
Termux GhostSec Copy Paste Default Setup

Jan 5th, 2024
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  1. termux-setup-storage && termux-change-repo && apt install root-repo unstable-repo x11-repo && apt update && pkg upgrade && apt-get install ack-grep apache2 aapt apt apt-transport-tor asciinema atomicparsley apksigner attr autoconf automake autossh bash bash-completion bat binutils-gold binutils ca-certificates-java ccache ccrypt coreutils clang cmake-curses-gui cmake cmark cmatrix colordiff coreutils cowsay curl daemonize darkhttpd datamash db debianutils debootstrap dialog diffutils direvent dnsutils espeak expect fakeroot figlet file findutils fontconfig fontconfig-utils fortune fossil freetype gawk gbt gcal getconf gettext ghostscript gifsicle git git-crypt glib glib-bin global gmic gnuit gnupg gnuplot gnutls golang golang-doc googletest gpgme gpgv gpsbabel graphicsmagick graphviz grep gtypist gzip hashdeep hexcurse hexedit httping hugo hunspell hunspell-en-us iconv icu-devtools imagemagick imgflo indent ipcalc iperf3 ipfs json-c json-glib keybase ldns libandroid-glob libandroid-shmem libandroid-support libarchive libbsd libbz2 libc++ libconfig libcrypt libcue libcurl libdb libedit libelf libgcrypt libgit2 libgmp libgnutls libgpg-error libllvm php php-apache php-fpm php-pgsql pkg-config postgresql potrace proot pure-ftpd pwgen python python2 ranger readline redir resolv-conf rhash ripgrep root-repo ruby ruby-ri rust rust-std-wasm32 scrypt serf socat sox sqlite squid ncurses-ui-libs ncurses-utils ndk-multilib ndk-sysroot neofetch neovim net-tools nginx nim ninja nmap nodejs nyancat oathtool openjpeg openjpeg-tools openssh openssl openssl-tool opus-tools opusfile p7zip pango par2 parted pass pass-otp pastebinit patch patchelf pathpicker perl libvterm libwebp libwebsockets libxapian libxml2 libxml2-utils libyaml lighttpd linux-man-pages littlecms littlecms-utils lld lldb llvm ltrace luarocks lynx lzip m4 make man mariadb mathomatic megatools memcached micro mime-support mlocate mosh msmtp mtools multitail nano ncdc ncdu ncmpcpp ncurses sshpass strace stunnel tar termux-am termux-api termux-apt-repo termux-auth termux-create-package termux-elf-cleaner termux-exec termux-keyring termux-tools timewarrior tinyproxy tinyscheme tmate tmux toilet tor torsocks tracepath tsocks tsu unrar unstable-repo unzip util-linux vim vim-runtime weechat weechat-lua-plugin weechat-perl-plugin weechat-python-plugin weechat-ruby-plugin wget wireguard-tools xapian-tools xmlsec xmlstarlet zip zsh && curl -LO && bash kalinethunter && wget --no-check-certificate && bash && pacman -Sy --noconfirm wget && wget --no-check-certificate && bash
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