

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. Once upon a time, long ago, in the dawn of history, development was calm and safe like the oceans swell.
  2. But then one day a monkey on a twig lost it's balance and hit the ground, on two legs, and lost it's tail.
  3. From that day the world was no more the same, for the tail-less monkey caused panic and learned how to use tools to gather food and those that stood in the way she learned to kill.
  5. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  6. The system is the same now as then, many are sacrificed for what others want to reach.
  8. But humans are herd animals that hate lonelyness, so we moved together into small villages, as you know.
  9. By farming, hunting and fishing we lived and shared equally.
  10. Everything was owned comunally and there were no poor and rich.
  11. But one day they figured out how to say "This is mine" and then hell broke loose and hate raged freely.
  12. We forgot the natural socialism and sew the seed of capitalism.
  14. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  15. The system is the same now as then, some reap what others sow.
  17. When each and everyone shall make their own living, cooperation was replaced by a competition society and so it became harder to make the days bread.
  18. Despite more work and toil people got less food in their bellies.
  19. But then one came up with a way to free themselves of sweat and hassle - one forced others to work to gather more food.
  20. Then one attacked the neighbouring village to take some slaves, graves were prepared for those that refused to work.
  22. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  23. The system is the same now as then, us many work for the few.
  25. In the 1300's there were no slaves or thralls, but farmers in serfdom had no free souls.
  26. They didn't own the earth they were made to plow and from the whole bread they probably only got crumbles.
  27. For the landowners and the church had monopoly on earth, defended by knights and those of the "Holy words"
  28. and those that dared protesting got whipped, so the choise you had was: Suffer or die.
  30. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  31. The system is the same now as then, some reap what others sow.
  33. In the 1500's the merchants began to get rich and the landowners dominion slowly broke down.
  34. For colonialism helped the merchants and when riches grew so did demands.
  35. But when the merchant classes demanded part of the power the landowners said no and so the slaugther began.
  36. They put up armies and started wars and the men in line were forced to remain silent.
  38. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  39. The system is the same now as then, many are sacrificed for what others want to reach.
  41. In the 1700's the merchants had gained power and sought for new ways to raise profits.
  42. They started small factories to make more money and the prior free craftsmen were forced to be stooges.
  43. And the factories grew like mushrooms out of the earth and the owners jostled around the dressed tables
  44. but those that had worked for all this abundance were usually forced to mix bark in their bread.
  46. It was long ago that this happened, but it's still relevant to us.
  47. The system is the same now as then, us many work for the few.
  49. In the 1900's the corporations began growing across all borders and become multinational,
  50. they devour all competition to reach their goals and the goal is of course, world monopoly.
  51. Because then they can rule just as they want, democracy gives way when they ask.
  52. If the regime doesn't fit their tastle they'll call the CIA and they'll take care of it.
  54. It is now that this is happening and it's relevant to you and me.
  55. The system is the same now as then, and that's why it has to be changed.
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