

Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. === Trainer Stats ===
  2. Level : 30
  3. Stardust: 252.831
  4. Unique Pokedex Entries: 131
  6. === Pokemon ===
  7. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 3100 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2
  8. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 3100 IV: 100% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2
  9. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 3016 IV: 91,05% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 2
  10. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2757 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  11. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2701 IV: 96,95% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  12. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 2644 IV: 83,42% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2
  13. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 2580 IV: 93,82% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 2
  14. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2571 IV: 97,76% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  15. Pokemon: Lapras CP: 2492 IV: 81,62% Primary: FrostBreath Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 20
  16. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 2481 IV: 63,02% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 2
  17. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2397 IV: 98,88% Primary: Lick Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  18. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2387 IV: 69,08% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  19. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2356 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  20. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2263 IV: 84,15% Primary: Lick Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  21. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2183 IV: 86,55% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  22. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 2061 IV: 82,65% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Psychic Candy: 64
  23. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2001 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  24. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1884 IV: 86,3% Primary: Bite Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 974
  25. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1864 IV: 98,88% Primary: Lick Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  26. Pokemon: Lapras CP: 1859 IV: 94,51% Primary: IceShard Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 20
  27. Pokemon: Nidoqueen CP: 1769 IV: 24,21% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 192
  28. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1765 IV: 94,38% Primary: Lick Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  29. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1689 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  30. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1645 IV: 81,16% Primary: Bite Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 974
  31. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1588 IV: 94,2% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  32. Pokemon: Rhydon CP: 1586 IV: 68,62% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 110
  33. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1581 IV: 85,86% Primary: Bite Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 974
  34. Pokemon: Seaking CP: 1569 IV: 74,59% Primary: Peck Secondary: IcyWind Candy: 161
  35. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1519 IV: 61,82% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  36. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1518 IV: 91,44% Primary: Bite Secondary: HydroPump Candy: 974
  37. Pokemon: Golbat CP: 1516 IV: 70,93% Primary: WingAttack Secondary: AirCutter Candy: 42
  38. Pokemon: Starmie CP: 1513 IV: 81,68% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: PowerGem Candy: 270
  39. Pokemon: Hypno CP: 1466 IV: 86,39% Primary: Confusion Secondary: ShadowBall Candy: 179
  40. Pokemon: Jolteon CP: 1447 IV: 91,17% Primary: ThunderShock Secondary: Thunder Candy: 112
  41. Pokemon: Scyther CP: 1417 IV: 97,96% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: BugBuzz Candy: 18
  42. Pokemon: Rapidash CP: 1403 IV: 81,53% Primary: LowKick Secondary: DrillRun Candy: 116
  43. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1366 IV: 91,43% Primary: Bite Secondary: Twister Candy: 974
  44. Pokemon: Tauros CP: 1350 IV: 91,24% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: IronHead Candy: 16
  45. Pokemon: Scyther CP: 1319 IV: 30,98% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: NightSlash Candy: 18
  46. Pokemon: Raichu CP: 1313 IV: 42,63% Primary: Spark Secondary: ThunderPunch Candy: 39
  47. Pokemon: Primeape CP: 1256 IV: 66,25% Primary: LowKick Secondary: NightSlash Candy: 255
  48. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 1249 IV: 90,12% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 64
