

Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. Made by Mammon. Saved by Smithly.
  2. The definitive guide to:
  3. >BLOC
  4. A game of geopolitics
  6. In BLOC, you create and lead your nation through the height of the Cold War. Rule your nation with an iron fist of dictatorship or win your citizens' votes in a democracy. Manage your nation's economy and trade on the market or scam other players on your way to the top. Ally or conspire against other nations in back room deals. Build up your military and conquer your enemies' lands and riches.
  8. Game turns are every 12 hours, midnight and noon server time (CST / CDT).
  11. Regions
  13. The Third World is divided into 4 continents. Each continent has its own bonus. Each continent is subdivided into 5 regions for a total of 20 regions. You may only attack other nations in your nation's region and bordering regions; the only exception to this is if your navy has at least 51 ships.
  14. Note: the playerbase, including rumsod, usually refer to the above regions as subregions and to the above continents as regions.
  18. Africa
  19. Mine costs climb 33% less (eg. 250 -> 283 -> 316 -> 350 instead of 250 -> 300 -> 350).
  20. Can use the Blood Diamonds economic policy.
  22. Asia
  23. Factories/Universities cost 25% less.
  24. Manpower regenerates 25% faster, allowing faster troop conscription than other continents.
  25. Labor Discipline economic policy costs 25% less.
  26. Can use the Special Economic Zone economic policy.
  28. Latin America
  29. Mine costs climb 33% less (eg. 250 -> 283 -> 316 -> 350 instead of 250 -> 300 -> 350).
  30. US intervention foreign policy costs 25 US relation points instead of the usual 35.
  31. Can use the Drug Smuggling economic policy.
  33. Middle East
  34. Oil wells cost 33% less.
  35. Oil exploration yields 1000-5000 mbbls instead of the usual 50-500.
  36. Food production is 75% of what it would usually be (eg. if you produce 40 food, you will get 30).
  39. Nation Page
  41. Your nation page shows your nation's stats, described below, along with the flag, leader portrait, description, and anthem (if you put one via the settings page). When you view another player's nation, you also see a similar page, showing their nation's stats and cosmetic looks. The only differences are that some stats are CLASSIFIED; revealing those stats requires a spy with the intelligence specialty to infiltrate that nation. You may also interact with other nations while on their nation page, described in another section.
  43. Last Online
  44. Located right below the leader portrait.
  45. Shows when a player was last online, if it doesn't say they're currently online.
  46. Players who are inactive for >72 hours are unable to be declared war on.
  47. Metagame rules dictate that players in alliances who are inactive for >60 hours are fair game for raiding purposes.
  49. Approval
  50. Approval is the stat that denotes how much your subjects like you. It can be increased with Free Elections (if at decent and above), Free Housing, Raising Minimum Wage, Free Food, and Cult of Personality. It can be decreased with Forced Collectivization, Labor Discipline, Forced Labor, and closing mines/wells/factories, along with hostile spy action.
  51. The approval levels, from highest to lowest, are:
  52. Worshiped as a God
  53. Adored
  54. Loved
  55. Liked
  56. Decent
  57. Middling
  58. Disliked
  59. Hated
  60. Utterly Despised
  61. Enemy of the People
  62. Higher approval levels have a positive effect on stability, while lower levels have a negative effect. Democratic governments have higher bonuses/maluses from approval than autocratic governments.
  64. Government
  66. Policial System
  67. The political system of your nation denotes how your nation is being run. Your political system becomes more autocratic if you Arrest Opposition, Declare Martial Law, and Cult of Personality. It becomes more democratic if you Release Political Prisoners, or Hold Free Elections.
  68. The 5 systems and their effects, ranging from most democratic to most autocratic are:
  69. Liberal Democracy (more pronounced stability effects from approval)
  70. Authoritarian Democracy (more pronounced stability effects from approval)
  71. One Party State (chance to recieve the Party Apparatchik event, with a choice between +50% manpower recovery, +$5m growth, and +10% Quality of Life)
  72. Military Junta (chance to recieve the General of the Army event, with a choice between +5k troops and +25/100 training, +20% chemical weapons progression, and +2 air force levels)
  73. Dictatorship (can use the Forced Labor economic policy)
  75. Stability
  76. Stability is the stat that denotes how stable your nation is. It is calculated by the averages of approval and quality of life (for example, max approval with min quality of life net the seemingly calm stability level); however, it does not move to the average instantly, but in a gradual fashion, until it reaches the correct level. Stability is lowered by -10% if growth is below -33m, or your nation has negative food (AKA, your population is experiencing famine). It is also lowered by a variable amount by rebels. Stability is also increased directly by Arresting Opposition, and decreased by Forced Collectivization, Nationalizing Foreign Investment, Privatization, Forced Labor, Releasing Political Prisoners, Declaring Martial Law, Holding Free Elections, aligning with a superpower, or by hostile spy action.
  77. The stability levels and their effects, from highest to lowest, are:
  78. Unsinkable (91-100%) (+2m growth)
  79. Entrenched (81-90%) (+2m growth)
  80. Very Stable (71-80%) (+1m growth)
  81. Quiet (61-70%) (+1m growth)
  82. Seemingly Calm (51-60%) (+1m growth)
  83. Growing Tensions (41-50%) (-1m growth)
  84. Chaotic (31-40%) (-1m growth)
  85. Rioting (21-30%) (-1m growth)
  86. Mass Protests (11-20%) (-2m growth)
  87. Brink of Collapse (0-10%) (-2m growth, 50% chance of your nation undergoing a stability reset, which reduces army size by 50% and sets approval and reputation to Middling and Questionable, respectively)
  88. Stability can be clicked for a tooltip to see how it will change in the next turn.
  90. Territory
  91. Territory denotes how large your nation is. It is required to build factories, universities, oil wells, and mines, as well as to make food for your oil well/mine/factory workers and troops.
  92. 750 km2 is required for each factory and university. Each factory/university consumes 10 food/turn. Factory/University size can be reduced with the Urban Development research policy.
  93. 375 km2 is required for each oil well and mine. Each oil well/mine consumes 1 food/turn.
  94. 1 food is gained per 500 km2 of free land in your nation. The amount of food which is gained can be increased using the Green Revolution research policy or the Forced Collectivization Economic Policy. Middle Eastern nations make 75% of what other nations would.
  95. Territory can be gained and lost through war, or ceded (in 100 km2 chunks) for massive approval and stability penalties.
  96. Territory can be clicked for a tooltip to see the breakdown of your land use.
  98. Rebel Threat
  99. Rebel threat denotes how severe the threat posed from rebellious factions in your nation is. Rebels lower stability and growth depending on how severe the threat is. Rebel threat increases when spies fund rebels, or when you Release Political Prisoners in the Domestic Policies page. It decreases when you Arrest Opposition, Hold Free Elections, attack the rebels direcly, or gassing the rebels.
  100. The rebel threat and their effects, from lowest to highest, are:
  101. None (no effects)
  102. Scattered Terrorists (-2% stability)
  103. Guerrillas (-5% stability)
  104. Open Rebellion (-9% stability, -$1m growth)
  105. Civil War (-9% stability, -$1m growth)
  107. Domestic
  109. Population
  110. Population denotes how many people live in your nation. It is purely cosmetic as of now, but may change in the future.
  111. Population is calculated by this formula: 10x + 10000y + 100000z, where x is amount of free land, y is well+mine count, and z is factory+university count.
  113. Quality of Life
  114. Quality of Life denotes the standard of living your nation possesses. It is the average of your literacy and healthcare (for example, if you have 0% literacy, but perfect healthcare, your quality of life will be Average); however, it does not move to the average instantly, but in a gradual fashion, until it reaches the correct level.
