

May 14th, 2015
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  1. <Bob> yup
  2. <Bob> I don't get why kii gets so salty sometimes... one day we would be totally cool, then the next he would flip out at me :|
  3. <Bob> I told him I'd start work on series again, he was all happy and friendly, then a week later since spyro dropped the series, he de-ops me and tells me I'm fired
  4. <Bob> thats kinda when I stopped trying to help
  5. <Bob> mmm
  6. <Moosen> idk much about what happened with the other series
  7. <Bob> I think spyro just decided it was too much work or that he didn't like them or something
  8. <Moosen> lel
  9. <Bob> mmm I could take the most of the way kii acted and brushed it off that he was just having a bad day or something
  10. <Bob> but the whole passive aggressive de-op ing think kinda got to me
  11. <Bob> I was the only one he de-opped at the start even though there were way more people who had done less and been not working for a lot longer
  12. <Moosen> he probably... just dislikes you more?
  13. <Moosen> I cannot say
  14. <Bob> yeah I guess... I tried really hard to like kii and get along with him
  15. <Bob> I'm kicked out of the maigo DB but I still have a folder where me and kii share music lol
  16. <Bob> pretty much all me sharing music he asked me for
  17. <Moosen> Well, might be time to say goodbye to maigo perhaps? :(
  18. <Bob> na I like everyone else in maigo, even if I don't work there anymore I'll still idle and joke around in the channel
  19. <Moosen> I see haha
  20. <Bob> until he kicks me out I'll stick around
  21. <Bob> and if he asked me to work, I'd probably still do it...
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