
My Little Persona Quest: Social Links Are Magic BlahBlah 7

Aug 18th, 2015
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  1. >Last Chapter:
  2. >
  3. >Archive of first thread:
  4. >
  5. >Mini-Ponesona Quest by another anon (somewhere between the 1st part):
  6. >
  8. “It’s all or nothing, Rarity. Let’s do it!”
  9. >”Peter Pan!”
  10. “Asmodeus!”
  11. >You summon your Personas simultaneously!
  12. >Pan blows an eerie tune on his flute, causing his shadow to spread out and blanket the floor...
  13. >”Welcome to our Neverland, Darling!”
  14. >The Pan’s shadow grows up along the walls and onto the ceiling, wrapping the entire room in darkness!
  15. >You focus your mind with Rarity, exerting your wills over the dreamscape…
  16. >The blackness swirls and shifts, changing into a vast hellish landscape!
  17. >Ebony black mountains surround you, dripping with streams of crimson lava into pools of sulfur!
  18. >The beast heads on your Persona’s shoulders come to life along with her serpent tail, opening their jaws wide.
  19. >Asmodeus’s own demonic mouth stretches open as all four heads roar at once, emitting a quartet of storming cyclones!
  20. “HELL 2 U!”
  21. >The spinning columns of wind tear through the hell you’ve created!
  22. >They burst apart the mountains of coal, dip into the lakes of sulfur, and lick up the burning rivers!
  23. >Pan concentrates on playing his flute, and the storms begin to twist and converge!
  24. >They spiral into each other, mixing up and forming a black tornado of sulfur and ash around your enemy!
  25. Team Up Attack: UNHOLY SANDSTORM!
  26. >The blazing wind rips into the shadow, black sand cutting through her body as the storm rages violently!
  27. “This power is…”
  28. >”A nightmare!”
  29. >The tornado erupts violently, scattering into a wave of searing ash that wipes away the hellscape!
  30. >Shadowy blobs fly away with the tornado as the last bit of the shadow’s body becomes lost to the wind, leaving nothing but a purple ball of light behind.
  31. >”Sorry I had to get so rough, darling.”
  32. >Sunset rushes to Applejack’s side and revives her with her tears just as the purple light darts into Rarity’s bow!
  33. >The entire weapon becomes dyed in a 7-colored gradient.
  34. Obtained: RainBow
  35. >Rarity squeals in delight, “Oh it’s just as marvelous as I imagined! Thank you, darling!”
  36. “I’m just glad it worked. That was pretty close…”
  37. >”So we’re as good as we’re gonna get, right?” Sunset asks, looking at her white sword.
  38. “Actually, there’s one more thing we have left. The day before the full moon, let’s meet up again in my Fantasia. I’ve got a surprise training opponent for us.”
  39. >”I was hopin’ to get a little rest, but I reckon we can train a little bit.” Applejack shrugs.
  40. ><You certainly enjoy surprising ponies, don’t you?>
  41. “It’ll be great. You’ll see. Anyway, let’s get out of here Fluttershy.”
  42. >Argus’s eyes glow, and you all wake up together.
  44. Twilight’s Castle Meeting Room, Afternoon
  46. >The team says their goodbyes and goes their separate ways, but you stop Twilight as she’s leaving.
  47. “Twi, can I talk to you about something?”
  48. >”Hm? Of course you can. What’s up?”
  49. “It’s about me and Celestia… could I talk to you about that in private?”
  50. >The cheerfulness in Twilight’s voice vanishes instantly.
  51. >”Right… I guess we should. We can talk about it over in my room.”
  53. Twilight’s Room, Afternoon
  55. >You have a seat next to Twilight on her thick, fluffy mattress.
  56. “Sorry I didn’t have this conversation with you sooner.”
  57. >Twilight shakes her head. “It’s fine. I’ve… been avoiding it too.”
  58. >”Ever since I saw the way you treated her shadow, I realized you two fell in love.”
  59. “I thought you might have.”
  60. >”I can’t really blame you for that. You didn’t even realize it was Princess Celestia you were falling in love with. What’s done is done, right?”
  61. “I guess so. So… how do you feel about it? Is this really okay with you?”
  62. >Twilight looks a little guilty as she glances up at you.
  63. >”Honestly… thinking about it really freaked me out.”
  64. >”I’m sharing my boyfriend with Princess Celestia.”
  65. >”My mentor… more than that, even.”
  66. >”She’s the ruler of Equestria, and the most magical pony in the world. Not to mention absolutely beautiful.”
  67. >”There’s been ponies who literally worshipped her, Anon.”
  68. >”It made me think… ‘what would he need with us if he could have her?’.”
  69. “Twilight…”
  70. >She holds her hoof up. “Hold on, let me finish.”
  71. >”That’s what I thought, and that’s how I felt…”
  72. >”But that’s not how it is now.”
  73. >You look at Twilight curiously as she explains.
  74. >”When I went into her fantasia with you, I saw a side of her I’d only glimpsed before.”
  75. >”I saw how vulnerable she could be.”
  76. >”All the mistakes she’s made, the times she’s suffered, the times she was too weak…”
  77. >”And seeing that made me realize that I’d been treating her like she’s a goddess too.”
  78. >”I always thought she was perfect. And I ignored her flaws because I wanted her to be perfect.”
  79. >”But she’s not, Anon.”
  80. >”She’s really just like us.”
  81. >”I feel terrible that I assumed otherwise.”
  82. >”Like I’m responsible for that shadow too, because I put that expectation on her without considering how it made her feel.”
  83. >Twilight takes your hand in her hooves, looking at you with a soft smile.
  84. >”Celestia isn’t my mom. She’s her own mare, and she deserves to be treated that way.”
  85. >”Right now, you might be the only one who can look at her that way.”
  86. >”She held onto her love for the Good Sombra for almost 1,000 years. And she’s willing to move on from that for you.”
  87. >”If I tried to deny that from her now, I’d be the most selfish pony in all of Equestria.”
  88. >”It’ll take some getting used to, but I’m happy for you two.”
  89. >”You love each other. And you’ll be great for each other.”
  90. >”As long as you still love me, I couldn’t be happier for you.”
  91. >You scoop Twilight into your arms.
  92. “I’ll never stop loving you, Twi.”
  93. >The alicorn’s cheeks redden slightly.
  94. >”I’ll always love you too.”
  95. >You shared a long, intimate kiss with Twilight…
  96. >”Heh, come on. You gotta go out with Sunset Shimmer today, right?”
  97. “Yeah, we better get going if we wanna catch that train to Seaddle.”
  98. >”Have fun, babe. Oh, and one more thing.”
  99. “Hm?”
  100. >”About that ‘surprise training’... you’re sure this is something you wanna keep secret like that? Because your track record with secrets has been a bit…”
  101. >Your mind flashes back to a certain incident with Twilight…
  102. >”Actually, forget about it. I’m sure you wouldn’t keep any secrets that could wind up hurting somepony after what happened before. You’re not an idiot.”
  103. “Yeah…”
  104. >”Anyway, I gotta get going. Enjoy your date!”
  105. >Twilight quickly warps out, leaving you alone.
  106. >It’s… probably fine, right?
  107. >You should get going before you miss your train.
  108. >After quickly heading home and gathering your things, you met up with Sunset Shimmer and hopped on the train.
  110. Express Train to Seaddle, Afternoon
  112. >You both spend most of the ride relaxing in your seats next to each other.
  113. >Even with healing magic and all that, fighting in Fantasia can be a little bit taxing.
  114. >You feel a bit more energized after you buy a couple of overpriced apples from the food cart and scarf them down.
  115. >Sunset looks out the window with a smile as she finishes hers off.
  116. >”Pretty excited to go out to Seaddle. This was a cool idea, Anon.”
  117. “No problem.”
  118. >”I’m just kinda curious how you knew I was into this kind of thing. I don’t think I ever mentioned liking those movies… we mostly just talked about Anime.”
  119. “I figured since you liked that kind of stuff…”
  120. >Sunset frowns. “Not every anime fan likes toku though. But it’s fine. I sorta got into a bit of everything. Guess you can tell I’m a bit more eclectic from my persona.”
  121. >”I kinda want to ask what your favorite Kaiju is… but I feel like you couldn’t answer. So… what do you think mine is?”
  122. >You throw out a few guesses… King Gidorah, Gigan, Gamera, Mothra, even Jet Jaguar.
  123. >But Sunset just seems rather amused as she shoots down every single one of your guesses.
  124. >”Good try, but I didn’t really think you’d get it. Still, it’s good to see you know your Kaiju.”
  125. “If you don’t think I’d get it, who is it?”
  126. >”I- well, actually I guess I have two. In the human world, it’d be Mecha King Gidorah. But in this world, I’m more interested in Manda.”
  127. “Why does that matter?”
  128. >”Well, there’s a few differences between movies in the human world and movies in this world. A lot of special effects here are done with magic, which tends to look different from CG. Also their implementation of practical effects is a bit different too. The way they do the monsters is somewhat changed.”
  129. >”Oh, also there’s a bit of a different message to the movies in this world.”
  130. “A different message?”
  131. >”Well think about it. The original kaiju movies are about science going too far, right? They’re all about the dangers of humans misusing science, and nature rebelling against them.”
  132. >”But this world hasn’t discovered nuclear power yet, so it doesn’t really work that way here.”
  133. “So what’s it about then?”
  134. >”A lot of it is about messing around with dark magic research, or tampering with ancient forces beyond your control. Casting unknown ancient spells, putting on weird amulets you find in ruins, stuff like that.”
  135. >”Sometimes it’s also about the expansion of civilization threatening the habitats of monsters.”
  136. >”So in the Pony movies, Manda is a bit more sympathetic. He’s the guardian of an underwater kingdom of Seaponies that’s trying to attack the surface and reclaim their treasure that they left buried in an island.”
  137. >”The ponies find it first, and they think their treasure is this super powerful ice spell that they find, so they learn how to use it to freeze Manda and destroy the seaponies.
  138. >”But then it turns out that the treasure the Seaponies were seeking to reclaim was deeper in that underground facility, and that really they were looking for the seaponies they froze in suspended animation hundreds of years ago using that spell.”
  139. >”It turns out they were all sick with a plague, and they had them frozen while they looked for a cure.”
  140. >”In the end, they set Manda free and promise to find a cure, and he swims off, accepting their decision to repent for their actions.”
  141. “Sounds pretty different.”
  142. >”Well, that’s what you get when underwater civilizations and giant sea monsters are something that actually exists. They end up getting a little more depth. But there’s still plenty of freedom for them to make up monsters just to have a cool thing blowing stuff up. Which is why I like the human version of Mecha King Gidorah.”
  143. >”It’s kind of nice to be able to experience both sides of that kind of thing.”
  144. >”Too bad you can’t seem to go through the mirror for whatever reason. It’s just completely solid for you, right?”
  145. “Right.”
  146. >Sunset props herself up against you and nuzzles your cheek.
  147. >”I’m gonna miss you on the other side.”
  148. “I’ll miss you too, Senpai.”
  149. >”Maybe I could ask Twilight to let you hold onto this when I’m gone.” Sunset suggests, pulling out her sun-emblazoned magic diary and flipping it open to demonstrate.
  150. >”It’d be a good way to keep in touch. And I can still come see you on the weekends and-”
  151. >The book buzzes loudly, interrupting her as writing forms onto the pages.
  152. >RD: Hay gurl. School’s out. Wassup?
  153. >Sunset groans and draws out a pen from her bag. “Sorry. I probably should have left this at home.”
  154. >You see her jot down, “NOT NOW. ON DATE WITH ANON.”
  155. >A few seconds later, a line appears below hers’.
  157. >Sunset looks up at you. “Well we’ve still got time before we get to Seaddle. Do you feel like talking to them?”
  158. >Do you? And if you do, how should you act towards them?
  159. “Might as well. Give it here.”
  160. >Sunset scribbles down, “Okay fine. Just for a little bit.”
  161. >You take the book and pen, writing out your message to Sunset’s friends in the human world.
  162. “Sup.”
  163. >PP: Hi!
  164. “Who else is there?”
  165. >RD: All the rainbooms are here for some practice! Except Sunset of course.
  166. “Vinyl too then?”
  167. >VS: ;)
  168. “Thanks for that stuff you sent through.”
  169. >VS: B)
  170. >AJ: What stuff?
  171. “Album for Twilight, some other stuff.”
  172. >RR: What other stuff? Why is Vinyl smiling so much?
  173. “It’s a secret.”
  174. >FS: Nice to meet you! I hope you’re doing well. Could you tell us what Sunset Shimmer looks like on that side?
  175. “Like a horse.”
  176. >”I’m a pony, not a horse.” Sunset corrects you insistently.
  177. >PP: Is she a preeeetty horse?
  178. >You stare at Sunset with a grin until she starts looking away nervously.
  179. >”Stop looking at me like that…”
  180. “Yes. She is adorable.”
  181. >PP: Am I a pretty horse?
  182. “You are all pretty horses.”
  183. >AJ: Did you two kiss yet?
  184. “We certainly have.”
  185. >RD: Did you two do it yet?
  186. >Sunset throws her hooves over the page.
  187. >”That’s… maybe we should…” Sunset squeaks, her cheeks flushed bright red.
  188. >A few seconds later, another message comes through.
  189. >RR: Rainbow Dash has had her journal privileges revoked. Please ignore the previous question.
  190. >Sunset lets out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank the goddess…”
  191. >RR: What are you wearing, darling?
  192. >RR: I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. D:
  193. “Some nice clothes and a fedora you made me.”
  194. >FS: Rarity looks like she’s feeling sick. We’ll have to talk to you later, okay?
  195. “Okay.”
  196. >Sunset Shimmer takes the pen from you and writes up, “SS: TTYL”
  197. >”Have fun on your date!” says an unattributed message.
  198. >Sunset closes the book and puts it away.
  199. >”Sorry I freaked out a little bit. It’s not that I’m embarrassed about being with you or anything, it’s just… you know. Dimensions with only one sapient species might get a little icked out about any details like that.”
  200. >"Anyway, uh, what did you think?"
  201. “They’re pretty nice girls. Sounds like you’ve got some good friends on both sides.”
  202. >Sunset smiles down at the journal. “Yeah, they are pretty great. I owe a lot to them.”
  203. “Is the Vinyl Scratch in that world a voyeur too?”
  204. >She quickly turns back to you. ”Wait, what?”
  205. “Because she watches me through her window sometimes.”
  206. >Sunset’s face is frozen in confusion for a good 5 seconds before she responds.
  207. >”I… I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”
  208. “Just thought I’d ask.”
  209. >”I guess she didn’t need much convincing to buy that stuff for us… I don’t want to think about it any more than that. Whatever floats her boat.” Sunset sighs, laying back against you.
  210. >You let her rest there until the train pulls into the station half an hour later.
  212. Seaddle, Afternoon
  214. >When you step off the train with your marefriend, you notice the city of Seaddle seems somewhere neatly inbetween Manehatten and Ponyville in terms of what you might call “modernization”.
  215. >It reminds you a bit of the outer parts of Canterlot. Mostly brick buildings around one or two stories.
  216. >This part of Seaddle seems to be lightly metropolitan, and you don’t get that sort of oppressive “big city” sort of feeling just walking around.
  217. >At times, all the green growing along the streets makes it feel like you’re back in Ponyville, but with about 20 times more coffee shops.
  218. >On the whole, this place seems sort of average and easygoing. Fairly close to most of the other parts of Equestria you’ve been to.
  219. >Although some of the conversations you overhear end up being a bit telling.
  220. >”My nutritionist tried to tell me I didn’t have a gluten allergy, but I was like, ‘yeah, I think I know my own body, thank you’.”
  221. >Yep. Definitely Seaddle.
  222. >Interestingly enough, you don’t draw a lot of looks up here either.
  223. >A few passing glances of observation are all you get before they go back to their business.
  224. >”Convention Center isn’t too far from here. Want to head right there, or do you feel like grabbing some coffee and food first?"
  225. “Food at conventions is always overpriced. We should get something to eat first.”
  226. >”Good thinking. C’mon then. Let’s look around.”
  227. >You headed towards the convention center while keeping an eye out for some place to eat.
  228. >There’s certainly no shortage of options…
  229. >Coffee shops are a dime a dozen, and the area is filled with an eclectic selection of ethnic restaurants.
  230. >It’s a good thing Sunset offers to choose, or you’d be stuck out here all week trying to decide.
  231. >You had some apples on the train, so Sunset settles on something quick and light.
  232. >She enters a crowded mini-donut shop while you have a seat outside to rest your legs.
  233. >You watch a lot of ponies crossing the street with Seaddle Moncon branded saddlebags on their sides, strange camera contraptions around their neck, and cumbersome costumes of rubber and foam.
  234. >There’s more than a few cheap Anguirus cosplays from ponies wearing cheap saddles covered in spikes, but some of the ponies have gone through the trouble of learning to balance on their hind legs to pull of some bipedal godzilla costumes, and even an incredibly elaborate mechagodzilla.
  235. >While you’re waiting for your donuts, you end up getting asked to take pictures with ponies thrice, awkwardly accepting each time.
  236. >Although the most popular costume by far seems to be an incredibly lifelike chimera with a tiger head, goat head, and moving hissing snake tail.
  237. >The quality of the fur and scales seems impossibly realistic… you almost want to reach out and touch it.
  238. >But what’s really throwing you for a loop is the way each head moves independently, speaking in a different voice.
  239. >There must be some skillful puppetry going on inside it… and ventriloquism as well.
  240. >She even manages to have two of her heads hold simultaneous conversations with different ponies.
  241. >Sunset comes out levitating two paper coffee cups and a big bucket of little fried donuts.
  242. >”Sorry about the wait. Oh, a chimera. I wondered what the first one you saw would be.”
  243. “The first… so that’s a real…”
  244. >”Yeah! Real Chimera.”
  245. “So they like these movies? Chimeras?”
  246. >Sunset smiles knowingly. “You could say that.”
  247. “So are there different types of Chimeras out there?”
  248. >Sunset takes a sip of her coffee. “You’re dating one.”
  249. “Huh?”
  250. >”Gilda. An avian and feline chimera is a griffon.”
  251. “Oh yeah… I kinda thought they were their own thing though.”
  252. >”They are. Guess Twilight didn’t have time to teach you much taxonomy, but to put it simply, magical creatures that contain traits of two or more non-magical creatures are considered a Chimera.”
  253. >”The one posing for the cameras is a ‘Chimaera Capanvipera’ which is sometimes called a ‘True Chimera’ as they’re the oldest known chimeric species.
  254. “Neat.”
  255. >”Discord is one too. Chimaera Draconequus. Although that form is probably more of an illusion than anything, given that he was born from the abstract concept of chaos. But I’ll tell you more later. Let’s try the donuts while they’re hot.”
  256. >You grab a donut only a couple inches in diameter from the bucket.
  257. >It’s warm to the touch, and lightly dusted with a blend of cinnamon sugar.
  258. >You get a good whiff of the scent of freshly deep fried dough before taking a bite.
  259. >!
  260. >This is…
  261. >The fluffy interior of the deep fried donut melts in your mouth and mixes perfectly with the light coating of expertly blended cinnamon and sugar.
  262. >The light coating complements the flavor of the dough rather than overpowering it, making it taste almost like a churro.
  263. >But rather than the thick crust of the churro that often contains such little dough in the center, only the very outer layer of the donut is fried to a crisp, maintaining its shape neatly as you bite through it without having to squish or tear it with your teeth.
  264. >There’s no need to deliberate on what to say here.
  265. >There’s only one thing you can say.
  266. “These are pretty good.”
  267. >”I know, right? Come on, we can eat them while we walk.”
  268. >You enjoyed your coffee and donuts together as you headed towards the convention center.
  269. >Once you’re in, you start to notice a spike in the levels of species diversity.
  270. >Though they’re still heavily in the minority, the adolescent dragons, kelpies, and even a lone aging centaur are all easy to spot through the crowd.
  271. >”Monster movies can be fairly popular among the non-equine crowd. But it’s more than just movies, this place has all kinds of stuff about monsters.”
  272. “So they can walk around, and I get weird looks going through Canterlot?”
  273. >”This is a bit of an exception. I’m sure they’d get the same treatment. Canterlot is pretty insular. Most non-equine beings that live among ponies come from the fringes of Equestria.”
  274. “Spike seems to be doing pretty well.”
  275. >”He’s cute. He gets a pass. When it comes to fully grown adult dragons, I can’t really think of any place they live among ponies peacefully. I hope things work out for him.”
  276. “I’m sure they will. He knows he’s gonna have some problems with that, but he’s on the right track.”
  277. >”And once they get to know him, they’ll see that he can be a great friend. Just like you.”
  278. “And a great boyfriend.”
  279. >Sunset smirks. “Well, you’re on the right track at least.”
  280. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
  281. >The unicorn laughs to herself. “Come on, let’s keep looking around.”
  282. >You explored the convention quickly, trying to make good use of the time you have there.
  283. >Sunset drags you to catch the tail end of the Equestrian version of Atragon, where they unfreeze Manda and have a tense standoff while the sea dragon deliberates their fate before swimming back to the depths.
  284. >He’s a lot more realistic than what you’d expect given the age of the film.
  285. >It seems special effects developed more quickly in Equestria thanks to heavy use of magic.
  286. >After the movie, you take some time to shop around.
  287. >There's plenty of kaiju movie merchandise for sale, as well as other monster-related items, including some Naga merch being sold by a griffon.
  288. >You quickly head to the Naga booth and pore over the Griffon’s wares.
  289. >Sunset helps you pick out a sweet looking poster of a purple-scaled Naga with needle-like teeth and thick claws, as well as a probably overpriced figurine.
  290. >Sunset seems pretty amused when you tell her Twilight doesn’t believe in them.
  291. >”After everything she’s seen, she’s still that much of a skeptic? I wonder if it’s because Celestia taught us different, or if that’s just the way we are.”
  292. “It’s more fun to believe.”
  293. >”Yeah, I’m definitely in that camp. And real or not, they look pretty damn cool.”
  294. >You browsed the dealer’s room for almost an hour until Sunset stopped you to go to an autograph signing by the actor who plays Manda.
  295. >When you get into the autograph room, you see a short line leading up to a theater stage with an enormous purple sea serpent resting on it, sporting neatly coiffed orange hair and a long handlebar moustache.
  296. “Wait, so that wasn’t… a costume?”
  297. >”Not all of it. Why build a huge sea serpent from scratch when they already exist? A lot of the Kaiju in Equestrian films are played by real creatures.”
  298. “Damn…”
  299. >”I was hoping you’d think it’s cool. You know, I kinda went through the same thing when I went to the human world.”
  300. “There’s a lot to learn… but I like learning it.”
  301. >Sunset nods knowingly. “Yeah, it can be a lot of fun…”
  302. >”Plus we can lie to you about how things work to mess with you.”
  303. “Farfalla tried to tell me she could eat food like a snake.”
  304. >”Not too far from the truth. She can pack it away like nopony’s business.”
  305. >A staffer calls out “Next!”
  306. >You’re let through to see the Serpent laying with his chin resting on his left hand as he holds out his right towards Sunset.
  307. >”Well good evening, you two! Steven Magnet, superstar. Having a good convention?”
  308. >”Yeah…” Sunset squeaks out a few octaves higher than normal as she reaches out and shakes his hand.
  309. >"Wonderful, wonderful." He says in a lilting voice before raising an eyebrow at you. “Say, have we met before?”
  310. “I… don’t remember if we did.”
  311. >He scratches his cheek thoughtfully. “Hmm. Maybe it was that night at… oh maybe not. Just deja vu I suppose. Well it’s nice to meet you anyway.”
  312. >You take his hand and shake it as firmly as you can despite your size difference.
  313. >”Could you sign this poster I bought?” Sunset asks politely, lifting out a long poster depicting dozens of Kaiju and unrolling it with her magic.
  314. >”Sure thing! Who should I make it out to?”
  315. >”I’m Sunset Shimmer!” She blurts out quickly.
  316. >”Sunset Shimmer? That’s a pretty name. You from here or out of town?” He asks casually as he takes out a quill that looks like it came from a Roc.
  317. >”Out of town. I grew up in Canterlot, but I’m staying in Ponyville because of… stuff.”
  318. >”Oh, Ponyville? Love that place!” He sings. “Wonderful ponies, and the rivers in the everfree forest are just heavenly to swim in!”
  319. >”It is pretty nice…” Sunset admits bashfully.
  320. >”I should really find the time to go visit again, but my schedule’s just been puh-acked!”
  321. >Sunset’s eyes widen in excitement. “Are you going to be doing more films?”
  322. >”Oh, I wouldn’t want to say too much. You’ll see, you’ll see.” The serpent says playfully as he jots down his signature.
  323. >”Yes, ponyville, nice place. In fact I think an old friend of mine moved there recently. He was a carpenter on some of the sets of Atragon. Donkey, bit of a grouch, ring any bells?”
  324. “Wait, you don’t mean Cranky do you?”
  325. >Steven turns to you quickly. “Oh, you know him?”
  326. >His eyes dart to the side as he whispers, “Give me something else to sign so we can keep talking.”
  327. >You fumble around and draw out your unrelated Naga poster for him to autograph.
  328. “Uh, yeah. I know him. He’s been like a father to me actually. Helped me get on my feet and learn some skills to take care of myself.”
  329. >”He is just the sweetest isn’t he.” Steven coos as he signs your poster rather slowly.
  330. “Not the first words I’d use to describe him.”
  331. >”So how about you then, what’s your story?”
  332. “I’m… Anonymous. I’m a human, and I’ve lived in Ponyville for about 3 months.”
  333. >”Human? Oh, that one…. that’s right, I think you’ve been in the news here and there. So, Mr. Human. Equestria been good to you?”
  334. “Depends on where I go, but I still love it. Ponyville’s been amazing to me, and I’d never want to leave.”
  335. >His mouth pulls into a slight grin. “Good to hear. It won’t always be so easy when you look a little scary like we do. But if you just keep smiling and remember who your friends are, you’ll go far, honey.”
  336. “Thanks, I will.”
  337. >”Say, how ‘bout a photo? Either of you bring a camera?”
  338. >”I did!” Sunset quickly volunteers, lifting an instant camera out of her bag in a turquoise glow.
  339. >He looks over your shoulders. “Line’s winding down, I think we’ve got time for something a little special. How ‘bout it?”
  340. “Special?”
  341. >”Sure!” Sunset agrees without thinking.
  342. >”Then upsy-daisy!”
  343. >Before you can think twice, the effeminate sea serpent scoops you both up in the end of his tail, coiling around you firmly and lifting you above his head.
  344. >”Woo!”
  345. “Whoah!”
  346. >”Take it on three! One, two, three!”
  347. >Steven puts on a fierce face and opens his jaws wide as the camera flashes and snaps a picture of him looking like he’s going to eat you two.
  348. >He sets you back down gently and slides his tail back onto the stage.
  349. >”That was awesome!”
  350. “That was… something.”
  351. >While you recover from the experience, Sunset shakes out the photo and slides it over to Mr. Magnet to get a quick signature before stowing it away safely.
  352. >”Thanks a lot!”
  353. >”Oh it’s my pleasure! Tell Cranky Stevie says hi!”
  354. “Yeah, I’ll do that…”
  355. >”Toodles!” He bids you farewell with a little wave as you walk off with Sunset.
  356. >Without stopping to rest, you moved on to another part of the Con, checking out the displays they have set up, snapping photos together around the scale model neighpon, even slipping her the amulet to take a couple with both of you as humans.
  357. >You try to pack as much into your evening as you can until you’re forced to run back to the train station.
  358. >You almost don’t make it through the crowd, but Sunset manages to teleport you with her and catch the last train home minutes before it leaves.
  360. Express Train to Ponyville, Night
  362. “I forgot you could do that…”
  363. >”Yeah…” Sunset wheezes. “To be honest though, I’m not as good as Twilight at it.”
  364. “To be fair, she is an Alicorn.”
  365. >”Well yeah…” Sunset pants as she takes a water bottle from her bag and guzzles it down halfway before offering it to you.
  366. >”Mm. That’s better.”
  367. >You guzzle down the rest of her water in one swig.
  368. >”Anyway, thanks for taking me tonight. This was an awesome idea, Anon.”
  369. “No problem. It was a pretty interesting experience.”
  370. >”Steven Magnet turned out to be really cool. Glad you were there for that. Feels good hearing someone say everything’s going to turn out okay.”
  371. >”Even if you’ll always stick out from other ponies, I think if a 40 foot sea serpent can feel welcome here, you shouldn’t have any trouble if you just keep at it.”
  372. “Definitely.”
  373. >Sunset holds your hand in her hoof tightly.
  374. >”I’ve had to think a lot about where I belong lately.”
  375. >”And even though I decided to become a teacher over there, it’s not because I don’t belong here. It’s because I want to be there.”
  376. >”That’s what’s important.”
  377. >”Not where you were born, or what species you are… just be where you want, right?”
  378. “Home is where the heart is.”
  379. >Sunset nods in agreement leaning against your body.
  380. >”My heart’s always gonna be with you. No matter how far away we are.”
  381. >You rode the train home with Sunset Shimmer, spending the whole ride in each other’s arms.
  382. >You spent a long time being close with Sunset Shimmer.
  384. Saturday, February 11th
  386. >Two days remain before the Full Moon.
  387. >Before you even finish breakfast, a rapid knocking comes from the door.
  388. >DTR seems to have shown up early.
  389. >She acts impatient, but you inform her that the express won’t even be leaving for another hour.
  390. >You get the feeling she was just too excited to wait alone.
  391. >You end up sharing some of your blueberry crepes with her, and allowing her to play with Oscar before you leave for the train.
  393. Express to Canterlot, Morning
  395. >Diamond Tiara stands on the train seat with her hooves up against the side to get a good look at the scenery passing by through the window.
  396. >”I like riding trains… maybe I should buy them when I grow up.”
  397. “You want to own a train?”
  398. >Not A train. THE trains.” she corrects you.
  399. “I think they’re government run. You could be the Minister of Transportation. That’d put you in charge.”
  400. >”Oh yeah… but then I’d just be stuck in canterlot. I wouldn’t actually get to ride them anywhere.”
  401. “Do you want a job where you can travel a lot?”
  402. >”Maybe. It gets boring sitting around in one place all the time.”
  403. >Diamond Tiara groans and flops back into her seat.
  404. >”This is too hard! Couldn’t my cutie mark be more specific about what I’m supposed to be in charge of? Sensei, you should help me think of something. Don't you have any ideas?"
  405. “What about something like a multinational tourism business?”
  406. >”Tourism?”
  407. “You could build resorts all around the world. Not even just Equestria, but other nations too, like the Griffon Kingdom. Or maybe you could fund expeditions to all the uncharted parts of this world, or search through ancient ruins for records of lost civilizations.”
  408. >Diamond Tiara’s eyes are wide with wonder as you explain those possibilities.
  409. >”Wow… you really are good at coming up with ideas.”
  410. “It’s the power of crowdsourcing.”
  411. >”Huh?”
  412. “So you like those ideas?”
  413. >”Well…” She trails off, considering, “I guess I kinda like the first one a little more. I don’t think I could do the second one. If I’m not going with them, then it’s boring. And if I am going with them, that sounds way too dangerous.”
  414. “Well is there anything you’d like to do for this world with your work? Anything you’d like to change? Anything you really want?”
  415. >”I really want to know if the Alicorns in the book are real. I wanna know more about them.”
  416. “Maybe you could fund some research expeditions to look for evidence of their existence.”
  417. >DTR lets out a sudden gasp. “I just got an idea! What if… I did both?!”
  418. “Both?”
  419. >”I could pay a bunch of ponies to bring back cool artifacts and stuff that prove they were real, then put them all on display in places all over the world, and have ponies come and pay to see them! What do you think of that?”
  420. “That sounds like a great idea. If you can find that kind of proof, it belongs in a museum.”
  421. >”A museum?”
  422. “You kinda just described a museum.”
  423. >”What? No, museums are filled with boring stuff that nopony cares about. I’m going to fill this with awesome stuff that everypony wants to see.”
  424. “Museums don’t have to be boring. But if you think they are, then maybe you should make a better one. The kind of museum you’d want to go to. I know I’d go see a museum like that. Sounds cool.”
  425. >”A cool museum... maybe that’s what I’ll do.”
  426. “I’ve always been a little disappointed how hard it is to learn about that kind of stuff. I bet a museum run by you would be awesome.”
  427. >”Hee hee, thanks Sensei…” DTR says while rubbing her hooves together bashfully.
  428. >DTR kept talking about her museum idea until the train reached the station.
  430. >You help her off the train and head down main street towards the castle.
  431. >Ponies give you a wide berth on the walkway as if you’ve got a forcefield extending 5 feet out from you.
  432. >”Why don’t they wanna go near you, Sensei?”
  433. “They’re not used to seeing me around. They’re a little scared here ever since they found out that Princess Luna’s missing.”
  434. >”What are they scared of? You’re just a dumb teacher. It’s not like you have claws or fangs or fire breath. You don’t even have hair.”
  435. “Fear of the unknown, DTR.”
  436. >”This place is dumb.”
  437. “Yeah, kinda.”
  438. >Despite trying to carry a conversation to busy yourselves, you can’t help but overhear what they’re saying about you.
  439. >”That thing’s back again, dear…”
  440. >”It’s just going to cause trouble like it did before…”
  441. >”If you paid attention you’d know that thing’s been helping Equestria you dolt.”
  442. >”What’s it doing with that filly…”
  443. >DTR halts and turns around.
  444. >”For your information, HE is taking me to the castle to get a tour because he’s friends with the Princess, you bonehead!” she snaps.
  445. >The unicorn looks at her like she just spat in his mouth. “You watch your words little filly, do you have any idea who I am?”
  446. “An interesting question.” You interject, stepping between him and the filly.
  447. “Can you be said to know someone by simply retaining knowledge about the superficial qualities of their status and appearance? Or can you only know someone by understanding their true character and having knowledge of the inner workings of their mind?”
  448. “Either way, I don’t know you. And I’m positive you don’t know us.”
  449. >The unicorn sneers. ”Am I supposed to be impressed by you and your… cheap suit?”
  450. >Diamond Tiara glares from behind you. ”You’re the one who should watch it. I’m Diamond Tiara Rich. And if you keep talking about my friend like that, I’ll buy whatever worthless hovel you live in, burn it down, buy the ashes, and throw them in your face, you cretin!”
  451. >”Is there a problem here?” An earth pony in a golden guard uniform asks in a deep voice as he steps in.
  452. >The unicorn looks at the guard and turns his head up. “I was just minding my own business when this filly came up and insulted me.”
  453. >”He started it.” DTR answers back. “He was talking bad about Anonymous.”
  454. >”Well I didn’t hear any profanity, so I’d just like to ask you all to keep the walkways clear and settle your affairs without causing a scene if it’s that important.” The guard replies.
  455. >”Oh it’s not important at ALL. We’ve got so much better things to do.” DTR taunts.
  456. >”They were the ones bothering me.” The unicorn retorts.
  457. >”Well, sir, you’re free to return to your business if you please. Would you two like me to help you to the castle?”
  458. “We’re fine.”
  459. >”Then enjoy the rest of your morning, Sir.”
  460. >You exchange glares with the unicorn before walking off towards the castle.
  461. >Perhaps you could have handled that more delicately, but it seems to have silenced the comments for now.
  463. >When you reach the gates, the guards step aside for you and salute.
  464. >”Good morning, Sir!”
  465. “Morning. We’re here for the tour?”
  466. >”Yes, Sir! By orders of Princess Celestia you are allowed in all areas of the castle aside from her personal quarters.”
  467. “Where would you like to start?”
  468. >Her face lights up like an aspiring supervillain in a candy store. “We can go anywhere except for Princess Celestia’s room?”
  469. >”As long as you stay together, you have full access to the castle.”
  470. >”Let’s go to the royal kitchens! And the garden! And… wait, what’s the most exclusive part of this castle that we can go?”
  471. >The guard gets an uncomfortable look on his face as he replies. “That would be… Princess Luna’s personal quarters.”
  472. >”We can see Luna’s bedroom? Wait, why are we allowed there?”
  473. >The guard clears his throat. “A-Ahem. The situation is a bit… complicated. But Princess Celestia has agreed to give Anonymous the penultimate level of access. All staff are to abide by his requests should he make them.”
  474. >”Penultimate means second highest, right?”
  475. “Good memory. You learned that one almost a month ago.”
  476. >Diamond Tiara rubs her hooves together. “Hee hee… this is gonna be the best. Day. Ever.”
  477. >”However, this privilege does not extend to Anonymous’s guests.” The guard states while continuing to stare straight ahead.
  478. >”What? That’s lame… oh well, let’s go explore!”
  480. Canterlot Castle Kitchen, Morning
  482. >You and Diamond Tiara are sampling the kitchen’s endless variety of cakes and candies politely provided to you by the royal pastry chefs.
  483. >”These are amazing…” Diamond Tiara sighs after scarfing down another macaron.
  484. >”The Princess tends to need a bit of sugar as a pick-me-up throughout her day, especially after advancing the cycle of the day and night. I have to be ready to make her some tasty treats whenever she needs them.” the Patissiere explains.
  485. >”Can we try that one next?” DTR points to a slice of chocolate cake in a gold and white serving dish.
  486. >A cold feeling starts to fill your chest.
  487. >It’s as if some unearthly pressure is emanating from that plate, warning you of a terrible danger...
  488. >The chef winces, “I’m sorry, but that one is off limits. She’s saving it for later.”
  489. >"Just make her another. She won't notice."
  491. “We’re not going to take that chance, DTR. If anyone eats the imitation it’ll be us.”
  492. >”If you come back later, I can try to make it again.”
  493. >Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes. “Fine…”
  494. >You left the kitchens and continued to explore the the castle.
  495. >DTR took you through the gardens filled with rows of eye-catching arrangements of flowers and plants.
  496. >The sounds of exotic animals fills the air, but they all keep their distance and flee whenever you try to get a closer look at them.
  497. >You stop by a few other places, making a quick side trip to the royal library since it’s on your way there.
  498. >Apparently there’s a large empty section that used to be filled with information on dark magic, but it’s since been removed and placed somewhere more secure.
  499. >Diamond Tiara looks at you hopefully, but you quickly get her off the subject and move on.
  500. >You’re trying to make sure she doesn’t become a supervillain here.
  501. >Finally, you end up at the door to Luna’s room.
  502. >The batpony guards step aside and bow when you get close.
  503. >Looks like there’s really no problem with you going in
  504. >You open the door for Diamond Tiara and head inside, closing the door after you.
  506. Princess Luna’s Room, Afternoon
  508. >”Huh. It’s nothing special.”
  509. >It’s certainly a lot simpler than DTR’s cluttered avant garde bedroom, but it’s got a bit more style than your bedroom back in ponyville.
  510. >The room has a distinct nighttime motif with star-like jewels adorning the cerulean walls, though the ivory bed frame shaped like a crescent moon is what sticks out the most.
  511. >Diamond Tiara quickly leaps onto midnight blue bedspread, bouncing up a couple inches and spreading out on her back.
  512. >”At least she’s got a super comfy mattress. I need one of these at home!”
  513. >Beyond it rests a black and silver dresser, which you know to be filled with socks, and formerly, a moonblossom.
  514. >The last time you were here, you were forced to fight someone close to your heart.
  515. >Even after everything she did...
  516. >She was still someone you loved.
  517. >She thanked you for your friendship in that letter, and even gave you the knowledge you needed to face the true threat waiting on the moon.
  518. >Did she really become part of Celestia?
  519. >Or did she just disappear?
  520. >”EeeEEEEEEEEEEE!”
  521. >A shrill scream pierces your ears, snapping you back to reality as Diamond Tiara falls out of the bed.
  522. “Are you okay?!”
  523. >”GIANT RAT!”
  524. >You look where she’s pointing as cave-pony guards rush in to investigate the commotion.
  525. >A gray-bodied possum pokes its little white snout out from underneath Luna’s pillow.
  526. >One of the guards lets out a relieved breath. “There you are, Tiberius! Must have slipped in with the cleaning mare.”
  527. “Tiberius?”
  528. >”He’s Princess Luna’s pet. Poor guy’s been having a rough time ever since the real Princess Luna went missing. I don’t think that imposter treated him too well. Come here, little guy, let’s get you back to the pet-sitter.”
  529. >Diamond Tiara looks at you wide-eyed while the guard scoops up a squirmy Tiberius and tries to carry him out.
  530. >”I’m done with this room.” She says breathlessly.
  531. “Fair enough.”
  532. >As you’re leaving the room, the possum leaps out of the batpony’s grip and scampers off!
  533. >”Tiberius, come back! Somepony catch that Possum!”
  534. >The two batponies fly down the hall after it, and two white stallions standing by a golden door join the chase.
  535. >”Idiots.”
  536. “At least they’re polite.”
  537. >”Now there’s no guards here! Anypony could just trot in and do whatever they want!”
  538. >A grin slowly creeps onto Diamond Tiara’s face.
  539. >”Hey, Sensei… we should take a look in Princess Celestia’s room while they’re gone! Just a quick look, what do you say?”
  540. >Your curiosity is undeniable…
  541. >But it might not be a good idea to go where you don’t belong.
  542. >Plus, you might be able to catch up with those guards and help them catch Luna’s pet if you go now.
  543. >Poor guy seemed pretty stressed.
  544. >Then again, this might be your only chance to do this.
  545. “We’re not going to sneak into Celestia’s room, Diamond.
  546. >”But it’d just take a second!”
  547. “It’s not about getting caught, it’s about respecting her privacy. Now come on, I’m going to help them catch that Opossum so they can get back to their posts.”
  548. >Her lips purse tightly for a few seconds before she says, ”... Fine.”
  549. >Diamond Tiara takes one last look at the bedroom door, then follows the sound of the commotion with you.
  550. >You can hear their armored uniforms clanging down the halls as they try to seize the squirming marsupial.
  551. >”Here Tiberius!”
  552. >”Be careful, we can’t hurt the royal pet!”
  553. >”Argh! He bit me!”
  554. >”Pony down!”
  555. >”He’s heading to the garden! Don’t let him get away!”
  556. >You and Diamond finally catch up to the guards as they charge out into the gardens just in time to see a gray blur wriggle through the hedges.
  557. >One of the earth ponies tries to reach through, but comes up empty.
  558. >”Ralph, try to see if you can spot it from above! Sam, keep searching those hedges!”
  559. >Diamond Tiara watches, unamused. “This is just sad.”
  560. “That armor’s a lot harder to move in than it looks. It wasn’t really built to catch Opossums in. It was built to make sure those soldiers come home.”
  561. >”We’re not even at war. What’s the point?”
  562. “The point is to be ready if something happens.”
  563. >The filly scoffs. “Tchyeah. They look ready.”
  564. >You shake your head and step closer to the bushes.
  565. “It seems I’ll have to help them out a bit.”
  566. >You straighten your posture and inhale deeply, expanding your lungs…
  567. >Picturing the opossum in your mind’s eye, you focus your will…
  568. >Then, putting every part of your being into your voice, you shout!
  570. >Your yelling echoes through the garden, causing the leaves to shake as if a gust of wind blew through.
  571. >Everypony’s eyes lock on to you as a little opossum scampers to your feet from the hedges.
  572. >He climbs up your body and clings to your chest, sniffing your face and looking at you with curious beady eyes.
  573. >"How did you do that..."
  574. “All in the wrist, DTR.”
  575. >”What’s a wrist?”
  576. “Exactly.”
  577. >You bring your arm up beneath Tiberius to support him, and stroke the back of his neck with your hand.
  578. “That’s better. You’ve just been acting up ‘cause you’re lonely, huh?”
  579. >His tail curls around your arm as he clings onto it and rubs his nose against your sleeve affectionately.
  580. “Well your mommy’s going to be back soon, I promise. Just behave yourself for a few days, okay? No more running away.”
  581. >The opossum nestles itself between your arm and body, seeming to relax a bit.
  582. “Ralph, come take Tibbles. Let him sleep in Princess Luna’s bedroom if he’s getting this antsy.”
  583. >The bat-pony salutes you. “Understood… Sir.”
  584. >You pass the Opossum off to him, and the guards return to their posts.
  585. “Come on, there’s one more place I wanted to see.”
  586. >Diamond Tiara follows you up about 200 flights of stairs until you reach a balcony at the top of the highest tower labeled “Royal Observation Deck” where a thick telescope sits on top of a tripod.
  587. >Diamond Tiara sticks her neck out over the edge of the railing.
  588. >”Wow…”
  589. >The scenery stretches on for miles…
  590. >A rocky mountainside gives way to waterfalls, rivers, and grassy hills, and verdant meadows, all bathed in the golden rays of the afternoon sun.
  591. >A crystal tower you recognize as Twilight’s Castle stands in the south, surrounded by a cluster of nearly imperceptible buildings.
  592. “Want to use the telescope?”
  593. >”Can I?”
  594. “Sure. It’s the same kind Twilight showed me. You don’t have to calibrate it, just look through the end and think about zooming in or out.”
  595. >Diamond Tiara looks up at the telescope.
  596. >”... it’s too high. Give me a boost.”
  597. “As you wish.”
  598. >You kneel down in front of the telescope, allowing her to climb onto your shoulders and take it in her hooves.
  599. >”I can see my house, Sensei! I can see the whole town!”
  600. “Pretty cool, huh?”
  601. >”I can even see in their windows…”
  602. “... Please don’t.”
  603. >”There’s Sugar Cube Corner… there’s Sweet Apple Acres… oh, do you want a turn?”
  604. “That’d be nice.”
  605. >Diamond Tiara moves her head away, but keeps holding onto you.
  606. >She’s light enough that it doesn’t really make a difference for you.
  607. >In fact it feels a bit comforting, having her hugging you from behind like this.
  608. >As you peer through the telescope, Ponyville is in clear view.
  609. >The magical lens lets you see things as if you were right there on the street.
  610. >You will it to zoom back out, and scan the horizon for other features.
  611. >Commanding the telescope to zoom in on another dot reveals the bustling City of Manehattan.
  612. >You look around until you spot Pony Island, framing the amusement park and giving Diamond Tiara a turn to look.
  613. >”Princess Luna Park? Looks fun, but I think you’re probably too big for some of those rides.”
  614. “Yeah, yeah…”
  615. >You take back the telescope and tilt it skyward to catch a glimpse of Cloudsdale.
  616. >You pass it back to your student to let her see it.
  617. >”I wish Ponyville had rainbow waterfalls… I should tell dad to put one in my room.”
  618. >You’re not sure that’s possible, but you can let her dream for now.
  619. >”Can we see the Crystal Empire from here?”
  620. “Sorry, it’s to the north. The mountains are in the way.”
  621. >”That’s dumb. I wanted to see it.”
  622. “I’m sure you’ll get a chance.”
  623. >Diamond Tiara rests against you quietly for almost a full minute before speaking again.
  624. >”I was going to go for the Equestria Games.”
  625. >”Dad got me tickets and said we were going to watch them together.”
  626. >”But then he said there was something he had to take care of, so he told me to just go see it with Randolph.”
  627. “But you didn’t go?”
  628. >”No…”
  629. >”I didn’t really care about the dumb Equestria Games anyway.”
  630. >”I know it really was important, and he said he was sorry, but it still… I dunno.”
  631. >You feel her weight shifting on your back.
  632. >”... Thanks for taking me here today. Sen...pai.”
  633. “It was our pleasure, Diamond Tiara.”
  634. >Next time, you’ll be sure to take her to the Crystal Empire.
  635. >It’s starting to get late…
  636. >Your date with Rarity is later today.
  637. >You told Diamond Tiara it was time to go, and walked back to the station with her.
  639. Express Train to Ponyville, Afternoon
  641. >Diamond Tiara is laying on the seat next to you, lazily resting her head against your leg.
  642. “Feeling tired?”
  643. >”Mhm…”
  644. >”Too much walking.” she pouts
  645. “I probably would have carried you if you asked.”
  646. >”That’s okay. I just want to lie down for a little bit.”
  647. “Heh, all right then.”
  648. >Diamond Tiara squirms a bit, trying to use your leg as a pillow.
  649. >”You know… you’re pretty lame most of the time.”
  650. >”But you’re still fun to talk to.”
  651. >”And when you yelled like that today… I thought it was kinda cool.”
  652. >”You really showed that Opossum who’s boss.”
  653. “And that Unicorn too, right?”
  654. >“Not really.”
  655. “Oh…”
  656. >”But the other stuff was cool. And it’s really nice that you took me too the castle. Everypony’s gonna be super jealous when I tell them I got to see Princess Luna’s bedroom.”
  657. “If you start rubbing it in ponies’ faces, I’m going to have to tell them how loud you screamed when you saw Tiberius.”
  658. >Diamond Tiara’s eyes snap open to glare at you. “Hmph.”
  659. >She shuts her eyes again and squirms to get comfortable.
  660. >After a minute or two, she speaks up again.
  661. >”Can I ask you one thing?”
  662. “Sure.”
  663. >”I’ve been thinking…”
  664. >”Remember how Celestia was beating us at Monopony, and then you made that trade with me and I started winning?”
  665. “Yeah, I remember that.”
  666. >”Why’d you make that trade with me?”
  668. “Well… a lot of reasons I guess. I pretty much had no chance of winning at that point. Celestia was too far ahead.”
  669. “But even if I couldn’t win, I could still choose the winner.”
  670. “So I did it to help you
  671. “It’s like I’ve been trying to tell you. It’s better to have friends than to have subordinates. They’ll help you out when times get tough.”
  672. >”Then why didn’t you just give me everything?”
  673. “Well… that wouldn’t have been as interesting. It’s still a game after all. I wanted to have a little fun. Plus I got second place anyway. Probably better than I would have done without making that trade.”
  674. >”It was kind of fun… plus I won this trip to the castle.”
  675. >”I was a little worried you did it because you were feeling sorry for me or something. But I guess it’s fine.”
  676. “Don’t get me wrong, Diamond Tiara. I’m positive that you’re going to grow up to be someone incredible, whether I help you or not.”
  677. “But when you care about someone, you help them succeed. Not because you think they can’t do it on their own. Because they don’t have to.”
  678. >Diamond Tiara opens her eyes, looking up at you from your lap.
  679. >”Thanks…”
  680. “That’s what friends are for. So make sure you make a lot of good friends like me, okay? You help them, and they’ll help you. Just like how you helped me by standing up for me to that Unicorn.”
  681. >Diamond Tiara looks a little embarrassed. “I just didn’t want to hear that bonehead saying all that junk about you when he doesn’t even know you.”
  682. >”You might be kinda lame sometimes, but you’re not a bad guy.”
  683. “But he’s the kind of adult that would rather make enemies than friends.”
  684. >”That’s stupid.”
  685. “I know. You’re not gonna grow up like that, right?”
  686. >”No way.”
  687. “So you should probably be nicer to those fillies you’re teasing, shouldn’t you?”
  688. >Diamond Tiara closes her mouth and glances down.
  689. “Doesn’t make sense to make someone your enemy when they could be your ally, does it?”
  690. >”I guess not…”
  691. >She looks back up at you. “I’ll try not to mess with them so much.”
  692. “You’re a good student, Diamond Tiara.”
  693. >She stands up and reaches over your shoulders, hugging you tightly.
  694. >”You’re a good teacher too, Mr. Anonymous.”
  695. >You held Diamond Tiara for a long time.
  696. >You felt comfortable, knowing she took to heart what might be your final lesson to her.
  697. >By the time the train pulls into Ponyville Station, Diamond Tiara has fallen asleep with a smile on her face.
  698. >You carried her all the way back to her mansion, handing her off to Randolph before leaving the estate to see Rarity.
  700. >You waited patiently for Rarity at the train station.
  701. >She’s running pretty late…
  702. >As you check your watch anxiously with 2 minutes left before departure, a bright blue flash shines out of the corner of your eye.
  703. >You quickly look up to spot Rarity surrounded by a fading blue aura, wearing that starry purple gown she made a couple weeks ago.
  704. >She spins around, looking a bit disoriented before she finally spots you. “Oh! There you are. Sorry I’m a bit late. Do you have the tickets?”
  705. “Yeah, come on, let’s hurry!”
  706. >You flash your tickets and rush onto the train with Rarity.
  708. Express Train to Manehattan
  710. >You find your seats just as the train starts picking up speed.
  711. >As Rarity climbs onto her spot next to you, you notice something different about her..
  712. >A single white streak flows down the center of her purple mane, with a similar white lock running along the length of her tail.
  713. “Oh, your hair…”
  714. >Rarity adjusts her precisely curled mane out of her eyes with her magic. “It changed on its own last night. I suppose now that we’re getting closer to the full moon, my connection is growing stronger.”
  715. “I see…”
  716. >”I think it’s a lovely addition. A bit of white serves as a nice contrast to the darker color of my coat. If only I knew how good it looked, I would have gotten it dyed a month ago.”
  717. “Good to hear you’re taking it so well. It does look pretty nice.”
  718. >”Thank you, Darling. I hope Coco likes it. I haven’t seen her in ages. I hope she isn’t mad at me.”
  719. “Why would she be mad?”
  720. >Rarity bites her lip nervously. “Well… it’s only that I hadn’t returned her letters for a while now. After Tirek’s defeat, I became a bit withdrawn. She sent me a couple since then, but I hadn’t written her back until recently. She said she’d be willing to catch up with us after the fashion show, so I suppose she can’t hate me too much..."
  721. >Rarity gets herself settled in next to you, but she seems a bit quiet.
  722. >You get the feeling something's bothering her.
  723. >Is there something you should bring up?
  724. >You figured honesty is the best approach here.
  725. “Rarity, is something wrong? You seem worried.”
  726. >”Oh, it’s… I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem polite to say.”
  727. “I won’t get mad. Just say what’s on your mind. Is it about your transformation? Or are you thinking about that shadow we fought?”
  728. >She averts her gaze guiltily when you bring up the shadow.
  729. “Rarity…”
  730. >”It’s just that you seemed to be… entranced by her rather easily.”
  731. >”I have to admit that Coco Pommel is a very cute mare.”
  732. >”She’s a bit shy, but she’s skilled, hard-working, and has a very good heart.”
  733. >”And you seemed to be so… happy when her shadow charmed you.”
  734. >”You kept saying how beautiful and pure she was. You even cuddled her.”
  735. >”And I know Applejack did too, but well…”
  736. >Rarity folds her hooves and sighs. “One of your greatest qualities is how quick you are to open your heart to somepony.”
  737. >”But… I suppose I’m a bit more self-conscious than others.”
  738. >”I keep playing it out in my mind that you become so enamored with her that you forget about me.”
  739. >”I know it’s silly, but… it’s just that I felt a little jealous seeing how you treated that shadow. Calling her your beautiful little Coco Puff…
  740. “Come on, Rarity… it’s just a shadow. Its magic was pretty strong, I’ll admit that much.”
  741. “But I bet it’s nothing compared to what you could make me do.”
  742. >”Darling…”
  743. >You pull Rarity closer and touch your nose to hers, looking her in the eyes.
  744. “I don’t know much about Coco, but I’m never letting go of a lovely lady like you.”
  745. >You tilt your head up and plant a quick kiss on her nose, causing her cheeks to redden slightly.
  746. “I might have 12 other marefriends… two of them are even princesses.”
  747. “But none of them are like my sweet little Rarara.”
  748. >She lets out a girlish giggle that warms your heart. “Rarara… I like that one. Come here you, big dreamboat.”
  749. >Rarity grabs onto you and starts nuzzling your neck, letting you stroke her mane and kiss the top of her head.
  750. >You spend the whole ride over showering each other with affection, only stopping when the doors slide open.
  752. Manehattan, Evening
  754. >You lead her out of the station, and head out onto the streets of Manehattan together.
  755. >She’s nearly skipping with excitement as she takes in the sights.
  756. >”Oh, I just adore coming here!”
  757. “It is pretty nice. Everyone just kind of ignores you if you look weird.”
  758. >”They’re just so courteous here, aren’t they?”
  759. “That’s… one way to look at it.”
  760. >You’ve still got a bit of time to kill before the fashion show begins, so you make a quick stop with Rarity to grab her a carrot dog from a street vendor.
  761. >She slips him a little red ruby as a courtesy, and ends up getting one of the fresher looking carrots from the back for her generosity.
  762. >It tastes pretty good when she offers you a bite, but you’d still rather be eating a nice tube of ambiguous meat byproducts that’s been sitting in water for several hours in the sun.
  763. >Maybe.
  764. >”So, darling. You’ve seen your fair share of Equestria by now, haven’t you?”
  765. “Kind of. I’ve been around I guess.”
  766. >”What’s your favorite place you’ve been so far? Besides Ponyville, obviously.”
  768. “I think I’d have to go with the Crystal Empire. The buildings and culture of that place really intrigued me, and the ponies there were pretty good to me.”
  769. >”A lovely choice, darling. Princess Cadance really has helped it thrive under such difficult circumstances.”
  770. “She’s a good leader. Even if she goes a little far sometimes, it’s all because she means well.”
  771. >”I’d love to build my botique out of the same crystal they use to make their houses there, but the cost of importing… not to mention it wouldn’t shine as bright being so far from the Crystal Heart.”
  772. >”But a Mare can dream…”
  773. >Rarity finished up her carrot dog just in time for you to get your seats.
  775. Fashion Runway, Evening
  777. >The seats are filled with well dressed ponies, the more notable of which Rarity is quick to point out for you.
  778. >You’re wearing the good suit Rarity made for you a while ago, which manages to draw a few compliments before the show starts from some ponies confident enough to approach you.
  779. >Rarity seems flattered by their praise of your suit, though it doesn’t come close to the adoration she garners for her own garment.
  780. >But every time she receives accolades for the dress she has on, she’s quick to point out that she couldn’t have done it without you.
  781. >The audience ceases their small talk as the show begins, the lights dimming as upbeat pop music starts to play.
  782. >It seems Coco is entering the finals for an amateur design contest, where the winner’s design will be produced by a high end clothing line.
  783. >One after another, youthful mares strut out in attire of all colors, designs, and cuts, while you keep one eye on the program until finally…
  784. >”Next entry for Mare’s Businesswear, Burgundy in Winter. By Coco Pommel.”
  785. “Here it is…”
  786. >A periwinkle earth pony with an emerald mane tied up in a bun strides out to the catwalk, wearing a reddish tweed suit jacket with a matching skirt, white undershirt, and a neat black tie.
  787. >You cheer in support of Coco’s design, but once you notice you’re the loudest one cheering you end up trailing off and sinking down into your seat.
  788. >Rarity seems to be applauding politely, but her eyes look intensely focused on the suit.
  789. >It’s too loud in the auditorium to ask her about it, so you sat and watched until the end.
  791. >After the parade of unique styles you’ve never even seen ponies wear before today, Rarity manages to get you backstage.
  792. >Rarity finds her fairly quickly, a cream-colored mare with a gentle cyan mane wearing a little sailor collar and tie resting on a folding chair with her head down.
  793. >”Coco!” Rarity calls out.
  794. >The mare looks up wide-eyed. “Huh? I- Who are you? I don’t think you’re supposed to be back here…” She squeaks out.
  795. >”Oh, Coco darling it’s me, Rarity! You said you wanted to meet up after the show, didn’t you?”
  796. >The mare touches a hoof to her temple, “Oh… oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! I completely spaced out and forgot about your coat. I’m so sorry, Rarity.”
  797. >”It’s quite all right darling. I scare myself in the mirror sometimes, you know. I’d like you to meet my coltfriend Anonymous. You remember me telling you about him, don’t you?”
  798. >”Oh, I remember… and I’ve read about him a lot in the news too.”
  799. >The petite mare climbs off the folding chair and trots up to you, holding her hoof out politely.
  800. >”I’m Coco Pommel. It’s an honor to meet you, Anonymous. Some of the papers say you’re a real hero.”
  801. >Stay calm.
  802. >The most important thing is not to panic.
  803. >You concentrate and reach out to gently shake her soft hoof.
  804. ”Shakeke. Keporisali, Coco. Semusokekuma.”
  805. >Nailed it.
  806. >Rarity starts laughing nervously. “Ahaha… Anonymous has a bit of knowledge about archaic languages. It seems he felt like demonstrating that for you.”
  807. >”Wow… that’s amazing.”
  808. “Yalk Eidolos… wafu wafu…”
  809. >You make little squeezing motions with your fingers to demonstrate.
  810. >”Ahahaha… Darling, one moment.” Rarity yanks you to the side with her magic and brings your head down. “Dreamboat, I need you to stay with Rarara here. Please tell me your brain isn’t broken.”
  811. >She’s right. You have to do this for Rarara.
  812. “S-Sorry. I think I’m all right now.”
  813. >You clear your throat and try again to introduce yourself.
  814. “Nice to meet you too, Coco. I’m mostly just stumbling as best I can, but I try my best. It’s nice to meet another one of Rarity’s friends. You put out some great work there.”
  815. >”Oh, it’s nothing special…”
  816. >”How about we all catch up someplace with a bit more ambiance?” Rarity suggests.
  817. >”I’m not too hungry, but some coffee sounds really good right now. I’m a little beat.” Coco admits.
  818. “I could go for some coffee.”
  819. >”Coffee it is then. My treat.”
  821. >Coco shows you the way to her favorite place nearby, and you all sit together with nice steaming hot cups.
  822. >The cream-coated mare leans down and sniffs her cappuccino, letting out a content sigh. “I really needed this. I’ve just been exhausted lately.”
  823. >”Darling, you’ve gotten a bit of foam on your snout.”
  824. >Coco’s eyes narrow in, staring at a little pile of white bubbles resting on the tip of her nose for a few seconds.
  825. >”Hee hee… whoops.”
  826. >”Allow me.” Rarity says politely, lifting her napkin with a blue aura and lightly brushing off the white.
  827. >Coco wrinkles her nose and turns away, letting out a little “Hatchoo!” before turning back. “Sorry... I'm a little out of it right now. I haven't been sleeping too well lately."
  828. >”Are you having nightmares?”
  829. “Are you having nightmares?”
  830. >You and Rarity look at each other surprised as Coco starts giggling.
  831. >“Heehee! You two must be a really good couple if you’re syncing up like that. I wish I had a special somepony like that.”
  832. “I guess we’ve both had some… experience. So is it a nightmare? Or are you just working too hard or something?”
  833. >Coco takes a sip of her cappuccino, slurping the froth off her lips before responding. “Both, I guess.”
  834. >You wrap your arm around Rarity and squeeze her to stay focused on why you’re here.
  835. >Rarity leans in, looking concerned. “When did this start?”
  836. >The earth pony tries to think…
  837. >”Months ago, I suppose.”
  838. >”Ever since I finished my job making the costumes for Hinny of the Hills.”
  839. “What kind of nightmares have you been having?”
  840. >Coco shakes her head dismissively. “Just the usual stuff. Some bad dreams I don’t really remember. But it’s been getting worse.”
  841. >”You know, it’s just… with this contest, I don’t have a lot of time to sleep. And when I do sleep, I end up having bad dreams. So I just feel tired all the time.”
  842. >Rarity frowns and takes a sip of her coffee.
  843. “But you made something that looked pretty good. So you should be able to relax, right?”
  844. >Coco hangs her head.
  845. >”Yeah… I can relax now.”
  846. >”Because I already know I didn’t win.”
  847. >”It’s terrible.”
  848. “Terrible…?”
  849. >Coco looks up at Rarity with half-lidded eyes. “You can tell, right?”
  850. >Rarity answers sheepishly, “Well… the undershirt and tie did catch my eye as a bit… unremarkable in comparison.”
  851. >”Because I was so worked up about getting the suit just right, I didn’t even start thinking about what to put with it before I hit the deadline. So they’re both completely plain.”
  852. >”But that suit looks marvelous, darling! It seems so functional yet fashionable! I’m sure you’ll do well.”
  853. >Coco shakes her head. “There’s a lot of ponies that did much better than well. I’m trying my best, but… I guess I’ve always been a bit slower than ponies need me to be. It’s okay though. I’m still getting production jobs, so I’ll be fine.”
  854. >Rarity glances between you and the sleepy-eyed mare.
  855. >”Coco, darling… could you excuse us for just a moment? I need Anon to fix my dress.”
  856. >The young fashionista yawns, “Ahh… mhmm. Go ahead.”
  857. >She rests her chin on the table and closes her eyes as Rarity pulls you towards the restrooms.
  858. “What’s up?”
  859. >Rarity looks up at you with guilt in her eyes.
  860. >”This is my fault.”
  861. “What do you mean?”
  862. >”Coco sent me those letters months ago. If I hadn’t been so scared, I could have kept in touch and helped her through this.”
