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- ###################################################
- # #
- # GrisesiaRpg - Combat #
- # #
- ###################################################
- # Combat cooldown in seconds.
- cooldown-time: 10
- # Bossbar message.
- BossBarMsg: "&c&lCombat Cooldown:"
- ###################################################
- # RΓ©gion WorldGuard #
- # #
- # Message displayed if the player does #
- # not have permission during the Combat Cooldown. #
- ###################################################
- WgRegion: "&c&lYou are not allowed to change region during a Combat!"
- ###################################################
- # Anti-Command #
- # #
- # Message displayed if the player does #
- # not have permission during Combat Cooldown. #
- ###################################################
- Anti-Cmd-home: "&c&lYou don't have /home permission when fighting!"
- Anti-Cmd-spawn: "&c&lYou don't have /spawn permission when fighting!"
- Anti-Cmd-tp: "&c&lYou don't have /tp permission when fighting!"
- Anti-Cmd-warp: "&c&lYou don't have /warp permission when fighting!"
- ###################################################
- # Multivers Core / Portal #
- # #
- # Message displayed if the player does #
- # not have permission during Combat Cooldown. #
- ###################################################
- Anti-MvP: "&c&lYou can't take the portal when fighting."
- Anti-MvTp: "&c&lYou can't teleport when fighting."
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