
Day Four

Sep 5th, 2013
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  2. >Your face contorts at the high pitched beeping sound, pulling your from your dreams.
  3. >You see that it's daylight out and you're minus one sleeping dash.
  4. >And why do you smell smoke?
  5. >Then it hits you like a brick.
  6. >Your head cranks over towards the kitchen where all of the girls are panicking.
  7. >The beeping, is from the smoke alarm.
  8. >Instinct takes over and you dive over the couch and into the kitchen.
  9. >You throw open one of the cupboards and pull out some flour and pour it in the flaming, smoking, pan that someone was cooking breakfast in.
  10. >The fire goes out and you open the window to clear out smoke.
  11. >Tearing the batteries out of the smoke alarm, the obnoxious sound dies and you can actually hear yourself think for once this morning.
  12. "So I take it breakfast was a success?" you say sarcastically.
  13. >RD: "We tried to make you breakfast but.."
  14. >She looks over to the mess on the stove.
  15. "Yeah.. It's okay, it's the thought that count really." you smile.
  16. >A banging on your door takes you away from your thoughts.
  17. >"Anon?! What the hell is all the commotion! and why do I smell smoke!?"
  18. >Ooooh shit.
  19. >Landlord.
  20. "Quickly girls into my room! Go! I'll take care of this." you whisper.
  21. >You rush over to your door and crack it open.
  22. "Just a little mishap with breakfast.. that's all."
  23. >"It lasted for 45 minutes.."
  24. >You really slept through that?
  25. "Uhh everythings under control now, sir."
  26. >The landlord quirks his brow and tries to push the door open.
  27. >Your foot stops his advance.
  28. "I said everything's under control.."
  29. >"And I'm your landlord, now let me in."
  30. >He tries to push the door again.
  31. >You stop it with your body this time.
  32. >"Anon.. you let me in or I call the cops."
  33. >He's kinda got you by the balls.
  34. >You begrudgingly move out of the way of the door.
  35. >He stomps in like he owns the damn pl-oh wait.
  36. >He inspects the kitchen, and thankfully there's really no damage.
  37. >"Alright Anon, it seems like you do have it under control."
  38. >*Achoo* a small squeaky sneeze is heard from within the apartment.
  39. >"What was that?"
  40. "What was what?"
  41. >"You didn't just hear someone sneeze?"
  42. "..No?"
  43. >"I know you heard it, it was clear as day."
  44. "I swear I didn't hear anything."
  45. >"Anon you pay for one tennant.. I swear if you're hoarding someone, I want my money or they get out."
  46. >Ohshitohshitohshit.
  47. >He's walking over to the bedroom door!
  48. >What do you do?!
  49. >He opens the door and you sprint over before he sees the girls.
  50. >You stop behind him and look in the room.
  51. >Nothing.
  52. >Huh..?
  53. >He walks in and over to the closet before pulling the door over.
  54. >Your heart is racing 20 miles per minute.
  55. >He closes the closet door and scratches his head.
  56. >Then he checks underneath the bed.
  57. >Still nothing.
  58. >"I guess I am hearing things Anon."
  59. >He tries to clean out his ear with his pinkie.
  60. >Ew.
  61. "And I done with inspection mein feuer?"
  62. >He looks at you like "What the fuck?"
  63. >"Yeah... just clean up that mess in the kitchen."
  64. >He proceeds outside your apartment and closes the door behind him.
  65. >Dodged a bullet there..
  66. >Now.. where the hell did the girls go?
  67. >You turn around and look back into the bedroom to find them all standing there.
  68. "What th- how?"
  69. >PP: "Magic." She says in a flat voice with a shit eating grin on her face.
  70. >You stand there, mouth open.
  71. >The girls walk past you into the living room.
  72. >Dash comes up to your and whispers in your ear.
  73. >RD: "We just hit outside on that fire escape thingy."
  74. >And then pats you on the shoulder before walking out of the room.
  75. >You shrug.
  76. >Well whatever, it worked didn't it?
  77. >You walk over and sit on the couch and turn the TV on.
  78. >Dash of course takes her spot by your side.
  79. >The others just sit wherever they felt comfortable.
  80. ------
  81. >You've been sitting here for about an hour now, watching an old clint eastwood movie.
  82. >AJ being the most interested in it.
  83. >Twilights been asking you nonstop questions about cinematography and the wild west.
  84. >Pinkie and Fluttershy are playing cards.
  85. >Rarity is having miniature panic attacks over your selection of clothing you picked up the other day.
  86. >and Dash is buried into your side.
  87. >What an awesome Saturday.
  88. >Kidding, you're bored as fuck.
  89. "Say girls, why don't we do something fun today?"
  90. >PP: "Fun?! Ooooh~ I love fun!"
  91. >Twilight squees like a dog toy.
  92. >TS: "Really?! Oh this is going to be such a learning experience."
  93. >R: "I'd LOVE to see what this places taste in fashion is."
  94. "So it's settled then."
  95. >You go change really quick and tell the girls to do the same.
  96. >After getting around, you, spike, and the girls head out on a fun filled day of wonder.
  97. >First stop.
  98. >The Mall.
