

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. 09:43] Derek Ackley: highlights_store drops has like 5 tags as the latest commit with no branch? how do I find out which branch is the current branch? I think these are being submitted wrong into stash
  2. [09:44] Sam Hetrick: 7.x-2.x is the branch
  3. [09:45] Derek Ackley: thanks... Shouldn't we be committing branches and not tags for every commit. having the branch then tagged?
  4. [09:46] Sam Hetrick: there's many ways you could do it, but ultimately - tag or no tag - you need to commit back to the branch.
  5. [09:46] Sam Hetrick: It appears that the commits are going to the 7.x-2.x branch as they should.
  6. [09:46] Derek Ackley: ok - the git log was very confusing
  7. [09:55] Derek Ackley: my repo says it is current, but the 4 tags ahead of my repo/ basically how do I get those changes into my local?
  8. [09:55] Steve Lefevre: `git pull`?
  9. [09:55] Derek Ackley: everything says it is up to date
  10. [09:55] Steve Lefevre: what does git branch say?
  11. [09:55] Steve Lefevre: you might need to check out those branches
  12. [09:57] Nick Furr: `git checkout 7.x-2.x`
  13. `git pull origin 7.x-2.x`
  14. [09:57] Nick Furr: if that doesnt work `git remote -v`
  15. [09:57] Derek Ackley: says already up to date
  16. [09:57] Nick Furr: make sure your origin is right
  17. [09:57] Sam Hetrick: might need to fetch before that. I'd also create a feature branch (if you haven't already) just so you don't lose whatever changes you have
  18. [09:57] Steve Lefevre: paste output of git tag
  19. [10:11] Derek Ackley: apparently my fork syncing wasn't syncing
  20. [10:11] Steve Lefevre: frustrating :S
  21. [10:11] Derek Ackley: very...
  22. [10:11] Steve Lefevre: int he past I've had to uncheck and check that box
  23. [10:12] Steve Lefevre: to get it to sync
  24. [10:26] Nick Furr: if you develop directly on a branch that has sync enabled (7.x-2.x) it will fall out of sync and the feature will reject
  25. [10:26] Nick Furr: feature branch FTW!
  26. [10:26] Sam Hetrick: always be branching
  27. [10:26] Steve Lefevre: A.B.B.
  28. [10:26] Steve Lefevre: A- Always
  29. [10:26] Steve Lefevre: B- Be
  30. [10:26] Steve Lefevre: B- Branching
  31. [10:26] Sam Hetrick: I WANT A TSHIRT WITH THIS
  32. [10:26] Sam Hetrick: DO IT
  33. [10:27] Derek Ackley: I don't open up a file without branching..... The tagging however causes confusion! Should we also A.B.T
  34. [10:28] Sam Hetrick: the tagging didn't mess up syncing
  35. [10:28] Sam Hetrick: its possible that stash just hated you today
  36. [10:28] Derek Ackley: not in this particular instance - but it made my log look weird
  37. [10:28] Brian Weaver: can you describe how it made the log look 'weird'?
  38. [10:28] Brian Weaver: is this command line, or sourcetree?
  39. [10:29] Sam Hetrick: again, as long as you commit to the branch, tags are just extra
  40. [10:29] Sam Hetrick: (for your use case)
  41. [10:31] Sam Hetrick: though, if we're not using them in the makefile, I'm all for not tagging
  42. [10:32] Sam Hetrick: but no matter why we use them, as long as folks go back to the canonical branch and development happens on a feature branch, most times things will be fine.
  43. [10:32] Sam Hetrick: and when they're not and fork syncing breaks, just fix it.
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