  49. Pokemon: Hitmonchan CP: 1245 IV: 95,32% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: FirePunch Candy: 7
  50. Pokemon: Tauros CP: 1208 IV: 50,57% Primary: Tackle Secondary: IronHead Candy: 16
  51. Pokemon: Tentacruel CP: 1207 IV: 38,87% Primary: Acid Secondary: HydroPump Candy: 166
  52. Pokemon: Weezing CP: 1205 IV: 59,25% Primary: Tackle Secondary: ShadowBall Candy: 28
  53. Pokemon: Golduck CP: 1194 IV: 15,98% Primary: Confusion Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 237
  54. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 1192 IV: 94,64% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2
  55. Pokemon: Pinsir CP: 1179 IV: 82,61% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: Submission Candy: 93
  56. Pokemon: Muk CP: 1172 IV: 89,66% Primary: Lick Secondary: DarkPulse Candy: 18
  57. Pokemon: Venomoth CP: 1170 IV: 90,93% Primary: Confusion Secondary: BugBuzz Candy: 115
  58. Pokemon: Butterfree CP: 1114 IV: 43,04% Primary: BugBite Secondary: SignalBeam Candy: 84
  59. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 1088 IV: 91,05% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2
  60. Pokemon: Sandslash CP: 1064 IV: 62% Primary: MudShot Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 272
  61. Pokemon: Farfetchd CP: 1061 IV: 89,76% Primary: FuryCutter Secondary: AirCutter Candy: 3
  62. Pokemon: Butterfree CP: 1057 IV: 34,54% Primary: BugBite Secondary: SignalBeam Candy: 84
  63. Pokemon: Machoke CP: 1041 IV: 65,56% Primary: LowKick Secondary: BrickBreak Candy: 164
  64. Pokemon: Graveler CP: 1012 IV: 74,24% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 228
  65. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 1000 IV: 100% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 2
  66. Pokemon: Jynx CP: 980 IV: 100% Primary: Pound Secondary: Psyshock Candy: 24
  67. Pokemon: Raticate CP: 960 IV: 83,93% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: HyperFang Candy: 17
  68. Pokemon: MrMime CP: 957 IV: 87,25% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Psychic Candy: 10
  69. Pokemon: Venomoth CP: 954 IV: 88,97% Primary: Confusion Secondary: Psychic Candy: 115
  70. Pokemon: Ninetales CP: 933 IV: 56,53% Primary: Ember Secondary: HeatWave Candy: 69
  71. Pokemon: Sandslash CP: 928 IV: 39,54% Primary: MetalClaw Secondary: Bulldoze Candy: 272
  72. Pokemon: Lapras CP: 928 IV: 93,16% Primary: IceShard Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 20
  73. Pokemon: Jynx CP: 918 IV: 91,95% Primary: Pound Secondary: DrainingKiss Candy: 24
  74. Pokemon: Growlithe CP: 902 IV: 92,98% Primary: Ember Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 228
  75. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 889 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  76. Pokemon: Vaporeon CP: 882 IV: 98,02% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 112
  77. Pokemon: Poliwhirl CP: 876 IV: 56,6% Primary: MudShot Secondary: Scald Candy: 221
  78. Pokemon: Jynx CP: 876 IV: 96,13% Primary: FrostBreath Secondary: Psyshock Candy: 24
  79. Pokemon: Magmar CP: 859 IV: 66,54% Primary: KarateChop Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 14
  80. Pokemon: Dragonair CP: 848 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  81. Pokemon: Nidorino CP: 847 IV: 68,55% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: Dig Candy: 160
  82. Pokemon: Exeggcute CP: 817 IV: 66,95% Primary: Confusion Secondary: Psychic Candy: 64
  83. Pokemon: Graveler CP: 808 IV: 93,28% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 228
  84. Pokemon: Venonat CP: 798 IV: 86,19% Primary: BugBite Secondary: PoisonFang Candy: 115
  85. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 795 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  86. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 786 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Wrap Candy: 2
  87. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 773 IV: 84,08% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 2
  88. Pokemon: Goldeen CP: 772 IV: 85,15% Primary: Peck Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 161
  89. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 758 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Twister Candy: 2
  90. Pokemon: Cubone CP: 745 IV: 82,43% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: Bulldoze Candy: 133
  91. Pokemon: Growlithe CP: 740 IV: 85,12% Primary: Bite Secondary: FlameWheel Candy: 228
  92. Pokemon: Weepinbell CP: 731 IV: 59,23% Primary: Acid Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 22
  93. Pokemon: Clefairy CP: 723 IV: 59,39% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: DisarmingVoice Candy: 86
  94. Pokemon: Psyduck CP: 720 IV: 11,95% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 237
  95. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 685 IV: 82,21% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  96. Pokemon: Squirtle CP: 673 IV: 26,42% Primary: Tackle Secondary: AquaJet Candy: 80
  97. Pokemon: Machop CP: 664 IV: 86,04% Primary: LowKick Secondary: BrickBreak Candy: 164