  99. >TS: "Where are we going first Anon?"
  100. "It's a Surprise."
  101. >PP: "I like surprises!"
  102. "Heh, I know pinks."
  103. >After a 15 minute drive, you finally arrive at the mall.
  104. >All: "Woooow.."
  105. >R: "Anon darling, what is a "Mall" anyways."
  106. "It's a giant building filled with a lot of shopping outlets and restaurants."
  107. >R:"J-just like the canterlot strip?!"
  108. >Uhh..
  109. "Can't really say, I haven't been there."
  110. >R: "Well, it's really just as you described this place."
  111. "Interesting.."
  112. >Except, this isn't a fancy place with fancy ponie-er people.
  113. >You managed find a parking spot which is surprising.
  114. >Considering it's a Saturday and this is teen hub central.
  115. >The eight of you enter the mall.
  116. >The girls are astounded at the sheer size of this place.
  117. >Can't blame them.
  118. >You just watch and smile.
  119. "Go have fun."
  120. >The girls take off in different directions.
  121. >Dash stays behind with you.
  122. "So what do you want to do first?"
  123. >RD: "I don't know, you're the tour guide." She says playfully.
  124. >You know the perfect place.
  125. >TO THE ARCADE!
  126. >You and dash head over towards the sounds of 8-bit themed music and the clash of fists.
  127. >RD: "We have arcades back in ponyville." She says.
  128. "Well you haven't seen my arcade yet." you grin.
  129. >Dash has never experience the joys of throwing hadouken's at children.
  130. >It's time you change that.
  131. >You enter the neon and fluorescent light filled electronic playground eager to show dash the time of her life.
  132. >You scan the multiple machines and try to decide what you should play first.
  133. >Then one machine stands out from the others.
  134. >Contra, glorious 8-bit contrar.
  135. "This way dash."
  136. >You both head over to the machine and you deposit 2 quarters for yourself and her.
  137. "Okay here's how it works."
  138. >You take control of your battle station.
  139. "This is the analog stick, up, down, left, right, ya know general directions, A is to jump and B is to fire, got all that?"
  140. >RD: "Yep!"
  141. >Before you start the game you put in the oldest cheat code known to mankind.
  142. >99 lives.
  143. "Get ready."
  144. >The game starts up and you're already on a roll taking out every 8-bit bastard you see.
  145. >You were too busy keeping an eye on your score you didn't know that dash was actually beating you.
  146. >porque?
  147. >She has you by over 500,000 points.
  148. >You didn't pay enough attention to your virtual warrior and he died.. for the next 5 minutes.
  149. >Dash is dominating you at this point.
  150. >You finally reach it to the final boss with your 10 lives left.
  151. "Hey dash how many times have you died?"
  152. >RD: "None." she says sticking her tongue out in concentration.
  153. >You look at her in shock, causing you to lose another 5 lives.
  154. >Dash is raping the hell out of the red dick looking motherfucker.
  155. >You stand there with mouth agape.
  156. >Not even caring that you lost all your lives.
  157. "GAME OVER! YOU WIN!"
  158. >Dash just beat you on contra with a 15 million point lead and all on one life.
  159. >Part of you doesn't want to live on this planet anymore.
  160. >The one thing you thought you were good at in life.
  161. >Crushed and scattered in the wind.
  162. "I don't even.."
  163. >RD: "Looks like I beat ya at your own game, Anon, do I get a prize?" She gives you a sly smile.
  164. >This cheeky..
  165. >You want a prize?
  166. "Close your eyes."
  167. >She does and giggles awaiting her gift.
  168. "Boop"
  169. >You boop her on the nose.
  170. >She opens her eyes with a dissapointed look on her face.
  171. >RD: "Really?"
  172. >You smile and cross your arms.
  173. "Really."
  174. >She grabs your head and forces you into a quick kiss.
  175. >RD: "Much better."
  176. >She walks off into the arcade.
  177. >You stand there blushing like an idiot.
  178. >Meanwhile.
  179. -----
  180. >"No ma'am you can't buy candy with balloons." The store clerk says enthusiastically.
  181. >PP: "Aww what not?"
  182. >"Because you buy it with money."
  183. >PP: "But I don't have any money!"
  184. >"Not my problem."
  185. >Pinkie pie stands there and thinks for a moment.
  186. >A lightbulb goes off above her head.
  187. >Literally.
  188. >She runs out of the store in search of Anon.
  189. >Twilight however, is sitting in the food court watching all the people go about their day.
  190. >She has a notepad out in front of her and is jotting down various notes.
  191. >Setting the pencil down she takes a look out into the court of the mall.
  192. >She see's a pink blob running through crowds of people.
  193. >TS: "Pinkie?"
  194. ---
  195. >AJ is currently walking the strip passing by all the stores.
  196. >None of them catching her interest.
  197. >Save for one..
  198. >The video store.
  199. >AJ: "I wonder if they got any more of them eastwood movies in there.."
  200. >She proceeds into the video store
  201. ----
  202. >Fluttershy is in the middle of the Pet store looking at all the adorable creatures she's used to seeing
  203. >Except, they're not the critters from equestria.