  863. >”Even better, if I hadn’t mistrusted my friends… I would have realized I had this power to help ponies sooner.”
  864. >”Helping ponies plagued by their nightmares is supposed to be the duty of the Princess of Dreams. The Nightmare Forces chose me as Luna’s surrogate.”
  865. >”I know she’ll be back in a few days, but I don’t want to see my poor friend suffer like that for another minute, Anon. I’ve got two very good reasons I can’t just stand by and let this happen.”
  866. >”So… I know this is our date, but I want to go inside her dreams and help her.”
  867. >”I know I can do this. I feel it in my heart.”
  868. >”And I don’t know if you’ll be as powerful in a nightmare as you are in Fantasia… but if you’re willing to take that chance, I’d love to do this together with you.”
  869. “Rarity, she’s your friend, and you’re my marefriend.”
  870. “No way am I sitting this out.”
  871. >A proud smile comes to Rarity’s face. “I knew you’d say that. Come on then, darling.”
  872. >You head back to your table to find Coco slumped over, a little puddle of drool leaking out from the corner of her mouth.
  873. >Rarity gently shakes Coco with her hoof. “Coco, darling wake up.”
  874. >Coco groans as she lifts her head from the table.
  875. >”Hmuhh… did I fall asleep? Sorry about that…”
  876. >”Coco, is your place nearby?”
  877. >”Um, yes?” Coco looks at Rarity nervously. “Why do you ask?”
  878. “Because that’s where your bed is.”
  879. >”What Anonymous is trying to say, is that you need to get some sleep right now, darling. And we’d like to help you with that.”
  880. >Coco looks a bit confused. “Help me?”
  881. “Trust us, we’re… kind of experts.”
  882. >”To put a long story short, we can enter your dreams and figure out how to make your nightmares stop. Please, darling. Let us help you.”
  883. >Coco rubs her eyes. “Well, I’ve tried everything else… I might as well give this a shot. My apartment’s a few blocks from here.”
  884. >”Wonderful. After you finish your cappuccino you can show us back.”
  885. >The blue-haired mare tilts her head. “Don’t I have to go to sleep?”
  886. >”That’s no reason to waste perfectly good coffee.” Rarity dismisses her, taking her seat and gulping down the rest of her own drink.
  887. >After Rarity forces you all to finish your drinks, making sure to leave a sizeable tip, Coco brought you back to her studio apartment.
  888. >Her place seems well kept, with everything organized neatly in shelves along the walls.
  889. >Every cabinet and drawer has a black and white label identifying its alphabetically categorized contents.
  890. >Her workspace seems to be neatly confined to a single corner of her apartment, with neatly folded fabrics, a single mannequin, and a red sewing machine on a work table.
  891. Coco yawns as she stumbles towards her futon and falls onto it.
  892. >”So I can just go to sleep now, and you'll fix my nightmares while I'm out? Is that all?"
  893. “Everything should be fine. Just try to relax.”
  894. >Coco pulls her covers up and wriggles her head onto a pile of pillows. “Okay, I’ll try…”
  895. >”Let me help you along, Darling.” Rarity channels a spell through her horn, causing a light blue glow to fall around Coco.
  896. >The petite mare’s eyelids droop, and in a matter of seconds she’s out like a light.
  897. >Rarity finds an open spot on the floor near Coco and lays down. “Come on then, darling.”
  898. >You stretch out on your back, resting your head near Rarity as she places her hoof on your chest.
  899. “Ready.”
  900. >Rarity’s horn shines a bright blue, and a second later you find yourself transported into the dreamscape.
  902. Coco’s Dream
  904. >Rarity looks at you with a smile, tossing her purple and white mane back. “Well, the easy part’s over. Let’s see what we’re dealing with here.”
  905. >You turn and examine your surroundings, knowing without question that this is a dream, despite how true to life it looks.
  906. >You’re standing off in a dark void with Rarity, looking on to what seems to be the Fashion Runway you were at earlier today.
  907. >It’s almost like looking at a movie set from the back lot, or some kind of diorama.
  908. >The reconstruction of the Fashion Runway is mostly accurate, but the audience’s section is significantly larger than its real life counterpart.
  909. >It’s a full house tonight in her dream, though you notice her mind has filled out the audience with mostly the same few ponies copied over and over.
  910. >”So this is her dream… if we watch from out here, they shouldn’t be able to see us.”
  911. >You get the feeling what Rarity says is true. When you’re off the “set” your presence is completely hidden.
  912. >Music begins to play, and you step closer to the edge of the dream with Rarity to watch the events unfold.
  913. >A Mare’s voice sounds out through the speakers. ”Up next, modeling an outfit of her own design, Coco Pommel.”
  914. >Rarity looks up. “That’s Suri’s voice… her old boss.”
  915. >The crowd starts to laugh and jeer as Coco nervously walks out onto the runway, wearing a flashy purple dress.
  916. >Coco keeps her eyes closed as she tries to hurry to the end of the runway, but somehow she ends up just walking in place without making any progress.
  917. >As she tries to pick up the pace, one of the straps on the dress snaps, eliciting loud laughter from the crowd.
  918. >The mare’s cream-colored face goes bright red from shame as she tries to keep walking while keeping the dress together.
  919. >But next, the skirt portion tears and slips right off her, lying ungracefully on the runway as her backside is exposed.
  920. >She tries to hurry up as the crowd boos loudly, but she’s going nowhere fast as bits of the dress fall off her like leaves while she desperately tries to keep hold of them with her foreleg.
  921. >”No… no…!”
  922. >Coco hobbles forward, clutching at tattered shreds, when suddenly her left hind-leg falls off at the knee.
  923. >”Oh my goodness…” Rarity gasps as the crowd cackles at her misfortune.
  924. >The leg falls off in a single piece, looking like a broken mannequin part as Coco tries to keep her balance.
  925. >A few moments later, her other hind leg snaps off as well, forcing her to crawl pathetically along the runway.
  926. >All the while she keeps a single shred of the dress pressed against her chest with her left hoof.
  927. >She tries to pull herself along with her right foreleg, but it soon drops off and rolls away from her.
  928. >”No, come back!”
  929. >”This is awful…” Rarity shakes her head. “She’s absolutely terrified of failure.”
  930. “Hold on, something’s coming…”
  931. >You see one of the ponies in the crowd with a curled purple mane and a cotton blue neckerchief climb onto the runway.
  932. >”Suri…” Rarity mutters angrily.
  933. >As she looks down on Coco with a smug grin, you notice something…
  934. >A dark aura emanating slightly from her body in wisps.
  935. >”Darling, do you see that?”
  936. “That black stuff…”
  937. >”Nightmare energy. It’s no wonder she’s been so troubled. This isn’t your everyday bad dream.”
  938. >The nightmare Suri snorts in laughter, “Ahaha! Look at you! Pathetic! I told you… you’re worthless on your own! You talentless hack!”
  939. >”I’m just trying my best…” Coco weeps at her hooves.
  940. >”THIS is your best!” Suri laughs as the spotlight shines on Coco. “You’re nothing by yourself! Just a little filly playing dress up!”
  941. >”B-But it’s my dream…”
  942. >”That’s not going to change the facts… you’re not good enough to do this. You’ll never be good enough! Just hurry up and apologize… you’re better off as the assistant. You’ll never be able to do anything by yourself.”
  943. >Rarity looks at you. “I think we’ve seen enough. Let’s put an end to this nightmare.”
  944. >Rarity watches you draw a card from your pocket.
  945. >”Ah, wonderful. Looks like we can use those here after all.”
  946. “I’m thinking that she’ll feel better if she defeats that thing on her own, Rarity. Let’s help her out.”
  947. >”I believe you’re absolutely right, Darling. Coco doesn’t have faith in herself… we need to show her how strong she can be.”
  948. >You step forward, entering the “stage” of Coco’s dream with Rarity by her side.
  949. >Heads begin to turn as you arrive on scene, Coco’s tears stopping as she notices the your presence.
  950. >A golden card shimmers at Rarity’s hooves. “I’ll put her back together. You can focus on bringing out her inner strength, darling.”
  951. “Works for me!”
  952. >”Persona!”
  953. >Rarity’s hoof slams down on her card!
  954. >The purple piper stands out in front as his shadow flies along the runway!
  955. >Little shadow tendrils wrap around Coco’s scattered limbs, dragging them to the fallen earth pony and putting her back together, running through her body like a needle and thread to stitch her up.
  956. “I’m gonna enjoy this… The Musketeers!”
  957. >You tap the face of the Emperor card, summoning the trio of miniature swordsmen!
  958. >They flip their blades out, holding them up high to a single point.
  959. >When the three swords meet, a brilliant golden beam of light fires out to Coco, striking her in the chest and filling her with courage!
  960. >”Stand up, darling! Don’t let her win!”
  961. “Do it!”
  962. >Coco’s front hooves stamp the ground hard as she forces herself up, looking the nightmare right in the eyes.
  963. >”I… will NEVER. Apologize to you.”
  964. >”You’re the one who’s nothing!”
  965. >”All you can do is cheat off ponies a million times better than you!”
  966. >”Even if my dresses fall apart… at least they’ll be mine, you dirty thief!”
  967. >The nightmare pony glares back at her. “You think you’re better than me? Look at you… you’re falling apart just like I said you would!”
  968. >Despite your magic, Coco’s left foreleg is starting to come apart at the knee…
  969. >”You can’t do anything by yourself either. You need me!”
  970. >Coco leans back, rising up on her hind legs while her right hoof holds onto her dangling limb.
  971. >”Maybe I can’t. But I’m not by myself anymore! I’m nothing like you, Suri! And I don’t need you anymore!”
  972. >Coco rips her own leg right off!
  973. >She holds it up over her shoulder, and swings it like a bat right into Suri’s face!
  974. >”I QUIT!”
  975. >Coco’s detached leg tears through Suri’s face, causing her entire body to explode into a shadowy mist!
  976. >Rarity steps forward, her horn shining a bright blue. “It’s over! Return to your master, and trouble this mare no more!”
  977. >The unicorn draws the dark mist into her horn like a vacuum, absorbing it into her own body and eliminating every trace of it from Coco’s dreamscape.
  978. >Rarity smiles at you, looking pleased. “That takes care of the nightmare.”
  979. >The runway shortens, and the audience section shrinks down to a more realistic size, but Coco still seems to be struggling to fit her detached limb back into its rightful place.
  980. >Rarity looks over to Coco. “I believe this is the part where we help her move past what’s troubling her.”
  981. >Should you try to say something to Coco, or should you stand back and see how Rarity handles it?
  982. >You decided to say your piece as well.
  983. >Coco’s ears droop as you and Rarity climb onto the catwalk and approach her.
  984. >”I didn’t want you to see me like this…”
  985. >You kneel down to the little mare and smile reassuringly.
  986. “Coco… in life, and in dreams, there are times when you fall.”
  987. “Sometimes you wake, sometimes you die… and sometimes you fly.”
  988. “Don’t let your fear of falling stop you from getting to the top, Coco.”
  989. >Rarity nods in agreement. “I know how frightening it can be to express yourself.”
  990. >”But your failures are nothing to be ashamed of.”
  991. >”I’ve poured my heart into hundreds of dreadful designs. Ones I can’t believe I ever thought looked good.”
  992. >”But that’s how life is, Coco.”
  993. >”You might fail and fall apart, but so long as you put everything you have into it, you’re going to grow closer to your dream. Even if it looks like you’re just walking in place.”
  994. >Rarity focuses, and a needle attached to a spool of rainbow thread materializes at Coco’s hooves from thin air.
  995. >”Nopony’s as good as they want to be when they start out. But when you fail… you pull yourself together and keep moving.”
  996. >”And your friends will be there to help you.”
  997. >Coco nods confidently and takes the needle in her mouth.
  998. >She holds her detached leg in place, and starts stitching herself up.
  999. >In a few seconds, Coco manages to sew herself up as good as new, shaking her leg and smiling brightly.
  1000. >”Thank you… you’re both such wonderful friends.”
  1001. >Coco pulls both of you in and hugs you as tightly as she can.
  1002. >”I might have gotten scared and messed up… but I’ll just have to make sure my next design is even better.”
  1003. “I’ll look forward to it.”
  1004. >”We know it’ll be wonderful.”
  1005. >You and Rarity hold her for a long time before nodding to each other and willing yourselves to wake up.
  1007. >Back in the apartment, Coco seems to still be sleeping.
  1008. >”I think she’s earned her rest, Darling. Ready to head home? Time passed rather quickly in that dream.”
  1010. “Yeah, let’s let her enjoy a good night’s sleep.”
  1011. >Rarity quickly fixes Coco’s sheets, tucking her in neatly with her magic before heading out with you, making sure to lock the door behind her.
  1013. Express Train to Ponyville, Night
  1015. >You catch Rarity staring up at the shining white moon through the window on the way home.
  1016. “Something on your mind?”
  1017. >”I’m just feeling a little proud of the job we did tonight, darling.”
  1018. “Yeah, I think Coco’s gonna turn out okay.”
  1019. >Rarity turns back to you and rests her head on your chest.
  1020. >”It’s a bit funny, isn’t it? Before, I just wanted my old self back no matter what. But now I think I might really miss being like this.”
  1021. “If it’s bothering you that much, we could always just dye it when this is all over.”
  1022. >”Oh goodness no. No, dear. I would never do something so damaging to my fabulous coat like that.”
  1023. >”Besides, I wasn’t really talking about the physical side of things. I meant helping ponies with their dreams like that.”
  1024. >”Princess Luna must truly love her job if she’s able to bring comfort to those suffering ponies every night.”
  1025. “We did make a pretty good team back there. But I don’t think you need dream powers to help somepony like that. All you have to do is be a good friend.”
  1026. >Rarity looks satisfied. “You’re absolutely right. Even if I’m no longer the understudy for the Princess of the Night, I’ll always be around to help my friends’ dreams come true.”
  1027. >Her hooves take hold of your shoulders as she looks at you straight on.
  1028. >”That goes for you too.”
  1029. >”I’ll do whatever I can to make your dreams come true.”
  1030. “Likewise, Rarity. And well… there is something nice I’m dreaming of right now… think you could help me with that?”
  1031. >Rarity chuckles playfully. “I think you might be confusing dreaming with fantasizing.”
  1032. >”But I’ll try my best.”
  1033. >You sat closely with her the whole way back to Ponyville.
  1034. >The long night you spent with her was like a living dream…
  1037. Sunday, February 12th
  1039. >One final day remains before you must confront Sombra on the moon.
  1040. >After breakfast, you gathered everyone in the meeting room as usual.
  1042. Twilight’s Castle Meeting Room, Morning
  1044. >Everyone’s waiting for you in their places, their ultimate weapons all prepared and ready to fight.
  1045. “You’re all looking good today. “Now that you’ve all got the best weapons you can bring, it’s time to go after something that could help me.”
  1046. “The location doesn’t really matter, but we’ll be going into my Fantasia.”
  1047. >”Then… what are we doing?” Spike asks.
  1048. “We’ll be fighting an enemy unlike any other. You’ll have to be ready for anything.”
  1049. “So for this encounter, I’ll be needing Spike, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.”
  1050. >Twilight frowns. “Anonymous, I think that’s one too many.”
  1051. “Exactly.”
  1052. >Fluttershy gasps, “I know that if we have more than 5 active personas too close together then it draws the attention of a dangerous shadow… but is that really okay?”
  1053. “If we can beat that dangerous shadow, we should be able to defeat Sombra. This will be challenge.”
  1054. >”Now that’s what I’m talking about! Bring it on!” Dash yells, punching the air.
  1055. >Pinkie lets out a high pitched squeal of excitement. “Eeee! I wonder what kind of present it’s gonna give us! Maybe it’ll be a hammer the size of the moon! Made out of green cheese!”
  1056. “It’s a surprise for me too. But let’s not waste any more time. I’m feeling pretty lucky right now. Fluttershy, take us in.”
  1058. Selene Gaol
  1060. >Now that Luna’s heart has been repaired, the prison fantasia is whole once again.
  1061. >No more holes in the fabric of space along the walls, no more steps leading into the void.
  1062. >It’s a straight shot up the stairs to the roof of the prison tower.
  1063. >You stand with four allies by your side this time, and Argus Panoptes waiting at your backs.
  1064. >The vast rocky surface of the moon stretches on for miles in every direction, while that beautiful blue marble hangs overhead.
  1065. “It’s time. Let’s do this.”
  1066. “Don Quixote!”
  1067. >”Thunderbird!”
  1068. >”Apollo Medicus!”
  1069. >”Nimue…”
  1070. >”OUROBOROS!”
  1071. >Spike shatters the last card with a punch, and a chill runs down your spine the very next moment.
  1072. ><It’s here… and it’s coming our way from below!>
  1073. >You think you hear a faint howling in the wind…
  1074. ><It’s flying straight up through the tower!>
  1075. >Your arms are covered in goosebumps as your allies hold their weapons out defensively…
  1076. ><It’s here!>
  1077. >The first thing you see is a featureless white face sliding up through the stone prison as if it were water.
  1078. >His shoulders breach the stone, revealing a professional black business suit, just like that which you wore the first day you arrived.
  1079. >He rises up past his waist, revealing his undershirt and tie are just like yours as well.
  1080. >His fingers are that same stark white, and the featureless man’s shoes mirror yours as well as he stands on the roof before the party.
  1081. >He’s the spitting image of yourself, save for two things.
  1082. >His white skin is one. The other are the black bony wings jutting out from his back.
  1083. >At least, they look like wings before separating into 6 waving tendrils of shadowy energy and slipping back into his body.
  1084. ><Be careful, this enemy is more powerful than anything we’ve fought so far!>
  1085. >”He looks like you, big guy…” Spike says.
  1086. >Twilight stares unblinking at the enemy. “Samael…”
  1087. >”That thing is what we know as the angel of death…”
  1088. >”Then we’ll make him into a fallen angel!” Dash counters.
  1089. >“He looks like somepony took Anon out of the oven too early!” Pinkie comments.
  1090. “Fought in many forms throughout the ages… I guess this is one of them.”
  1091. “Let’s go.”
  1093. V.S. Reaper
  1097. “I said it was my lucky day, didn’t I?”
  1098. “Change… LEGION!”
  1099. >Swapping to the ultimate form of the Fool, a mob of 85 allies appears before you!
  1101. Legion Lv. 8
  1103. Weak: None
  1104. Resist: Ice, Fire, Lightning, Wind
  1105. Repel: Light, Dark, Physical
  1107. Can use the techniques, “Myriad Hearts”, “Myriad Dreams”, “Myriad Souls”, “Myriad Minds”, and “Myriad Lives”
  1109. >They start trying to climb over each other into a giant pile as you shake your head.
  1110. “Fools. The secret to Unite Big lies in another persona.”
  1111. “Instead…”
  1112. “With the souls of many, the path to victory opens! Myriad Souls!”
  1113. >Your army becomes golden light, flying into your allies and filling them with power!
  1114. ><The party’s stats all went sky high!>
  1115. >”Bring it! Thunderbird!”
  1116. >Dash’s Persona shapeshifts into a humanoid mecha, drawing its railgun and charging energy!
  1117. >”Peeeersona! Hatcha!”
  1118. >Pinkie slaps her card away, summoning the god of medicine to fire a beam of holy debilitating light at the Reaper!
  1119. >”An alicorn is more than just her magic! Take this!”
  1120. >Twilight draws her golden Naginata and swings at the Reaper!
  1121. >The shaft suddenly expands mid-swing, flying out at the shadow like a snake, wrapping the humanoid up in itself before striking its face with the blade and throwing the creature to the floor!
  1122. ><The enemy’s down! This is your chance!>
  1123. “Our time has come, my friends!”
  1124. >Your entire side rushes the fallen reaper!
  1125. >Your Persona’s 86 sets of fists go flying at the foe, pummeling him into submission as their special ability activates!
  1126. “This is all out!”
  1127. >Their hearts coalesce around your fist, turning to flame as you deliver a devastating blazing punch!
  1128. “ORAAAAA!”
  1129. >The shadow rises back to its feet as Spike’s Persona lunges and seizes it in his jaws, biting down hard before fading away.
  1130. >Your foe’s blank face surveys the party, and chains appear from nowhere to strike at the party!
  1131. >The difference in speed is greatly apparent, as Twilight is the only one unable to slip through the shadow’s attacks.
  1132. ><I’ve finished scanning the enemy.>
  1134. Reaper
  1135. Arcana: Death
  1137. Repel: Light, Dark
  1138. Resist: Physical, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind
  1140. ><There’s no way status effects will land against this thing. But it doesn’t seem to be fighting with its full strength just yet…>
  1141. >Spike looks to you. “Big guy! I can use that Persona with you just like we did before. Just give the word and we’ll do it together!”
  1142. ><Here’s your current status. You’re doing pretty good, but be careful. That last attack was capable of inflicting rage if it hits.>
  1144. HP
  1145. Anon: 100%
  1146. Dash: 100%
  1147. Pinkie: 100%
  1148. Twilight: 68%
  1149. Spike: 80%
  1150. SP
  1152. Anon: 90%
  1153. Dash: 90%
  1154. Pinkie: 90%
  1155. Twilight: 100%
  1156. Spike: 100%
  1157. Fluttershy: 100%
  1159. >”I’ve been waiting for this!” One of them shouts.
  1160. “Very well, Spike. Let’s show them the heart’s power! Friends, aid us!”
  1161. >Dash’s Persona goes prone behind her with its railgun braced against its shoulder.
  1162. >”No way am I gonna miss! Fire!”
  1163. >A blue wave of destruction bursts out of the railgun!
  1164. >The Reaper tries to slip out of the way of a direct hit, even a glancing blow fills his body with crackling electricity!
  1165. >Pinkie kicks her cannon, eliciting a weak *cluck* and shooting out a single confetti cannonball that explodes against the shadow’s face!
  1166. >”I’ll freeze you in your tracks! Nimue!”
  1167. >A wave erupts from Twilight’s persona, rushing at the shadow’s feet and wrapping it in creeping ice!
  1168. “Spike!”
  1169. >”Let’s do it!”
  1170. “Come, my valiant soldiers!”
  1171. >87 Anons turn to flame and fly at your fist, wrapping it in a burning magenta energy!
  1172. >Spike focuses his own flame of love into his claws, shining just as bright!
  1173. “Prepare yourself!”
  1174. “DOUBLE!”
  1175. >”DRAGON!”
  1176. >You rush the shadow in an instant, slamming your fists into its chest simultaneously and rising into the air with a burning double uppercut!
  1177. >"PUUUUUNCH!"
  1178. >Your Team Up Attack explodes with power, sending you back to the ground as the Reaper sticks to his own landing.
  1179. ><He’s quite tough… Spike, be careful! That attack used a lot of your energy!>
  1180. >Chains whip through the air at the party!
  1181. >This time they’re finding their mark more easily, but Spike manages to duck under them while you have your own defense.
  1182. “Unite SPIKES!”
  1183. >Your allies form into a green spiked barrier!
  1184. >The chains bounce off your perfectly timed defense, sending the chains back to strike at their user!
  1185. ><Here's your status. Be careful, he still isn't using his full strength...>
  1187. HP
  1188. Anon: 60%
  1189. Dash: 71%
  1190. Pinkie: 71%
  1191. Twilight: 38%
  1192. Spike: 40%
  1193. SP
  1195. Anon: 90%
  1196. Dash: 70%
  1197. Pinkie: 90%
  1198. Twilight: 80%
  1199. Spike: 100%
  1200. Fluttershy: 100%
  1202. “Pinkie Pie, keep us healthy. Everypony else strike as hard as you can!”
  1203. “Our Myriad Hearts are our strength! When we fight as one, there is nothing we can not accomplish!”
  1204. >Legion becomes a swarm of heart-shaped magenta fires, flying into your body and joining you as one!
  1205. >You fly at the Reaper, 87 hearts empowering your body as your fist becomes charged with Light Magic!
  1206. >Cocking your arm back, you deliver a devastating straight that blows right through the Reaper’s chest!
  1207. >You draw back your fist, leaving a sizeable hole that shadowy energy rushes to fill back up as the Reaper clutches it in pain.
  1208. >”We’re not done with you yet! Persona!”
  1209. >Thunderbird’s boosters roar, slamming its nose into the white-faced shadow and crushing it against the rooftop!
  1210. >”Yeah, pound him like pound cake! Persona!”
  1211. >Apollo’s lyre plays a cheerful battle anthem that fills you with energy, restoring your health!
  1212. >Nimue reaches to the pool at her feet and draws a shimmering white sword!
  1213. >She skates along the ground, leaving trails of ice behind her feet before slicing through the Reaper’s chest!
  1214. >Spike’s persona roars, spiraling through the air and barreling into the Reaper with a hurricane of teeth and claws!
  1215. >The reaper tosses the dragon aside, his suit starting to look tattered and ripped in places.
  1216. >He stares straight ahead as two tendrils of shadow burst from his back!
  1217. ><He’s starting to get serious, look out!>
  1218. >The shadowy tentacles touch their tips together, forming a sphere of ice and firing it at Spike like a bullet!
  1219. >He quickly hops out of the way, leaving a frozen glob stuck to the ground where he once stood. >“Whew, barely made it outta that one…”
  1220. ><Nice dodge! But your buffs and debuffs are going to wear off this turn. You should try to reapply them as soon as you can.>
  1221. “I won’t be able to maintain this for much longer… I have to do this while I still can! Myriad Souls!”
  1222. >Golden souls merge with your bodies, granting you power!
  1223. >”Pinkie Pie!” Dash calls out.
  1224. >”Sup Dashie?” Pinkie replies casually.
  1225. “Lemme borrow your cannon! I’ll blow this loser to bits!”
  1226. >Pinkie tuts, “You didn’t say the magic word!”
  1227. >Dash groans and rolls her eyes.
  1228. >”... May I please borrow your cannon so I can blow this loser to bits.”
  1229. >”Eh, why not! Hup!”
  1230. >Pinkie punts her cannon into the air!
  1231. >”Take it, Thunderbird!”
  1232. >Arms and legs unfold from the plane’s body, letting it float up after the cannon and take hold of it, attaching it to its left arm as it draws a machine gun from its right!
  1233. >Hatches flip open all along its body, revealing rows and rows of missiles!
  1234. >”Don’t worry about aiming!”
  1235. >Dozens of missiles erupt from its body, leaving streaks of white smoke as they scatter around the battlefield!
  1236. >They turn to bright multicolored explosions where they land, looking like a fireworks show!
  1237. >Her mechanical Persona squeezes down on the triggers of its weapons, unleashing a reckless torrent of bullets from the right, while her left armament lets out a rapid *cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck* as it peppers the battlefield with shot after shot!
  1238. >Violent explosions of confetti erupt around the shadow, completely obscuring your view of the enemy!
  1239. Team Up Attack: PARTY TIME!
  1240. >When the smoke and streamers clear out, the Reaper stands looking battered from the indiscriminate onslaught as little pink present wrapped in a red bow sits at his feet.
  1241. >It starts to lean down to look at the present… when Pinkie suddenly bursts out from inside with her hoof outstretched, decking him the jaw as she jumps into the air and yells “SURPRISE MOTHERBUCKER!”
  1242. >Twilight shakes her head. “No sense telling those two to hold back, but I’ll save my energy for when we need it.”
  1243. >She swoops into the air and draws her Naginata, thrusting it into the Reaper’s chest and quickly darting away!
  1244. >”Let’s see if this works… Ouroboros!”
  1245. >Spike’s Persona roars, firing out a fang from its mouth!
  1246. >The white tooth gets stuck into the angel of death’s body!
  1247. ><Well done! Fire attacks won’t be resisted anymore!>
  1248. >The Reaper brings its tendrils together, causing a stream of flame to erupt in Twilight’s direction!
  1249. >She rolls out of the way, letting it scorch the ground harmlessly as she evades the blast.
  1250. ><You’re doing very well! Keep it up!>
  1251. “This is our limit… we should change out fast.”
  1252. ><Here’s our current status. The enemy’s debilitation has worn off as well.>
  1254. HP
  1255. Anon: 100%
  1256. Dash: 65%
  1257. Pinkie: 65%
  1258. Twilight: 80%
  1259. Spike: 80%
  1260. SP
  1262. Anon: 80%
  1263. Dash: 70%
  1264. Pinkie: 60%
  1265. Twilight: 80%
  1266. Spike: 95%
  1267. Fluttershy: 100%
  1269. >The numbers on your bracelet tick down rapidly, your overwhelming power fading away.
  1270. “Time to rest for a bit… Change, Merlin!”
  1271. >The bracelet vanishes as you call upon the power of the Magician Arcana!
  1272. “Spike! Let’s show them what we’ve got!”
  1273. >”Right behind you, big guy! We’ll break right on through!”
  1274. >As you and Spike focus to prepare your technique, Rainbow Dash’s Persona shifts forms, taking a sniper’s stance and gathering energy into its rifle!
  1275. >”Shazam!” Pinkie calls out, letting Apollo shine his debilitating ray on Samael.
  1276. >Twilight flies at the Reaper, circling it until she finds an opening and delivers a piercing blow!
  1277. >”Gotcha! Take it away, boys!”
  1278. >”Ouroboros!”
  1279. “Merlin!”
  1280. >The ancient wizard stands tall on the dragon’s neck, extending his staff as the dragon roars, forming a ball of magenta flames!
  1281. >You both close your eyes, filling the attack with thoughts of your loved ones…
  1282. >The inferno rages as you picture them, forming into the shape of a burning heart!
  1283. Team Up Attack: Flaming Love Attack!
  1284. >The fiery heart launches at the faceless beast and strikes the thick white fang left in his body!
  1285. >Gradually the fang turns from white to bright red as the attack flows through it, conducting the heat and pouring it deep into the shadow’s body to break through his defenses!
  1286. >The heart of fire swirls into the fang completely, leaving it glowing like the sun as Samael’s entire body emanates smoke!
  1287. >His black tendrils stiffen and flex as two more burst out of his spine, bringing the total up to four!
  1288. ><He’s getting more serious… you’re over halfway there, don’t give up!>
  1289. >His four tentacles converge and form a ball of white electricity that erupts into a shower of bolts!
  1290. >You vault with the end of your hammer, barely managing to avoid the dangerous strike that the rest of your party endures!
  1291. ><Here’s your status. You can do this!>
  1293. HP
  1294. Anon: 100%
  1295. Dash: 65%
  1296. Pinkie: 39%
  1297. Twilight: 46%
  1298. Spike: 52%
  1299. SP
  1301. Anon: 50%
  1302. Dash: 70%
  1303. Pinkie: 50%
  1304. Twilight: 80%
  1305. Spike: 55%
  1306. Fluttershy: 100%
  1308. “Change, Don Quixote!”
  1309. >The strange knight revs up his spiral spear and charges the Reaper!
  1310. >His lance breaks through the shadow’s tough body and drills into him, sending bits of shadow flying!
  1311. >”Nice one! Don’t let up Thunderbird! Blow him away!”
  1312. >A supercharged wave of electricity erupts from Dash’s Persona, crashing into Samael and lighting him up like a christmas tree!
  1313. >Pinkie smacks the bottom of her golden cannon!
  1314. >A single party ball booms out with a little “buk” sound effect accompanying it.
  1315. >While the faceless reaper tries to recover from Dash’s staggeringly powerful blast, the lone cannonball strikes it in the knee and knocks it off balance!
  1316. >”Let’s get a party going!”
  1317. “Go for it!”
  1318. >”PARTY HARD!”
  1319. >Pinkie’s shout leads you into a fierce melee as you pile on the shadow and tear into it until it knocks you away with its tendrils!
  1320. >”There’s no way we’ll lose! Nimue!”
  1321. >The lady of the lake clasps her hands together, sending a swell of healing water along the ground, soaking into your bodies and fixing you up good as new!
  1322. >”Fire it up, Ouroboros!”
  1323. >At Spike’s command, the serpentine persona unleashes a focused beam of white plasma at the horn stuck in Samael’s body!
  1324. >It channels the burning heat into his core, causing the shadow to write in agony!
  1325. >The shadow’s tentacles start steaming…
  1326. >He raises them up and unleashes a spray of flames in retaliation!
  1327. >The entire party gets caught up in his inferno, Twilight taking a heavy hit and falling to the ground in pain!
  1328. >Then in an instant, the shadow vanishes…
  1329. “He’s gone…?”
  1330. ><No! Don’t let your guard down!>
  1331. >Dash suddenly darts back with a heavy flap of her wings, just as the Reaper materializes where she was standing!
  1332. >”That was too close…”
  1333. ><Looks like he’s starting to use Light magic as well… good thing Dash avoided it. Fire Break will end at the start of the Reaper’s next turn, but you’re all about to lose your enhancing magic. What will you do?>
  1334. “We’ll need to be careful. Change, Father Time!”
  1335. >The ancient Persona appears, spinning his scythe and pointing at Pinkie Pie!
  1336. >There’s a ticking sound as a black and white barrier appears around her.
  1337. >”Thanks Clock Daddy!” Pinkie says happily, waving back to the Persona as he fades away.
  1338. >”Best thing we can do is not get hit… speed us up, Thunderbird!”
  1339. >Thunderbird buzzes the battlefield in its fighter jet form, sprinkling a green wave of energy on your party to enhance their agility!
  1340. >Pinkie Pie’s Persona plucks at its lyre strings, revitalizing you with a gentle tune.
  1341. >Twilight and Spike lock eyes for a moment.
  1342. >”Spike…”
  1343. >”You’re thinking what I’m thinking, aren’t you?”
  1344. >Twilight smiles proudly. “That’s my #1 assistant for you. But you’re more than that, Spike. You’re my friend… one who’s been through more with me than anypony else. Sometimes I think you get me more than I get myself.”
  1345. >Spike laughs bashfully, “Heh, c’mon, Twilight. Is this the right time for that? We can talk about this kinda stuff later.”
  1346. >”I guess you’re right. Either way… you know what to do.”
  1347. >”You bet I do! Ouroboros!”
  1348. >”Then I’ll start us off! Nimue!”
  1349. >The Lady of the Lake waves her hands in circles and conjures a sphere of water around the Reaper!
  1350. >Ice forms in several layers around the shadow, trapping it inside while Ouroboros opens his jaws wide and fires a concentrated white beam at the prison!
  1351. >It pierces through and strikes the fang in the shadow’s chest, turning it white and causing the sphere to rumble and shake…
  1352. >Twilight grits her teeth as her persona cups its hands tightly, drawing more water onto the edge of the sphere as it compresses tightly…
  1353. >”The pressure is good! Turn up the heat!”
  1354. >”Got it!”
  1355. >The white beam shines brighter, illuminating the rooftop as the heat within the pressurized ice prison intensifies!
  1356. >”We’ve got this, Spike!”
  1357. >”Just a little more Twi…”
  1358. >”Spike… thank you for being my friend for so long.”
  1359. >”Right back at you, Twilight. But we’ve got plenty of great years ahead of us!”
  1360. >”I’m looking forward to every one of them, Spike. Because well… it’s hard to explain, but you’re even more than just a friend, you’re…”
  1361. >”Don’t sweat it, Twi. I already know exactly what you want to say.”
  1362. >Spike grins, “And I feel the same way.”
  1363. >The beam of plasma suddenly surges with magenta!
  1364. >Twilight compresses the ice-prison tighter and tighter… until it reaches its tipping point and explodes in a bright flash as the ice turns to plasma!
  1365. Team Up Attack: Thuban!
  1366. >The miniature star burns the Reaper’s body away before bursting apart in a brilliant nova!
  1367. >When the light fades, the dragon’s tooth falls out of the reaper’s body.
  1368. >His tendrils whip and swirl around, stirring up a tornado that scoops you all up and sends you spinning!
  1369. >As it slams you all into the ground, Dash tries to struggle back to her hooves, but suddenly the shadow’s black tendrils rush out and spear her body!
  1370. “Dash!”
  1371. >They pass right through her, and when they leave, her eyes droop shut.
  1372. ><Rainbow Dash has been knocked unconscious! The shadow’s debilitation will wear off at the start of his next turn… what are you going to do?>
  1374. “I’ll handle Dash, we need to get ready to finish this thing!”
  1375. >You reach into your pockets and pull out a bright red feather, flinging it like a dart at Dash!
  1376. >It strikes her body and fills her with a surge of golden energy, bringing her right back to fighting shape!
  1377. >”Thanks, Anon… hey, that Persona you're using... if we attack together we might be able to make something happen. But for now... just break right through him, Thunderbird!
  1378. >Dash's persona shoots out towards the Reaper, crashing straight into him!
  1379. >”Time for an encore, Apollo!”
  1380. >The god of medicine fires a golden ray at the Reaper’s face, weakening it once more!
  1381. >”Hang in there, everypony. Nimue!”
  1382. >Healing mist billows out from Twilight’s Persona, rejuvenating your bodies!
  1383. >”Looks like we’re gonna have to bust these out…”
  1384. >Spike produces a piece of colorful candy, swallowing it down in a single gulp and filling his mana pool right back to maximum!
  1385. >The reaper’s four tentacles arch together over his head, forming a ball of ice that shoots into thousands of hailstones!
  1386. >Your enhanced reflexes let you slip past the hail along with Pinkie, while Twilight simply allows her Persona to absorb the ice.
  1387. >Dash and Spike aren’t quite as lucky, both of them getting blown away by the devastating hail!
  1388. >Spike’s body shivers from the intense cold, and the Reaper’s tentacles rush at Dash again for a follow up attack!
  1389. >She’s unable to fly out of the way as the tentacles pierce through her, sending the pegasus down for the count!
  1390. ><Those evasion spells are really paying off for the rest of you, but Dash’s luck isn’t too great tonight… can you get her back up?>
  1391. ><Here's your current status. Be careful, I think the enemy might still be holding back!>
  1393. HP
  1394. Anon: 100%
  1395. Dash: 0%
  1396. Pinkie: 100%
  1397. Twilight: 100%
  1398. Spike: 60%
  1399. SP
  1401. Anon: 50%
  1402. Dash: 40%
  1403. Pinkie: 25%
  1404. Twilight: 15%
  1405. Spike: 100%
  1406. Fluttershy: 100%
  1408. “Change, Legion!”
  1409. >A score of 20 doppelgangers appear to fight for you!
  1410. “… Fluttershy, how do we look?”
  1411. ><Here you go!>
  1413. Legion Lv. 2
  1415. Weak: None
  1416. Resist: Light, Dark
  1418. This seems usable, but it still has a lot of room to grow…
  1420. “Good grief. Unite… Shuriken Bazooka.”
  1421. >The 20 members of the legion try to contort into an odd-looking weapon.
  1422. >It’s difficult to even hold, but you try to aim it regardless…
  1423. >A green pile of Anons explodes out of the end!
  1424. >But the Reaper simply sidesteps as the swirling human shuriken flies off into space.
  1425. “If you’re going to make things up, couldn’t you make something a bit more appropriate?”
  1426. >”Rise and shine, Dashie!” Pinkie calls out as she slaps her card to pieces!
  1427. >Sunrays shine from heaven, bathing dash in revitalizing light!
  1428. >”Urgh… thanks, Pinkie Pie. Allright, jerk… I ain’t holding back on you anymore! Thunderbird!”
  1429. >The fighter jet launches a barrage of electric energy at the Reaper, sending a powerful current through his body!
  1430. >”Pinkie, here!” Twilight tosses a candy to the earth pony!
  1431. >The pink pony catches it on her nose, balancing it like a seal before tossing into her mouth and filling her belly with mana.
  1432. >Spike leaps at the Reaper with his fist ablaze, decking him across the jaw with a powerful punch!
  1433. >His tendrils flail wildly in retaliation, drawing you all into a tornado of destruction!
  1434. >The fierce winds slice into you before throwing you down to the rooftop.
  1435. >As you try to pick yourself up, the shadow has vanished again…
  1436. >You feel a dangerous presence!
  1437. >Suddenly your Persona forms a human wall in front of you!
  1438. >Through the gaps in their bodies, you can make out the reaper waiting for you on the other side, your persona managing to block his attack.
  1439. “Thank you, my friends. That was closer than I’d like.”
  1440. ><Here’s your status. Your agility boost is going to wear off this turn.>
  1442. HP
  1443. Anon: 55%
  1444. Dash: 48%
  1445. Pinkie: 66%
  1446. Twilight: 61%
  1447. Spike: 45%
  1448. SP
  1450. Anon: 50%
  1451. Dash: 20%
  1452. Pinkie: 100%
  1453. Twilight: 15%
  1454. Spike: 100%
  1455. Fluttershy: 100%
  1457. “Change, Father Time!”
  1458. >The golden card of Fortune shatters!
  1459. “Dash, let’s do this!”
  1460. >”Got it! Let’s show them real speed!”
  1461. >Dash flies to your side and takes your hand in her hoof.
  1462. “Persona!”
  1463. >Father Time spins his scythe, and you hear the sound of a ticking clock as everything but yourselves slows to a complete halt.
  1464. “Ten seconds is all we have like this.”
  1465. >”Ten seconds is all we need. Thunderbird!”
  1466. >The blue fighter shimmers into view!
  1467. >”Hop on!”
  1468. >You keep a tight grip on Dash’s hoof and jump onto the back of the plane!
  1469. >Thunderbird’s engines erupt, rocketing you up at an angle, soaring high above the surface of the moon!
  1470. >”Keep yourself steady!”
  1471. >You take a firm stance with your legs, balancing on the back of her plane like a surfboard as it climbs high enough to see the moon in her entirety…
  1472. >5
  1473. >”Hold on tight! We’re going in!”
  1474. >You bend your knees and grab on as the engines ease up on the throttle, allowing the plane’s path to curve, flipping you upside down and keeping you on it through centripetal force before going into a sharp dive!
  1475. >An intense pressure pulls at your body as the Gs increase…
  1476. >4
  1477. >”We’ll make it! Thunderbird! Full throttle!”
  1478. >The boosters burst with power, sending you hurtling towards the tower!
  1479. >As you draw closer and closer, a faint halo of rainbow light starts to fill your vision…
  1480. >”Here it comes…!”
  1481. >3
  1482. >Just before you reach the tower, the colors explode in a blinding flash that dyes the world in rainbow light!
  1483. >2
  1484. >When the swirling colors vanish, you look behind you to see the tower with a sphere of shimmering rainbow energy in front of your allies!
  1485. >The plane banks hard, turning you back around to reach the tower.
  1486. >1
  1487. >Thunderbird throws on the air brake, slowing your descent as you pull up to the roof and hop off.
  1488. >“And now…”
  1489. “Time moves once more.”
  1490. >0!
  1491. Team Up Attack: Hypersonic Rainboom!
  1492. >A rainbow nova erupts where the shadow stood, blowing it away like a bomb!
  1493. >Intense shockwaves send a gust of wind across the battlefield as the sound barrier shatters with a loud *BWOOOOM!*
  1494. ><Amazing… but of course, it’s still physical, so it didn’t take too much from it.>
  1495. >”Keep it going, everypony! This isn’t even his final form!” Pinkie shouts, summoning her Persona to play a powerful healing tune to bring you all back to full health.
  1496. >Twilight nods and throws a candy into her mouth to replenish her magic. “We’ll save our best for when he goes all out.”
  1497. >”Let’s see how ya like this!”
  1498. >Spike delivers a rapid flurry of burning punches at the tenacious Reaper!
  1499. >”Come on, go down will ya?”
  1500. >He retaliates with another fierce hurricane that tears into you!
  1501. >His tendrils lance out at Twilight, but she quickly parries them with her golden Naginata!
  1502. >”You’ll have to try harder than that!”
  1503. ><You’re all hurt pretty badly, but you’re getting close to the end now.>
  1505. HP
  1506. Anon: 34%
  1507. Dash: 12%
  1508. Pinkie: 65%
  1509. Twilight: 64%
  1510. Spike: 69%
  1511. SP
  1513. Anon: 50%
  1514. Dash: 20%
  1515. Pinkie: 85%
  1516. Twilight: 100%
  1517. Spike: 100%
  1518. Fluttershy: 100%
  1520. <If I use my combo attack with Spike, he’ll lose 80% of his magic. Is that okay?>
  1521. “JUST DO IT!”
  1522. ><Y-You didn’t need to yell! You scared me just now...>
  1523. >”Anon, don’t yell at Fluttershy.” Twilight scolds you.
  1524. “I was just… nevermind. Sorry.”
  1525. >”No problem, big guy. Let’s do it, together, Fluttershy. Ouroboros, Analysis Mode!”
  1526. >The dragon bites his tail, forming a circle and lifting Spike above Argus Panoptes, as his eyes open one by one…
  1527. ><Keep him busy!]
  1528. “Got it. Change, Baast!”
  1529. >The feline persona tumbles out of the air and lets out a loud “Mreeeooooow!”
  1530. >A wave of light flows out from her form and bathes your team in healing magic!
  1531. >”Better have one of these. Looks like things are about to get real.” Dash comments as she slips a candy into her mouth.
  1532. >Pinkie slams her cannon onto the ground and kicks it hard! “Come on, work!”
  1533. >The cannon lets out a “Bukkawk!” and lets fly with a pair of confetti cannonballs!
  1534. >Both of the shots wing the Reaper as Twilight follows up with a torrent of ice spears!
  1535. >He guards his main body with his tendrils, but the icy assault strikes his feet, freezing him in place!
  1536. ><This is our chance!]
  1537. >The breeze needle shoots out from Argus, sticking through the shadow’s tie!
  1538. ><Our eyes are open! Take this!]
  1539. >Every one of Argus’s many eyes shine with a bright pink glow!
  1540. Team Up Attack: Mega Ryushi Cannon!
  1541. >Hundreds of pink lasers focus fire on Samael!
  1542. >They tear his body apart with pure energy!
  1543. >When the onslaught ends, the Reaper’s suit seems to be tattered and damaged…
  1544. >Its body trembles… and two more tendrils force their way out of his back, bringing the total up to six!
  1545. ><This is it… he’s not holding back anymore! Be careful!>
  1546. >His six tentacles gather a sphere of freezing energy and rain thin spears of ice around the battlefield!
  1547. >Thanks to Baast, your limber body weaves through the attack like a leaf on the wind, but Spike and Rainbow Dash end up getting nailed by the attack!
  1548. >The shadow appendages rush out and try to spear through each of you, but you’re all able to dodge, parry or fight off the deadly attack.
  1549. ><He’s able to follow up with such powerful death magic… You need to finish this quickly!>
  1550. >”Hey, Anon! Wanna do a team up attack?” Pinkie grins.
  1551. “You bet I do!”
  1552. >”Too bad! You need more Mana than that. Besides, we don’t even have anypony we need to revive, silly!” Pinkie teases.
  1553. ><Here’s your current status.>
  1555. HP
  1556. Anon: 100%
  1557. Dash: 69%
  1558. Pinkie: 100%
  1559. Twilight: 100%
  1560. Spike: 27%
  1561. SP
  1563. Anon: 30%
  1564. Dash: 100%
  1565. Pinkie: 85%
  1566. Twilight: 80%
  1567. Spike: 20%
  1568. Fluttershy: 0%
  1569. ><He still resists every element… but Almighty attacks aren’t affected. This includes damage dealt by all-out attacks. Just in case you didn’t already know that…>
  1570. “I need some more MP… change, Merlin!”
  1571. >Making use of the magician’s passive ability, you charge in for a physical strike!
  1572. >Your hammer lands a solid hit, but the Reaper still barely flinches.
  1573. >”We do not wanna get hit by that thing. Persona!”
  1574. >Thunderbird barrel rolls across the battlefield and sprinkles wave of agility-enhancing light over you!
  1575. >Apollo Medicus throws out his palm, firing a debilitating golden beam to the Shadow!
  1576. >”Let me help you, Spike. Nimue!”
  1577. >With a splash of healing water from her palm, Spike rises to his feet.
  1578. >”Thanks, Twi. Guess I might as well throw all I got at it! Ouroboros!”
  1579. >The dragon bathes Samael in magenta flames until it starts coughing up smoke!
  1580. >”That’s all my mana…”
  1581. >The reapers sextet of black feelers spin and whip you into a tornado!
  1582. >You brace yourself as the devastating wind tosses you around, but when the storm clears, Dash and Spike gracefully land from above on the backs of their personas unharmed!
  1583. >”Ha! Made it through!”
  1584. ><Nice evasion! Here’s your status.>
  1586. HP
  1587. Anon: 51%
  1588. Dash: 69%
  1589. Pinkie: 62%
  1590. Twilight: 60%
  1591. Spike: 100%
  1593. SP
  1595. Anon: 40%
  1596. Dash: 95%
  1597. Pinkie: 75%
  1598. Twilight: 65%
  1599. Spike: 0%
  1600. Fluttershy: 0%
  1602. ><If your attacks keep getting resisted, I don’t know if you can last like this. Can you find a way to break through his defenses?>
  1604. “Fluttershy’s right. Let’s break on through! Change, Morgan Le Fay!”
  1605. >Drawing the card of the Priestess, the powerful enchantress appears and flings her wooden staff at the Reaper, sticking into it even after she vanishes to serve as a lightning rod!
  1606. >”Aww yeah, I can work with this! Rev it up, Thunderbird!”
  1607. >Rainbow’s persona transforms and gathers power!
  1608. >”Keep it up! Apollo Medicus!”
  1609. >A simple little ditty rings out from his harp, giving you the strength to fight on!
  1610. >”We’ll have one left after this. Take it, Spike!”
  1611. >Twilight lobs a candy to the dragon, letting him catch it and chomp it down!
  1612. >”That’s more like it! Ouroboros!”
  1613. >Spike’s persona fires a fang into Samael’s chest, creating a conductor for your fire attacks!
  1614. >The reaper’s tentacles swirl and draw a ball of ice that explodes into a shower of hail!
  1615. >You’re all unable to avoid the icy blast as it knocks you back from sheer strength and sends Spike to his knees!
  1616. >The Reaper vanishes…
  1617. >You feel a tension in the air, and suddenly his blank face appears right in front of you and stares into your soul!
  1618. >The gaze of Death causes your heart to stop, and everything goes white…
  1619. >But then, you feel something warm strike your chest that causes your heart to start throbbing again…
  1620. >The holy sunlight fills you with life, and you open your eyes to see the rest of your allies standing tall!
  1621. >”Come on! You’re not gonna get spooked by a little jumpscare like that are ya?” Pinkie asks.
  1622. “My bad, Pinkie. Where are we at?”
  1623. ><Dash just did an incredible amount of damage! Just a little more and you can take put him down for good! Here’s where we’re at… what will you do?>
  1624. “This time… change, Nemo!”
  1625. >Your largest Persona bursts out of the ground and fires a silver harpoon into the Reaper!
  1626. >It becomes stuck in his body, gleaming brightly and opening a path for ice magic.
  1627. >”I’d love to… but it’s too risky right now. Nimue!”
  1628. >Healing mist emanates from Twilight’s persona, restoring the bodies of her allies!
  1629. >”I’ll take you on! Ouroboros!”
  1630. >Spike punches right through his card!
  1631. >The dark serpent lets out a ball of flames that strikes the end of the fang and swirls into it, turning it red and cooking the reaper from within!
  1632. >As the air around you chills, Nemo appears instinctively to protect you!
  1633. >A fierce blizzard erupts from the Reaper’s tendrils, blanketing the field in snow and causing ice to form around Pinkie, Dash, and Spike!
  1634. >As the dragon shivers, the reaper’s face appears in front of him without warning, causing him to drain of color and go unconscious!
  1635. ><Spike’s been knocked out… but the enemy is almost down! If you don’t miss, I think you can finish him this turn!>
  1637. “Let’s do this. Change, Morgan le Fay!”
  1638. >The brown-haired enchantress appears before you, her cloak fluttering in the wind as she chants a spell…
  1639. >Dark stormclouds gather overhead, sparking violently!
  1640. >Morgana raises her right hand up with her index finger pointing towards the sky.
  1641. >A blue flash rains down on her, striking her fingertip and forming into a brilliant blue sphere accompanied by the booming crack of thunder!
  1642. “This is the end!”
  1643. >The sorceress raises her hand over her shoulder and swings it straight out to the Reaper, sending the crackling ball of energy flying!
  1644. >It strikes the topaz-studded tip of her staff, flowing into the gem as it shines a bright gold!
  1645. >The reaper’s tentacles stick straight out as its body convulses, blue and gold sparks coursing through it!
  1646. >The magical queen dashes in and quickly yanks her oak staff out of the shadow’s body, twirling it around before striking a pose with the golden tip pointed right at the shocked shadow!
  1647. >A blinding golden beam of electric energy explodes out of her staff!
  1648. >The sparks burn away at the Reaper, causing his body to crumble bit by bit until it scatters into ash in the wind!
  1649. ><It… it’s over! You did it! You won! We… we beat death! Yaaaay!>
  1650. “Haha… we really did it.”
  1651. >Pinkie quickly revives Spike with her magic.
  1652. >He steps to his feet and rubs his head. “Huh… oh, we won? Darn, I missed it!”
  1653. ><Hold on, there’s something left. Look!>
  1654. >You cast your gaze to where the shadow once stood.
  1655. >A little blob of sparkling black and indigo matter is floating in midair.
  1656. “This must be… my weapon?”
  1657. >You walk over to it and grasp it with your hand.
  1658. >It’s soft and squishy, like a big black marshmallow.
  1659. Obtained: Nightmare
  1660. ><I’m not sure what that is… but it seems very powerful somehow.>
  1661. “Huh… let’s see here.”
  1662. >You start swinging the blob around in your hand.
  1663. >It stretches with a bit of weight to it, but doesn’t seem to be doing much else.
  1664. “Uh, let’s try… darkness beyond Twilight…”
  1665. >”Hm?” Twilight Sparkle tilts her head.
  1666. “Huh?”
  1667. >”Oh, I thought you were talking about me.”
  1668. “No I was… nevermind.”
  1669. >You pull at its ends and start stretching it apart.
  1670. >The shadowy glob stretches easily, holding its shape like silly putty.
  1671. >You stretch it wider and wider… if there’s a limit to how much it can stretch, you haven’t found it.
  1672. >”Can I play with it next?” Pinkie asks excitedly.
  1673. “Let me try a couple more things…”
  1674. >You roll it back up into a ball and jam it against your hammer.
  1675. >It squishes slightly and molds over it, but there isn’t really any reaction.
  1676. >You try putting your face in it, but it simply leaves a rounded imprint from your blank expression.
  1677. “Maybe I have to hit it harder…”
  1678. >Rolling it back into a sphere, you place it on the ground as everyone stands back.
  1679. >You take your warhammer and swing it hard at Nightmare!
  1681. >A powerful vibration courses through your arms as the hammer fails to dent it even slightly!
  1682. >”No way! I’ve seen you bust through solid stone with that hammer!” Dash exclaims.
  1683. >Despite feeling soft in your hands, it somehow solidified when you struck it…
  1684. “Then maybe…”
  1685. >You grab the little black glob and give it a lick.
  1686. “Hmm.”
  1687. “Too salty.”
  1688. >”You weren’t thinking of eating that, were you big guy?”
  1689. “Let’s try something else…”
  1690. “Change Hammer!”
  1691. >FWSHINK!
  1692. >The Nightmare suddenly forms itself into a solid black replica of your hammer!
  1693. >It feels as well balanced as your old one… perhaps even better as you give it a few test swings.
  1694. ><That’s it! You’ve figured out how to activate it! Looks like… oh my! This weapon gets critical hits more easily… and has a high chance of slaying lesser shadows in a single blow!>
  1695. “Interesting… I should test this out a bit.”
  1696. ><Rarity: Darling, could I have a look at it?>
  1697. >Rarity exits Argus and examines the Nightmare more closely.
  1698. >”I see… it looks like this is a piece of nightmare energy. It responds to your will. If you can imagine it, you can create it.”
  1699. >You spend a bit of time trying to figure out how to manipulate Nightmare.
  1700. >By the end, you seem to have figured out a few things about it
  1701. >First, you find that you don’t actually need to speak to manipulate it. You simply need to picture the object you want and will Nightmare into becoming it. Though you can command it to stretch and form freely, there’s a bit of a delay before it accepts your commands. You’re probably better off turning it into a weapon and sticking with it.
  1702. >The items it can create can grow if you will them to, but the larger they are the less effective and stable they become.
  1703. >You can’t seem to make anything too mechanically complex. With some effort you can create something that resembles a gun outwardly, but lacks the internal mechanisms required to make a proper firearm. However, you seem to be able to make a cannon and crossbow without much trouble.
  1704. >It can turn into articles of clothing very easily, but attempting to create a suit of armor doesn’t work quite as well, as the joints end up lacking articulation. But you can still make it into a hat with a razor sharp brim able to be thrown.
  1705. >Trying to turn it into something fictional like a lightsaber doesn’t seem to work too well. You manage to get a glowing stick from a hilt, but in practice it functions like a big glowing club. But a simple fictional item like a giant key seems to work fine.
  1706. >Trying to turn it into something too ludicrous seems to result in Nightmare falling apart into goo, or just refusing to transform at all.
  1707. >Rarity tries to use it herself, but it refuses to react to her.
  1708. >"How odd. Perhaps Nightmare responds to Princess Luna... that might explain some of its limits. Are we done for today?"
  1709. “Yeah, I think this is good for now.”
  1710. “Everyone… go take a break. Tomorrow’s the big day. Let’s go home, Fluttershy.”
  1711. ><Okay. What will you be doing after this?>
  1712. “I think I’ll be taking some time alone for once. Just… clear my head a bit.”
  1713. ><Alright then. We’ll see you tomorrow.>
  1714. >Fluttershy transported you back to reality, and everyone headed off their separate ways.
  1715. >You headed home first and spent a little time playing around with Oscar.
  1716. >Trixie and Gilda are both out at the moment.
  1717. >Looking around your room, you noticed a few things laying about that you haven’t put in their place yet.
  1718. >A few items filled with memories.
  1719. >You gathered them up and headed up to the Library to put them somewhere.
  1721. Twilight’s Castle Library, Afternoon
  1723. >You don’t notice anyone else at the library this afternoon, so you sit down at a table in the back where you used to study history with Twilight, and open up your scrapbook.
  1724. >After setting in the last few items, you decide to have a quick run through them.
  1725. >First off… Twilight’s Letter.
  1726. >She used to be terrified of forgetting who she was, and where she came from.
  1727. >After going through so many changes, the reminders of who she used to be kept disappearing one by one.
  1728. >But in the end, she realized that there are some things you never forget. And that she would always remember these feelings of love.
  1729. >She gave you the letter she wrote to Princess Celestia the night after she met you, as a symbol of how you changed her life and way of thinking.
  1730. >The next page holds Chrysalis’s Horn.
  1731. >Chrysalis had a lot to say about truth and lies when you met her in the forest.
  1732. >She believed that we all lived in a world constructed of our own lies, and that she was no exception.
  1733. >But she was simply using those lies to hide from her own pain.
  1734. >You saw through her own deception and helped her confront the truth that she had a heart.
  1735. >Together, you broke the curse laid on her by Sombra by letting her die with love in her heart, and thus become reborn.
  1736. >She decided to let you hold onto her horn molt as a strange token of her affection.
  1737. >You turn the page again to find the little medal Celestia gave you.
  1738. >The Solar Medal of Freedom.
  1739. >She couldn’t help but wonder if the world truly needed their Princess after so many long years.
  1740. >You later learned just how much strife such a long life had caused her…
  1741. >But after spending time with her and reminding her what life as a normal mare could be like, you managed to raise her spirits.
  1742. >She was able to show you a way of resolving conflict without violence, and wished to keep teaching such lessons to her ‘children’.
  1743. >This medal is mostly for your actions in breaking the changeling curse, but it’s also a reminder of the time you spent with Celestia.
  1744. >You can’t help but wonder about the morning after you spent the night with her.
  1745. >That kiss… was it really an accident?
  1746. >Or did she feel something for you even before her shadow rejoined her?
  1747. >You put it out of your mind for now and look at the next item.
  1748. >A hoofmade paper mailpony badge numbered 777 sits neatly in the center of the page.
  1749. >Derpy was so excited to be a mailpony all those years ago, she even made her own badge.
  1750. >You couldn’t let her give up on something she loved so much.
  1751. >Instead of letting her accept her fate, together you helped Derpy train to do her job a different way, and showed her how important it was to fight for what you want.
  1752. >A colorful little plastic fish sits below the badge. Spike’s Lure, which he gave you after disbanding your Man Club.
  1753. >Figuring out how to stand with his friends was tough for Spike.
  1754. >He thought that being an adult meant he needed to be strong.
  1755. >But after realizing that his blind pursuit of power was turning him into something terrible, he showed mercy to the fish he caught.
  1756. >He decided that it wasn’t power that would make him a man, but the responsibility to use it for what’s right.
  1757. >He gave you his fishing lure to commemorate the time he spent learning that with you.
  1758. >On the next page lies truly one of your most impressive gifts.
  1759. >A rock.
  1760. >More specifically, the first rock Pinkie had ever farmed.
  1761. >Pinkie always loved smiling… but she avoided thinking about things that could trouble her.
  1762. >When her father died, she’d spent so long ignoring those feelings that she became confused about herself.
  1763. >You got her through that tough time, and helped her understand how her dad felt about her, and how she felt about him.
  1764. >Pinkie made the decision to find a new way to make ponies smile, by becoming a therapist.
  1765. >Instead of only cheering up ponies who had something to celebrate, she decided it was more important to help ponies who had lost their smile.
  1766. >Underneath it, you’ve affixed the Gold Star given to you by Cheerilee.
  1767. >Being a teacher is tough… in the workplace and at home, Cheerilee felt like no one respected her.
  1768. >She kept worrying about being in control of her life, but her refusal to swallow her pride was what had truly held her back.
  1769. >You helped her realize when her stubbornness had gone too far, and how important it was for her to express her feelings openly and try to get along with her sister.
  1770. >For helping her realize her own foolishness, she gave you a highly coveted Gold Star to show how you’d gone above and beyond for her.
  1771. >The next few pages are filled with a series of black and white X-Ray Photos.
  1772. >Gilda met you with a broken body and a broken heart.
  1773. >After being hurt, it can be difficult to trust someone again.
  1774. >But you were gentle and firm precisely when she needed you to be.
  1775. >You refused to accept her facade, and broke through the shell she had built around herself.
  1776. >She began to stop thinking of the world in terms of carnivores and herbivores, oppressors and oppressed, and instead trust others as equals.
  1777. >By choosing to let others into her heart, she gained a home where she could feel loved.
  1778. >She gave you those photos to thank you for looking past her harsh exterior and helping her heal inside.
  1779. >The next page is occupied by a large crayon drawing of Pluto on the back of a report card.
  1780. >The signature lets you know this is Diamond Tiara’s Drawing.
  1781. >At such a young age, she felt as if her entire life had already been decided for her.
  1782. >Feeling trapped by her destiny, she thought the circumstances of your birth were all that mattered in the world.
  1783. >But you opened her eyes to the many possibilities of her future, and she was able to gain the courage to break free from the chains of fate and live her life in a new way.
  1784. >Despite her difficulty in admitting it, you two became close.>You ended up being the one person she could truly be honest to about her feelings. And for that, she gave you a drawing to show you how she had taken your lessons to heart.
  1785. >The next page’s item is signed as well.
  1786. >An Autographed Photo of you and Rainbow Dash together with the clouds behind you takes up most of the page.
  1787. >Dash realized that the dream she’d had since she was a foal came with its own set of problems.
  1788. >Her career and her friends ended up being in conflict, and she wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore.
  1789. >You were there for her to speak to about her worries, and in doing so she grew to understand what she really valued.
  1790. >She chose to stay with her friends and loved ones who made her feel valued, and pursue her dream in a different way that would make her happy.
  1791. >After retaking control of her life, she took this photo with you and signed it to serve as a reminder of that day.
  1792. >Resting below it is a reminder of one the most tumultuous parts of your life.
  1793. >Trixie’s Amulet which she made for you herself.
  1794. >A little blue necklace inscribed with her cutie mark.
  1795. >Trixie dreamed of greatness, holding on to hope to ignore that her life was a disaster.
  1796. >All her life, she’d searched for acknowledgement of her worth.
  1797. >Rejected by society, hope of a better tomorrow was all that kept her going.
  1798. >You made her feel wanted, putting your trust in her and doing everything in your power to bring her comfort for the grudge she held.
  1799. >And when she thought that her life was over, and she was destined to be nothing more than Alioth’s doll, you showed her the strength of your love for her, giving her the courage to fight.
  1800. >In the end, she was finally able to believe in her own strength and defeat Alioth.
  1801. >She gave you the amulet as a Hearth’s Warming present, but it also represents the day she truly believed in her own greatness thanks to you.
  1802. >On the right side of the page is long strip of paper reading:
  1804. >Shizuka’s Calligraphy, her true name written in her native language.