  98. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 663 IV: 92,92% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  99. Pokemon: Ponyta CP: 662 IV: 76,35% Primary: Tackle Secondary: FlameWheel Candy: 116
  100. Pokemon: Geodude CP: 656 IV: 85,88% Primary: Tackle Secondary: RockTomb Candy: 228
  101. Pokemon: Magnemite CP: 654 IV: 81,33% Primary: Spark Secondary: Thunderbolt Candy: 139
  102. Pokemon: Squirtle CP: 652 IV: 27,91% Primary: Tackle Secondary: WaterPulse Candy: 80
  103. Pokemon: Jigglypuff CP: 645 IV: 79,24% Primary: Pound Secondary: DisarmingVoice Candy: 78
  104. Pokemon: Psyduck CP: 640 IV: 26% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Psybeam Candy: 237
  105. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 618 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  106. Pokemon: Omanyte CP: 610 IV: 58,67% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: Brine Candy: 21
  107. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 606 IV: 98,88% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  108. Pokemon: Bulbasaur CP: 605 IV: 94,56% Primary: VineWhip Secondary: PowerWhip Candy: 116
  109. Pokemon: Bulbasaur CP: 605 IV: 53,87% Primary: VineWhip Secondary: PowerWhip Candy: 116
  110. Pokemon: Sandshrew CP: 601 IV: 50,92% Primary: MudShot Secondary: RockSlide Candy: 272
  111. Pokemon: Doduo CP: 600 IV: 77,91% Primary: Peck Secondary: DrillPeck Candy: 15
  112. Pokemon: Geodude CP: 598 IV: 94,11% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: RockTomb Candy: 228
  113. Pokemon: Kabuto CP: 596 IV: 55,85% Primary: Scratch Secondary: AncientPower Candy: 19
  114. Pokemon: Krabby CP: 593 IV: 88,44% Primary: MudShot Secondary: ViceGrip Candy: 116
  115. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 590 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  116. Pokemon: Krabby CP: 580 IV: 80,74% Primary: Bubble Secondary: ViceGrip Candy: 116
  117. Pokemon: Fearow CP: 579 IV: 81,4% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DrillRun Candy: 35
  118. Pokemon: Koffing CP: 572 IV: 60,57% Primary: Tackle Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 28
  119. Pokemon: NidoranFemale CP: 553 IV: 67,05% Primary: PoisonSting Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 192
  120. Pokemon: Weepinbell CP: 548 IV: 59,17% Primary: Acid Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 22
  121. Pokemon: Onix CP: 548 IV: 58,76% Primary: Tackle Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 13
  122. Pokemon: Charmander CP: 529 IV: 87,05% Primary: Scratch Secondary: FlameCharge Candy: 75
  123. Pokemon: Charmander CP: 520 IV: 80,2% Primary: Ember Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 75
  124. Pokemon: Omanyte CP: 516 IV: 76,93% Primary: MudShot Secondary: RockTomb Candy: 21
  125. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 513 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  126. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 513 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  127. Pokemon: Mankey CP: 510 IV: 86,45% Primary: Scratch Secondary: CrossChop Candy: 255
  128. Pokemon: Paras CP: 509 IV: 88,37% Primary: BugBite Secondary: CrossPoison Candy: 148
  129. Pokemon: Rhyhorn CP: 506 IV: 100% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: Stomp Candy: 110
  130. Pokemon: Hitmonlee CP: 505 IV: 53,02% Primary: LowKick Secondary: BrickBreak Candy: 3
  131. Pokemon: Mankey CP: 502 IV: 100% Primary: Scratch Secondary: LowSweep Candy: 255
  132. Pokemon: Golbat CP: 484 IV: 91,48% Primary: WingAttack Secondary: OminousWind Candy: 42
  133. Pokemon: NidoranMale CP: 482 IV: 63,13% Primary: Peck Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 160
  134. Pokemon: Ekans CP: 475 IV: 67,09% Primary: Acid Secondary: GunkShot Candy: 343
  135. Pokemon: Meowth CP: 473 IV: 81,56% Primary: Bite Secondary: DarkPulse Candy: 195
  136. Pokemon: NidoranFemale CP: 470 IV: 55,93% Primary: Bite Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 192
  137. Pokemon: Pinsir CP: 465 IV: 83,38% Primary: FuryCutter Secondary: ViceGrip Candy: 93
  138. Pokemon: Tauros CP: 464 IV: 91,57% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 16
  139. Pokemon: Drowzee CP: 460 IV: 100% Primary: Confusion Secondary: Psybeam Candy: 179
  140. Pokemon: Eevee CP: 454 IV: 92,96% Primary: Tackle Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 112
  141. Pokemon: Poliwag CP: 451 IV: 96,74% Primary: MudShot Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 221
  142. Pokemon: Sandshrew CP: 446 IV: 91,16% Primary: MudShot Secondary: Dig Candy: 272
  143. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 444 IV: 95,45% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Twister Candy: 2
  144. Pokemon: Spearow CP: 443 IV: 50,91% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: Twister Candy: 35
  145. Pokemon: Sandshrew CP: 434 IV: 80,73% Primary: MudShot Secondary: Dig Candy: 272
  146. Pokemon: Doduo CP: 420 IV: 81,8% Primary: Peck Secondary: Swift Candy: 15
  147. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 419 IV: 97,73% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  148. Pokemon: Exeggcute CP: 410 IV: 68,54% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 64