  115. The Quality of Life levels, from highest to lowest, are:
  116. Developed (91-100%)
  117. Good (81-90%)
  118. Decent (71-80%)
  119. Above Average (61-70%)
  120. Average (51-60%)
  121. Poor (41-50%)
  122. Impoverished (31-40%)
  123. Desperate (21-30%)
  124. Disastrous (11-20%)
  125. Humanitarian Crisis (0-10%)
  126. Higher Quality of Life levels have a positive effect on stability, while lower levels have a negative effect.
  128. Heathcare
  129. Healthcare denotes how healthy your subjects are, along with the avaliability of medical equipment and supplies. Healthcare of >75% (Decent (upper half)-Great) boosts manpower regeneration by 2k men, while healthcare of 51-75% (Adequate-Decent (lower half)) by 1k men. Healthcare is increased by Constructing Free Hospitals and Funding Medical Research.
  130. The heathcare levels, from best to worst, are:
  131. Great
  132. Above Average
  133. Decent
  134. Above Par
  135. Adequate
  136. Very Poor
  137. Desperation
  138. Diseased
  139. Bodies in the Streets
  140. Extinction Event
  142. Literacy
  143. Literacy denotes how well educated your people are. Literacy ranges from 0-100%, with each 10% earning your nation 1 research point per turn (for example, if you have 91-100% literacy, you gain 10 research points in that turn). Literacy decays by -1% below 50%, by -2% between 50% and 75%, and by -3% above 75%. Literacy is increased by constructing public schools.
  145. Research
  146. This section shows how many research points your nation has available for use. Research points' main use is to improve your nation in various ways in the Research Policy page, with a secondary use in Funding Medical Research, Constructing homemade Weapons, Developing Chemical Weapons, and Building a Nuclear Reactor.
  147. Research can be clicked for a tooltip to see how much research you will gain the next turn. Universities give out 4 research each per turn.
  149. Economy
  151. Economic System
  152. The Economic system of your nation denotes how your economy runs in your nation. Is it a free market? Is it centrally planned? Is it a mix of both? This dictates what policies you can use in your nation, along with many other benefits and drawbacks.
  153. The 3 economics systems, from most right-wing to most left-wing, are:
  154. Free Market (+2 US relation points, -2 Soviet relation points, $101k buy/$99k sell if price is $100k, gains/loses foreign investment with growth, has to pay tariff if trading with Central Planning, can Encourage Foreign Investment, can Nationalize Foreign Investment, can Raise Minimum Wage)
  155. Mixed Economy ($105k buy/$95k sell if price is $100k, gains/loses foreign investment with growth, can Great Leap Forward, can Encourage Foreign Investment, can Nationalize Foreign Investment, can Privatize, can set Special Economic Zones if Asian, can build Free Housing, can Raise Minimum Wage, can Construct Free Hospital)
  156. Central Planning (-2 US relation points, +2 Soviet relation points, $105k buy/$95k sell if price is $100k, has to pay tariff if trading with Free Market, can Great Leap Forward, can Privatize, can set Special Economic Zones if Asian, can build Free Housing, can Construct Free Hospital, can Forced Collectivize)
  158. Available Budget
  159. This section denotes the amount of cash you have on hand. Your nation gains regular income every 10 minutes. This regular income will increase your budget by GDP/1000 every turn. However, if your budget exceeds 2 turns' worth of regular income, you will not receive anymore regular income. For example, a nation with $500m GDP will generate cash every 10 minutes. After one turn, $500k will be generated. But if that nation has more than $1000k on hand, it will stop generating cash on its own.
  160. You take half of your enemy's cash when you defeat them in war.
  161. The budget can be clicked for a tooltip to see how much budget you gain every 10 minutes.
  163. Gross Domestic Product
  164. GDP denotes how wealthy your nation is and affects your budget gain and cap. Your GDP increases or decreases every turn by the amount of growth you have.
  165. You take 1/5 of your enemy's GDP when you defeat him in war. You lose 1/6 of your GDP when you get defeated in war.
  167. Growth
  168. Growth determines how much your GDP increases or decreases every turn. A growth of $5m will increase your GDP by $5m at turn-change. A growth of -$2m will decrease your GDP by $2m at turn change. Growth is affected by stability, factory count, rebels (if any), and growth itself. Growth of $40m or more will trigger "unsustainable growth," which decreases your growth turn by turn. Growth of -$33 or less will cause you to lose stability every turn. Each factory/university gives +$1m growth per turn. Every 20k troops gives you -$1m growth per turn. If your GDP decreases below 90% of its maximum value, unsustainable growth is killed and economic recovery will commence, bouncing back GDP to its previous value.
  169. Growth can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how it will change in the next turn.
  171. Foreign Investment
  172. FI is gained through the Encourage Foreign Investment economic policy, or altered by growth, if free market/mixed economy. It is a reserve of cash that is not touched by war and can be spent to build private mines/wells if free market/mixed economy as an alternate to normal cash. The only way to retrieve your cash from FI is through the Nationalize economic policy. Having enough FI might trigger the Nike Factory event, which allows you to gain a factory at the expense of half your FI. The amount of FI needed for this event depends on the number of factories you already have.
  174. Manufactured Goods
  175. The amount of MG you have on hand. MG is required to build factories/universities, weapons, planes, and ships. You take half of your enemy's MG supply when you defeat him in war.
  176. MG can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how many you will gain in the next turn. That way, you can also see how many factories you have. Factory efficiency can be increased with the Industral Technology research policy. Universities consume 2 MG each per turn.
  177. You take 1/4 of your enemy's factories when you defeat him in war.
  179. Discovered Oil Reserves
  180. The amount of oil available for your oil wells to produce oil from. If your oil reserves are at 0, then your oil wells work at 20% efficiency (1 oil per 5 wells, rounded down). Reserves can be increased with the Oil Exploration economic policy, and can be increased further through the Geological Research research policy.
  181. You take 1/6 of your enemy's Oil Reserves when you defeat him in war.
  183. Oil Supply
  184. The amount of oil you actually have and can use. Oil is required to build factories, planes, ships, and higher tier weapons. Oil is also used in airstrikes against enemies in war. You take half of your enemy's oil supply when you defeat him in war.
  185. Oil supply can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how many you will gain or lose in the next turn. That way, you can also see how many wells you have. Well efficiency can be increased with the Petroleum Refining Technology research policy.
  187. Raw Material Supply
  188. The amount of RM you have on hand. RM is required to build factories and to use many economic and domestic policies. You take half of your enemy's RM stockpile when you defeat him in war.
  189. Raw material can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how many you will gain or lose in the next turn. That way, you can also see how many mines you have. Mine efficiency can be increased with the Mining Technology research policy.
  191. Food Supply
  192. The amount of Food you have on hand. Food is required to feed your population and military, and to use the Free Food policy. You take half of your enemy's Food stockpile when you defeat him in war. If food is at a negative amount, your nation will experience famine, which lowers approval by 1 level, QoL by 3%, and troop amounts by 10% with a min of 1k.
  193. Food can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how many you will gain or lose in the next turn.
  195. Uranium Mines
  196. If you were especially lucky when you constructed a mine, you would also get a Uranium Mine along with the normal mine you'd already get. Uranium Mines give you 1 ton of uranium per turn, useful for if you want to develop a reactor, or nuclear bombs.