  1805. >Fluttershy was forced to face the contradiction of having to fight for peace.
  1806. >She detested violence, and tried to distance herself from all forms of conflict as best she could.
  1807. >But when she found her actions resulted in more suffering, she tried to find a way to make up for it.
  1808. >She ended up going to war against herself, trying to force her violent side into silence.
  1809. >But by showing her that she could work together with her violent urges instead of suppressing them, she was able to make amends with her split personality and become whole once more.
  1810. >In order to be strong enough to protect her family, she had to accept that strength without fearing or hating it.
  1811. >She accepted her role as the new head of her clan, and gave you this practice calligraphy as a present, so that you would always remember who she really is.
  1812. >You turn the page to find a Black Tie given to you by Cranky.
  1813. >It doesn’t fit, so you decided to put it in here to remind you of the time you spent together.
  1814. >He taught you more than just how to build a house.
  1815. >He was always there for you whenever you needed his wisdom.
  1816. >But as wise as he acted, he was still capable of being an old fool.
  1817. >He accepted you as a replacement for the son he thought he could never have, giving up on any solution that wasn’t perfect.
  1818. >You tricked him into solving his own problem, just as he’d always taught you to solve yours.
  1819. >He truly does view you as the son he never had. This tie is something he wouldn’t have passed on to anyone else.
  1820. >Perhaps it’s been bringing you luck in your love life after all.
  1822. >Resting in its place beside the tie is…
  1823. >A glittering Moonblossom.
  1824. >Your relationship with her was… complicated.
  1825. >Though you thought it was Princess Luna at the time, Celestia’s Shadow spent many days together with you.
  1826. >Many of those days were meant to manipulate or test you.
  1827. >In hindsight you realize she didn’t learn much during those carefree days.
  1828. >But you did something that truly surprised her.
  1829. >You refused to see her relationship with you as something superficial.
  1830. >You wanted to accept her.
  1831. >You wanted to take away that pain inside her.
  1832. >Such genuine kindness scared her.
  1833. >She was sure that no one would ever love her.
  1834. >She thought you would reject her if you knew the truth.
  1835. >And though you may have proved the prophecy right, you proved her wrong.
  1836. >You loved her.
  1837. >And in her final letter, she admitted she loved you too.
  1838. >At the very least, you were able to end her suffering.
  1839. >If any part of her remains inside Celestia, you hope she’s happy.
  1840. >For now, this Moonflower is a bittersweet reminder of your time together.
  1841. >You decided to put that behind you for now and look at the little blue patch you’ve put in the book.
  1842. >This Honorary CMC Badge makes your honorary membership official.
  1843. >You helped them all out a little bit here and there, but your relationship with Apple Bloom became deepest.
  1844. >Confused by the loss of her role models in life, she struggled to understand what she should do.
  1845. >She felt as if she no longer belonged with her family, unable to accept the love from a sister that had lied to her, and parents that had given their life for her.
  1846. >You comforted her in her grief, waiting for her to be ready to accept what had happened without forcing her.
  1847. >Your patience was rewarded when she finally understood just what it means to love your family.
  1848. >Thanks to your efforts, she chose to honor and accept her parents’ sacrifice and forgive her sister, living her life like they would have wanted her to.
  1849. >Below it you’ve placed a thin red ribbon Applejack used to keep tied around her tail.
  1850. >Katya’s Ribbon helped Applejack escape that fire.
  1851. >Applejack lied about what really happened that day… but she was lying to herself more than anyone.
  1852. >While denying it happened she continued to punish herself for it by working herself to the bone for her family.
  1853. >But after spending time with you, she remembered just how much there was to love about her life, and herself.
  1854. >She was able to accept that her parents chose to save her so she could live and be happy.
  1855. >After resolving to accept who she is instead of trying to take the place of her parents, she let go of her mother’s ribbon as a sign that she would no longer let their deaths rule her life.
  1856. >On the next page you’ve unfolded a Handkerchief you received from Discord.
  1857. >Somehow he managed to get a picture of what might be Harmonia onto it.
  1858. >He spent a lot of time playing with you out of boredom. Something he’d done ever since he lost his favorite playmate in Harmonia.
  1859. >Though he enjoyed messing with you, there was a genuine meaning behind some of his actions.
  1860. >He missed Harmonia desperately, and hated the world that took her from him without appreciating it.
  1861. >But through your games, you managed to get him to realize the value behind her sacrifice.
  1862. >Discord was genuinely grateful to you for helping him move past his love’s death.
  1863. >This strange handkerchief is proof that despite his playful facade, he truly does appreciate what you’ve done for him.
  1864. >In the corner you’ve placed Sunset’s Guitar Pick.
  1865. >For her, that pick held painful memories of her difficult past.
  1866. >After falling into the darkness, she felt as though she might never be able to belong in the light.
  1867. >She rejected her home with Celestia, and transplanted herself into an alien world where her very appearance is a deception.
  1868. >To try to become accepted, she put herself on the line without regard for her safety or well being, just for the chance to be forgiven for her crimes.
  1869. >But your friendship and love helped her to realize that she was the only one who could decide where she does and doesn’t belong.
  1870. >So she resolved to spend her new life in the world she found.
  1871. >Not to run away from her crimes or recapture her wasted youth, but to help give back to those who saved her.
  1872. >She left you the pick to remember her by when she leaves to chase her new dream.
  1873. >The next few pages are filled with detailed sketches of a fancy evening dress.
  1874. >The Dress Design by Rarity for Princess Luna.
  1875. >After realizing a part of her had changed, she began to question her role in the world.
  1876. >Though she rid herself once of the Nightmare, it seems the connection would never disappear.
  1877. >Living her life as someone’s stand-in was terrifying to her.
  1878. >She felt disconnected from her body, and her entire life.
  1879. >She didn’t know if she could ever return to being the Rarity she loved being.
  1880. >But you showed her that she can never stop being Rarity.
  1881. >The nature of her heart is irrepressible, and no matter what she does, she’ll do it in her own way.
  1882. >She saw the beauty in herself once more, and decided to accept what comes and make the best of it.
  1883. >The dress she made for Luna is proof of her hope for a brighter future.
  1884. >The last page you’ve put in is Sunray’s Character Sheet, given to you by Shining Armor.
  1885. >Though your relationship began with the two of you at odds, he softened up towards you and admitted his unhappiness with his situation.
  1886. >You shared many nights where he confided his troubles in you, becoming close friends.
  1887. >After inviting him to an unforgettable night of O&O, he realized just how foolish and judgemental he had become.
  1888. >He applied rigorous standards to others that he didn’t always meet himself, and expected his relationship with his wife to be perfect while being too afraid to confront their issues and work through them.
  1889. >Despite part of you wanting to punch him when he first showed up, you were sad to see him go.
  1890. >But you know he’s living a happier life.
  1891. >All of your friends have taken steps along the journey of life since you’ve come here.
  1892. >You too have changed in these long months.
  1893. >Even if it’s just a little, you’ve learned things from your experiences here, and formed bonds of friendship.
  1894. >There’s one more thing… a Blank Card given to you by Elizabeth and Igor.
  1895. >A sign of the path you have yet to create for yourself.
  1896. >You’re not too sure what to do with this.
  1897. >”Oh, Anon!”
  1898. >You look over to see Twilight standing next to you.
  1899. >”I didn’t think you’d be here… I just thought I’d see if I could find any books talking about how Princess Luna fought. You know, just see if I could learn any techniques that could help us.”
  1900. >She glances at the thick tome on the table and smiles. “I guess I’ve been too busy to put things in that scrapbook. Good thing you’ve been putting the work into it. Mind if I have a look?”
  1901. “...”
  1902. >You wanted to respond to her…
  1903. >But it’s too difficult to keep holding back your tears and speak.
  1904. >”Anon… are you okay?”
  1905. “I just… don’t wanna lose any of you…”
  1906. >Twilight looks closer and notices the trail left by tears running along your green face.
  1907. >Immediately she lifts off with her wings and hugs you, pressing her nose against her cheek.
  1908. >”Oh Anon… we don’t want to lose you either..”
  1909. >”But I think… maybe this will make you feel better.”
  1910. >She turns away from you and says softly, “You can come out now, everypony.”
  1911. >You look up to see Spike walking out from behind a bookcase.
  1912. >He’s followed by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer.
  1913. >They all come up to you and find a part of you to hold onto.
  1914. >”Oh, Darling… we were so worried about you.” Rarity sighs, holding you tight.
  1915. “Worried?”
  1916. >”Yeah, silly! You spend all this time with us, and all of a sudden you wanna be alone?” Pinkie giggles.
  1917. >”The moment you went away, we all felt worried for you.” Fluttershy frowns.
  1918. >”We all had the same idea, Sug’. We all met up at yer place, but you weren’t there.”
  1919. >”I came up with the idea to look for you here.” Spike says proudly.
  1920. “Hah… c-come on guys…”
  1921. “Crying a little bit in front of Twi was kinda cool, but this… come on…”
  1922. >”If you think this is gonna make us think you’re uncool, you really have no idea how we think about you.” Sunset smirks.
  1923. “I… I did say I wanted to be alone though. Can’t a guy get one night alone?”
  1924. >Twilight shakes her head with a smile. “You should have known better than that.”
  1925. >She tightens her hug around your shoulder.
  1926. >”You’ll never be alone, Anon.”
  1927. “You… thank you… this is…”
  1928. “Thank you all so much.”
  1929. >”Thank you, Anon.” Twilight answers. “You’ve helped us all so much. You even filled that book with memories of our time together.”
  1930. >As she flips through the pages with her horn, your friends look touched by all the precious things you’ve put into your scrapbook.
  1931. >But as they reach the end, Spike points something out.
  1932. >”You know, big guy… I think we should all put something in here too.”
  1933. >”Like what?” Dash asks.
  1934. >”I don’t reckon I could think of somethin’ to put in right here an’ now.” Applejack says.
  1935. >”How about a group photograph?” Rarity suggests.
  1936. >”That sounds like a great idea! One big picture of the entire dream team.” Fluttershy says in agreement.
  1937. >”Let’s do it! I got a camera!” Pinkie says, slipping an instant camera out of her mane and tossing it to Sunset.
  1938. >”Whoah!” Sunset quickly catches the camera with her magic. “Okay, guess I’m taking it. Everyone get in close.”
  1939. >The Dream Team crowds around you, holding onto you as Sunset centers the camera carefully.
  1940. >Twilight squeezes in with her cheek against yours. “Okay everypony, say Persona!”
  1941. “Haha, Persona!”
  1942. >”Persona!”
  1943. >”PERSONA!”
  1944. >”Pear-sona!”
  1945. >”Persona!”
  1946. >”Persona…”
  1947. >”Persona.”
  1948. >”Persona!”
  1949. >”Don’t yell, this is a library!”
  1950. >You all laugh and smile as Sunset snaps the photo, capturing this moment on film forever.
  1951. >She carries the instant photo over and shakes it out, helping you place it at the very beginning of the book.
  1952. Obtained: Dream Team Photo
  1953. >You spent a long time together with all of your beloved friends before going home.
  1954. >Is there anything you want to do before you go to bed tonight?
  1956. >You decided to take a walk outside.
  1957. >Gilda and Trixie are out like lights, so it’s no trouble for you to slip out of their grip and creep out the door after getting dressed.
  1958. >The streets of ponyville are utterly still at this hour.
  1959. >The moon seems to have already been lowered, leaving only starlight to illuminate the town before dawn.
  1960. >You take in the cool air and watch the horizon on the east.
  1961. >A few slow minutes tick by until you see rays of light begin to creep up.
  1962. >You can barely make out the edge of the sun as it shyly peeks over the horizon.
  1963. >It’s been so long since you’ve watched the sunrise…
  1964. >It’s a beautiful sight normally.
  1965. >But this morning… something seems different.
  1966. >As you gaze towards the eastern sky, the star Solestia halfway risen above the edge of the world…
  1967. >Something begins to rise in front of it.
  1968. >Something round and black…
  1969. >The moon.
  1970. >The moon is chasing the sun up into the sky, it's black silhouette causing daylight to slip away as it creeps in front of it…
  1971. >And centers itself in front of the sun, eclipsing it totally.
  1972. >The moment the last trace of day vanishes, you feel it.
  1973. >That instinctive feeling.
  1974. >You are in a dream.
  1975. >No… a Fantasia.
  1976. >Your surroundings haven’t changed a bit.
  1977. >Nothing is missing.
  1978. >You remember exactly how you got here.
  1979. >But there is no doubt in your mind.
  1980. >This town… no, the entire world… is wrapped in Fantasia.
  1981. >Suddenly, you see Rarity running through the streets frantically.
  1982. >"Darling!"
  1983. "Rarity!"
  1984. >"You feel it don't you?"
  1985. "This is Fantasia... how?"
  1986. >"I'm not sure... but everyone's still here. This is bad, Sombra's already making his move! We need to gather the others at once!"
  1987. “Right. Rarity, go get Fluttershy first. We’ll meet back up at the castle.”
  1988. >”That’s right, if we’re in Fantasia she should be able to summon Argus. I’ll take care of things here! You go on ahead!”
  1989. >Rarity’s horn flashes and she vanishes in a wink of light!
  1990. >Oh yeah, she can do that now.
  1991. >... Well you’re not the only one who can teleport.
  1992. >You find the nearest door and jam your Velvet Key into it, rushing into the Velvet Room!
  1994. Velvet Room
  1996. >Elizabeth and Igor watch calmly as you burst in through the door.
  1997. >”We won’t keep you long, esteemed guest.” Igor says understandingly.
  1998. >”We simply wish to congratulate you on defeating that Reaper. It seemed to be a grueling fight.” Elizabeth continues.
  1999. >”Your world is in peril. The boundaries between dream and reality have been blurred. You must stop this at once, or it will spell the end of your realm.”
  2000. >”Your Personas should all function properly while the world is wrapped in a waking nightmare. Furthermore, the item you obtained from the Reaper will appear by your side whenever you will it.”
  2001. >Igor smiles. “Your journey is nearing its end, visitor. Take care not to stray from your path at the end.”
  2002. >”With that, fare thee well.”
  2003. >You leave through the other door and come out in the Library.
  2005. >A little message appears in your vision.
  2006. ><H-Hello?>
  2007. “Fluttershy!”
  2008. ><Oh my goodness… we really are in Fantasia! This doesn’t make any sense...>
  2009. “Can you wake the others up?”
  2010. ><I… I can’t! They can’t read my messages with their eyes closed!>
  2011. ><Wait, you’re in the castle! Quickly, go find Spike and wake him up!>
  2012. “Spike… of course! I’ll be right there!”
  2013. >You charge through the halls to Spike’s room!
  2014. “Out of the way, Dream Team business!”
  2015. “Gotta go fast…”
  2016. >You reach into your pocket and grab the card of Fortune!
  2017. “Change, Father Time!”
  2018. >Your steps hasten as you run to Spike’s room with increased agility and burst through the door to see Spike sleeping with a little knitted doll of Rarity.
  2020. >”WAAA!” Spike exclaims in surprise, knocking a little Rarity doll into the air.
  2021. >”W-What are you doing, big guy?!”
  2022. “Spike, there’s an eclipse outside and Sombra put Equestria into Fantasia!”
  2023. >”What? That’s… huh? How can we be in Fantasia? If we’re in Fantasia, why aren’t you wearing your glasses?”
  2024. >You quickly put on the novelty glasses from your pocket.
  2025. >Spike gasps, “We’re in Fantasia!”
  2026. “Summon Ouroboros and wake up the team.”
  2027. >”You got it. Persona!”
  2028. >The serpent coils around Spike as he closes his eyes.
  2029. >[Attention all Dream Team Members! WAAAAKE UUUUP!!!]
  2030. ><It’s working! Everypony’s up now! They don’t look happy though… Sorry, but something’s happening! The moon is eclipsing the sun, and Equestria is inside some sort of Fantasia! Magic is still functioning, so Twilight just needs to bring Applejack back here and we can all gather in the meeting room.>
  2031. >Messages of confirmation flash on the screen, and you see red blips on your minimap jump around as they all quickly gather in the Castle at the center of town.
  2032. >You grab Spike and make a run for the meeting room.
  2034. Twilight’s Castle Meeting Room, Morning?
  2036. >Everyone looks nervous as you arrive.
  2037. >”This has to be Sombra.” Twilight says definitively.
  2038. “Guess we shouldn’t have expected him to just let us waltz up to his front door.”
  2039. >Sunset glances through a window. ”If we want to do this, we should hurry. Surely Celestia’s noticed something’s wrong too. Spike, can you send a letter?”
  2040. >”I’ll send one right away.”
  2041. >”Why he’d put all of Equestria into a dream like this?” Applejack wonders.
  2042. >Dash’s wings flutter anxiously. “I don’t know… but it can’t be good.”
  2043. >”Maybe he just wants to make all our wildest dreams come true?” Pinkie says hopefully.
  2044. >Spike blows a letter out with fire. “There, I sent it but it’ll take a few seconds I think.”
  2045. >”Oh, I know! I can use Argus to try to get a peek at her to see what’s going on at her end.”
  2046. >Fluttershy gingerly taps her card, wrapping herself in a translucent blue sphere.
  2047. ><!!!>
  2048. “What?”
  2049. ><Oh no… oh no no no no NO NO!>
  2050. “Fluttershy what’s going on?”
  2051. ><Look!>
  2052. >A screen appears in your vision, displaying the eclipsed sky.
  2053. >It’s difficult to tell in the darkness…
  2054. >But something dark seems to be coming out of the eclipse.
  2055. >The vision closes in, and you instantly feel that same dread as Fluttershy when you realize what you’re looking at.
  2056. >From the moon, hundreds of shadows are streaming out like a black cloud, falling right towards Ponyville at incredible speed!
  2057. ><Not just here…>
  2058. >Another screen pops up depicting shadows crashing onto the streets of Canterlot as ponies flee in terror, followed by one with dark beasts crawling around the Crystal Empire!
  2059. ><They’re coming! Sombra is sending shadows to attack Equestria!>
  2060. >Twilight spins around and looks at you. “We… we have to get the citizens to the castle! If we get them in here we can protect them!”
  2061. >”They’re all sleeping…” Sunset mutters. “That bastard did it as early as he could so he could hit them with a surprise attack!”
  2062. >”Then we gotta wake them up!” Dash exclaims.
  2063. >”Ouroboros can’t connect with ponies that don’t have a Persona! I… I can’t wake them up! What do we do?”
  2064. “I have an idea. Change, Legion!”
  2065. >You tap the golden card, and 51 copies of yourself flood the room!
  2066. “Go into the town and get ponies into the castle! Split up and rescue as many citizens as you can before the shadows arrive!”
  2067. >The mob races out of the room and down the stairs.
  2068. ><I don’t know if they’ll make it in time…>
  2069. “They won’t have to. Twilight, can you address the citizens using your Royal Canterlot Voice?”
  2070. >”My… my voice? I’ll try but…”
  2071. “Hurry!”
  2072. >”O-Okay!”
  2073. >Twilight flies over to the window and yells out “Citizens of Ponyville! This is your Princess speaking! This is a state of emergency! Ponyville is being invaded! Please evacuate to the castle as soon as possible!”
  2074. >She’s yelling as loud as she can, but…
  2075. “Is that all the presence you can muster?”
  2076. >Twilight closes her eyes. “I’m sorry! I’m trying but I just…”
  2077. >You place your hand on her shoulder.
  2078. “No, I should have expected your strained connection with Harmonia would make it difficult.”
  2079. >You step closer to the window.
  2080. “Watch closely, my friends.”
  2081. “This is the proper method to address one’s subjects.”
  2082. >You straighten your posture and inhale deeply, expanding your lungs…
  2083. >In your mind, you picture Ponyville in its entirety.
  2084. >Then, putting every part of your being into your voice, you shout!
  2094. >The team watches you in awe as ponies start to burst out of their homes and flee to the castle.
  2095. >”Anon… was that the power of Luna’s heart? Or are you…”
  2096. ><There’s no time! The shadows are here!>
  2097. >You watch as black masses start to descend on the town…
  2098. ><Here… this is what the town looks like.>
  2099. >Your minimap changes, showing 9 blue dots in the center of the town with scores of green dots converging on you as a stampede of ponies thunders your way.
  2100. >But little by little, red dots representing shadows start to pop up all over the map!
  2101. >Some of them appear in front of the green dots, stopping them from reaching the castle!
  2102. >There’s also some green dots that didn’t make it far enough in time, and are stranded in a growing sea of red.
  2103. >”They’re everywhere!” Twilight exclaims.
  2104. “That accursed persona limit follows us here as well, does it not?”
  2105. ><It does but… I… I have an idea.>
  2106. “An idea?”
  2107. ><I don’t know if it’s any good but… when you said that, I thought of something.
  2108. “Whatever it is, hurry it up. We’re running out of time.”
  2109. ><The persona limit isn’t a restriction on all of Fantasia, it’s based on our proximity to each other.>
  2110. ><If we group together, we can’t have more than 5 including myself.>
  2111. ><But… if we all split off in different directions, then every single one of us can be out there fighting.>
  2112. ><We can each rescue the citizens in town and help them evacuate, then return to the castle or aid the others as necessary.>
  2113. ><I can manage your distance from here in the center and direct you towards civilians and shadows. What do you think?>
  2114. >Twilight thinks, “I… I could send guards with you to support your search and rescue mission. They might not be as strong as us, but this is what they’ve been training for. Anon, it’s up to you. Is this a good plan?”
  2115. “I’ll agree to this plan. Can you all handle fighting alone?”
  2116. >”We told you, didn’t we?” Twilight smiles. ”We’re never alone!”
  2117. “Heh, of course. My mistake. Very well then, Dream Team, commence with Search & Rescue immediately!”
  2118. >Spike drops a huge bag filled with supplies in the center of the room as guards finally start to arrive. “Everyone take 5 of each item! It’s all we got!”
  2119. >Twilight turns to Domino. ”Captain, assign soldiers to each of our members. I’ll need you here guarding the center. Don’t let a single shadow into the castle, understood?”
  2120. >”Yes, your highness!” Domino salutes, barking orders to the soldiers who quickly group up with you.
  2121. ><Okay everypony, take a quick look at the map and decide where you want to go.>
  2122. >You can see stragglers in every direction…
  2123. >There’s something in each area of Ponyville that you recognize stranded ponies in.
  2124. >Which direction should you head towards?
  2126. North: Residential District
  2127. North East: Fluttershy’s Cottage near Everfree Forest
  2128. East: Cranky’s House
  2129. South East: Diamond Tiara’s Estate
  2130. South: Carousel Boutique
  2131. South West: Sweet Apple Acres
  2132. West: Hospital
  2133. North West: Train Station
  2135. “I shall take the South East. Diamond Tiara might be trapped in her mansion.”
  2136. >”I’m heading West! We need somepony fast to get to that hospital.” Rainbow decides.
  2137. >”Leave Cranky to me, Anon. I’m heading East.” Pinkie nods.
  2138. >”Ain’t no way I’m goin’ anywhere before I go see my family. South West.” Applejack says, determined.
  2139. >”That might be Sweetie Belle over there… I have to make sure my little sister’s safe. I’m heading South.”
  2140. >”Northeast… that could be Zecora.” Twilight thinks. “I’ll check it out. We might be able to secure some extra supplies from her.”
  2141. >”I’ve got my eyes on the North. It’s heavily populated, and I can take out trash shadows like these pretty easy.” Sunset says confidently.
  2142. >”And I get the train station! And that’s good because uh… I like… trains?” Spike shrugs.
  2143. >”I’ve prepared a three pony squad for each of you.” Domino says. “Ponies, you’re to obey their orders in the field. Support them as best you can and focus on evacuating the citizens.”
  2144. >An Earth Pony steps up to you and salutes. “Corporal Biggs, at your service.”
  2145. >A Unicorn follows suit. “Corporal Wedge, at your service.”
  2146. >The last member of your group is a familiar Silk Pegasus…
  2147. >”Good to see you again. Staff Sergeant Max Flightmaster, but I’m sure you remember that.”
  2148. “That’s enough introductions, time to move out soldiers!”
  2149. >You take note of your wristband, having dropped from 50 or so to the mid-20’s.
  2150. “They’ve done enough evacuating for now… Change, Father Time!”
  2151. >You rush out of the castle with your enhanced speed, your temporary allies galloping behind you at an incredible pace!
  2152. >”Amazing! This is your magic, Sir?” Max asks.
  2153. “Something like that! Try to keep up!”
  2154. ><It looks like I can still connect with everyone just fine. Focus on reaching stranded ponies, and don’t engage unless you need to clear a path. Keeping an eye on your minimap will help you avoid unnecessary fights and locate citizens in need of rescue.>
  2155. >As you head southeast, Max glances skyward. “Good clouds today. If you need me to throw some weather at these shadows, it won’t be much but it’s an option.”
  2156. “Good to know. Anything else?”
  2157. >”I’m trained in binding spells, Sir.” Wedge informs you. “I should be able to disable an enemy with my magic if you need me to.”
  2158. >”I may not have much useful magic, but I’m proud of my strength! Point my spear wherever you need it, Sir!” Biggs adds.
  2159. ><Anonymous! Somepony’s hiding in a house near your location! There’s shadows outside, can you take care of it?”
  2160. “I got it, Fluttershy! Follow me, men!”
  2161. >You change course down an alley to reach the marked spot, when suddenly a gang of shadows converges on you!
  2162. >Three Imp shadows block your path as three more drop down from behind!
  2163. >All of their masks are simple blank white faces…
  2164. ><An ambush? Take care of them as fast as you can! If you need me to scan them, it’ll take a bit more time than normal. I’m doing a lot of things at once here.>
  2165. “No more instant scans… got it, Fluttershy.”
  2166. >”Ready to receive orders, Sir!”
  2167. “Let’s go!”
  2169. Battle Start!
  2171. “Max, grab us some lightning!”
  2172. >”Roger!”
  2173. “Change, Dullahan!”
  2174. >The decapitated rider raises her severed head up, fitting it onto her neck and opening her red and yellow eyes.
  2175. >Her mouth opens, and she whispers something mysterious…
  2176. >”V̶̼ͯ́ȋ͚͖͚̻̳͓ͨ̂ͨ̆̚͠l̡̝̜̃̈̆e̵͐҉̲̼t̙̦̥̜̳̅ͮ̽͘ͅt́ͤ̄̔͝҉͓̙̺̲̫ë̱͍͈̫͆ͦͨ͝͡d̃̒̈̂ͪ̽̉ͩͪ͏͚̟i͔̼̻͉̬̖̬̝̫̽͛͑̒̒a̧͋ͯ҉̵̲̜̲.̐̒̿ͬ͏̡͓̬.̵̫̭̂̓ͥ͗ͥͫ̚.̂̾͑̏͆ͨ͗̚҉̣̝͓͚͟ ̴̸̢͈̰̝̋͒̅̉͂̅̈́v̋̅ͦ̃͐̿́̏͏̧̢̰͖̬̻̝͇͈aͣ̉ͬ͏̰̲͍̲̮͖̺͈̹r̸ͪ̅͟͏̝̹͙u̷̵̻̺̜͕̘̜̱̣͋ͯ̚ ̨͎̖͓͉̻͚̅̈͋͗ͬ͗ͥ͆ͦ̕y̛͈̻͛̀͟õ̝̗̝̞̮̙͂͆͗ͤ͂ͯͪ͟s̡̬͍̞̺̥̠̈ͮ͐̈ͥ̓ͪͅ ̲͍̩̐ͬ͢t̉͊̐̔ͧ̅̀͏̞ẻ̺̠̙̭̙̻̠̿͆ͥ̔̎̆̐̚!”
  2177. >The moment Dullahan finishes speaking, two imps behind you and one in front explode into bits of shadow!
  2178. >Max flitters into the sky with his insect-like wings, grabbing hold of the a thundercloud and bringing it back down to ground level.
  2179. >Biggs swings his spear overhead, dealing a crushing blow to the lone imp flanking you!
  2180. >The force of his strike knocks the imp off balance, and he follows up by skewering it against the ground!
  2181. >Wedge flings his spear with his magic, bringing it straight down against the shadow’s belly, tearing it apart into blackness!
  2182. >”Enemy neutralized, sir!”
  2183. >An imp jumps at Max with his miniature pitchfork, but Max’s stained-glass wings let him dart back in an instant!
  2184. >The imp misses Max and falls flat on its face!
  2185. >The second foe spins his little pitchfork and points it at Max, firing a blast of freezing cold to him!
  2186. >He quickly folds back his wings for safety as the wintry blast strikes him in the chest, causing crystals to form over him!
  2187. >”Urgh! It hurts, but I’m okay, Sir!”
  2188. ><Two enemies left. They’re weak on their own, so just take them out quickly if you can!>
  2189. “I got this! Change, Alucard!”
  2190. >With the Vampire’s skill empowering you, you will Nightmare to appear before you!
  2191. >You grab the shadowy blob and mentally form it into a massive black lance and shield!
  2192. “Hrrah!”
  2193. >You lower your head and charge at the imp standing before you!
  2194. >Your black spear thrusts, and tears through the imp, pinning him to the ground!
  2195. >The end of Nightmare’s spear suddenly tears open!
  2196. >The black matter flows over the shadow and envelops it, bringing it into the spear and devouring the shadow outright!
  2197. >”Sir, the enemy is open!”
  2198. “Go for it!”
  2199. >The four of you charge with your spears at the downed imp!
  2200. >With a flurry of thrusts, you fill the imp with holes, forcing shadow energy out of its wounds until its form collapses and fades away!
  2201. ><That’s all of them. You’re clear to proceed to the civilian!>
  2202. “Back to you, Father Time! Keep up, men!”
  2203. >With your enhanced movements, you follow the map towards the green dot.
  2204. >Once you’re there in person, you recognize this location… the green dot is inside Silver Spoon’s house!
  2205. >The shadows stalking around her house turn on you when you approach.
  2206. >A large Samurai with red armor and sword as long as himself raises his blade, as two white-faced wolves wait by his side, and three imps join the fray!
  2207. ><You’ll have to take them down to rescue whoever’s inside, hurry!>
  2209. Battle Start!
  2211. “Let’s see what I can do here… change, Solomon!”
  2212. >The wise king appears on his throne and raises his seal, letting it shine with a green flash!
  2213. >A green pentagram appears on the blank white masks of two imps, as well as the giant Samurai!
  2214. “You guys work for us now! Max, can we get some wind?”
  2215. >”Roger that, Sir!”
  2216. >Max focuses and flaps his wings, building up a miniature tornado!
  2217. >Biggs charges at the un-charmed imp and runs it through with a devastating blow from his spear!
  2218. >”No need to bind that swordsman. Would have been difficult anyway... Biggs, here I come!”
  2219. >Wedge slices through the imp’s mask with his spear, finishing it off!
  2220. >The samurai turns on his allies, attacking one of the wolves with his blade!
  2221. >His katana cuts deeply into the wolf’s flesh as it tries to retaliate by leaping at you!
  2222. >It catches your arm and clamps its jaws down, draining blood from your arm before you throw it off!
  2223. ><It stole your HP!>
  2224. >The second wolf howls at you, knocking you into a building with a powerful gust of wind from his mouth!
  2225. >One allied imp thrusts at the second wolf with his pitchfork, drawing black blood as the other wastes time kneeling before King Solomon in respect.
  2226. ><Five enemies left. Those wolves can heal by attacking you, so try to take them down quickly! Here’s your status.>
  2228. HP
  2229. Anon: 51%
  2230. Max: 70%
  2231. Biggs: 100%
  2232. Wedge: 100%
  2234. SP
  2236. Anon: 70%
  2237. Max: 100%
  2238. Biggs: 100%
  2239. Wedge: 100%
  2241. “I can pull that trick off too! Change, Alucard!”
  2242. >The regal vampire flies at the wolf and sinks his fangs into the beast’s neck!
  2243. >You feel your fatigue melting away as the vampire drinks the shadow’s blood and vanishes.
  2244. “Focus your strikes on that one!”
  2245. >”Yes sir!”
  2246. >Max thrusts his lance into the shadow from above, catching it off guard while Biggs and Wedge dash in and spear it together!
  2247. >They swing their weapons out, splitting the wolf’s chest open and causing it to burst apart!
  2248. ><Four enemies left!>
  2249. >The wolf lets out a fierce howl at Wedge, blowing him through a wooden wall!
  2250. >”Urgh! I’m fine… never gonna complain about this armor being too heavy again…”
  2251. >The Samurai sheaths his sword and genuflects at you, while the imps smack themselves in the mask and shake themselves off as the green pentagram disappears from their faces.
  2252. ><It seems the charm spell wore off on those two. You’ve all taken a bit of damage, will you be okay?>
  2253. “Hang in there, men! Change, Solomon!”
  2254. >The king strokes his beard and raises his metal seal!
  2255. >It lets out a white light as it dangles, flowing over your party and restoring them fully with healing magic!
  2256. >”These spells are incredible… but a pegasus has magic too! Take this, fiend!”
  2257. >Max sends the cyclone towards the imp!
  2258. >It blows through the diminutive shadow, knocking it away like a bowling pin!
  2259. >The imp wriggles on the floor helplessly!
  2260. ><Oh! It looks like the enemy is weak to wind!>
  2261. “Keep it up! Hit the other one!”
  2262. >”Yes sir!”
  2263. >Max’s wings beat rapidly, shooting the tornado through the other imp and sending it up into the air!
  2264. >He flies up after it and slices right through its middle as it comes down, destroying it completely!
  2265. >Biggs tries to go for a powerful thrust at the remaining wolf, but it slips out of the way, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground!
  2266. >Wedge rushes in to try to cover him, catching the wolf with a direct hit from his spear!
  2267. >The Samurai shadow drives his blade through his downed imp ally, skewering it and destroying it utterly before the seal on his forehead fades away.
  2268. >The wounded wolf leaps at you and latches onto your arm, sapping your life force and healing some of its injuries.
  2269. ><Two left, but your charm spell wore off. That Ronin is stronger than the others. Be careful around him.>
  2270. “Let’s try to finish this quickly. Change, Alucard!”
  2271. >You call upon Nightmare, forming it into a boomerang and flinging it at the wolf shadow!
  2272. >The nightmare Boomerang lets out a heavy crack as it strikes the wolf’s neck and returns to your hand!
  2273. “Get us some lightning, Max!”
  2274. >”Yes, sir!”
  2275. >The silk pegasus leaves his tornado behind and goes to retrieve a stormcloud from above!
  2276. >Biggs swings his steel spear, slicing into the wolf’s side and wounding it!
  2277. >Wedge closes his eyes and focuses blue magic energy through his horn, causing a blue aura to appear at its kneecap as he forces it to the ground, holding it in place!
  2278. >”I did it, but I don’t know how long I can hold him!”
  2279. >The wolf strikes back at Biggs, latching onto him and sucking the life from the Earth Pony!
  2280. >”Rgh! Mangy mutt!”
  2281. >The Samurai struggles against Wedge’s grip, using all of his strength to break out of the hold, dispelling the aura around his knee!
  2282. ><He broke out quickly, but he still can’t act. The wolf is almost down. One good hit should do it!>
  2283. “I’ll give him a good hit alright! Change, Dullahan!”
  2284. >The rider of death appears and cracks her whip at the wolf, but it quickly leaps out of the way!
  2285. “Son of a…”
  2286. >”Let’s see how you like this, shadow!”
  2287. >Max turns around and kicks the stormcloud!
  2288. >A bolt of lightning leaps out of it, but the Samurai quickly weaves out of the way!
  2289. >”Sorry, Sir! I’ll adjust my aim!”
  2290. >”I’ve fought timberwolves before! You don’t scare a member of the EUP!” Biggs says confidently as he grips his spear and leaps at the wolf!
  2291. >Bringing his weapon down overhead, he cuts through the wolf’s mask and bisects its face, finishing it off!
  2292. >”Let’s see if you can use that sword!” Wedge taunts as he lunges at the Samurai!
  2293. >The warrior shadow takes the hit, but his thick armor seems to absorb most of the damage…
  2294. ><The enemy is resistant to physical strikes!>
  2295. >He holds his katana at his side, and swings his blade wide!
  2296. >Dullahan stands before you to endure the blow with his armor!
  2297. >Biggs backs up in time, but your pegasus and unicorn companions are both struck by the shadow’s massive swing!
  2298. ><Only one left! He resists physical attacks, but you’ve got him outnumbered!>
  2299. “Better patch up… Change, Johnny Appleseed!”
  2300. >The peaceful pioneer tosses a shining apple into the air!
  2301. >It bursts into a spray of sweet-smelling liquid that rains down and refreshes you!
  2302. >”Apple juice? Well, I do feel better…” Max shrugs and kicks the thundercloud again!
  2303. >This time, his bolt strikes the Samurai and sends electricity coursing through his body!
  2304. ><Electricity works just fine!>
  2305. >”If I can’t penetrate your armor, let’s try this!”
  2306. >Biggs charges at the samurai and jumps!
  2307. >He swings his body around and kicks it right in the chest with devastating force, denting its armor and knocking it over!
  2308. >”Sir, the enemy is downed!”
  2309. “Haha, I like you! PILE ON!”
  2310. >You all leap at the shadow before it can stand back up, stabbing, kicking and boomeranging it mercilessly until its body reaches its breaking point and dissipates into shadowy goo!
  2311. “Good work, soldiers.”
  2312. ><That’s all of them. The civilian is still inside!>
  2313. >You head up to the doorway and knock loudly on the door.
  2314. “Open up! We’re here to rescue you!”
  2315. >”Anonymous? Is that you, Anonymous?” You hear the young girl’s voice call out through the door.
  2316. “It’s me! We took care of those shadows, can you open the door?”
  2317. >You hear the lock coming undone before the door cracks open.
  2318. >Silver Spoon is trembling as she peeks out, and rushes over to hug your leg when she sees the coast is clear.
  2319. >”I’m sorry! I thought I heard your voice, but my parents were out of town, and I-I was scared so I hid and then I saw them outside the window…”
  2320. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
  2321. >”Thank you…” Silver Spoon says, hugging your leg tightly.
  2322. >Max looks up to you. “Sir, one of us should escort this filly back to the castle while there's still a path cleared. Do you want to send one of us back with her?”
  2323. “Wedge, take Silver Spoon to safety. The map says Onion Street is still clear. Get her inside the castle as fast as you can.”
  2324. >”Sir, yes sir!” Wedge salutes and bends down to let Silver Spoon onto his back.
  2325. >”Is Diamond Tiara safe?” Silver Spoon asks hesitantly.
  2326. “You don’t have to worry about her. Stick with Wedge. You’ll see your friend soon enough.”
  2327. >Wedge starts running off with Silver Spoon on his back as she calls out behind her “Good luck!”
  2328. “How are we looking, Fluttershy?”
  2329. ><The dream team is doing fine. Sunset Shimmer just successfully rescued Derpy. The rest of the guards are trying to help clear out the shadows too. They’re trying their best in larger groups, but some of them are running into trouble.>
  2330. “How bad is it?”
  2331. ><There’s one up ahead. They’re escorting a civilian, but a group of shadows has them pinned down! They’re dropping fast… they need your help!”
  2332. “I’ll be there right away. Biggs, Max, on me!”
  2333. >You head towards the civilian surrounded by guards indicated on your map, growing closer to the edge of town where Diamond Tiara’s Mansion is located.
  2334. >You quickly glance at her place… there’s a handful of green dots all clumped together, and a swarm of red dots outside.
  2335. >It seems they’re trapped inside, but the shadows haven’t gotten to them yet.
  2336. >”Sir, up ahead!”
  2337. >You see a squadron of guards trying to hold off shadows from attacking a decrepit old earth pony with a bowtie.
  2338. >Several guards, mostly pegasi, are unconscious in the street, though you can’t see many wounds on them.
  2339. >The crowd is mostly imps, but you spy two Gravedigger types, and a giant Beetle-like shadow.
  2340. >”Reinforcements!” one of them shouts out. “Be careful! Don’t let the lantern’s light hit you!”
  2341. ><Those ones are giving them trouble! They need your help!>
  2342. "Got it. Hey, keep those imps off us! We'll handle the big guys!"
  2343. >The guards form up and block most of the imps with a phalanx, allowing you to engage the Beetle, 2 gravediggers and 3 straggler imps.
  2345. Battle Start!
  2347. “Fluttershy, can you scan that beetle for me?”
  2348. ><Of course! Just… give me a few seconds.>
  2349. >With Nemo empowering your strikes at the start, you quickly change to…
  2350. “Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!”
  2351. >The pale moon god appears, his long hair shimmering in the darkness of the eclipsed sky.
  2352. >He draws his silver longbow and forms an arrow of cosmic energy from his hair, firing it to the sky!
  2353. >It spreads over the eclipsed battlefield, forming a dome with a bright moonlit night sky!
  2354. >The illusory moon streaks down to the battlefield and crashes like a shooting star!
  2355. >An explosion of white light erupts from the point of impact, blowing away the shadows!
  2356. >When the attack clears, the imps have been completely annihilated, and the remaining three shadows seem to have taken heavy injury!
  2357. >”Amazing, Sir!”
  2358. “That’s my strongest move, but it takes a lot out of me. I’ll need your help too!”
  2359. >”Yes, Sir!” Max shouts back as he stirs up a tornado in preparation.
  2360. >Biggs steps in with a heavy thrust, scoring a heavy blow against one of the gravekeepers.
  2361. >He dangles his lantern and fires out a ray in retaliation, but Biggs sidesteps just before the light shoots out, avoiding the spell!
  2362. >”Don’t underestimate us earth ponies!”
  2363. >The Beetle shadow raises his horn, and a thick translucent barrier erects itself around his body!
  2364. ><It’s reflecting physical attacks! Be careful!>
  2365. >One of the skeletal shadows raises his lantern, directing its bright light towards you…
  2366. >Tsukuyomi appears instinctively and raises the mirror on his right arm, bouncing the light back to the Gravekeeper harmlessly!
  2367. ><Good job, twelve enemies left!>
  2368. “Huh?”
  2369. ><Sorry, wrong window. Three enemies left! I’ll have that scan for you soon, but you’re down to 10% of your MP.>
  2370. “Better start getting some of that back… Change, Merlin!”
  2371. >You step in, calling nightmare to your hand and forming it into a rapier!
  2372. >Aiming for the skeleton’s head, you thrust at it strongly, but it slips aside and trips you up!
  2373. >”Sir!”
  2374. “I’m fine, get that beetle!”
  2375. >”Roger that!”
  2376. >Max flutters his wings and sends a tornado at the Beetle shadow!
  2377. >It blows the insect backwards, slamming through a wooden wall!
  2378. >Biggs steps in to defend you, charging at the Gravekeeper you missed and swinging his spear right through its midsection, severing its spine!
  2379. >The undead monster falls apart and melts into shadow!
  2380. “Thanks, Biggs…”
  2381. >Light shoots out from the other Gravekeeper’s Lantern at Max, but his thin wings let him dart out of the way just in time!
  2382. >The Beetle rears up, its horn glowing with a blue current…
  2383. >A shower of sparks flies out from its horn, striking the entire team with devastating bolts of electricity!
  2384. >As you fall to your knees, its massive horn swings to the side, plowing through all three of you with incredible force and sending you skidding along the ground!
  2385. >You groan and climb back to your feet, shaking off your injuries.
  2386. >”W-We’re okay here, sir! Just a little roughed up…”
  2387. ><Everyone’s hurt pretty badly! They need healing!>
  2389. HP
  2390. Anon: 32%
  2391. Max: 28%
  2392. Biggs: 36%
  2394. SP
  2396. Anon: 20%
  2397. Max: 60%
  2398. Biggs: 100%
  2400. ><I've finished scanning the target too.>
  2402. Doomsday Beetle
  2404. Arcana: World
  2406. Weak: Dark
  2407. Resist: Ice
  2408. Absorb: Electric
  2410. “I got us covered. Change, Baast!”
  2411. >The little feline persona lands gracefully in front of you, letting out a gentle “Mreeow~”!
  2412. >The sweet sound fills you with energy, melting your fatigue away!
  2413. “Candy me, Max!”
  2414. >”Roger that, Sir! Administering candy!”
  2415. >Max awkwardly jams a Zap Apple Candy into your mouth.
  2416. >It tastes a bit weird this time, but your Mana reserves are fully replenished nonetheless!
  2417. “Urgh… wash your hooves.”
  2418. >”Sorry, Sir.”
  2419. >Biggs swipes at the gravekeeper’s frail legs, knocking it to its knees and following up by spinning around and kicking its head clean off!
  2420. >The skull careens into a wall and bursts into shadow!
  2421. ><One enemy left!>
  2422. >The Beetle’s horn crackles with energy, letting fly with another barrage of thunderbolts!
  2423. >You try to evade with your enhanced speed, but it just manages to catch you on your arm, scorching you with electricity!
  2424. ><It’s weak to darkness, so you can end this quickly if you’re lucky. Here’s your status.>
  2426. HP
  2427. Anon: 60%
  2428. Max: 43%
  2429. Biggs: 66%
  2431. SP
  2433. Anon: 100%
  2434. Max: 60%
  2435. Biggs: 100%
  2438. “It’s over now! Change, Dullahan!”
  2439. >The headless rider swings her arm and sends her bony whip at the Doomsday Beetle!
  2440. >It strikes the beetle’s horn and latches on, as a wave of dark energy surges through the length of the spine whip!
  2441. >The blackness flows over the beetle and envelops it, cloaking it in unholy energy and causing it to shrink…
  2442. >The shadow-wreathed beetle starts to fold in on itself, imploding and shrinking into a single speck of darkness before fading away!
  2443. “That’s all of them for now…”
  2444. ><Good job, the rest of the civilians seem to be concentrated at the Rich family’s estate. You should be able to head right there.>
  2445. >The elderly pony waves to you. “Thank you for saving us, Anonymous!”
  2446. >Max looks at the injured platoon trying to gather each other up. “They’ll have to retreat with all those wounded like that. Can you heal them, Sir?”
  2447. “I… can I, Fluttershy?”
  2448. ><Revival spells will work fine on those unconscious ponies, but there’s a lot of them.>
  2449. ><I count eight in total, so that’s eight revival spells, plus you should probably heal everypony else…>
  2450. ><If you ate a candy, you’d be right back at 80% by the end of it.>
  2451. ><You could tell them to send Mr. Waddle back with a detachment and follow you to the mansion, or you could tell them to fall back if you’re worried they won’t be able to make it.>
  2452. ><It’s up to you, what do you want to do?>
  2453. “I better take care of these guys. Johnny Appleseed!”
  2454. >You let your Persona distribute healing spells via apples and apple products to the entire platoon, scarfing down a candy when you run dry and finishing with a mass healing spell.
  2455. >”Thank you, Anonymous. We might not have made it out if it weren’t for you.” The Lieutenant in charge says with a salute.
  2456. “No problem. You should all evacuate Mr. Waddle and help fortify the castle. We’ll take things from here.”
  2457. >”I wouldn’t want to get in your way. We’ll head back at once.”
  2458. “Before you do, could we get a unicorn from your group? It’d help to round out our team.”
  2459. >The lieutenant nods. “As you wish. Corporal White! Join up with these three. Anonymous is your new commander.”
  2460. >A white unicorn salutes and answers, “Yes, sir!”
  2461. >She quickly runs up to your side with her spear at the ready. “Ready to go, Commander!”
  2462. “Good to have you on board. Let’s move out.”
  2463. >You get Don Quixote at the ready, passively boosting your defense for what’s about to come as you start to reach the edge of town.
  2464. >The mansion is in sight, and you quickly notice the gate to the estate has been sliced apart.
  2465. “That’s not good… we need to hurry!”
  2466. >”Right behind you, sir!”
  2467. >You approach the cluster of shadows marked on your map at the doors to the mansion.
  2468. >A handful of hunchbacked shadows carrying oversized hedgeclippers are jabbing their blades through the wooden door, trying to force their way into the mansion while wolves howl and scratch at it!
  2469. “Hey! Get away from there!”
  2470. >The scissor wielding shadows turn their blank faces towards you and advance on you menacingly with the wolves prowling behind them.
  2471. ><3 Wolf-types and 3 Cutter-types! There are still more shadows in the area, but they haven’t noticed you yet. Try to take them out and rescue whoever’s trapped inside!>
  2472. “Let’s go! Change, Tokoyami-no-Amaterasu!”
  2473. >The dark wolf stands in front of you and lets out a howl!
  2474. >From above, the eclipsed stretches out bright red rays of prominence from behind the moon!
  2475. >They flow down towards the battlefield and lash out at the shadows!
  2476. >The blazing red whips grab hold of two Cutter type shadows and drag them away, retracting quickly and taking them out of the battle!
  2477. “Max, get us some ice!”
  2478. >”Roger that, sir!”
  2479. >The pegasus takes to the sky and retrieves a fluffy white cloud!
  2480. “Stop one of those wolves for us, White!”
  2481. >”Roger!”
  2482. >The unicorn’s horn glows a snowy white, and a matching aura appears at the back of a wolf’s neck, lifting it into the air by its scruff!
  2483. “Get it, Biggs!”
  2484. >”Yes, Sir!” Biggs thrusts at the suspended wolf, striking it in the chest!
  2485. >The Cutter shadow lunges with his scissors spread wide at Biggs!
  2486. >It tries to close them around the Earth Pony’s neck, but he manages to lean back just in time!
  2487. >One of the wolves lets out a howling blast of wind directed at Corporal White!
  2488. >With her focus on keeping the other wolf locked down, she fails to dodge in time, getting blown back by the gust, breaking the spell!
  2489. >”Urgh!”
  2490. >The now freed wolf leaps at her and sinks its teeth into her, draining her blood to heal its wounds!
  2491. >The third wolf takes a sudden lunge at biggs, clawing at his eyes intensely!
  2492. >”Argh!”
  2493. >The fierce attack knocks biggs over, and the wolf bounds off him and takes another strike at White, clawing at her armor!
  2494. >White tries to push the shadow wolf off her. “Rgh… stupid dog… you make me look bad!”
  2495. >Suddenly, a pair of clippers thrusts at the Wolf and knocks it away!
  2496. >But it’s not from where you’d expect…
  2497. >The shining silver hedgeclippers are being held by a lavender earth pony with patches of cottony white hair hanging onto his head.
  2498. >”Good morning, Sir. The young lady would be very disappointed if you died here. Allow me to assist you in ejecting these trespassers."
  2499. “By all means. Welcome to the party, Randolph.”
  2500. >”Sir, can this old pony really fight?” Max questions you.
  2501. >”It may have been some time since my tour in Saddle Arabia, but I keep my clippers and my skills sharp, even in my old age.”
  2502. >Your allies seem pretty damaged…
  2503. “Change, Johnny Appleseed!”
  2504. >Your gentle persona lobs healing apples to your allies, restoring them instantly!
  2505. >White looks reinvigorated! “I’m not going to die here… I’ve been looking forward to spring all year!”
  2506. >”I believe I’ve lived a full life, but I should expect the reaper to come for me himself when it’s my time.” Randolph says as he gets on his hind legs and leaps over the injured wolf, cutting through its flesh as if the tips of clippers were a sword!
  2507. >”As many gripes as I have with this family, they are generous enough to spring for diamond blade clippers.”
  2508. >Max positions the white cloud carefully and kicks it, sending a blast of snow at the wolf while it’s off guard!
  2509. >The miniature blizzard wraps the shadow’s body in a thick crystal of ice!
  2510. >It slowly cracks, then bursts as the shadow crumbles and melts!
  2511. >”One more down, sir!”
  2512. “Grab another, White!”
  2513. >The unicorn drags a wolf back by its scruff while Biggs catches the other in its legs with his spear, knocking it to the ground!
  2514. >He leaps into the air and comes down hard with a jumping strike, impaling the shadow through the heart and finishing it in a 2 hit combo!
  2515. >The hunchbacked shadow is the only remaining shadow capable of moving, but he isn’t giving up without a fight!
  2516. >He jumps at Max with his scissors spread wide!
  2517. >The blades glow with a dark energy as he clamps it down on Max’s neck!
  2518. >They pass right through, but Max’s eyes go unfocused as he collapses to the ground!
  2519. ><Looks like he got unlucky, but there’s only two enemies left! Finish it quickly!>
  2520. “You want quick? Change, Baast!”
  2521. >The feline persona darts around the battlefield in a blur of white light!
  2522. >Claw marks appear all over the shadows’ bodies from strikes too fast to see before the Persona vanishes in a flash!
  2523. >The nimble butler gallops towards the wolf fearlessly, tumbling onto its back and driving his hedgeclippers through its neck!
  2524. >The white unicorn flings her spear into the wolf’s chest, then drives it in deeper with her magic until the shadow falls apart!
  2525. >Randolph sighs, “Such a shame, I do love a good pooch.”
  2526. >Biggs keeps his from the hunchbacked shadow, scoring a series of thrusts with his spear from outside the range of the shadow’s stubby arms!
  2527. >The Cutter opens his shears and lunges at Randolph, but the scissors snap shut on empty air as the butler flips behind him.
  2528. >”Not today, I’m afraid.”
  2529. ><You’re almost done with this one. Just a little more should take care of it. But be careful, there's still some more shadows lurking around.>
  2530. ”I’ll be ready then. Change, Gilgamesh!”
  2531. >After swapping out to your Emperor arcana, you toss a bundle of bright red feathers onto Staff Sgt. Flightmaster.
  2532. >They glow when they touch his body, and the magic of the phoenix feathers brings him to his hooves at full strength!
  2533. >”Thank you, Sir. I let my guard down.”
  2534. >”Not to worry.” Randolph says calmly as he leaps over the hunchbacked shadow and neatly snips its head clean off.
  2535. >”We were just cleaning up.”
  2536. >Blackness streams from the shadow’s neck, ichor escaping from its body before it violently bursts apart!
  2537. ><That’s the last of them! Hurry and retrieve the civilians!>
  2538. >You go to try opening the door, but it won’t budge.
  2539. >”I’m afraid it’s been barricaded, sir. I managed to slip out through a second story window, but the main door is blocked with everything Master Rich would permit us to move.”
  2540. “Hey, open up in there! We’re here to evacuate you!”
  2541. >”Sensei? Senpai? Mr. Anonymous is that you?”
  2542. “It’s me, DTR! Tell them to open up so we can take you to the castle where it’s safe!”
  2543. >”I advise you to heed his words, sir! I see monsters in the sky which could easily infiltrate the manor in due time.”
  2544. >”Yeah, let us out!”
  2545. >”I wasn’t even supposed to be here today!”
  2546. >You hear a few servant ponies complaining loudly.
  2547. ><Anon, look out!>
  2548. >You brace yourself just as something streaks into one of the topiaries and blows the ground apart with a violent quake!
  2549. >You spin around and see an enormous metal tank with a white hatch on top of a thick smoking turret tearing up the path towards the mansion!
  2550. >Two large red-armored samurai flank the steel behemoth, advancing towards the mansion!
  2551. ><That Turret shadow is much stronger than the others, and it’s headed right for you!>
  2552. >"That cannon could blow this mansion apart... and just think of what it could do to us!" Max exclaims.
  2553. >"New weapons of war can be quite frightening. But after working here for 30 years, I fear no death." Randolph responds calmly.
  2554. ><Here it comes!>
  2555. “Fluttershy, get us a scan on that tank! Change, Robin Hood!”
  2556. >In a single practiced motion, the verdant archer looses a rubber suction cup arrow!
  2557. >It sticks onto the metal tank neatly, somehow demoralizing it as Robin Hood laughs haughtily.
  2558. “Try to take out those swordsmen!”
  2559. >Randolph leaps above the Samurai, delivering a spinning midair strike to the back of its helmet!
  2560. >”Sturdy armor… but we’ll just have to wear it down I suppose.”
  2561. >”This seemed to work last time… hup!”
  2562. >Max flips into the sky to gather up a thundercloud!
  2563. >White focuses on the shadow Randolph attacked, applying force to the back of its knee to pin it to the ground!
  2564. >”Rrgh… This one’s struggling a lot. Don’t know if I can hold it too well…”
  2565. >Biggs tries to lunge through the joints of the Samurai’s armor, managing to slice into its shoulder!
  2566. >White manages to keep one of the Musha-class shadows pinned down, but the other takes a wide swing with his katana!
  2567. >You brace yourselves against his strike, but Randolph avoids it by flipping into the air over the shadow!
  2568. >He takes an opportunistic swipe of his clippers at the samurai’s neck before he lands, successfully countering the attack!
  2569. >White’s hold on the Musha breaks, but it can’t recover in time to strike.
  2570. >The tank folds out a secondary barrel and sprays a vicious jet of flame at the group!
  2571. >Thinking quickly, you picture a wall in your mind’s eye, and Nightmare expands into a thick black curtain to protect you from the blast!
  2572. >Max seems to have evaded with his swift wings, but your other allies take heavy damage from the intense flames.
  2573. ><Scan isn’t finished just yet… hang in there!>
  2575. HP
  2576. Anon: 68%
  2577. Randolph: 63%
  2578. Max: 67%
  2579. White: 29%
  2580. Biggs: 65%
  2582. SP
  2584. Anon: 50%
  2585. Randolph: 100%
  2586. Max: 50%
  2587. Biggs: 100%
  2588. White: 70%
  2590. “These guys hit pretty hard… change, Don Quixote!”
  2591. >Your Persona appears in a flash, raising his kite shield and generating a protective blue aura from it!
  2592. >Randolph flips and cartwheels around the injured warrior, looking for an opening before thrusting his blades through the cracks in its armor!
  2593. >Max gives his thundercloud a strong bucking, firing a bolt that strikes the samurai’s chestplate and courses through it!
  2594. >”That one left a mark for sure!”
  2595. >White concentrates, focusing her telekinetic power on the Samurai’s heel!
  2596. >She drags it back, causing him to lose his footing as she catches him in a submission hold!
  2597. >Biggs quickly retrieves one of the potions you supplied to them and administers it to White!
  2598. >She gulps it down, and her wounds repair in an instant!
  2599. >The unbound samurai draws out his blade, hitting the 5 of you with a wide swing!
  2600. >Though the swiftness of his blade catches you off guard, your defensive magic shields you from the worst of it.
  2601. >The turret slowly rotates, stopping in Biggs’s direction and letting fly with an explosive shot!
  2602. >Dirt and flame erupt at the earth pony’s position as the artillery shell tears it apart!
  2603. >The ground beneath him is a smoldering crater… but Biggs is still shakily standing his ground, covered in dirt and blood.
  2604. >”Still alive… but I’m hurt pretty bad, commander.”
  2605. ><He’s not kidding… but the scan on the turret is finished.>
  2607. Final Turret
  2609. Arcana: World
  2611. Null: Light, Dark
  2612. Absorb: Fire
  2614. ><You’re all hurt pretty badly, this might be a good time to heal somepony.>
  2616. HP
  2617. Anon: 43%
  2618. Randolph: 46%
  2619. Max: 41%
  2620. White: 71%
  2621. Biggs: 1%
  2623. SP
  2625. Anon: 45%
  2626. Randolph: 100%
  2627. Max: 40%
  2628. Biggs: 100%
  2629. White: 60%
  2631. “You got that right. Here’s Johnny!”
  2632. >The ultimate temperance persona appears on his trusty topiary steed, distributing a bushel of healing apples to the group!
  2633. >”I believe I’ve warmed up a bit now. Let’s see if I’ve still got it.”
  2634. >Randolph rolls between the samurai’s legs and swipes his heels with the diamond-bladed clippers!
  2635. >They hamstring the swordsman, causing him to trip and fall!
  2636. >The butler keeps up his momentum, springing behind the other Musha with a quick swipe to knock it off balance!
  2637. >He finishes by flipping back through the air and diving at the samurai from above, driving his clippers down through the armor!
  2638. ”Don’t let up on it!”
  2639. >Max kicks a devastating bolt at the wounded warrior that pierces through his armor!
  2640. >Biggs and White let out a battle cry as they charge the downed shadow, driving their spears into its neck!
  2641. >The shadow raises its sword weakly, then falls apart into shadowy globs!
  2642. ><You did it! Two enemies left!>
  2643. >The remaining shadow samurai regains his footing and takes another wide swing!
  2644. >Biggs ducks in time while the rest of you rely on the Don’s persisting defense enhancement to keep you safe.
  2645. >The Turret begins to glow bright red, energy gathering into the barrel of its main gun!
  2646. ><It’s charging power for a physical attack… and its debilitation will wear off at the start of its next turn!>
  2647. “Brace yourselves! White, bind the armored one!”
  2648. >”Yes, Sir!”
  2649. >You draw the ultimate arcana of the Tower!
  2650. “Change, M.A.R.A.!”
  2651. >A protective barrier erupts from your persona, wrapping you up to keep you safe!
  2652. >Everyone keeps their weapons at the ready, preparing for the shadow’s attack as White trips the Musha up with her telekinesis!
  2653. >”Come on, hold…”
  2654. >The Turret swivels around and fires its main gun at you!
  2655. >A heavy shell bursts out of it, but the transluscent barrier surrounding you stops it in its tracks!
  2656. >It stretches like rubber, then bounces the shell right back at the mechanical shadow, blowing the tank back with explosive force!
  2657. ><You reflected it! Great work!>
  2658. >The Samurai struggles and kicks out of White’s hold!
  2659. >”Whew… good enough?”
  2660. “Great work, White.”
  2661. ><Your defensive buffs are about to wear off. You should see about reapplying them.>
  2662. “Can do, Fluttershy. Can you check if the Turret can be silenced?”
  2663. ><Okay, I’ll have that info for you soon.>
  2664. “Great. Change, Don Quixote!”
  2665. >The Windmill Knight raises his kite shield and sends another blue burst of protective energy to your allies!
  2666. >Randolph leaps into the fray, swiping precisely at the Musha to draw black blood!
  2667. >Max follows up with a devastating thunderbolt right to the Samurai’s face!
  2668. >While the others have him occupied, White tosses you a little piece of candy. “Resupply, sir!”
  2669. >You catch it quickly and stuff it into her mouth, giving her a thumbs up in gratitude.
  2670. >Being a race that lacks thumbs, the gesture is lost on her.
  2671. >Biggs circles around the Musha and jabs him straight in the back of the knee, sending the Samurai down!
  2672. >He follows up with another relentless thrust before pulling back as the Samurai forces himself up and swings his sword wildly!
  2673. >You quickly form Nightmare into a thick mantle, wrapping it around yourself and blocking the strike as Max and White nimbly avoid his slashes.
  2674. >The turret unleashes another wild spray of flames!
  2675. >Unable to block it in time, you’re forced to endure the scorching heat along with Randolph and Biggs.
  2676. ><The results are back. Silence has a very slim chance of landing against the Turret. Here’s your current status.>
  2678. HP
  2679. Anon: 42%
  2680. Randolph: 22%
  2681. Max: 72%
  2682. White: 71%
  2683. Biggs: 43%
  2685. SP
  2687. Anon: 100%
  2688. Randolph: 100%
  2689. Max: 20%
  2690. Biggs: 100%
  2691. White: 70%
  2694. ><Wait, what are you doing to that train car?! Put it down! You can’t just- wait, no, wrong window!>
  2695. “Huh?”
  2696. ><Too late now... Anyway, that Musha shadow is resilient. Magic might help, but some of you could really use some healing…>
  2698. “Healing, got it. Check to see if enervation is effective, Fluttershy. Change, Johnny Appleseed!”
  2699. >You distribute another round of apples to the party, returning them to perfect health!
  2700. >Randolph tries a leaping strike at the Musha, but the swordsman predicts his strike and parries it, knocking Randolph to his back!
  2701. >”Oof!”
  2702. >Max fires a bolt out to the Musha, but he manages to slip past the attack just in time.
  2703. >Biggs and White charge him together, catching it in the sides with their spears, but he shrugs off the attacks and goes for another spinning slash!
  2704. >You all get caught up in his massive attack while the Turret takes aim at the downed earth pony!
  2705. >It fires an explosive shot, blowing Randolph into the air and sending him flying through a neatly trimmed bush!
  2706. >”Oh goodness… perhaps they’re a bit tougher than I thought.”
  2707. ><You’re barely getting anywhere with physical attacks… maybe you could try some magic?>
  2709. HP
  2710. Anon: 71%
  2711. Randolph: 22%
  2712. Max: 79%
  2713. White: 78%
  2714. Biggs: 78%
  2716. SP
  2718. Anon: 80%
  2719. Randolph: 100%
  2720. Max: 10%
  2721. Biggs: 100%
  2722. White: 70%
  2724. ><I’ve finished the other scan. Enervation has no chance to work on that Turret!>
  2725. “You want magic? I’ll show you magic! Change, Merlin!”
