

Feb 20th, 2017
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  1. Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:12:27 No.8933987
  2. love them from a distance. unrequited love is the best. love is a powerful tool, a performance enhancer and a pretty balls to the wall experience. fall in love often, with different people. dont attempt to form a relationship and dont disclose your love. dont worry about feeling sad, sadness can be fun. dont worry about being hurt, that can be fun too. dont fall in love for the people with whom you are in love, fall in love for the love itself.
  4. apologies for the no caps, im lying at an awkward position and my left hand is cupping my balls quite majestically and i dont want to stop even for a second to press the shift key
  7. Anonymous
  8. 01/08/17(Sun)21:41:20 No.17938535
  9. >>17938310 (OP) #
  11. if you go to AA you'll notice there isn't that many young people there. 20 years ago there was lots of young people. while I do think Millenials get unfairly judged for their behavior, this one is a pretty obviosu pattern i have seen in this generation.
  13. you claim you REALLY REALLY want to do something, but not if it involves the already established measures that exist to help you do it.
  15. is it pride? shame? time? why can't you go to AA?
  17. my boss just got his 45 years sober chip. the only time he slipped was one time he ordered ginger beer (which is generally non alcoholic) and they gave him an alcoholic one. he took one sip and sent it back.
  19. he even buys non alcoholic mouth wash.
  21. my mother one the other hand is like you. she didn't want to do AA. for her it was a pride issue. she didn't want to be judged for being in AA. so she stopped going.
  23. now she drinks again and takes entire bottles of pain meds so that my dad has to drive her to the ER so she doesn't die.
  25. point im trying to make here is if you had willpower, you wouldn't be asking how to stop drinking. you'd just stop drinking. thats literally what will power is.
  27. go to AA. not saying you need to go forever. but go to AA.
  29. as far as what to do with the freetime NOT spent at AA, invest in some hobbies. i like making movies. not youtube videos, but scripted narratives.
  31. others draw comics, others produce radioplays, or design video games, or build furniture.
  33. do something thats fun that feels rewarding when you're done.
  35. good luck.
  38. Anonymous 01/26/17(Thu)11:42:39 No.9024505▶>>9026943
  39. this debate arises because most people are unable to identify the backbone of all art, which is at its heart is the arrangement of certain 'artistic building blocks' in clever, novel ways. the exact identity of these blocks differs based on the specific art form. in instrumental music, the clearest illustration, it's pattern-making using the lateral and transverse arrangement of frequencies with tonal variations. in fine literature, the primary building blocks are plot (change; the protagonist's desires and the complexity of the path by which they fulfil them), characterisation (the interestingness of characters; their interactions; the expression of their 'character' across the changes in the plot), and wordplay (puns, metaphors, exactitude, emotionally-evocative words, grammatical complexity); in addition, there are several smaller blocks such as psychological insights (e.g. Proust's famous tangents), topicality (e.g. post-9/11 stories about it), moral edification (e.g. Orwell's illustrating the dangers of totalitarianism), the pleasures of experiencing and learning something new (Melville's Moby Dick; a different walk of life; the 'redundant' chapters on whale anatomy), the double-meanings of allegorical stories (e.g. Kafka; Aesop), variations of the character/environment induced by seasonal changes in the weather (a la Japanese Kigo), etc etc.
  41. anyway, so what the vast majority of people are referring to by "the quality of a work" is a work's sum-total value of the skill with which each of these blocks is arranged. where the subjectivity comes in is, firstly, that within an art-form, individuals will value certain artistic building blocks over others (e.g. within the wider field of literature, poetry deemphasizes plot and characterisation for wordplay; genre fiction deemphasizes everything for plot), and, secondly, that even for those who value the same blocks, some of them within a work will resonate more or less depending on the individual (e.g. the hundreds of parallels between The Odyssey and Ulysses are barred from those who haven't read the former).
  43. and then there is a third cause of subjectivity, applying to those who say "all art is the same", which is lacking this insight and therefore experiencing all art as something mystical, beyond human comprehension (the smart but unversed will attribute this to vague existential meaninglessness). note, however, that a lack of insight is not an incrimination against the view-holder's intelligence or education. in practice, most artists aren't even conscious of the exact blocks they're manipulating, as they largely learn them unconsciously by absorbing the works and habits of their predecessors. i mean Joyce, who by the above standard I would argue has created the greatest works of literature ever (Ulysses if you value novels; Finnegans Wake if you value artistic expression for artistic expression's sake), sounds when discussing his process like a deranged schizophrenic, which he probably was.
  45. Anonymous 02/01/17(Wed)13:18:39 No.9048799▶>>9048959 >>9048975 >>9048990 >>9049090
  46. >>9045957
  47. What really works for me is to see the brain as just another group of muscles to train with various excersises required regularly to remain strong.
  48. Masculinity is the idea of being strong, not just physically, but especially mentally, the impulsive dumb fucks are not even strong enough to be master of their own impulses or emotions, they are tempered and weak.
  49. Masculinity should be about being the strongest you possible, in all ways, mental and physical, it improves brain chemistry and makes you master over your own contentment in life and gives you the power to manifest your will, follow your interests, protect or conquer what you care about, it's the essence of being a man, nihilism be damned.
