

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. Is it the fault of perfection to desire that which is imperfect?"
  3. The World was Formless and without shape. So it sat for an Eternity before, untouched and uncorrupted. Those whom made it had since left, leaving it Formless and without purpose. Then the Light, may He be forever Holy, came forth, and the World responded. The world took shape according to the heavenly song of the Light; He of a Voice, and it was made good in His sight.
  4. The World took to itself two forms; Land And Water, and both were made full of Life; Thus they loved Light and His Voice. Light took Life as His bride saying;
  5. "We are to be perfect in union, say such I. You are to be my perfect bride, and the land shall be full with your making, and the waters also."
  6. And from their union came Chaos. Life was afraid Light would forsake Her for bearing such a horrible thing; but Light was loving and caring, warm in his touch; for His child was not yet Evil. However Chaos failed to take after Life in His acts upon the World, instead chosing to shape the Land and Water to His own images, and the World was Corrupt. Light could not destroy His love's Child, so He instead barred Him from touching the World ever again. Chaos was arrogant and prideful, thus He despised Light for His exile. Life was saddened by the hatred Chaos felt towards His father, and longed to exist as a family again. So Life took Chaos into her embrace, and Chaos loved Life for this, mending torn feelings. From Chaos, Life birthed into the Heavens the Stars, beings of Life, and Chaos taken shape after their forebearer; Light. The Stars were energetic, moving about and creating more of themselves; burning and dancing in the space between World and Heaven. Light saw what Chaos had wrought, and was pleased. Thus were father and son mended together once more as a family.
  7. Light was-not-is-not perfect, nor are His concepts; Thus He should fashion after himself a legacy to last what the World shall remain for its time. The World had Life's touch, and indeed it was good, it was very good. Light took to the World, in search of something more longstanding to house His Divinity, The essence of His-self incarnate. He found that the World infact had made it's own visions of Him, in its own impaired and fragile fantasy. They were a multitude, and they likened themselves to Light, but He was amiss saying;
  8. "I did not Make you, You are not of my Creation, My essence is not yours, You are flawed."
  9. They Replied;
  10. "But we are of your essence, can you not see? Your seed has spilled upon the World, and your sweat also. We are born from a more perfect union than Chaos, We are more your Children than He."
  11. This troubled Light, for He had not understood the concept of Life's true nature. He went away from them, and wandered the land. He asked the trees; "What shall I do?" And they replied;
  12. "We know not, for we have no knowledge of things beyond us." Then, Light went to the mountains, asking them:
  13. "What shall I do?" And to this they replied:
  14. "We do not know, for we, though mighty and immovable, do not have knowledge of things beyond our sight."
  15. Light left the mountains, and went to the herds moving among the lands; He asked the mightiest of the meat-eaters, the Tyrant-made-flesh;
  16. "What shall I do?"
  17. And to this question they asked among themselves; and given upon an answer, they replied:
  18. "We are in accord; You shall treat them as enemies, and destroy them, take back what is yours."
  19. Light was disturbed by this response, and left the eaters of flesh. He traveled far, and came to those who walk the earth, but instead eat of it. He asked them;
  20. "What shall I do?" And they debated amongst themselves, and returned as one mind;
  21. "We have affirmed together; You are to embrace them as your own, welcome them as family."
  22. This response perplexed Light even more, and thus he traveled even farther than they. At last He came to the waters, and asked those within it;
  23. "What shall I do?"
  24. And to this they replied;
  25. "We know not of which you ask." And He went away, foolishly. Light left the vast waters, and into a dark place of the World. He sat upon a rock and pondered what He had seen, how his questions had been answered, and what He should do. Within the dark place, Light's presence awoke something-not-created of which had been sleeping before-and-after the form of the World took shape. It crawled from deep within the World, it slithered and writhed upon the rocks below until it at last could percieve Light within it's eye;
  26. "Do you seek Wisdom of which you know not to understand?"
  27. It's voice was soothing, and brought peace to Light, for it reminded Him of Life. His thoughts briefly wandered to Her, His bride and only Love. Light moved from His seat upon the rock within the dark place, and kneeled to gaze upon the Serpent-Dragon equally.
  28. "Do I wish to know this you ask, squamous and writhing creature upon the ground. I answer you thus truthfully; I wish to make proper judgement of those who believe themselves more rightfully mine than my child; whom I have exiled from the World. Can you offer this, silver tongued Viper?" His voice was quiet, and ever so doubtful of itself, but held the authority due His nature.
  29. "Ah, ah, ah ah ah you lie ah ah You say you speak truth but you lie! I see the intents of your voice that you know not! I see it unfold in many natured forms, in many different words ah ah ! You wish to know If you have made a right choice! Ah ah ah This I can tell you; I, Variun, can tell you many things, and this is among them!" At the start of the speech, the crawling-writhing thing had at once been upon the rocky soil-ground, but as it continued, it so rose up at once to be the height of Light as He stood before it. It again rose slightly before being but a finger's width from Light's face; It's breath smelled of boar-scented smoke, but also of copper. It spoke again;
  30. "Ah ah, You are unafraid of my visage? You are not like those who have come before, I do find you most interesting." At the end of this it had taken it's tongue away from Light's eyes, so that He could see with clarity, and He knew not, with horror what this endevor had cost Him. Light withdrew from the dark place, with Variun following closely behind. The World had changed in His abscence, indeed, where green grass had grown once, now it blackened and was brown. Where the green trees stood tall; their limbs now were bare. Where it had once been warm, now animals huddled together for protection against the bitter cold, It was cold indeed, even Light felt it.
  31. "Variun tempter and snake; What have you stolen from me?"
  32. "Ah ah ah, I have stolen naught from you prideful and liar Light! You gave freely, did you not? I spoke clearly, ah ah, I did not speak falsehood as you did!" Variun's voice was grating, smooth and spiteful all the same, for it reminded Light deeply of His foolishness.
  33. "I gave willingly for an answer, not for what also was stolen. You have taken more than I gave, apostate and worm."
  34. "Ah, ah ah, I took what was given, you willingly offered more; weak immortal."
  35. As Light walked among the lands, and behind Him slithered Variun, green returned once more to the land at his behest. He returned to the waters, but they were strange to Him, and knew not His voice. He then went to those who walk the earth, but instead eat of it, seeking friendship but they fled from His sight.
  36. Light could not understand their fear, and so went to those who ate of others; and they set upon Him, but their teeth could not perice His skin. Light was unsure of His proceedings, and He asked Variun once more;
  37. "What have you done to me?"
  38. To which, laughing, Variun replied;
  39. "I have taken which you gave freely; your divinity. No longer are you perfect; ah ah, no longer are you delighted upon by the World and those you gave hope; now you fester in your divinity."
  40. Light fled from the laughing snake; and hid his face from the World, so that He might know loss.
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