  204. >She spots a labrador puppy in one of the display cages.
  205. >FS: "Aww you're adorable!"
  206. >The pup stares up at shy, little tail wagging behind him.
  207. >She looks up and see's the price for one of the dogs.
  208. >A small sign that reads "Only $699.00!"
  209. >FS: "Oh I don't have any money.." she pouts.
  210. >Then a bright idea pops into her head
  211. >FS: "Maybe anon can help!"
  212. >And off she goes in search for you and your wallet.
  213. >R: "Oh these just look fabulous! The stitching on these are flawless!" She says going through thousands of dresses.
  214. >Rarity is currently doing some browsing at JCPenney.
  215. >She's already grabbed two carts full of dresses and shoes to match.
  216. >Bringing them to check out she plops them down on the counter.
  217. >It's fucking mountain.
  218. >The cash sighs and mumbles to himself.
  219. >"After this I quit"
  220. >About 20 minutes later he finally finishes scanning the last item.
  221. >He rings up the total.
  222. >"That'll be $2,386.35"
  223. >Rarity checks her handbag and realizes she doesn't have any money.
  224. >But realizes Anon does.
  225. >R: "I've seem to have misplaced my bits, I'll be riiight back, good sir.."
  226. >She leaves the store.
  227. >The cashier just looks at the mountain of dresses.
  228. >"Scratch that, killing myself."
  229. ------
  230. >Twilight and spike have been following around pinkie for the last half hour.
  231. >TS: "What the heck is she up to?"
  232. >S: "Beats me.."
  233. >She seems to be heading to the place with the "Arcade" sign above it.
  234. >TS: "Maybe she's looking for Anon?"
  235. >S: "I dunno, could be."
  236. >The both of them continue to follow pinkie around the mall.
  237. ---
  238. >You and dash are currently walking out of the Arcade right as pinkie walks in, completely oblivious to each other.
  239. >You decided to take dash to a sporting goods store.
  240. >Being athletic and all, you still haven't taught her about human sports.
  241. >Why not now right?
  242. >You bring her to DICK'S SPORTING GOODS.
  243. >Bringing her over to the football section you grab a soccer ball and toss it at dash.
  244. "I think you'd like football, great sport."
  245. >RD: "What's the objective?"
  246. >You proceed to explain the basics of the sport to dash while browsing for more things.
  247. ---
  248. >AJ: "Ooh I like this one."
  249. >Applejack has spent her time looking at all the western movies ever made.
  250. >She's even selected some fine choices to bring back to Anon's house.
  251. >Bringing them up to the cashier he gasps and looks at applejack.
  252. >AJ: "What y'all lookin' at partner?"
  253. >"Great cosplay!"
  254. >AJ: "Come again?"
  255. >"Cosplay, you're outfit is so awesome!"
  256. >AJ: "The heck is a cosplay?"
  257. >The cashier screeches like a sperglord.
  258. >"Is this the REAL applejack?"
  259. >AJ is speechless.
  260. >AJ: "..How did you know mah name.." she says in a cold, stern, tone.
  261. >"Come with me I want to show your something!"
  262. >The neckbeard rolls over the counter like a rolling pin and pulls AJ out of the store and drags her along towards the darkest place in the mall.
  263. >Hot Topic.
  264. -----
  265. >You and Dash leave the sporting store, with a newly acquired soccer ball.
  266. >She seems really interested in the sport.
  267. >You promised to sit down and watch a game with her sometime.
  268. >The both of you are walking towards the food court when you spot some fat shit pulling a girl with a stetson behind him.
  269. >OH FUCK.
  270. >You can practically smell the autism from here.
  271. >RD: "Anon who's that with AJ?"
  272. "I don't know but.."
  273. >You look around and then down at the soccer ball.
  274. >An idea pops into your head.
  275. >You take dashes ball and set it in the ground and line up your shot.
  276. >Taking a step back you punt the ball as hard as you can.
  277. >It takes a sharp curve through the air and nails the fat shit right in the head.
  278. >Pic related.
  279. >AJ looks back to see you standing there waving her over.
  280. >She runs over to you and dash, confused at what just happened.
  281. >AJ: "Anon, that guy over there knew who I was.. how?"
  283. "I really have no idea how, Applejack."
  284. >You throw on the best poker face you can muster.
  285. >AJ: "He said he was takin' me to this place called "Hot Topic" what do ya'll suppose is in there?"
  286. >Your heart drops down to your asshole.
  287. >This could have been easily avoided.
  288. >But there HAS to be been neckbeards in your city.
  289. >Their fucking everywhere.
  290. >Like a plague.
  291. >The other girls are now running over to your group.
  292. >R: "Oh there you are Anon.. I was wondering.."
  293. >FS: "C-could I have some money to buy a puppy?"
  294. >R: *Ehem..* "As I was saying.. Anon dear, I need about 2,386 bit."
  295. >You feel your left eye twitch.
  296. >Pinkie jumps on your back.
  297. >PP: "Yeah can I get some money for some candy too?!"
  298. >TS: "Oh hey Anon and Hi girls!"
  299. >S: "Guess you were right, Twi."