  198. Uranium
  199. If you recieve a piece of uranium or have a uranium mine, this bar will appear, showcasing how many tons of uranium your nation possesses. Uranium is extremely valuable as it allows nations to construct nuclear reactors, which in turn allows for the creation of nuclear weapons.
  200. You take all of your enemy's uranium when you defeat him in war. Raids are frequently conducted in order to get the always-covered uranium.
  202. Reactor Progress
  203. If you have a piece of uranium and were lucky with your Develop Reactor Economic Policy, this progress bar will appear, denoting how far you have progressed in developing your nuclear reactor. It takes 20 successful attempts and at least 20 pieces of uranium to develop a reactor. If a reactor is successfully developed, the progress bar will be replaced by a "Complete" sign, your nation will recieve +$5m growth per turn (or should, it's bugged), and you will have the ability to develop nuclear weapons.
  204. You take half of your enemy's reactor progress in raw uranium when you defeat him in war.
  206. Foreign Policy
  208. Official Alignment
  209. Official Alignment denotes which superpower your nation is aligned with. Alignment is changed through the Foreign Policies Page.
  210. The 3 alignments are:
  211. United States (+3 US relation points, -5 Soviet relation points, has to pay tariff if trading with Soviet-aligned)
  212. Neutral (no relations change, no tariff payments)
  213. Soviet Union (-5 US relation points, +3 Soviet relation points, has to pay tariff if trading with US-aligned)
  215. Soviet and American Relations
  216. These denote the number of relation points you have with each respective superpower. They increase or decrease every turn based on your nation's official alignment (+3/-5),economic system (+2/-2), and reputation (+3/-3). They can be spent on importing planes and weapons, increasing growth, and gaining 10k troops.
  217. Relation points can be clicked for a tooltip to see how many of each you will gain or lose in the next turn. Relation points are capped at -100 at the low end and 100 at the high end.
  219. Region
  220. Shows which region your nation is in.
  222. Alliance
  223. Shows which alliance your nation is in.
  225. Alliance Votes Recieved
  226. Shows how many votes have been alloted to you in the alliance. Only useful for democratic alliances.
  228. Voting For
  229. Shows who you are voting for in the alliance.
  231. Reputation
  232. Reputation denotes your status with the international community. Reputation increases naturally by 1 rep level every 2 turns, or by 1 level when declaring war on a red reputation nation. Reputation decreases by Arresting Opposition, Declaring Martial Law, Attacking and gassing rebels, Developing Chemical Weapons, Developing Nuclear Reactors and Weapons, trading weapons and uranium, using chemical and nuclear weapons, bombing civilians, and declaring war on non-red reputation nations.
  233. The reputation levels and their effects, from best to worst, are:
  234. Gandhi-like (+3 relations to both superpowers)
  235. Angelic (+2 relations to both superpowers)
  236. Nice (+1 relations to both superpowers)
  237. Good (no change)
  238. Normal (no change)
  239. Questionable (no change)
  240. Isolated (no change)
  241. Pariah (-1 relations to both superpowers, small chance of UN sanctions reducing your GDP by 5%)
  242. Mad Dog (-2 relations to both superpowers, 10% chance of UN reset; UN reset destroys chemical weapon progress, nuclear reactor progress, air force level, reduces troop size to 10k troops and relation points to 0, and sets reputation back to Questionable.)
  243. Axis of Evil (-3 relations to both superpowers, 50% chance of UN reset)
  244. Reputation regenerates at 5 per turn, even if it is not shown normally (a nation gains a rep level every 2 turns).
  246. Military
  248. Army Size
  249. This denotes how big your army is. Every 20k troops give you -$1m growth per turn. Troops consume 1 food per 5k troops. Troops are used in ground offensives, which are the only way to win wars. The effectiveness of your troops are affected by their training level and how many weapons you have. The only ways to gain troops are to conscript them yourself through conscription or Declaring Martial Law, have other nations ship them to you in batches of 10k troops, or spend relation points for a batch of 10k troops per 35 superpower relation points.
  251. Manpower
  252. Manpower is needed to conscript troops. It has a capacity of 100k troops. It decreases by 4k every time you conscript. Manpower steadily regenerates turn by turn, but it is also recovered by 4k when you demobilize your troops (or 3k, if they trigger economic growth). It regenerates faster the more manpower you have and if you have high healthcare (up to +2), by +1 if you are Asian, and by +1 if your alliance has the Open Borders policy active. You can decrease your enemy's manpower by bombing their cities with your airforce and by using your chems and nukes.
  253. Manpower levels, from most to least, are:
  254. Untapped (+6k troop regeneration per turn)
  255. Plentiful (+6k troop regeneration per turn)
  256. Halved (+4k troop regeneration per turn)
  257. Low (+4k troop regeneration per turn)
  258. Near Depletion (+4k troop regeneration per turn, +1 troop regeneration per turn if manpower is 10k or lower)
  259. Depleted (+1 troop regeneration per turn, cannot conscript more troops)
  261. Equipment
  262. Equipment denotes what your technological level your military is at. The more weapons you have, the higher your tech level is. To gain weapons, you need to either use relation points for them, or build them yourself if you have at least 2 factories. At higher tech levels, weapons will require oil to be given/built. Weapons are used in ground offensives at the rate of 1 weapon per 20k troops. Weapons may also be used by spies to increase the rebel threat of your enemies, commit terrorist attacks, or sabotage resource production.
  263. The equipment level, based on how many weapons you have, can be:
  264. Stone Age (0 weapons; don't end up like this!)
  265. Finest of the 19th Century (1-10 weapons)
  266. First World War surplus (11-50 weapons)
  267. Second World War surplus (51-150 weapons)
  268. Korean War surplus (151-300 weapons)
  269. Vietnam War surplus (301-500 weapons)
  270. Almost Modern (501-1000 weapons)
  271. Persian Gulf War surplus (1001-2000 weapons)
  272. Advanced (2001- weapons)
  273. The equipment level can be clicked for a tooltip to see exactly how many weapons you have. It should be noted that the actual number matters, not the label itself. Everything else being equal, a WW2 150 weapons army will have a more even fight with a Korean 151 army than a Korean 151 army with a Korean 300 army.
  275. Progress to next equipment level
  276. A self-explanatory progress bar. The higher your equipment level, the more weapons you need to progress to the subsequent level. Right-click the red progress bar and select Inspect Element to see the exact percentage. That is the only way to deduce the number of weapons your enemy has when spying on him.
  278. Training
  279. Training denotes how well-trained your army is. It ranges from 0-100. The higher your training, the more powerful your army is for its size. Training decreases by 1/100 every turn no matter the size of your army. Training also decreases when you conscript troops or receive them from other players. These troops have a training level of 0/100. The resulting training of your army is the weighted average of the training of your old and new troops.
  280. Training level, from worst to best, is:
  281. Undisciplined Rabble (0-20)
  282. Poor (21-40)
  283. Standard (41-60)
  284. Good (61-80)
  285. Elite (81-100)
  286. Training can be clicked for a tooltip to see the exact level of your troops. It should be noted that the actual number matters, not the label itself. Everything else being equal, a Standard 60/100 army will have a more even fight with a Good 61/100 army than a Good 61/100 army with a Good 80/100 army.
  288. Airforce
  289. Airforce denotes the amount of planes your nation has. A nation can have up to 10 planes. Planes are useful for conducting air raids (which will be elaborated in the war section of this guide) and as a defensive buff against ground attacks, depending on your airforce level compared to your enemy's. Planes can be acquired through relations points and oil, or MG and oil if you have at least 2 factories.