  2726. >The ancient spellcaster appears before you, raising his oak staff up high!
  2727. >A red glow illuminates the ground as blazing rocks streak down from the clouds!
  2728. >Burning meteors rain down on the Musha, crashing through its body and incinerating it mercilessly!
  2729. ><The enemy was weak to fire! Keep it up!
  2730. “Can do!”
  2731. >Nightmare forms into a long black quarterstaff!
  2732. >You vault at the turret, willing the nightmare matter to extend before slamming it down overhead, denting the steel with the force of your strike!
  2733. >Randolph leaps at the war machine and starts swiping away with his hedge clippers, slicing into its metal body!
  2734. >Max flies up behind him with a potion, passing it off to the butler. “Drink this, sir!”
  2735. >Randolph glugs it down, healing his injuries! “Ah, I feel 10 years younger! Which is unfortunately still quite old.”
  2736. >White takes a long swipe with her spear, scratching the barrel of the tank!
  2737. >Meanwhile, Biggs rushes it from the side and jams his spear deep into the tank’s treads!
  2738. >They grind loudly, seizing up as smoke and sparks burst out of them!
  2739. >”Sir, the enemy has been disabled!”
  2740. “I’m telling Twi to promote you for this one! Let’s go!”
  2741. >You pile onto the tank, assaulting it without mercy!
  2742. >Your weapons pound against its thick armor, wearing it down until it forces the spear out of its treads and knocks you away with its main gun!
  2743. >The Turret lets out a sharp whistle, and a pair of Doomsday Beetles come charging onto the estate, joining the fray!
  2744. ><It called more shadows? But you’ve fought these ones before. Mudo skills are effective!>
  2745. “Fluttershy, can the Turret be charmed?”
  2746. ><I’ll check right away.>
  2747. “Good. Change, Dullahan!”
  2748. >The rider of death tosses her head onto her neck and straightens it out, speaking to the shadows.
  2749. >”Ḟ̝̩̹̟̩̘͎̰ͤͧ̇̓̍͘͠o̴̺̮͓͉̐ͥ̿ͧͮ̈́ͨ̚͘r̢̘͇̃̿̓̑̉m̧̥̘͕̎̌̅ͩ͘i̳͈̣̫̪ͦͯͅc̺̫͖̳̊ͭȩ̷̫̹͒r̻̰̖̲̙̺̝̯̉̅͂̂ǫ̜̣̹͙̪̟̮̺͎ͪd̤͈̤̤̫̣̣̃͗̌̀d̲͙̳̺̹̦̹̻ͯ͆i̡̭̯̲͒ͧ̾̌͗ͦͪ͢a̲̪̲͍͔̚͜,̊͏͚̗̮̙͖̮̙ ̠̼̜̲̈̿͌v̥̟̮͕̆̔ͪ͐ͦ̈́ͪa͇̗ͨͭ̆ͤ̽̾̀͝r̵̦̰̰͉̲͉̯̼̞̉ͪͦ͐͌̎͢u̐̊̑͆ͨ͆̚҉̫̞̠̪̫̩̕ ̲̮̞͔͕̬̝̂ͥ̌͑͂̈ͫ̚y͉̦͚̭̟̥̟̤̐̀̇͒ͬ͑̅ͩ̎ͅo̜̖͓̝̮̿̃̆ͬ͋̀̓͟ͅs̸̵̲̺͎̙͎͚̟͇͊ͯ̉͞ ̌̍̈͐̋̈́ͩ҉̭̳̗t̷̞̞͇͙̱͑̆́ͫ̏ͩ͘͡e̤̟͉͒ͭ̾̓͞!̍͋͏̮͉̪̗̰͠”
  2750. >The beetles start quivering… and explode into shadowy globs at Dullahan’s words!
  2751. “One more…!”
  2752. >You set nightmare in front of you and focus its form into a cannon!
  2753. “FIRE!”
  2754. >A swirling dark cannonball explodes out of your weapon and barrels into the tank!
  2755. >It crushes against its armor… and plows right through it, flipping the vehicle over!
  2756. “Don’t hold back!”
  2757. >You all leap onto the exposed underside and tear into the shadow’s vulnerable parts, slicing and stabbing and pounding away until it fires its cannon, launching you all away and flipping itself back upright!
  2758. >Randolph leaps back on top of the Turret and hacks away with his clippers, tearing into it with every slice!
  2759. >Max and Biggs try to go for the treads again to mimic the earth pony’s previous feat, but the treads rev up wildly, knocking them onto their backs and defending itself!
  2760. >White plays it safe, keeping her distance and wearing its armor down with precise jabs from her spear as it lets out another whistle!
  2761. ><Here come more…!>
  2762. >A pack of four wolf shadows scamper to the Turret’s aid!
  2763. ><Those again? Maybe there’s an easier way to take them out…>
  2765. HP
  2766. Anon: 71%
  2767. Randolph: 100%
  2768. Max: 79%
  2769. White: 78%
  2770. Biggs: 78%
  2772. SP
  2774. Anon: 35%
  2775. Randolph: 100%
  2776. Max: 10%
  2777. Biggs: 100%
  2778. White: 70%
  2780. ><I just checked… sorry, but there’s no way you can charm that turret!>
  2781. “If we find their weakness… let’s try and guess! Change, The Musketeers!”
  2782. >Three tiny swordsmen appear in a circle!
  2783. >They strike their blades together, causing them to crackle with sparks!
  2784. >The trio faces outward with their rapiers extended and start spinning rapidly until they become a blur of lightning and steel!
  2785. >They go flying across the ground, spinning and showering the battlefield with bolts of lightning!
  2786. >Every bolt strikes its mark, electrocuting the wolves and causing them to fall to the ground, yelping in pain!
  2787. ><You found their weakness!>
  2788. “Not done yet!”
  2789. >You slam Nightmare down in front of you, turning it into a cannon and blowing a wolf away in a single shot!
  2790. >Randolph slips in and neatly prunes a wolf’s head off with his clippers, causing it to burst apart!
  2791. >Max dives in from above, spearing a third wolf through the heart and taking it out!
  2792. >White throws her spear, turning it in midair with her magic and driving it straight through the last wolf, destroying it utterly!
  2793. >Biggs charges the tank head on, thrusting his spear straight through its weakened armor!
  2794. >The Turret lets out another shrill whistle, calling five imp-types to its aid!
  2795. ><More enemies? But they’re getting weaker and weaker, and the turret is almost down! You can finish this!>
  2796. “I’m taking this thing down! Change, Baast!”
  2797. >Your little feline persona appears at your feet, opening its mouth wide in a yawn…
  2798. >Its body glows bright white, and it takes off!
  2799. >The white blur streaks around the battlefield, nothing but trails of light and flashes visible as huge cuts appear on the shadows without even seeing her strike!
  2800. >She moves faster and faster, ichor spurting from the shadows bodies as it darts around faster than the eye can percieve!
  2801. >Soon, the entire battlefield is wreathed in a blinding light!
  2802. >You see nothing, but you hear the sounds of something sharp tearing through flesh and metal at an increasingly rapid pace!
  2803. >You feel something soft at your feet, and look down to see Baast curled up on your shoes.
  2804. >The light finally fades… the imps are nowhere to be seen, and parts of the turret start to fall off in neat little slices.
  2805. >The filleted shadow sparks and smokes, then melts into piles of shadowy goop as Baast fades away.
  2806. >”Magnificent work, sir.” Randolph compliments you.
  2807. “Thanks… hope I didn’t get too carried away.”
  2808. >You hear a loud *THUD* as the front door falls down in neatly carved chunks, revealing a group of earth ponies and unicorns hiding behind a pile of desks and tables.
  2809. >”I believe I saw the shadow creatures do that.” Randolph lies.
  2810. ><It’s clear now. You should be able to evacuate the civillians!>
  2811. “Everyone, come with us! We’ve cleared a path to the castle for you!”
  2812. >A little pink filly climbs over the desks and leaps into your arms!
  2813. >You catch Diamond Tiara quickly, holding onto her as she throws her hooves around you.
  2814. >”That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! Why didn’t you tell me you could do things like that?”
  2815. “Eh, you wouldn't have believed me. Everyone okay?”
  2816. >”Yeah, Dad had us block ourselves in. Great idea that turned out to be.” She rolls her eyes and looks back at the middle-aged pony carefully climbing over the blockade.
  2817. >"I just thought we'd be safer here, Diamond! Uh, so, this is... your tutor?"
  2818. >You nod to the stallion.
  2819. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Rich, but I think we’d better have introductions back at the castle.”
  2820. >”You sure it’s safe out there?”
  2821. >”You’ll be safer out here with him than you ever were in there, Sir!” Biggs reassures him.
  2822. >”Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
  2823. >You put Diamond Tiara down as the guards help to form a perimeter around the civilians.
  2824. >Using the map provided to you by Fluttershy, you find a clear path to escort the Rich family and their servants through Ponyville.
  2825. >More and more, the red dots are thinning out thanks to the efforts of your team and the royal guard.
  2826. ><Anon, while you’re heading back, you need to know what’s going on with the rest of the team.>
  2827. “Why, what’s going on with the rest of them?”
  2828. ><Well… we all have our own situations. I’ll try to show you so it’ll be faster. Who do you want to hear about first?>
  2830. Spike
  2831. Twilight Sparkle
  2832. Rainbow Dash
  2833. Pinkie Pie
  2834. Fluttershy
  2835. Applejack
  2836. Rarity
  2837. Sunset Shimmer
  2840. “I gotta know what’s going on with Spike. What’s going on with him and that train?”
  2841. ><Oh, that? Well, let me back up a bit…>
  2843. 15 minutes earlier, Ponyville Train Station
  2845. >Spike stands in front of a red earth pony mare at the ticket booth, flanked by three guards.
  2846. >”Why are so many of you here in the first place? The sun wasn’t even up!”
  2847. >”P-Ponies have to get to work you know! I’m just a morning person, it’s not like I slept here overnight!” She says defensively.
  2848. >”Sir, incoming!”
  2849. >A crowd of gun-toting puffed up shadows in police uniforms march onto the scene and take aim!
  2850. >Spike quickly shatters his card with an uppercut! “Persona!”
  2851. >Ouroboros lets out a deafening roar that causes the fuzz to quake with fear!
  2852. >”Get ‘em!”
  2853. >His guards charge the cowering shadows with their spears, knocking them to the ground!
  2854. >Spike leaps in to join them with a series of blazing punches, smashing them to bits!
  2855. >He finishes pulverizing them and turns back to the mare. “Come on! Your name’s Crimson Express, right? Well make like it!”
  2856. >As she pulls herself to her hooves, a 12 foot tall mechanical shadow charges onto the platform on wheels made of spinning metal legs!
  2857. >Two thick metal spikes jut out of its torso in place of arms as the shadow bears down on them!
  2858. ><The enemy showed up! Spike, this one is more powerful than the others, be careful!>
  2859. >”Doesn’t look so tough to me! Chaaaarge!”
  2860. >Spike rushes the mechanical beast with a blazing punch, his guard allies rushing in from behind!
  2861. >But just before their blows land, the shadow’s top half spins quickly, blowing them away!
  2862. >”Oof!”
  2863. ><It countered your physical strikes! You need to be careful, try using magic!>
  2864. >”We’re kinda running low on that end, Fluttershy!”
  2865. ><I know… please, just do your best, Spike! The enemy is called Maximum Drive. You won’t be able to instill fear in it, so just fight your hardest!>
  2866. >Spike looks to his purple unicorn ally. “Corporal Haze, you go on ahead with Express. We’ll handle this guy!”
  2867. >The guard takes the Mare and starts leading her away. “We’ll be waiting for you! Make sure you come back!”
  2868. >The strange shadow charges at Spike, but he leaps back and calls out “Ouroboros!”
  2869. >A scorching ray tears into its chest!
  2870. >His pegasus friend follows up with a thunderbolt, but the shadow seems like it’s barely slowing down.
  2871. >”Candy me!” Spike shouts to the earth pony.
  2872. >”Last one, Sir!” He tosses the candy, letting Spike catch it in his mouth and swallow it whole.
  2873. >Filled with Mana, Spike braces himself as the Drive shadow charges him, pushing him back along the floor of the train station!
  2874. >”Grrr… OUROBOROS!”
  2875. >A torrent of flames slows its charge, forcing it away!
  2876. >The Pegasus guard keeps up a steady barrage of bolts while the earth pony tosses him a potion to quickly glug down.
  2877. >The Drive seems focused on spike, charging at him again as Spike rolls out of the way and counters with another blast of fire!
  2878. >Their struggle continues, and Spike endures and dodges its blows while firing shot after shot of magenta flame until…”
  2879. >”Darn, I’m dry! It’s still not down?”
  2880. >The pegasus is panting as well, “Sir, I can’t keep up this lightning…”
  2881. >”Supplies are running down too... “ The Earth Pony informs him.
  2882. >Spike starts chuckling.
  2883. >“Heh, you know… I just thought of something.”
  2884. >”Usually in the movies, when a guy says he’ll hold them off, he ends up sacrificing himself.”
  2885. >”W-We can still do this sir!”
  2886. >”That’s right! We can’t give up, for Equestria!”
  2887. >Spike looks up at the singed Drive with a grin. “Guess we’ll see if life is like the movies or not.”
  2888. >”RRRRRAAAAAH!”
  2889. >Spike roars and leaps at the mechanical shadow with a burning punch!
  2890. >He feels it connect with a satisfying crack against the shadow’s white mask…
  2891. >But the shadow whips around and knocks him away with its spiked arms!
  2892. >”Sir!”
  2893. Spike goes flying through a ticket booth, blood dripping down over his eye as the Drive bears down on him.
  2894. >”Guess it’s like the movies after all… Twi was wrong for once.”
  2895. >The shadow’s arms rotate, pointing at Spike…
  2896. >BANG.
  2897. >The shadow’s arms fire out at Spike!
  2898. >He’s too weak to dodge…
  2899. >But before they pierce through him, a shimmering heart-shaped barrier flashes in front of him, crackling wildly as it holds back the shadow’s attack!
  2900. >”Huh…?”
  2901. >Spike gets up and looks to his left, seeing a white and turquoise Alicorn with a silk coat, spiral horn, and stained-glass wings standing beside him!
  2902. >”Farfalla!”
  2903. >”Stand and fight! Is this as far as your love will take you?”
  2904. >The alicorn’s barrier knocks the shadow’s arms back to its torso!
  2905. >A line of magenta aura swirls up the length of her horn, and a devastating love-filled blast erupts from the tip, blowing the shadow onto the train tracks!
  2906. >Farfalla reaches her hoof down and helps Spike up.
  2907. >”Come, we can defeat this beast together.”
  2908. >Spike shakes his head. “I… I’m out of Mana! And my physical attacks can’t beat that thing! We should just…”
  2909. >Farfalla chuckles. “You think you need Mana to defeat this? You don’t even understand how powerful you truly are, do you?”
  2910. >Spike scratches his head. “I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or an insult.”
  2911. >”The heart of a dragon is a truly magical thing, Spike. You have yet to fully understand its power.”
  2912. >Spike looks confused. “Uh, I know it made my fire go all pink and made it hit shadows harder… that’s what you mean, right?”
  2913. >”It can do more than that. Close your eyes. I’ll show you how to truly wield the power of Love.”
  2914. >The Drive shadow starts to rise, but Farfalla throws a heart-shaped burst of magic at it that forms into shackles!
  2915. >”Hurry!”
  2916. >”O-Okay!”
  2917. >Spike closes his eyes, and Farfalla’s horn glows brightly.
  2918. >Something begins to shine in Spike’s chest…
  2919. >”This is your heart, Spike…”
  2920. >”Your love for Rarity is strong, but it isn’t the only kind of love you hold.”
  2921. >”You love Celestia… you love Twilight… you love Anonymous…”
  2922. >”All four types of love may be your strength.”
  2923. >”Remember those tender moments you shared… think about just how terrible it would be if you lost a single one of them.”
  2924. >”Greed is desire! Love is desire!”
  2925. >The Drive Shadow starts stretching its magenta bonds…
  2926. >”Let your heart call out to them! Let your love fill you with power!”
  2927. >Spike mutters, “Rarity… Celestia… Twilight… Anon… everyone…!”
  2928. >”What is it you love, Spike? What is it that drives you? What is it that your heart truly desires?”
  2929. >”I…”
  2930. >”I…!”
  2931. >The Drive bursts out of its bonds and stands up!
  2932. >”I want to protect my friends!”
  2933. >The flame inside Spike’s heart explodes!
  2934. >A magenta inferno wraps up his entire body!
  2935. >Farfalla smiles proudly as Spike walks forward, cloaked in the flame of love.
  2936. ><Spike! Your Mana refilled on its own! This power… it’s incredible!>
  2937. >”How beautiful it is… your Dragon Heart.”
  2938. >Spike strides towards the steel shadow, not acknowledging anything but his opponent.
  2939. >The Drive revs up its wheels and charges at Spike!
  2940. >The dragon refuses to falter or change course…
  2941. >He keeps stepping forward, and places his palm out.
  2942. >With a loud crash, the shadow collides with his palm and slams to a halt!
  2943. >Spike clenches his other fist and throws it at the towering shadow!
  2945. >In a single hit, Spike sends the shadow spinning!
  2946. >He silently breaks his Persona card, letting Ouroboros follow up with a ball of flame that illuminates the train station like mid-day as it explodes against the shadow’s body!
  2948. >It rights itself and fires its spiked arms like torpedos!
  2949. >The dragon slips out of the way like a leaf on the wind, then charges the shadow like a flaming bullet!
  2950. >His body slam drives it back, crushing its body against the front of one of the trains!
  2951. >He calls out his persona, and the black dragon swirls past the shadow, taking hold of the engine room and ripping it apart from the rest of the train!
  2952. >The dragon’s wings beat heavily, sending it up high before it flips upside down with the train car held out, driving it down into the shadow with a mighty crash!
  2953. >Spike leaps back as Ouroboros swirls around him and charges one final blast…
  2954. ><Spike, no! What are you doing?! Spike, can you hear me? Spike!>
  2955. >A magenta beam of plasma lances out and strikes the engine!
  2956. >The intense heat turns the train car into a massive fireball that stretches into the sky, annihilating the front of the train along with the shadow!
  2957. >The fire around Spike starts to burn out, and his gaze softens up as he begins to stumble.
  2958. >Before he falls, Farfalla’s white hoof reaches out and catches him.
  2959. >”I expected you’d need my help a bit more than that… but I suppose a dragon’s fury isn’t to be underestimated.”
  2960. >Spike groans in response.
  2961. >Farfalla sighs lightly. “I suppose even if your heart can take it, it’s not good to push your little body past its limits.”
  2962. >”What even happened…? I won, right?”
  2963. >Farfalla looks back at the smoldering crater where the front of the train once rested.
  2964. >”You did not lose. Come on, I’ll take you back to the castle if you need to rest.”
  2965. >Farfalla lifts Spike onto her back and takes off.
  2967. ><So… that’s pretty much what happened with him. I guess you'll probably want to know what happened with Rainbow Dash next, right?>
  2969. “Actually, I want to know how Sunset’s doing first. She went to the residential district first, right?”
  2970. ><Right… she ran into a bit of trouble out there.>
  2972. Earlier, Ponyville Residential District
  2974. >Sunset sheathes her sword and leans down to check on Derpy, the grey mailmare quivering and shaking while her wings twitch and flail.
  2975. >”She’s not doing good… and it’s too risky to teleport her like this. All three of you, take her back to the castle quickly! She needs a doctor as soon as possible!”
  2976. >Her earth pony guard tries to protest, “But Ma’am, we can’t leave you here alone!”
  2977. >”GO! That’s an order damn it!” Sunset yells.
  2978. >The guards place her on the earth pony’s back and head straight towards the castle!
  2979. ><Sunset, you can’t just go off on your own!>
  2980. “I’ll be okay, Fluttershy. I can be more mobile on my own, so I’m going to take care of the last civilian and warp back with them right away.”
  2981. ><Okay, but try to avoid encounters as much as possible!>
  2982. “Can do, Fluttershy. Henshin!”
  2983. >Sunset becomes her rider alter ego and leaps up to a rooftop!
  2984. >”Toh!”
  2985. ><Why are you making that noise?>
  2986. >Sunset shamefully declines to respond as she scans her map for civilians, finding one in a nearby house surrounded by shadows!
  2987. >She carefully leaps from rooftop to rooftop in the blink of an eye, avoiding fights until she finds the house surrounded by imps.
  2988. >She sweeps her leg through the air, firing out a barrage of fiery black phoenixes to descend on the shadows!
  2989. >They swarm around them and drag the little shadows together, gathering them all into a black ball of feathers and burning themselves away long with the shadows, leaving nothing but ash!
  2990. >”Hah! Too easy.”
  2991. >Sunset flips off the building and lands in front of the civilian’s house, knocking on the door loudly.
  2992. >”Open up! This is Sunset Shimmer! I’m here to rescue you!”
  2993. >The door swings open, and a seafoam green mare stares up at the Rider.
  2994. >”Oh, Lyra!”
  2995. >Lyra frowns at her. “Oh, now you show up. Takes the end of the world for you to catch up with your best pal Lyra from CSGU? Couldn’t have come here and told me about all your awesome adventures in alternate dimensions any sooner?”
  2996. >Sunset rubs the side of her helmet nervously. “I don’t know about best pal, but… look, I’ll apologize later. I need to warp you to the castle, okay?”
  2997. >The transformation dispels, and Sunset’s horn starts glowing. “Hold still.”
  2998. >Sunset takes a few seconds to focus…
  2999. >”Look out!”
  3000. >A massive black horn strikes Sunset Shimmer, knocking her away and cancelling the spell!
  3001. >The horn is attached to a white faced creature with a humanoid torso with shackled black hands, and long powerful legs ending in black hooves.
  3002. >”A Minotaur” Lyra stares at it in wonder.
  3003. >”Lyra… get away from it!”
  3004. >Sunset kicks a flock of black phoenixes at it, but they explode upon touching his body!
  3005. ><It’s immune to darkness! Sunset, this one’s stronger than the others! You have to get away!>
  3006. >”Lyra, come on! We have to run!”
  3007. >”Hello, great Minotaur Shadow creature! My name is Lyra Heartstrings! I don’t think we need to be enemies. Whatever you’re here for, I’m sure we could find a way to help you out and gain your favor! Perhaps through some kind of deal, or contract? What do you say, let’s be friends!” Lyra extends her hoof cordially.
  3008. >”Are you serious…?”
  3009. >The minotaur stares at her blank-faced…
  3010. >He lowers his head.
  3011. >”See, he’s bowing in respect!”
  3012. >And charges at Lyra!
  3013. >”Look out!”
  3014. >Sunset dives, tackling the unicorn out of the way!
  3015. >The shadow’s charge continues, and his horn pierces straight through Sunset’s chest!
  3016. >The minotaur draws his horn back, leaving a sizable hole in her chest as she falls forward...
  3017. ><No! Sunset! No, please get up! You can’t be…!>
  3018. >The Minotaur turns its attention to Lyra, kicking at the ground with its hooves and lowering its head.
  3019. >Lyra stares at the shadow, completely paralyzed as it kicks off to charge her!
  3020. >It lurches forward, then suddenly falls flat onto its face!
  3021. >Lyra looks over it to see a gloved hand holding onto its tail…
  3022. >”We used to fight with each other…”
  3023. >Still in her rider form, Sunset pulls herself to her knees, continuing to sing.
  3024. >”That was before we discovered…”
  3025. >Sunset rises up to her feet!
  3026. >”That when your friendship is real…”
  3027. >The hole in Sunset’s chest glows, and slowly regenerates itself.
  3028. >”Yeah you just say what you feel!”
  3029. >Lyra’s face lights up. “You’re alive!”
  3030. ><Your HP came back! But you…>
  3031. >”Don’t you know anything? A Phoenix always rises again.” Sunset says confidently.
  3032. >The Minotaur growls loudly and pounds the ground, pushing itself back up!
  3033. >”Lyra! You still on this guy’s side?”
  3034. >”I think negotiation is off the table!” She replies, trying to back into her house.
  3035. >”Good! Can I borrow your amulet? I think I’ve got an idea!”
  3036. >Lyra turns and heads back in as Sunset keeps singing, forming red and gold wings on her back!
  3037. >”And the music! Yeah the music! Gets us to the top!”
  3038. >The Minotaur rushes Sunset again, but she quickly vaults over its head, landing on the other side with a flip!
  3039. >”Sunset, catch!”
  3040. >Lyra flings her amulet to Sunset!
  3041. >She catches it in her hands, and slowly lowers it onto her neck.
  3042. >”As we learn how the rainbow…”
  3043. >”Rainbow Rocks!”
  3044. >The amulet fuses into her costume, and she begins to change!
  3045. >A long flaming tail streaks out from behind her, and her scarf merges with her helmet to form a long flowing ponytail!
  3046. >Two pony-like ears appear at the top of her head, followed by a unicorn’s horn as her phoenix wings flare up!
  3047. >”Hey, loser!” She points at the minotaur.
  3048. >”You better listen up, because I’m about to tell you just who you’re dealing with here!
  3049. >Sunset brings her fist back to her chest.
  3050. >”I am… one survived the darkness, and was saved by light!”
  3051. >She raises her left hand to the sky!
  3052. >”Born in one world, reborn in another, protector of both! I am!”
  3053. >She swipes her left hand to her right shoulder, then out to the side!
  3054. >”The dark hero of justice reborn! Kamen Rider Phoenix… Requiem!”
  3055. >She brushes back her ponytail with one hand and makes a beckoning motion with the other.
  3056. >”The sun is setting on your life. Ready to rock?”
  3057. >Lyra stares at her.
  3058. >”She’s even crazier than I am.”
  3059. >The Minotaur turns red in anger and charges Sunset!
  3060. >She easily slips in between his legs, tripping him up and swiftly flipping onto her feet, drawing her blade and driving it through his back!
  3061. ><It’s not hurting him very much… physical attacks aren’t effective!>
  3062. >“Find out what is!”
  3063. ><Okay, one second!>
  3064. >The Minotaur raises both hands above his head, readying a hammer blow!
  3065. >”Not so fast!”
  3066. >The horn on Sunset’s mask shines, and a magic aura wraps around the shadow’s clenched fists, pulling him onto his back and knocking him off balance!
  3067. >”I get why we transformed like that now… by changing our human bodies into something else, they were able to bear a mana core! Which means I can use my magic alongside my persona now!”
  3068. ><I’ve got it! The enemy… it’s weak to fire, but what good will that do you?>
  3069. >”Hey, Lyra!”
  3070. >”What is it?”
  3071. >”Remember what the academy told me I was so good at, they made me stop practicing it?”
  3072. >The seafoam mare looks confused. “Wait, you mean the time you burned down the east wing practicing pyromancy?”
  3073. >Sunset’s horn starts glowing bright gold and orange!
  3074. >”That’s the one…”
  3075. >Sunset snaps her fingers, and a column of flame erupts from the Minotaur shadow!
  3076. >The bonfire rages and expands larger and larger…
  3077. ><The enemy’s defeated! Stop it! Stop it!>
  3078. >”Oh! Sorry, I couldn’t see…”
  3079. >Her horn shines again, and the fire rises into the sky, flying up through the clouds until it snuffs out somewhere in the upper atmosphere.
  3080. >”You know, most ponies wouldn’t consider being unable to properly extinguish the fires you start being “Good” at pyromancy.” Lyra criticizes.
  3081. >Sunset walks over to the little unicorn, putting her hand on her hip. “Yeah? Well most ponies wouldn’t stick around while shadows are trying to destroy the world and then try to befriend one of them. Why the heck are you out here anyway?”
  3082. >Lyra looks embarrassed...
  3083. >”I left the amulet on last night, so when I woke up I hit my head and passed out.”
  3084. >Sunset sighs and extends her hand to Lyra.
  3085. >”Come on, we’re warping back to the castle. You’ll be safe there.”
  3087. ><And that’s pretty much all you need to know about what happened with- Anon, why are you laughing so hard? You still need to get back here!>
  3088. “Sorry… I just…”
  3089. ><Anyway, who do you want to know about next?>
  3090. “Rainbow Dash… she went to the hospital, right? What happened?”
  3091. ><That’s right… I knew I’d have to tell you about what happened there sooner or later.>
  3093. Earlier, Ponyville Hospital
  3095. >Rainbow Dash is hovering above the roof of the hospital, with three pegasi behind her.
  3096. >Huge craters and scorch marks litter the area around the facility, while an enormous Gigas-type shadow stands in the middle of the roof, flexing its muscles.
  3097. >Dash is looking pretty roughed up as she stares it down.
  3098. ><Rainbow Dash, this one is tougher than the rest. You have to hit it with everything you’ve got!>
  3099. >”I know what I’m doing! Come on, go down you jerk!”
  3100. >Rainbow Dash charges at the Gigas, darting around it and slicing long cuts in its body with her bladed wings!
  3101. >As she loops around it, the giant rears back and delivers a sudden kick, punting her into the sky!
  3102. >”Miss Rainbow Dash!”
  3103. >The cyan pegasus recovers in midair. “I’m fine, hit it with more weather!”
  3104. >They let loose with a storm of wind, ice, and lightning, but the gigas raises its muscular arms and endures their blows, letting out a heavy laugh!
  3105. >”It’s barely taking anything, Miss Dash! You need to use that cannon again!”
  3106. >”I can’t!” Dash shouts.
  3107. >She grits her teeth as she looks down at the giant, flexing his muscles and taunting her. “There’s still ponies inside… If I go all out, I’ll destroy the hospital!”
  3108. >”Then… what are your orders?”
  3109. >”Just hit it! Try to knock it down!”
  3110. >The pegasi swarm the Gigas, but he knocks them away with a spinning clothesline!
  3111. >Dash survives the blow, but one of her allies falls unconscious!
  3112. >”Darn it… get him back up!” Dash grunts as she bites the cork off a flask and chugs down another potion.
  3113. >”Fluttershy! Are they done evacuating yet?”
  3114. ><Not yet, there’s still… wait, there’s a civilian above you?!>
  3115. >Dash whips her head up, seeing a dark silhouette against a stormcloud…
  3116. >Sparks fly as they draw their right foreleg through the cloud, gathering lightning around their limb!
  3117. >The figure descends on massive brown wings, diving down to the shadow with her golden claw outstretched!
  3118. ><That’s…!>
  3119. >“Gilda!”
  3120. >The griffon lets out a roar as her claw slams into the back of the giant shadow’s neck!
  3121. >Her talons sink into his flesh and send a devastating current through his insides!
  3122. >As the Gigas thrashes, she beats her wings and flies over it, landing next to Rainbow Dash.
  3123. >”Gilda, what are you doing here?”
  3124. >”That’s not important! You need my help, right?”
  3125. >Dash grimaces at the tough shadow advancing on them. “I… don’t not need it. If you’re gonna help, then fine! Persona!”
  3126. >Thunderbird flies overhead, throwing a green aura over the winged party!
  3127. >Gilda pounces like lightning, throwing herself at its legs and swiping the back of its heels to knock it down!
  3128. >”LET’S GET IT!” Dash shouts, leading the guards in to pile onto the Gigas, tearing into it wildly before it roars and knocks them away!
  3129. >Gilda flies back up to the clouds, gathering lightning around her claw again. “I’ll finish it off!”
  3130. >The gigas stares up at her with his blank mask… then springs into the air with his powerful legs!
  3131. >He reaches Gilda in an instant, raising his hand and slamming her down with a crushing palm strike!
  3132. >The force of his attack sends Gilda tumbling down to the ground like a comet…
  3133. >Time seems to slow down as she sails over the roof of the hospital, falling backwards to the ground with her wings splayed out.
  3134. >But just before her back strikes the ground…
  3135. >A rainbow shoots out underneath her, carrying her body sideways and skidding along the ground!
  3136. >Gilda shakes herself off and stands up, looking at Rainbow Dash lying beneath her, a thick crater carved into the earth where she slid to break Gilda’s fall.
  3137. >The Griffon stares at Dash in shock.
  3138. >”You… you caught me?”
  3139. >Dash smirks weakly, pulling herself out of the ground and shaking the dirt from her wings. “Of course I did...”
  3140. >”I know I wasn’t always there for you… but that’s all different now.”
  3141. >”I’ll catch you whenever you fall, Gilda.”
  3142. >Gilda wipes at her face. “Come on… quit trying to act cool, you dweeb.”
  3143. >”Who’s acting?” Dash retorts, spreading her wings and shaking them out.
  3144. >The Gigas leaps from the hospital roof and lands in front of the pair with a heavy thud!
  3145. >Dash narrows her eyes at the shadow.
  3146. >”You…”
  3147. >”I’m gonna make you pay for hurting my friend!”
  3148. >Dash spirals through the air, shattering her card! “Persona!”
  3149. >Thunderbird appears, shifting shape from its plane form to a humanoid mech!
  3150. >The Gigas charges her persona, rearing up with a heavy punch…
  3151. >But Thunderbird suddenly darts in and pounds its stomach with a body blow that knocks the wind out of it!
  3152. >The giant shadow doubles over, clutching its stomach in pain as Thunderbird raises its fist to the sky!
  3153. >A bolt of lightning lances down and strikes the machine’s outstretched fist, coating it in blue electricity!
  3154. >It lowers its arm, and the fist starts shaking and trembling…
  3155. >Thunderbird’s fist vibrates faster and faster, causing the bolts to crackle wildly as wind swirls around it!
  3156. >”Thunderbird! Break right through!”
  3157. >An explosion of rainbow light erupts from thunderbird’s fist and coalesces in a scintillating sphere as his vibrations cause a miniature sonic rainboom!
  3158. >In an instant, the persona dashes in and rams its fist right through the giant’s chest!
  3159. >Its metal frame creaks and strains as it lifts the shadow skyward with a single hand…
  3160. >And then, a flood of rainbow light explodes from the persona’s fist, firing the Gigas into the sky like a rocket!
  3161. >Dash smirks triumphantly as Thunderbird pulls out its rifle, taking careful aim at the flying shadow.
  3162. >”Bang.”
  3163. >A concentrated bolt shoots out from the railgun, lancing straight through the hole Thunderbird busted in its chest!
  3164. >The shadow explodes into a halo of rainbow light, illuminating the world with a dazzling palette of colors...
  3165. >Gilda looks relieved at Dash. “I gotta admit… that was pretty cool.”
  3166. >”Yeah, I know. But seriously, why the heck did you come here, Gilda? Are you insane?”
  3167. >Gilda looks away, “I was just…”
  3168. >”Didn’t you hear Anon telling you to evacuate? This place isn’t anywhere near Anon’s house! What were you thinking?!”
  3169. >”I… I’m sorry, okay! I just…”
  3170. >Gilda ruffles her wings. “I just thought… after everything the doctors did to help me here… and all those other patients that must be stuck here…”
  3171. >”I wanted to help too. So I came here when I saw there was trouble.”
  3172. >Dash throws her forelegs around Gilda.
  3173. >”You idiot… you could have gotten yourself killed!”
  3174. >She closes her eyes tightly, trying to hide her tears.
  3175. >Gilda shakily puts one of her talons against Dash. “Heh… getting lectured on being reckless from Rainbow Dash feels pretty weird.”
  3176. >”Your arm… is it broken again?”
  3177. >Gilda smiles uncomfortably. “I… don’t think so. Good thing we’re at a hospital.”
  3178. >Dash pulls out a potion. “Here, drink this.”
  3179. >Gilda shakes her head. “No way. I saw your wings. They’re totally screwed…”
  3180. >”It’s fine, I’ll get a healing spell from Twilight later.”
  3181. >”Now who’s being a reckless idiot? Take the damn potion you dweeb! It’s your turn to be our guardian angel.”
  3182. >Dash swallows and uncorks the potion, gulping it down to restore her wings.
  3183. >”Alright everypony, let’s move it! Back to the castle!”
  3185. ><So that’s what happened over there. Gilda’s… a bit hurt, but we should be able to take care of that as long as Fantasia is still active. And now that she’s gotten the doctors evacuated, one of them should be able to attend to Derpy soon.>
  3186. ><Who do you want to know about next?>
  3187. “What’s going on with Twilight? She went towards your place, right?”
  3188. ><That’s right. Well, you see…>
  3190. Earlier, Fluttershy’s Cottage
  3192. >”Kyaaa~!”
  3193. >A scream emanates from inside as Twilight slices through a short sword-wielding samurai with bunny ears!
  3194. >”Hold on, we’re coming! Zecora, help me out!”
  3195. >The Zebra reaches into a cart behind her and tosses a bright orange flask at a one of the lop-eared samurai!
  3196. >The flash shatters on touch, and bursts into scarlet flames that incinerate the swordsman!
  3197. ><The civilian is inside, Twilight.”>
  3198. >”It sounded like a mare. Zecora, keep that cart close!”
  3199. >”Alright, Twilight.”
  3200. >Twilight knocks on the door. “I don’t know who’s hiding in there, but it’s safe to come out now! We-”
  3201. >The door swings open and slaps her in the face as Discord bursts out. “Oh thank you for saving me, Princess Twilight! I was so-”
  3202. >”DISCORD!” Twilight growls and pins him against the wall with her hooves.
  3203. >”Oh, how forward~! Expecting a kiss as a reward for savin-”
  3204. >”I came all the way out here to save you?! How could you just waste my time like that! There are ponies out there in real danger!”
  3205. >Discord taps the golden circlet around his head. “Now now, Twilight, aren’t you forgetting about that little accessory you let old shadowbutt trick you into putting on me? Am I supposed to fend the shadows off with dank memes?”
  3206. >”As if that actually limits you! What’s your excuse for not evacuating?”
  3207. >”Well it’s a funny story, you see-”
  3208. >”Shadows are here! Watch your rear!” Zecora calls out.
  3209. >A white lion runs at them, dragging a massive iron ball with a white mask on it, attached to a long metal chain.
  3210. >Four bunny-samurai shadows charge in behind it.
  3211. >”Zecora! Take down those Yojimbo-types!”
  3212. >”With the power of my alchemist’s fire, I’ll make you all a funeral pyre!”
  3213. >She chucks flask after flask at the animal swordsmen, knocking them to the ground as they burst into flames!
  3215. >She charges into the beast with a rolling kick, but the shadow doesn’t even budge an inch from her attack!
  3216. ><Physical strikes aren’t effective! Try magic!>
  3217. >”Nimue!”
  3218. >The Lady of the Lake floods the battlefield with a pool of water!
  3219. >From the edges of the pool, hundreds of ice shards stream into the center, blowing the Yojimbo apart!
  3220. >But despite her attack, the white lion is completely unscathed.
  3221. ><Ice doesn’t work either… this enemy isn’t a good match for you, Twilight! What are you going to do?>
  3222. >Discord watches, furiously shoving popcorn into his mouth.
  3223. >”I’m running out of bottled flame. I’ll have to be cautious with my aim.” Zecora informs Twilight.
  3224. >She looks between the Draconequus, the lion, and the zebra.
  3225. >”Zecora… go on ahead. There’s a group of guards you should be able to meet up with. They’ll get your cart back.”
  3226. >”You intend to fight alone? After the abilities this shadow has shown?”
  3227. >”I have a lesson I need to teach.” Twilight says cryptically. “Go on ahead.”
  3228. >Zecora frowns as she looks back at Twilight before taking the cart and making a break for it!
  3229. >Discord rubs his hands together. “Ooh, is this the part where you perform an execution?”
  3230. >Twilight stares at the Beast silently…
  3231. >The white lion growls, and lunges at her!
  3232. >She steps out of the way, but his claws catch her on the side, slicing into her!
  3233. ><Twilight, what are you doing?>
  3234. >Twilight refuses to respond, simply watching the lion and waiting.
  3235. >”Are you trying to scowl it to death?” Discord asks tauntingly.
  3236. >The lion pounces at her!
  3237. >Twilight braces herself as the lion sinks its teeth into her!
  3238. ><Twilight! What are you doing… why aren’t you fighting!>
  3239. >”Oh, Twilight Sparkle, what ARE you trying to accomplish here? Perhaps… oh my goodness, are you doing this because you enjoy it? I mean I always knew you were a bit of a self-sacrificing masochist but really, I didn’t know THIS was the sort of thing that got you off.” Discord chuckles.
  3240. >Twilight forces the Lion off herself and tosses it away, looking back at Discord.
  3241. >”... And what about you?”
  3242. >Discord looks confused. “I beg your pardon?”
  3243. >Twilight stares angrily at Discord. “Is this what gets you off?”
  3244. >”Watching your friends die?”
  3245. >Discord’s eyes narrow. “Oh, quit being a drama queen. We both know you can teleport out of here in a flash. Literally.”
  3246. >”And leave my friend behind? I don’t think so. You should just escape on your own, right? I’ll take care of this guy… maybe I’ll have to go down fighting, but I can’t risk this shadow hurting anyone else.”
  3247. >Discord smiles sarcastically. “Really, Twilight. That’s enough joking around.”
  3248. >The Beast swipes Twilight with his claws, sending her skidding against the ground!
  3249. ><Twilight!>
  3250. >The purple alicorn struggles to get back up.
  3251. >”Aren’t you… the one who’s joking?”
  3252. >”You think everything’s a joke… isn’t that right?”
  3253. >”Is our friendship a joke too?”
  3254. >Discord glares fiercely at Twilight.
  3255. >”You once… messed up my day with Cadance… just to test if I was really your friend.”
  3256. >”I did that for you…”
  3257. >”I even forgave you… for betraying us to Tirek…”
  3258. >”I really believed you were my friend, Discord. But now… I really want to know.”
  3259. >”What am I to you!”
  3260. >”Am I really just nothing?!”
  3261. >”Do you really think this world is worthless?”
  3262. >”Are you just going to stand around and watch me die?”
  3263. >”Do you think Harmonia’s going to come back to you if you let that happen?!”
  3264. >The beast swings his iron ball around, throwing it at Twilight!
  3265. >The metal sphere sails down to the Alicorn…
  3266. >But then, a single paw catches it and tosses it away!
  3267. >Discord stands in front of Twilight…
  3268. >”You… I loathe you so much. You snobby little know-it-all with your holier-than-thou attitude, strutting around like you’ve got ALL the answers!”
  3269. >”You think you can solve all the world’s problems, and order the spirit of chaos itself to play by the rules and do as he’s told?”
  3270. >”I should make you drink a glass of anti-matter and see how you like it, you self-righteous tart!”
  3271. >”I only try to play with you so much to make your dull little life a little more fun! Just some harmless little pranks and jolly japes here and there! And of course, to try to ignore the fact that the mere sight of you makes me want to gag!”
  3272. >”You want to see what I can do without my magic? Give me a sword.”
  3273. >Twilight smiles. “You heard him, Nimue.”
  3274. >The persona appears and tosses Discord a gleaming white blade!
  3275. >He catches it and spins it in his hand, getting used to the weight.
  3276. >”Watch closely then, Twilight Sparkle. This is my lesson to you.”
  3277. >He takes an unusual stance…
  3278. >”The budget simply wasn’t there for our play… but if you want to see how Harmonia Concord was defeated at my hands, watch closely, and burn this technique into your tiny little brain!”
  3279. >The beast-like shadow growls fiercely at Discord…
  3280. >”First off…”
  3281. >Discord appears in front of the beast faster than your eyes can perceive!
  3282. >”With an earth pony’s strength…”
  3283. >He spins around and slams the Beast with his tail!
  3284. >”Send your opponent to the heavens!”
  3285. >The lion is launched skyward!
  3286. >Discord points his blade out towards Twilight. “Part two! With the magic of a unicorn, fill your blade with power!”
  3287. >”Got it!” Twilight responds quickly, firing a purplish beam into the sword!
  3288. >The beam strikes the blade and causes it to glow with Twilight’s magic aura!
  3289. >Discord’s tiny wings flutter.
  3290. >”And with the swiftness of a pegasus…”
  3291. >He shoots into the air as the lion starts falling back to the ground, keeping his blade by his side…
  3292. >”Strike true!”
  3293. >He whips his sword out and thrusts it deep into the lion!
  3294. >Brilliant magic surges through the blade, pouring into its body!
  3295. >The shadow roars loudly as it starts to burst apart, the magic rupturing it from within and blowing it into shadowy bits!
  3296. >Discord floats back down to Twilight.
  3297. >”This technique is called…”
  3298. >”True Ultimate Chaos Thesis of the Second Old One, Perfected Everlasting Scorching Blade of Heaven Earth and Aether Screaming Giga Trifecta Song of 10,000 Sorrows Within of the Ancient God-Slaying School of Discordant Perfection Revision 3 Version Another Plus Harmonic 風林火山 Union of Two Souls In One Body Eternal Awakening Deathblow!”
  3299. >”Got it memorized?”
  3300. >Twilight smiles in response. “I’m going to call it Trinity Blade.”
  3301. >”You ruin everything fun.” Discord snarls.
  3302. >Twilight leans up and kisses him on the cheek.
  3303. >”I knew you were my friend.”
  3304. >Discord smiles. “Yes, I suppose I am. And now that you’re sure…”
  3305. >He grabs Twilight and looks into her eyes fiercely. “NEVER. Test me like that. EVER.”
  3308. ><Well… that’s what happened. Discord’s been doing pretty well with Excalibur! He’s helping clear out the shadows at the moment, and we’ve received the extra supplies from Zecora.>
  3309. ><Who should I tell you about next?>
  3310. “How are you holding up there, Fluttershy?”
  3311. ><I’ve been good. That platoon you rescued has been helping out a lot, and Captain Domino is very skilled. So far, no shadows have breached our defenses.>
  3312. “That’s good to hear.”
  3313. ><Oh! Some more civilians are showing up! Derpy’s here too!>
  3314. “Derpy? How is she?”
  3315. ><She isn’t injured, but…>
  3318. >You see a display of the guards carrying Derpy in and laying her down, her wings thrashing while her face is contorted in pain.
  3319. >A brown earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark runs up to her. “Make way!”
  3320. >Derpy’s golden eyes open to look at the pony standing over her. “Doc… it hurts…”
  3321. >”You’re a doctor?” the guard asks.
  3322. >”Yes, and I’ve been helping this mare manage her MCA for over a decade now. Derpy, you need to take deep breaths. You’re going to be fine, do you understand? You’re safe here. Say it back to me. I’m safe here.”
  3323. >”I’m… safe here…” Derpy grunts.
  3324. >The doctor takes out a strange stethoscope-like instrument and places it below her chest.
  3325. >”Just calm down and you’ll make it through this. You there.” He points to an earth pony guard. “I’ll need some sedatives from the infirmary and a cumulus cloud. Can you tell one of those guards outside to grab me one?”
  3326. >”I can’t promise anything, Doctor. Our pegasi are struggling as it is to take out some of those shadows that we can’t hurt with our weapons. If one of them breaks away it could-”
  3327. >The doctor stands up and grabs the guard’s neck. “Listen. We need a way to drain that girl’s mana and fast. If you don’t help us…”
  3328. ><I’ll be right back!>
  3329. “Huh?”
  3330. >The vision of Derpy and her doctor vanishes as the words Connection Lost flash in your vision briefly.
  3331. >What’s going on over there?
  3333. Twilight Sparkle’s Castle
  3335. >Fluttershy leaps out of Argus, flying down towards the circle of guards forcing back an army of shadows.
  3336. >Domino’s spiral horn fires off concentrated blasts that pierce straight through the shadows like a laser as she shouts, “Tighten your formation into choke points! We can’t win the battle of numbers!”
  3337. >Fluttershy glances at the nearly endless horde of shadows advancing towards the phalanx of guard ponies, swooping over their heads and flying through to the entrance of the castle. “Pardon me! Excuse me I need to get in!”
  3338. >They step aside as she flies into the foyer where the doctor is treating Derpy.
  3339. >”Doctor, you needed to drain Derpy’s Mana, right?”
  3340. >”I don’t know where you came from, but yes. We have machines for this sort of thing at the hospital, but we need to do it a more old-fashioned way under these circumstances.”
  3341. >”I think I can help. First things first, it’s important that she relaxes, right?”
  3342. >”That’s correct. We should have those sedatives any moment now.”
  3343. >”No need.” Fluttershy dismisses him, holding Derpy’s head carefully.
  3344. >”Derpy, can you hear me? Open your eyes and look at me.”
  3345. >Derpy opens her eyes. “Shizu- I… I mean, Fluttershy?”
  3346. >”That’s right. Look at me, Derpy.”
  3347. >Fluttershy glances at the Doctor. “... She is looking at me, right?”
  3348. >”Left eye.” He confirms for her.
  3349. >Fluttershy focuses on Derpy…
  3350. >”Derpy… you are going to Calm Down.”
  3351. >Derpy’s eyes widen, and her wings stop twitching as she goes slightly limp.
  3352. >”Mmkay…” She says softly.
  3353. >Fluttershy’s body starts changing, her mane growing wildly as her ears shift shape and long fangs emerge from her mouth.
  3354. >”What in Equestria…?”
  3355. >”I’m going to try to drain her Mana.” Fluttershy explains. “Just say when."
  3356. >The vampire pony leans in, and gently bites the back of the mailmare’s neck.
  3357. >”Ouchie…”
  3358. >Fluttershy holds onto her, her fangs starting to glow a faint blue.
  3359. >The doctor looks perturbed, but he keeps the instrument on Derpy's chest.
  3360. >”Keep going…” he encourages her.
  3361. >”Fluttershy sucks the mana out of her steadily, siphoning it into her body, then pulling away, coughing.
  3362. >”She’s still got an excess, keep going!”
  3363. >Fluttershy shakes her head. “She’s got more than I can hold… I’ll have to burn it off myself.”
  3364. >A card floats down in front of Fluttershy…
  3365. >She lunges at it and bites right through it! “Argus Panoptes!”
  3366. >The eye-like blue sphere appears in the air as Fluttershy tosses her breeze needle out towards the battlefield!
  3367. >The persona follows the needle outside above the horde of fiercely fighting shadows, before the flower stops in midair, spinning in place.
  3368. >”The imperial decree… eye of a thousand lives… Senmyougan!”
  3369. >The iris of Argus glows pink and scans over the battlefield!
  3370. >”In the name of Umaguchi… I order you!”
  3371. >”Shine!”
  3372. >A cone of pink light explodes out from Argus Panoptes, flooding the enemy’s battlefield with shining pink light of destruction!
  3373. >The shadow’s bodies are torn apart, the weaker ones becoming utterly destroyed as she saturates the area with destruction!
  3374. >The guards look on in awe as the Persona fades away, leaving a weakened horde of shadows before them.
  3375. >”They’ve been weakened! Charge!” Domino orders them forth, and they rush the shadows, ripping them apart easily thanks to Fluttershy’s assistance!
  3376. >Fluttershy’s persona disappears, and she goes back to drinking the mana out of Derpy’s neck.
  3377. >The doctor concentrates for an intense few seconds, monitoring her levels carefully before saying, “Stop!”
  3378. >Fluttershy pulls away and wipes her mouth. “Is she going to be okay from here?”
  3379. >He wipes the sweat off his brow. “Yes, thanks to you she’ll be back to her wonderful self in no time. Thank you very much, Fluttershy.”
  3380. >After a few minutes of radio silence, Argus’s hud returns to your vision.
  3381. ><Sorry about that.>
  3382. “What happened?”
  3383. ><It’s okay, Derpy’s safe. I’ll tell you about that later. Right now, you should know about what’s been happening with everypony else.>
  3384. “How’s Applejack holding up?”
  3385. ><Oh, yes… she had to go all the way out to the farm. It was pretty far but…>
  3387. Earlier, Sweet Apple Acres
  3389. ><Applejack, this one’s stronger than the rest! Yggdrasil Nyogo... Be careful!>
  3390. >Applejack is standing with a Pegasus and Unicorn by her side, along with her brother Big Mac.
  3391. >The shadow before them is a towering black tree with a thick trunk adorned with a blank white mask.
  3392. >The earth pony laughs, “Hey, Big Mac! Fluttershy’s tellin’ me to be careful ‘round a tree.”
  3393. >Big Mag lets out a low chuckle. “Eheheh… ain’t that somethin’.”
  3394. ><Applejack, please! I know how it looks, but it’s resistant to physical strikes, and judging by the fact that it’s immune to light and dark as well, I think this shadow’s going to be much stronger than what you’ve faced so far.”
  3395. >”Duly noted. Big Mac?”
  3396. >”Eeyup?”
  3397. >”Let’s show her how careful we are ‘round trees.”
  3398. >Applejack’s brother charges the Nyogo, spinning around and bucking it with all his strength!
  3399. >His leg hits it like a cannon, knocking its roots out of the ground as the tree topples back and falls to the ground with a heavy thud!
  3400. >”Let’s pound ‘im into patio furniture fellas!”
  3401. >Applejack leads them in and the group piles on top of the fallen tree, relentlessly tearing its bark apart with their hooves!
  3402. >It stretches out its roots and manages to pull itself up, shaking them back off as it entrenches itself deeper in the ground, growing larger as it gathers power!
  3403. ><It’s preparing for a physical strike!>
  3404. >”Likewise! Paul Bunyan!”
  3405. >Applejack’s robo-woodsman flexes his arms and grows right along with it, as her allies brace themselves for its attack
  3406. >It throws out its branches and whips them wildly!
  3407. >Applejack weaves between its blows like a leaf on the wind while her allies endure a tempest of whipping strikes!
  3408. >The unicorn and pegasus guard collapse to the ground as they reach their limit, but Big Mac takes the blows in stride, refusing to go down!
  3409. >”Shoot, reckon it’s a mite stronger after all. You still kickin’ big bro?”
  3410. >”Eeyup!” Big Mac responds proudly.
  3411. >”Get me up high! I’ll take this bad seed out right here!”
  3412. >Applejack runs at Big Mac, who spins around and stands on his front legs while Applejack jumps at him!
  3413. >Their hind legs touch together, and Big Mac kicks Applejack hard, sending her flying at the shadow!
  3414. >She spins in midair, and flies at it with her right hind leg stretched out!
  3415. >The golden horseshoe on her hoof starts shining brightly!
  3416. >Her entire leg becomes wrapped in a golden aura as it breaks right through the bark of the Nyogo!
  3417. >Her devastating kick carries her through its body like a bullet, carving a thick hole in its mask!
  3418. >Unable to withstand any more, the shadow falls apart into darkness!
  3419. >”That oughta do it.” Applejack reaches into her bag and takes out two bundles of feathers, sprinkling them over the two guards.
  3420. >”Come on you two. Coast’s clear, so let’s grab Granny an’ Apple bloom so we can get outta here.”
  3421. ><Hold on, two more enemies approaching!>
  3422. >”Aww fer the love of…”
  3423. >Two unusual shadows come flying towards Applejack… they look like old fashioned measuring scales, with one white dish and one black dish, bearing a white mask in their center.
  3424. >”Just a couple o’ little guys? Get outta our way!”
  3425. >Applejack dashes in and spins, delivering a powerful kick to the scale!
  3426. >But one of the weighing dishes catches her attack, nullifying the blow completely!
  3427. ><It absorbs physical strikes! Applejack, you’ll have to use your pegasus to take them down!>
  3428. >”Got it, Fluttershy. Winter Sky, get us some wind! Corporal Julep, hold the other one in place!”
  3429. >Her pegasus guard stirs up a twister while the unicorn holds one of the scales in place with a mint green aura…
  3430. >They watch the shadows carefully as a white light lances out from the unbound scale, striking Julep in the chest and knocking him out!
  3431. ><It uses instant death magic?>
  3432. >Freed from the unicorn’s grip, the second scale lets loose with a ball of dark matter at Winter Sky!
  3433. >He can’t fly away in time, getting caught in the dark sphere that sucks the life out of him with a low “fwoom” sound!
  3434. >Applejack looks at her fallen allies in shock.
  3435. >”Big sis… you got any more of them feathers?”
  3436. >”Nope…”
  3437. >”You got a plan?”
  3438. >Applejack looks around nervously, “Fluttershy, who’s closest to me?”
  3439. ><Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but they’re both busy! If you can keep dodging, I can send an SOS to Dash if you’re okay with that.>
  3440. >”Please do.”
  3441. ><Applejack… that’s the fastest I’ve ever heard you ask for help. You really are in trouble, aren’t you?>
  3442. >”Eeyup.”
  3443. >”What’s she sayin’, big sis?”
  3444. >”Just hold the line! Keep on yer hooves an’ don’t get hit no matter what!”
  3445. >”Ain’t there somethin’ we can do to these things?”
  3446. >”Well we ain’t runnin’, that’s fer darn sure! I ain’t leavin’ two good stallions behind, are you?”
  3447. >”Nope!”
  3448. >Applejack smiles nervously. “Guess we’re playin’ tag fer a little longer. Fluttershy, check if it can be poisoned!”
  3449. >The shadows fire out rays, but Applejack and Big Mac keep moving and weaving around to avoid their shots for as long as they can.
  3450. ><I checked… an inorganic shadow like that has no chance to be poisoned!>
  3451. >”Can’t believe I’m gettin’ forced into a stalemate by some got dang scales!”
  3452. ><This Perfect Balance shadow just isn’t a good match… keep moving, I’m sure Dash will be finished soon!>
  3453. >”Good, I can’t wait! Maybe literally…”
  3454. >The siblings stare down the scales, breathing heavily from exertion, when they hear a voice shouting out “NOT TODAAAAAY!”
  3455. >Granny Smith comes running with her cane-sword drawn!
  3456. >”Granny get outta here!” Applejack cries out!
  3457. >”I’m gettin’ these varmints offa our family’s farm!” Granny Smith grunts as she leaps at the scales…
  3458. >And misses, falling onto the ground as the scales round on her.
  3459. >”Oof! My hip…”
  3460. >”Granny look out!”
  3461. >A black ball goes flying at Granny Smith!
  3462. >”GRANNY!”
  3464. >Applejack reaches out to her grandmother as the deadly spell bears down on her…
  3465. >The black ball explodes!
  3466. >But instead of enveloping her, it spreads out as if hitting a wall…
  3467. >Applejack looks more closely… and sees a steel barrier floating in front of her grandmother.
  3468. >The barrier glows orange, and the dark matter goes flying back at the Balance!
  3469. >The blackness wraps up the shadow and shrinks down, wiping it out of existence!
  3470. >Granny looks at the fading steel shield. “Eh? Did I do that?”
  3471. >Applejack smiles, relieved. “I did it… I protected you, Granny.”
  3472. >”Big Mac, keep Granny back. Fluttershy, cancel that SOS. I got this.”
  3473. >Applejack walks forward with a smile, letting her Persona card fall down as she walks past it and casually kicks it to pieces behind her. “Persona.”
  3474. >Paul Bunyan throws a sheet of metal in front of Applejack!
  3475. >It looks like a steel shield with the image of a bull’s face on the front of it.
  3476. >It floats in front of Applejack as she moves towards the Perfect Balance. “Alright, you yellow-bellied overgrown soot cloud. You mighta had me on the run fer a spell, but even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while. But you don’t come out ta my family’s farm an’ start tryin’ to hurt my family without goin’ through me first.”
  3477. >”Think yer tough? Come on! Gimmie all ya got!”
  3478. >The Balance shoots a ray at Applejack!
  3479. >It rebounds off the shield and strikes its black scale, causing the shadow to glow white and fade away!
  3480. ><That’s all of them! Do you still need Dash’s help?>
  3481. >”I don’t reckon I do, Sugarcube. An’ you ain’t never tellin’ her I asked, got it?”
  3482. ><Got it…>
  3484. ><But I guess she didn’t say anything about telling you. So that’s about it for Applejack. Should I tell you about Pinkie Pie or Rarity next?>
  3485. “How’s Pinkie doing? She went to see Cranky, right?”
  3486. ><She did, but she ran into a bit of trouble when she got there…>
  3489. Earlier, Cranky’s House
  3491. >A large bat-like shadow soars above Pinkie and her three guards, his face covered in the same blank white mask as the other shadows.
  3492. >The mask splits open to reveal its fangs as it swoops at the unicorn guard and sinks its teeth in, draining the pony’s health!
  3493. ><It restored its hp!>
  3494. ><... Again.>
  3495. >The four of them look exhausted and annoyed, the area around Cranky’s House showing signs of a protracted battle with streamers and confetti coating his lawn.
  3496. >”You know, Fluttershy… fighting an enemy that can heal itself really bites.”
  3497. ><I think you used that one already.>
  3498. >”I know!” Pinkie shouts, flailing her hooves. “It’s bad enough that I’m running out of supplies, I’m running out of material too!”
  3499. ><I’m sorry! I don’t know what else to say… you’re not getting good luck with your cannon, and Light magic isn’t effective. I… I’ll try to figure something out if I can.>
  3500. >”It’s okay. If I die, Gummy gets all my stuff.” Pinkie says casually.
  3501. ><Pinkie Pie…>
  3502. >The pink mare kicks her cannon, letting out a single party cannonball with a weak *cluck*.
  3503. >”What is this, performance anxiety?”
  3504. >”Hello Pinkie.”
  3505. >”Hi, Maud. Can you believe the RNG today? I almost wish I stuck with my old cannon so at least I wouldn’t get so disappointed every time.”
  3506. >"Can I help?"
  3507. >”Eh, not unless you can rig the dice or find some super duper powerful pony to show up all of a sudden to help me out of this jam but I can’t think of anypony that could do that except maybe that one pony who really really likes jam but then again maybe it was jelly but I’m pretty sure I saw some seeds in there which leads me to believe jam or possibly preserves but definitely not jelly because jelly is made from juice instead of pieces of actual fruit but I’m pretty sure he lives in the north side of town anyway so I doubt he’s going to show up so I’m kinda lost on what kind of pony could possibly show up to help me in my time of need.”
  3508. >Maud Pie stares at her younger sister.
  3509. >”I came to visit you.”
  3510. >Pinkie does a double take and gasps at the gray mare standing next to her. “Maud?! You’re here for real?”
  3511. >”I think so.” She replies placidly.
  3512. >”But… what are you doing here?”
  3513. >”Do you remember how you said you would be very busy today, and it wouldn’t be a good time for me to visit? And I said okay?”
  3514. >”I do! I even have the letter right here!”
  3515. >Pinkie pulls out a piece of paper that just says, “Okay. Love, Maud.”
  3516. >”I wanted to surprise you. So I lied.”
  3517. >”Surprise.”
  3518. >Pinkie pulls Maud into a hug. “Oh, Maud… you learned from the best! I love this surprise!”
  3519. >The bat shadow dives at them and sinks its fangs into Maud!
  3520. >She doesn’t even flinch, simply reaching up to her shoulder and ripping it off, throwing it through Cranky’s mailbox!
  3521. >”Your pest ponies are very lazy.” Maud tells Pinkie.
  3522. >Pinkie Pie giggles and snorts, “Yeah, they must be batty to let these kinds of things run around town!”
  3523. >Maud’s mouth turns up by a couple millimeters as the guards renew their attack against the Bat!
  3524. >With their newfound strength, the battle starts to become a bit more even, but the bat is still keeping up a steady cycle of healing that they’re having trouble breaking through.
  3525. ><I finally have it! Sorry I took so long, Pinkie. Here she is!>
  3526. >Celestia: <Hello, Pinkie Pie.>
  3527. >Pinkie gasps, “Princess Celestia?”
  3528. >”That isn’t Princess Celestia. It doesn’t have a horn.” Maud points out unhelpfully.
  3529. >”Oh, not you, Maud. I’m just talking to the voice in my head.”
  3530. >”I thought you grew out of that…”
  3531. >”It’s me, Princess! What’s cookin’?”
  3532. >Celestia: <Shadows, mostly. But I hear you’re having trouble. As I recall, your Persona is a bit lacking when it comes to offense.>
  3533. >”It’s as inoffensive as a dollar store joke book.”
  3534. >Celestia: <But your persona still has the potential to harness its light magic into something greater, Pinkie Pie. I sensed it before. It can manipulate light much like I can. And there is a great deal one can do with light. >
  3535. >”I don’t think disguising myself is gonna help…”
  3536. >Celestia: <I doubt it. But a Laser might. It’s quite simple, really. You have to focus your control over the wavelength of the light you emit. In normal white light emission, the rays are all of varying wavelengths and polarization which scatter and transfer only minor amounts of energy. But by manipulating the rays to emit in phase, you can-”
  3537. >”Umm, sorry to interrupt, but I was thinking maybe instead of explaining it in a way Twilight might understand, you could try explaining it in a way that a rock-farmer’s daughter who ran away from home to join a travelling magician and never went to college or actually even high school might understand.”
  3538. >There’s a short pause, and then…
  3539. >Celestia: <... Pinkie Pie, have you ever seen the Star Horse movies?>
  3540. >Pinkie lights up, “Ooooh! Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
  3541. >She jumps into the air and slams through her card with her hoof! “Showtime!”