  300. >AJ pushes her way to the front of the group.
  301. >AJ: "I still wanna check this "Hot Topic" Place.."
  302. "Girls! Give me a moment to think here.."
  303. >You feel as if your pockets are about to detonate a 40-ton nuclear spaghetti bomb.
  304. >Enough to level the entire eastern seaboard.
  305. >Looking back over at the downed beast, he's getting up and stomping his way over here spouting bad breath and curses.
  306. >"Hey asshole! What what that for? I'll let you know I have over 300-"
  307. >The situation is quickly going to shit at a rapid rate.
  308. >You have 6 girls pestering you for answers, an angry sperglord coming this way.
  309. >And everyone is watching.
  310. >Alright, enough of this shit.
  311. >Your mind snaps momentarily.
  312. "AHHHHHHHH!"
  313. >You push through the girls and straight at the neckbeard at full speed.
  314. >You then proceed to..
  315. >pic related
  316. >You take him about 10 feet across the room with you.
  317. >You stand up and fix your shirt.
  318. >The girls just stand their, jaws on the floor.
  319. >The manchild groans in pain.
  320. >You kneel down close to his face.
  321. "If I ever see you talking to those girls again, I"m going to beat you senseless and steal your shoes as a trophy, do you understand me?"
  322. >He nods furiously.
  323. "And if I see anymore of your cult friends around here, I'll be back with more soccer balls."
  324. >He gulps before nodding again.
  325. "Good."
  326. >You get up and walk over to the rest of the girls.
  327. >AJ: "What'd ya'll do that fer?"
  328. "He was crazy and had to be put down."
  329. >TS: "Crazy?"
  330. "He's infected with a disease, I didn't want you to catch it."
  331. >The girls squirm in fear.
  332. >TS: "W-what kind of disease?"
  333. "..Autism."
  334. >You look at AJ.
  335. "We'll go to Hot Topic after I take you girls to lunch."
  336. >You start walking to the food court.
  337. >She gives you a stern look before following.
  338. >Here you are, sitting in the food court with the girls.
  339. >You sit in silence and enjoy your fruit smoothie.
  340. >You're really not hungry right now.
  341. >The girls are all enjoying some nice salads, but their eyes never leave you.
  342. >AJ:" So are ya going to tell us what that was really about?"
  343. >You take one last sip of your smoothing and set it down calmly.
  344. "I thought he was going to hurt you AJ." you say in a calm tone of voice.
  345. >RD: "Anon is something the matter? You're acting strange."
  346. "Nope, everything's fine Dash."
  347. >You take one last sip of your smoothing and get up from your chair.
  348. "I'll be right back, I must use the restroom."
  349. >You walk off out of sight.
  350. >Looking back and making sure nobody was behind you, you head off towards the most autistic store in the nation.
  351. >That god forsaken shit hole, Hot Topic.
  352. >You creep up in that bitch and look for every set of brony merch you can find.
  353. >Shirts, Bags, Vinyl figurines, the works.
  354. >You managed to pile them up in a few shopping baskets.
  355. >Walking up the the register you notice the fedora sitting on the cashiers head.
  356. >Son of a fuck..
  357. >"Wow that's a lot of merch! You like my shirt?! It's 20% cooler now that we sell these!"
  358. >You blink.
  359. >And decided to let your body do the talking.
  360. >Your fist finds itself buried in his face like a hatchet.
  361. >The neckbeard goes down for the count.
  362. >You proceed to walk behind the counter, no fucks given.
  363. >You tear off his fucking retarded ass vinyl scratch shirt.
  364. >and then you take his shoes for your trophy case back home.
  365. >Collecting your baskets of merch, you then walk out to the parking garage of the mall.
  366. >You walk behind a section of the garage where you know nobody will see you.
  367. >Somehow you managed to get a can of gasoline at some point and begin pouring it all over the merch.
  368. >Lighting a match, you throw it and watch as it burns up into glorious smoke and flames.
  369. >Mission Accomplished.
  370. >You walk back inside like nothing happened.
  371. >Grabbing some cologne from one of the various placed vendors without anyone noticing.
  372. >You spray it on yourself to cover up the smell of smoke and gasoline.
  373. >Once you think you're adequately bathed, you head back to the food court.
  374. >You look at your watch.
  375. >That only took you 6 minutes?
  376. >Not bad.
  377. >You sit back down as calmly as you were before.
  378. "Sorry about that, now where were we?"
  379. >AJ: "We was talking about how you stampeded that there guy."
  380. "Like I said, I thought he was going to hurt you."
  381. >AJ: "That still don't explain why he knew mah name."
  382. "I seriously couldn't tell you how he knew AJ, either a lucky guess or he's a mind reader."
  383. >PP: "Like me!"
  384. >Yes pinkie, like you.
  385. >AJ just stares you down like one of those western movies.
  386. >You're simply not in the mood for this shit today, so you shoot her a calm look back, unflinching.
  387. >She tries to read through your lies but fails in the attempt.
  388. >AJ: "We're still going to hot topic."
  389. "Fine, let's go right now."
  390. >You get up from your seat.
  391. >The others just watch the two of you exchange glances.