  290. Airforce levels, from smallest to biggest, are:
  291. None (0 planes; unless you're a new nation or got UN reset, if you're at this level, I have no words)
  292. Meager (1-2 planes; when looking at someone else's nation, assume they have 2)
  293. Small (3 planes)
  294. Mediocre (4-5 planes; when looking at someone else's nation, assume they have 5)
  295. Somewhat Large (6 planes)
  296. Large (7-8 planes; when looking at someone else's nation, assume they have 8 )
  297. Powerful (9 planes)
  298. Very Powerful (10 planes; it is imperative to have 10 planes ASAP)
  299. Airforce level can be clicked for a tooltip to see the exact level of your airforce. The actual number matters, not the label itself. The success rate of your air raids depends on both your and your enemy's airforce levels. Equal levels will have equal chances of succeeding and failing. If you fail, you will lose a level of your airforce. If your airforce level is 4 above your enemy's, you will always succeed.
  301. Navy
  302. Navy denotes the amount of ships your nation has. A nation can have up to 100 ships. Navies are useful for bombarding enemy troops, and preventing your enemy from doing the same if you have a higher ship count than them. In ship-to-ship combat, tech also plays a factor in addition to fleet size; against a fleet of equal size, the more technologically advanced nation will win an engagement. If you have double their ships, you can attack their troops. Ships can be built at the expense of MG and oil if you have at least 2 factories.
  303. Navy levels, from smallest to largest, are:
  304. None (0 ships)
  305. Some Dinghies (1-10 ships)
  306. Coast Guard (11-30 ships)
  307. Green Water (31-50 ships)
  308. Blue Water (51-70 ships, can attack any nation in the world)
  309. Powerful Blue Water (71-100 ships, can attack any nation in the world)
  310. Navy levels can be clicked for a tooltip to see the exact number of ships you have. This can be done even at other nations.
  312. Chemical Weapons
  313. Chemical weapons are your last resort weapon when all has failed, when you want to have an extra edge in wars, or when you want to troll a nation like the sick bastard you are. Chemical weapons progress ranges from none, to a 5-tier progress bar, to "Armed" status. It takes 5 successful attempts to fully develop chemical weapons. The act of using chemical weapons is popularly known as gassing. Using chemical weapons (or chems or gass) on your enemy will drastically lower your reputation, kill their troops, and lower their manpower and GDP. Once armed, your capability to use chems may be taken away if you get UN reset or if your enemy's airforce bombs your chemical weapons storage facilities. When this happens, you will have to develop them again.
  315. Nuclear Weapons
  316. Only shown if you managed to develop nuclear bombs (or got it in a handout). Nuclear weapons are the hardest to develop, but their ability to devastate a nation is matched by none. The act of using nuclear weapons is popularly known as nuking. At the cost of being branded as a pariah, you can use nuclear weapons to annihilate an enemy nation's ability to wage war and its economic infrastructure with one fell swoop, allowing you to make mincemeat of their nation at your leisure. However, if another nation uses a nuke towards you, there's a 50% chance your arsenal will be destroyed in the process, turning the war into a wild west match. Remember, the man who draws the fastest wins!
  318. Wars
  320. This section simply shows you what wars you have, their type (if they're offensive or defensive), which nation(s) you're fighting, and a summary of their military capabilities.
  323. Policies
  325. Policies are actions that affect your nation in various ways. They usually cost cash or other resources to enact. Before we get to how nations may interact with each oter, it is necessary to lay out the framework on a few of those policies for the sake of clearing up any potential confusion.
  327. Economic Policies
  329. Humanitarian Aid
  330. Increases growth by $1m
  331. Costs $75k
  332. Available only to nations below $300m GDP
  334. Great Leap Forward
  335. 70% chance of increasing growth by $1m and moving you slightly towards Central Planning
  336. 20% chance of doing nothing
  337. 10% chance of decreasing growth by $1m
  338. Costs $100k, growth/3 RM
  339. Cannot be Free Market
  341. Encourage Foreign Investment
  342. 33% chance of increasing growth by $1m, increasing foreign investment by your growth/1000 with a minimum of $5k, and moving you slightly towards Free Market
  343. 33% chance of increasing your foreign investment and moving you slightly towards Free Market (but no growth increase)
  344. 33% chance of doing nothing
  345. Costs $75k, growth/6 RM
  346. Cannot be Central Planning
  348. Industrialize
  349. Builds 1 factory
  350. Costs (50 + 100x) RM + (25 + 50x) oil + 2x MG, with x being factory+university count; costs are 25% cheaper in asia, rounded down
  351. Requires 750 km2 unused territory
  353. Forced Collectivization
  354. Decreases approval and Quality of Life by 2 levels
  355. 15% of increasing food production by 1/500 km2
  356. 10% of decreasing food production by 1/500 km2
  357. Must be Central Planning
  358. Requires high enough approval level
  359. Requires high enough Quality of Life level
  361. Labor Discipline
  362. Gives 1 MG per factory, decreases approval
  363. Costs (2 + 2x) RM and oil per factory, with x being number of times used in a turn; costs are 25% cheaper in Asia, rounded up
  364. Requires approval level higher than Utterly Despised
  366. Nationalize Foreign Investment
  367. Takes all foreign investment and adds it to your budget, decreases stability by 10%, significantly moves you towards Central Planning
  368. Costs nothing
  369. Requires Free Market or Mixed Economy
  370. You may either Nationalize or Privatize only once per turn
  372. Privatize
  373. Adds $300k to your budget, decreases your GDP by $15m, decreases stability by 15%, significantly moves you towards Free Market
  374. Costs nothing
  375. Requires Central Planning or Mixed Economy
  376. You may either Nationalize or Privatize only once per turn
  378. Forced Labor
  379. 95% chance of increasing growth by $1m
  380. 5% chance of increasing rebel threat
  381. No matter what, decreases approval, stability, QoL, and reputation
  382. Costs $50k, growth/16 RM
  383. Requires Dictatorship
  385. Blood Diamonds
  386. Adds 1/4 of a turn's regular income (GDP/4000) to your budget with a minimum of $100k, decreases QoL and reputation
  387. Costs nothing
  388. Requires African nation
  390. Special Economic Zone
  391. 50% chance of moving you towards Free Market and changing growth by $1m for every 1% of change in the Global Market (-1% change = -$1m growth, 0% change = $0m growth, 2% change = +$2m growth)
  392. 50% chance of failure and loss of approval
  393. Costs $100k, some RM directly related to growth
  394. Requires Asian nation and Central Planning or Mixed Economy
  396. Smuggle Drugs into the USA
  397. Adds a full turn's regular income (GDP/1000) to your budget, with a minimum of $500k. Has a high chance of failing, resulting in a 2 level reputation drop and -15 US relation points
  398. Costs nothing
  399. Requires Latin American nation
  401. Oil Exploration
  402. Adds between 50-500 mbbl oil (1000-5000 for Middle Eastern nations) to your discovered oil reserves
  403. Costs $(500 + 1000x^2)k, with x being the amount of times used; costs 50% less for Middle Eastern nations
  405. Drill New Well
  406. Builds 1 oil well
  407. Costs $(500 + 100x)k, with x being the amount of wells your nation possesses; costs 33% less for Middle Eastern nations
  408. Requires 375 km2 unused territory
  410. Subsidize Private Well
  411. Builds 1 oil well
  412. Costs 25% of Drill New Well's cash in FI
  413. Requires Free Market or Mixed Economy
  414. Requires 375 km2 unused territory
  416. Dig Mine
  417. Builds 1 mine
