
Set 'Em Free [Frozen parody]

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. >>>To the tune of "Let It Go"<<<
  2. Here's how it went down, in Pallet Town, with a young boy named Red
  3. One day he started hearing many voices in his head
  4. The chaos flowing through his mind from God knows where
  5. Drove the boy that day to choose Charmander.
  7. And so they went to Pewter's Gym
  8. They challenged Brock and defeated him
  9. But Red and Charmander, you see,
  10. Weren't meant to be...
  12. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  13. Release them from PC
  14. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  15. Why couldn't we just press B?
  16. Away they go, the weak and strong
  17. Let the battle rage on
  18. Red'll surely lose before too long.
  20. Red defeated Misty and Lt. Surge just fine
  21. But had a lot of trouble with a ledge along Route 9...
  23. We can't decide, we can't agree,
  24. We're locked in endless anarchy
  25. The PC box is dangerous
  26. To us...
  28. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  29. Is that what you really meant?
  30. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  31. Is this just an accident?
  32. Jay Leno and Abby gone
  33. Let the battle rage on
  35. We barely beat Giovanni and won the Silph Scope
  36. We tried to pick it up but Dig Rat came out, was all "Nope!"
  37. The spinning tile maze vexed us to an endless rage
  38. And oh that Flareon! Its wisdom anti-sage....
  40. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  41. Let them all just go back home
  42. Set 'em free, set 'em free
  43. Such is the will of the Dome.
  44. Is it right or is it wrong?
  45. Let the battle rage on
  46. Red won the league, so ends this song.
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