zombies8mypi> what isn't working?
  756. 01:10:43 — zombies8mypi is confuse
  757. 01:11:13 <phaset> zombies8mypi: setting the channel so that only registered ilusers can talk
  758. 01:11:27 <zombies8mypi> you have to be a mod/op/admin
  759. 01:11:28 <zombies8mypi> I think
  760. 01:12:03 ⇐ aflockofpigeons-mobile quit (aflockofpig@Snoonet-pnj.jbr.cjgqgj.IP) Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  761. 01:12:35 <Mattheous|mobile>
  762. 01:13:27 <phaset> zombies8mypi: not me....
  763. 01:13:54 <zombies8mypi> o.O
  764. 01:15:02 <zombies8mypi> omg
  765. 01:15:05 <zombies8mypi> nooo
  766. 01:15:08 <phaset> ?
  767. 01:15:31 <zombies8mypi> 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper died today
  768. 01:15:43 — zombies8mypi puts on his "They Live! sunglasses"
  769. 01:16:12 <phaset> oh
  770. 01:16:52 <zombies8mypi>
  771. 01:19:05 muffinkins|afk → muffinkins
  772. 01:20:52 Channel mode set to +m by •Computerology
  773. 01:21:02 <•Computerology> there we go
  774. 01:22:38 Channel mode set to -n by •Computerology
  775. 01:22:38 Channel mode set to +n by •ChanServ
  776. 01:22:48 Channel mode set to -n by •Computerology
  777. 01:22:48 Channel mode set to +n by •ChanServ
  778. 01:22:55 Channel mode set to -m by •Computerology
  779. 01:23:09 — zombies8mypi misses modbot
  780. 01:23:15 — zombies8mypi has to leave in a few minutes to go do stuff
  781. 01:23:19 <mypenut> test
  782. 01:23:25 — phaset looks at Computerology
  783. 01:23:39 <kaywinnet|afk> zombies8mypi: doesn't bender have a "they live!" lens??
  784. 01:23:50 <•Computerology> Oh I think it's M not m
  785. 01:23:52 <zombies8mypi> Yeah they referenced it :)
  786. 01:23:56 Channel mode set to +M by •Computerology
  787. 01:23:59 <•Computerology> try it now
  788. 01:24:03 <phaset> tr
  789. 01:24:05 <phaset> hh
  790. 01:24:06 <phaset> ok
  791. 01:24:07 <•Computerology> yay
  792. 01:24:20 <phaset> now we need someone not regged
  793. 01:24:25 kaywinnet|afk → kaywinnet
  794. 01:24:28 <•Computerology> Trontie
  795. 01:24:31 <•Computerology> say something
  796. 01:24:35 <•Computerology> if it doesnt work, pm me
  797. 01:24:42 <phaset> he left
  798. 01:24:45 <phaset> ;)
  799. 01:24:50 <•Computerology> lel
  800. 01:24:58 <phaset> kaywinnet: can you talk?
  801. 01:25:18 → ambient joined (ambient@user/ambient)
  802. 01:25:23 <phaset> oh she is regged
  803. 01:26:51 <kaywinnet> hello
  804. 01:27:03 <kaywinnet> crsh. you read me? over.
  805. 01:27:23 <•Computerology> !topic Welcome to the /r/aspergers IRC channel. To join the conversation, you must be a registered user. To register, type "/msg nickserv register <nick> <email>". Lastly, add yourself to the map at :)
  806. 01:27:23 •ChanServ set the topic: Welcome to the /r/aspergers IRC channel. To join the conversation, you must be a registered user. To register, type "/msg nickserv register <nick> <email>". Lastly, add yourself to the map at :)
  807. 01:28:19 <phaset> damnit my chicken fell over!!?
  808. 01:28:29 <phaset> one leg is underdone
  809. 01:28:32 ⇐ Weirdbeard quit (IceChat9@user/weirdbeard) Connection closed
  810. 01:29:09 <muffinkins> ambient: you missed all the drama
  811. 01:29:36 — zombies8mypi purrs
  812. 01:29:39 → Weirdbeard joined ⇐ QC quit
  813. 01:29:52 <kaywinnet> i feel like what is not being understood is that different opinions are very fine and indeed necessary in life, all that is important is that they are expressed respectfully
  814. 01:30:23 — muffinkins agrees
  815. 01:30:34 — phaset agrees
  816. 01:30:43 <muffinkins> chicken pot pie hurt my tummy
  817. 01:30:47 <muffinkins> :9
  818. 01:30:50 <muffinkins> :(
  819. 01:31:28 <phaset> awwww
  820. 01:31:37 <kaywinnet> boo hiss!
  821. 01:32:59 <kaywinnet> how did the chicken fall over?!
  822. 01:33:23 <phaset> kaywinnet: the beer can wasnt stable
  823. 01:33:36 <kaywinnet> oh that makes a lot more sense
  824. 01:33:37 <kaywinnet> haha
  825. 01:33:48 <phaset> beer can chicken
  826. 01:34:07 <kaywinnet> bawk bawk
  827. 01:35:07 <kaywinnet> lots of chicken tonight. chicken pot pie, alcohol-flavoured chicken
  828. 01:35:39 <muffinkins> alcohol flavored?
  829. 01:35:43 <muffinkins> what kind?
  830. 01:35:58 <kaywinnet> hm i dunno
  831. 01:36:04 <kaywinnet> phaset? what kind beer you got up its butt?
  832. 01:36:06 <kaywinnet> kinda
  833. 01:36:08 <Sirex> isopropyl flavored
  834. 01:36:45 <kaywinnet> that sounds.. tasty?
  835. 01:36:50 <kaywinnet> or possible lethal
  836. 01:36:52 <kaywinnet> not sure which
  837. 01:37:09 <Sirex> possibly lethal, depending on dose
  838. 01:37:21 <Sirex> i suppose ethanol would be more appropriate for humans
  839. 01:37:23 <kaywinnet> y*
  840. 01:37:37 <Sirex>
  841. 01:37:39 <Sirex> for no reason
  842. 01:37:42 <Sirex> but it has a bow!
  843. 01:38:16 → MasterDebator joined (MasterDebat@Snoonet-7c5.95j.emej0u.IP)
  844. 01:38:43 <kaywinnet> yeah those bows i like much less, but it must be interesting using them
  845. 01:39:32 <Sirex> i couldn't say personally, but i get the feeling it would take a bit away from the personal feel something less complicated would give
  846. 01:39:44 <Sirex> same reason i probably wouldn't be that into crossbows
  847. 01:39:51 <kaywinnet> yeah me too
  848. 01:40:14 <Sirex> something that attracts me very strongly to it
  849. 01:40:23 <Sirex> guesstimating ballistic drop
  850. 01:40:39 <Sirex> i figure some people do calculations in their head
  851. 01:40:51 <Sirex> but i bet getting a feel for it is much more enjoyable
  852. 01:41:06 <ambient> what drama did i miss?
  853. 01:41:22 <Sirex> we drank poison
  854. 01:41:24 <Sirex> and lived
  855. 01:42:06 <ambient> it took me half a year to put that poison pill in your ear
  856. 01:42:38 <ambient> and as any toxicologist worth their salt will tell you, the dose makes the poison
  857. 01:42:58 <Sirex> we live and die by the LD50
  858. 01:43:22 <Sirex> eternal sleep to our rat bretheren
  859. 01:46:21 ⇐ You disconnected: Connection closed for inactivity
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