  149. Pokemon: Tentacruel CP: 402 IV: 53,56% Primary: Acid Secondary: SludgeWave Candy: 166
  150. Pokemon: Venonat CP: 400 IV: 87,92% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SignalBeam Candy: 115
  151. Pokemon: Lapras CP: 399 IV: 94,99% Primary: FrostBreath Secondary: Blizzard Candy: 20
  152. Pokemon: Wartortle CP: 399 IV: 34,96% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 80
  153. Pokemon: Tauros CP: 397 IV: 74,12% Primary: Tackle Secondary: IronHead Candy: 16
  154. Pokemon: Dragonair CP: 394 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  155. Pokemon: Nidorino CP: 393 IV: 54,78% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: Dig Candy: 160
  156. Pokemon: Onix CP: 391 IV: 55,76% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: IronHead Candy: 13
  157. Pokemon: Blastoise CP: 373 IV: 24,23% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: FlashCannon Candy: 80
  158. Pokemon: Tentacool CP: 370 IV: 55,82% Primary: PoisonSting Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 166
  159. Pokemon: Eevee CP: 369 IV: 100% Primary: Tackle Secondary: Dig Candy: 112
  160. Pokemon: Horsea CP: 368 IV: 81,98% Primary: Bubble Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 70
  161. Pokemon: Vulpix CP: 366 IV: 42,37% Primary: Ember Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 69
  162. Pokemon: Machop CP: 363 IV: 88,03% Primary: LowKick Secondary: LowSweep Candy: 164
  163. Pokemon: Shellder CP: 358 IV: 59,07% Primary: IceShard Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 46
  164. Pokemon: Marowak CP: 352 IV: 68,83% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 133
  165. Pokemon: Dodrio CP: 348 IV: 83,93% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DrillPeck Candy: 15
  166. Pokemon: Magnemite CP: 344 IV: 61,64% Primary: Spark Secondary: MagnetBomb Candy: 139
  167. Pokemon: Ivysaur CP: 343 IV: 63,25% Primary: VineWhip Secondary: PowerWhip Candy: 116
  168. Pokemon: Omanyte CP: 342 IV: 87,95% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: Brine Candy: 21
  169. Pokemon: MrMime CP: 336 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Psychic Candy: 10
  170. Pokemon: Vulpix CP: 335 IV: 52,69% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 69
  171. Pokemon: Voltorb CP: 329 IV: 65,87% Primary: Tackle Secondary: Thunderbolt Candy: 136
  172. Pokemon: Ponyta CP: 327 IV: 77,43% Primary: Tackle Secondary: FlameWheel Candy: 116
  173. Pokemon: Abra CP: 324 IV: 81,3% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: ShadowBall Candy: 52
  174. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 317 IV: 81,51% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 1
  175. Pokemon: Slowpoke CP: 315 IV: 54,43% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: WaterPulse Candy: 719
  176. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 313 IV: 71,47% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  177. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 303 IV: 91,43% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Twister Candy: 2
  178. Pokemon: Weezing CP: 301 IV: 95,41% Primary: Tackle Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 28
  179. Pokemon: Poliwag CP: 296 IV: 73,01% Primary: MudShot Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 221
  180. Pokemon: Koffing CP: 290 IV: 93,07% Primary: Tackle Secondary: Sludge Candy: 28
  181. Pokemon: NidoranMale CP: 285 IV: 62,84% Primary: Peck Secondary: HornAttack Candy: 160
  182. Pokemon: Fearow CP: 283 IV: 90,48% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: Twister Candy: 35
  183. Pokemon: Slowpoke CP: 283 IV: 56,36% Primary: Confusion Secondary: WaterPulse Candy: 719
  184. Pokemon: Chansey CP: 281 IV: 92,47% Primary: Pound Secondary: Psychic Candy: 3
  185. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 281 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  186. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 279 IV: 98,24% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  187. Pokemon: Doduo CP: 261 IV: 55,21% Primary: Peck Secondary: AerialAce Candy: 15
  188. Pokemon: Diglett CP: 259 IV: 47,06% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: RockTomb Candy: 98
  189. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 251 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  190. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 250 IV: 97,73% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Wrap Candy: 2
  191. Pokemon: Metapod CP: 247 IV: 71,26% Primary: BugBite Secondary: Struggle Candy: 84
  192. Pokemon: Poliwhirl CP: 237 IV: 53,32% Primary: MudShot Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 221
  193. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 231 IV: 98,88% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  194. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 231 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 1
  195. Pokemon: Jynx CP: 231 IV: 100% Primary: FrostBreath Secondary: IcePunch Candy: 24
  196. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 231 IV: 97,76% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  197. Pokemon: Onix CP: 221 IV: 62,37% Primary: Tackle Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 13