  51. Anonymous Sun Feb 5 16:31:44 2017 No.9066250
  52. Quoted by: >>9066259 >>9066272 >>9066291 >>9066297 >>9066324 >>9066384 >>9066431 >>9066436 >>9066458 >>9066539 >>9066543 >>9066618 >>9066729 >>9067210 >>9067953 >>9067971 >>9067992 >>9068303 >>9069181 >>9069842 >>9071205 >>9072350
  53. Women are extremely obnoxious because there is no way to turn off your instinct to value them and desire them based on their immediate appearance.
  55. The male transcendental aesthetic assigns irreducible sublimity to something as soon as it detects that the thing has a vagina. This isn't even a single operation. You don't just look at a woman and go "I want her." That would at least be tolerable. What actually happens is that the "I want her" impulse is mediated across secondary channels and processes that tediously unfold in your mind. You look at her, you realize she has a vagina, and then six different half-imagined fantasies and weird yens like "I wonder what her asscrack smells like?" start playing themselves out, where previously you had been thinking about the physics and engineering of suspension bridges.
  57. The more sex you have, the worse it gets. I saw a girl walking home tonight and she had bare legs because she had just been at the gym. My brain immediately slotted a 96% accurate, involuntary fantasy of what it would feel like to kiss and lick her legs before fucking her, based on previous experiences of fuckings that I've had. All she was doing was walking around. She gets to have a completely free and unfettered mind, but because I saw her mundane leg flesh, I had my time and cognitive energies wasted by imagining the exact spot where her ass fat meets her thigh fat and trying to guess at what kind of pussy lip configuration she has.
  59. Sometimes I try to force myself to realize that women are just people, just semi-hairless apes like me. But the more I do that, the more I find it sexy that I want to smell and french kiss their holes. No matter how you try to escape your innate tendency to rate the sublimity of a frumpy 5/10's semi-hourglass shaped body as on par with the plasma jets of a quasar, your brain just finds a new way to humiliate you. There is no possible way to look at a woman and not want to fuck her. I want them to leave me alone so I can read my fucking book on the bus in peace.
  61. Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)17:56:12 No.41256863▶
  62. You lift because you are insecure, the truth is hard to admit that's why. You didnt lift because you were weak, you felt weak and felt the need to compensate for it even though contemporary society doesn't value brawn anymore, you have regressed on a evolutionary level due to insecurity, you basically flinched at life and fucked up, that's why you go blank when someone asks you why you lift because the truth hurts to admit. If staying healthy isnt your primary goal in terms of fitness you fucked up somewhere along the way, you need to work the most important muscle of all, the heart and the brain, if you instead opt to work garbage muscles like biceps, lats, thighs you're working backwards and doing inane pointless caveman tier shit. Wake up to yourself and never post whinnie the pooh like this bullshit ever again
  64. Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)09:26:13 No.41461682▶>>41468906 >>41469215 >>41469456 >>41469470 >>41469537 >>41469548 >>41470587
  65. >>41461529
  66. >saw my ex at a restaraunt one day with her now boyfriend. Guess what, she didnt give a rats ass.
  67. this statement is the last nugget of truth i need to swallow regarding my ex. i want to still be a part of her thoughts like she's a part of mine but i need to let it go an accept that it's probably not the case, painful as it is
  69. not that you care im just typing for me
  71. Anonymous 05/23/17(Tue)12:24:06 No.41545090▶>>41546168 >>41548364 >>41549100 >>41549241
  72. File: Jay Gould Today.png (475 KB, 661x604)
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  74. ITT: Virgins discuss their adolescent sexual power fantasies.
  76. Slayers in real life look nothing like David Gandy. Slayers have a chip on their shoulder that most men simply don't have. It's like they NEED to get all the pussy. Most really good looking guys don't have that because they've gotten chicks way too easily their entire lives.
  78. One slayer I knew was a 7/10 looks wise but had literally zero inhibition. He'd hit on every girl who caught his fancy and lots of girls did. He'd fuck the hottest girls in our college and some real bottom of the barrel skanks. He had sex the way most people masturbate. And he sure as fuck didn't just stand there looking hot like a male model. That's an Elliot Rodger fantasy that will never manifest in real life. It's like the autistic virgin yesterday posting that video of the girl orbiting him at the squat rack. No matter how much a girl likes you, you're almost always going to have to make the first move. And from there, it's your job to close the deal. Most guys lack this killer instinct.
  80. I could write a book about the things /fit/ doesn't know about girls but the thing I'd put at the very top of that list is that GIRLS WAIT FOR A GUY THEY LIKE TO ASK THEM OUT. Yes, they just stand there smiling like morons and playing with their hair when they like a guy.
  82. But wait. I still haven't answered OP's question.
  84. >>41542462 (OP)
  85. >Can someone explain the difference between a "Chad" and a "slayer"?
  86. A Chad is a man with high social status within his microcosm of society, e.g. the high school football MVP. Status is a key component of Sexual Market Value (SMV). A Slayer is a man who has leveraged his SMV into actually getting laid with large swaths of women. This is universally accomplished by aggressively pursuing women with zero fear of rejection and treating the whole thing like a numbers game.