  392. >Their not sure what to think, or say.
  393. >Rainbow is the most concerned of all.
  394. >She know's something is up with anon.
  395. >You lead the mane 6 to the place you basically just robbed.
  396. "Go ahead, take a gander." you say calmly.
  397. >You hear cell phone go off somewhere in the store.
  398. >It's coming from behind the counter.
  399. >While the girls are looking around, you go back over to the unconscious brownie and take the phone out of his pocket.
  400. >You hit answer.
  401. >"Dude! The mane six are REALLY here! You have to help me find them! I got tackled by some jackass that told me to stay away from him, fuck that."
  402. >This little shit..
  403. >You whisper into the phone.
  404. "What did I tell you would happen if you didn't stay away from these girls."
  405. >The voice goes quiet on the other line.
  406. >"Y-you?!"
  407. "I will murder each and every one of you if you try that, I've been meaning to expand my trophy case lately."
  408. >"I'm still getting my friends and we'll find you and those girls!" he shouts.
  409. >You hang up the phone and walk over to the girls.
  410. "So you see anything you like?"
  411. >R: "These fashion designs are simply HORRID, I will not waste my time even touching them."
  412. >AJ: "Ah don't see anything either, guess that guy was full of it.."
  413. >Phew..
  414. "Well then, are we set to go? I think I just want to go home and watch movies for the rest of the night."
  415. >RD: "I like the sound of that idea." she smiles.
  416. "C'mon."
  417. >You lead the girls out of the store and make way towards the exit where you came in.
  418. >Making it to the door, you see a reflection in the glass.
  419. >There's a massive group of people coming this way.
  420. >and they're all wearing fedoras and pony merch.
  421. >You metaphorically put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.
  422. >Quickly you head out the door with the girls.
  423. >Speed walking to your car, the girls are trying to keep up.
  424. >You go to open the car door, but drop your keys.
  425. >Fuckfuckfuck.
  426. >Scrambling to grab them you fumble over them and use the wrong key.
  427. "Cooome ON!"
  428. >You find the right key and unlock the door.
  429. "Get it." You say in a commanding tone.
  430. >The girls are reluctant but get in anyways.
  431. >You start the engine and peel out.
  432. >Then the mob blocks your exit from the car.
  433. >Thankfully you're far enough away where you can't make out what's on their shirts.
  434. >You think this will stop you? Standing in my way?
  435. >Fat fucking chance.
  436. >You push down on the gas pedal.
  437. >RD: "Anon.."
  438. >She says concerned.
  439. >TS: "What are you doing?!"
  440. "Their in my way, so I'm making them move."
  441. >Let's see if these fuckers like playing chicken.
  442. >You hit 70 mph just as you're closing in on the wall of autists.
  443. >They dive out of the way at the last moment as you drift around the corner and hightail it down the street.
  444. >RD: "Okay Anon, now I KNOW something is definetly wrong.. you better start talking."
  445. >You look at dash with guilt on your face.
  446. >She frowns a little.
  447. >RD: "Anon.. please tell me what's wrong."
  448. >You try and form words but nothing comes out of your mouth.
  449. >You want to tell them.. but you can't sum up the words to do it.
  450. >Then you notice something in your rear view mirror
  451. >You take a closer look.
  452. >..Seriously?
  453. >There's an entire convoy of prius's behind you.
  454. >All blaring their horns.
  455. >Do these faggots ever give up?
  456. >You look at dash.
  457. "I'm sorry but this is gonna really have to wait."
  458. >You look up at the mirror again, this time the girls see what you see.
  459. >TS: "Anon, why are there other cars chasing us?"
  460. "They won't be for long."
  461. >You tighten your grip on the steering wheel.
  462. "Hang on."
  463. >Stomping on the gas pedal you hit speeds that would get anyone pulled over in an instant.
  464. >Hitting 90 mph you dodge various oncoming traffic in attempts to get away from the neckbeard convoy.
  465. "These guys are the worse kind of people, I will NOT let them get their hands on you girls."
  466. >The girls, obviously, are confused because they still have no fucking idea what's going on.
  467. >You take a sharp left and double back where you came.
  468. >You see the convoy pass by from the other street you're on.
  469. >You find the nearest alleyway and park deep within it.
  470. >You shut off the engine and get out of the car.
  471. >Putting your hands behind your head you start walking around in circles.
  472. >Contemplating what the fuck you're going to tell the girls.
  473. >The girls get out and stand there with you.
  474. >RD: "Anon, you're making me worry." she pouts.
  475. >AJ: "Why are them people followin' us?!"
  476. >TS: "Something just doesn't add up.."
  477. >Your hands drop to your side and you take a deep, deep breath.
  478. >You look at the girls, and then dash.
  479. "I-I'm sorry." you say, trying to keep yourself from choking up.
  480. >RD: "Sorry for what!"
  481. "There's no easy way to say this.."
  482. >You gulp.
  483. "But half the world knows who you girls are."
  484. >They all stand there for a moment and let that sink in..
  485. >TS: "H-how is that even possible?" she says, confused
  486. >Taking one last look at dash you lower your head in guilt.