  418. Costs $(250 + 50x)k, with x being the amount of mines your nation possesses; costs are $(250 + 33x)k for Latin American and African nations
  419. Requires 375 km2 unused territory
  421. Subsidize Private Mine
  422. Builds 1 mine
  423. Costs 25% of Dig Mine's cash in FI
  424. Requires Free Market or Mixed Economy
  425. Requires 375 km2 unused territory
  427. Develop Nuclear Reactor
  428. 60% chance of building 5% of a reactor
  429. 20% chance of doing nothing
  430. 20% chance of losing 5% of a reactor
  431. No matter what, decreases reputation
  432. Costs $5000k, 50 research, and 1 ton of uranium
  433. Requires at least $1000m GDP
  435. Close Mine/Shutdown Well/Shutter Factory
  436. Removes a Mine/Well/Factory from your nation
  437. Decreases approval by 1 and stabiltiy by 10% for Close Mine
  438. Must already have a Mine/Well/Factory in place to use
  440. Domestic Policies
  442. Arrest opposition figures
  443. Increases stability by 3%, 4 arrests decrease reputation by 1, 4 arrests move you once towards more authoritarian government, 50% chance of decreasing rebel threat
  444. Costs $50k
  445. Cannot be Dictatorship
  447. Release political prisoners
  448. Decreases stability by 4%, 4 arrests move you once towards more democratic government, 25% chance of increasing rebel threat
  449. Costs $50k
  450. Cannot be Liberal Democracy
  452. Declare martial law
  453. Conscripts 5k troops with a training of 0/100, decreases manpower, decreases stability by 5%, 2 declarations decrease reputation by 1, 1 declaration moves you twice towards more authoritarian government
  454. Costs $100k
  455. Cannot be Dictatorship; requires at least Near Depletion manpower
  457. Hold free and fair elections
  458. If approval is at least Decent, increases approval, 50% chance of increasing growth by $1m, 50% chance of decreasing rebel threat (if growth is not increased), lowers stability by 0-22%, 1 election moves you 1.5 times towards democratic government
  459. If approval is Middling or lower, nothing happens
  460. Costs $200k
  462. Free Housing For the People
  463. Increases approval by 1 level, small chance of increasing QoL by 1%, slightly moves you towards Central Planning
  464. Costs half of one turn's regular income (GDP/2000)
  465. Cannot be Free Market
  467. Raise Minimum Wage
  468. Increases approval by 2 levels, small chance of increasing QoL by 1%, slightly moves you towards Central Planning
  469. Costs growth directly related to GDP
  470. Cannot be Central Planning
  472. Free Food For All!
  473. Increases approval by 1-2 levels, slightly moves you towards Central Planning
  474. Costs food directly related to approval and GDP
  476. Construct Public School
  477. Increases Literacy by 5%
  478. Costs half of one turn's regular income divided by amount of universities ((GDP/2000)/(1+x), x=university count), some RM directly related to GDP+universities+literacy level
  480. Found University
  481. Builds 1 university
  482. Costs (50 + 100x) RM + (25 + 50x) oil + 2x MG, with x being factory+university count; costs are 25% cheaper in asia, rounded down
  483. Requires 750 km2 unused territory
  485. Construct Free Hospital
  486. Increases Healthcare
  487. Costs half of one turn's regular income (GDP/2000), some RM directly related to GDP+healthcare level
  488. Cannot be Free Market
  490. Fund Medical Research
  491. Increases Healthcare
  492. Costs half of one turn's regular income (GDP/2000), some Research directly related to healthcare level
  494. Cult of Personality
  495. Increases approval by 1-2 levels, sets you as Dictatorship
  496. Costs $500k
  497. Cannot be Dictatorship nor Military Junta
  499. Foreign Policies
  501. Praise the Soviet Union/United States
  502. Sets your alignment as Soviet/US-aligned, decreases stability by 5%
  503. Costs $50k
  505. Declare Neutrality
  506. Sets your alignment as Neutral
  507. Costs $50k
  509. Appeal to the Soviet Union/United States for intervention
  510. Receive 10k troops without changing your training
  511. Costs 35 Soviet/US relation points (25 US relation points for Latin American nations)
  512. Cannot be of the opposing alignment; Neutrals can use both
  514. Appeal to the Soviet Union / United States for development aid
  515. Increases growth by $2m
  516. Costs 10 Soviet/US relation points
  517. Cannot be of the opposing alignment; Neutrals can use both
  519. Create an International Alliance
  520. Creates your own alliance with you as the Founder
  521. Costs $150k
  523. Military Policies
  525. Conscription
  526. Conscripts 2k troops with a training of 0/100, decreases manpower by 4k
  527. Costs $1m growth
  528. Requires at least Near Depletion manpower and more than -$2m growth
  530. Train your Conscripts
  531. Increases training by 5/100
  532. Costs [(Army Size)^2 * (Training)^2] / 20000
  533. Cannot have more than 95/100 training
  535. Demobilize
  536. Decreases army size by 2k troops, 50% chance to increase growth by $1m, increases manpower by 4k (3k if growth occurs)
  537. Requires more than 4k troops
  539. Attack the rebel scum!
  540. Chance to decrease rebel threat or increase rebel threat, chance to lose troops, slightly decreases reputation
  541. Costs $10k
  542. Requires at least Scattered Terrorists
  544. Gas the rebel scum!
  545. Decreases rebel threat, decreases reputation by 3 levels
  546. Costs nothing
  547. Requires at least Scattered Terrorists and Armed chemical weapons
  549. AK-47s/M14s from the Soviets/United States
  550. Increases weapons by 2
  551. Costs 5 Soviet/US relation points
  552. Cannot be of opposing alignment or Almost Modern or higher (501 weapons)
  554. Manufacture AK-Presidente model rifles
  555. Increases weapons by 1-3, average of ~2.1
  556. Costs 5 MG, 2 Research
  557. Requires at least 2 factories; cannot be Almost Modern or higher (501 weapons)
  559. Buy T-62s/M60 from the Soviets/United States
  560. Increases weapons by 5/6
  561. Costs 13 Soviet Union/US relation points and 2/3 oil
  562. Cannot be of opposing alignment or Advanced (2001 weapons); requires Vietnam War surplus (301 weapons)
  564. Manufacture Istan Main Battle Tanks
  565. Increases weapons by 5-8, average of ~6.5
  566. Costs 13 MG, 5 oil, 7 Research
  567. Requires at least 4 factories and Vietnam War surplus (301 weapons); cannot be Advanced (2001 weapons)
  569. Buy T-90s/M-1 Abrams from the Soviets/United States
  570. Increases weapons by 10
  571. Costs 20 Soviet/US relation points and 11 oil
  572. Cannot be of opposing alignment; requires Advanced (2001 weapons)
  574. Manufacture Despot Tanks
  575. Increases weapons by 10
  576. Costs 18 MG, 13 oil
  577. Requires at least 8 factories and Advanced (2001 weapons)
  579. Buy MiGs / F-8 Crusaders
  580. Increases airforce level by 1/10
  581. Costs Soviet/US relation points and oil; Refer to the table below for the exact cost:
  584. Manufacture Aircraft
  585. Increases airforce level by 1/10
  586. Costs MG and oil; efer to the table above for the exact cost
  587. Requires at least 3 factories
  589. Manufacture Ship
  590. Increases navy by 1 ship
  591. Costs (10 + x) MG and (10 + x/2) Oil, rounded down, with x being number of ships already owned
  592. Requires at least 2 factories
  594. Develop Chemical Weapons
  595. 60% chance of gaining 20% of chem progress
  596. 20% chance of nothing happening
  597. 20% chance of losing 20% of chem progress
  598. No matter what, decreases reputation by 1 level
  599. Costs $500k and 5 Research
  601. Develop Nuclear Weapon
  602. Produces 1 Nuke
  603. Decreases reputation by 5 levels
  604. Costs $100000k, 50 uranium, 500 Research
  605. Requires at least $1000m GDP
  607. Global Market
  609. Here, you can buy and sell oil, RM, MG, and food for cash, 1, 5, or 20 at a time. The buy/sell prices of each resource go up/down for every 500 units of that resource bought/sold. Prices are updated with each page refresh. It is a Global Market, so everybody can buy and sell on it thus affecting its prices. Free Market economies have lower buy/sell price spread than Mixed/Central Planning economies.
