
[day of witch interview] cury thing

Feb 20th, 2015
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  1. :42] <Cury> So... a zebra and a witch enter a dinning hall. The witch's dinning hall, the same on which they feasted earlier today and shared their first friendly words. The mysterious and ominous wizard sits down in front of the still alit fireplace, and indicates Flora to accomodate herself on one of the many chairs next to him.
  2. [21:45] * Flora_music_time sits on warm chair enjoying the warmth, the warmth from the chair heating her back side. The chair is warm.
  3. [21:46] <Cury> "Are you wahrmth? Flora?" Asks the wizard on his strange accent, looking over the mare with his maroon eyes, mostly hidden under his hat's visage and the grotesque leather mask he wears.
  4. [21:49] <Flora_music_time> "I am, I am. she states getting rather comfy in the chair "It's nice to be away from the cold in a warm comfy chair." she looks around the room slightly
  5. [21:51] <Cury> *Dim smiles briefly, and deviates his gaze towards the fire. "So tehll me... what do you want to knohw?"
  6. [21:52] <Cury> "I'll tell you nohw that I'll see what and noht I tell you. You've goht to earn sohme knowledge"
  7. [21:56] <Flora_music_time> "earn the knowledge," she says nodding her head That's only fair that I work for the reason that I came. Could we start off on some history first? I'm very curious as to how this," she looks for words "organization came to be, and how it got labeled as a "cult""
  8. [22:05] <Cury> "Oh... you mean the Kavsher, and our history." He seems to be lost on the kindles, the only proof of his attention to the zebra being his gutural voice speaking pausedly. "I've told this histohry lesson to a certain Green Hoof once... I'll gihve you a shorter version. It goes like this... The Kavsher were, aht the very beggining, a nohble house of
  9. [22:05] <Cury> the unicorns duhring the Three Kingdoms Era. Those where troubled tihmes, and our true histohry remounts to times prior to that, buht there is when everything changed"
  10. [22:07] * Flora_music_time knows that fgt
  11. [22:07] <Flora_music_time> [and did everything change when the fire nation attacked?]
  12. [22:12] <Cury> *Dim's eyes suddenly shine with red magic, and he extends a foreleg towards the fire. At a murmur on Nukaf, the kindles rise onto fire and begin to change in shape, taking the form of tiny ponies made of flames, dancing and playing around. "Ouhr skills were born out of need. We were the healers ohv Equestria, wohrking for whoever needed it, noht ob
  13. [22:12] <Cury> eying racial differences even at the harsh wintery tihmes that buried the Three kingdoms era in snohw and ice..." The flame ponies stop dancing, and take stances against each others, now leaping and disfiguring themselves in combat. "Other houses and cohvens took their chances, and ouhr hunt begun when we fouhnd the secret to tuhrn our very bodies
  14. [22:12] <Cury> into cathalyzers of magic. It's why I cahn make this happen withouth a horn or trinket, Flora." Dim's eyes lose their shine and the flames all return to kindles at once, in an outburst followed by silence. "This hunt drohve us away from society. Ostrahcized, we creahted our language, ouhr disguises, ouhr code to follow... And that wahs only the beg
  15. [22:12] <Cury> gining"
  16. [22:19] * Flora_music_time listens intently before getting a surprise puppet show made out of fire. Her inner happy claps as a response while her mind thinks back to times when she was in a tomb that dealt with horses coming together not being racist and stuff
  17. [22:19] <Flora_music_time> [btw does this go into chinooks thing?]