  487. >You just hope the universe doesn't implode for saying this..
  488. >Welp here goes nothing.
  489. "Well you see there's a certain television show here in this world.."
  490. >They lean in.
  491. "That just so happens.."
  492. >They're inching closer to you, expectant of an answer.
  493. "...To have you as it's main characters."
  494. >They blink twice.
  495. >All: "Huh?"
  496. >You see multiple heads turn sideways in confusion.
  497. "and.. It's called My Little Pony: Friendship is magic."
  498. >The girls are speechless.
  499. >TS: "You're joking Anon.. Right? haha..?"
  500. >PP: "I don't think he's joking Twilight.. I know when somebody makes a joke." she said in a sad tone.
  501. >You remain silent and stare at your shoes.
  502. >An eerie silences fills the air.
  503. >Rainbow walks over to you, the sight of disappointment ever present on her face.
  504. >RD: "A-anon..? is this true?"
  505. "..Yes."
  506. >She lets your answer soak in for a moment.
  507. >RD: "Why didn't you tell us this before?"
  508. "Well.. I.. I just couldn't.."
  509. >Dash gets slightly annoyed with your answer.
  510. >RD: "So.. we're just some sideshow act?! How long have you known about this?"
  511. >You still remain silent looking away.
  512. >You can't look her in the eyes.. you're too scared.
  513. >This time she gets more angry than annoyed.
  514. >RD: "Look at me.. I said look at me!"
  515. >She grabs you by your chin and pulls you to face her.
  516. >RD: "Why didn't you tell us!"
  517. >You choke up, you never wanted this, you never wanted them to find out.
  518. >But here you are, caught in that very trap.
  519. >RD: "Tell me!"
  520. >You feel yourself becoming angry.
  522. >You shout at the top of your lungs.
  523. >Dash steps back a bit at your outburst, the girls too.
  524. "Do you know what would have happened if I told you? There could have been a great risk in doing that."
  525. >You pace back and forth.
  526. "For all I know the universe could have just vanished if I told you or you could have gotten hurt or worse! and I DIDN'T WANT THAT." You snap at the girls.
  527. >You can see dash on the verge of tears.
  528. >Walking up to you, you grab her and pull her into a hug.
  529. "..And because most of all, I like you dash.. and I didn't want to see anything happen to you."
  530. >AJ steps in.
  531. >AJ: "So those guys back there.."
  532. "They're fans of the show.. and you."
  533. >Applejack seems mortified at the statement and visibly shudders.
  534. >You walk off clutching your head, on the verge of tears, not from being sad.
  535. >But for being angry at yourself.
  536. "I.. I had to protect you from the truth.."
  537. >You look back at the girls.
  538. "I'm so sorry.."
  539. >You turn around and start walking away.
  540. >Dash runs up and grabs your wrist.
  541. >RD: "You're not going anywhere."
  542. >You look down at her, anger still slightly present on her features.
  543. "Let go dash.."
  544. >RD: "No!"
  545. "I've probably just ruined the friendship we all had, I really doubt you want anything to do with me."
  546. >You break your wrist free from her grip and continue to walk off.
  547. >This time dash tackles you and pins you to the ground.
  548. >RD: "What part of you're not going anywhere did you not understand?"
  549. "I've pretty much lied to all your faces and you still want me here? WHY!?"
  550. >Dash smacks the shit out of you.
  552. "W-what?"
  553. >RD: "Yeah you lied to us, yes I'm very angry at you for hiding the truth from us, but I still love you and appreciate all you've done.."
  554. >AJ: "Shoot if I didn't know any better I'd say we'd be completely up the creek without a paddle if it weren't for you Anon."
  555. >TS: "You've brought us all together when we needed each other the most!"
  556. >FS: "And we're v-very grateful for that.."
  557. >R: "You're quite the friend Anon."
  558. >PP: "And we'll never leave your side!"
  559. >Okay now you're confused.
  560. "I don't deserve your friendships.. let alone your compassion."
  561. >RD: "Stop putting yourself down!"
  562. "No! I feel as if I've committed the worst act a man can ever commit and it hurts me so much because.."
  563. >RD: "Because why?"
  564. "I-I'm afraid to lose you.."
  565. >A single tear runs down your cheek.
  566. >Dash gets off of you and allows you to stand up.
  567. >She then quickly wraps her arms around you and squeezes tightly.
  568. >You return the hug in full force.
  569. >RD: "You're not going to get rid of me and my friends so easily, egghead." she says as tears stream down her face.
  570. >You look into her eyes and smile, wiping away her tears and kissing her on the forehead.
  571. "I was hoping you would say that.."
  572. >You revel in this moment for a little while.
  573. >RD: "We're continuing this conversation when we get home though.."
  574. "Fair enough."
  575. >The sound of something hitting against metals draws you from your moment with dash.
  576. >You whip your head around trying to locate where it came from.
  577. >*BANG*
  578. >What the fuck is that coming from?
  579. >*BANG*
  580. >You turn to a closed lid dumpster.
  581. >Breaking off with dash you walk over to investigate it.
  582. >RD: "Anon what's up?"
  583. "I think there's something in this dumpster.."