  3542. >The radiant god descends before Pinkie, cupping his hands together below his waist…
  3543. >A thick rod of light stretches out, forming a brilliant blue sword that hums with power!
  3544. >Apollo flies at the bat, and swings the searing blade right through its body!
  3545. >Maud takes Boulder out from her frock and follows up by flinging it at the bat’s forehead, stunning it and sending it to the ground!
  3546. >”Pinkie. I think we should hit it really hard while it’s on the ground.”
  3547. >”You got it, Maud! ALL OUT ATTAAAAAAACK!”
  3548. >The five of them tear into the bat, shooting, stabbing and pummeling it into the ground until there’s absolutely nothing left!
  3549. >Pinkie wipes off her sweat and calls out, “Safe to come out now!”
  3550. >Cranky and Matilda burst out of the cottage, quickly galloping to Pinkie’s side and hugging her tightly.
  3551. >”Oh, thank you so much dear! We were so afraid… we just couldn’t make it out in time and had to head back!”
  3552. >”You’re all safe now. I’ll take you back to the castle. Anon’s gonna be there too.”
  3553. >Cranky looks around at the remnants of the battle.
  3554. >”Pinkie, I am eternally grateful that you came to rescue us like that.”
  3555. >”That being said, there is no way that me and Matilda are cleaning this up!”
  3556. >”... You like it being messy?” Maud asks flatly.
  3557. >Pinkie starts cracking up as Fluttershy cuts the vision.
  3559. ><She hasn’t had much trouble since then. So I guess I’ll tell you about Rarity next…
  3560. ><She hasn’t had much trouble since then. So I guess I’ll tell you about Rarity next…>
  3562. "Tell me all about it. How did Rarity do?"
  3563. ><Well… something happened to her. As she was fighting, her Nightmare power kept growing stronger and stronger. She didn’t have any trouble defeating shadows, but after she defeated that powerful shadow and rescued Sweetie Belle, she just left her sister with the rest of the party and teleported away to hunt down more shadows. She started losing control, and well… you should see what happened.>
  3565. Earlier, Southern Ponyville
  3567. ><T-Twelve enemies left! Rarity, are you sure this is a good idea?>
  3568. >"Nonsense, darling. I won't let a single one of those shadows remain in my town." Rarity dismisses her with a toothy grin on her face.
  3569. >She looks different... far larger than you're used to seeing her.
  3570. >You remember hearing Spike describe her like this.
  3571. >She's completely taken on the appearance of Nightmare Rarity.
  3572. >Her allies are nowhere to be seen, but Rarity appears entirely unscathed.
  3573. >A diverse mob of shadows stands before her. Shimmering Stars, stony Statues, and long-robed Magicians, and even a few imps here and there.
  3574. >"Let's dance, Peter!"
  3575. >Rarity's Persona plays a wild tune on his flute, causing a tornado to tear through them!
  3576. >Her spell rips the imps to shreds as her Persona spins around to follow up, shaking its satyr tail at the shadows.
  3577. >The stars and magicians are captivated by his display, and they turn on their allies, striking each other or stopping in place to stare at Rarity.
  3578. >White-masked statues charge at her, but she simply closes her eyes and yawns as she sidesteps them.
  3579. >Without even looking, she fires a volley of crystal tipped arrows at their backs!
  3580. >They pierce right through the stone, damaging them severely!
  3581. >Her persona flies back out and draws its daggers, spinning rapidly and flitting around the battlefield like a whirling dervish of blades!
  3582. >The statues crumble, and the remaining shadows continue to destroy each other while one of the Stars throws a globe of healing light to Rarity, restoring her health.
  3583. >"Ah, thank you for the present my dear. Here's one for you."
  3584. >Rarity fires a crystal arrow through the star's mask, ripping it apart!
  3585. >"Aahahahahahaha!"
  3586. >She looses another and another, taking them out one by one until she's routed them entirely.
  3587. >"All too easy!"
  3588. ><Rarity, that's enough! You need to go back to them right now!>
  3589. >"Are you trying to order me around, Fluttershy? Why don't you stick to what you're good at, and I'll stick to what I'm... very good at."
  3590. ><That's not it... please, Rarity! This isn't like you at all! Why are you hunting down shadows like this?>
  3591. >"They want to threaten my town? I'll eliminate every last one of them."
  3592. ><Rarity. Go back to your team, NOW.>
  3593. >"Don't be ridiculous, Fluttershy. They were just slowing me down. Tell me, have I eliminated more than Rainbow Dash? How about Applejack?"
  3594. ><...>
  3595. >"I asked you a question, Fluttershy."
  3596. ><Rarity... Sweetie Belle's been badly wounded!>
  3597. >Rarity's eyes suddenly widen. "What?! That's... but I cleared them all out! How did they let this happen?!"
  3598. ><M-More showed up! Look!>
  3599. >A cluster of green dots are up against a patch of red, with a large swath of red dots surrounding them in a circle.
  3600. ><You were so focused on fighting you didn't notice them!>
  3601. >Rarity glares. "Then I'll have to fix this too." She says determinedly.
  3602. >She vanishes in a burst of light, and appears next to Trixie and a few other guards engaged with a group of stony castle-like statues.
  3603. >Trixie looks sharply at Rarity. "What is going on?"
  3604. >"I don't need to hear that from you! Where's Sweetie Belle!"
  3605. >Rarity looks around until she spots her little sister curled up by the bushes, shivering and covered in cuts and bruises.
  3606. >"How could they let this happen to you..." Rarity growls as she steps towards her little sister.
  3607. >The filly's eyes open wide as she scampers back and yells, "Stay away from me!"
  3608. >Rarity freezes.
  3609. >"Sweetie Belle...?"
  3610. >"Something's wrong with you... you're not my sister anymore!"
  3611. >Rarity smiles nervously, "Come on now... you don't mean that. I'm just a little bigger now, Sweetie. Didn't you say I'd always be your sister, no matter what I looked like?"
  3612. >The foal shakes her head. "It's not about how you look... I don't care what color my sister turns, but the real Rarity would never leave her friends... and she'd never ever leave her sister like that!"
  3613. >"But... but I'm trying to keep you safe! I'm fighting to keep you safe, Sweetie Belle!"
  3614. >The younger sister looks up with tears in her eyes. "How can I feel safe if I don't even know where my sister is?"
  3615. >Rarity's mouth hangs open as the realization hits her.
  3616. >She looks over to her allies fighting fiercely against the shadows, Trixie looking exhausted as she fires a blue ray of destruction with everything she has at the shadow, hardly leaving a scratch.
  3617. >"What have I done..."
  3618. >Voices start to swim in Rarity's head... "Keep fighting..." "Purify them..." "Be all that you can be..."
  3619. >Rarity grits her teeth...
  3620. >The voices grow louder! "Do it!" "Protect your friends!" "Fulfill your dreams!"
  3621. >"This has gone far enough!" Rarity shouts!
  3622. >"I listened to you because I thought you were trying to help me."
  3623. >"But I see now... I never should have listened to your voices over my own."
  3624. >"This ends here, Nightmares. From now on, you are the ones who will listen to me!"
  3625. >"I am not your vessel, not your backup, not your anything! If you want to be a part of me, then know that I am Rarity. And you will never change who I am!"
  3626. >Rarity's horn shines with power, and a white glow flows over her entire body, turning her coat from black to white!
  3627. >Sweetie Belle's wounds fade away in an instant as Rarity smiles down at her. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie Belle. Thank you for bringing me back to my senses."
  3628. >Rarity's little sister leans in and hugs her. "Thanks for coming back."
  3629. >"Now may we please have your assistance, Rarity?" Trixie asks somewhat impatiently as she dodges a cannonball from the castle.
  3630. >"My apologies, Trixie. Allow me to make up for my absence.
  3631. >Rarity's golden card floats gently past her, hovering near the ground before she stomps it firmly and shatters it!
  3632. >"Persona!"
  3633. >As Pan appears, she channels energy through her horn...
  3634. >A blue aura surrounds the satyr, and his body turns into a crystal statue!
  3635. >The statue shatters into a cloud of hundreds upon hundreds of small diamond-shaped gemstones identical to that of Rarity's cutie mark!
  3636. >Her aura surrounds each of them, giving it a faint blue glow as she focuses on her enemies with a piercing gaze.
  3637. >"Now, fly!"
  3638. >The gems rush towards the shadows in glimmering streams, slicing right through them as they pass!
  3639. >They swirl at her command, spinning and slicing away at them in a brilliant storm of diamonds!
  3640. >Her gems move faster and faster until they blur together in a shining blue band surrounding her foes.
  3641. >She sends a burst of energy through her horn, and the band contracts, wrapping the shadows up in a tornado of azure light!
  3642. >The light shines brighter and brighter as it expands and bursts apart!
  3643. >The shadows have vanished, leaving nothing but a glittering rain of diamond dust floating gently over the snow-flecked streets of Ponyville.
  3644. >Rarity starts looking around at the silent streets. “Hold on… Fluttershy, weren’t there more on the map?”
  3645. ><Oh, right… I’m sorry. I tricked you.>
  3646. >”Tricked me?”
  3647. ><I altered the map to look like there were more enemies. Sweetie Belle wasn’t really injured either. I asked Argus to create an illusion for you to try to bring you back to your senses.>
  3648. >Rarity sighs in relief. “I’m glad that you did, Darling. Thank you so much. I won’t leave my sister’s side until I’m absolutely sure she’s safe. I promise.”
  3650. ><And she made sure to keep that promise. Ah, you’re almost here…>
  3651. >As you run with your companions and the civilians, cutting your way through lesser shadows, you finally catch sight of the guards surrounding Twilight’s Castle.
  3652. >They cheer as you arrive, helping you clear a hole to break through into the safety of the castle, letting the Rich family and their staff into the foyer.
  3653. >You stop to catch your breath just as all of your friends rush out and grab on to you!
  3654. >”I’m so happy to see you!” Twilight says.
  3655. >”Knew you’d make it, big guy!” Spike pounds your leg lightly.
  3656. >”We all saw each other’s fights, right? I mean, you all saw mine at least, didn’t you?” Dash asks immodestly.
  3657. >”Cranky’s a-okay!” Pinkie quickly informs you. “And so is Gummy!”
  3658. >”You look like you’ve been fightin’ hard. Take a sec an’ catch yer breath, okay?” Applejack says kindly.
  3659. >”Things got pretty crazy out there, but always I knew we could do it.” Sunset says comfortingly.
  3660. >”Oh, Darling I’m just so glad to be here with you...” Rarity sighs, sounding exhausted.
  3661. ><You did it! You all made it back! The evacuation is complete!>
  3662. “Yeah… you were all amazing.”
  3663. >You’re passed a potion and candy that you quickly imbibe to restore yourself.
  3664. “That’s better. How are we doing out there, Fluttershy?”
  3665. ><Thanks to all of you, their numbers dropped heavily! We’ve successfully evacuated ponyville, and the guards haven’t let anything through their perimeter. We should be able to… hold on, I’m picking up something new!>
  3666. “Another shadow?”
  3667. ><That’s right… it’s incredibly powerful, and it’s descending rapidly from the moon! But something feels strange about it… it looks like a rabbit!>
  3668. >Your team gives you a knowing look as they nod in solidarity, ready to face this new threat with you.
  3669. ><It’s coming in fast! You need to intercept it right away. Who are you bringing with you?>
  3670. “Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, with me!”
  3671. >”You got it!”
  3672. >”Of course, Darling!”
  3673. >”Let’s do it!”
  3674. “Come on, let’s go rock that rabbit!”
  3675. >You make your way out of the castle with your three allies by your side!
  3676. >Fluttershy flies down with Argus, retrieving the rest of the team before following you.
  3677. >The guards are fighting fiercely. They’ve taken injuries, but they’re holding their ground against the shadows.
  3678. >But from above, you see a black figure falling down towards the castle!
  3679. >”INCOMING!” You hear Captain Domino shout out as the giant shadow crashes in front of the castle!
  3680. >It does seem to somewhat resemble a rabbit as Fluttershy said, but you’d just as easily call the strange shadow a bat for its tattered fleshy wings and long claws.
  3681. >The texture of the shadow’s black body seems fleshy and lumpy as if it has some sort of horrible skin disease, and perched above its white mask is a tiny pink bow…
  3682. >When you look at this shadow, you feel like you’re seeing a classmate from elementary school in the supermarket.
  3683. >A distant nostalgic feeling…
  3684. >Just who is it you’re looking at?
  3685. >”Whoah… anypony else feeling a little deja vu?” Pinkie asks.
  3686. >”Yeah, it’s making my head spin…” Spike grumbles
  3687. ><I definitely feel something familiar from this shadow. Especially that bow…>
  3688. “I’m feeling it too…”
  3689. >Rarity touches her temple. “Their voices are getting louder… something’s wrong with this shadow. They feel… horrified at this. They want us to purify it.”
  3690. >The strange creature stares at you with its blank white mask…
  3691. >Somehow you feel as though it’s trying to scream, but can’t.
  3692. >It grips the sides of its head with its claws and flaps its wings, taking to the air as it bears down on you!
  3693. ><Here it comes!>
  3694. “I know what this is…”
  3695. ><You do?>
  3696. “He turned one of the creatures of the moon into a shadow.”
  3697. ><No… then that’s… oh no, Miss Buffy!>
  3698. >”He turned a sweet little baby into that?” Pinkie gasps, “But… but we can’t fight a baby!”
  3699. >”We have to, Darling.” Rarity says determinedly. “If we want to help her, we need to destroy the shadow that she’s become.”
  3700. >”That coward! He’s forcing us to fight them instead of facing us himself!”
  3701. “Torturing a poor creature like that and forcing it to fight is unforgivable. When we catch up to Sombra, we’ll make him pay for this!”
  3704. Battle Start!
  3706. “Change, Father Time!”
  3707. >The ancient timekeeper spins his scythe, and a ticking noise accompanies an emerald aura of agility!
  3708. >”You know the drill, Apollo!”
  3709. >A golden ray of light flies from the sun god’s palms, sapping the shadow’s strength!
  3710. >”Lend us your strength, Peter Pan!”
  3711. >Rarity stomps on her card, summoning her persona to toss out a little golden fairy!
  3712. >It sprinkles you all with its fairy dust, empowering your strikes!
  3713. >Spike leaps at the shadow and strikes at it with his fist!
  3714. >He catches it with a glancing blow, but his punch still leaves a mark!
  3715. >The rabbit lets out an eerie noise!
  3716. >Pinkie manages to cover her ears in time, but the rest of you are assaulted by a devastating wave of sound!
  3717. >It pierces your ears, and everything goes quiet…
  3718. ><Anon, you’ve been silenced! You won’t be able to use skills or change personas like this.>
  3719. >It keeps going, quickly spreading its wings out and calling down a rain of lightning bolts from the heavens!
  3720. >Three of you evade its strike, leaving Pinkie the only one to be damaged by it.
  3721. ><It’s so powerful… I can’t believe he turned Miss Buffy into something like that! She's stronger than an ordinary shadow. Be careful!>
  3723. HP
  3724. Anon: 67%
  3725. Pinkie: 75%
  3726. Rarity: 66%
  3727. Spike: 73%
  3730. SP
  3732. Anon: 95%
  3733. Pinkie: 90%
  3734. Rarity: 95%
  3735. Spike: 100%
  3736. Fluttershy: 100%
  3738. ><Remember, if you need me to scan this shadow for status vulnerabilities, just let me know.>
  3739. >Silently, you will Nightmare into your hands, shifting it into a crossbow!
  3740. >You take aim and fire a piercing bolt of nightmare matter right through the shadow!
  3741. >”Help him out, Apollo!”
  3742. >Pinkie calls out her persona, and he lets off a warm glow, curing you of your ailment!
  3743. “Thanks, Pinkie. Fluttershy, can you scan it for us? Is there anything we can do to help this thing?”
  3744. ><I’ll take a look. Give me a second, please.>
  3745. >Rarity takes up her bow with her magic, aiming carefully and firing an arrow of purple crystal at the shadow!
  3746. >”Forgive me, darling!”
  3747. >Her shot pierces through the shadow’s wing, tearing a hole through it!
  3748. >”Take it down, Ouroboros!”
  3749. >Spike breaks through his card, and his Persona charges into the shadow’s chest, tearing at it with his teeth and claws in a devastating strike!
  3750. >The shadow rears up and lets out another eerie cry!
  3751. >Pinkie grits her teeth in pain, but the attack fails to resonate with the rest of you!
  3752. >The shadow lands and spreads its wings wide!
  3753. >Swirling dark matter gathers onto its wings, then fires out at you in spears!
  3754. >Pure nightmare energy tears through your bodies in a devastating attack!
  3755. ><Are you okay? It looks like it can use Almighty magic as well!>
  3757. HP
  3758. Anon: 39%
  3759. Pinkie: 11%
  3760. Rarity: 28%
  3761. Spike: 26%
  3764. SP
  3766. Anon: 95%
  3767. Pinkie: 80%
  3768. Rarity: 95%
  3769. Spike: 100%
  3770. Fluttershy: 100%
  3772. ><It’s a good thing you started out defensively… this shadow’s attacks are very dangerous. And I’ve finished scanning it as well.>
  3774. Ultimate Buffy
  3776. Arcana: World
  3777. Null: Light, Dark
  3779. ><I think if you defeat it, you might be able to turn it back to normal. Please help it, Anonymous!>
  3780. “Fluttershy, scan it and see if it’s vulnerable to enervation.”
  3781. ><Understood. I’ll have that information for you in just a second.>
  3782. “Change, Baba Yaga!”
  3783. >The witch’s hut appears and rises up, chanting a spell that raises a blue aura around Rarity to protect her from electricity!
  3784. >”Thank you, Darling!”
  3785. >Pinkie leaps into the air and smashes through her card! “Horseona!”
  3786. >Apollo shimmers into view and plays a gentle tune on his lyre, restoring you fully!
  3787. >Rarity stares up at the shadow anxiously. “I can’t bear to see it like this…”
  3788. >Spike places his hand Rarity’s shoulder. “We’ll save it, Rarity. As long as we’re together… we can do anything!”
  3789. >Rarity smiles softly, reaching up to take Spike’s hand in her hoof. “I know… you’ve always made me feel that way, Spike.”
  3790. >”Rarity…”
  3791. >They stare into each other’s eyes as their Persona cards float through the air, spiralling around each other…
  3792. >Without letting go, they strike through their cards together!
  3793. >”Persona!”
  3794. >”Persona!”
  3795. >The lovers’ personas appear together, as Peter Pan tosses a golden fairy out towards Ouroboros!
  3796. >Golden fairy dust sprinkles over the dragon’s body, as he lets out a powerful roar and charges the shadow!
  3797. >The black dragon tackles the massive creature powerfully, blowing it back as Spike takes both of Rarity’s hooves, holding her close as they extend their arms out, directing Ouroboros together!
  3798. >”Spike…”
  3799. >”Rarity…!”
  3800. >”You’ve grown into such an amazing dragon… I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life!”
  3801. >”Your love means more to me than any treasure, Rarity… I’ll never leave you!”
  3802. >Ouroboros’s body starts to shine, his black scales turning to gold as they express their feelings!
  3803. >”Rarity…”
  3804. >”Spike…!”
  3805. >The two face each other, staring deep into their eyes before shouting together, ”I love you!”
  3806. >They confess their love in unison, causing Ouroboros to surge with power!
  3807. >The dragon lifts the rabbit up with his strength and starts spiraling straight up into the air!
  3808. Team Up Attack: Think Happy Thoughts!!!
  3809. >The spiraling gold tornado soars higher and higher, shining brightly far above the world!
  3810. >Rarity and Spike look at each other with warm smiles… and then lean in to kiss!
  3811. >The moment their lips touch, a nova of golden light explodes out from Ouroboros, forming a glowing heart of gold that shines down on the town like a sun!
  3812. >The shadow’s body shoots down from the golden explosion, crashing to the ground as its body smokes and sizzles…
  3813. >It picks itself up and faces the party with its wings spread out wide, calling forth a silvery light…
  3814. >The light flashes brightly!
  3815. >You all seem unscathed, but Spike passes out and falls over!
  3816. ><He really doesn’t have good luck when it comes to that kind of magic, does he?>
  3817. >The moon rabbit follows up with a massive swipe of its claws!
  3818. >You and Rarity slip out of the way, but it manages to catch pinkie with its swipe.
  3819. ><Spike is unconscious… but the rest of you are doing okay.>
  3821. HP
  3822. Anon: 100%
  3823. Pinkie: 73%
  3824. Rarity: 70%
  3825. Spike: 0%
  3828. SP
  3830. Anon: 90%
  3831. Pinkie: 70%
  3832. Rarity: 95%
  3833. Spike: 100%
  3834. Fluttershy: 100%
  3836. ><I examined the enemy. There is a chance you can inflict enervation on it.>
  3838. “Check to see if it can be enraged too. Let’s do this! Change, Tarzan!”
  3839. >The wild persona swings in, bellowing his war cry!
  3840. >His powerful voice fills you all with ferocity!
  3841. >Pinkie runs over to Spike and shakes out her mane, letting a bundle of feathers fall on him.
  3842. >Their warm glow rouses him from unconsciousness!
  3843. >Rarity takes careful aim and looses a trio of arrows at the Shadow!
  3844. >They hit their marks at the bunny’s chest, but he’s still up and fighting!
  3845. >Spike leaps in and smashes his fist into its masked face, but it shakes off the damage and prepares to strike back!
  3846. >It lets out a devastating cry!
  3847. >The force of its attack is so powerful, you collapse to your knees!
  3848. ><Oh no! Anonymous took a critical hit!>
  3849. >Rarity keeps her ears covered and fires back a volley of arrows at its throat, ending its attack.
  3850. >It reaches out and swipes at Spike, cutting through his scales with its claw before leaping at Pinkie Pie!
  3851. >Pinkie’s tail twitches, and she quickly rolls out of the way, letting the shadow crash onto its belly!
  3852. >You manage to regain your strength after that powerful attack, pulling yourself to your feet.
  3853. ><Hang in there, Anon! Here’s your current status.>
  3855. HP
  3856. Anon: 58%
  3857. Pinkie: 51% (Silenced)
  3858. Rarity: 70%
  3859. Spike: 38% (Silenced)
  3861. SP
  3863. Anon: 80%
  3864. Pinkie: 70%
  3865. Rarity: 95%
  3866. Spike: 100%
  3867. Fluttershy: 100%
  3869. ><There’s a chance you can enrage this shadow. Also, your buffs and debuffs are all wearing off.>
  3871. “Let’s try and fix some of this. Change, Johnny Appleseed!”
  3872. >Johnny tosses a seed onto the ground that sprouts instantly into a towering tree!
  3873. >Golden apples rain down for your party, allowing each of you to take one and regain your full strength!
  3874. >”Mmm! That hit the spot! Apollo!”
  3875. >Pinkie’s Persona blasts the shadow in the mask with a debilitating ray!
  3876. >”Keep your strength up, darling! Persona!”
  3877. >Peter Pan sends out his fairy, sprinkling you with empowering fairy dust!
  3878. >Spike runs at the Rabbit, jumping up to sock it in the gut!
  3879. >The lunarian strikes back, swiping at you all with a flurry of claws!
  3880. >Johnny Appleseed appears in front of you, shielding you from most of the damage, but the rest of your party takes a solid hit from its wild attack!
  3881. >The shadow leaps at your persona with a powerful slash to follow up, but the frontierman takes the attack in stride!
  3882. ><Keep hanging in there! You can do this!>
  3883. “Change, Don Quixote!”
  3884. >The windmill knight appears before you, raising his kite shield!
  3885. >A brilliant sapphire aura surrounds your party, increasing your defense!
  3886. >”Let’s see how ya like this! Apollo Medicus!”
  3887. >The radiant god curls up and turns into a bright red sun!
  3888. >A beam of sweltering heat emanates from his body, causing the shadow’s skin to dry and wither…
  3889. ><The enervation spell was successful! Now it won’t be able to follow up if it hits Rarity’s weakness or delivers a critical blow!>
  3890. >”Excellent work, Darling! Persona!”
  3891. >Tiny threads of shadow whip out from the hooves of Peter Pan, stitching your bodies up!
  3892. >Spike’s persona charges into the rabbit with a flying tackle!
  3893. >Its claws and teeth rip and tear into its withered flesh before fading away!
  3894. >It stretches its wings and lets out another shining silvery light!
  3895. >You all look away just in time, avoiding the light spell entirely!
  3896. >The bunny leaps at Pinkie and claws into her, but thanks to your defensive magics, she’s barely scratched by the attack!
  3897. ><This is great! Here, look at your status!>
  3900. HP
  3901. Anon: 100%
  3902. Pinkie: 77%
  3903. Rarity: 100%
  3904. Spike: 100%
  3907. SP
  3909. Anon: 50%
  3910. Pinkie: 55%
  3911. Rarity: 80%
  3912. Spike: 100%
  3913. Fluttershy: 100%
  3915. ><Rarity’s Blue Wall is wearing off, but it won’t get another attack even if it hits her with electricity. This is a good chance for you!>
  3917. “We’re doing this! Change, Gilgamesh!”
  3918. >The ancient king appears in his golden armor, laughing haughtily as power surges through you!
  3919. >Pinkie slams her cannon down in front of her and bucks it hard!
  3920. >”Bukawwk!”
  3921. >The golden cannon fires two explosive shots into the shadow’s mask!
  3922. >Rarity draws her multicolored bow, notching four arrows and firing them into the air!
  3923. >She focuses magic through her horn, and guides each of the arrows into one of the shadow’s limbs!
  3924. >The shadows splays out as her skillful attack pins it to the ground!
  3925. >”Here is our chance, Darling!”
  3926. “We’re doing this!”
  3927. >”We’ll try to make it quick for you!”
  3928. >You charge in with Rarity, Pinkie and Spike, going wild on the downed shadow!
  3929. >You tear away at its leathery black hide, wearing the shadow down until it breaks out of the hold of the arrows and stands up!
  3930. >Spike leaps at it with another powerful punch, decking it across the face!
  3931. >It retaliates with another terrible screech!
  3932. >Your persona protects you, while Pinkie and Rarity cover their ears, but the shadow’s voice blows Spike away, knocking him to his back!
  3933. >It tries to chase him down, but suddenly pauses to clutch itself and convulse as if breaking into a fit of coughing!
  3934. >It shakes it off and proceeds to knock Spike away with its claws, sending him spinning!
  3935. ><Spike! He just took a lot of damage… but that enervation kept it from doing too much.>
  3939. HP
  3940. Anon: 100%
  3941. Pinkie: 77%
  3942. Rarity: 100%
  3943. Spike: 25%
  3946. SP
  3948. Anon: 45%
  3949. Pinkie: 55%
  3950. Rarity: 80%
  3951. Spike: 100%
  3952. Fluttershy: 100%
  3954. ><Tarzan’s revolution spell has worn off, just so you know.>
  3955. “Time to make this happen…”
  3956. >You draw the golden card numbered 0, the Fool!
  3957. “Change, Legion!”
  3958. >You tap the card, and in an instant, 34 identical warriors appear before you as the bracelet materializes on your arm to indicate their number!
  3959. >You look up at the rabbit-like shadow.
  3960. “I’m sorry I let this happen to you.”
  3961. “My friends… let’s put an end to her suffering.”
  3962. >You raise your arm in the air and shout!
  3964. >Your 34 allies fly at you and surround you!
  3965. >Together, you join them as one as you rise up on each other’s shoulders!
  3966. >You feel your bodies join together as you unite to form a giant comparable to the shadow’s own size!
  3967. ><You… you grew!>
  3968. “To me, Nightmare!”
  3969. >Nightmare flies into your hand and shoots out, forming a long black scythe taller than yourself!
  3970. >You channel your incredible strength and take a massive swing at the twisted Lunarian!
  3971. >The blade of the scythe catches it in the side as you start running, dragging it along with you before twisting your body and launching it into the air with your scythe!
  3972. >You stretch your arm, holding the scythe by its end as you turn and throw it spinning into the air!
  3973. >The giant onyx blade flashes brightly as it cuts through the shadow’s body and flies past it!
  3974. >You clench your fist, exerting your will over your weapon!
  3975. >It stops in midair at your command, and slams its end down on the shadow’s back, driving it into the ground and pinning it!
  3976. “My friends, the time is here! Show them no quarter!”
  3977. Special Ability: All Out Attack Bonus!
  3978. >Your transformation dispels, sending all 35 of you falling onto the shadow!
  3979. >You land on its back and immediately start hammering away with your fists!
  3980. >Your allies join in, barraging and pummeling it in turn!
  3981. >While your allies assault it mercilessly, you leap off it and raise your right arm, turning legion to a flood of magenta flame that coalesces around your fist!
  3982. >You dash in and thrust your fist right into the shadow’s chest!
  3983. >With the strength of your allies flowing through you, you slowly left the shadow over your head with a single arm.
  3984. “Be purified in the flames of our love!”
  3985. >Magenta fire floods the shadow from inside, burning away at it!
  3986. >Its leathery black hide crumbles bit by bit, its mask shattering and fading away!
  3987. >As the last of the blackness disappears, a little shriveled pink creature drops out onto the ground.
  3988. >You all put away your weapons and rush over to look at it.
  3989. >A little pink lunarian looking like a cross between a rabbit and a bat stares up at you with bright red eyes, wearing a little pink bow on its head.
  3990. “Are you hurt?”
  3991. >The tiny rabbat shakes its head and squeaks.
  3992. “So Sombra has been turning you into shadows…”
  3993. >It starts chittering and squealing wildly.
  3994. >Rarity gasps, “He’s trying to create more?”
  3995. “Which means he hasn’t finished. He must have started on Miss Buffy because she was weaker than the others. Truly despicable. But you’re safe now, and that’s what matters.”
  3996. >You change out to Don Quixote, letting the 34 rejoin you as one to cut down on the chaos.
  3997. ><You all did great! With that, the shadows in Ponyville are just about finished.>
  3998. "Now we have to get to the moon, right?"
  3999. ><Yes, but... there's a bit of a problem. We needed Celestia for that, and she... well, shall I just show you then?>
  4000. “What happened to her? Is she in trouble?”
  4001. <She’s still fighting in Canterlot! She’s been fighting alone this entire time… Look, I’ll connect her to us.>
  4002. >A screen appears in your sight, showing you a vision of Celestia off in Canterlot.
  4003. >The town below her is in chaos as she glides above it, looking down anxiously.
  4004. >She spots a group of Musha bearing down on some unicorns in fancy clothes, with a group of Ravens harrying them as well.
  4005. >Fluttershy: <Celestia! Those Musha are resistant to physical strikes. You’ll need to use your magic on them.>
  4006. >”Thank you, Fluttershy.”
  4007. >Her body streaks down to the shadows in a flash!
  4008. >She spears a white-masked raven through the back with her horn, destroying it in a single precise blow before landing in front of her citizens.
  4009. >”I’ll take care of these. Go!” She commands them.
  4010. >They run towards the castle as the masked Samurai draws his blade at Celestia!
  4011. >She quickly leans into the blow, parrying his steel with her horn!
  4012. >The other swordsmen try a flurry of rapid strikes, but she moves like lightning to stop each and every blow!
  4013. >”Woo! She’s kicking their flanks!” Pinkie says, sounding entertained.
  4014. >”But how long can she keep this up?” Rarity wonders.
  4015. >”I don’t think she can do it forever.” Spike comments. “Real healing magic isn’t anywhere near as effective as healing with a persona.”
  4016. >”Which is why I am putting forth my best effort to avoid damage.” Celestia responds through Argus.
  4017. “She can hear us?”
  4018. >”Perhaps not ‘hear’, but it seems we can communicate.” Celestia responds as she shoots a beam of golden light through the faces of the samurai, finishing them off as she takes to the skies again, circling the city and searching for more survivors.
  4019. >She sees an enormous horse-riding knight heading down main street, blowing away guards with his giant lance.
  4020. ><That's a powerful one..>
  4021. >"I'm running out of energy... I don't believe I'll make it. You must get to the moon without me. Stop Sombra. I'll hold out as long as I can."
  4022. “Hold on, I’m not just leaving you like this! Can’t we send you reinforcements?”
  4023. >Celestia lands in front of the Knight Shadow, firing a powerful golden blast that sizzles against his armor!
  4024. >”Even if you did, it would take some time for them to get here. I doubt this is the only part of Sombra’s plan, Anonymous. There’s more to this, and you have to stop him before he continues.”
  4025. >The Knight raises his hand and fires a barrage of ice spears at Celestia!
  4026. >She raises a golden barrier with her magic just in time, the fierce shards causing it to crack and splinter under its force.
  4027. >”Urgh… he even did this… after I lowered the moon and sun. Where I’d be weakest…”
  4028. >Celestia flies at his steed, piercing through its chest with her horn and slicing through it!
  4029. >”And because of the moon eclipsing it... I can’t draw power from the sun either!”
  4030. >”He knows what he’s doing. He must be trying to keep us occupied while he executes the next phase of his plan!”
  4031. >The Knight raises his spear, gathering power into it!
  4032. “I’ll send part of the team to help you if you need it! Only 5 of us can go to fight him anyway!”
  4033. >Celestia watches the Knight with her wings raised, watching for its attack…
  4034. >She seems ready to dodge… but instead of thrusting at her, the knight charges and lunges at the guards behind her!
  4035. >In a flash, Celestia throws herself in front of the attack and catches the spear with her hooves!
  4036. >She braces herself against the ground, straining herself to stop the attack, but the sheer weight of it forces her back, blowing apart the cobblestone street beneath her!
  4037. >She manages to stop it from reaching the guards, but as the knight draws back his spear, she looks ready to collapse, her front legs trembling weakly.
  4038. >”Hah… we might not have time for that…”
  4039. >”But if… you defeat Sombra… they might disappear anyway…”
  4040. >”I’m truly sorry, everypony… for putting this burden on you.”
  4041. >”The other me was right after all…”
  4042. >”Without my sister, I’m useless.”
  4043. >”I can’t protect them alone.”
  4044. “Tia… you aren’t alone!”
  4045. >Celestia opens her eyes and looks up!
  4046. >The knight thrusts his spear at her, but a magical barrier appears to protect her!
  4047. >Celestia’s unicorn guards force the spear back with their magic! “Protect the Princess!” “Stand up, Princess! You can’t fall here!”
  4048. >Tia stares at them in awe.
  4049. >You look over to your allies.
  4050. “Twilight, Sunset, Rarity. I need a favor. Can you all teleport me to Canterlot? It’s far, but maybe if you work together…”
  4051. >They hop out of Argus and gather together with you.
  4052. >Twilight looks between them. “I’ve never done anything like it before… but I think- no, I believe we can do it!”
  4053. >Sunset pumps her hoof strongly. “I may not be an alicorn, but I was Celestia’s prized student for a reason. I’ll get you there.”
  4054. >”I’ve got this under control. I haven’t teleported anypony other than myself yet, but I know I can pull it off with my friends.” Rarity says warmly.
  4055. ><I’ll help too! Argus, show them the right coordinates. And one more thing...>
  4056. >Fluttershy flies out at you in her bat-like form, quickly nipping you on the shoulder and sending power into your body!
  4057. >”Have some of my Mana. Good luck.”
  4058. >Twilight, Sunset, and Rarity surround you.
  4059. >Their horns glow and touch your body…
  4060. >A soothing light washes over your body, followed by a bright flash!
  4061. >Your world goes white for a few seconds…
  4062. >And then, gradually gives way to the scene of Celestia looking up to you with weary eyes…
  4063. >She looks tired and drained, and not just physically.
  4064. >What should you do?
  4067. >You put your arms around Celestia…
  4068. “Tia… look around you.”
  4069. “You aren’t alone here.”
  4070. “You have your friends… your country that loves their princess…”
  4071. “Everyone’s fighting together, Tia.”
  4072. “Don’t try to protect everyone all by yourself.”
  4073. “You can fight with us! We’re all here for you, so let’s do this together!”
  4074. >You feel Celestia’s body getting warmer as she leans on you to pull herself up.
  4075. >”You really have some way with words, Anonymous.”
  4076. >She manages to get back onto her hooves. “It’s too early for me to give up.”
  4077. “You got that right. Change, Baast!”
  4078. >You summon the little feline Persona, glowing with a radiant light as she lets out an echoing “Mrroooow~!”
  4079. >The wounds of your allies have been restored!
  4080. >The Knight finally breaks through the guards’ barrier!
  4081. >”This is it…”
  4082. ><The enemy is a Knight type shadow. We’ve seen him use ice magic and powerful physical strikes. I’ll be able to back you up even from out here in Ponyville. You can do this!>
  4084. V.S. Peerless Knight
  4086. Battle START!
  4088. “Fluttershy, get us a scan! Change, Robin Hood!”
  4089. >The verdant archer tumbles along the ground, quickly drawing and firing a rubber arrow!
  4090. >It sticks straight on the nose of the shadow’s steed, jutting out comically.
  4091. >Robin Hood laughs, demoralizing and debilitating the shadow!
  4092. >Celestia spreads her wings and flies up to the Knight, charging it with her horn!
  4093. >She’s fast, but the Knight quickly brings up his gauntlet and blocks her attack!
  4094. >He pushes back hard, knocking her away and sending her to the ground!
  4095. >”All troops, attack!”
  4096. >The guards lay down a hail of arrows, but the knight’s thick armor protects from taking much damage.
  4097. ><It resists physical strikes it seems…>
  4098. >He extends his palm, and a blast of ice comes raining down at you!
  4099. >Your archer Persona appears to guard you from most of the damage, but Celestia can’t get up in time, and endures the full force of its attack!
  4100. “Tia!”
  4101. >”I’m fine…”
  4102. ><Here’s your current status.>
  4104. HP
  4105. Anon: 79%
  4106. Celestia: 78%
  4109. SP
  4111. Anon: 70%
  4112. Celestia: 40%
  4114. ><You really are resilient, Celestia, but so is this thing… look!>
  4116. Peerless Knight
  4117. Arcana: World
  4119. Resist: Physical, Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric
  4120. Null: Light, Dark
  4123. >As she pulls herself up, you can’t help but think about how powerful her shadow was in comparison to this.
  4124. >Her speed was faster than your eyes could follow.
  4125. >There’s something about this situation you need to try to understand…
  4126. >Understanding could be the key to your victory.
  4127. >You have to think carefully…
  4128. >The reason she seems weaker is…
  4130. You’ve gotten that much stronger.
  4131. The eclipse has made her weaker.
  4132. She’s still holding back.
  4134. >You have a feeling you know what this is…
  4135. “Fluttershy, scan to see if it can be poisoned. Change, The Musketeers!”
  4136. >Three diminutive swordsmen leap towards Celestia!
  4137. >They surround her and hold their swords out, forming a triangle!
  4138. >A golden glow emanates from them, wrapping Celestia in a bright aura of empowerment!
  4139. >”Thank you, Anonymous. If magic isn’t effective either… then it’s best to conserve mana.”
  4140. >Celestia darts into the air and charges at the Peerless Knight!
  4141. >She slips past his defenses and strikes at his chestplate, her horn piercing through his armor!
  4142. >The giant knight retaliates by seizing her in his gauntlet and tossing her to the ground hard enough to shatter it!
  4143. >”Urgh!”
  4144. ><Oh dear, hang in there Celestia!>
  4146. HP
  4147. Anon: 79%
  4148. Celestia: 48%
  4151. SP
  4153. Anon: 60%
  4154. Celestia: 40%
  4155. ><I just checked… Poison spells have a chance to work!>
  4156. >Celestia rises to her hooves looking slightly battered, but between your magic and her alicorn physiology, she still seems to be enduring its attacks just fine.
  4157. >Still… even while sped up, you could barely follow her shadow’s movements when you fought her.
  4158. >A slow attack like that shouldn’t be hitting Celestia.
  4159. “Tia… you’re holding back, aren’t you?”
  4160. >Celestia looks surprised, then quickly turns away in guilt.
  4161. “I thought so…”
  4162. >”I…”
  4163. >”I can’t fight like that here.”
  4164. >”If I start fighting like that, I’ll just end up like…”
  4165. >Celestia pauses and shuts her eyes tightly, unable to bring herself to continue speaking.
  4166. >You have to try to understand how Celestia is feeling…
  4167. >At this moment, who is she afraid of ending up like?
  4169. Her Shadow.
  4170. Her Sister
  4171. Her Father.
  4173. “Celestia, are you scared of ending up like your Father?”
  4174. >She shakes her head. “That’s… that’s not it. It isn’t about that.”
  4175. >You don’t feel like she’s lying… you must be on the wrong track.
  4176. “Darn it… change, Helene!”
  4177. >The beautiful eagle woman soars into the sky at your command!
  4178. >She extends her wings out towards the Alicorn and sings out a beautiful tone…
  4179. >The harpy’s voice fills Celestia with strength again, letting her recover from her wounds as she flies up to strike at the knight with her horn!
  4180. >She tears through its armor, but the resilient knight hardly seems to notice as he raises his lance and starts gathering power!
  4181. ><It’s preparing a physical strike!>
  4182. >Celestia still looks troubled…
  4183. >It’s true that she’s afraid of ending up like her war-like father who thought of mortal lives as something insignificant…
  4184. >But that’s mostly something that’s influenced her policy of diplomacy and peace.
  4185. >The reason she’s holding back in this fight must be something else.
  4186. >If she exerts her full power here, who is she afraid of ending up like?
  4187. >You thought back to the past…
  4188. >That’s right, it must be…
  4189. “Change, Baba Yaga!”
  4190. >You swap out to the Ultimate Hermit persona!
  4191. >A purple flask flies out at the knight, splashing against his mask and seeping in…
  4192. ><You’ve poisoned the enemy!>
  4193. >Celestia stays focused, charging at the shadow again to stab into its armor!
  4194. >Her horn pierces it easily, but its sheer size is making this an uphill battle…
  4195. >The knight lowers his lance and thrusts it out at you!
  4196. >”Look out!”
  4197. >Celestia suddenly dives into the way of the attack!
  4198. >She strains her body as she tries to stop the blow, but the Knight’s brute strength pushes the sharpened tip in through her chest, causing her to bleed…
  4199. ><Oh no, Celestia’s badly injured! But that attack would have finished you if it hit…>
  4201. HP
  4202. Anon: 79%
  4203. Celestia: 19%
  4206. SP
  4208. Anon: 40%
  4209. Celestia: 40%
  4211. “Tia…”
  4212. >”It’s fine…”
  4213. “It isn’t about your father is it… it’s about Luna.”
  4214. “You’re afraid that if you show off what you can really do, they’ll shun you.”
  4215. “That you’ll be feared by the ones you love. Or worse, hated…”
  4216. >The knight draws back his lance, and Celestia clutches her wound, breathing heavily.
  4217. >”Why should I expect anything different…”
  4218. >”She was right all along.”
  4219. >”I am afraid…”
  4220. >”Fearing me… worshipping me… I don’t want either of those things to happen.”
  4221. >”If I show them how strong I am, I’ll face everything Luna did and worse…”
  4222. >”They’d lose their trust in me… I can’t do it!”
  4223. >You understand what Celestia’s going through…
  4224. >But how can you encourage her to fight?
  4225. >You must choose your words carefully and decide how to approach this.
  4226. >You know what you need to tell her.
  4227. “Change, Helene!”
  4228. >The beautiful harpy sings out, filling you all with life!
  4229. >Celestia flies swiftly, circling around it and slicing its armor open with her horn like a can opener!
  4230. >It brushes her off and raises its spear, gathering power again!
  4231. ><Another one…>
  4232. “Celestia… I know you’re scared, but you have to believe!”
  4233. “They won’t be afraid!”
  4234. >”You don’t know that…”
  4235. “It doesn’t matter!”
  4236. “Everyone believes in you, Celestia!”
  4237. “All of us! Your friends! Your citizens!”
  4238. “It’s about time you believe in our love for you! Look around!”
  4239. >Celestia looks at the guards stalwartly standing behind her, raining down arrows at every opportunity to support her.
  4240. “These ponies you’ve lit the way for every day of their lives!”
  4241. “It’s time to let us be your light!”
  4242. “Stop trying to keep it all in! Don’t just bear that burden alone!”
  4243. “Believe in us! The ones who believe in you!”
  4244. >”Anon’s right! I believe in you, Celestia! I love you, and I always will!”
  4245. >Just now, you heard Twilight’s voice!
  4246. >”You hear that, Celestia? Ouroboros is sending these ponies voices straight to you! They believe in you! We all do because we love you!” Spike’s voice sounds out.
  4247. >”Just show us what you got! We’re right behind you no matter what!” Dash shouts.
  4248. >”Hee hee! Come on, Tia! You don’t have to be afraid! Don’t stop smiling and don’t stop believing!” Pinkie’s cheery voice rings out.
  4249. >”We know you’re the gentlest kindest Princess we could ever hope for. Being strong won’t change that.” Fluttershy reassures her.
  4250. >”The ones who love you will accept you fer who you really are. Even when you can’t.” Applejack says warmly.
  4251. >”Friends can surprise you with just how understanding they can be. You only need to give them a chance.” Sunset encourages her.
  4252. >”Even if you’re afraid of falling, your friends will be there to catch you. Believe in us. Believe in you.” Rarity urges.
  4253. >Tears drip down from Celestia’s eyes as she smiles. “I’ve been so afraid… but you all truly believe in me…”
  4254. >”If you all believe… then I’ll believe in myself too.” Celestia says firmly, her voice filled with resolve.
  4255. >”I don’t know how long I’ll be able to maintain it… but I’ll fight with my full strength for as long as I can.”
  4256. >The colorful streaks of Celestia’s mane start to change…
  4257. >The soft blues and greens turn to orange and red…
  4258. >Then, a slow flame starts to creep along to the edge of her mane and tail, setting them ablaze!
  4259. >Her coat shines brightly, taking on a whitish-orange tint as intense heat emanates from her!
  4260. >”HEAR US, SHADOW!” her voice echoes loudly!
  4261. >You can tell this time… she’s speaking in her native tongue.
  4262. >”We are Princess Solestia! The soul of this planet’s star given form, and one of the last True Alicorns!”
  4263. >”Our vessel may not be the greatest, brightest, or most ancient…”
  4264. >”But it is that which has been chosen to nurture the creatures of this blessed planet!”
  4265. >”Ours is the life-giving star!”
  4266. >”Our light is to allow the living beings which inhabit this hallowed planet to flourish!”
  4267. >”A being of shadow and death shall not be allowed to prosper under our warmth!”
  4268. >”By the radiance of Solestia, we shall vanquish your darkness, and protect the lives of our children!”
  4269. >Celestia’s mane of pure sunfire flares up brightly, letting out a streaming trail of embers behind her!
  4270. ><Incredible… this is your true power, Celestia?>
  4271. >”With the eclipse in place, I won’t be able to use it for long. But it should be more than enough to save Canterlot.”
  4272. >”Let’s finish this quickly, Anonymous. They’re counting on us.”
  4273. “I’ll open the way for you, Celestia. Change, Alucard!”
  4274. >Your vampiric Persona appears before you and flings a spinning blue crucifix at the Knight!
  4275. >It sticks in its armor and sinks in, serving as a conduit for your fire magic!
  4276. “Aim your flames there!”
  4277. >Celestia stretches her wings out wide as they surge with raging flames!
  4278. >”Everypony, stand back!”
  4279. >Her horn shines, and a column of fire roars out like a volcanic eruption from her!
  4280. >The heat is so intense, Alucard appears instinctively to try to guard you from the collateral damage of her flames large enough to engulf the shadow entirely!
  4281. >The shadow’s body becomes a bonfire, raging fiercely until it starts to turn blue and swirl into its chest, being drawn into the glowing crucifix set by Alucard!
  4282. ><That attack was unbelievable! If you keep up like this, it won’t stand a chance!>
  4283. >The knight lowers his spear and thrusts out strongly!
  4284. >His weapon sails towards Celestia, and pierces right through her!
  4285. >It bursts her apart into bits of flame as his spear blows through the ground where she was standing!
  4286. >”You’ll have to try harder than that to catch me now.”
  4287. >You look to your other side and see Celestia standing there calmly, burning as brightly as ever!
  4288. ><That speed is incredible... here's your status!>
  4290. HP
  4291. Anon: 79%
  4292. Celestia: 100%
  4295. SP
  4297. Anon: 35%
  4298. Celestia: 35%
  4300. “Gonna need more mana for this… Change, Solomon!”
  4301. >The wise king appears and raises his seal to the knight!
  4302. >A blue beam shoots out to it, and Solomon drains the Knight of his magical energy, replenishing your mana reserves!
  4303. >”Fall by the sun’s power!”
  4304. >A tidal wave of flame rushes out from Celestia’s horn, wrapping the knight in a cloak of searing heat!
  4305. >It swirls into the blue crucifix once again, channeling it into the shadow’s main body and causing it to emit smoke!
  4306. >Despite the repeated assault of her raging flames, it’s still able to move as it sends its lance straight into you!
  4307. >Nightmare appears around you as a cloak to try to soften the blow, but you still take a powerful hit that throws you back!
  4308. >”Stay strong, Anonymous. We’ll win this fight yet.” Celestia tells you in a calm motherly tone.
  4309. ><The enemy’s debilitation has worn off… here’s your current status.>
  4310. ”Then one more! Take it away, Robin Hood!
  4311. >The skilled archer hops into the air, drawing a suction cup arrow and shooting it at the Knight’s mask!
  4312. >It sticks on firmly, and Robin Hood bites his thumb at the Knight before fading away, giving Celestia a chance to strike!
  4313. >Another towering inferno engulfs the Peerless Knight through Celestia’s magic!
  4314. >Streaming in through the Crucifix, the shadow’s armor starts to to melt and warp from the devastating heat being poured into it!
  4315. >The Knight finally forces it out of his chest, letting the cross fizzle out and burn away.
  4316. ><Your fire break spell is finished…>
  4317. >The gigantic shadow raises his gauntlet and opens his palm, raining a spray of ice spears at the two of you!
  4318. >Robin Hood appears and shields you with his body, the archer enduring the cold easily!
  4319. >Celestia stays utterly still while her mane and tail start flaring up wildly!
  4320. >Just before the ice touches her, it sizzles and melts into steam from the intense heat of her body!
  4321. >”Ice magic? That’s just not going to work anymore.”
  4322. ><You’re hanging in there, but I don’t think you’ll take another hit from its spear like that. Perhaps you should heal, Anonymous.>
  4324. HP
  4325. Anon: 34%
  4326. Celestia: 100%
  4329. SP
  4331. Anon: 60%
  4332. Celestia: 25%
  4334. >”Anonymous. My mana will continue to deplete steadily like this. If we do not end this before I run dry, it could put me in a dangerous position.”
  4335. ><Don’t worry, the enemy is nearly down. Just a little more should do it!>
  4336. “If it’s just a little more… change, Tarzan!”
  4337. >You tap the face of the Hanged Man Card, and Tarzan swings in!
  4338. >He delivers a powerful kick to the Knight’s mask, causing him to stumble as he grows weaker…
  4339. >”Fire magic won’t be as effective now then? Very well.”
  4340. >Celestia raises her hoof, and it starts to glow…
  4341. >You feel a strange sensation, almost like something’s tugging you gently towards her hoof.
  4342. >Bits of shattered cobblestone start lifting into the air, lazily drifting towards her…
  4343. >”You’ve seen my magic…”
  4344. >”You’ve seen my speed…”
  4345. >”Now…”
  4346. >In a flash, Celestia appears in front of the shadow’s face!
  4347. >”Feel my strength!”
  4348. >Celestia’s hoof collides with its mask, letting out a deafening CRACK!
  4349. >The street beneath you trembles violently!
  4350. >The sheer force of her punch hits it like a comet from the heavens!
  4351. >Its steeds legs lift from the ground as her meteoric strike sends it flying backwards, flipping the knight onto his back as his steed falls over after him, crushing him beneath it!
  4352. ><The enemy is down! This is your chance!>
  4353. >”This is the end… let’s finish it together, Anonymous!”
  4354. “Right behind you!”
  4355. >Celestia spreads her wings out wide as her horn glows brightly!
  4356. >A golden aura surrounds the shadow!
  4357. >Its body starts straining and breaking apart, curling up against itself…
  4358. >With the full force of her magic, Celestia is compressing the shadow!
  4359. >Its body snaps and crunches as her magic starts crushing and folding it into a ball!
  4360. >”Now, the finishing blow!”
  4361. “Nightmare… HAMMER!”
  4362. >You leap into the air and call Nightmare to your hands, forming it into a pitch black hammer!
  4363. >You raise it above your head and focus your strength into your strike!
  4364. >Throwing everything you have into it, you swing the hammer down as you fall!
  4365. >The head expands to your will, growing until it dwarfs the compressed shadow!
  4366. >A heavy shockwave rushes along the ground as you strike the metal shadow, flattening it like a tin can!
  4367. “Return to darkness!”
  4368. >The shadow’s form completely destabilizes, dissolving into a flood of blackness that withers away into nothingness before Celestia’s radiance!
  4369. >You hear a roar of cheering and whistling as the guards and civilians looking on celebrate your victory!
  4370. >Princess Celestia shines brightly as she smiles at you.
  4371. >”Thank you for believing in me.”
  4372. >”I’ll believe in you too when you’re up there.”
  4373. ><It looks like you’ve turned the tide! With this, Canterlot should be okay for now. Ready to come back to us?>
  4374. “First things first.”
  4375. >You throw your arms around Celestia and wrap her in a deep romantic kiss of triumph!
  4376. >It’s a good thing Tarzan resists fire.
  4377. >Your arms feel like they’ve been thrust into an oven as they touch her mane, and your lips seem like they might end up fusing to hers.
  4378. >You don’t particularly mind though.
  4379. >After a few seconds, the heat starts to fade as the flames on Celestia’s body die out gradually, bringing her back to her usual appearance.
  4380. “See you in Ponyville, Tia. I’ll take my shortcut back.”
  4381. >”I’ll see you there then.”
  4382. >Princess Celestia spreads her wings and takes off to the sky.
  4383. >You run to the nearest house and place the Velvet Key into the lock, entering the Velvet Room.
  4385. Velvet Room
  4387. >Igor smiles as you enter. “Simply passing through once more?”
  4388. >”Your journey is nearing its end.”
  4389. >”It draws ever closer, but you must be vigilant.”
  4390. >”How interesting it has been to watch your journey.”
  4391. >”You are one who believes dreams can be made into reality, are you not?”
  4392. >”Does such a power truly exist? And where does such power come from?”
  4393. >Igor waves you off. “There is no need for you to respond right now. Finding one’s own answer to such questions is part of life.”
  4394. >”Your actions out there shall show us the conclusions you have come to.”
  4395. >Elizabeth bows to you. “Fare thee well, honored guest.”
  4397. Twilight’s Castle Library
  4399. >You exit into a crowd of townsponies taking refuge in the library.
  4400. >They seem pretty calm, most of them having taken to reading books to pass the time until they’re given the all clear.
  4401. >It takes them a couple seconds to notice your presence.
  4402. >”It’s Anonymous!” Octavia exclaims, shaking Vinyl to get her attention.
  4403. >”Is the Princess really safe?” Mr. Cake inquires, rushing up to you.
  4404. >”Are we going to be okay?” Mrs. Cake asks with her two foals reading picture books.
  4405. ><There you are! Come on, we’re waiting for you outside!>
  4406. “She’s okay. Everyone’s going to be just fine. Right now, we’re heading to stop this nightmare at its source.”
  4407. >They look a little relieved at your words.
  4408. >”You know, when you come back we should really talk about getting a product in our store based off of you.” Carrot Cake says, putting on a confident smile.
  4409. >”That’s right, we’ve got a few ideas… which do you prefer, lime or melon?” Mrs. Cake shakes her head. “Oh, nevermind. Tell us later.”
  4410. >”You really are something, you know that?” Octavia says with her foreleg holding Vinyl close. “It isn’t that easy to get her to wake up in the morning.”
  4411. >Vinyl headbutts Octavia playfully.
  4412. >”Hah, well it’s true. Go on then, Anonymous. We’ll all be pulling for you right here!”
  4413. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
  4414. >You turn around and make your way down the halls.
  4415. >As you pass by the brown earth pony you saw in your vision, he waves to you and calls out, “Anonymous isn’t it? Don’t you worry about Derpy, she’ll be just fine! You focus on what you’ve got to do! By the way, did you like that watch I made for you?”
  4416. “It’s great, Doctor! Thanks!”
  4417. >You run by Max who salutes you quickly. “Anonymous, Sir! It was an honor fighting alongside you!”
  4418. “You did good too! Make sure Biggs gets promoted!”
  4419. >”Anonymous! Take care of Sunset out there!”
  4420. “Leave Senpai to me, Moondancer!”
  4421. >”Anonymous!
  4422. >”Go Anonymous!”
  4423. >”You can do it!”
  4424. >”We’re counting on you!”
  4425. >Your body feels lighter than air as you run through the halls to the sound of ponies cheering you on as you pass by!
  4426. >”Anonymous!”
  4427. >”Anonymous!”
  4428. >”Anonymous!”
  4429. >You burst out the front doors where the dream team, Farfalla, and Celestia are all waiting for you.
  4430. “Sorry I took a while. I… kept running into friends in there.”
  4431. >”Understandable.” Celestia smiles. “Now then, are you ready for us to begin lowering the moon? Because once we do there will be no turning back. Shadows won’t have to travel as far once we bring the moon in, so will have no time to spare if you want to defeat Sombra before he can launch a second wave.”
  4432. “I’m ready. Let’s do this!”
  4433. >Celestia, Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, Farfalla all stand side by side, closing their eyes and facing the eclipse.
  4434. >The dream team watches anxiously as their horns begin to shine…
  4435. >”Everypony, focus your energy upon the moon.” Celestia says, leading them.
  4436. >”Such power I feel from it…” Rarity says quietly.
  4437. >”Urgh… it’s a lot heavier than I thought it’d be…” Sunset grunts.
  4438. >”It feels like it’s fighting us…” Twilight says as she strains herself
  4439. >”We can do it if we work together.” Farfalla assures her.
  4440. >”We’ve got a hold on it. Now, everyone at once! PULL!” Celestia shouts, and they all send a powerful surge of magic through their horns!
  4441. >The sky starts to change as the black spot eclipsing the sun grows larger…
  4442. >Dusk is giving way to a starry night as the moon completely hides the sun, moving steadily closer to your planet.
  4443. >”It’s working! Don’t give up!” Spike shouts encouragingly.
  4444. >”Keep going! We’re doing this for Luna!” Dash urges them on.
  4445. >”Just keep pulling and pulling and then stop so you don’t crash it into us!” Pinkie cheers them on.
  4446. >”You’re getting closer! You can do this!” Fluttershy encourages.
  4447. >”Put yer back into it! Y’all almost got it!” Applejack shouts!
  4448. >You can see the moon clearly now…
  4449. >Against its white surface, the silhouette of a unicorn’s head is painted on with shadow.
  4450. >The moon glows and trembles as they grit their teeth.
  4451. >”Come on… move closer!” Twilight shouts at it.
  4452. >”Sombra must be fighting us!” Rarity realizes.
  4453. >”I’m not giving up… we need to get it closer!” Sunset says, determined.
  4454. >The unicorns pour everything they’ve got into their magic, their auras flaring up brightly as they struggle to drag the moon out of the sky!
  4455. >”Don’t give up, Mom! Show them what we’re made of!” Captain Domino shouts from behind you!
  4456. >”You can do it, Rarity! I know you can!” You hear Sweetie Belle’s voice shouting out from the castle as she cheers her sister on!
  4457. >”Hang in there, Sunset Shimmer! Show them what a unicorn can do!” Moondancer calls out from the crowd of ponies gathering to watch them!
  4458. >”The Princess of Friendship isn’t going to fold so easily, is she? Keep at it, Twilight Sparkle!” Discord yells!
  4459. “Keep it up, Tia! You’ve almost got it!”
  4460. >Empowered by your words of support, the 5 of them let out a massive surge of energy!
  4461. >They break past the resistance and yank the moon from its place in the sky!
  4462. >It slides closer into view, letting you make out its rocky surface as they bring it down towards the planet’s atmosphere!
  4463. >The moon’s descent slows gradually as it looms overhead, filling the sky as it slows to a stop.
  4464. >The crowd of ponies breaks into victorious cheering!
  4465. >Your friends end their spell, taking heavy breaths as they recover from the exhausting task.
  4466. >”We did it…” Twilight smiles weakly.
  4467. >Celestia looks up to the moon as her horn glows gold. “This should help you the rest of the way.”
  4468. >A translucent golden bridge shoots out from the ground at the moon!
  4469. >It fixes itself to the moon’s black surface, glittering brightly.
  4470. >Celestia looks to the group. “Good luck out there. I’ll return to Canterlot and rest. We don’t know if Sombra will try something underhanded while you’re up there.”
  4471. >Farfalla leans in and kisses you on the cheek. “Ponyville will be safe with me, my love. But make sure to give my regards to Father.”
  4472. >Twilight looks at Fluttershy. “That reminds me, what happened to the Crystal Empire? You said shadows were attacking there too, didn’t you? Is Cadance okay?
  4473. >Fluttershy smiles casually. “Oh, that? You don’t have to worry. It was a completely one-sided victory for the Crystal Empire.”
  4474. “Cadance is that strong?”
  4475. >”Thanks to you she is. Sombra must not have realized you helped her strengthen the connection to her spirit. With Anima Cristalla’s magic, Shining armor and Cadance used the Crystal Heart to make the Empire completely untouchable.” Fluttershy informs you happily.
  4476. >”Then we have three alicorns guarding the home front. All that’s left is to take the fight to Sombra.” Sunset says.
  4477. >A blue sphere forms around Fluttershy.
  4478. ><I see him… he’s created an entire castle on the moon. There’s shadows there too. You’ll need to decide who we’re going with. But first, we have a bit of a problem with our Mana levels… Your friends used a lot to teleport you to Canterlot and then lower the moon. I did some redistribution beforehand, so here’s what we look like at the moment.>
  4480. SP
  4482. Anon: 60%
  4484. Twilight: 20%
  4485. Rainbow: 50%
  4486. Applejack: 50%
  4487. Sunset: 20%
  4488. Spike: 50%
  4489. Pinkie: 35%
  4490. Rarity: 20%
  4491. Fluttershy: 45%
  4493. ><Our supplies are 15 Zap Apple Candies, 16 potions, and 17 Phoenix Feathers. I can redistribute our mana freely, so we’d need 5 candies to get everyone back to full mana with one at half, leaving us with 10. Of course, it doesn’t matter too much if they’re not fighting, so we could just spend 2 and have a full party at 100% with someone carrying 50% in reserve. What’s your plan?>
  4494. “We’re getting everyone we can back to full Mana, then heading right up. Our team’s gonna be Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack.”
  4495. ><Understood. Just leave it to me.>
  4496. >Fluttershy shifts into her bat-like form and bites down on everyone in turn, pouring mana into them, swallowing down a candy when she runs dry, and repeating the process on each of your team members aside from Spike.
  4497. >A minute later, you’re all ready to traverse the bridge of solid light Celestia made you.
  4498. >A crowd of guards and townsponies stands behind you. Some of them saluting, some of them cheering you on.
  4499. >You face forward with Sunset, Twilight, and Applejack, with Argus Panoptes carrying your party behind you.
  4500. >”Good luck!”
  4501. >”You can do it!”
  4502. >”Come back soon!”
  4503. >You can’t help smiling, hearing all these voices of support.
  4504. >The others seem to be the same way as you look to them.
  4505. >You stare up at the long golden path leading to the black and white sphere overhead.
  4506. “There’s no turning back from here. Let’s begin the final operation!”
  4507. >”Right behind you, babe.”
  4508. >”Anytime, Sug’!”
  4509. >”Let’s do this thing!”
  4510. “Dream Team, move out! Next stop, The Moon!”
  4511. >You pull Nightmare around you into a cloak and break into a sprint along the golden path!
  4512. >Loud cheers fill the air behind you, urging you onward as your three allies charge alongside you!
  4513. >Their voices carry even as you find yourselves running past the clouds, and only fade away once you’re over halfway there.
  4514. >The air becomes bitingly cold as you ascend, but you power through it, heading up the golden path at full speed until an alert flashes in your vision!
  4515. ><Enemies approaching!>
  4516. “Is the second wave coming already?”
  4517. ><No, it’s nowhere near the same scale as his first attack, but he’s sending forces down Celestia’s bridge to stop us! I sense an incredibly powerful shadow at the end too… there’s no getting around them, you’ll just have to fight your way through!>
  4518. >”It’ll slow us down, but a choke point should work to our advantage.” Twilight says insightfully.