  18. [22:20] <Cury> [it's not tied, but doesn't make conflit]
  19. [22:20] <Cury> [lore conflict*+
  20. [22:25] <Cury> "After that, uhnification came and with that mohre prohblems for ouhr order. We were discredited and had to go into hiding... ouhr belief was treatehd as cultism and hence Equestria's stance on uhs... we've come to agree on that view to a cehrtain extent, but we stihll consider ourselves mohre of a collective of covens than a cuhlt." He sighs and t
  21. [22:25] <Cury> akes a long pause, studying the fireplace again, seemingly picking his next words. "What you may wohnder is where ouhr stance towahrds the usage of ponies on spehlls and experiments came from... and the answer is on ouhr history, on the dehtails I skipped and the treahtment we received. It forced us to go behyond our limits, and the limits ohv our
  22. [22:25] <Cury> moral. Be happy knowing that mohst 'servants', those crazy ohnes that spew abouht blood all day are captured bahndits, intruders or outright atahcckers to ouhr homes"
  23. [22:26] <Flora_music_time> [ah i see]
  24. [22:31] <Flora_music_time> "Hmm..." she hums her hand pressed against her chin examining the leather horse and the fine upholstery; taking slight solace in the deaths that she caused in self defence. "So why go against your morals if it caused more back lash also why keep the "crazy" horses if they tried to attack your home in the first place"
  25. [22:35] <Cury> *Dim chuckles, shortly enough to be confused with a cough. "They uhsed to be normal ponies, who cohmmited the mistake to ahttack villages we cahre about or 'protect'... see it like mahfia play, Flora. We cleahn the rehgion of bandits ni exchange of being left alone. Sohmetimes is different, sometimes unlucky sohldiers enter areas they shouldn't, or
  26. [22:35] <Cury> ahre stupid enough to pursue us into our homes." The witch looks at Flora with impassive expression. It's hard to define how he feels at all thanks to his mask. "Ahnd the Kavsher evohlved into what it is nohw so to not be swalloed by our opposites, or destroyed... I can't say we wehre always 'pure' to behgin with, our studies on Red magic remount
  27. [22:35] <Cury> up to the creahtion of the Red Rose House, the nahme ohv our original order"
  28. [22:39] <Flora_music_time> "ok i understand, just the desire to be left alone to your own devices. I have to ask, is the rose house anything like the one with all the hyacinth?"
  29. [22:41] <Cury> *Dim sighs. "Like said... the red rose house tuhrned into the Kavsher with time, it's the story I told you." He chuckles softly and gets up from his chair, always looking at Flora. "Ahre all humans this unattentive? heh heh"
  30. [22:54] <Flora_music_time> "give or take" she chuckles slightly embarrassed. She soon finds herself standing because the other has arisen "I still have more to ask, what about those creatures out there" she motions in a random direction "Like the one in the tree or the water.What are those?"
  31. [22:58] <Cury> "Guardiahns." He simply says, trotting past the zebra and closer to the furniture placed against one of the tall walls. "Sohme are tools, others are livihng terrors from the past, things that ahre either created or caught by us to help dehfend ourselves... The one in the woods is sohmething I was given to protect this ahrea, unlike the one in the w
  32. [22:58] <Cury> ater, but that's all you cahn get to know without earning it. What else you wish to know?"
  33. [23:02] <Flora_music_time> "how do you earn the information?"
  34. [23:06] <Cury> "You cahn't at this time, Flohra. You ahren't the only one wishing to leahrn and talk, but maybe there's going to be another chance on the fuhture... one can't know."
  35. [23:10] <Flora_music_time> "Then it seems that my others questions will have to require me to come back and, earn the right to ask them."
  36. [23:12] <Cury> "Dehpends on the question, Flora... think it as quality and quantity. Sohme questions ahre more important than others, on informational value terms"
  37. [23:17] <Flora_music_time> "well I guess i'll never know unless I ask; do you mind if they are a bit personal?"
  38. [23:20] <Flora_music_time> [actually]
  39. [23:20] <Flora_music_time> change that to what respectful and what's disrespectful]
  40. [23:21] <Cury> The witch stops in front of a small rectangular table full of trinkets and ornaments. "You meahn what's rehspectful and disrehspectful for us?"