  610. Your GDP must be at least $310m to buy and sell on the Global Market. Oil and MG sells are exempt from this rule.
  612. Intelligence
  614. This is the section where you manage all your currently owned spies. Spies are powerful special units who are able to conduct various assignments, including sabotage of resource production, arming rebels and reducing approval through opposition funding, terrorist attacks to damage stability, and even encourage a nation's army to mutiny, turning them into rebels. Each spy has a specialty which is picked on purchase, allowing them to do better on certain missions, or give them a special ability the rest don't have:
  615. Terrorist (higher success rate on terrorist attacks)
  616. Intelligence (revelas a nation's classified information)
  617. Gun runner (higher success rate on arming rebels)
  618. Launderer (higher success rate on funding opposition)
  619. Agitator (higher success rate on encouraging mutinies)
  620. Saboteur (higher success rate on sabotage)
  621. Spy Huner (can find enemy agents via counterintelligence easier)
  622. Assassin (higher success rate on killing spies)
  623. Spies cost $(1000x)k, with x being number of spies currently owned; it should be noted the first spy is free under this system.
  625. On the intelligence screen, there is a list showcasing each spy you currently own, along with their specialty, experience level (from 0-100%), accumulated infiltration points, and the country they currently reside in. Clicking on their portrait transfers you to their profile page, which allows you to command them to do various actions. Those actions, however, require you to accumulate enough weapons, cash, and infiltration points in order to execute them.
  626. Infiltration points, on top of a +1 from default every turn, are acquired by:
  627. Being in the same region (+1)
  628. Being in the same continent (+1)
  629. Being of opposing alignments (+1)
  630. Being in their home nation (+5)
  631. Being experienced enough (+exp/25, rounded down)
  632. The infiltration section can be clicked to showcase how many points the spy will get the next turn. When a spy has enough infiltration points, the spy can:
  633. Withdraw (costs 10 infiltration points; sends your spy back to your nation, if they are at a foreign nation; if caught, can attempt again)
  634. Arm Rebels (costs 10 infiltration points and 5 weapons; increases rebel threat by 1 level; if caught, the spy dies)
  635. Fund Opposition (costs 10 infiltration points and 1/15 of enemy's turn budget; decreases approval by 1 level; if caught, the spy dies)
  636. Terrorist Attack (costs 50 infiltration points, 10 weapons, and 2/15 of enemy's turn budget; decreases stability by 10%; if caught, the spy dies)
  637. Sabotage Oil Well (costs 20 infiltration points, 2 weapons, and 1/15 of enemy's turn budget; destroys 1 oil well; if caught, the spy dies)
  638. Sabotage Mine (costs 20 infiltration points, 2 weapons, and 1/15 of enemy's turn budget; destroys 1 mine; if caught, the spy dies)
  639. Poison Crops (costs 50 infiltration points, 2 weapons, and 2/15 of enemy's turn budget; reduces food production per 500 land by 1; if caught, the spy dies)
  640. Encourage Mutiny (costs 50 infiltration points and 1/15 of enemy's turn budget; causes 1-5% of troops to turn to rebels depending on stability and approval; if caught, the spy dies)
  641. Counterintelligence Sweep (costs 10 infiltration points and 1/15 of enemy's turn budget; finds up to 3 spies depending on the spy hunter's experience relative to other spies; can be done in your own nation too)
  642. Once your spy finds an enemy spy in your home nation, you can choose to extradite them (25 infiltration points), or assassinate them (50 infiltration points); if they sweep in a foreign nation, however, the only option is assassination.
  644. Research
  646. Research is where you spend the research points you have accumulated to improve your nation in various ways. Costs start at 50 points for all options (minus the satellite option), and increase by 24+2x (x being amount of times you researched) every time you research (again, minus the satellite option). For example, if you researched 1 level of urban development, and 2 levels of petroleum refining technology, your next research will cost 50 + 26 + 28 + 30 = 134 points.
  647. The technologies that can be researched are:
  648. Green Revolution (starts at level 1, costs additional cash per green revolution level, increases food production by 1 per 500 km2; cash costs double for Middle Eastern nations)
  649. Urban Development (decreases factory and university land usage by 10%)
  650. Mining Technology (increases RM production from mines by 10%)
  651. Industrial Technology (increases MG production from factories by 10%)
  652. Petroleum Refining Technology (increases oil production from wells by 10%)
  653. Geological Research (increases oil reserve amount from exploration by 10%)
  654. Launch Satellite (costs 1000 research, is a bragging rights technology)
  657. Nation Interactions
  659. When it comes to directly interacting with other nations, you have 3 options available: war, espionage, and aid. To do so, go to their nation page, then scroll to the bottom to see the possible interactions. Here you can also send communiques to that player, which will be expanded upon after this chapter.
  661. War
  663. Ripping a page off a dictionary, war is essentially a state of armed conflict between 2 nations. In >BLOC, each nation can have only one offensive and only one defensive war at a time. In the metagame, a nation using up its defensive war slot to become imprevious to attack is called warshielding, and it is frowned upon by the playerbase as a cowardly action.
  665. Declare War!
  666. Initially, the only war-related action is to declare war. The only way to directly engage the enemy's military and reap the benefits of war is by formally declaring war. There are a few criteria that limit who you can declare war on, however. Your enemy nation's GDP must be within 75% and 200% of your own. Their nation must be located in your region or a surrounding region, unless you have at least 51 ships. They must not be in war protection; nations are put in war protection for a period of 5 turns after losing a war, but you may voluntarily exit your war protection by declaring war on another nation. They must not be already attacked by a nation, and you cannot declare war on another nation if you are already attacking another nation. Finally, they cannot be attacked if they are inactive for more than 72 hours.
  667. If you declare war on a US-aligned nation, the declaration will cause you to lose 25 US relation points. If you declare war on a Soviet-aligned nation, the declaration will cause you to lose 25 Soviet relation points.
  668. If your enemy has high reputation, declaring war will lower your reputation.
  669. The only ways to end a war are to defeat your enemy, to lose to your enemy, to make peace by both sides offering white peace, and to wait until either side becomes inactive by being offline for 168 hours.
  670. You cannot enter vacation mode while in a state of war.
  671. Winning a war allows you to declare another war on the same turn.
  672. Once you declare war, the following options will appear:
  674. Launch land offensive!
  675. Sends your army to battle toe-to-toe with the enemy's army. You may only launch one land offensive per war per turn. Launching an offensive right before the turn change and another right after is known as double-tapping. The battle outcome depends the most on the number of troops, followed by their training and the number of weapons each side has. Only rumsod knows the exact formula. Troops also get a combat bonus from their airforce.
  676. Ground offensives use up 1 weapon per 20k troops for the attacking side. Defenders do not use up weapons.
  677. Launching a ground offensive against an aligned nation will give you 2 relation points of his opposing alignment and will take away 5 relation points of his alignment.
