
Black Pig

Jan 17th, 2019
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  1. Black Pig
  2. A monster has been seen in a mall forest town with... weird attributes associated with it that dont entirely make sense.
  5. Town: Forest No One Heard town
  6. Leon Dead/Missing
  7. Dean: Gossiping about the divorce between Whitney after her affair with Ronald
  9. Black Pig:
  10. The Black Pig is a small black pic as it's name suggests. At least at first. You see, anything someone says about The Black Pig comes true, meaning if you say it's as big as a house, it will become as big as a house.
  11. Abilities:
  12. Light Sensitivity: The Black Pig is unable to appear during the day and disappears with it's teleport while exposed to light.
  13. Natural Camouflage: While standing still and in it's natural habitat, The Black Pig gains a +4 bonus to stealth to appear to be a bush
  14. Particle Teleportation: The Black Pig gains the ability to disappear into dust, reappearing a few moments later from a completely different location. In combat it disappears for 1 round before coming out and attacking, requiring a perception check with a DC 5 or else the target takes a Sneak Attack
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