  4519. >”Easy fer the pony with wings to say...” AJ remarks somewhat nervously.
  4520. >”We seem closer to the moon, so which way would we fall?” Sunset wonders. “Probably best not to find out...”
  4521. ><Here they come!>
  4522. >Two pegasi-like shadows with blank masks fly in along the right side of the golden bridge, while a pair of cloud-riding musclebound shadows zooms along the left, and two spiked wheels with giant shadows chained to them spin down the path to your group!
  4523. ><Two Djinn types, two Shadowbolt types, and two Cyclops types… let’s do this! For Luna!>
  4525. Battle Start!
  4527. “We’ll try this out… Change, Tokoyami no Amaterasu!”
  4528. >The wolf goddess shrouded in darkness appears, letting out a howl!
  4529. >Bright red rays stretch out from behind the moon, reaching out past it and grabbing two shadowbolts!
  4530. >The red tendrils retract quickly, taking them out of the battle and dragging them back to the sun!
  4531. ><Two enemies defeated! But the others seem to be resistant to Light Magic.>
  4532. >”Let’s see how they like this! Henshin!”
  4533. >Sunset becomes the horned rider, sending out a flock of dark phoenixes with a flashy kick!
  4534. >One of the Djinn becomes overrun with black birds as they flock onto his body and form a sphere of darkness!
  4535. >The black sphere burns away, completely erasing the Djinn from existence in a shadowy flame!
  4536. ><Three enemies left! Those Cyclops shadows resist darkness as well!>
  4537. >”Let’s keep up the pace! Persona!”
  4538. >Nimue shimmers into existence and throws her arms up, causing a bursting water spout to erupt from the bridge!
  4539. >It sprays into the air and freezes, crystallizing into hundreds of ice shards!
  4540. >She brings her arms down, and they rain down on the enemies!
  4541. >One of the cyclops shadows rolls out of the way while the ice storm blows through them!
  4542. ><That Djinn resists ice magic!>
  4543. >”Giddy up, Paul Bunyan!”
  4544. >Applejack’s Persona takes both axes in hand and holds them out while spinning wildly!
  4545. >His blades slice through the shadowbolt, but when he strikes the Cyclops, they stop the attack dead in its tracks!
  4546. >A powerful shockwave erupts from them, blowing through Paul Bunyan and reflecting the damage!
  4547. >”Urgh!”
  4548. ><Oh no, they repel physical attacks! Applejack, are you okay?>
  4549. >”Yeah… they caught me off guard is all…”
  4550. >The Djinn puffs out its chest and blows a slicing gale at the party!
  4551. >Your persona appears in front of you, a spinning disc from its back flying in front of it to reflect the wind back at the Djinn!
  4552. >But the creature seems to become healed from the reflected magic!
  4553. ><Looks like it absorbs wind magic…>
  4554. >The Cyclops start spinning their wheels, rushing down the golden road at you!
  4555. >You barely manage to keep standing as they tear at you with their spiked edges, ripping into your body before rolling back!
  4556. ><Anon, you and Applejack are badly hurt!>
  4558. HP
  4559. Anon: 19%
  4560. Twilight: 80%
  4561. Sunset: 75%
  4562. Applejack: 9%
  4565. SP
  4567. Anon: 70%
  4568. Twilight: 75%
  4569. Sunset: 75%
  4570. Applejack: 100%
  4571. Fluttershy: 100%
  4573. ><I’ve finished the scan on the Cyclops shadows!>
  4575. Omniscient Cyclops
  4577. Arcana: World
  4578. Resist: Light, Dark
  4579. Repel: Physical
  4581. “Scan the Djinn next. Change, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!”
  4582. >You feel yourself become more adept at the art of wielding your weapon when you change, quickly turning Nightmare to a crossbow!
  4583. >You take aim and let fly with a powerful bolt that pierces into the Djinn’s muscular chest!
  4584. >”Those things hit hard. Let’s avoid them if we can. Henshin! Shake your tail!”
  4585. >Sunset transforms and starts singing, generating an emerald aura that speeds you up!
  4586. >”Help us out, Nimue!”
  4587. >A wave of water flows behind her, crashing over you and drenching you in healing liquid that absorbs into your body and restores your health!
  4588. >”If I can’t hit ‘em, let’s try this on fer size! Persona!”
  4589. >Applejack calls out Paul Bunyan, commanding him to exhale a storming cloud of poison!
  4590. >It catches a Cyclops in the swirling miasma, infecting it with a powerful virus!
  4591. >The Djinn takes another deep breath and blows a storm at you!
  4592. >You and Applejack manage to drop low and avoid it, but Twilight and Sunset end up getting caught by the slicing winds!
  4593. >The poisoned Cyclops starts glowing with a red light!
  4594. >Sunset and Twilight stare at the shadow with fury in their eyes…
  4595. ><Those two have been enraged! If you don’t cure them, they’ll just keep attacking on their own!>
  4596. >The other Cyclops spins up and launches itself at Applejack!
  4597. >Paul Bunyan’s metal form appears and tanks the hit for her, absorbing the worst of the blow.
  4598. ><You’re doing pretty good, but that status effect is dangerous right now. Would you mind curing them?>
  4600. HP
  4601. Anon: 100%
  4602. Twilight: 81% (Enraged)
  4603. Sunset: 77% (Enraged)
  4604. Applejack: 81%
  4607. SP
  4609. Anon: 70%
  4610. Twilight: 55%
  4611. Sunset: 70%
  4612. Applejack: 90%
  4613. Fluttershy: 100%
  4615. ><Oh, and I've scanned the other shadow.>
  4617. Ascended Djinn
  4619. Arcana: World
  4620. Resist: Light, Ice, Fire
  4621. Absorb: Wind
  4622. Weak: Electric
  4624. “I’ll take care of it. Johnny!”
  4625. >Your Ultimate Temperance persona throws a couple seeds into Sunset and Twilight’s mouths.
  4626. >They swallow them down, and snap out of their fury!
  4627. >”Thanks, Anon. Let’s turn up the heat, Henshin!”
  4628. >Sunset transforms, and her horn starts to flare with red hot energy!
  4629. >A column of flames erupts in front of you, engulfing the battlefield in a towering inferno that shoots into the sky!
  4630. >The cyclops shadows look severely damaged from the intense attack, but the Djinn’s resistance helps to protect it.
  4631. >Twilight smiles and draws her Naginata with her magic, flying at the Djinn!
  4632. >”These wings aren’t just for show!”
  4633. >She swoops behind it and seizes her weapon in her mouth, thrusting at its back and driving it towards the bridge!
  4634. >”Thanks fer bringin’ him in my range!” Applejack shouts, galloping up to the Djinn and spinning around to deliver a powerful kick with her silver horseshoe!
  4635. >Her leg blows right through its body, leaving a massive hole that causes the shadow to melt away into nothingness!
  4636. ><Just two left!>
  4637. >The wheels of the Cyclops shadows turn sideways and fly at you like a spiked discus!
  4638. >Johnny Appleseed comes out to guard your body, while the rest of your friends dodge and guard the enemy’s strikes, coming out with only scratches.
  4639. ><Good job, only two left! Here’s your status.>
  4641. HP
  4642. Anon: 72%
  4643. Sunset: 77%
  4644. Twilight: 57%
  4645. Applejack: 69%
  4648. SP
  4650. Anon: 60%
  4651. Sunset: 35%
  4652. Twilight: 55%
  4653. Applejack: 90%
  4655. “These guys are gonna run us dry like this… Change, Merlin!”
  4656. >The ancient wizard raises his oak staff and slams it into the golden road!
  4657. >A red glow comes from overhead as meteors streak towards the Cyclops!
  4658. >The blazing spheres rain down mercilessly, searing holes into its body and bursting apart the wheel, disintegrating the shadow in a rain of flame!
  4659. ><You did it! One enemy left!>
  4660. >”Listen to my song! Persona!”
  4661. >Sunset transforms and starts singing Welcome to the Show, generating a blue aura of protection for you!
  4662. >”Time to show my true power…” Twilight says seriously, taking a low stance and dashing in!
  4663. >”With an Earth Pony’s strength…!”
  4664. >Twilight charges the Cyclops and knocks it into the air!
  4665. >”A unicorn’s magic!”
  4666. >Twilight draws her Naginata and fires a purple beam at it that makes the edge shine brightly!
  4667. >The cyclops begins falling back down as Twilight takes flight!
  4668. >”And the swiftness of a pegasus!”
  4669. >Twilight enchanted blade flies through its chest, drawing a deep wound before it crashes to the ground!
  4670. >As Twilight descends, Applejack kicks through her Persona card, summoning Paul Bunyan to throw a metal shield in front of her!
  4671. >The Cyclops revs up and charges at Twilight, but his spiked wheel clangs loudly against the Ox Shield, completely negating the attack’s momentum!
  4672. ><Hang in there, just one enemy left!>
  4673. ><By the way, your attack enhancement has worn off, and your speed enhancement is about to as well.>
  4674. “Let’s take him out! Persona!”
  4675. >You tap Merlin’s card, summoning him to throw a fireball at the Cyclops, burning away at his body!
  4676. >”Twilight, take this!” Sunset floats a potion over to the alicorn and uncorks it for her, letting her drink it down.
  4677. >”Thanks, a lot, Sunset! Persona!”
  4678. >Nimue gathers a sphere of ice in her palms and shoots it out at the Cyclops!
  4679. >It strikes its chest and sticks there, growing and creeping over its body to wrap it in an icy shell!
  4680. >The shadow freezes over and begins to crack…
  4681. >Chunks of ice fall off bit by bit until the entire thing shatters and melts away!
  4682. >Twilight lets out a breath of relief. “Good job taking them out. Okay, let’s-”
  4683. ><Enemies approaching!>
  4684. “What? Already?”
  4685. ><There’s no time to change out, here they come!>
  4686. >Two pudgy four-armed shadows charge down the center of the light bridge on golden rocking horses!
  4687. >On their right, two cloaked shadows fly along the path, while pair of black crow-like shadows carrying lanterns arrive on their left flank!
  4688. ><Two Jotun types, two Raven types, and two Phantom types! There’s no time, prepare for another battle!>
  4690. Battle Start!
  4692. ><Argus has restored some of your energy after defeating those shadows. Have a look.>
  4694. HP
  4695. Anon: 87%
  4696. Sunset: 92%
  4697. Twilight: 100%
  4698. Applejack: 84%
  4701. SP
  4703. Anon: 45%
  4704. Sunset: 45%
  4705. Twilight: 20%
  4706. Applejack: 90%
  4707. Fluttershy: 100%
  4709. “I need more SP… Fluttershy, scan the Jotun! Change, Solomon!”
  4710. >The wise king appears and raises his seal, shooting a cerulean ray at a Jotun!
  4711. >It strikes the shadow’s chest and forms a link, allowing you to leech its mana!
  4712. >”There’s a lot of them. Better stay on our toes!” Sunset decides, slamming her card into her driver!
  4713. >”Henshin! Shake Your Tail!”
  4714. >Sunset’s song creates an emerald aura of alacrity!
  4715. >Twilight takes off with her Naginata firmly in her mouth, flying at the lantern-wielding ravens!
  4716. >She thrusts and drives her golden blade deep into the raven’s chest, drawing black blood before flying back to a defensive position.
  4717. >”Stay strong, everypony! Persona!”
  4718. >Applejack summons Paul, letting him slam his axe to the ground to create a blue shockwave that wraps around you to protect your bodies!
  4719. ><Here they come!>
  4720. >The ravens swing their lanterns, spraying dozens of fireballs over your party!
  4721. >You all try your best to dodge what you can while Twilight spins her Naginata out in front of her, deflecting them easily.
  4722. >Despite your best efforts, the rest of you end up taking a few hits from the scorching embers as the Phantoms make their move!
  4723. >Their cloaks billow, and a fierce blizzard rushes through the battlefield!
  4724. >Nimue protects Twilight, but the bitter cold sends Applejack reeling and wears the rest of you down as it throws out another gust of freezing wind to follow up, and yet another from its ally!
  4725. ><Applejack’s been dizzied!>
  4726. >Indiviually the attacks aren’t that strong, but you’re quickly getting worn down from their assaults…
  4727. >The jotuns make their move next, as one of them charges on his rocking horse!
  4728. >Already feeling weary from the ice, you fail to guard yourself in time as it plows through all of you, knocking you to your back!
  4729. >You see Sunset’s HP drop to 0 as she skids along the golden road lifelessly!
  4730. ><Sunset!>
  4731. >A flash of red illuminates the area as fire bursts through Sunset’s body, bringing her back to life with the power of the Phoenix!
  4732. >”I’m not going down that easy!”
  4733. >The Jotun follows up by breathing a white cloud over the party along with his ally!
  4734. ><They’re trying to enervate you!>
  4735. >You all hold your breath, fighting off the spell until it dissipates.
  4736. ><Huh? It missed on the rest of you… but Twilight is just immune?>
  4737. >”I guess there’s some upsides to being ageless.” Twilight admits.
  4738. >You’re feeling weakened from their attacks, but you press on and slowly stand up!
  4739. ><Some of you are looking pretty hurt… you have to even the odds quickly! Don’t let them win with numbers alone!>
  4741. HP
  4742. Anon: 3%
  4743. Sunset: 100%
  4744. Twilight: 77%
  4745. Applejack: 41% (Dizzied)
  4748. SP
  4750. Anon: 70%
  4751. Sunset: 40%
  4752. Twilight: 20%
  4753. Applejack: 85%
  4754. Fluttershy: 100%
  4756. ><I’ve finished scanning the Jotun as well. They’re troublesome enemies…>
  4758. Ginnungagap Jotun
  4760. Arcana: World
  4761. Resist: Light, Dark
  4762. Absorb: Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric
  4764. ><Elemental magic won’t work on them. You’ll have to try something else.>
  4765. “Fluttershy, scan the phantoms! Change, Dullahan!”
  4766. >You swap out to the ultimate arcana of Death!
  4767. “Sunset, let’s take them out!”
  4768. >”I’ll give it everything I’ve got! Persona!”
  4769. “Dullahan!”
  4770. >The Dullahan appears as Sunset transforms and leaps into its armor!
  4771. >You form Nightmare into a scythe and fling it at her!
  4772. >She catches it as her armor takes on a shadowy texture, merging into darkness along with Dullahan’s steed and charging!
  4773. Team Up Attack: Philistine!
  4774. >The dark blur flies around the battlefield, Nightmare’s onyx blade flashing as it slices right through them!
  4775. >”Requiem aeternam…”
  4776. >Two ravens and a jotun are tossed into the air from her strikes as she spins the scythe around, pointing its end at them!
  4777. >”Bullets right through the sternum…!”
  4778. >A shadowy bolt flies out from Nightmare’s end, shooting through their chests!
  4779. >”Lullaby to hell, babe!”
  4780. >As the skeletal horse charges, Sunset stands on its back and jumps at them with the scythe raised!
  4781. >”Reaper’s got your name!”
  4782. >In a single stroke, Sunset cleaves through all three shadows!
  4783. >Their heads tumble off and explode into shadow as Sunset lands, tossing Nightmare back to you.
  4784. ><Nice! You took down three in a single attack! It missed one of the phantoms, but the others took damage, even if they didn’t go down.>
  4785. >”That’s good news for me.” Twilight says, summoning her card above her head. “Persona!”
  4786. >Her horn pierces the card and calls forth Nimue, who throws a healing wave over the entire party!
  4787. >Applejack grumbles weakly, still unable to regain her footing before the enemies strike!
  4788. >The two phantoms barrage you with ice!
  4789. >You don’t even need to rely on Dullahan as you swiftly evade their spells, but Sunset and Applejack end up taking a few hits between them.
  4790. >The Jotun flings itself at Applejack, crushing him beneath his weight before rocking back!
  4791. >”Ah’m okay…” Applejack grumbles.
  4792. ><Three enemies left! Applejack took a bit of damage, but she’ll be able to get up this time.>
  4794. HP
  4795. Anon: 100%
  4796. Sunset: 79%
  4797. Twilight: 100%
  4798. Applejack: 60% (Downed)
  4801. SP
  4803. Anon: 45%
  4804. Sunset: 0%
  4805. Twilight: 0%
  4806. Applejack: 85%
  4807. Fluttershy: 100%
  4809. ><Oh, and I’ve scanned the other enemy.>
  4811. Ancient Phantom
  4813. Arcana: World
  4814. Resist: Dark, Wind, Electric
  4815. Absorb: Ice
  4816. Weak: Fire
  4818. ><You can do a lot of damage with fire magic, but some of your allies are running out of SP.>
  4819. “I’ll take care of it. Change, Merlin!”
  4820. >Your ultimate Magician swings his staff, launching a ball of flame at a phantom!
  4821. >Already weakened by Philistine, Merlin’s blazing attack turns the Phantom to cinders!
  4822. ><Keep it up!>
  4823. “One more, Merlin!”
  4824. >He tosses another fireball that blows through the second phantom, sending it crashing into the golden road!
  4825. ><You’ve got this, keep going!>
  4826. >You take Nightmare in your hand and mentally command it to change shape!
  4827. >It stays in a single glob.
  4828. ><Something wrong?>
  4829. “What, do you hate fun?”
  4830. >The Nightmare shoots up into a Parasol, jabbing you in the head!
  4831. “Agh! Fuck! Stupid… fine!”
  4832. >You charge the Jotun and stab it with your giant umbrella!
  4833. >It seems to have gotten a lot sharper, as it manages to pierce through his flesh!
  4834. >Twilight and Sunset take a moment to scarf down some Zap Apple Candies, refilling their mana.
  4835. ><You have 8 Candies, 15 Potions, and 17 Feathers remaining.>
  4836. >Applejack pulls herself up and jumps at the Jotun, spinning in midair and kicking it hard in the chest!
  4837. >Her silver horseshoe leaves a deep imprint as the force of her attack sends it skidding back!
  4838. >The phantom rises up and strikes back with another blast of ice!
  4839. >Twilight’s persona keeps her safe, but the rest of you are buffeted by a fierce hailstorm that sends Applejack down again!
  4840. >The Jotun tries breathing another cloud of enervating gas, but each of you manages to stave off his spell.
  4841. ><Applejack’s dizzied again. A potion would help her up right away if you want to use one.>
  4842. “Alright then. Change, Helene!”
  4843. >The beautiful harpy throws a curtain of snowy white down over Applejack!
  4844. >It forms a protective aura, shielding her from ice magic!
  4845. >Sunset uncorks a potion and gulps it down, healing her wounds, while Twilight floats one over to Applejack and pours it into her mouth.
  4846. ><8 Candies, 13 Potions, and 17 Feathers remaining.>
  4847. >The liquid revitalizes them, letting Applejack spring to her feet as she kicks through her persona card!
  4848. >”Paul Bunyan!”
  4849. >The metal woodsman takes both of his axes in hand and leaps into the fray!
  4850. >His body spins in place, becoming a steel cyclone of death that draws in the Jotun and the Phantom!
  4851. >They fly into his blades, getting sliced to ribbons by the glinting steel!
  4852. >He stops in an instant and raises his twin axes, slamming them straight down on the two shadows and splitting them neatly in half!
  4853. >”An’ that’s how it’s done!” Applejack says proudly.
  4854. ><Don’t let your guard down, another one’s approaching fast!>
  4855. “Just one?”
  4856. ><One… but it’s different from the others!>
  4857. >You look forward to see a strange almost cat-like creature charging down the golden path!
  4858. >It leaps to cover the distance and lands heavily in front of you!
  4859. >The golden bridge manages to hold firm, but the large shadow blocks your path as it lies in front of you!
  4860. >The shape of its head makes it look almost like a black Sphinx with a blank-masked face…
  4861. >But what’s more, you feel that same familiar feeling.
  4862. “It’s another transformed Lunarian!”
  4863. ><I thought I sensed something like Buffy… those transformed shadows are stronger than the others! Be careful!>
  4865. Battle Start!
  4867. ><Here's your current status. I'm ready to receive orders, leader!>
  4869. HP
  4870. Anon: 65%
  4871. Sunset: 100%
  4872. Twilight: 100%
  4873. Applejack: 75%
  4876. SP
  4878. Anon: 10%
  4879. Sunset: 100%
  4880. Twilight: 100%
  4881. Applejack: 85%
  4882. Fluttershy: 100%
  4884. “Fluttershy, scan the target and check to see if it can be poisoned.”
  4885. ><Understood. I’ll find that out right away.>
  4886. “Change, Robin Hood!”
  4887. >The archer swiftly fires a rubber arrow!
  4888. >It sticks right onto the sphinx’s mask, lowering its strength as Robin Hood laughs triumphantly!
  4889. >Sunset jams her card into the driver and shatters it! “Henshin! Shake Your Tail!”
  4890. >Her singing creates green glow that fills you with speed!
  4891. >Twilight draws her weapon and flies at the sphinx!
  4892. >Keeping her distance, she finds an opening and catches the shadow with a lunging strike before quickly retreating!
  4893. >”Looks like physical attacks work just fine!”
  4894. >”Don’t let yer guard down! Persona!”
  4895. >Paul Bunyan slams his axe to the ground, causing a blue shockwave to erupt!
  4896. >It washes over you and toughens up your body!
  4897. >The Sphinx raises its head, and a swarm of flames comes rushing out from behind it!
  4898. >Twilight deflects it with her naginata while Applejack dodges the inferno, but you and Sunset take heavy damage as the flames bowl you over!
  4899. >You see the shadow raise its paw and slam it down hard on the golden bridge, sending out a shockwaves of dark energy!
  4900. >Sunset manages to evade the strike, but after one of them strikes Twilight dead on, she starts looking tired…
  4901. ><Twilight’s been exhausted! She’ll take additional damage and lose SP if you don’t do something!>
  4902. >The feline shadow raises its paw and slams it down on Applejack!
  4903. >It’s strong, but Applejack’s resilience lets her power through the attack!
  4904. >”Heh, that all ya got?”
  4905. ><Twilight’s weapon makes her more evasive to fire. But if she gets hit, she’ll take a lot of damage like that.>
  4907. HP
  4908. Anon: 36%
  4909. Sunset: 78%
  4910. Twilight: 77% (Exhausted)
  4911. Applejack: 73%
  4914. SP
  4916. Anon: 15%
  4917. Sunset: 95%
  4918. Twilight: 100%
  4919. Applejack: 95%
  4920. Fluttershy: 100%
  4922. ><I’ve finished scanning the enemy too.>
  4924. Ultimate Jerome
  4926. Arcana: World
  4927. Null: Light, Dark
  4929. ><Oh dear… not him too! But it looks like there is a chance poison could work.>
  4930. ”Fluttershy, check to see if we can silence it. Change, Dullahan!”
  4931. >You summon the decapitated rider, who lifts up her head towards Twilight as it breathes out a cool mist…
  4932. >The mist sparkles as it floats around Twilight, revitalizing her and curing her exhaustion!
  4933. >”Thanks, I feel better!”
  4934. >”We’ll take it down as fast as we can! Shine Like Rainbows!”
  4935. >Sunset transforms and sings her inspiring song, bringing you strength as a crimson aura flares up around her!
  4936. >”Anon, let me help you out! Persona!”
  4937. >Twilight’s horn pierces her card, summoning Nimue to toss a handful of holy water at you!
  4938. >It soaks into your body and fills you with health!
  4939. >”Take care of Twilight, Paulie!”
  4940. >Applejack bucks her card, summoning Paul Bunyan to throw an ox-head barrier in front of Twilight, ready to reflect whatever comes her way!
  4941. >Jerome pounds the ground with his front feet, sending another barrage of shockwaves!
  4942. >Dullahan’s tough armor helps to shield you from the attack while your allies swiftly evade, Twilight relying on the Ox Shield to send the attack right back at its user!
  4943. >Swirling nightmare energy coalesces at the sides of the sphinx’s head, causing its headdress to glow with power!
  4944. >The charged energy erupts in a barrage of swirling black and white spheres, raining down on the party and tearing into them with pure destructive force!
  4945. >But between your evasion and your defensive magics, you all power through the onslaught ready to keep fighting on!
  4946. ><You’re a little damaged, but still good to go for now.
  4948. ><It seems there’s a small chance for Silence to work on this shadow.>
  4950. “Applejack, let’s start gathering our strength! Change, Gilgamesh!”
  4951. >The golden-armored hero appears before you and crosses his arms confidently, gathering his power!
  4952. >”Sunset slams her card into her driver! “Henshin! Kamen Rider Phoenix!”
  4953. >She takes a spinning leap into the air and comes down with a powerful dropkick at the Shadow!
  4954. >Her talons slice through it cleanly, empowered by her song!
  4955. >”We can do this! Nimue!”
  4956. >Water sprays out from Nimue’s feet, splashing you all with healing liquid to keep you in fighting shape!
  4957. >”Get ready for a big one, Paul!” Applejack shouts as she kicks her card to pieces and calls out her Persona!
  4958. >He flexes his metal arms, growing bigger and bigger!
  4959. >”Careful! This bridge ain’t that big!” Applejack warns her Persona as its feet start to poke off the edges of the hard light construct.
  4960. >Jerome calls forth another flood of streaming flames!
  4961. >Twilight uses her wings to carefully fly around the flames while the rest of you face them head on!
  4962. >It holds its paws together in front of it, and four black tentacles lance out at each of you!
  4963. >Three of you narrowly evade the tendrils of shadow, while Sunset in her rider form delivers a swift roundhouse kick that knocks the tendril harmlessly back towards Jerome!
  4964. >”Too easy!”
  4965. ><You’re doing good, keep it up!>
  4967. ><The enemy’s debilitation, as well as your defensive spells, will wear off at the start of its next turn.>
  4969. “This is our chance to strike! Applejack!”
  4970. >”I hear ya. Can you two give us some cover?”
  4971. >Sunset looks to her side. “I think we can handle that. What do you say, Twilight?”
  4972. >Twilight nods. “Let’s try it. Can you keep up with my magic, Sunset?”
  4973. >Sunset smirks at her. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Is that any way to talk to your Senpai?”
  4974. >The princess giggles lightly. ”Alright then. I’ll follow your lead.”
  4975. >”That’s more like it. Henshin!”
  4976. >Sunset transforms in a flash and rushes the shadow with her sword!
  4977. >Her blade flashes as she swipes through it, then pivots with her momentum as her talons extend, transitioning into a slicing roundhouse!
  4978. >She delivers a flurry of piercing kicks, tearing into the shadow before taking a spinning jump into the air!
  4979. >She brings her sword down hard, her white blade cleaving the shadow’s flesh before she spins and sends it reeling back with another kick! “How’s that!”
  4980. >”Not bad, but I’ve been practicing too!”
  4981. >Twilight swoops in from above, flipping behind it and slicing at the nape of the shadow’s neck!
  4982. >She swiftly flits below it, and jams her Naginata upward, piercing into its throat!
  4983. >Her blade slices down along its chest, splitting it open and drawing a spray of blood!
  4984. >Twilight and Sunset lock eyes, then rush in together!
  4985. >As Twilight spins and bucks the shadow, Sunset delivers a jumping knee strike, blowing the shadow into the air with their simultaneous attacks!
  4986. >Twilight holds her blade out and fires a magenta beam into it, filling the edge with light!
  4987. >Sunset raises her sword as her own horn shines, wreathing her weapon in black flames!
  4988. >Burning wings erupt from Sunset’s back, and the two fly up together!
  4989. >They shoot past the falling sphinx and cut right through it in a black and white flash!
  4990. >Sunset and Twilight float towards each other in the air, stowing away their weapons as they grab each other’s shoulders.
  4991. >”Let’s show them our strength.” Twilight says.
  4992. >”Two hearts beating in harmony… that’s the power of our friendship.” Sunset answers.
  4993. >Their horns glow brightly as they touch them together, forming a growing sphere of white light!
  4994. >The ball grows and grows, shining like a star!
  4995. >”It’s all over!”
  4996. Team Up Attack: Eternal Jam Session!
  4997. >Light streams out of their spell, raining down on the shadow in shimmering beams of devastation!
  4998. >Dozens of rays tear into it before the pair swings their horns, throwing the light down onto the shadow’s back!
  4999. >It strikes the shadow and bursts into a blinding white explosion!
  5000. >As Twilight and Sunset land together, you and Applejack are prepared to strike!
  5001. >Gilgamesh stands ready as the giant-sized Paul Bunyan throws his double-sided axe into the void created by him!
  5002. >You raise Nightmare and toss it in after!
  5003. >”Now let’s just see what pops out this time!”
  5004. >A second later, huge green rod of energy thrusts out of the void behind Gilgamesh!
  5005. >Paul Bunyan grabs hold of it and pulls hard!
  5006. >The rod keeps going and going… until finally it reveals itself as the handle of a titanic green battle axe!
  5007. >Paul Bunyan struggles, letting out a mechanical bellow as his metal body strains to raise the glowing green axe of light!
  5008. >Steam erupts from him as he finally starts to swing the enormous weapon, his wide attack cutting a thick swath through the clouds!
  5009. Team Up Attack: Final Tomahawk!
  5010. >The axe swings right through the shadow… and then, a series of powerful explosions erupts along the axe’s path!
  5011. >The smoke clears, and the sphinx-like shadow slams the ground twice in rage, sending a barrage of shockwaves at your group!
  5012. >Gilgamesh’s armor protects you, but the attack tears through your allies!
  5013. >Twilight goes down, as does Sunset before she revives in a blaze and takes another hit to the face!
  5014. ><Oh dear… you did a lot of damage, but you’re all badly hurt!>
  5016. HP
  5017. Anon: 51%
  5018. Sunset: 64%
  5019. Twilight: 0%
  5020. Applejack: 18% (Exhausted)
  5023. SP
  5025. Anon: 5%
  5026. Sunset: 50%
  5027. Twilight: 30%
  5028. Applejack: 60%
  5029. Fluttershy: 100%
  5031. “We have to recover from this! Applejack, here!”
  5032. >You fling a potion at her, and she quickly gulps it down, restoring her energy!
  5033. >”Thanks, pardner.”
  5034. >”Come on, Twilight. This isn’t over!” Sunset levitates a feather out to Twilight, placing it on her body where it burns brightly, reviving her fully!
  5035. >”Thanks, Sunset. I’ll take care of the rest. Nimue!”
  5036. >Twilight’s persona lets out a cool spray of healing water, coating you with enough healing water to keep you all in fighting shape!
  5037. >”Hold steady, yall! We just gotta close this out. Paul Bunyan!
  5038. >Applejack calls out her Persona to throw out another wave of blue energy, protecting your bodies!
  5039. >The shadow gathers dark energy between its paws, and fires out a quartet of shadow tendrils!
  5040. >One of them pierces through Twilight, knocking her back out cold in an instant!
  5041. >Another wave bursts out, this time landing its mark on Applejack, striking her in the chest and sending her down for the count!
  5042. ><Oh no, Twilight and Applejack are unconscious!>
  5044. HP
  5045. Anon: 100%
  5046. Sunset: 100%
  5047. Twilight: 0%
  5048. Applejack: 0%
  5051. SP
  5053. Anon: 5%
  5054. Sunset: 50%
  5055. Twilight: 15%
  5056. Applejack: 55%
  5057. Fluttershy: 100%
  5059. ><You still have plenty of feathers left. Think carefully about what Persona to equip if you’re going to revive them.>
  5060. “I got it. Change, Dullahan!”
  5061. >With your ultimate Death persona protecting you, you throw a feather at Twilight while Sunset tosses one at Applejack!
  5062. >The feathers glow a bright crimson, bringing them back to their hooves!
  5063. ><You have 8 candies, 12 potions, and 14 feathers remaining.>
  5064. >Twilight brings her weapon up to her mouth and flies into the air, trying to perform a diving strike at the Sphinx!
  5065. >But the shadow slips to the side, causing her to crash into the ground!
  5066. >”Dangit! Just go down already! Persona!”
  5067. >Paul Bunyan draws his axes and slices at the Shadow with a heavy double chop, slicing through his enormous body!
  5068. >The corrupted Jerome shakes off the injury pounces at Sunset Shimmer!
  5069. >Moving quickly, she slides under its body in a flash, her hair and tail streaming like flame behind her as the shadow falls stumbles and falls!
  5070. >”This is our chance!”
  5071. “Let’s go!”
  5072. >”LET’S ROCK!” Sunset yells as she leads the charge!
  5073. >You nightmare into a hammer and blitz the shadow with Sunset and Applejack, pounding away at it until it shakes you off and slams the ground angrily in another barrage of shockwaves!
  5074. >You sidestep the waves it sends out, but the rest of your party takes the barrage head on, Applejack and Twilight looking particularly worn from the attack.
  5075. ><Those two have been exhausted! Can one of you take care of that?>
  5076. “I’ll handle it. Persona!”
  5077. >Dullahan raises her head and breathes a white mist over the party!
  5078. >The spell reinvigorates them, curing their fatigue!
  5079. >”Henshin! Let’s Shine Like Rainbows!”
  5080. >Sunset’s music fills you with power as she glows a bright red!
  5081. >”Go for it, Nimue!”
  5082. >Twilight’s persona draws the pure white blade from the pool at her feet!
  5083. >Sliding along the golden bridge, Nimue swings Excalibur and slices right through the shadow!
  5084. >”Cut ‘im down to size, Paul Bunyan!”
  5085. >At Applejack's command, the woodsman charges with his axe, catching Jerome with a quick swipe of his axe!
  5086. >The transformed Lunarian retaliates with another flood of flames!
  5087. >This time, Twilight isn’t able to defend in time, taking heavy damage that knocks her to the ground!
  5088. >The shadow follows up as its nemes glows with nightmare energy, raining a double barrage of destruction down on you!
  5089. >Sunset manages to evade enough of the swirling balls to make it through while you just barely hang on, but Twilight and Applejack lose consciousness as the almighty attack tears through them!
  5090. ><They went down again… you need to be careful about spending your HP to use persona attacks. This thing has explosive offensive capabilities!>
  5092. HP
  5093. Anon: 16%
  5094. Sunset: 15%
  5095. Twilight: 0%
  5096. Applejack: 0%
  5099. SP
  5101. Anon: 25%
  5102. Sunset: 45%
  5103. Twilight: 30%
  5104. Applejack: 60%
  5105. Fluttershy: 100%
  5107. ><Your defensive spell is wearing off. Are you going to reapply it?>
  5109. “We haven’t got much of a choice for now. Let’s get them back up!”
  5110. >”Right!”
  5111. >You apply a feather to Twilight while Sunset takes care of Applejack, reviving them both!
  5112. >Twilight shakes her head as she rises. “Things don’t look too good, but we’ll get through this. Persona!”
  5113. >Waves fly out from Nimue, drenching you all in her magical waters to restore your health!
  5114. >”I’m running a little dry here.” Twilight warns you.
  5115. >”We can’t let ‘em get ahead of us. Paul Bunyan!”
  5116. >AJ’s lumberjack slams the ground, refreshing the blue aura of defense around you!
  5117. >The shadow lets loose with another barrage of almighty magic!
  5118. >This time, you all steel yourselves and endure the blow, standing strong as it slams the ground again and throws another group of shockwaves!
  5119. >Dullahan and Paul protect you with their thick armor, while Sunset and Twilight weave through the attack to evade!
  5120. ><Great job! You can do this!Just a little bit more. I think it only has a quarter of its health remaining!>
  5121. “Long odds… but it’s worth a shot! Change, Helene!”
  5122. >The bird-woman spirals into the air and spreads her wings, letting out a deafening screech at the shadow!
  5123. >The shadow shudders and clutches its head in pain!
  5124. ><You did it! The enemy has been silenced!>
  5125. >”Then let’s go!” Sunset transforms and jumps at the silenced shadow, slamming her boot against its face and kicking off hard!
  5126. >”Do your best, Nimue!”
  5127. >Twilight’s persona draws her sword and skates past Jerome, slicing through its side!
  5128. >”You too, Paul!”
  5129. >The metal woodsman lumbers towards the sphinx-like creature, drawing his blade and slamming his axe down with a crushing blow!
  5130. >Unable to use its magic, the shadow reaches out and swipes at Sunset, slicing through her with his claws and throwing her back!
  5131. >”Agh!”
  5132. ><Sunset’s badly injured!>
  5133. >”Not done yet…!”
  5134. >Sunset stares down the beast as it pounces at her, throwing his entire weight behind the attack!
  5135. >”Now!”
  5136. >Sunset’s powerful legs kick her straight into the air, soaring above the shadow as it crashes face first into the bridge!
  5137. >Sunset flips and lands on its back. “The enemy is down! Let’s finish it off!”
  5138. “Okay!”
  5139. >”Prepare to lose it all!”
  5140. >Sunset draws her blade and starts hacking away at its back, while Twilight flies in and stabs through its mask over and over with her Naginata!
  5141. >You rush in with a Nightmare Hammer, cracking away at its mask together with Applejack as she blows chunks of its face off with powerful kicks!
  5142. >The four of you attack relentlessly, moving faster and faster as its body falls apart under your assault!
  5143. >With one final strike from Nightmare, the shadow bursts into a cloud of shadow!
  5144. >The dark matter fizzles away, leaving something much smaller behind…
  5145. >It’s… something.
  5146. >The lunarian creature looks somewhere between a sphinx, a dog, and a squid.
  5147. >He looks up at you with his bright golden eyes, then leaps at you and squeezes you in a hug, wiggling happily!
  5148. >”You saved me!” He squeaks as his weird squiddy body wriggles against you.
  5149. >You pull the Lunarian off you and set him on the bridge.
  5150. “Hello, Jerome.”
  5151. >”Good to see you back to your old self.” Twilight says.
  5152. >”Feels good to be back to normal!” He says happily. “You look different though, Twilight. New manestyle?”
  5153. >The alicorn ruffles her wings slightly.
  5154. >”This is a touchin’ reunion an’ all, but we really oughta keep moving.” Applejack points out.
  5155. “That’s right. Twilight, head back into Argus for now. Rarity, could you come and patch us up?”
  5156. >Twilight flies back into the Titan’s eye, while the large white unicorn hops out to take her place.
  5157. >”Hi, Rarity!” Jerome waves to her energetically.
  5158. >”Hello again, Jerome. You aren’t hurt, are you?” Rarity asks, concerned.
  5159. >”I’m fine thanks to you guys! I just feel bad about hurting all of you like that…”
  5160. >”It was nothing we couldn’t handle.” Sunset shrugs.
  5161. >”And I’ll fix them right up, see?” Rarity quickly calls her persona to sew up your wounds.
  5162. “More importantly, what can you tell us about what’s up ahead?”
  5163. >”That’s right, is Shadowfri- I mean, Larry under his control as well?” Rarity asks.
  5164. >Jerome looks down sadly. “Yeah… that jerk got him too. He changed me and Miss Buffy first as a test before changing Larry. If you had this much trouble against someone like me, who knows how strong someone like Larry could become!”
  5165. >”Don’t you worry about that.” Rarity reassures him. “We’ll save Larry together. Would you like to come along with me?”
  5166. >”Sure!” He agrees quickly. “I’ll help you out however I can!”
  5167. >Rarity smiles and touches her horn to Jerome, turning him into a swirling mass that flows into her body!
  5168. >”There we are. It’ll be nice to have a more friendly voice in there for once.”
  5169. “That’s good for now then, Rarity. You and Sunset head back. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, come on out.”
  5170. >Rarity and Sunset head back into Argus, letting Dash and Pinkie jump out to your side.
  5171. >”Let’s do this!”
  5172. ><The path is clear. There’s no more enemies in your way, so let’s get to the moon before they show up!>
  5173. “Got it. Let’s move!”
  5174. >You dash down the golden bridge of light!
  5175. >The air becomes chilly as you near the gray lunar surface, and the path starts to curve along it as your gravity readjusts, entering the moon’s sphere of influence.
  5176. >You keep following the path, gently sloping downward until finally your feet step off the solid light bridge, and onto the rocky surface of…
  5178. The Moon
  5180. >It’s much like you saw in your fantasia… covered in big craggy rock formations, but also teeming with tufts of purplish mist that rises from craters in the lunar surface.
  5181. >It’s dark, but the position of the sun gives you just enough light to see from where you are.
  5182. >You have a clear view of the long rocky path to a castle constructed entirely of sinister looking crystals, colored black, red and green.
  5183. >”So that’s where he’s hiding, huh?” Dash asks.
  5184. >”Kinda reminds me of the castle in the Crystal Empire.” Applejack points out.
  5185. >”I don’t like this. It’s quiet… too quiet.” Pinkie says to herself.
  5186. “Fluttershy, Sombra’s within your range, isn’t he?”
  5187. ><He is. I can locate him clearly inside the castle. I could even connect with him through his Persona… if he wasn’t blocking me.>
  5188. “Blocking you?”
  5189. ><There’s some kind of black barrier I can’t see past. I think it might be coming from his Persona. But he’s definitely in that black spot.>
  5190. “So you can’t see what he’s up to? What if you connected with Spike?”
  5191. ><With Spike? I suppose it would boost our power… we could try it if you think it would help.>
  5192. “Give it a shot. I want to see what he’s up to.”
  5193. ><All right. Spike, let’s try it together.>
  5194. >Ouroboros appears and coils around Argus’s head, biting his tail to enter Analysis mode.
  5195. ><There we go… I’m starting to see it!>
  5196. >A black screen appears in front of you, brightening gradually.
  5197. >After a few seconds, a silhouette fades into view, revealing the form of a black Alicorn with a sharp red horn and glowing eyes sitting patiently on a throne.
  5198. >He watches as black mist swirls around a dark onyx crystal jutting out of the center of his throne room, wearing an amused smirk on his face as he laughs lightly.
  5199. >”Heh… so Jerome has fallen to them too, has he?”
  5200. >You hear his deep voice growling through the transmission from Spike and Fluttershy.
  5201. >”Those little fools understand nothing.”
  5202. >”They have no clue what they fight for… and what they fight against.”
  5203. >”It’s infinitely amusing… they still do not comprehend the irony of their situation.”
  5204. >”This castle is only the start. I grow stronger by the second. Soon, I will cover this entire plane in a dream that I can reshape to my will.”
  5205. >”To those who swear themselves to me, I shall grant their every desire. I will have the power to make any dream come true.”
  5206. >”How foolish it is that they turn against me… when they have all grown so attached to a dream themselves.”
  5207. >”And those ‘Bearers of the Elements of Harmony’ believe it is their duty to stop me… without realizing that it is only by their efforts that I live once more!”
  5208. >”What!?” Dash and Pinkie blurt out in simultaneous shock.
  5209. >”The heck’s that supposed to mean?” Applejack asks angrily.
  5210. >”And the height of their foolishness…”
  5211. >Sombra’s green and red eyes gleam as they look towards the screen. “Is that they do not realize I can see them as well.”
  5212. >Four huge white stony arms burst from the ground around you!
  5213. >Each of them holds a thick white sword with a blank mask resting on its hilt!
  5214. ><Look out! Spike, dispel your persona!>
  5215. “Damn it!”
  5219. >The four swords strike at you before you can react!
  5220. >Two of them raise their blades and unleash a shower of electricity!
  5221. >Dash’s Persona appears to repel the attack, singing the arms slightly and protecting her as the rest of you endure the thunderstorm.
  5222. >The other pair swipes at Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, slamming down on them with the flat of their blades!
  5223. >When it strikes Rainbow Dash’s head, her face reddens with anger as she glares at the shadow!
  5224. ><I’m sorry! We were so focused, he must have summoned them to us without me noticing!>
  5226. HP
  5227. Anon: 54%
  5228. Rainbow: 76% (Enraged)
  5229. Pinkie: 37%
  5230. Applejack: 79%
  5233. SP
  5235. Anon: 70%
  5236. Rainbow: 100%
  5237. Pinkie: 100%
  5238. Applejack: 80%
  5239. Fluttershy: 100%
  5241. ><They may have gotten the first strike, but you can still do this!>
  5242. “We have to try to recover… Fluttershy, scan them and see if they can be charmed. Change, Johnny Appleseed!”
  5243. >Your ultimate Temperance Persona tosses a seed to the ground that turns to a towering apple tree in an instant!
  5244. >Four apples fall, granting one to each of you to restore your vitality and snap Dash out of her rage!
  5245. >”Better be careful about those ones. Persona!”
  5246. >Thunderbird swoops overhead, coating you in a green light to raise your agility!
  5247. >”Showtime, Apollo!”
  5248. >Pinkie jumps and smashes through her card, calling out her radiant persona!
  5249. >He throws out his palms, and a red wave of light bursts out of it, weakening the strength of the swords!
  5250. >”An’ one from you, Paul!”
  5251. >Paul Bunyan stomps the ground with his steel boots, sending a blue wave out that wraps up your body and protects it!
  5252. >One of them slaps its blade against your face, but you barely feel it through your combined defenses.
  5253. >Another brings its weapon down on Pinkie’s head, but she remains stalwart, hardly flinching from the attack!
  5254. >The other two spin their swords to spray another burst of electricity at you!
  5255. >Pinkie and Rainbow Dash avoid the lightning easily, but you and Applejack take some solid damage from their attacks!
  5256. ><No problem! These guys couldn’t even dream of beating you!>
  5258. HP
  5259. Anon: 67%
  5260. Rainbow: 100%
  5261. Pinkie: 88%
  5262. Applejack: 74%
  5265. SP
  5267. Anon: 45%
  5268. Rainbow: 95%
  5269. Pinkie: 95%
  5270. Applejack: 75%
  5271. Fluttershy: 100%
  5273. ><I’ve finished scanning them as well.>
  5275. Legendary Sword
  5277. Arcana: World
  5278. Resist: Light, Dark
  5280. ><It seems Charm has a chance to work on them.>
  5281. “Let’s give it a try. Change, Solomon!”
  5282. >The wise king appears by your side and raises his metal seal!
  5283. >In a flash of green light, glowing symbols appear on all but one of their masks!
  5284. ><You charmed three of them! Well done!>
  5285. >”Start it up, Thunderbird!”
  5286. >Dash’s Persona transforms into a bipedal robot, drawing its rifle and aiming at the enemies while gathering power!
  5287. >”Pear-sona!”
  5288. >Apollo appears at Pinkie’s command, throwing a burst of blue light from his hands!
  5289. >Her spell softens the tough bodies of the swords, preparing them for your attacks!
  5290. >”Get ready! Persona!”
  5291. >Applejack commands Paul Bunyan to gather power, making him expand to over twice his size!
  5292. >One of the charmed stone arms simply flourishes its sword harmlessly, while the other two strike their allies with their blades!
  5293. >The sole uncharmed enemy swings its weapon like a bat, smacking you in the side of the head!
  5294. >You aren’t hurt too badly from it, but it really stings…
  5295. >Seriously, who slaps somebody with a sword?
  5296. >That’s it, you’re pissed!
  5297. >You turn Nightmare into a hammer and charge at the offending sword!
  5298. >Putting everything you have behind your strike, you take a massive swing at its arm!
  5299. >But the sword quickly thrusts out, deflecting your strike and stabbing you straight through the chest!
  5300. “Ahhhhgh!”
  5301. ><Anonymous!>
  5302. >The devastating wound causes you to lose consciousness…
  5303. >Everything goes dark for a few moments… until you see a bright shining light!
  5304. >The light brings you back to your senses as energy floods your body, allowing you to stand up once more!
  5305. >”Nap time comes later!” Pinkie mock scolds you as Apollo fades away.
  5306. “Thanks, Pinkie.”
  5307. ><It seems these enemies enrage you, then counter your strikes for severe damage! Please be careful in the future.>
  5308. >”Too risky to attack like this…” Applejack decides. “Better try this instead! Persona!”
  5309. >The giant Paul Bunyan throws a shield up in front of you!
  5310. >One of the arms continues to play with its sword, while another stabs at its uncharmed ally, only to be parried and countered!
  5311. >A third sword breaks free from Solomon’s spell, and smacks Pinkie in the face with his blade!
  5312. >”Ow! Why you…!”
  5313. ><Pinkie’s been enraged too!>
  5314. >The fourth spins another rain of lightning at the party!
  5315. >You and Rainbow Dash reflect the spell while Applejack and Pinkie endure the crackling electric attack!
  5316. ><Don’t fall for their tricks. Just take them out as fast as you can!>
  5318. HP
  5319. Anon: 100%
  5320. Rainbow: 100%
  5321. Pinkie: 49% (Enraged)
  5322. Applejack: 56%
  5325. SP
  5327. Anon: 45%
  5328. Rainbow: 60%
  5329. Pinkie: 80%
  5330. Applejack: 50%
  5331. Fluttershy: 100%
  5333. ><Dash used Maziodyne to good effect while you were out. Applejack is still charged, but the risk of being reflected is quite high. Two enemies are still charmed.>
  5334. “Tough choice… Change, The Musketeers!”
  5335. >You call forth the trio of swordsmen, watching them leap into the fray where they take their stance back to back!
  5336. >With their swords extended, they revolve rapidly, letting brilliant blue bolts fly out at the four shadows!
  5337. >Two of the arms sink low to evade the attack, but the others are blasted apart by powerful attack, one of them completely crumbling under the attack!
  5338. ><That’s one down!>
  5339. >”Not bad! But try this! Persona!”
  5340. >Thunderbird’s cannon sprays them down with a shower of sparks, catching all three in its attack!
  5341. >Powerful volts course through them, causing another Sword to burst apart!
  5342. ><Two enemies left!>
  5343. >Pinkie picks up her golden cannon and runs at one of the charmed swords, jamming it into its stone body and giving it a strong kick!
  5344. >”Bukkawk!” The cannon lets out a cry as it lets off a double burst of confetti inside the shadow, blowing the arm in half!
  5345. ><One enemy left!>
  5346. >The emblem on its mask fades, breaking Solomon’s hold over it!
  5347. >The shadow raises its sword high and takes a wide swing at the entire party!
  5348. >He slices through Dash and Pinkie, but just as he reaches you, the Musketeers appear and catch his blow with two of their swords!
  5349. >The third musketeer leaps in at the shadow, whipping his rapier out and cutting him to ribbons in a flurry of slashes!
  5350. >The shadow’s stony form falls apart in thick slices, turns to blackness, and crumbles away!
  5351. ><That’s all of them! Good work!>
  5352. ”Any more coming?”
  5353. ><They're taking a defensive position around the castle. We have time to take a moment and recover. Will you be changing anypony out?>
  5354. >Applejack readjusts her hat nervously. “I’m kinda wonderin’ about what he said before. It’s our fault he’s back?”
  5355. >”The heck did we do?” Dash asks. "We're the ones who helped put him away!"
  5356. >”I've got it!" Pinkie exclaims. "Shining Armor was secretly King Sombra all along!"
  5357. >Dash and AJ stare at Pinkie, unimpressed.
  5358. >"Or... maybe it's something else. Got any ideas, Anon?"
  5359. “I can’t help but wonder if it has something to do with Rainbow Power. It does fit the description of a god-like power, wouldn’t you think?”
  5360. >”But he attacked Celestia when Tirek stole their Magic. Rainbow Power came after that.” Dash points out.
  5361. >”Maybe he did all that stuff after we activated Rainbow Power but befooore we blew up Tirek and gave everypony their magic back!” Pinkie suggests.
  5362. >Applejack thinks with a puzzled frown. “I guess time don’t always run the same in dreams, so it ain’t impossible, but I feel like there might be somethin’ else.”
  5363. “I can’t really think of what else it could be. If there’s answers… I guess we’ll have to beat them out of him.”
  5364. “Pinkie, heal us up. Fluttershy, transfer Sunset’s mana to Pinkie and Rainbow Dash.”
  5365. >Fluttershy swoops out and quickly pours some mana into them before flying back into Argus.
  5366. ><Done. Ready to go?>
  5367. “Yeah, let’s move before more show up.”
  5368. ><The castle is ahead… here, follow along this path on your map.>
  5369. >With Dullahan equipped for the next fight, you set off down the path Fluttershy draws for you, avoiding the scattered clusters of shadows as you run behind a tall ridge of rock to get to your destination.
  5370. >As you close in on the castle, you can make out a dark mist swirling around its base.
  5371. >While you ponder its nature, an alert flashes in your eyes!
  5372. ><Incoming shadows! I didn’t think it’d be easy… be careful, and take them out as quickly as you can!>
  5373. >You look towards their location, and see five figures flying towards you!
  5374. >Two of them are huge ivory-feathered eagle-like shadows with matching white masks, and three are long white serpents with mars and venus symbols hanging around their long bodies.
  5375. ><Five enemies in total. Let’s do it!>
  5377. Battle Start!
  5379. “Fluttershy, scan those serpents and see if we can silence them.”
  5380. ><Understood. I’ll check right away.>
  5381. “Change, Solomon!”
  5382. >You summon the wizened king, and he fires off a blue beam towards a serpent!
  5383. >The beam connects and funnels its mana into your body, refilling a quarter of your SP!
  5384. “Build up our defenses first!”
  5385. >”If you say so... Persona!”
  5386. >Rainbow Dash calls out thunderbird, throwing a blanket of green magic over you to increase your speed!
  5387. >”Let’s do it! Horseona!”
  5388. >Pinkie’s persona throws a flash of red light at the enemies, weakening their strikes!
  5389. >”Be ready fer anythin’. Paul Bunyan!”
  5390. >Paul stomps a blue shockwave, bolstering your defenses!
  5391. >One of the eagles lets out a sharp cry!
  5392. >You feel the magic empowering you start to fade away…
  5393. ><It used Dekaja… your status enhancements have been negated!>
  5394. >The other eagle flaps its wings heavily, causing a strange dark mist to permeate the battlefield.
  5395. ><Stagnant Air… status effects will be more effective against you now!>
  5396. >One of the snakes starts wriggling in midair, giving off a strange pink glow…
  5397. >Pinkie Pie is captivated by the glow as she starts giggling, “Hee hee! Go snakey go!”
  5398. ><She’s been charmed!>
  5399. >A second snake lunges at Applejack hard enough to knock her over with the mars symbol around its neck!
  5400. >A dazed smile comes over her as the snake coils around you and stares at your face…
  5401. >You quickly throw nightmare up in a cloak, blocking its gaze attack!
  5402. > Dash isn’t quite as lucky, as the third snake catches her eyes, putting her under its spell as well.
  5403. ><All three of your allies changed sides!>
  5405. HP
  5406. Anon: 100%
  5407. Rainbow: 100% (Charmed)
  5408. Pinkie: 100% (Charmed)
  5409. Applejack: 84% (Charmed)
  5412. SP
  5414. Anon: 75%
  5415. Rainbow: 85%
  5416. Pinkie: 100%
  5417. Applejack: 65%
  5418. Fluttershy: 100%
  5420. ><I’ve finished the scan. Silence has a Good Chance to work on it.>
  5422. Midgard’s Snake
  5424. Arcana: World
  5426. Null: Dark
  5427. Absorb: Ice
  5429. ><Anon, these aren’t enemies that you can take lightly! If they work together, they can be very dangerous!>
  5430. “I got it, Fluttershy. You scan the eagles. I’ll do everything I can… Persona!”
  5431. >Solomon clasps his hands together and starts chanting a spell…
  5432. >Your allies hear it and snap to their senses!
  5433. “Guys, we can make use of that spell too!”
  5434. >”We can, huh? Let’s show ‘em what we got! Thunderbird!”
  5435. >Dash flies through her card, the blue fighter jet appearing beneath her and lowering a gunpod that fires out five shots!
  5436. >A small metal device strikes one of the Eagles and two of the Snakes, latching on to them and emitting a high pitched whine!
  5437. ><Good job! They won’t be able to cast spells like that!>
  5438. >”You give it a shot, Apollo!”
  5439. >Pinkie’s Persona flies into the sky and curls up, turning into a bright red sun!
  5440. >He fires a beam of intense heat down to the lunar surface, but the shadows slither and swoop out of the way, avoiding the attack!
  5441. >Pinkie’s hair starts deflating slowly.
  5442. >”Chin up, Pinkie Pie. I’ll show ‘em what for! Persona!”
  5443. >Paul Bunyan combines his two axes into a single weapon, and comes out swinging!
  5444. >He spins rapidly, catching nearly all of the shadows in a maelstrom of steel, with only a single snake slithering under his strike!
  5445. >The eagle stuck with the jammer swoops in and slices at you with its talons!
  5446. >You fend it off as best you can, taking only minor scratches!
  5447. >The other spreads its wings, glowing with a blinding radiance and firing a beam of white light at Rainbow Dash!
  5448. >The pegasus quickly zips out of the way, avoiding the Light Spell!
  5449. >”I don’t go down that easy!”
  5450. >The silenced snakes launch themselves at you and Applejack!
  5451. >It slams into your chest, but its slender body doesn’t seem to have a lot of power behind it.
  5452. >The remaining serpent dances in the air again, captivating Applejack with its mysterious movements!
  5453. ><I've finished the scan!>
  5456. Transcendent Eagle
  5458. Arcana: World
  5460. Null: Light
  5461. Absorb: Lightning
  5463. HP
  5464. Anon: 62%
  5465. Rainbow: 100%
  5466. Pinkie: 100%
  5467. Applejack: 51% (Charmed)
  5470. SP
  5472. Anon: 65%
  5473. Rainbow: 85%
  5474. Pinkie: 100%
  5475. Applejack: 65%
  5476. Fluttershy: 100%
  5478. “I’ll try this! Change, Maui!”
  5479. >Your body slows down, but you feel an immense sturdiness as you throw a potion at Applejack!
  5480. >It breaks against her and soaks through skin, snapping her out of the trance.
  5481. >”Thanks, Sug’. Rainbow Dash, I reckon we better take ‘em down fast. Wanna try somethin’ cool?”
  5482. >”Hah, you know I do!”
  5483. >”Good. Let’s take down that bird together!”
  5484. >”I’ll help too! Apollo!”
  5485. >Pinkie’s persona clasps his hands below his waist, expanding a long white rod!
  5486. >He rushes the Eagle and swings his searing sword of light, carving through its chest!
  5487. >”Don’t disappoint me, Applejack.” Dash warns her.
  5488. >”Just try an’ keep up, sugarcube.” Applejack teases, kicking through her card and summoning Paul Bunyan!
  5489. >Dash streaks into the air, tearing through her card! “Thunderbird!”
  5490. >The fighter plane shimmers into existence above Paul, and he takes hold of it in his metal hand!
  5491. >Rainbow Dash focuses on her Persona, and blue electricity begins crackling wildly along its body!
  5492. >”You ready?” Applejack asks as the robotic lumberjack stretches his arm back.
  5493. >”I was born ready!”
  5494. >”LET ‘ER FLY!”
  5495. >The steel woodsman bellows and swings his arm forward, launching the persona at one of the eagles!
  5496. >Thunderbird’s boosters roar to life, accelerating it mid-flight as the surging energy coats its frame in a bluish-white light!
  5497. Team Up Attack: Sparking Meteor!
  5498. >You hear a screeching sound come from thunderbird as the coat of energy extends and takes on a bird-like shape before piercing straight through the Eagle Shadow!
  5499. >Dash’s persona passes through cleanly, leaving an enormous sparking hole behind as it swoops high into the air, where the white coat of energy bursts off it into little sparkles before Thunderbird fades away.
  5500. >The huge hole left in the eagle’s body causes it to fall to pieces and disintegrate!
  5501. ><Good work, four enemies left!>
  5502. >Still hindered by the jamming device stuck in its feathers, the remaining eagle sets its sights on Dash!
  5503. >It swoops at her with its talons, but Rainbow Dash effortlessly evades with a midair roll, letting the eagle fall to the ground!
  5504. >”The sky’s where I fight best!”
  5505. >A snake rushes at you and slams into your chest, but you stand perfectly still, taking its attack head on!
  5506. >Applejack is similarly resilient as the other silenced serpent lunges at her to little effect.
  5507. >The remaining Midgard’s Snake tries another alluring dance, but none of you fall for its this time!
  5509. ><That’s more like it! Here’s your status.>
  5511. HP
  5512. Anon: 54%
  5513. Rainbow: 65%
  5514. Pinkie: 75%
  5515. Applejack: 55%
  5518. SP
  5520. Anon: 65%
  5521. Rainbow: 85%
  5522. Pinkie: 100%
  5523. Applejack: 65%
  5524. Fluttershy: 100%
  5526. ><Their offense penalty has worn off, but they’re still mostly silenced. Can you take them out before they recover? By the way, you have 8 candies, 11 potions, and 12 feathers left.>
  5527. “We’ll try our best… let’s charge up! Change, Baba Yaga!”
  5528. >A hut on chicken legs rises up, and a wild cackling emanates from it as your magical power grows!
  5529. >”Get it, Thunderbird!”
  5530. >Dash’s wing slices through her card, and Thunderbird plows through the eagle, striking it hard with its own wing!
  5531. >”Keep on truckin’! Persona!”
  5532. >Apollo Medicus whips out his lyre and plays a soothing melody!
  5533. >Golden light shines from him, and your wounds restore fully!
  5534. >”Kick it up a notch, Paul Bunyan!”
  5535. >Applejack’s Persona flexes his arms and grows to a towering height!
  5536. >The Eagle flaps its wings wildly, finally tossing off the jammer Dash attached to it!
  5537. >No longer hindered by her spell, it charges light into its wings and fires a beam at Dash, striking her in the chest and knocking her out instantly!
  5538. ><Rainbow Dash is unconscious!>
  5539. >Still under the effects of the silence spell, two of them charge at Pinkie!
  5540. >She rolls away from one, letting it crash to the ground harmlessly, while the other catches her with a headbutt!
  5541. >“Oof!”
  5542. >The third Snake begins to move strangely…
  5543. >Somehow you can’t take your eyes off it.
  5544. >The pattern confuses you… its captivating scales, all neatly arranged next to each other…
  5545. >You simply stare as Pinkie’s angelic persona plays a tune on its lyre for the Eagle, healing its wounds.
  5546. >You barely notice Applejack throw a feather towards Dash.
  5547. >But you do take notice when something shatters against the side of your head, drenching you in a green liquid!
  5548. >The healing potion seeps into you and clears your mind!
  5549. >”Wake up Anon!” Dash yells.
  5550. “Damn, they got both of us?”
  5551. ><Here they come again! Their silence spells have worn off!>
  5552. >Another beam of light shoots out at Dash from the Eagle!
  5553. >She ducks under it quickly! “Hey, what’s your beef with me!”
  5554. >Another snake starts dancing now that it’s able to cast spells once more, but you each manage to resist the captivating performance this time.
  5555. >But then, another rushes in and slaps dash with the mars and venus symbols around its neck!
  5556. >Dash gets a distant dreamy look in her eyes…
  5557. >The last snake spews a barrage of ice from its mouth!
  5558. >Even charmed, Pinkie dodges reflexively, but the rest of you take a barrage of hail, applejack getting knocked down from the spray!
  5559. >It charges in after her, slapping her with the mars symbol hanging off its body and causing her to go into another daze…
  5561. ><This isn’t good… three of them are charmed again!>
  5563. HP
  5564. Anon: 86%
  5565. Rainbow: 23% (Charmed)
  5566. Pinkie: 58% (Charmed)
  5567. Applejack: 57% (Charmed)
  5570. SP
  5572. Anon: 55%
  5573. Rainbow: 70%
  5574. Pinkie: 50%
  5575. Applejack: 50%
  5576. Fluttershy: 100%
  5578. ><You have 8 candies, 10 potions, and 11 feathers left.>
  5579. “That’s it… just take that Eagle out, Fluttershy!”
  5580. ><Okay, here it comes!>
  5581. >The blue flower comes spiraling out of Argus’s eye, flitting through the air and sticking perfectly into the Eagle’s body!
  5582. >Argus’s left eye glows with an intense power!
  5583. ><For hurting my friends… you’ll die one thousand deaths!>
  5584. >A pink column of light explodes out of her Persona’s eye!
  5585. >Destructive energy engulfs the Eagle, tearing it apart with a focused beam of annihilation!
  5586. >The shadow’s form crumbles away as its body is saturated with almighty magic, the pink beam raining down on it until it vanishes from existence!
  5587. ><Target eliminated… I hope that helps.>
  5588. “That’ll do, Fluttershy. Change, Helene!”
  5589. >The harpy persona appears before you and soars into the air!
  5590. >Gliding over your allies, downy feathers drift onto your allies’ backs, snapping out of their trance upon touch!
  5591. “Good to have you back. Shut them up, Dash!”
  5592. >”You got it, boss! Thunderbird!”
  5593. >The fighter jet fires off a trio of shots, sticking jamming devices on two of the Midgard’s Snakes!
  5594. ><That’s two silenced! Good work!>
  5595. >”Turn those frowns upside down! Persona!”