  584. >You go to open the lid but it flies open before you get a chance.
  586. >Something rather small and soft latches onto your face.
  588. >You slip on a empty can of beans and fall backwards, hitting your head on the concrete.
  589. >Everything goes fuzzy.
  590. >Once your eye sight goes back to focus you see something standing over you.
  591. >It's Green.
  592. >And there's a hint of mint.
  593. >Mane 6: "LYRA?!"
  594. >L: "HI!" She smiles so bright it could blind anyone who stares right into it.
  595. >Wait what.
  596. "..Lyra?"
  597. >L: "Hiya!" she says gleefully while jumping up and down.
  598. "How did you.."
  599. >L: "Mirror!" she continues her bouncing.
  600. "But why aren't you ya know.. Human?"
  601. >She stops her bouncing midair and shrugs.
  602. >L: "I dunno."
  603. >She continues with her bouncy bouncy.
  604. >You look at the girls, then to Lyra, then to the girls again.
  605. "Uhh.. I think we've got a little problem on our hands.."
  606. >The others adopt a look of concern noticing something is up as well.
  607. >TS: "This doesn't make any sense!" twilight paces around holding her chin in thought.
  608. "The past few days haven't made any sense.." you retort sarcastically.
  609. >Purple smart just glares.
  610. >TS: "Lyra.. if you went through the portal, how did you end up in a dumpster?" she asks curiously
  611. >L: "Well ya see.. when me and bon bon were visiting the castle, there was a door that was slightly open.. So I told bons I was gonna check it out and so I did." she emphasizes while using her hooves.
  612. >Kinda cute actually.
  613. >L: "So I go through this long dark hallway and stumbled upon a mirror! and after a quick examination I decided to touch it and that's when it sucked me through!"
  614. >TS: "Still doesn't explain why we found you in a dumpster.." she says flatly.
  615. >L: "Hold your horses I'm getting there! ...Anyway after I got sucked through the mirror I don't remember much.. but I was wondering around what looked to be a school.."
  616. "So the portal must definitely be located at the school.."
  617. >Lyra just stares you down for interrupting her story.
  618. "Oh.. heh, sorry continue."
  619. >L: "I stumbled around for a few good minutes and felt light headed so I decided to wonder off and find somewhere to doze off for a bit, I found this alleyway and decided the dumpster looked like a good place to nap!"
  620. >Odd pony this one..
  621. R: "By the looks of it you could use a bath as well.." Rarity chimes in
  622. >You take a whiff and almost automatically cover your nose.
  623. "I agree, no offence lyra."
  624. >L: "None taken" she smiles.
  625. >It's been awhile since the incident at the mall, safe to say it's time to get everyone back to the apartment.
  626. "C'mon girls let's get out of here."
  627. >You all pile into the van and hightail it back home.
  628. >after the process of sneaking 6 abnormally colored girls.. (which you have no idea why people really haven't asked questions about that) ..and a pony into your apartment, you lock bolt lock the door and slide down it in relief.
  629. >You get up and head to one of the kitchen drawers grabbing a notepad and a pen.
  630. >Making a list of places you've searched you've come to the conclusion that you need to widen your search area.
  631. >The gym, cafeteria, auditorium are clear as well as the math,science, and english wings of the school.
  632. >The upper levels of the school really didn't get searched that well due to the scruffy incident.
  633. >Same goes for the nurses office
  634. >You sit there tapping the pen in your hand trying to think of where to search next.
  635. >Then you notice a pair of golden eyes staring you down.
  636. >L: "Whaaaa'chya doin?"
  637. >"Trying to figure out where we go from here."
  638. >L: "That's cool.. cool.. So.."
  639. >You put down the pen and look at Lyra.
  640. "What is it little pony?"
  641. >She stuffs her hoof in your face and smothers your nose
  642. >instantly you smell the dumpster she was sleeping in.
  643. >Swatting her hooves away you give her an annoyed glare
  644. "What was that for?!"
  645. >L: "I was wondering were your bathroom was."
  646. "Why didn't you just ask?"
  647. >L: "I dunno" she shrugs
  648. >You get up and see the girls all watching television, at least you can attend to your thoughts in silence.
  649. >That is of course after you help Lyra.
  650. "Alright follow me Lyra."
  651. >Leading her into the bathroom you run the water, fill up the tub for her, and give her some soap.
  652. "Alright have fun" you attempt to leave
  653. >L: "Anon wait!"
  654. >You turn around to see lyra holding up a scrub brush.
  655. >Sighing, you walk back over to the bathtub and get on your knees, grabbing the scrubby out of lyra's hooves.
  658. >You soak her fur with some water and start getting busy with the soap.
  659. >Putting the brush to work you start scrubbing away the stench of two week old trash.
  660. >Lyra seems to be in heaven.
  661. >Scrubbing behind her ears you start to hear a thump coming from the tub, she's twitching her hind leg.
  662. >Cute.
  663. >L: "Ooooh yeah that the stuff.." you hear her whisper.
  664. >You stifle a laugh and get back to work.
  665. >After a good few minutes you think you did an adequate job.