  678. You may not launch a ground offensive when you have 5k troops or less.
  679. If a ground offensive is successful, the attacker takes 1% of the defender's territory.
  680. A successful ground offensive against an enemy army with 5k or less troops will end the war in a victory for the attacker. The victor will take half of the loser's available budget, oil supply, raw material, manufactured goods, and food, a quarter of the loser's factories, 1/6th of the loser's remaining territory, GDP, and oil reserves, and all their uranium and half their reactor progress as raw uranium, if they have them.
  682. Launch air raid!
  683. Air raids cost 1 mbbl oil per raid. You may launch 1 air raid per war per turn.
  684. The success rate of air raids depend on the size of your airforce versus the enemy's. Having two equally-sized airforces gives you an equal chance of success and failure. Being 4 levels above your enemy gives you 100% chance of success. Conversely, being 4 levels below your enemy means you'll fail every attempt. A failed air raid results in your airforce losing a level.
  685. The chances are as follows:
  686. equal size - 50% success
  687. 1 superior - 60% success
  688. 2 superior - 80% success
  689. 3 superior - 90% success
  690. 4+ superior - 100% success
  691. The following are the types of raids you may conduct and what they do upon a successful raid:
  692. Target enemy airbases: destroys a level of the enemy's airforce.
  693. Target economic infrastructure: destroy 1% of the enemy's GDP and reduces their growth by $5m.
  694. Target cities: decreases the enemy's stability, QoL, and manpower at the cost of 2 reputation levels.
  695. Target ground forces: kills 5% or 2k of the enemy's troops, whichever is greater.
  696. Target chemical weapons storage: will reduce the enemy's chemical weapons development, even if they are already 100% armed.
  697. Target factories: destroys one enemy factory. There is a 25% chance of killing civilians instead of destroying the factory, which drops reputation.
  698. Target oil wells: destroys one enemy oil well.
  699. Target agriculture: reduces food production by 1/500 km2, at the expense of 5 reputation levels. Requires fully developed chemical weapons to be used.
  701. Launch naval offensive!
  702. Naval offensives cost nothing per offensive. You may launch 1 naval offensive per war per turn.
  703. The result of the offensive depends on the number of ships and weapons on both sides. If the attacker has twice the ships of the defender, the naval offensive will bombard the defender's troops, killing 5% or 2k of the defender's troops, whichever is more. Otherwise, the naval offensive remains purely on the sea and only ships are destroyed. The fewest ships needed for the navy to bombard troops is 1 ships attacking and 0 ships defending.
  705. Launch chemical weapons Attack!
  706. Gassing lowers the attacker's reputation by 3 levels and kills 5% of the enemy's troops, with no 2k minimum; a minimum of 1k troops die, regardless. It also decreases the enemy's GDP by 5% and lowers their manpower by 10k.
  709. Available only when nuclear weapons are in your possession. Nukes are devastating weapons of mass destruction that lower the attacker's reputation by 7 levels and destroy 75% of the enemy's army, and 50% of their airforce and navy. Half their factories and GDP are also destroyed, along with $100m growth. If the victim nation has a reactor and/or nukes, those have a 50% chance to get destroyed too. Every nation in the region loses $10m growth and every nation in the world loses 5% quality of life and is notified about this shocking event.
  711. Offer peace
  712. Sends an offer of peace to your enemy. Your enemy is notified on his News page. If he accepts it, the war immediately ends. However, peace offers can always be accepted, even if either side attacks in any way.
  714. Covert Action
  716. This section allows you to plant spies inside the enemy nation, allowing them to perform subversive actions against the host nation. While you can plant the spies you have that are not planted in another nation through a drop-down menu and see your deployed agents below that, it is through the intelligence screen that you are able to do your spy actions. Details are described in the policies part above.
  718. Diplomacy and Trade
  720. This section allows you to transfer funds, materials, and other things to another nation in a peaceful manner. Sending resources to a nation with an opposing economic system, not including Mixed Economy, incurs a tariff. You lose $10k for every mbbl of oil, hton of RM, and ton of MG sent, and $1k for every mton of food sent. When sending cash, a fee equivalent to 10% of the cash you transfer is deducted from your budget. Sending resources to a nation with an opposing alignment, not including Neutral-aligned, incurs a tariff, which stacks with the previous one. The fees are the same as above.
  722. Wire Cash
  723. Sends cash. Min of 10k.
  725. Send 10k man expeditionary force
  726. Sends 10k of your troops to the recipient nation. Your troops' training doesn't matter; the recipient will receive your troops as if they had 0/100 training.
  727. You cannot send nor receive troops from nations of opposing alignment.
  729. Ship oil
  730. Sends oil.
  732. Ship raw materials
  733. Sends RM.
  735. Ship food
  736. Sends food.
  738. Ship manufactured goods
  739. Sends MG.
  741. Cede 100km of Territory
  742. Gives 100km of your territory to the recipient nation. You can only cede land to nations in your region and neighboring regions. You may cede land only 3 times per turn.
  743. Doing this decreases your stability and approval by 3 levels.
  745. Provide 5 weapons
  746. Gives 5 of weapons to the recipient nation. You can only give weapons to nations that have less weapons than you do.
  747. Doing this decreases your reputation (2 weapons transfers = 1 rep drop). You cannot send nor receive weapons from nations of opposing alignment.
  749. Provide 50 research
  750. Gives 50 points of research to the recipient nation.
  752. Provide 1 uranium
  753. Gives 1 ton of uranium to the recipient nation. You can only give uranium to nations that have >750m GDP.
  754. Doing this decreases your reputation by 1 level.
  756. Transfer Nuclear Weapon
  757. Gives 1 nuclear bomb to the recipient nation.
  758. Doing this decreases your reputation by 5 levels.
  760. Communiques
  762. Communiques are BLOC's version of private messages. You can send comms to other players at the bottom half of their nation page. The blue badge displays how many Received Communiques you have.
  763. Your received comms are stored on the Received page of the Communiques dropdown menu. The timestamps are in server time. You may also delete your received comms. Once you do, there is no way to retrieve them.
  764. Your sent comms are displayed on the Sent page of the Communiques dropdown menu. You may not delete your sent comms. If the recipient deletes a comm you sent, that comm will disappear from your Sent Communiques.
  765. Each page shows up to 20 communiques.
  768. News
  770. National news and events that need attending to show up here. You receive news when others nations directly interact with your nation. This includes declarations of war and offers of peace, the results of defending against enemy offensives, any covert actions that have failed in your nation, and all resources sent to you.
  771. You also receive news when your nation undergoes a stability or UN reset. Events show up here and require you to make a decision. Events may trigger randomly or after certain requirements are met. Any help in making an event list is welcome.
  772. All news and events expire and are deleted from your News after 4 turns.
  775. The World
  777. Regional Discussion
  779. Issue declarations for others in your continent to see. Each declaration costs $25k to issue. Declarations expire after 4 turns. Each page shows up to 10 declarations.
  781. Global Declarations
  783. The same as Regional Discussion except everybody in the game can see the declaration. Each declaration here costs $100k to issue. Each page shows up to 10 declarations.
  785. The Free Market
  787. The same as Global Declarations except it is reserved for declaring trading offers. Each declaration here costs $10k to issue. Each page shows up to 10 declarations.
  789. World Rankings
  791. A list of all nations that are not inactive. Nations are sorted in descending order by GDP. A blue leader name signifies donator status, while a red signifies subscriber status. The right-most column shows whether you are able to declare war on that nation. Hovering over the no will display a tooltip stating one of the reasons why you cannot declare war on that nation.