  5596. >Apollo Medicus riffs a tune on his lyre, bringing life into your wounded bodies!
  5597. >”Don’t step on us, Paul!”
  5598. >Applejack kicks through her card and calls the giant-sized Paul Bunyan out in front of her.
  5599. >He gives a quaking stomp that throws a wave of blue over the team, bolstering their defense!
  5600. >With their magic sealed, two of the snakes throw themselves at Pinkie and Dash, tackling them as hard as their slim bodies will allow!
  5601. >The third tries another mysterious dance, drawing Pinkie’s gaze…
  5602. ><Looks like Pinkie’s been charmed again...>
  5604. HP
  5605. Anon: 100%
  5606. Rainbow: 84%
  5607. Pinkie: 80% (Charmed)
  5608. Applejack: 100%
  5611. SP
  5613. Anon: 45%
  5614. Rainbow: 60%
  5615. Pinkie: 30%
  5616. Applejack: 45%
  5617. Fluttershy: 100%
  5619. ><Try to take them out before their silence wears off!>
  5620. “You heard her, Applejack. Let’s take them all out together! Change, The Musketeers!”
  5621. >You quickly swap to the Ultimate Emperor Persona, preparing to strike together with Applejack!
  5622. “Dash, take care of Pinkie!”
  5623. >”On it!” Dash responds quickly, flying over and jamming a potion down Pinkie’s throat to clear her mind.
  5624. >”Bleh! Stupid sexy snakes! Persona!”
  5625. >Apollo Medicus emits a blue wave from his palms, lowering the defense of your foes!
  5626. >”I’m ready. Let’s show ‘em what we got! Persona!”
  5627. “Persona!”
  5628. >The Three Musketeers appear in a circle around the gigantic Paul Bunyan, raising their swords to the sky!
  5629. >As dark clouds gather overhead, three brilliant bolts of lightning erupt from them, striking their blades with a deafening boom of thunder!
  5630. >The energy flows through their weapons and into their bodies, coating each of the swordsmen in a cerulean cloak of energy!
  5631. “Now… COMBINE!”
  5632. >The trio shoot up from the ground, flying into Paul Bunyan’s body as swift blue streaks!
  5633. >Their bodies merge, and the giant raises its hulking arms and lets out a bellow, shining blue energy exploding out of his body as he roars!
  5634. >Two long pointed horns shoot out from his head as his form becomes pure blue thunder, with piercing white eyes!
  5635. >”Y’all are in fer it now… let’s go!
  5636. >Paul Bunyan’s body zips straight into the air with blinding fast speed, shining like a blue star!
  5637. >Towering high above them like an azure god, he stares down for a few seconds at his puny opponents, then darts towards them in a flash!
  5638. >His body zig-zags to the ground with perfect precision, throwing himself head-first at them before they can even dream of dodging!
  5639. >He catches them in his thick horns and slams them against the rocky ground with his head, his thick spikes crashing through the lunar surface and sticking there as his full weight crushes them!
  5640. “Not over yet!”
  5641. >”Put ‘em down!”
  5642. Team Up Attack!
  5643. SHINE SPARK!!!
  5644. >The cobalt aura flares wildly, sending Paul Bunyan charging forth with unstoppable force!
  5645. >His horns carve through the ground like a hot knife through butter, while his cobalt aura fills the snakes with an insane amount of electrical energy!
  5646. >Beautiful sparks fly high into the air, forming a thick cone of lightning in front of the charging steel behemoth!
  5647. >The giant pushes them for what looks like 100 meters before he stops…
  5648. >In a final sapphire flash, Paul discharges every ounce of his energy into the shadows, causing an eruption of electrical energy that fires a lance of lightning into space and annihilating them completely!
  5649. >The glow around Paul fades as three blue flashes streak back to your side, saluting with their swords before fading away along with the shrinking giant.
  5650. >”Heh, so much fer subtlety.” Applejack grins, wiping some sweat off her forehead.
  5651. ><That’s all of them! You’re good to go!>
  5652. “Any more coming for us?”
  5653. ><It looks like they’ve all gathered around Sombra’s tower. We’ll have to fight our way through. But we have a moment to recover. If you want to make some changes, here’s our team’s status.>
  5655. HP
  5656. Anon: 100%
  5657. Rainbow: 99%
  5658. Pinkie: 100%
  5659. Applejack: 100%
  5662. SP
  5664. Anon: 20%
  5665. Rainbow: 75%
  5666. Pinkie: 45%
  5667. Applejack: 20%
  5668. Fluttershy: 0%
  5669. Spike: 50%
  5670. Sunset: 0%
  5671. Twilight: 0%
  5672. Rarity: 85%
  5674. ><Also, you have 8 candies, 9 potions, and 11 feathers left.>
  5675. “Applejack, take a rest. Let’s bring out Rarity. Fluttershy, get the rest of our mana into Pinkie and Rarity, with a bit for Rainbow Dash.”
  5676. ><Alright, just one second.>
  5677. >Fluttershy quickly goes about draining and administering Mana, and Rarity takes the front lines with you.
  5678. >”Ready to go, Darling?”
  5679. “Yeah, how are we looking, Fluttershy?”
  5680. ><They’re still all gathered at the castle. Once we get over that hill, you should be able to see for yourself. There’s… a lot of them.>
  5681. “How many?”
  5682. ><... A lot of them.>
  5683. >”Doesn’t matter how many of ‘em there are. We’ve never backed down before, and we’re not gonna start now!” Dash declares boldly.
  5684. >”I don’t expect them to take out themselves.” Rarity smiles. “Whatever the challenge, we’ll face it head on.”
  5685. >”And if we can’t do it, I made sure all my stuff goes to Gummy!” Pinkie jokes.
  5686. “Glad to hear it. Let’s go!”
  5687. >The black crystal castle draws closer as you charge up the hill!
  5688. >With your friends by your side, you make it up to the edge of the giant black crater where the castle rests.
  5689. >Little flecks of white surround the crater, as well as a single glinting spot of gold.
  5690. >It takes you a couple seconds to process what you’re looking at… but then it dawns on you.
  5691. >The entire crater is coated in hundreds of individual shadows, nothign more than crawling heads and grasping black arms with white masks upon their faces.
  5692. >The mass starts shifting towards you, slowly dragging itself by hundreds of black hands...
  5693. “Fluttershy… just how many.”
  5694. ><I can sense about 1,000 of them… but I can tell that they’re incredibly weak. Possibly the weakest shadows we’ve faced so far.>
  5695. >”The more the merrier, right?” Pinkie says hopefully.
  5696. ><Don’t think of it as 4 against one thousand! Just… treat them like one big shadow, okay? Area of Effect spells should be stronger than usual, but status affecting magic will be pretty pointless.>
  5697. “Looks like we don’t have a choice… we’ll have to fight our way through them!”
  5699. V.S. Infinity Maya Horde
  5703. “Gonna need more Mana for this… Change, Solomon!”
  5704. >King Solomon fires a blue beam at one of the many crawling shadows, sucking the magic from it and restoring your energy!
  5705. >”Pinkie, let’s do it!”
  5706. >”Gotcha covered Dashie!”
  5707. >Pinkie Pie flings her Cannon into the air!
  5708. >”Take it, Thunderbird!
  5709. >Legs and arms sprout from the fighter plane, allowing it to secure Pinkie’s Cock Cannon on its left arm!
  5710. >”Fire everything we got!”
  5711. >Thunderbird starts with a barrage from its gunpod and cannon, bullets and compressed streamers tearing through their bodies with ease, while rows upon rows of missiles fly out!
  5712. Team Up Attack: Party Time!
  5713. >They trail rainbow-colored smoke and land with bright multicolored explosions that clear away huge swaths of the blackness around the castle!
  5714. >As the flood of Maya shadows flows back to fill the gaps left by their destruction, one of them stands up and rips off a black sheet and mask, revealing itself to be Pinkie Pie!
  5715. >”SURPRISE!”
  5716. >She charges through with sheer earth pony strength, tossing shadows into the air as she breaks through their ranks and returns to Rainbow Dash’s side!
  5717. >Pinkie raises her hoof for Dash. “Who’s awesome?”
  5718. >Dash bumps her hoof against Pinkie’s with a grin. “We’re awesome!”
  5719. ><That’s 150 enemies down with your combo attack!>
  5720. >”Not bad at all! But let’s see what we can do… Peter Pan!”
  5721. >Rarity steps on her card, and the Satyr spins out in front of her, dancing and playing a wild tune on his flute!
  5722. >A green whirlwind forms in front of him and goes flying through the horde!
  5723. >But the Maya anticipate her attack, and start to scramble away from the path of her cyclone!
  5724. >A few of them can’t escape its clutches, but the attack doesn’t seem to have done all it could…
  5725. ><26 taken out. That’s not too bad, Rarity.>
  5726. >The Maya horde advances at you, throwing out random magic wherever they can!
  5727. >Bits of ice fly into you, forming stinging crystals against your body!
  5728. >Dash manages to avoid everything thrown her way, dodging their clumsy hands and reflecting the careless thunder thrown at her!
  5729. >Pinkie tries to avoid what she can, but gets caught by a slicing wave of darkness, sending her reeling backwards!
  5730. ><Pinkie! That attack doesn’t KO instantly, but it takes half of your hp!>
  5731. >A group of Maya pound away at her with their shadowy hands while she’s down, but she covers herself and endures their attacks!
  5732. >Rarity gets caught by a stray bolt of lightning that knocks her down, taking a few follow-up strikes from the Maya closest to her.
  5733. ><Are you all okay? It doesn’t look like they’re very organized.>
  5735. HP
  5736. Anon: 77%
  5737. Rainbow: 64%
  5738. Pinkie: 7%
  5739. Rarity: 55%
  5742. SP
  5744. Anon: 90%
  5745. Rainbow: 55%
  5746. Pinkie: 100%
  5747. Rarity: 80%
  5748. Fluttershy: 100%
  5750. ><I’ve finished the scan. Here’s what the enemy is like.>
  5752. Infinity Maya
  5754. Arcana: World
  5756. Weak: None
  5757. Resist: None
  5759. ><806 enemies left… wait, what’s that?>
  5760. ><A little gold speck in the sea of blackness is shining…
  5761. >God Hand counted down to 10!
  5762. ><That… that isn’t good! That golden hand-like shadow is going to do something! The Maya are trying to protect it… if you don’t take them out fast and get to that hand, something bad is going to happen!>
  5763. “Let’s get a little breathing room… Change, Baast!”
  5764. >You draw the card of the Empress and tap its face, shattering it!
  5765. “Pinkie, can you help me out?”
  5766. >”Well… okay! But only ‘cause you asked so nicely!”
  5767. >”You two do what you gotta do, I’ll cover you! Thunderbird!”
  5768. >Dash’s Persona fires a spray of lightning from its barrel, blowing away a swath of shadows with electrical energy!
  5769. ><That’s 46 more down!>
  5770. >”Let’s go for it! Apollo Medicus!”
  5771. >Pinkie’s Persona rises into the sky, tucking himself into a ball as his body glows and transforms into a Sun!
  5772. “Baast!”
  5773. >The little feline persona appears at your feet, stretching out and yawning…
  5774. >From above, Apollo shoots down a thin beam, illuminating a little red spot on the ground!
  5775. >Baast’s ears perk up as it sees the light, twitching its tail as it goes prone…
  5776. >The little red dot starts to wiggle and shake, triggering Baast to pounce at it!
  5777. >The spot zips away just before she touches it, and she takes off after it!
  5778. >Apollo swings the beam of light around your group, forcing her to run in a circle around you!
  5779. >The light keeps speeding up until you can barely follow it, Baast’s body shining bright white as she matches its speed!
  5780. >Soon, Bast’s body is nothing but a shining white band of light spinning around you in a circle!
  5781. >The brightness fills your bodies with life, healing your wounds!
  5782. >Apollo cuts off the beam, retracting it quickly into the star.
  5783. >Baast stops on a dime and looks up at it…
  5784. >In a flash, she pounces high at the Sun, seizing it in her paws and bringing it down to the ground!
  5785. >She keeps it held tightly, rolling onto her back and kicking at it playfully with her hind paws while letting out a loud rumbling purr.
  5786. >Pleased with herself, she tosses the sun into the air!
  5787. >”Mroow~!”
  5788. Team Up Attack: Sun Dance Festival!
  5789. >The star splits apart, and forms into 4 white shields emblazoned with a cat goddess’s visage, Baast vanishing afterwards.
  5790. >Rarity glances at her shield, “How curious… I like the design though. Peter Pan!”
  5791. >The Satyr appears in a flash as Rarity’s horn shines with a sky-blue aura!
  5792. >His body turns into thousands of diamond shards that shoot into the crowd of shadows like bullets!
  5793. >They swirl through the air, tearing up everything in their path as Rarity guides them with her mind!
  5794. ><Great work, Rarity! You destroyed 57 shadows with that attack!>
  5795. >The shadow mob charges and throws another storm of unpredictable magic at you, but the white shields in front of you expand and block the attacks!
  5796. ><This… I see! That attack makes you temporarily invulnerable!>
  5797. >God Hand counted down to 9!
  5798. >Your white shields fade away!
  5799. ><703 enemies left!>
  5800. “We can’t afford to drag things out with that hand! Change, Baba Yaga!”
  5801. >The witch’s hut rises up, and a loud cackling fills you with magical energy!
  5802. >”Let’s see who can take out the most! Thunderbird!”
  5803. >Dash’s persona fires a sweeping beam of lightning, tearing through everything it touches!
  5804. ><That’s 61 less to worry about!>
  5805. >”Time to light up their life! Apollo!”
  5806. >Pinkie slams through her card, and Apollo Medicus flies into the air, taking the form of a brilliant Sun above the mass of darkness!
  5807. >Shadows come flying up from the ground, pulled in by his massive gravity and annihilated by the heat of the burning star the moment they touch him!
  5808. ><Pinkie just took out 72 of them!>
  5809. >”Once more with feeling! Peter Pan!”
  5810. >Rarity uses her magic to turn her persona into shining gems, sending them streaming through the army of Mayas to tear them to shreds!
  5811. ><70 more down! You’re halfway there!>
  5812. >They make their attack, sending a burst of lightning your way that Baba Yaga defends you from, while a crowd of them hammers at your feet with their black fists!
  5813. >A stray tornado finds its way to Dash, knocking her out of the air!
  5814. >She plummets to the ground where a blade of darkness slips through her, weakening her as they crowd around and pummel her while she’s down!
  5815. >The Mayas throw ice at Pinkie and Rarity, but the desperate attacks don’t do much to slow them down.
  5816. >God Hand counted down to 8!
  5817. ><Dash is pretty hurt, but the rest of you seem to be okay for now.>
  5819. HP
  5820. Anon: 72%
  5821. Rainbow: 16%
  5822. Pinkie: 83%
  5823. Rarity: 78%
  5826. SP
  5828. Anon: 45%
  5829. Rainbow: 5%
  5830. Pinkie: 35%
  5831. Rarity: 30%
  5832. Fluttershy: 100%
  5834. ><There’s only 500 left! I guess it sounds like a lot when I say it like that… but you’re doing great!>
  5835. “Time to give it my all!”
  5836. >You draw out the ultimate card of Judgement!
  5837. >Tapping its face, you shout, “Change, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!”
  5838. >The tall lunar warrior stands in front of you, his wispy hair pulling into a massive arrow!
  5839. >He nocks the arrow, draws back the string, and lets it fly high above the battlefield!
  5840. >His arrow spreads out over the sky, painting it anew and forming a second moon above you!
  5841. >But this time, against the white of the moon the silhouette of a black alicorn’s head is caved into its face!
  5842. >The craters darken, turning the shape black as pitch.
  5843. >You see the shape move slightly, as if turning to glance at the battlefield before the full moon charges down like a shooting star!
  5844. >The massive rock eclipses the night sky in a matter of seconds, the black visage stretching out as the form of a shadowy alicorn!
  5845. >The shadow alicorn flies ahead of the moon, streaking through the battlefield and passing through into the ground, wrapping the shadows in a cold deluge of blackness!
  5846. >You brace yourselves as the moon follows her down, crashing to the ground!
  5847. >The point of impact erupts in a flash of white light, spreading out and burning away at the very existence of the shadows!
  5848. >It blinds your vision briefly, and when it fades, a giant gaping hole is left in the middle of the shadows, the other maya quickly rushing to fill it with their black bodies.
  5849. ><That was… 195 enemies have just been defeated!>
  5850. >”Too easy! We got this one in the bag!”
  5851. >Dash spreads her wings and streaks into the mob of Maya, cutting a shining path through them with her wings before flipping around and flying back!
  5852. ><That’s 14 down!>
  5853. >”Medicine time, Dash!” Pinkie lobs a potion at Dash that she catches and gulps down, restoring her health.
  5854. >”Dance, Peter!”
  5855. >Rarity sends her Persona into the fray!
  5856. >He draws his daggers, twisting into a violent spin and tearing apart everything around him!
  5857. >His body swirls like a top, clearing out a huge circle of enemies!
  5858. ><39 more down!>
  5859. >The Maya fire off a mixture of ice, darkness, and fire at you, Dash and Pinkie, but you evade the attacks without a scratch!
  5860. >But Rarity gets caught by a piercing blade of light, weakening her enough for the other shadows to pounce, swarming her with their fists and beating her into unconsciousness!
  5861. ><God Hand counted down to 7!>
  5862. ><Rarity was taken down! Somepony please help revive her!>
  5864. HP
  5865. Anon: 72%
  5866. Rainbow: 100%
  5867. Pinkie: 83%
  5868. Rarity: 0%
  5871. SP
  5873. Anon: 5%
  5874. Rainbow: 5%
  5875. Pinkie: 35%
  5876. Rarity: 30%
  5877. Fluttershy: 100%
  5879. ><248 enemies left… you’re dealing enough damage, but be careful about your mana reserves. If we don’t have enough magic to defeat Sombra… Just try to fight carefully, but don’t die either, okay?>
  5880. “I’ll try to get some of that back. Back to you, Solomon!”
  5881. >The king’s throne slams down to the ground!
  5882. >A blue beam shoots out from him, connecting with a shadow and sapping its mana!
  5883. >”Come on, gimmie all you got, shadows!”
  5884. >Dash zips around with her wings out, slicing over a dozen of them to ribbons with her brightly colored blades!
  5885. ><15 more down!>
  5886. >Pinkie yanks a feather out from her mane and blows it at Rarity.
  5887. >”Upsy daisy!”
  5888. >It swishes through the air and lands on her, glowing brightly and reviving her!
  5889. >”Thank you for the help, darling. Once more, Peter!”
  5890. >Rarity’s persona spins up and goes flying through the crowd of shadows, slicing apart everything that comes near and drawing them into a maelstrom of destruction!
  5891. >Peter Pan carves a thick path through the Maya horde before finally vanishing in a glimmering blue light, letting the others melt in to fill the gap.
  5892. ><Good one, Rarity! 73 enemies taken out!>
  5893. >A crescent-shaped blade of white light goes flying at you from the crowd!
  5894. >It whirls right through your chest, and you feel a jolt of pain as your body weakens from the light magic!
  5895. >A mass of Maya rises up to take advantage of your momentary distraction, beating on you with their fists to wear you down!
  5896. >Bits of ice shoot out at Dash that freeze against her, but it’s not nearly enough to slow her down!
  5897. >The shadows spit embers at Pinkie, but it’s barely enough to singe the tough earth pony!
  5898. >Peter Pan appears just in time as a blade of darkness flies towards Rarity, stretching his shadow up and catching the attack to completely negate it!
  5899. >A division of the Maya horde rises up to attack Rarity like a living wave, but you see a spark in her eyes as she quickly draws her bow and fires a barrage that tears her attackers apart!
  5900. >"I can see the path to our victory!"
  5901. >God Hand counted down to 6!
  5902. ><There's 152 enemies left!>
  5903. “One more time! Persona!”
  5904. >Solomon fires another draining ray into the crowd, filling your magical reserves up past the halfway point!
  5905. >”You keep taking it easy, we’ll take care of these punks! Thunderbird!”
  5906. >The plane opens hatches along its body, firing out a barrage of streaking missiles!
  5907. >Dozens of bright red explosions erupt where the missiles land among the crowd, thinning their numbers further and further!
  5908. ><54 down!>
  5909. >”Play it again, Apollo!”
  5910. >Pinkie slams her hoof through her card, calling her persona out to jam on his Lyre!
  5911. >Healing light fills you with strength, bringing you all back to full health!
  5912. >”Just a little more, Peter!”
  5913. >The satyr Persona leaps into the fray, spinning wildly and ripping shadows apart left and right with his daggers!
  5914. ><That’s 70 taken out!>
  5915. >Despite their numbers being greatly depleted, they’re still able to launch their attacks as fiercely as ever while the golden hand shadow hides behind them.
  5916. >One of them launches a ball of flame at your face!
  5917. >While you try to guard against it, another slips in at your feet and attacks your legs, knocking you over!
  5918. >They pile onto you, beating on you mercilessly with sheer numbers until you’re able to force them away, severely injured from their relentless attacks.
  5919. >Another stream of icicles flies out at dash, but her quick movements get her through it with only minor scratches!
  5920. >A bolt of lightning zaps Pinkie while another group of them beats on her with their bare fists!
  5921. >A devastating jolt of electricity zaps Rarity, sending her to her knees, but not able to take her down just yet!
  5922. ><Only 28 enemies left! You can do it!>
  5924. HP
  5925. Anon: 5%
  5926. Rainbow: 82%
  5927. Pinkie: 65%
  5928. Rarity: 43%
  5931. SP
  5933. Anon: 55%
  5934. Rainbow: 5%
  5935. Pinkie: 15%
  5936. Rarity: 30%
  5937. Fluttershy: 100%
  5939. “Let’s wrap this up! Fluttershy, scan the God Hand. Change, Tarzan!”
  5940. >You draw the ultimate card of the Hanged Man and tap its face, then draw Nightmare to your hand!
  5941. >It quickly changes its shape into a thick black baseball bat!
  5942. >You charge in and swing as hard as you can!
  5943. >But the black mass of Mayas quickly shrinks back, causing you to lose your balance from the reckless swing and fall onto the floor!
  5944. >”Ouch… I mean uh, don’t worry! I gotcha covered!”
  5945. >Dash swoops in and carves a path through the dwindling crowd of shadows, bisecting them with her bladed wings!
  5946. ><18 shadows down!>
  5947. >Pinkie rolls out her cannon and slaps its bottom hard!
  5948. >”Bukkawk!” The cannon cries out loudly and fires a double shot of explosive party supplies!
  5949. >The shots explode in the crowd of blackness, blowing the last of the black creeping shadows to bits in a colorful explosion!
  5950. >As their blackness fades away, they reveal the form of a single shadow, looking like a golden glove with a white mask on its “wrist”.
  5951. ><That’s 9 down… just one enemy left!>
  5952. >”That’s it, you’re going down!”
  5953. >Rarity draws an arrow into the Rain Bow and shoots it at the God Hand, but it quickly skitters to the side and avoids it!
  5954. >”Oh, hold still you!”
  5955. >The God Hand counted down to 4!
  5956. ><Just one enemy left! Your status hasn’t changed… here’s a scan of the enemy!>
  5958. God Hand
  5960. Arcana: World
  5961. Weak: Physical, Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric, Light, Dark
  5963. ><It’s… weak to everything. I suppose you should just hit it.>
  5965. HP
  5966. Anon: 5%
  5967. Rainbow: 82%
  5968. Pinkie: 65%
  5969. Rarity: 43%
  5972. SP
  5974. Anon: 55%
  5975. Rainbow: 5%
  5976. Pinkie: 15%
  5977. Rarity: 30%
  5978. Fluttershy: 100%
  5980. “I’ll take it down! Come on, Nightmare!”
  5981. >You bring the ball of dark matter into your hands, forming it into a katana!
  5982. >Running forward, you slice right through the God Hand, knocking it over like a bowling pin!
  5983. ><The enemy is down! This is your chance for an all out attack!>
  5984. “Just do it!”
  5985. >Pinkie and Rarity immediately let loose with a barrage of crystal arrows and colorful cannonballs, while you and Dash rush in!
  5986. >Dash flies through it with her wing blades, and you follow up with a powerful slash, hacking away at its body as Dash comes in for another pass, striking it over and over while Pinkie and Rarity rain death on it from afar!
  5987. >With one final strike, you bring the Nightmare Katan down overhead, splitting the shadow in two vertically along its mask!
  5988. >The split halves of the shadow fly into the air and tremble, then burst apart into globs of shadow!
  5989. ><That’s it! Enemy defeated!>
  5990. “Woo! You see that, Senpai!”
  5991. >Sunset: <You can’t see it, but I just put on the amulet so I could flip you off.>
  5992. ><We can’t relax just yet, there’s another shadow coming our way! It’s the only one left… it has to be Larry! Anonymous, if you want to make changes to your party, you need to make them now. Then get ready for a tough fight…>
  5994. HP
  5995. Anon: 20%
  5996. Rainbow: 97%
  5997. Pinkie: 80%
  5998. Rarity: 58%
  6001. SP
  6003. Anon: 70%
  6004. Rainbow: 20%
  6005. Pinkie: 30%
  6006. Rarity: 45%
  6007. Fluttershy: 100%
  6008. Spike: 0%
  6009. Sunset: 0%
  6010. Twilight: 0%
  6011. Applejack: 0%
  6013. “Rarity, heal us up quickly. Fluttershy, give her some of our mana. Pinkie, Dash, have a candy after she drains you.”
  6014. >”Right!” Your team answers in unison, quickly carrying out your orders!
  6015. >Fluttershy flies at Rarity and pours Mana into her, then quickly flits over to you two and drains some back out to make up for her deficit, Pinkie and Dash quickly scarfing down a candy as Fluttershy flies back into Argus just as a huge rumbling comes from the black Crystal Castle!
  6016. ><This is it…>
  6017. ><After this, there’ll be no more shadows standing in our way!>
  6018. >You all keep your weapons at the ready as something seems to be tearing its way through the castle to get to you!
  6019. >A heavy thud echoes through the front gate as the the crystal along the entrance starts cracking!
  6020. >WHAM!
  6021. >WHAM!
  6022. >In two heavy strikes, the face of the crystal castle shatters!
  6023. >A winged beast bursts out of the castle, breaking off onyx fragments as it pushes its way through!
  6024. >It spreads its midnight blue wings out wide, puffing out its scarlet chest and kicking off the ground with its talons!
  6025. >The shadow hovers in the air, looking down at you with its blank white mask…
  6026. ><Here it comes!>
  6030. ><Whatever status effect you need to know about, just ask me and I’ll scan for it!>
  6032. HP
  6033. Anon: 100%
  6034. Rainbow: 100%
  6035. Pinkie: 100%
  6036. Rarity: 100%
  6039. SP
  6041. Anon: 65%
  6042. Rainbow: 100%
  6043. Pinkie: 100%
  6044. Rarity: 100%
  6045. Fluttershy: 100%
  6047. “Fluttershy, scan for Silence. Change, Don Quixote!”
  6048. >The windmill knight throws up his shield, and lets out with a burst of cerulean energy to raise your defense!
  6049. >”Let’s see what you got! Thunderbird!”
  6050. >The fighter jet swoops over you, letting a green light wash over you to fill you with agility!
  6051. >”You know the drill, Apollo Medicus!”
  6052. >Pinkie’s Persona shoots out a golden ray, striking the avian shadow and weakening it!
  6053. >”We’ll save you soon, Larry… Persona!”
  6054. >Rarity shouts and summons Peter Pan, letting him toss out the little golden fairy.
  6055. >It flies over the group and sprinkles red fairy dust over you all, granting you power!
  6056. >The shadow makes its move, flapping its wings rapidly and throwing a swarm of cyclones towards the party!
  6057. >Don Quixote appears in front of you and spins up the windmill blades on his back, blowing the attack back at its user, but Dash and Pinkie are tossed around by the fierce winds and thrown to the floor, Dash looking severely battered from the attack!
  6058. >It swoops at her, slicing Dash with its talons before flying back and spreading its wings wide!
  6059. >The shadow’s wings as they glow with a mysterious aura…
  6060. >Swirling black and white spears shoot out, raining down in beams of destruction over the battlefield!
  6061. >You quickly draw Nightmare into a shield to block it while your allies endure the blasts of almighty magic erupting against them!
  6062. ><Dash isn’t doing too good… can somepony heal her?>
  6064. HP
  6065. Anon: 100%
  6066. Rainbow: 18%
  6067. Pinkie: 57%
  6068. Rarity: 75%
  6071. SP
  6073. Anon: 65%
  6074. Rainbow: 100%
  6075. Pinkie: 100%
  6076. Rarity: 100%
  6077. Fluttershy: 100%
  6079. ><I’ve finished scanning the enemy for you.>
  6081. Ultimate Larry
  6083. Arcana: World
  6084. Null: Light, Dark
  6086. ><Silence has a very low chance to work on this shadow. You’re better off trying something else.>
  6087. “Dash, take this! Change, Robin Hood!”
  6088. >The archer tosses his green cap onto the Pegasus, granting her a temporary protection from Wind!
  6089. >She pushes herself up to her hooves and grins. ”Thanks! I can fight without holding back now… Persona!”
  6090. >The fighter plane shifts shape, becoming a humanoid mech and drawing its rifle!
  6091. >”Here you go, Dash!” Pinkie lobs a potion at Rainbow, letting her drink down the healing liquid and restore her wounds!
  6092. ><You have 6 candies, 7 potions, and 11 feathers left.>
  6093. >Rarity draws her bow and aims carefully...
  6094. >The yellow segment of her Rain Bow glows brightly, tinting the crystal arrow gold as she lets it fly at the shadow!
  6095. >It pierces through the shadow’s scarlet plumage, and its white mask starts to tint red…
  6096. ><Rarity enraged the enemy! It seems rage is effective!>
  6097. >The shadow takes flight at the party, tearing at Dash as it passes by, then turning around and kicking you powerfully with its talons!
  6098. >You’re sent flying by its rage-fueled kick… but just before you hit the ground, you feel Robin Hood’s agility surging through you!
  6099. >Sticking out your hands, you catch yourself in a backwards handspring before you fall, nimbly flipping back to your feet!
  6100. ><Your persona protected you from a critical blow! Here’s your status.>
  6101. HP
  6102. Anon: 43%
  6103. Rainbow: 39%
  6104. Pinkie:57%
  6105. Rarity: 75%
  6108. SP
  6110. Anon: 60%
  6111. Rainbow: 85%
  6112. Pinkie: 90%
  6113. Rarity: 95%
  6114. Fluttershy: 100%
  6116. ><Enervation has a low chance of working. The shadow is enraged so its defense is low. This is a good chance to strike with all you’ve got! But be careful, its attack has increased, and it could wear off at any moment.>
  6117. “Fluttershy, check how poison will work.”
  6118. ><Understood. I’ll find that out for you soon.>
  6119. “Let’s show this mongrel how we do things! Change, Gilgamesh!”
  6120. >The king in golden armor snaps his fingers, and a torrent of blades comes streaming out of thin air at the winged shadow!
  6121. >Dozens of weapons pierce into the rage-stricken monster, damaging him severely!
  6122. >”No holding back! Go Thunderbird!
  6123. >Dash’s persona raises its metal fist to the sky, calling a bolt of lightning down to it!
  6124. >The mech jets up to the shadow with roaring boosters, its fist crackling wildly and vibrating!
  6125. >”Take this! Pinpoint Rainbow Breaker!”
  6126. >Thunderbird’s fist bursts into a sphere of rainbow light just as he throws his arm forward, plunging it into the shadow’s breast!
  6127. >The rainbow energy explodes like a cannon, blowing the bird away with an eruption of rainbow energy!
  6128. >”Light up his life, Apollo!”
  6129. >Pinkie’s Persona flies with a shining saber of light!
  6130. >He strikes through Larry cleanly, cutting through him with a searing blade of energy!
  6131. >”Help them out, Peter!”
  6132. >Rarity calls her Persona forth, thin tendrils of shadow sprouting from its feet to sew up your bodies!
  6133. >The redness on the shadow’s mask fades…
  6134. ><The rage has worn off!>
  6135. >The shadow beats its wings and throws out another wave of Cyclones!
  6136. >You and Dash get caught up in the wind and thrown about, but the little green cap on Dash helps to keep her standing after the attack!
  6137. >It tries to follow up by swiping at you with its talons, but the golden-armored Gilgamesh stands in front of you and parries the attack, negating it completely!
  6139. ><Scan complete. It seems Poison has a chance to work.>
  6141. HP
  6142. Anon: 72%
  6143. Rainbow: 74%
  6144. Pinkie: 100%
  6145. Rarity: 100%
  6148. SP
  6150. Anon: 60%
  6151. Rainbow: 65%
  6152. Pinkie: 90%
  6153. Rarity: 80%
  6154. Fluttershy: 100%
  6156. ><Your defense and agility up spells, as well as the enemy’s debilitation, will wear off before its next attack.>
  6157. “Can you check if fear will work?”
  6158. ><I’ll find out for you.>
  6159. “Keep up the pattern! Change, Don Quixote!”
  6160. >The windmill knight raises his shield up high, filling you with defensive magic!
  6161. >”Pick up the pace! Thunderbird!”
  6162. >Dash’s persona streaks past you, speeding you up with a green wave of energy!
  6163. >”Play it again, Apollo!”
  6164. >A debilitating ray of light shoots out of his hands and strikes the shadow, lowering its power!
  6165. >Rarity takes aim with her bow and fires, but the shadow rolls in midair to avoid her projectile!
  6166. >”Sorry, my aim must have been off…”
  6167. >His wings stretch out, and another barrage of destructive energy lances out and strikes through your party!
  6168. >Dash takes to the air to avoid it, but the shadow pursues her in midair, slicing at her with his talons!
  6170. ><Dash’s Green Wall is about to wear off. What are you going to do?>
  6172. HP
  6173. Anon: 52%
  6174. Rainbow: 43%
  6175. Pinkie: 82%
  6176. Rarity: 79%
  6179. SP
  6181. Anon: 55%
  6182. Rainbow: 60%
  6183. Pinkie: 80%
  6184. Rarity: 80%
  6185. Fluttershy: 100%
  6187. ><I’m sorry, but there’s no chance that fear will work on this enemy!>
  6188. “Tell us how well rage works. Change, Robin Hood!”
  6189. >The viridian archer tosses a new cap out for Rainbow Dash!
  6190. >”That’s good. Just leave everything to me! Thunderbird!”
  6191. >Dash’s Persona draws its rifle and takes off with a roar of its jets!
  6192. >Charged with energy, it tackles the avian shadow and rams the barrel of its rifle into its belly!
  6193. >”Bang.”
  6194. >A concentrated burst of lightning blows through the shadow, leaving a huge gaping hole in its stomach as the beam tears through it and lands at the lunar surface with a bright blue explosion of energy!
  6195. >Dash’s persona fades away, leaving a sizzling hole in the shadow, and a fresh smoking crater in the moon.
  6196. >”Yeah, we got this! Persona!”
  6197. >Pinkie cheerfully summons Apollo, whose music causes him to exude a golden healing aura, giving you the strength to keep fighting!
  6198. >”Let’s show them our strength! Peter Pan!”
  6199. >The satyr dances and toots on his flute, summoning a quartet of spinning green cyclones that converge on Larry!
  6200. >The tornados grind away at him with fierce winds, swirling around his body before bursting apart in a powerful gust!
  6201. >The eagle-like shadow spreads its wings majestically, firing off a torrent of almighty spears only Rarity is able to evade!
  6202. >He sweeps his wings in, and a spray of feathers shoots out, sticking into you all like needles as Dash barely flies away in time to avoid it!
  6203. >Pinkie groans, “My tummy hurts…”
  6204. ><Pinkie Pie’s been poisoned! Her damage output is lower like this, and she’ll take some damage at the start of her turns.>
  6206. HP
  6207. Anon: 61%
  6208. Rainbow: 71%
  6209. Pinkie: 67% (Poisoned
  6210. Rarity: 76%
  6213. SP
  6215. Anon: 50%
  6216. Rainbow: 30%
  6217. Pinkie: 65%
  6218. Rarity: 55%
  6219. Fluttershy: 100%
  6221. ><By the way, Rage has a fairly good chance to work.>
  6222. “Got it. Change, Maui!”
  6223. >You summon forth the rotund fisherman, who casts his rod at the soaring shadow!
  6224. >The magic hook flies past its head and loops back around in midair, snaring him by the neck!
  6225. >Maui flexes his huge arms, pulling the shadow in with a mighty yank!
  6226. >His strength pulls the shadow from the air and slams it to the ground!
  6227. >”Haha, nice one! Rev it up, Thunderbird!”
  6228. >Dash’s Persona shifts shape back into its humanoid form, gathering energy!
  6229. >Pinkie coughs and shakes a potion out of her mane, catching it and biting off the cork to gulp it down, curing her ailment and restoring her health!
  6230. ><You have 6 candies, 6 potions, and 11 feathers left.>
  6231. >”I won’t miss this time…” Rarity says determinedly, grabbing six arrows from her quiver at once and nocking them all!
  6232. >She holds her bow sideways and lets them fly, releasing a scattershot at the shadow!
  6233. >The six crystal arrows arc above the shadow, coming down through both of its wings!
  6234. >Blowing through its shadowy flesh, they pin its wings down to the ground, leaving it vulnerable!
  6235. >”Ready to dance, Darling?”
  6236. “Let’s do it!”
  6237. >”It is ON!”
  6238. >Rarity and Pinkie fire a barrage at the downed shadow while you rush in after dash’s slicing attacks, hammering at the shadow without mercy until it breaks free from its pin, blowing you back with a gust of wind!
  6239. >It soars past Dash, catching her with another swipe from its talons!
  6240. >The shadow rises high into the air and spreads its wings wide!
  6241. >One of them begins to glow white, while the other exudes a pitch black aura…
  6242. ><Huh?! This is… I’ve never seen an attack like this before!>
  6243. >Dozens of black and white beams shoot out at random, scattering around the battlefield!
  6244. >You and Pinkie get caught by beams of white light, but your personas knock them away harmlessly!
  6245. >A black beam shoots at Rarity, but her Persona’s shadow rises up and blocks the attack!
  6246. >Dash tries her best to avoid the spray of lights, but a black lance of energy catches her on the back, knocking her out cold and sending her falling to the ground!
  6247. ><Rainbow Dash is unconscious! That attack… it randomly throws Light and Dark magic at you! Be careful around that!>
  6249. HP
  6250. Anon: 46%
  6251. Rainbow: 0%
  6252. Pinkie: 100%
  6253. Rarity: 76%
  6256. SP
  6258. Anon: 50%
  6259. Rainbow: 20%
  6260. Pinkie: 65%
  6261. Rarity: 55%
  6262. Fluttershy: 100%
  6264. ><Your defensive buffs and debuffs are about to wear off. What are you going to do?>
  6265. “There’s more than one way to protect us. Change, Baba Yaga!”
  6266. >The witch’s hut rises up, and a red potion sails out of the window at the transformed Lunarian!
  6267. >It splashes against its mask, dyeing it red!
  6268. ><You did it! The shadow has been enraged!>
  6269. >Pinkie Pie zips over to Dash and places a bright red feather in her hair. “Hee hee! Pretty!”
  6270. >The feather dissolves into red light, reviving dash and putting her back in the fight!
  6271. >”Thanks, Pinkie Pie. Thunderbird!”
  6272. >Rainbow Dash throws her hoof forward, directing her Persona to crash straight into the shadow’s chest, piercing into it with its nose!
  6273. >”Just hang in there, Darling! Persona!”
  6274. >Peter Pan stretches out his shadow, enveloping you all in it like a sheet that stitches your bodies up!
  6275. >The twisted shadow rises into the air and divebombs you!
  6276. >Stretching Nightmare into a flowing mantle, You obscure your position and evade his strike, causing the shadow to trip and skid along the ground!
  6277. ><The enemy’s off balance! This is your chance!”
  6278. “Let’s go all out!”
  6279. ><You can do it! I believe in you!>
  6280. >Fluttershy’s text cheers you on as you pile onto the shadow with the others, throwing everything you have at it with a wild flurry of strikes until it forces you away!
  6281. >It beats its wings heavily and throws itself at Pinkie, slicing her with a heavy claw strike!
  6282. ><The enemy’s defense is low… if you hit it with everything you’ve got, maybe you can finish it right here!>
  6284. HP
  6286. Anon: 100%
  6287. Rainbow: 100%
  6288. Pinkie: 42%
  6289. Rarity: 100%
  6292. SP
  6294. Anon: 45%
  6295. Rainbow: 20%
  6296. Pinkie: 65%
  6297. Rarity: 40%
  6298. Fluttershy: 100%
  6299. “Everyone, let’s finish it together! Change, Asmodeus!”
  6300. >”We’ll cover you, right Pinkie Pie?”
  6301. >”You know it! Here!”
  6302. >Pinkie tosses her golden party cannon at Dash’s Persona!
  6303. >The mechanical Thunderbird catches it, and fires off a swarm of bullets and missiles, blowing the shadow to shreds in an onslaught of heavy ordnance!
  6304. Team Up Attack: Party Time!
  6305. >Thunderbird takes aim with one final shot and fires the party cannon, launching Pinkie at the avian shadow!
  6306. >She soars right at his mask and delivers a powerful flying punch that cracks its mask with her earth pony strength!
  6307. “Persona!”
  6308. >”Persona!”
  6309. >Peter Pan’s shadow envelops the battlefield, reshaping it at your wills to create a terrifying hellscape!
  6310. >The dark demoness steps forward, the beasts on her shoulder and at the end of her tail roaring and spewing out spiraling tornadoes that tear through the obsidian mountains and lakes of lava, scooping them up and twisting around to meet at the transformed Lunarian!
  6311. Team Up Attack: Unholy Sandstorm!
  6312. >They converge on the winged shadow’s form, grinding it with swirling winds of black sand and lava!
  6313. >Feathers and black matter fly off in chunks as the tornados tear away at him!
  6314. >”All nightmares must end… time to wake you up!” Rarity shouts, giving the wind a final push that rips the shadow to shreds, scattering it to the winds!
  6315. >The imagined landscape retracts back into Peter Pan’s shadow, and the last of the shadow’s black body fizzles away to reveal a purple and orange bird-like lunarian…
  6316. >Larry pushes himself up by his wings and shakes his head out. “Urgh… how shameful of me… to fight as that madman’s slave.”
  6317. >He raises his head with a serious look in his eyes. "Twice I have been saved from the fate of becoming a beast by your hooves. Allow me to repay this debt."
  6318. >The bird-like creature glows, and wispy strings of energy reach out and flow into each of you as Larry shrinks down to a purple bird small enough to fit in your palm.
  6320. The Party's HP and SP were fully restored!
  6322. “Awesome! Thanks, Larry!”
  6323. >The little bird salutes you with his wing!
  6324. >Rarity trots over and leans down to give him an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much, dear.”
  6325. >The bird’s feathers puff out indignantly as Rarity shines her horn, causing the shrunken bird lunarian to enter her just as Jerome did.
  6326. “Fluttershy, how are we looking? Is there anything else?”
  6327. ><There’s nothing standing in our way. All that’s left is us and Sombra.>
  6328. “In that case… Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie you were great out there. Can you head back to Argus with the others?”
  6329. >Rainbow Dash punches you playfully. “No prob, leader! We’re all on the same team. Doesn’t matter who’s the one crossing the finish line.”
  6330. >”We’ll be watching you every step of the way. With popcorn!” Pinkie adds.
  6331. >You nod to them, and they re-enter Argus.
  6332. “Twilight. Spike. Rarity. This fight means a lot to everyone, but it means a lot to you three especially. Celestia’s apprentice, Princess of Friendship, and bearer of Harmonia’s mantle that awakened the Elements of Harmony. I know you’ll be willing to give it your all to end Sombra’s dark ambitions.”
  6333. >Twilight swoops down to your side!
  6334. >”Let’s end this together, babe.”
  6335. “Spike!”
  6336. “You’re the dragon that defeated Sombra once before. And I know you can do it again with the power of your heart.”
  6337. >Spike leaps out of Argus, leaving an imprint where he lands against the lunar surface!
  6338. >”We’ll beat him together, side by side!”
  6339. >Spike extends his fist, and you bump yours to him in a gesture of manly friendship before turning to Rarity.
  6340. “And you, Rarity. Heir to the Nightmare Power, friend and savior to the Lunarians… I know you’ve got plenty to give to Sombra.”
  6341. >Rarity draws her bow and stretches the drawstring to practice. “I’ll make him pay for what he’s done. Ooh~ I’m just really feeling it, aren’t you Darling?”
  6342. “You bet I am.”
  6343. ><I’ll lend you my power as always. King Sombra is straight ahead. From here, there’s no turning back. Shall we go, Anonymous?>
  6344. >Nightmare forms into a mantle around you.
  6345. “Let’s rock.”
  6346. >You charge into the castle through the gaping hole left by Shadow Larry!
  6347. >The architecture reminds you of the castle in the Crystal Empire.
  6348. >It’s almost certainly modeled after that, but significantly more bare than the castle you’ve seen.
  6349. >”Clearly King Sombra is in need of an interior designer shadow.” Rarity comments.
  6350. >”Is this… part of “Sombra’s Fantasia”?” Spike wonders.
  6351. >”I’m not sure…” Twilight answers, looking at the naked crystal walls of similar dark blue and black shades. “The ones we’ve seen so far have all had so many details. But compared to those, this place is completely empty.”
  6352. >You step through a large hole carved out by Larry’s exit, careful to avoid stepping on shards of dark purple crystal.
  6353. “Perhaps that is a reflection of what he’s become… I guess we’ll find out.”
  6354. >You keep an eye on your map, looking at the black circle marked out by Fluttershy where Sombra is blocking her.
  6355. >Whatever doors might have blocked your way were all blown apart by Larry’s hulking shadow form, giving you a clear path to advance in Sombra’s castle until you come across the only remaining undamaged door.
  6356. ><That’s it… his throne room.>
  6357. >As you come closer to the door, you feel the sensation of goosebumps along your skin.
  6358. >His presence is palpable. An oppressive overwhelming aura.
  6359. >All that's left is to open the door.
  6360. >You step forward with them unflinchingly, raising your leg.
  6361. >Fire erupts around Spike’s claws, while Rarity and Twilight’s horns shine brightly.
  6362. “HAAAAA!”
  6363. >”HAAAAAA!”
  6364. >You kick the crystal doors as Spike punches them straight on, at the same instant Rarity and Twilight fire a concussive blast from their horns!
  6365. >The doors explode off their hinges, shattering apart as they crash into the walls, giving way to a throne room with the remnants of shattered black crystal along a red carpet, leading up to an obsidian throne.
  6366. >On that throne, sits an alicorn with glowing red and green eyes, a long horn with a tapering reddish orange tint, and large leathery gray wings like a bat.
  6367. >Wearing an unamused expression, he lets out a sigh.
  6368. >”And I had just gone through the trouble of fixing it as well.”
  6369. >”I had hoped you might have reconsidered your decision after seeing what I am capable of.”
  6370. >”My power grows stronger and stronger. This castle was the first that I created out of nothing… I can create life from mere thoughts… grant others power beyond the limits of their own potential, grant any wish…”
  6371. >”I can be this world’s new god. One who answers the prayers of those faithful to him. All I ask is that you submit to my rule, and serve me however I choose.”
  6372. >”Forget it!” Spike shouts.
  6373. >”You’re no god!” Twilight yells.
  6374. >”You are nothing but a tyrant!” Rarity growls.
  6375. “As if. This kind of power can’t be trusted with someone who shows such little regard for the lives ‘beneath them’. I won’t bow down to you as long as my hearts keep beating.”
  6376. >”I had thought you would respond that way.” King Sombra says casually, still sitting lazily in his throne.
  6377. >”But perhaps it is because you do not comprehend the true source of my power… the power that you all gifted to me.”
  6378. >”This again…” Twilight glares at the king. “Just what are you talking about?”
  6379. >Sombra laughs softly. “Heheh… you still haven’t realized that all your actions have consequences. Celestia most of all, I suppose. She is the one whose foolish actions lead set the stage for you all to revive me greater than ever."
  6380. “I thought the Black Pharaoh was the source of your strength.”
  6381. >Sombra glances at you. “Interesting… so you know that much, do you? But you merely betray your own ignorance. The Black Man has nothing to do with Celestia. The magic I obtained from him pales in comparison to this new strength.”
  6382. >”Just tell us already!” Twilight says impatiently. “What do you mean Celestia helped revive you?”
  6383. >Sombra smiles smugly. ”How foolish she was, playing with that portal to the mirror world as if it were a toy, using it to see my other world counterpart to engage in a selfish tryst.”
  6384. >”She had done it so much that the boundary between worlds had begun to merge.”
  6385. >”When she began using it again this last year, it had required the intervention of the Elements of Harmony.”
  6386. >”Dutifully, they went to clean up Princess Celestia’s mess and bring balance to the boundaries between the two worlds.”
  6387. >”But the boundaries had already grown too weak. Thus what happened to the counterpart of one world would happen to its opposite.”
  6388. >”When the Mirror Celestia struck her sister, the Luna of our world shattered the mirror and briefly merged the worlds together.”
  6389. >”And such a problem it caused, for this property of reflection grew so strong, that you could not seal the Mirror Celestia without your Celestia becoming sealed as well.”
  6390. >”All that which affected one affected the other.”
  6391. >”When one was attacked, its equal was attacked.”
  6392. >”When one was sealed, the other was sealed.”
  6393. >Sombra’s smile grows wider.
  6394. >”And when one channels the power of the Elements of Harmony to absorb a tremendous amount of magic into their body…”
  6395. >”I channel that same power, allowing me a connection to the strongest source of magic in Equestria!”
  6396. >Grinning wildly, King Sombra stands up with his wings spread out!
  6397. >”My power is fourfold!”
  6398. >”The Black Pharaoh’s magic!”
  6399. >”The Alicorn Spirit of Princess Luna!”
  6400. >”The Nightmare Forces!”
  6401. >”And finally, the Light Magic of the Elements of Harmony themselves!”
  6402. >Twilight’s eyes widen. “You usurped the power of the elements… that’s why the plunderseeds sprouted after so many years of being dormant, isn’t it? That’s why we couldn’t use our elements like we did before… why we had to rely on Rainbow Power instead.”
  6403. >”And that’s why their Mana cores haven’t returned to normal too, right? That power is a part of them, and you hijacked it!” Spike says, pointing at him accusingly.
  6404. >”You are nothing more than a thief! All of your power has been stolen from somepony greater than you!”
  6405. >”Stolen?” Sombra smirks. “You practically dropped that power right into my lap, bringing it to my other self like that. If it weren’t for that event, I would never have recovered so perfectly. But now you know… these four powers together have made me invincible! With this, the entire world can be reshaped to my will!”
  6406. “So what if you’ve got fourfold power?”
  6407. “Our power is fiftyfold, no, even more than that!”
  6408. “Our bonds and our hearts are our power. And you’re empty of those bonds. Alone.”
  6409. “Bare just like the walls of this castle.”
  6410. “You are just a husk trying to play god. We’ll show you what real power is.”
  6411. >Sombra looks amused. “How cute… you think that I am the empty one? Such words are meaningless… from someone who doesn’t even exist.”
  6412. >Sombra’s eyes glow as he stares at you. “I know what you are. Nothing but a dream. A childish fantasy created by idle thoughts to serve as Princess Luna’s proxy!”
  6413. >”You of all should be the one who joins my side. You think that if you defeat me, you have any hope of continuing to exist? You never existed to begin with! You will be forgotten as all dreams are!”
  6414. >”You have no place in this world, and you know it! In this world of eternal Fantasia I shall create, I could let your dream continue for eternity. Yet you still choose to defy me, you pitiful bastards?!”
  6415. “I don’t know what lies ahead… but I’m sure as hell not going to bow to you out of fear.”
  6416. “Maybe I am a dream. But right now…”
  6417. >You grab your mantle and tear it off, forming it into a Hammer!
  6418. “I’m your worst fucking nightmare!”
  6419. >Sombra rises from his throne, spreading his wings slightly.
  6420. >”It seems there is no point in discussing this further, foolish bastards.”
  6421. >”If this is how it must be… then I shall prove myself as this world’s new God by force!”
  6422. >Green and purple magic bubbles around Sombra’s horn!
  6423. >The walls of the crystal castle melt and bend away, reshaping the castle at Sombra’s will!
  6424. >The ceiling opens up, and the walls of the throne room fold away to form an open air plateau!
  6425. >Sombra steps away from his throne as it twists and melts apart, flying at him and forming around his body into a suit of black crystal armor!
  6426. >His wings stretch out, throwing up a gust of wind!
  6427. >”If you insist on defying me, then I shall break you, and turn you into my Shadow servants! Prepare to face a power more fearsome than your deepest nightmares!”
  6428. >”I am the master of light and darkness! My will is reality! The world belongs to me!”
  6429. >”I AM…”
  6430. >”EMPEROR SOMBRA!”
  6431. >Twilight’s Naginata spins as she draws it and takes a fighting stance!
  6432. >”You might have stolen the magic of the elements, but their true power lies in our friendship! And that’s something you’ll never have!”
  6433. >Magenta fire sizzles around Spike’s claws… “We don’t need elements to beat you. Our power comes from our own hearts!”
  6434. >”You’re just a cheap knock off.” Rarity says snidely, drawing her bow. “Somepony who can only steal and imitate will never become as great as those who forge that path for themself!”
  6435. ><I can tolerate a great deal… but after what you’ve done, even I won’t forgive you, no matter what! This is the end for you!>
  6436. >”Fine then… HAVE AT THEE!”
  6437. "Come and get it, Princess!"
  6439. Final Battle: V.S. Emperor Sombra!
  6441. BEGIN!
  6443. “Fluttershy, get us a scan! See if Enervation will work!”
  6444. ><I doubt it, but I’ll check!>
  6445. “Let’s go! Change, Don Quixote!”
  6446. >The windmill knight tosses up his kite shield as it glows bright blue, granting you a defensive aura!
  6447. >”Here I come, Sombra!”
  6448. >Twilight swoops up with her Naginata raised high, bringing it down hard against Sombra’s shoulder!
  6449. >Her golden weapon flashes and slices through his crystal armor, slicing into him with a devastating blow!
  6450. ><Huh? That was a critical blow… but he didn’t go down?>
  6451. >”The Emperor shall never fall!” Sombra shouts, knocking her blade away with her horn!
  6452. >”We’ll just see about that!” Rarity retorts, stepping on her persona card! “Peter Pan!”
  6453. >The satyr throws out his fairy, wrapping you in bright red light to raise your strength!
  6454. >Spike runs at Sombra, his fist wreathed in love-infused fire as he throws a punch at Sombra!
  6455. >He strikes him in the chest, cracking the thick onyx armor and sending him skidding back on his hooves!
  6456. >”Valiant effort… now feel TRUE power!”
  6457. >Sombra’s horn bubbles with dark magic, exploding in a burst of green and purple beams!
  6458. >The scattered dark magic hits its mark on you and Spike, burning into your body with pure dark energy!
  6459. “Urgh…!”
  6460. ><That kind of magic is the same as Almighty Damage! You won’t be able to protect yourself from it!>
  6461. >Sombra looks satisfied at his attack. “Now then, you’ve been observing their strategy, haven’t you, Nu?”
  6462. >Swirling purplish mist gathers into a floating dark liquid in front of Sombra, forming into a perfect sphere of shimmering black water.
  6463. >The orb is uniform in perfect smooth blackness, and yet you feel as though you can perceive a thousand faces on its surface.
  6464. >Then, the liquid scatters back into a fine mist, billowing through you!
  6465. >As it passes over your party, you feel the magic strengthening you fade!
  6466. ><It wiped out your enhancement magic!>
  6468. HP
  6470. Anon: 72%
  6471. Rarity: 100%
  6472. Twilight: 100%
  6473. Spike: 71%
  6474. SP
  6476. Anon: 95%
  6477. Rarity: 95%
  6478. Twilight: 100%
  6479. Spike: 100%
  6480. Fluttershy: 100%
  6482. ><So he can use Dekaja… don’t spend too much time using enhancement magic, or he’ll negate your efforts just like that. But if you stick to one spell, it might be worth it. Here’s his scan.>
  6485. Emperor Sombra
  6487. Persona: Nu
  6488. Arcana: World
  6490. Resist: Physical, Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric
  6491. Repel: Light, Dark
  6494. ><Also, Enervation has no chance to affect him after all. He’s ageless, remember? Even before he became an Alicorn.>
  6495. “That’s right… scan him for Silence instead!”
  6496. ><Understood. Leave it to me!>
  6497. “Change, Asmodeus!”
  6498. >Your demonic persona appears and grabs the Ram’s head from her left shoulder, holding it out towards Sombra.
  6499. >Its eyes gleam, and a gust of swirling green wind forms around Sombra!
  6500. >”Thank you, Darling! Persona!”
  6501. >Rarity summons Peter Pan, letting him dance and play his tune to summon a swarm of cyclones around the dark alicorn!
  6502. >As they converge on him, the persistent swirling gale around his body boosts their strength, causing them to spin around and grind away at his crystal armor twice as fast!
  6503. >”Grrh! This is nothing!”
  6504. >”Then how’s this!” Twilight lunges with her Naginata!
  6505. >Sombra tries to parry her blows with his horn, but she breaks through his defense and swipes at his legs!
  6506. >”Break through, Ouroboros!”
  6507. >Spike punches through his card, and his serpentine persona shoots a fang into Sombra’s armor!
  6508. >It pierces through the crystal, creating a path for his flames to break through!
  6509. >Sombra’s eyes smolder with a purple haze as his horn glows, causing black crystals to lift from the ground!
  6510. >”Die!”
  6511. >The crystal shards fly at all of you in an obsidian storm, piercing into your bodies!
  6512. >But Rarity shines her horn and stops the attack the instant before it hits her, turning the black crystals bright blue and throwing them back Sombra, pelting him with a rain of piercing diamonds!
  6513. >”Well played… Nu, show them some of your power!”
  6514. >The black mist gathers and molds itself into the form of a giant dragon!
  6515. >”Hey… that thing looks just like my shadow!” Spike points out.
  6516. >Opening its jaws, the watery dragon fires out a bursting stream of destruction that tears through each of you!
  6517. ><Anon! You and Spike need healing!>
  6519. HP
  6521. Anon: 17%
  6522. Rarity: 70%
  6523. Twilight: 44%
  6524. Spike: 8%
  6525. SP
  6527. Anon: 90%
  6528. Rarity: 65%
  6529. Twilight: 100%
  6530. Spike: 95%
  6531. Fluttershy: 100%
  6533. ><After examining the enemy… it seems Silence has a fairly good chance to work on him! But I wonder why it's changing shape...>
  6534. “Fluttershy, scan him again. And check if he can be enraged.”
  6535. “Let’s give it a shot… Change, Helene!”
  6536. >You shatter the golden card of Temperance with your finger, calling forth the beautiful bird-woman!
  6537. >She spreads her wings and lets out a loud screech, blasting Sombra with a deafening wave of sound!
  6538. >Sombra grits his teeth, reeling from the sound!
  6539. ><You did it! You silenced him!>
  6540. >Rarity grins brightly! “We have you now! Peter Pan!”
  6541. >The satyr summons another swarm of tornadoes, throwing them at Sombra!
  6542. >Assisted by the gale set up by Asmodeus, the spinning winds crash into him, tearing apart his crystal armor!
  6543. >”I’ll take care of this! Nimue!”
  6544. >Twilight’s horn pierces her card, calling out Nimue to throw a wave of healing water over your bodies!
  6545. >The wave refreshes you and puts you all back in full condition!
  6546. >”Let’s turn up the heat! Ouroboros!”
  6547. >A white hot beam of plasma shoots out from the dragon’s throat, but Sombra quickly kicks at the ground and dashes out of the way, letting the beam strike the crystal floor below and blow it apart in a fiery explosion!
  6548. >Sombra lowers his head and charges at you!
  6549. >Just in time, you pull Nightmare into a shield and block his heavy charge, but with a swipe of his hoof he knocks it away and opens you up, slashing through your torso with his horn!
  6550. “Gah!”
  6551. >You knock Sombra away, and the black watery dragon appears behind him, then dissolves into black mist!
  6552. >It swirls around him and sparkles, then fades away…
  6553. ><His Persona… it cured his status effect! It’s an ability just like Dullahan’s… so status effects will affect him, but wear off after he attacks. It’s up to you to decide if that’s worth it or not.>
  6555. HP
  6557. Anon: 61%
  6558. Rarity: 100%
  6559. Twilight: 100%
  6560. Spike: 100%
  6561. SP
  6563. Anon: 85%
  6564. Rarity: 45%
  6565. Twilight: 80%
  6566. Spike: 65%
  6567. Fluttershy: 100%
  6569. ><Huh? I… I see! The enemy’s status has changed!>
  6571. Nu
  6572. Arcana: World
  6574. Resist: Physical, Ice, Electric
  6575. Absorb: Fire
  6576. Repel: Light, Dark
  6578. ><Also, Rage spells have a Good Chance to work!>
  6579. “Check if he can become exhausted. Change, Robin Hood!”
  6580. >The viridian archer tumbles forward and draws his bow, shooting a suction-cup arrow at King Sombra!
  6581. >It sticks to his armor, the Alicorn emperor looking down at it with anger and disgust as Robin Hood mimes laughter.
  6582. >”Once more… Peter Pan!”
  6583. >The Satyr dances and calls a windstorm with his pan flute, tearing into Sombra!
  6584. >He reels from the attack and growls… “This insolence will not be tolerated! Nu!”
  6585. >The black mist swirls around him and rises, forming into the dark watery simulacrum of a giant armored Alicorn!
  6586. >”Prepare yourself, Sombra!” Twilight calls out as she draws her blade, flying over him and slicing his back!
  6587. >”Unlike you, I earned my wings!”
  6588. >”I won’t miss this time! Ouroboros!”
  6589. >Spike’s persona roars, and a white beam of plasma erupts from its throat!
  6590. >The laser strikes the dragon fang stuck in Sombra’s armor, causing it to burn red hot and channel the dragon’s flames directly into his body, causing his face to twist in agony!
  6591. >”This… is nothing! You are nothing!”
  6592. >Dark Magic bubbles up along sombra’s horn, calling dozens of crystal shards to explode from the ground that tear through you and Rarity!
  6593. >Nu takes shape in front of Sombra, raising its horn and unleashing a beam of wintry energy that sweeps across the battlefield!
  6594. >Nimue and Robin Hood appear to guard their users, but the powerful beam of frost knocks Spike onto his back!
  6595. >The black alicorn of water leans down and touches its horn to Sombra.
  6596. >In a flash of golden light, the arrow left by Robin Hood falls off!
  6597. ><Looks like it negated your debilitation…>
  6599. HP
  6601. Anon: 29%
  6602. Rarity: 45%
  6603. Twilight: 100%
  6604. Spike: 63%
  6607. SP
  6609. Anon: 80%
  6610. Rarity: 20%
  6611. Twilight: 80%
  6612. Spike: 35%
  6613. Fluttershy: 100%
  6615. ><The enemy has changed. Here’s what it looks like now.>
  6617. Nu
  6618. Arcana: World
  6620. Resist: Physical, Wind, Electric
  6621. Absorb: Ice
  6622. Repel: Light, Dark
  6624. ><Fire attacks are no longer resisted! Also, Exhaustion spells have a decent chance to work.>
  6625. “Change, M.A.R.A.!”
  6626. >The Ultimate Tower erects itself from between your legs, pointing straight at Sombra!
  6627. >White explodes from the tip in a powerful stream, and a potent blast flies at the alicorn’s chest, spreading over him on impact!
  6628. >”Dude, come on…” Spike groans, shaking his head.
  6629. >Twilight is staring straight ahead.
  6630. >”Really.”
  6631. >”I don’t think she’s happy, Darling…” Rarity remarks as she summons her Persona, letting its shadow flow over you all and stitch up your wounds.
  6632. >The crystals beneath Twilight’s feet start to crack…
  6633. >”REALLY?”
  6634. >Twilight charges Sombra in an instant, blowing him into the air with a powerful strike from her hoof!
  6635. >Magenta energy flashes from her horn, coating her blade in magic!
  6636. >Sombra desperately flaps his wings to recover, but Twilight zooms up to him and strikes with her magically charged blade, cutting cleanly through his crystal armor and sending him plummeting to the ground!
  6637. >”GUAAAAH!”
  6638. >”REALLY?!”
  6639. >Sombra lands on his hooves, breaking through the crystal floor from the sheer impact of Twilight’s attack.
  6640. >”Not done yet! Ouroboros!”