  198. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 221 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Wrap Candy: 2
  199. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 219 IV: 95,45% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 2
  200. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 213 IV: 95,15% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  201. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 209 IV: 90,59% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  202. Pokemon: Horsea CP: 207 IV: 65,8% Primary: Bubble Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 70
  203. Pokemon: Gastly CP: 200 IV: 50,42% Primary: SuckerPunch Secondary: OminousWind Candy: 70
  204. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 195 IV: 100% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  205. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 192 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Wrap Candy: 2
  206. Pokemon: Drowzee CP: 174 IV: 92,12% Primary: Pound Secondary: Psybeam Candy: 179
  207. Pokemon: Machoke CP: 174 IV: 69,5% Primary: KarateChop Secondary: BrickBreak Candy: 164
  208. Pokemon: Ekans CP: 172 IV: 70,46% Primary: PoisonSting Secondary: GunkShot Candy: 343
  209. Pokemon: Magmar CP: 166 IV: 92,71% Primary: Ember Secondary: FireBlast Candy: 14
  210. Pokemon: Mankey CP: 165 IV: 85,18% Primary: Scratch Secondary: BrickBreak Candy: 255
  211. Pokemon: Spearow CP: 161 IV: 70,14% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: AerialAce Candy: 35
  212. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 153 IV: 92,05% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 2
  213. Pokemon: Charmander CP: 141 IV: 57,09% Primary: Scratch Secondary: FlameBurst Candy: 75
  214. Pokemon: Kingler CP: 134 IV: 94,64% Primary: MetalClaw Secondary: XScissor Candy: 116
  215. Pokemon: Seadra CP: 126 IV: 95,3% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Blizzard Candy: 70
  216. Pokemon: Rhyhorn CP: 122 IV: 95,42% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: HornAttack Candy: 110
  217. Pokemon: Charmander CP: 118 IV: 65,26% Primary: Scratch Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 75
  218. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 117 IV: 93,93% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  219. Pokemon: Meowth CP: 115 IV: 71,14% Primary: Bite Secondary: NightSlash Candy: 195
  220. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 109 IV: 93,93% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  221. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 108 IV: 90,39% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  222. Pokemon: Diglett CP: 107 IV: 78,75% Primary: Scratch Secondary: Dig Candy: 98
  223. Pokemon: Diglett CP: 100 IV: 63,16% Primary: Scratch Secondary: MudBomb Candy: 98
  224. Pokemon: Voltorb CP: 96 IV: 40,03% Primary: Tackle Secondary: Thunderbolt Candy: 136
  225. Pokemon: Paras CP: 94 IV: 92,94% Primary: Scratch Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 148
  226. Pokemon: Grimer CP: 89 IV: 69,25% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 18
  227. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 88 IV: 96,64% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  228. Pokemon: Abra CP: 87 IV: 61,27% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Psyshock Candy: 52
  229. Pokemon: Cubone CP: 73 IV: 89,09% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: BoneClub Candy: 133
  230. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 73 IV: 93,7% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  231. Pokemon: Lickitung CP: 72 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 7
  232. Pokemon: Rattata CP: 67 IV: 50,78% Primary: Tackle Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 17
  233. Pokemon: Gastly CP: 52 IV: 53,25% Primary: SuckerPunch Secondary: OminousWind Candy: 70
  234. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 50 IV: 95,15% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  235. Pokemon: Dratini CP: 43 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Twister Candy: 2
  236. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 42 IV: 82,24% Primary: Lick Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 1
  237. Pokemon: Tentacool CP: 36 IV: 61,14% Primary: Bubble Secondary: WaterPulse Candy: 166
  238. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 26 IV: 93,28% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 974
  239. Pokemon: Primeape CP: 24 IV: 51,34% Primary: LowKick Secondary: NightSlash Candy: 255
  240. Pokemon: Electrode CP: 21 IV: 56,08% Primary: Tackle Secondary: Discharge Candy: 136
  241. Pokemon: Clefairy CP: 15 IV: 60,24% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 86
  242. Pokemon: Oddish CP: 15 IV: 73,51% Primary: RazorLeaf Secondary: Moonblast Candy: 72
  243. Pokemon: Oddish CP: 14 IV: 60,16% Primary: RazorLeaf Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 72
  244. Pokemon: Geodude CP: 11 IV: 75,85% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: Dig Candy: 228
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