  88. Note: A high school or college Chad may be a complete zero in the real world. Or they may become a software millionaire like Jay here.
  90. Anonymous 06/01/17(Thu)23:41:47 No.12507328▶>>12507330
  91. File: 1496277948728.gif (314 KB, 415x415)
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  93. >>12507306
  94. >>12507322
  95. don't try hard to follow trends.
  96. you can go full thrift, but don't go full internet demarco-core (unless you really really do like it a lot)
  97. develop your own taste that shows off both your personal style and who you really are as a person.
  98. lift weights if you're unsatisfied with your physique. smile and laugh often if you find you're into that.
  99. drop all sense of irony, post-irony, elitism, and pretension, and become an actively kind person towards others
  100. follow your passions, work on them, aspire, have ambition, goals, dreams even
  101. seriously just be your (best) self.
  103. i'm really drunk right now, but i firmly believe all of this information should be stickied
  104. what i mean from the 'drop irony' comment is that don't be an insufferable pretentious prick. the Internet's snark, memes, and overly-dry attitude leaks into a lot of people's personality and it's really unhealthy and off-putting. still be self aware, just don't try to be so elitist all the time.
  106. and for the passions thing, just stretch your limbs, try everything out, and look towards your interests. don't freak too hard if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. you have plenty of more time than you think you do
  108. Anonymous 06/02/17(Fri)17:16:35 No.12508913▶>>12509077
  109. >>12508725
  110. Find a local scene that you enjoy. Whether it be music or film or fucking video games or whatever.
  111. Just get a bigass friend group that wants to go out and do shit all the time. That's what I did and I ended up meeting these girls.
  112. Eventually I learned they weren't worth the trouble but I still have a ton of good friends who are there for me and have been really cool.
  113. Just enjoy being young and go to first Friday events, festivals, local shows, whatever.
  114. Any city bigger than like 100,000 people is gonna have shit to some degree, and if you don't have stuff like that, drive to the nearest big city and engage yourself in shit that looks interesting.
  115. Look around on instagram. There is something to do literally every single night.
  117. Gradually the awkwardness will disappear.
  120. READ THE FUCKING STICKY 06/03/17(Sat)02:34:40 No.41669180▶>>41672974
  121. >>41669162 (OP)
  124. Anonymous 06/03/17(Sat)15:14:48 No.9592149▶>>9592160 >>9592183 >>9592445 >>9593364 >>9593520 >>9593545
  125. >>9592099 (OP)
  126. Literature is objectively worthless though. It's totally fine to enjoy it just like it's totally fine to enjoy video games. Your dad isn't wrong.
  128. People who read literature aren't smarter, they don't know more about the world, they're not happier, they don't know themselves better. The best way to grow is to learn more about the real world (science and history), learn practical skills, or (most importantly) to constantly meet new people and learn from their life experiences. Literature takes up tremendous resources and basically wastes your potential as a person. It's exactly like video games: you spent countless hours and countless years becoming familiar with something nobody around you cares about and your human potential is squandered. You should become an involved member of society and improve yourself and your community. It's totally fine to enjoy literature but do not pretend it's somehow a noble human achievement nobody around you appreciates. They know exactly what it is. Your brother is making friends and engaging with the bold colorful human world and you are burying yourself in a dead grey impotent world.
  131. Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)22:04:44 No.9602249▶
  132. File: Albert Catmus... do you get it.jpg (36 KB, 399x600)
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  134. One is always the person the self can blame; it's by your decisions that you come to follow or stray from the rules imposed. Yet if it weren't like that, would it matter?
  136. The real problem in this situation is not the blame but the consequences. If I am the one to pay the consequences then, by all means, I'll have to suffer in case of a failure and I'll get the joy in case of success. The point here, then, it's whether I can get the most joy of the way of live my life I've chosen, or created in the case I'm prone to a more authentic way of life, and to stay away from suffering as much as posible. So what's the real desire behind the already stated way of life? the drive and the way I should live my life? By not fucking up.
  138. Just try to fuck up the less you can. Not in school, university jobs, social situations, human relations, football, poetry, gardening, drawing or traveling. Try it everywhere, everytime, and don't miss life.
  140. Anonymous 06/19/17(Mon)18:47:15 No.84090620▶>>84090695 >>84090708 >>84095933 >>84096315 >>84096516
  141. File: Amelie-0782.jpg (168 KB, 830x800)
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  143. >>84090533
  144. Wrong. This the level that comes after hating women. You pity them
  145. In a way, men have it easier. Even betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practise and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we dont become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, it's a gradual process of things getting better
  147. It's the opposite for women. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard. That is what it must be like to be a 30 year old woman. She starts life as a young girl girl, hits puberty, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held and drinks bought for her
  148. But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. She clings to it, desperately. Resents the younger women around her and the men whose glances, little by little stop falling upon her. Maybe she even doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party of being a 20-something girl in a big city.
  149. But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. And one by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. The tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza. But like her rapidly fading youth, it's slowly sliding away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, it's still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, is it worth saving?
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