  666. >Lyra hops out of the tub
  667. >You really hope she doesn't do what you think she's doing...
  668. "..Lyr-"
  669. >Your words are cut short as she begins to shake off the water like a dog would.
  670. >Water is everywhere, yet another mess to clean up.
  671. "Here."
  672. >You toss a towel at on her head.
  673. "I take it you can handle it from here?"
  674. >L: "Mhm!" she replies gleefully.
  675. >heading out of the bathroom and back to your list, you notice dash reading it.
  676. "Sup dash?"
  677. >RD: "Oh nothing, just reading over what ya got here.." she ponders a thought "Any idea where we're going to look next?"
  678. "I've got a few places in mind, but I suggest we don't try to break in like last time."
  679. >RD: "Hehe yeah.."
  680. "We'll just have to take time out of the school day to look for it, no biggie."
  681. >You start to grab some things out of the cupboard for dinner, it's been a long day, you're hungry and you're tired.
  682. "I'm gonna get started on this, you and the girls go over that list and try to think of some places to search."
  683. >RD: "Alrighty!" She says, then gives you a quick peck on the cheek before running off into the living room.
  684. >You start to chop up some veggies for the girls, since ya know.. equestrians and what not.
  685. >With dinner cooking on the stove, you hear the bathroom door creak open and out comes lyra.
  686. >L: "I cleaned up in there for ya anon! Thanks for letting me use your bath."
  687. "Not a problem, go take a seat out there dinner will be ready soon."
  688. >As you finish up the final touches on dinner you hear the News alert go off.
  690. >You run out to the living room and grab the remote, turning up the TV.
  691. >"Police are still looking for a man suspected of store robbery, assault, and destruction of property earlier today at the local mall.. The police do not have an ID on the suspect but they believe that they may have a lead in due time.. More at 11."
  692. "Huh.. interesting, must of happened after we left." you say surprisingly calm like.
  693. >Applejack look at you.
  694. >AJ: "Ya'll didn't have anything to do with this.. did you?" she asks sternly
  695. >You give her the best pokerface you can muster.
  696. "Not at all." you smile.
  697. >*ding*
  698. "Dinners ready."
  699. >You grab plates, set the table and distribute the food.
  700. >Steamed vegetables and rice, the best a senior in high school can offer with his salary.
  701. >Dinner goes relatively quite, aside from pinkie and lyra playing with their food.
  702. >AJ can't help but stare you down the entire time.
  703. >You just sit there calm and contempt enjoying your meal.
  704. >FS: "So are we going back to school tomorrow?"
  705. "I gotta at least, but you're more than welcome to join me."
  706. >Flutters smiles and nods.
  707. >With everyone done eating you gather the plates and throw them in the sink.
  708. >R: "That was simply marvelous dear, thank you for the meal."
  709. >PP: "Yeah thanks nonny!"
  710. "You're very welcome." you smile.
  711. >While doing the dishes you can't help but keep thinking about earlier today and what might happen to you, even worse the girls..
  712. >Police are technically looking for you, but they're not.
  713. >They don't have your face or any other evidence you can think of, you hope it stays that way.
  714. >A couple of days and this'll all blow over.
  715. >you hope.
  716. >With dishes done and put away you head out into the living room and squeeze your way onto the couch.
  717. >Dash snuggles up next to you and you put your arm around her, pulling her closer.
  718. "You girls can have my bedroom tonight, I'll take the couch."
  719. >RD: "Me too." she says sleepily.
  721. >Dash rests her head on your chest and quickly slips off into sleep.
  722. >The others start to yawn and stretch.
  723. >TS: "Yeah I think it's time for bed, we'll get a fresh start in the morning on the search." she finishes off with another yawn.
  724. >PP: "Night anon!"
  725. >R: "Good night darling."
  726. >AJ: "Night."
  727. >FS: "Sleep well everybody."
  728. >They head off into your room for the night.
  729. >Lyra jumps up on the couch and finds a comfortable position to lay down.
  730. >L: *yawn* "Nighty night"
  731. >You scruff lyra's mane.
  732. "Night little pony.
  733. >You spend the next hour flicking channels trying to get to sleep.
  734. >Dash is sleeping soundly on your chest, the girls in your room, and lyra on the couch.
  735. >You finally have a moment to yourself.
  736. >The girls are awesome to have around, but it'll take some time to adjust from living on your own to having multiple guess living among you.
  737. >You stop flicking through channels and see the news..
  738. >Oh no..
  739. >turning the TV up as high as you can be able to hear it without waking anyone, you listen.
  740. >"Police still have found no evidence linking the man from the short crime spree from earlier today, a lot of upset locals who were at the scene can't seem to identify the man behind the wheel of the vehicle that drove off after the events took place."
  741. >You lean in closer.
  742. >One of the neckbeards is doing an interview about today..
  743. >"Yeah man.. it was like so crazy man, this guy like drove his van through a crowd of people and stuff man nearly took my leg out, stuffs crazy, hope the police catch him."
  744. >Pfft yeah good luck with that one.
  745. >No evidence, no problem, right?
  746. >What that thought firmly in your head you try to catch some Z's
  747. end of day 4
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