  6641. >Spike’s Persona unleashes a concentrated beam of plasma at Sombra!
  6642. >It strikes his armor and starts to burn through, then erupts in a fiery explosion!
  6643. >Mist scatters around Sombra, then reforms into another watery construct…
  6644. >This time, it shapeshifts into a hovering Griffon with a masked man in a coat holding broken chains sitting atop it, all made of the same pitch black water.
  6645. >Sombra growls and charges at Twilight!
  6646. >He plows into her, knocking her onto her back and channeling black energy through his horn!
  6647. >”You will learn to fear me!”
  6648. >Streaks of blackness rise from the ground and rush at all of you!
  6649. >Rarity expands a blue barrier around herself to block the attack, but the shadowy attack finds its mark on the rest of you, piercing into you like black needles and flowing into your body painfully!
  6650. >”No… he can’t be gone forever…” Twilight cries weakly from the floor.
  6651. ><Twilight’s been overcome by fear! Somepony needs to snap her out of it, or she won’t be able to fight!>
  6652. >”Nu! Show them your strength!”
  6653. >The griffon construct opens its watery mouth, and bolts of black lightning rain down!
  6654. >Your Tower stands up tall like a lightning rod, taking the attack and making the electrical stimulation feel good!
  6655. >But your allies aren’t nearly as lucky, as a powerful bolt knocks Twilight unconscious and sends Rarity tumbling backwards, injuring Spike as well!
  6656. >Nu dissolves back into mist and sends part of it into Sombra, entering his body and filling him with a golden light!
  6657. ><Sombra’s stats just went up! Solmon can negate it, but some of you aren’t looking too good…>
  6659. HP
  6661. Anon: 100%
  6662. Rarity: 55%
  6663. Twilight: 0%
  6664. Spike: 50%
  6665. SP
  6667. Anon: 45%
  6668. Rarity: 5%
  6669. Twilight: 50%
  6670. Spike: 5%
  6671. Fluttershy: 100%
  6673. ><The enemy has changed forms again. Here!>
  6675. Nu
  6676. Arcana: World
  6678. Resist: Physical, Wind, Fire
  6679. Absorb: Electric
  6680. Repel: Light, Dark
  6682. ><B-By the way, I know you didn’t order me but I checked on my own anyway… there isn’t any chance to charm him. Just thought you’d like to know.>
  6683. “Thanks, Fluttershy. Keep scanning for other info.”
  6684. ><Okay, I’ll keep checking!>
  6685. “Better bring him back down. Change, Solomon!”
  6686. >Wizened king appears on his throne, clasping his hands in prayer…
  6687. >A white light flows from him and washes over Sombra, removing his Heat Riser!
  6688. >”Come on now, Twilight! We’re still in this!” Rarity urges the unconscious alicorn, throwing a phoenix feather at her!
  6689. >The feather glows bright red and fills her with life!
  6690. >”Thanks… I’m good now. Nimue!”
  6691. >Twilight’s persona throws a spray of water to Rarity and Spike, healing their bodies as it touches them!
  6692. “It’s time, Spike! Unleash the power of your Dragon Heart!”
  6693. >”I gotcha, big guy!”
  6694. >Spike closes his eyes and slams his fists together!
  6695. >”I… am a Dragon!”
  6696. >”My heart is a flame fueled by desire.”
  6697. >”Its greatest wish is to protect my friends.”
  6698. >”Fed by love, but consuming nothing.”
  6699. >“The flame of my Dragon Heart will burn forever!”
  6700. >A magenta inferno explodes from Spike’s body, roaring uncontrollably!
  6701. >He opens his eyes, glowing white as he charges Sombra with blazing fast speed!
  6702. >Before Sombra can even react, Spike’s fist smashes into his jaw like a burning meteor, sending him flying!
  6703. >Sombra’s body plows through the black crystal ground, shattering it as Spike’s punch blows him away, but he still remains standing on his hooves!
  6704. ><Nice, a critical blow!>
  6705. >”Grh… how can this be… did I underestimate their strength?”
  6706. >The watery construct appears, then bursts into mist!
  6707. >It reforms into a thick main body, then grows large balloon-like bubbles around it, forming a giant bubble golem!
  6708. >Sombra shines power through his horn, ripping crystals from the ground and shooting them in a rain of pointed shards that slice and cut at all of you!
  6709. >The water golem forms a long bubble sword in its arms, and takes a huge swing with it!
  6710. >You step back from the attack and avoid it, but it hits your allies like a ton of bricks, knocking the young dragon down!
  6711. >It follows up with another wide strike!
  6712. >It comes in too fast to dodge, crashing into you all with a heavy blow!
  6713. ><That’s Pinkie’s shadow it’s imitating, right? I’ve heard stories.>
  6715. HP
  6717. Anon: 45%
  6718. Rarity: 46%
  6719. Twilight: 12%
  6720. Spike: 23%
  6721. SP
  6723. Anon: 40%
  6724. Rarity: 5%
  6725. Twilight: 35%
  6726. Spike: 5%
  6727. Fluttershy: 100%
  6729. ><Looks like it’s changed its attributes again.>
  6731. Nu
  6732. Arcana: World
  6734. Resist: Electric, Wind, Fire, Ice
  6735. Repel: Light, Dark
  6737. ><It lost its resistance to physical, but didn’t gain anything else? Maybe it’s gaining some other property of her shadow’s… by the way, there isn’t any chance you can inflict Fear on Sombra.>
  6738. “I’ve got your emperor right here! Change, Gilgamesh!”
  6739. >The ancient babylonian king appears in his golden armor, crossing his arms and laughing as you gather power!
  6740. >Rarity lifts a candy out of her saddlebag with her magic, swallowing it down to restore her magical energy!
  6741. ><You have 5 candies, 6 potions, and 10 feathers left.>
  6742. >”I’m not out of this yet!” Twilight says, piercing her card with her horn! “Nimue!”
  6743. >A wall of water erupts from Nimue’s feet, washing away your injuries and fatigue!
  6744. >Spike charges at Sombra furiously, but Nu appears in front of him in Golem form!
  6745. >The dragon plunges his fist into the bubble on Nu’s leg, and it explodes in a splash of black water, knocking him back and reflecting the strength of his attack!
  6746. ><Spike was countered!>
  6747. >Sombra grins and shines black energy through his horn!
  6748. >”Quake with fear!”
  6749. >Strings of black explode out of the ground!
  6750. >Spike quickly weaves through them while Gilgamesh stops them cold with his golden armor, but they pierce into Twilight and Rarity, causing them to cringe in pain!
  6751. >The watery golem touches its thick bubble sword to Sombra, sending a wave of golden energy into him!
  6752. ><The enemy raised Sombra’s stats again! Can you undo it with Solomon?>
  6754. HP
  6756. Anon: 100%
  6757. Rarity: 70%
  6758. Twilight: 75%
  6759. Spike: 64%
  6762. SP
  6764. Anon: 30%
  6765. Rarity: 100%
  6766. Twilight: 15%
  6767. Spike: ∞%
  6768. Fluttershy: 100%
  6770. ><By the way, there’s a Good Chance you can poison the enemy!>
  6771. “I’ll have to hold off on that… Change, Solomon!”
  6772. >You swap out to the ultimate Hierophant!
  6773. >He clasps his hands and unleashes a wave of holy light that wipes away Sombra’s enhancement!
  6774. >”Twilight, here!”
  6775. >Rarity tosses a candy into Twilight’s mouth, restoring her energy!
  6776. >”Thanks, Rarity!”
  6777. ><You have 4 candies, 6 potions, and 10 feathers left.>
  6778. >”I’ll make the most of them.” Twilight says determinedly, kicking off towards Sombra and launching him into the air with another powerful strike!
  6779. >She shoots a beam at her blade, charging it with magic as she takes flight at the dark alicorn!
  6780. >This time, Sombra recovers in midair!
  6781. >He flips around and swings his horn to clash with Twilight’s Naginata, blocking her strike!
  6782. >The two lock eyes fiercely, and Twilight’s horn shines brightly!
  6783. >Her body flashes and warps away, reappearing behind Sombra and striking down at his back! “Gotcha!”
  6784. >Twilight’s blade cleaves his armor and knocks him back to the ground where Nu swirls around in mist form again!
  6785. >It rises up high, then coalesces into a watery black woman with large bat-like wings and pointed fangs!
  6786. ><It’s imitating my own shadow now!>
  6787. >Spike’s golden persona card flutters in front of him, and he silently breaks through it with his fist!
  6788. >Ouroboros swirls around him and lets loose with a thick white laser of plasma!
  6789. >It strikes Sombra’s armor and burns away at it with intense heat, searing his body!
  6790. >After that devastating spell, Spike’s persona fades away, and the magenta flame around him snuffs out, causing him to stumble weakly…
  6791. >”Ugh, my head…”
  6792. >Sombra’s horn glows with dark magic, ripping out a chunk of black crystal from the ground the size of an SUV!
  6793. >”Take THIS!”
  6794. >He throws the enormous crystal at Rarity with his magic!
  6795. >She calmly draws her bow and takes aim at the crystal…
  6796. >”I see it.”
  6797. >She fires a streaking blue arrow that strikes the crystal at just the right spot, causing it to fracture and explode into shards!
  6798. >The shards turn blue as Rarity focuses her magic on them throwing them back at Sombra in a piercing hail of diamonds!
  6799. >”Grrh! You shall pay for this… Nu!”
  6800. >The watery vampire spreads its wings, flying in front of Sombra as its eyes glow bright white!
  6801. >Nightmare becomes a mantle that blocks its gaze while Nimue holds up the pure white Excalibur, forming a translucent shield that blocks the spell!
  6802. >But Rarity and Spike are caught by its magic, falling over unconscious.
  6803. ><So it uses Light Magic now… two of your allies are unconscious! You need to revive them!>
  6805. HP
  6807. Anon: 100%
  6808. Rarity: 0%
  6809. Twilight: 45%
  6810. Spike: 0%
  6811. SP
  6813. Anon: 25%
  6814. Rarity: 100%
  6815. Twilight: 70%
  6816. Spike: 0%
  6817. Fluttershy: 100%
  6819. ><Here’s what his Persona looks like now.>
  6821. Nu
  6822. Arcana: World
  6824. Resist: Physical, Electric, Wind, Fire, Ice
  6825. Repel: Light, Dark
  6827. “Son of a bitch… change, Merlin!”
  6828. >With the wizard’s magic flowing through you, you throw a feather out to Spike!
  6829. >It sticks in his scales and flows into him as crimson light, rousing him instantly!
  6830. >”Thanks, big guy!”
  6831. >Twilight floats a feather onto the white unicorn. “Come on, hang in there Rarity!”
  6832. >Rarity shakes her head and rises. “My apologies, Twilight… let’s do this! Persona!”
  6833. >Peter Pan sends his shadow to envelop Twilight and repair her body!
  6834. >Spike takes out a piece of candy and gulps it down, filling him up to the brim with magical energy!
  6835. ><You now have 3 candies, 6 potions, and 8 feathers remaining.>
  6836. >Dark magic flows along Sombra’s horn and explodes into wave of bubbling green and purple energy!
  6837. >Twilight teleports to the air in a flash to avoid the attack as the wave of destruction washes over you, tearing your bodies apart with evil magic!
  6838. >His Persona materializes behind him and spreads its wings out wide!
  6839. >Sombra’s body glows gold, filling him with power!
  6840. ><Another heat riser! His stats all went up… what will you do?>
  6842. HP
  6844. Anon: 77%
  6845. Rarity: 71%
  6846. Twilight: 100%
  6847. Spike: 77%
  6848. SP
  6850. Anon: 35%
  6851. Rarity: 90%
  6852. Twilight: 70%
  6853. Spike: 100%
  6854. Fluttershy: 100%
  6856. “Are you kidding me? Fine… back to you, Solomon!”
  6857. >With his hands clasped in prayer, the holy king erases Sombra’s spell in a flash of white!
  6858. >”I won’t miss!” Rarity draws her bow and fires a crystal arrow, curving it mid-flight to strike an opening in Sombra’s armor!
  6859. >Twilight rushes in, swiping at his legs with her Naginata to avoid him parrying it with his horn!
  6860. >His front leg bends slightly, and mist scatters around him!
  6861. >The primordial waters of Nu take on a new form, morphing into a giant axe-wielding demon with shackles on its limbs!
  6862. >”We got him on the ropes! Ouroboros!”
  6863. >The dragon shoots a fang into his armor, piercing through and forming a path for the dragon’s flames!
  6864. >Sombra shines his horn again, sending an explosive wave of dark magic that rips through the party!
  6865. >Rarity manages to put up a shimmering blue shield just in time, protecting herself from the spell.
  6866. >Nu leans down to Sombra, and droplets of his shimmering black body fly off and enter Sombra’s mouth!
  6867. >Sombra glows with a dark energy…
  6868. ><He’s gathering power for a physical strike! Everypony be careful!>
  6870. HP
  6872. Anon: 52%
  6873. Rarity: 71%
  6874. Twilight: 70%
  6875. Spike: 50%
  6876. SP
  6878. Anon: 30%
  6879. Rarity: 90%
  6880. Twilight: 70%
  6881. Spike: 95%
  6882. Fluttershy: 100%
  6884. ><His elemental alignments haven’t changed, but I’m willing to bet his Persona can use dark magic now.>
  6885. “Change, Tarzan!”
  6886. >Swapping out to the ultimate Hanged Man Persona, you raise up Nightmare in your hand.
  6887. ”Hey, Twilight! Watch this!”
  6888. >Nightmare shudders and warps…
  6889. >Then takes the shape of a thick solid brick, slamming down to the ground and cracking the crystal beneath it!
  6890. “... huh?”
  6891. >”Anon, what are you doing?” Twilight says impatiently.
  6892. “I was… uh…”
  6893. >”AHAHAHAHAHA!” Sombra laughs loudly! “You poor dumb bastard... I admit I was surprised to see you bearing Princess Luna’s secret weapon… but in the hands of a worthless clown that treats it like a toy, it’s useless!”
  6894. ><That isn’t true! You wouldn’t mess around when all of our lives are at stake, would you?>
  6895. >”Darling, were you trying to turn it into something too complex? You have to remember there are limits to what it will do.”
  6896. “I was just…”
  6897. >”It’s fine, we’ll help cover you. Peter Pan!”
  6898. >The satyr’s shadow flows over the party, stitching up their wounds!
  6899. >Twilight dashes in with her Naginata, cautiously thrusting at Sombra, clanging several times against his horn before breaking through his defences and scoring a hit on his shoulder!
  6900. >”Take this! Ouroboros!”
  6901. >Spike’s persona fires plasma into the fang on Sombra’s body, channeling red hot energy through it and burning him from within!
  6902. >Sombra’s eyes flare with a purple glow, and black energy explodes out of his horn!
  6903. >Streaming threads of shadow fly at you all in a massive wave!
  6904. >Nightmare rises up into a thick brick wall in front of you to block the attack while Spike nimbly moves through the streams of blackness, but the wiry shadows penetrate Twilight and Rarity’s skin, causing them to scream out in pain!
  6905. >Twilight shudders weakly, and Rarity’s eyes turn to a glowing green and red, looking vacant as she stares straight ahead and speaks to herself.
  6906. >”He can’t just be gone forever… how am I supposed to live… knowing we’ll never see each other again…”
  6907. >She seems to be having some sort of vision about you...
  6908. ><Rarity’s been overcome by fear! Somepony needs to snap her out of it!>
  6909. >Sombra grins. “Finish her, Nu.”
  6910. >The persona forms into a swirling pool of water, and blue wisps of energy come streaming out of Rarity’s body, flowing into the primordial ocean before Rarity collapses.
  6911. >Sombra flashes a white grin. “That was but a taste of the suffering I will inflict on you and your friends, jester.”
  6912. ><Rarity’s unconscious! Can somepony revive her?>
  6914. HP
  6916. Anon: 100%
  6917. Rarity: 0%
  6918. Twilight: 28%
  6919. Spike: 100%
  6921. SP
  6923. Anon: 30%
  6924. Rarity: 75%
  6925. Twilight: 70%
  6926. Spike: 65%
  6927. Fluttershy: 100%
  6929. ><Your attack failed, but you're still charged with power!>
  6930. “I… damn it. I’m sorry, everyone.”
  6931. “I wasn’t taking the responsibility of this power seriously.”
  6932. “I’m sorry for not showing this battle respect. Please, keep lending me your strength. We’ll save Luna soon.”
  6933. >The brick wall melts and flows into a cape around your back.
  6934. “Guess that settles it. No more games!”
  6935. >You draw the ultimate card of the Fool!
  6936. “CHANGE, LEGION!”
  6937. >23 Anons appear before you, looking down.
  6938. ><Level 2…>
  6940. Legion Lv. 2
  6942. Weak: None
  6943. Resist: Light, Dark
  6945. This seems usable, but it still has a lot of room to grow…
  6947. “We thought it’d be funny…” Some of them mumble.
  6948. >You smile and shake your head.
  6949. >”We never stop growing. It is never too late to learn, even in the final hours.”
  6950. >”Sorry…” one of them mutters apologetically.
  6951. >”An army of fools are still fools.” Sombra says dismissively.
  6952. “And yet, still an army as well. Spike, my friend! Let us show him the might of our bonds! Twilight, take care of Rarity!”
  6953. >”On it!” Twilight responds quickly, throwing a feather at the fallen unicorn!
  6954. >Rarity wakes up instantly, stomping through her card as she notices Twilight’s wounds. “Here you are, darling!”
  6955. >Peter Pan throws his shadow over Twilight, stitching her up perfectly!
  6956. >”Alright big guy, I’m ready!” Spike calls out, his fist burning with magenta fire!
  6957. “Come, Legion! UNITE HAND!”
  6958. >The 23 bodies merge together into a green fist!
  6959. >You charge at Sombra with Spike, slamming your fists into him at once!
  6960. >He tries to catch your blows with his hooves, but you press on, throwing everything you have behind the attack and launching him into the air with your blazing uppercuts!
  6961. “It is not over yet! UNITE ANONYMOUS!”
  6962. >The legion of fools covers your body, turning you into a giant version of yourself!
  6963. “It certainly took them long enough to understand. Nightmare!”
  6964. >Cape melts and flies onto your giant hand, forming a thick black gauntlet!
  6965. “We’ll show you how we use Nightmare, Sombra!”
  6966. >You leap into the air after the dark Alicorn with your fist raised, and slam it into his body!
  6967. >A heavy blow sends him to the ground like a comet, blowing the onyx battlefield apart from the impact of his hooves!
  6968. >You aim your fist at him, bracing your arm with your left hand.
  6969. “How do you like THIS!”
  6970. Team Up Attack: TRIPLE DRAGON PUNCH!
  6971. >The nightmare gauntlet shoots off like a rocket!
  6972. >It crashes into Sombra from above, pounding him into the ground like a nail!
  6973. >”GUUAH!”
  6974. >You land and your transformation dissipates, Nightmare floating back to your main body as a cape.
  6975. >Sombra pulls his body out of the black crystal, snarling angrily. “You… you insolent bastards will regret this!”
  6976. >His horn glows black, firing out strings of nightmare energy at the party!
  6977. >They lance into you and cause intense pain as they writhe in you, but you all manage to resist its attempts to influence your minds!
  6978. >Nu breaks apart into mist again, and forms into a black dress made of water!
  6979. >The dress then folds in, becoming a thick circular pool… and erupting in a stream of white destructive energy!
  6980. >It sweeps a beam of almighty magic through you all, rocking your bodies with explosions!
  6981. ><He’s starting to look weak! You can do this!>
  6983. HP
  6985. Anon: 14%
  6986. Rarity: 42%
  6987. Twilight: 43%
  6988. Spike: 7%
  6989. SP
  6991. Anon: 30%
  6992. Rarity: 65%
  6993. Twilight: 70%
  6994. Spike: 65%
  6995. Fluttershy: 100%
  6997. ><His persona’s stats have changed as well!>
  7000. Nu
  7002. Arcana: World
  7004. Resist: Physical, Ice, Fire
  7005. Absorb: Wind
  7006. Repel: Light, Dark
  7008. “Twilight! Spike! We leave it to you! Change, Robin Hood!”
  7009. >The viridian clad archer shoots a golden suction cup arrow at Sombra!
  7010. >It strikes his chest, weakening and demoralizing him!
  7011. >”We’ll need all the strength we can get. Peter Pan!”
  7012. >Pan’s shadow spreads over you all, stitching your bodies with threads of shadow!
  7013. >Spike’s persona card spins in front of his face. “Ready to show him what you can do with your #1 assistant, Twi?”
  7014. >The alicorn smiles as her card floats above her head. “And my #1 friend for life too.”
  7015. >They break their cards together!
  7016. >”PERSONA!”
  7017. >Nimue summons a sphere of water around Sombra, turning its edges to ice and trapping him as she compresses it!
  7018. >Ouroboros opens wide, light gleaming from within his mouth and shooting out in a white beam of plasma!
  7019. >”HAAAAAAAH!”
  7020. >”HAAAAAAAH!”
  7021. >The liquid within superheats as the icy prison presses down harder and harder!
  7022. >Pressure and Temperature combine, reaching the breaking point that forces the hydrogen atoms within to undergo Inertial Confinement Fusion!
  7023. >The icy prison gives off a bright light, exploding into a shining star!
  7024. Team Up Attack: THUBAN!
  7026. >Sombra howls in agony, ripped apart by the force of the star as it explodes!
  7027. >The glow fades, and the heavily damaged Sombra has a fierce look in his eyes.
  7028. >”How… how can it be that you insolent little shits are giving me such trouble?”
  7029. “What’s the matter? Now that the fool’s gotten serious, you can’t handle it?”
  7030. >Sombra glares and snarls. “Then this game has gone on long enough.”
  7031. >”To think that you could force me to fight seriously without holding back…”
  7032. >”As a sign of respect, I’ll consider making your deaths painless.”
  7033. >”Then again…”
  7034. >”I hear Light Magic stings quite a bit.”
  7035. >Sombra raises his head high and spreads his wings!
  7038. >A blinding flash of rainbow light erupts from Sombra, blowing away the arrow on his chest!
  7039. >Multicolored rays swirl around him, causing his body to change!
  7040. >Streaks of red and purple flow through his mane and tail, while black crystal-like patterns appear near his hooves!
  7041. >His entire body gives off a mysterious radiance… somehow, the halo of light around him makes this form look almost… beautiful.
  7042. >He looks at his hooves, grinning with pride. ”Hahaha! Rainbow Power, is it? Incredible! As expected of the Elements of Harmony!”
  7043. >”No more holding back… prepare to be crushed by my true might!”
  7044. ><This is… he’s way stronger than before! His stats went up, and I don’t think there’s any way to bring them back down!>
  7045. >”Our true fight begins now... prepare to die screaming, you worthless shits!”
  7047. V.S. Rainbow Sombra
  7051. ><I was able to restore a bit of your MP, look!>
  7054. HP
  7056. Anon: 100%
  7057. Rarity: 100%
  7058. Twilight: 100%
  7059. Spike: 100%
  7061. SP
  7063. Anon: 35%
  7064. Rarity: 65%
  7065. Twilight: 45%
  7066. Spike: 40%
  7067. Fluttershy: 100%
  7069. ><Spike should be able to use his Dragon Heart again as well. He’s serious this time, but so are we! Let’s finish him for good!>
  7070. “If you’re getting serious, then I will too!”
  7071. >You draw the golden card of the Emperor. “Change, Gilgamesh!”
  7072. >The golden armored hero crosses his arms and laughs, causing your power to grow!
  7073. >”We’re not afraid of your stolen power, Sombra! Peter Pan!”
  7074. >The satyr lobs a golden fairy over you, sprinkling you all with red dust that fills you with further strength!
  7075. >Twilight rushes at Sombra with her Naginata drawn and takes a wide swing!
  7076. >The dark emperor’s head weaves swiftly, blocking her strike with a loud clang!
  7077. >Twilight strains as the grinning Sombra starts to push her blade back…
  7078. >”HRRAH!” Sombra growls and knocks it out of Twilight’s mouth!
  7079. >The blade goes spinning into the air, but Twilight seizes it with her magic and throws it straight down at Sombra’s back!
  7080. >An aura of multicolored light materializes to block the strike, but Twilight drives it through with the full force of her magic, slicing into Sombra’s back before ripping it out and retreating!
  7081. >”Break through him, Ouroboros!”
  7082. >Spike’s persona launches a white fang at Sombra!
  7083. >But just before impact, that bright rainbow aura flares up and repels the serpent’s tooth!
  7084. ><Break spells won’t work? It must be because of his Rainbow Power…>
  7085. >Sombra’s horn glows with a rainbow colored magic, indigo colored crystals rising from the ground!
  7086. >”You will submit to me!”
  7087. >He throws out a storm of swirling blue shards!
  7088. >Gilgamesh’s armor protects you, but your friends are pelted by an overwhelming amount of slicing crystals!
  7089. >”Now then, Nu… show them your true strength!”
  7090. >The mist gathers in front of Sombra… swirling and portioning off into dozens of little black clouds.
  7091. >The clouds coalesce and form constructs of dark liquid, creating an army of dozens of black water Alicorns.
  7092. ><It’s just like legion…!>
  7093. >”The primordial waters of Nu can create whatever I desire! Now, Nu! GENESIS CATOBLEPAS!”
  7094. >The alicorns fly together, merging their bodies into a buffalo-like creature!
  7095. >It raises its neck, and mist sprays out of its nostrils!
  7096. >You all cover your faces and back away carefully, avoiding the strange gas!
  7097. ><You’ll be enervated if you breathe that! Be careful!>
  7099. HP
  7101. Anon: 100%
  7102. Rarity: 61%
  7103. Twilight: 60%
  7104. Spike: 62%
  7105. SP
  7107. Anon: 30%
  7108. Rarity: 60%
  7109. Twilight: 70%
  7110. Spike: 60%
  7111. Fluttershy: 100%
  7113. ><He hits hard… you have to be careful! You won’t be able to break through his resistances any more, so just hit him with everything you’ve got! Use Almighty magic if you can!>
  7114. “It’s time…”
  7115. >You draw the golden card of the Fool from your pocket, holding it out in front of you.
  7116. “This is our final hour. Please, lend us your energy! With the power of your hearts, we can end this!”
  7117. >You reach out and strike the card with your finger, shattering it!
  7118. “Change, LEGION!”
  7119. >Identical green men in suits appear one after the other, filling the battlefield with 48 new copies!
  7120. “Good luck!”
  7121. “We’ve got you covered!”
  7122. >You smile at the rainbow powered emperor.
  7123. “I’ll show you the difference between us. Your persona may look like mine, but it’s born from but a single tortured heart. Ours is the power of fourty eight in unison!”
  7125. >Their bodies fly at you and combine, creating a super-sized version of yourself made from 49 individuals merged into one!
  7126. “To me, Nightmare!”
  7127. >The dark matter flies into your hand and expands, forming a giant onyx scythe with an ornate design!
  7128. >Sombra’s gleaming eyes widen in shock. “That form... no, it must be a coincidence!”
  7129. >You just grin and sweep your enormous scythe at Sombra!
  7130. >His horn flashes, and a rainbow barrier erupts around him, crackling with energy as it blocks your strike!
  7131. >”Hrgghhh…”
  7132. “We aren’t finished yet! Scatter, Nightmare!”
  7133. >Nightmare explodes into dozens of fragments that surround Sombra, then form into pointed daggers and fly at him!
  7134. >Sparks erupt wildly as they assault his barrier from every angle, forcing him to defend as you leap out of your united form’s face and raise your fist!
  7135. >The 48 anons become bits of flame and rush over your fist, swirling and charging it with power!
  7136. >You draw back your fist, falling at Sombra!
  7137. “This is our…”
  7138. >Putting your entire being into this attack, you punch through his barrier in a single strike!
  7139. “MYRIAD HEARTS!”
  7140. >Your fist flies through his shield and plunges into his chest, burning with brilliant fire!
  7141. >You feel your hand collide with something cold and hard as Sombra’s face twists in agony!
  7142. >”Grrgh… you… YOU BITCH!”
  7143. >A wave of light blows you back, sending you away from Sombra!
  7144. >You look at the gaping hole left in Sombra’s chest… leading to a thick dark purple crystal.
  7145. >Inside the crystal, through the tinted glass you see it.
  7146. >Sombra’s heart rests within the crystal, a smoldering flame slowly burning around it.
  7147. >And pressed up against it is something else. Something you recognize as the severed chunk of Luna’s heart, pressed tightly against sombra’s own, trapped within the crystal.
  7148. “So that’s what the ‘Black Pharaoh’ did to you…”
  7149. >Sombra grits his teeth and shines his horn with a rainbow magic, causing the hole in his chest to seal.
  7150. >”That’s right… he allowed me to preserve my heart as it was, and forever be free from its influence. But you… you’re no dream, are you? That skill with Nightmare… those forms… only Princess Luna could do that. You’re the one controlling them, aren’t you? That’s why the number on your bracelet is off by one at all times.”
  7151. “I believe you’re mistaken about a few things, Sombra.”
  7152. “I’m just as much a dream as they are. And I’m no Princess Luna, nor do I control them.”
  7153. “They are me, and I am them. We are anonymous. We are legion. We act as one, united by a cause. Equals in our namelessness.”
  7154. “One who seeks only to rule above others would never understand our strength.”
  7155. >Some of your number call out, “Hey, are you sure you’re not just projecting?”
  7156. “I think you’re the one who’s a bastard.”
  7157. >”Do not be absurd. I am the son of Princess Platinum the Second and King Alexandrite!”
  7158. “I find his usage of other profanities more telling. In a society that values love so greatly, the moment your wife laid eyes on another, you slew her lover in a fit of jealous rage, then cursed her child, even though it was yours.”
  7159. >Sombra’s eyes narrow slightly.
  7160. “I am not saying you need to be as accepting of free love as us, but did you consider perhaps… relationship counseling? Divorce? A menage a trois? Any of those options that aren’t “sell your heart to a demon and go on a dark-magic fueled killing spree?”
  7161. >Sombra bears his white teeth fiercely.
  7162. “Just curious.”
  7163. >”You insolent little bitch!”
  7164. “Again with that word. So her shadow picked it up such language from you after all.”
  7165. ><Uh, Anonymous, maybe taunting him isn’t the best idea?>
  7166. “I just thought I’d show him he isn’t as invulnerable as he believes.”
  7167. >”Neither are you, Darling! Persona!”
  7168. >Peter Pan’s shadow shoots out, sewing up your bodies with magic threads of shadow!
  7169. >”If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest!” Twilight quotes with a smile, quickly stepping in and kicking Sombra to the air!
  7170. >She charges her blade with magic, soaring past him quickly and slicing through his rainbow protection with her Trinity Blade technique!
  7171. >Spike charges in after, delivering a flaming haymaker at Sombra’s chest!
  7172. >The brightly colored aura appears to soften the blow, but some of the impact still breaks through and pushes Sombra back!
  7173. >He focuses on you, and draws rainbow colored magic around his horn!
  7174. >”DIE, CLOWNS!”
  7175. >A torrent of white energy erupts from Sombra’s horn!
  7176. >The powerful laser blows through your army, slamming into you and ripping at you with pure energy!
  7177. ><Anon!>
  7178. >Without the resistances of Legion, his magic damages you severely!
  7179. >”Nu! Genesis BALOR!”
  7180. >The watery army splits and reforms into a cyclopean giant!
  7181. >Its eye flashes brightly, and Spike falls over unconscious!
  7182. ><An instant KO! It’s like that spell Larry used, but improved! It’s both light and dark at the same time! Twilight and Rarity must have barely avoided it.>
  7184. HP
  7186. Anon: 34%
  7187. Rarity: 100%
  7188. Twilight: 70%
  7189. Spike: 0%
  7190. SP
  7192. Anon: 30%
  7193. Rarity: 50%
  7194. Twilight: 40%
  7195. Spike: 60%
  7196. Fluttershy: 100%
  7198. ><By the way, the enemy seems to be immune to status effects!>
  7199. “Rise, Spike! We’re not through yet!”
  7200. >You throw a feather that sticks into Spike, reviving him!
  7201. >Rarity focuses, calling her card by her hooves and stomping on it. “Persona!”
  7202. >The satyr’s shadow wraps you up and fixes your wounds!
  7203. >Twilight flies into the air, and swoops down at Sombra with her Naginata in an overhead strike!
  7204. >Just before impact, her horn flashes, warping her behind Sombra!
  7205. >She quickly thrusts at him, but he vanishes in a shining rainbow spark of light, appearing behind Twilight and swiping her with his hoof, sending her skidding along the ground!
  7206. >”Twilight! Why you…!”
  7207. >Spike charges Sombra in anger, throwing a blazing punch at him!
  7208. >He weaves out of the way, sticking his hoof out and quickly tripping Spike!
  7209. >”Hahaha! This is more like it!”
  7210. >He rips blue crystals out from the ground, his horn glowing with rainbow magic as he sprays them out like bullets!
  7211. “Unite GUTS!”
  7212. >Legion quickly transforms into a thick gelatinous blob, blocking the crystals from damaging you!
  7213. >The rest of your team is pelted by the thin shards, but they endure it as best they can.
  7214. >”Resilient, aren’t you? Nu, grant me strength!”
  7215. >Some of the watery alicorns dissolve into droplets and fly into Sombra’s mouth!
  7216. ><He’s charging a physical attack!>
  7218. HP
  7220. Anon: 100%
  7221. Rarity: 64%
  7222. Twilight: 34%
  7223. Spike: 63%
  7224. SP
  7226. Anon: 30%
  7227. Rarity: 40%
  7228. Twilight: 40%
  7229. Spike: 60%
  7230. Fluttershy: 100%
  7232. “Spike, Rarity… could you use your greatest attack against him?”
  7233. >”If that’s your plan, we’ll accept the risk, darling.” Rarity nods at you.
  7234. “Thank you, my friends. Change, Gilgamesh!”
  7235. >Your personal army vanishes, and the golden hero appears in their place, laughing proudly!
  7236. >Twilight uncorks a potion and drinks it down quickly, restoring her vitality!
  7237. ><You have 3 candies, 6 potions, and 8 feathers remaining.>
  7238. >Spike and Rarity look at each other, nodding simultaneously.
  7239. >”PERSONA!”
  7240. >”PERSONA!”
  7241. >The golden fairy whizzes out from Rarity’s persona, coating Ouroboros in its magical dust as he rushes Sombra!
  7242. >Sombra’s horn shines with magic, bringing a rainbow barrier up to block the dragon’s charge!
  7243. >”Sombra! No matter what sort of power you divest, we’ll never let you steal away our future!” Rarity shouts at him.
  7244. >”We’re gonna take you down, and go back home together with all of our friends!” Spike says determinedly!
  7245. >The dragon’s scales shine gold, and he breaks through Sombra’s barrier, barrelling into him and seizing the alicorn in his claws!
  7246. >He rises into the air as Spike and Rarity grab onto each other and share a deep kiss!
  7247. >The dragon explodes with power!
  7248. >A golden heart forms from its body, throwing Sombra’s smoking body to the ground!
  7249. >”Grrrgh!”
  7250. >Rainbow light channels along Sombra’s horn…
  7251. >Titanic spires of orange crystal erupt from the ground!
  7252. >They blow Rarity and Spike away, knocking them unconscious, while Twilight is pierced deeply by a jagged orange formation, gasping for breath and barely holding on to her life!
  7253. ><Oh no!>
  7254. >The army of water alicorns starts flowing into Sombra’s mouth again…
  7255. ><He’s gathering strength for another physical attack!>
  7257. HP
  7259. Anon: 100%
  7260. Rarity: 0%
  7261. Twilight: 3% (Poisoned)
  7262. Spike: 0%
  7263. SP
  7265. Anon: 20%
  7266. Rarity: 40%
  7267. Twilight: 40%
  7268. Spike: 60%
  7269. Fluttershy: 100%
  7271. ><Twilight's poisoned! It can't take her down, but her damage output is weakened.>
  7272. ><Almighty attacks can't be resisted by him. If you need my Senshigan, just let me know!>
  7273. “Not good… Twilight, here!”
  7274. >You throw a potion at Twilight, letting her drink it to cure her poison and restore her energy!
  7275. >”Thanks, Anon. Rarity!”
  7276. >Twilight tosses a feather at Rarity that turns to light and brings her back to her hooves!
  7277. >”Appreciated, Darling. Spike, have one too!”
  7278. >Rarity floats a feather to the young dragon, reviving him with its magic!
  7279. >”Ugh… thanks, Rares. Let’s go! Ouroboros!
  7280. >Spike’s persona unleashes a white hot laser from its throat!
  7281. >It strikes Sombra’s rainbow shield and pierces through, causing an exploding inferno when it strikes his body!
  7282. >He blows the fire away with a flap of his wings, sending rainbow energy through his horn!
  7283. >”FALL!”
  7284. >Violet spires erupt from beneath you, shattering against Gilgamesh’s armor, but spearing Twilight and Spike!
  7285. >Rarity closes her eyes as amethyst spikes jut out from the ground, then leaps back just as one explodes from the ground she was standing upon!
  7286. >Her horn shines, and she rips the towering crystal from the ground with her magic and flings it at Sombra!
  7287. >It breaks through the rainbow aura around his body and pierces his chest!
  7288. >”Urgh! This… INSOLENCE!”
  7289. >Sombra shouts and pounds the spire with his hoof, shattering it into purple crystal dust!
  7290. >More of Nu’s primordial water rushes into Sombra’s mouth, granting him strength!
  7291. ><Another Power Charge! You’ve been doing good avoiding his status effects so far… just hang in there, I know we can do this! We have to!>
  7293. HP
  7295. Anon: 100%
  7296. Rarity: 100%
  7297. Twilight: 20%
  7298. Spike: 10%
  7300. SP
  7302. Anon: 20%
  7303. Rarity: 40%
  7304. Twilight: 40%
  7305. Spike: 30%
  7306. Fluttershy: 100%
  7308. “Change, Robin Hood!”
  7309. >You draw the ultimate Star card and tap its face, summoning the viridian archer!
  7310. “Rarity! Let’s show him our dream!”
  7311. >”Our dream… and his nightmare!” Rarity grins aggressively!
  7312. >Her horn glows with bright blue magic, and crystals begin bursting from the ground in several places around Sombra!
  7313. >Sombra spins around, watching as the crystals grow and shape themselves into dozens diamond duplicates of Robin Hood!
  7314. “Ready!”
  7315. >The archers draw their bows and nock their arrows!
  7316. >”Aim…”
  7317. >They point their bows towards Sombra!
  7318. “FIRE!”
  7319. >”FIRE!”
  7320. >At once, dozens of crystal arrows fly at Sombra from every angle!
  7321. >They stream at him and explode against his scintillating circular barrier, making it flash and spark with every hit!
  7322. “Nightmare, let’s do it!”
  7323. >You throw the blob of dark matter in front of you, and it morphs into a Ballista!
  7324. >Rarity rips a chunk of crystal from the ground, forming it into a large bolt and setting it in Nightmare!
  7325. >”Ta ta~!” Rarity winks as the ballista fires the crystal bolt straight into Sombra’s barrier, shattering it and shooting a crystal bolt into his chest!
  7326. Team Up Attack: ARCHERS NIGHTMARE!
  7327. >Sombra grunts and rips the bolt out of himself, blood dripping from the wound as he crushes the crystal in his hoof!
  7328. >”He’s on the ropes! We can finish him off soon!” Twilight says encouragingly, piercing her card with her horn! “Persona!”
  7329. >Nimue throws a thick wave of sacred lake water over the party, washing away their fatigue and injury!
  7330. >”Give him all we got! Ouroboros!”
  7331. >Spike’s persona fires another white hot laser, but Sombra flaps his wings and rises to the air to dodge it as the ground below him erupts in flames!
  7332. >”This shouldn’t be happening… I am a God! You are all NOTHING!”
  7333. >Sombra’s horn glimmers with rainbows, and three bright lights appear beside him, forming into duplicates of himself!
  7334. >The four Sombras flap their wings, and zip towards each of you in an instant!
  7335. >They raise their hooves and swing with a devastating punch that cracks your chest and sends you all flying!
  7336. >Each of you barely keeps your footing, struggling to continue the fight!
  7337. >”Why can you still stand… this should have been over a long time ago! Nu! Grant me more power!”
  7338. >The army dissolves into mist, flowing into Sombra’s body!
  7339. ><He’s charging for an extra powerful magic attack! Just hang in there a little more… we can finish this! Believe in yourselves!>
  7341. HP
  7343. Anon: 8%
  7344. Rarity: 3%
  7345. Twilight: 10%
  7346. Spike: 1%
  7347. SP
  7349. Anon: 20%
  7350. Rarity: 40%
  7351. Twilight: 0%
  7352. Spike: 0%
  7353. Fluttershy: 100%
  7355. “We do believe… this is the end for you, Sombra!”
  7356. “Change, Tarzan!”
  7357. >You swap out to protect yourself and pitch a candy at Spike!
  7358. “Take it, my man!”
  7359. >”Gotcha, big guy!” Spike catches the candy and throws it into his mouth, filling with Mana!
  7360. “Fluttershy, it’s up to you and Spike!”
  7361. ><Understood! I won’t miss!>
  7362. >”We won’t lose… Spike, I know you can finish this! Persona!”
  7363. >Peter Pan spreads his shadow over the Dream Team, melding and stitching your wounds together to put you back in perfect condition!
  7364. >”Here I go!” Spike shouts, jumping into the air and shattering his card with a punch, his Persona rising along with him as he leaps on top of Argus’s head!
  7365. >”Analysis mode, go!”
  7366. >The serpent bites its tail, and Spike closes his eyes, linking his heart and mind with Fluttershy!
  7367. >Eyes open up all along Argus’s body one by one, until every single one stares at the Alicorn Sombra!
  7368. ><King Sombra!]
  7369. ><We swear we will never let one like you have this world!]
  7370. >Sombra bares his teeth, glowing with power. “You think you can stop me, weaklings?”
  7371. ><On our own, we are weaker than you.]
  7372. ><But with our hearts as one, we form a power greater than you could ever dream of!]
  7373. ><It’s over! MEGA RYUSHI CANNON!]
  7374. >Fw-Fw-Fw-Fw-Fw-Fw-FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
  7375. >Every single one of Argus’s eyes erupts in a shining magenta beam of light, converging on Sombra!
  7376. >”NO!” Sombra shouts, firing an exploding wave of swirling rainbow mixed with streaks of black and white!
  7378. >The wave of light from Sombra’s horn stops the rain of destruction, and slowly starts to push it back!
  7379. >”Hahahahaha! This is TRUE POWER!”
  7380. >Argus’s beams struggle against Sombra’s forming a growing sphere of energy where they meet!
  7381. “Come on! Just push a little harder!”
  7382. ><Complete stillness… and perfect focus of the mind… while the heart burns brightly!]
  7383. ><Rage on, Dragon Heart!]
  7384. >A torrent of fire erupts from the top of Argus’s head as Spike bursts into flames, activating his Dragon Heart!
  7385. >The beams of light burst with renewed energy, forcing Sombra’s attack back!
  7386. Team Up Attack: HYPER MEGA RYUSHI CANNON!
  7387. >”No…”
  7388. >The sphere of collision expands and bears down on him!
  7389. >”No!”
  7390. ><Taste the rainbow.]
  7392. >The beams break through Sombra’s magic and explode in a rainbow of colors!
  7393. >Sombra’s body blows through the solid crystal plateau, shattering it apart and throwing him into a crater on the surface of the moon!
  7394. >A huge pillar of multicolored light erupts from the crater, shooting up to the heavens and illuminating the moon in a beautiful rainbow aurora!
  7395. >You watch on as the explosion thins, leaving nothing but darkness.
  7396. “Did we do it…?”
  7397. >The ground beneath you suddenly cracks and shatters!
  7398. ><It’s falling apart!]
  7399. >”I got us!” Twilight calls out, her horn shining magenta as your surroundings vanish in a flash of light!
  7400. >You reappear past the crumbling castle, watching it shatter into shards and turn into motes of darkness that float into the sky…
  7401. >Once the last speck of blackness disappears, Fluttershy’s persona dissolves into light, causing the reserve party to fall to the ground in a pile of ponies!
  7402. >”Oof!”
  7403. >Once her persona disappears, you get that feeling.
  7404. >You’re no longer in a dream.
  7405. “Haha… we won…”
  7406. “WE FUCKING WON!”
  7407. >”YEAH!”
  7408. >”WOOHOO!”
  7409. >”GO TEAM!”
  7410. >”IN YOUR FACE, SOMBRA!”
  7411. >Everyone cheers in celebration, piling onto you and hugging you tightly to celebrate their victory!
  7412. >You try not to suffocate as you look around at the rocky surface of the pale moon.
  7413. “Sombra got blasted into that crater… Luna’s heart must be there too! Come on, let’s go!”
  7414. >They let you go to lead the way towards the crater Sombra landed in, jogging swiftly along the moon with your friends behind you!
  7415. >You close in on the rim of the crater…
  7416. >Just as a black wisp begins to rise from it.
  7417. >Rarity stops and cries out, clutching her head in pain!
  7418. “Rarity! What…”
  7419. >”He’s not dead…” Rarity grunts.
  7420. >You look up as a shadowy aura peeks up from the edge of the valley, slowly rising out of the crater.
  7421. >The aura of blackness parts… and you see a pair of glowing green and red eyes emerge from it as King Sombra steps out of the darkness, looking bloodied and battered, but still streaked with red and black, and wings spread out proudly.
  7422. “Son of a bitch… can’t you just stay dead?!”
  7423. >”If he hasn’t learned his lesson, we’ll just have to pound it into his head again!” Dash says as she goes spinning into the air! “Thunderbird!”
  7424. >Dash floats in the air expectantly…
  7425. >But nothing happens.
  7426. >”I was such a fool…” Sombra says, grinning wickedly as he approaches you all slowly, shadow billowing out from his body.
  7427. >”I was so obsessed with my dream… I lost sight of reality.”
  7428. >”So I put an end to my little world of dreams… and absorbed the Nightmare Dreamscape back into my own body.”
  7429. >”No more Fantasia. No more Personas.”
  7430. >Sombra’s eyes gleam as he smiles madly. “In your dreams you may be stronger than me. But in reality… I am still a god. And you are now powerless to stop me."
  7431. >"This world is mine... and you shall all die, screaming in despair."
  7432. >"Welcome to reality."
  7433. >"I WIN."
  7434. “God, my ass! SOMBRA!”
  7435. >You run at Sombra, drawing your fist back as magenta fire explodes out from it!
  7436. >You throw an explosive punch his way, putting the force of your love into your fist!
  7437. >But just before you connect, Sombra zips into the air on his black wings, causing you to trip from your reckless haymaker!
  7438. >”Anonymous!” Your friends call out!
  7439. >”Ah, that fire of friendship… I doubt such unrefined light magic could truly defeat the power of all the elements of harmony… but why take that chance?” Sombra grins.
  7440. >”Celestia’s shadow did well, informing me of your capabilities. She tested you at every turn, watching you as you fought foes such as Alioth, dragging you out to the Everfree Forest to see you fight monsters…”
  7441. >”She told me of your strength, and of your weakness.”
  7442. >”And while your Fire of Friendship was truly something that impressed her… it doesn’t help much if you can’t even hit me with it.”
  7443. >”For in reality, you are a weakling unable to defeat even a green slime!”
  7444. >Three beams of light shoot out from Twilight, Rarity and Sunset, aiming blasts of magic at Sombra!
  7445. >A scintillating barrier shines around him, deflecting the magic with the power of the rainbow!
  7446. >Dash swoops at him with her wing blades, but the steel glances off his impenetrable shield!
  7447. >Pinkie kicks her cannon rapidly, hearing it let out a series of rapid cock-a-doodle-doos as it barrages Sombra with cannonballs, accomplishing nothing before his shield!
  7448. >Applejack spins around and rears up, letting Spike jump onto her hind legs to kick him off at Sombra with a boost!
  7449. >Spike roars, his eyes wild as his punch glows with flame, flying at Sombra!
  7450. >But in a flash of rainbow magic, Sombra vanishes and reappears at the ground, letting Spike sail through the air helplessly!
  7452. >A beam of rainbow energy explodes at you from Sombra’s horn!
  7453. >”Look out!”
  7454. >Everyone suddenly throws themselves in front of you!
  7455. >The rainbow beam explodes against their bodies!
  7456. >The shockwave sends you all flying in a blinding flash!
  7457. >You feel your body crack as you’re blown onto your back from the searing light magic…
  7458. >The pain isn’t anything like what you’ve experienced in Fantasia.
  7459. >Without the strength of your persona enhancing your body, the difference in power is overwhelming…
  7460. >”Come on, Anon… get up!”
  7461. >You hear Twilight’s voice urging you to keep going…
  7462. >Your entire body is filled with weakness and agony…
  7463. >But you power through it, and stand up, opening your eyes.
  7464. >The rainbow powered Sombra glares. “Look at you… struggling to stand after a single attack? You’re all weak! Nothing compared to me! Why do you continue to fight, knowing that your fate has already been decided? Surrender, and I can make your deaths quick and painless!”
  7465. >”In your dreams, Sombra.” Rarity spits.
  7466. >”We ain’t givin’ up that easy!” Applejack yells!
  7467. >”Tis but a scratch!” Pinkie smiles.
  7468. >”You’re the one that should surrender before he gets hurt.” Rainbow Dash retorts.
  7469. >”No matter how dark things get, our friends will light the way. That’s why we’ll keep fighting!” Sunset says strongly!
  7470. >”Every single one of us believes in Anonymous!” Fluttershy says confidently!
  7471. >”He’s not weak… he’s stronger than you could ever hope to be!” Spike shouts!
  7472. >”We might not have our Personas, or the Elements, but the bonds of our friendship are real! As long as we have those, there’s no way we can lose to you! We know Anonymous will make our dreams come true!” Twilight says, spreading her wings out ready to fight.
  7473. >Sombra’s eyes smolder with smoking dark energy…
  7474. >”All this saccharine friendship nonsense is making me sick to my stomach. This is REALITY! Without the elements, without your personas, your bonds are MEANINGLESS!”
  7475. >”He has no weapons! He has no Persona! He has nothing! Or are you trying to say he still has a card hidden up his sleeve? There is nothing you can do! Your dream is over!”
  7476. >A card…
  7477. >Perhaps not up by your sleeve…
  7478. >Reaching into your pocket, you feel a single card that did not vanish along with the dream.
  7479. >You draw the card out, looking at its blank face, then turning it around to show Sombra.
  7480. >As he sees the back, you notice his eyes widen in surprise, but his expression softens when he sees its front.
  7481. >”Heh… blank. Just like your face. This is your ‘trump card’?”
  7482. “You think that’s its weakness… but that’s its greatest strength.”
  7483. “This card is blank… because it’s a sign of the future we’ve yet to create.”
  7484. “It’s blank because nothing is set in stone. Nothing is inevitable!”
  7485. “Fuck destiny! The future is whatever you make it to be!”
  7486. “SOMBRA! This card is our light! A sign of our bonds!”
  7487. “Your darkness will never stain this future. We’ll paint it together with our dreams!”
  7488. “My friends! Let’s do this together… one more time! All of us!”
  7489. >”RIGHT!”
  7490. >Your friends surround you, facing Sombra right by your side!
  7491. >You flip the card to face yourselves, and hold it out!
  7492. >”This is meaningless!” Sombra taunts. “Pretend whatever you like… I am unstoppable!”
  7493. >You ignore Sombra’s words, chanting together with your eight friends by your side!
  7494. >”Thou art I…”
  7495. >”I art thou!”
  7496. >”From the sea of our souls… COME FORTH!”
  7497. >The card’s face begins to glow white!
  7498. >”We fight together…” Dash chants, as a red ball of light flies from her chest and enters the card in a flash!
  7499. >”For a true and just cause!” Applejack shouts, an orange orb shooting out into the card from her heart!
  7500. >”To open the path to peace…” Fluttershy continues, a pink light floating into the card from her body.
  7501. >”We will offer ourselves to this world!” Rarity cries out as a purple light shoots out from her into the card!
  7502. >”To ensure a future filled with smiles…” Pinkie recites as her light flies into the card in a blue flash.
  7503. >”We’ll fill the world with love!” Spike finishes, an emerald light erupting from his chest and entering the card!
  7504. >”Our friendship is magic!” Twilight declares, magenta light bursting out of chest and filling the card with her power!
  7505. >”In harmony, we will soar higher than we ever could alone!” Sunset calls out as a golden yellow light flies from her and fills the card with her power!
  7506. >The many colors of their souls begin to swirl on the face of the card, painting an image on it with the power of their hearts!
  7507. >The Blank Card has been transformed, becoming a golden card bearing the number 21!
  7508. >You bring the card closer to yourself.
  7509. “Our dreams…”
  7510. >Together, you call out as one, declaring your will to Sombra!
  7512. >You tap the card’s face, fueled by your bonds!
  7513. >The card explodes with power, calling a brilliant multicolored light from within it!
  7514. >The light takes shape, brightening the world, and forming a miraculous being…
  7515. >Sombra’s eyes widen in terror as he sees what you have summoned together…
  7516. >An alicorn with a pure white body, and many pairs of wide angelic wings.
  7517. >Her mane and tail are a brilliant glowing scarlet, and her eyes glow white with godly power.
  7518. >At that time, you remembered something.
  7519. >The planets of this world are inhabited by the souls of the great alicorns, and named for them.
  7520. >The holy planet you live upon is called neither Earth, Terra, nor Gaia.
  7521. >Its name is something so sacred, even Twilight refuses to take it in vain.
  7522. >Always they call it “this planet”, “our world”, or “this sacred planet”.
  7523. >A name you have heard only once out loud.
  7524. >A name you never found to be odd… for a part of you has always known it as truth.
  7525. >Inhabited by a being, spoken of in worship only in hushed tones and sincere expressions of thanks and relief.
  7526. >The spirit that dwells within the planet you have grown to call your home stands before you now, called forth by the strength of your hearts.
  7527. >The first old one.
  7528. >The sacred goddess of the planet.
  7529. >Mother of all.
  7530. >Alicorn above alicorns.
  7531. >The creator.
  7532. >Thy name is...
  7534. “Grant us the power to defend the beautiful world you made.”
  7535. “The beautiful planet which we call our home.”
  7536. “Change…”
  7537. “FAUST!”
  7538. >”It can’t be…”
  7539. >”There’s no way you could summon Her! This can’t be happening!”
  7540. “You’re the one who said it yourself.”
  7541. “This is reality.”
  7542. “The reality… created by our dreams!”
  7543. >Faust spreads her wings, and gleaming white feathers shoot out at Sombra!
  7544. >Her pure white quills pierce through his rainbow barrier, skewering him and filling him with holy light!
  7546. >Sombra’s body burns away, turning to light bit by bit!
  7547. >His physical form explodes in a shower of radiance, exposing the dark crystal within his chest!
  7548. >It cracks apart, and shatters under the force of Faust’s holy magic!
  7549. >The light blue heart that belonged to Sombra burns with a rainbow flame…
  7550. >The flame steadily consumes the floating heart, eating away at it until nothing remains… except for a pulsing cobalt blue piece floating slowly in the air.
  7551. >It swims towards you gently, seeking its other half.
  7552. >The missing piece of Luna’s heart glides into you, slipping into your chest.
  7553. >And then… everything changes.
  7555. Velvet Room
  7557. >13 faceless men stand in a blue velvet Library, while a midnight blue Alicorn looks at them with a heartfelt smile, and watery eyes.
  7558. >”I am so truly glad to see you all for the first time.”
  7559. >”We’ve been friends for months… and I can finally greet you.”
  7560. >”To tell you truly from my own mouth. From my own complete heart.”
  7561. >”Thank you for staying by my side for so long.”
  7562. >”It was a true joy to be a part of your journey.”
  7563. >”To watch you all laugh, cry, argue, and dream together… it was an experience I’ll never forget.”
  7564. >A few of them run in and hug the Princess.
  7565. >She squeezes them back gently in her hooves.
  7566. “If we don’t make it, remember where the letter is. And take good care of them for us.”
  7567. >”Of course. I remember everything from our time together. All the things you’ve ever said, I’ve been there to hear.”
  7568. “Thanks for giving us the chance to be here, Moonbutt.”
  7569. >Luna chuckles slightly. “No, thank you for everything.”
  7570. “Pleasure’s always been ours.”
  7571. “But we still have to kick Nyarlathotep’s butt!”
  7572. >”Yes, I wonder about him… I don’t know where he’s lurking, but I swear he won’t go unpunished.”
  7573. “One more day would be nice…”
  7574. >”I know. And perhaps we could find a way…”
  7576. >Luna sighs. “You really don’t. I would probably dislocate your shoulder. I’m as strong as my sister, you know.”
  7577. “How are we supposed to get our true ending like this?”
  7578. >”There are still options… but first, I do want to make sure we leave nothing unsaid. There’s a few things I’d like to explain for your benefit.”
  7579. >Luna pushes herself away from you and sits.
  7580. >”I know you were all confused about the source of your so called ‘falcon punch’. It was… a tricky question. The answer was tricky as well.”
  7581. >”You see, alone I am not able to summon such light magic.”
  7582. >”The Fire of Friendship is not among my abilities to create.”
  7583. >”But when I broke free from Sombra’s heart… I was able to take part of the power of the Elements of Harmony for myself as well.”
  7584. >”That was the white stain you saw in the vision. I once was the bearer of half the elements, along with my sister. My lingering connection to them allowed me to take a portion of their magic with me.”
  7585. >”But as I was never bearer of all 6, I could not obtain their true power. And so the Light Magic you summoned was the unrefined raw Fire of Friendship, as opposed to the focused power of the Elements of Harmony.”
  7586. >”Anyway, I have… an offer to make you. But before I do, is there anything you would like to ask me?”
  7588. “Did you stop us from turning Nightmare into the Twicane?”
  7589. >”Of course. Nightmare responds to me. Were you not paying attention to Rarity when she theorized that? Hence why such firearms from your world would not form. I can only create a weapon which I understand. As an experienced warrior, I understand the workings of arbalests, ballistas, and even cannons, but the guns from your world are too foreign for me to make a functional simulacrum of.”
  7590. >”It is also the reason Nightmare became more flexible when Legion was summoned. That portion of my heart has been legion’s commander. Though it only truly started to resemble me after the Fantasia born from my heart.”
  7591. >”Honestly though, I am surprised you never noticed the disparity in numbers of Legion, nor did you call attention to how our diction changed whilst Legion was summoned.”
  7592. “So… everything we ever said you heard?”
  7593. >”Everything. Always. Why… I even gained the courage once to pen a summary of our journey thus far, figuring that perhaps I could have your backs that one time. But I kept quiet on other matters, even after my heart became more whole. For I wanted you all to choose your own fates. I even feared that you hated me for a time… and would resent me if I expressed myself through our shared body in certain matters.”
  7594. “So do you really play Mahvel?”
  7595. >”I daresay I shall in the future.”
  7596. “You got a super mode like Celestia does?”
  7597. >”Indeed. But you know it better as Nightmare Moon.”
  7598. “What’s up with the Velvet Room anyway?”
  7599. >”It is what it is. A place between dream and reality. One I have looked in on a few times myself, though in lacking a contract I had not interacted with its inhabitants much. But I asked Igor and Elizabeth to give us some time alone.”
  7600. “What do you think of us?”
  7601. >”Of all the dreamers I have come across… well, you are unique. Rude, uncouth, idiots… but capable of great kindness, hope, and love.”
  7602. “So where did these memories of our previous world come from? Who are we anyway?”
  7603. >Luna frowns. “You are… a dream. As am I.”
  7604. >”I am aware of our nature. Aware of it all too well.”
  7605. >”The nature of our world as something dreamed up by minds from another world, who are in turn dreams of another dream.”
  7606. >”Part of the reason I felt so alone and isolated was the burden of knowing this secret of what we are.”
  7607. >”Right now, you dream of our world. That is why it exists. All of you dreamers are brought here by my power, as my own dream.”
  7608. >”You are all ones who dream of our world often. Who keep it alive. Who allow our stories to continue to be told.”
  7609. >”To you, our world is but a tale. But to those of us in it, it is our reality. And I was able to make you real to us as well.”
  7610. “So what about that black stain?”
  7611. >”A seed of darkness left behind after my heart escaped from Sombra’s. This seed blossomed into SIHN by Sombra’s power, and spread its foul pollen across Equestria.”
  7612. “Why’d everyone think we were death?”
  7613. >”It is as simple as that. You are a human, and Nyarlathotep takes the form of humans. No other thing resembles them so much as his demonic visages, including that of Samael.”
  7614. “Which one is our Igor? I wanna give him a hug!”
  7615. >”I have no idea. Surely he is one of you, but your anonymity is equal here.”
  7616. “HUGS FOR ALL THEN!”
  7617. >The anonymous men start hugging each other in a big sweaty pile while Luna smirks lightly.
  7618. >”Very nice. Now then… I suppose I should tell you about my offer.”
  7619. >”There… is a way I can allow you to stay, and continue dreaming. To let your hearts remain in this world for them.”
  7620. >”I know how much it means to you to make them happy, even knowing what they are. I wish to see them happy as well.”
  7621. >”So… I could use my power to return us to what we once were.”
  7622. >”My heart will continue to act as an anchor for yours, binding your dream to this realm and allowing you to return and live among them forever.”
  7623. >”It would mean sacrificing who I am… my will would be stronger than it has been in these past months, but I would not have my own form. I would be forced to share that body with all of you, as you would with each other.”
  7624. >”But… it is the only way I can guarantee that you will stay.”
  7625. >”You are here because my heart holds you here.”
  7626. >”Once it lets go, you may vanish.”
  7627. >”It’s possible… they will even forget you exist.”
  7628. >”If I redo our bonds, I can make our fusion permanent, and grant us a place in this world together.”
  7629. >”This is an important decision.”
  7630. >”I ask that you please choose wisely.”
  7632. Remain fused with Princess Luna?
  7634. >The men in suits talk amongst themselves…
  7635. >But in the end, they come to a strong consensus.
  7636. “We can’t do this to you.”
  7637. “There’s ponies waiting for you to come back. Tia would never forgive me if we did this.”
  7638. “Besides, you don’t sound very certain that we’ll go.”
  7639. >Luna closes her eyes and smiles. “I’m not. To be honest… I don’t know what will happen. I only know what I can guarantee.”
  7640. >”I made this offer to give you that choice… but I knew you wouldn’t choose to accept a compromise.”
  7641. >”That’s just the way you are.”
  7642. >”And you are correct, it would be difficult to remain stuck together forever like that.”
  7643. >”In fact I feel like you are all close enough to killing each other as it is, without me trying to have things my own way. In fact some of you seem to be considering it right now. Please stop that.”
  7644. >“Being stuck together like that forever might not actually be something very fun. Though it was a wonderful experience while it lasted.”
  7645. “Wait, if you were our leader when we summoned Legion, does that mean you shouted ‘for horse pussy’ to Celestia’s shadow?”
  7646. >Luna’s eyes widen in surprise, and a heavy blush comes over her cheeks. “That’s… I-I mean, that was… you’re the ones that made me say it! I only had 30… no, maybe 15% of my heart in there. You’re the ones that bullied it into saying something where it didn’t know any better!”
  7647. >The princess turns away indignantly.
  7648. “So what was it like when we fucked Princess Ce-”
  7649. >”VERY. Awkward. In fact, I’m starting to see that the very notion of staying fused with you is a Kafkaesque nightmare. I can’t be rid of you soon enough.”
  7650. >Luna lets out a heavy breath and shakes her head.
  7651. >”But ringing you into this world… watching you grow… I felt almost like a mother watching her child blossom. Yet even greater than that.”
  7652. >Luna steps up and walks slowly to the door of the Velvet Room.
  7653. >”... Once I go through this door, our hearts will separate.”
  7654. >“I don’t know what will become of you.”
  7655. >”Good luck, my friends.”
  7656. “See you, Space Cowboy.”
  7657. “Take care, mom. Thanks for the memories.”
  7658. “You’ll be fine, and so will we.”
  7659. “With luck, we’ll meet you there.”
  7660. “At least we’ll see you in our dreams.”
  7661. “It’s been real.”
  7662. “Been a good run.”
  7663. “Make sure our stuff’s in good hands.”
  7664. “We’ll never forget this time.”
  7665. “Tell our friends we were thinking of them until the end.”
  7666. >Luna gives you a tearful smile.
  7667. >She reaches out to the doorknob and opens it to what lies beyond…
  7668. >You watch as she steps through the door, and it closes after her.
  7669. >And at once, everything becomes nothing.
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