  41. [23:22] <Flora_music_time> "yes" she nods her words meaning other stuff "I wouldn't want to offend or come off as rude, especially if when we meet again" she smiles a litte longer then curt
  42. [23:31] <Cury> "We fohrbid ourselves to lie, or break promihses." The wizard says without looking at the mare, as if dictating a class on strict ettiquette. "We like to receihve the same thing back. Nehver talk to us in ouhr language uhnless we tell you so first, never ehngage on disrespect to tehst us, we do not afford that mihstake. We choose to hide ouhr ident
  43. [23:31] <Cury> ities, so don't bother us about why ohv our mask or who we are if it's uncalled for... besides that just behave wehll and be polite, the worhld and life are already hard enough to everypony without politeness"
  44. [23:39] <Flora_music_time> "I like basis of principles that go on here; being polite is such a crucial aspect of life." she chuckles to herself "my mom would probably crack me in the head with a shovel if she saw me being disrespectful" her chuckle turns into a sigh before turning into a soft barely audible mutter
  45. [23:40] <Cury> Dim shares a chuckle with her, but as always it's kind of mechanical and short. "Good to hear that, Flohra. A lahst advice is to try to ahvoid us and stay out ohv our way unless you are fohrced to... Overall, we value our sohlitude and time."
  46. [23:44] <Flora_music_time> "well... that puts a damper on future endevers then; I have so much to ask and learn, especially since you said i would have to earn the information. Coming at the end of each month, will that invitation be dissolved?"
  47. [23:48] <Cury> "Hopefully not." The stallion faces Flora and rises a hoof to put on her chin. "Look uhp to my help whenever you neehd it, and make this known to other humans. My wahrnings are for when you meet others of my kin... they stihll don't know what you all ahre, and nopony needs to live the events that brought uhs to this moment... if ahnything, I'd love
  48. [23:48] <Cury> to see your faces again, all full of interest and curiosity, beahming up with the light of youth"
  49. [23:56] <Flora_music_time> "I certainly will make light of that Mr. Dim" she isn't really big on people touching her face but relents since he could probably rip her head of her shoulders "and i would like to come to back and talk, we have much to learn from each other."
  50. [00:04] <Cury> "Indeed" He replies and releases the mare, to then trot near the big table at the hall's center. "Is there ahny other question in your mind? Tohmorrow will be a lohng trip back home for you"
  51. [00:08] <Flora_music_time> "i have 1 more to ask before the night is up. Do you remember that big silver lizard? What's the deal with that?"
  52. [00:13] <Flora_music_time> "like hoe did you get it so big?"
  53. [00:18] <Cury> Dim passes a hoof on the table's edge, like caressing the furniture. At the mention of the lizard he stops abruptly and laughs more clearly this time. "It has a nahme and race, Equestrians cahll them just Silver Lizards. We have ouhr own name for them... they ahre that big, vehry old animals that nehver stop growing and ahre as rare as they ahre us
  54. [00:18] <Cury> eful." Attacked by nostalgia, he takes seat and sighs, without looking back to the zebra. "All masters of ouhr 'organization' need a familiar, a creahture that enhances ouhr presence and power. See it as a proof of skill... mine I got it frohm this region, I think it's not the ohnly one out there, but it suhre is the ohnly one I've found."
  55. [00:26] <Flora_music_time> "I have a feeling that they have a bit of magic in them? since they live extremly long lives"
  56. [00:28] <Cury> "They are vehry magical. The ones with yehllow eyes, like mine, make it easier for me to handle mahgic that I do not intend to use in a harmful way. The ones with red eyes do the sahme on the opposite way... I think you... yes you sehvered the tail of my lizard the first time we meht, didn't you? What did you do ohv it?"
  57. [00:31] <Flora_music_time> 'fuck' she thinks to herself getting a question asked in return "I hope you don't get upset but..." she looks away before darting her eyes back up to him "I made the tail into armor. I decided not to wear it here since I figured that doing that would be rude..."
  58. [00:34] <Cury> He remains silent for a bit, facing away from the zebra in thoughtful rest before talking carelessly. "How crafty... I wahs fearing you let it to rot. My ohnly warning abouht it is to nehver show it to an Equestrian authority, it's illegal to even keep a silver lizard, imagine having an armor ohv one...."
  59. [00:39] <Flora_music_time> "understood" she says attentively pleased to hear that she wont be chastised for turning his pet into garb "and I can only imagine how the equestrians would feel about that.. Did the tail grow back like the lizards do where I come from?"
  60. [00:42] <Cury> "Even faster on such a creature, he can heal frohm most wounds very quickly" The witch gets up. "Well Flora, I think is tihme for you to rest. I'm glad we both leahrned so much of each other"
  61. [00:48] <Cury> [going 2bed soon, are we done?[
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