  793. World Map
  795. Clicking on a region in the World Map will bring you to the region's page. The region's page is exactly like the World Rankings except it shows only nations located in that region.
  796. There are a few different ways to view the World Map besides the default Regions filter. Use the Total Nations filter to see which regions have more nations; the brighter the green, the more nations in that region. Use the Alignment filter to see the overall alignment of each region; the more red/blue, the more Soviet/US-aligned nations are in that region. Use the Largest Alliance filter to see which alliance has the most nations in that region; the color of each region is determined by that region's largest alliance's color.
  798. News and Statistics
  800. World News
  801. Shows a list of ongoing wars in the world, sorted from the most recent declaration of war to the least recent. When a war is over, whether through peace, victory, timeout, or any other reason, it is removed from the list. Each page shows up to 15 active wars.
  803. Statistics
  804. Displays a bunch of statistics. Only nations that are not inactive are counted in the statistics.
  807. The Alliances
  809. An alliance comprises nations grouped under a single name, similar to clans in other games. You may found your own alliance under Foreign Policies. To join an existing alliance, ask for an invitation from that alliance's officers via communiques; after receiving the invitation, go to the alliance's page to accept it. Strictly, from a game mechanics perspective, when you are a member of an alliance, the game displays your alliance with your nation name under Foreign Policy, World Rankings, World News, and other pages. You also receive mass communiques sent from your alliance's officers and are able to read and contribute to your alliance's chat page. Being a member of an alliance offers huge benefits for its members in various ways, as listed below.
  811. Your Alliance
  813. Your alliance's page, a list of all your alliance's members not inactive, sorted in ascending order by Nation ID. Alliance founder and officers have fists next to their nation names.
  815. Close/Open Admin Panel
  816. Toggles your alliance's admin panel. This button is only visible and usable when you are the alliance's founder or officer. The following options appear in the admin panel:
  817. Change Alliance Name: changes your alliance's name. Only the alliance founder may do this. You must press the Set button for the change to take place.
  818. Alliance Description: changes your alliance's description. You must press the Set button for the change to take place.
  819. Change Alliance Color: changes your alliance's color. Your alliance color is seen on the world map when your alliance is the biggest in a region. The color must be in hex format with a preceding has (#). You must press the Set button for the change to take place.
  820. Custom Flag: changes your alliance's flag. You must press the Submit button for the change to take place.
  821. Declare New Founder: Only the current alliance founder may do this. Only possible in dictatorships. Doing this gives founder status to the appointed nation and takes away officer status for all existing officers. You must press the Appoint button for the change to take place.
  822. Appoint Officer: gives a nation an officer status. From a game mechanics perspective, the only difference between the different officers is the size of the fist next to their names. Only the alliance founder may do this. You must press the Appoint button for the change to take place.
  823. Invite Nation: invites a nation to join your alliance. That nation must visit your alliance page to accept or reject the invitation.
  824. Kick Nation: kicks a nation out of your alliance. Officers cannot kick leaders out of an alliance.
  825. Alliance Communique: sends a mass communique to all members of your alliance.
  827. Below the admin panel and above the rest of the alliance page is a button to Resign from your current alliance. Doing so will set your alliance back to None.
  828. The rest of the alliance page (the alliance flag, description, and list of members) is visible to everybody, including non-members. Likewise, you can see this part of the page of all alliances.
  830. Alliance Bank
  832. This is a safety deposit where nations can deposit their cash for safekeeping unmolested. A nation can donate money to the bank, or withdraw it; donations can be done with any amount of money, while withdrawals have a set maximum by the founder every 12 hours, unless one is as officer or leader, in which case they can withdraw any amount of money they desire.
  834. Alliance Policies
  836. Here, the Alliance has control over what policies it can implement:
  837. Alliance Government: Determines your government's method of governance. It can either be a Dictatorship, or a Democracy. Dictatorships have their leaders be in absolute control, while Democracies allow the members to vote for their leader of choice. The alliance member with the highest amount of votes in a Democracy is automatically made a leader.
  838. Alliance Tax: Determines how much cash the alliance takes from its members every 10 minutes. It is divided in 4 categories, depending on nation GDP: Wealthiest (>2x GDP), Upper Middle Income (1-2x GDP), Lower Middle Income (0.5-1x GDP), Poorest (<0.5x GDP); each category can have an individual tax rate set to it, from 0-100%.
  839. Alliance Alignment: Can be set to Soviet or US. If aligned, nations gain +1 relations with the superpower of choice, and suffer from -1 relations with its opposing party.
  840. Healthcare Initiative: If active, reduces healthcare policy costs by 50% for all nations for a certain amount of cost.
  841. Literacy Initiative: If active, reduces literacy policy costs by 50% for all nations for a certain amount of cost. Cost reduction is applied after university cost bonuses.
  842. Open Borders: Increases growth by +2 per turn and manpower by +1 per turn, in exchange for -1 stability.
  843. Freedom of Information: Gives each member +1 research for every university the alliance possesses for a certain amount of cost; for example, if an alliance has 20 unniversities in total, all members gain 20 research at turn change.
  844. Weapons Trade: Nullifies reputation penalities from weapons trade between alliance members for a certain amount of cost.
  845. Redistribution of Wealth: Gives up to +3 growth to poorer nations, with up to -5 growth for richer nations, depending on wealth disparity.
  847. Alliance Chat
  849. This page is similar to World Declarations, except only your alliance's members can read and issue declarations here. These declarations are free. Each page shows up to 10 declarations.
  851. Alliance Declarations
  853. Advertise your alliance in this section, or get in a shouting match against other alliance officials. Each declaration costs nothing to issue, but only the founders and officers of alliances can post. Each page shows up to 10 declarations.
  855. Alliance Rankings
  857. A list of all alliances sorted from most members to fewest members. Each page shows up to 10 alliances.
  860. Settings
  862. In the tab where it shows a synopsis of all your resources stockpiled, a small settings button is also there for when you want to customize your nation in a cosmetic fashion, change your password, or simply take a break from >BLOC by going into vacation mode.
  864. Flag
  865. Choose a flag for your nation from the drop-down list.
  867. Leader Portrait
  868. Choose a leader portrait for your nation from the drop-down list.
  870. Custom Flag
  871. Enter the appropriate part of an imgur link to use your own image as a custom flag. Only available for donators and subscribers.
  873. Custom Portrait
  874. Enter the appropriate part of an imgur link to use your own image as a custom portrait. Only available for donators and subscribers.
  876. Custom Nation Title
  877. Change the title that precedes your nation name. This title otherwise changes depending on your political system. Only available for donators and subscribers.
  879. Custom Leader Title
  880. Change the title that precedes your leader name. This title otherwise changes depending on your political system. Only available for donators and subscribers.
  882. Custom Anthem
  883. Enter the appropriate part of a YouTube link to use your own clip as a custom anthem. Only available for donators and subscribers.
  885. Description
  886. Changes your nation's description.
  888. Change Password
  889. Changes your account's password. You will receive an email notifying you of the change and containing the new password in plain text.
  891. Vacation Mode
  892. Sets your nation as inactive for a minimum of one week.
  893. Inactive nations are frozen; their stats do not change nor decay, resources do not increase. They do not show up in any lists, including the World Rankings and alliance and region pages. Other nations are not able to declare war on them. Nations become inactive naturally when they are more than 168 hours offline.
  894. Logging back into your account will reactivate your inactive nation given that you have passed your one week minimum if you used Vacation Mode.
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