
Throw of the dice

Jan 23rd, 2013
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  1. I’m in heaven when you kiss Me
  2. By
  3. Susan Waterflower Bell
  4. Second Contest Story
  6. Susan took a deep breath as she peered out the window of the quick moving tram, a mixture of thoughts filled her head as she watched the bright neon lights of the downtown district pass her by. Slowly she released her breath as she rolling stock car came to a halt. Without saying a word she stood up, placed her purse around her shoulder and stepped toward the exit. As she passed the driver she dropped a few lose coins into collection box. And within seconds she found herself peering toward a long row of road side houses.
  8. Slowly she started toward the house in front of her, the heels of her high heel shoes made a loud clicking noise as she made her way up the concrete stone steps and soon she was peering toward the large brass numbers. A quick mental checked followed to makes sure the string matched the numbers given by her boyfriend of six months. She still found it odd that after six months of dating she was final being invited over to flat, then again he had never been to her own humble cottage she rented in the outer ring.
  10. Once she was certain the numbered matched she knocked upon the door. A few seconds passed before the door came creeping open and the small porch was flooded with light. The cold night air became scented with the smell of cooking beef and freshly picked roses. A odd mixture indeed considering the wares of a near by food vendor populated the air with the smell of day old hotdogs and other odd stuff.
  12. “Hello there Susie, I’ve been expecting you.” Said a voice, the source of the voice soon became clear as a young man around twenty five stepped into the doorway. The main wore a well tailored black four piece suit. His long raven black hair hung lose and a small smile worthy of a fox graced his upper lip. “Well come in, I’ve been expecting you.” He said stepping aside and nodding his head in the directions of the kitchen.
  14. Susan smiled as she steeped up and placed a kissed upon her lovers cheeks, once the kiss had been competed she gave offered him a teasing look and without another word being spoke she stepped into the confines of small flat. The minute her heels crossed the threshold a pleasant warmth embraced her.
  16. “I hope you will find things to your liking, I know this is not your thoughts of a romantic date, but all of the fancy steak and French style restaurants where booked full, so I talked to my friend and he cut me a deal on a pair of prime rib steaks, I’m just about to braze them and put them in the oven to broil. While that is doing I was hopping we could enjoy a small glass of wine and I could show give you a special something, something that will truly make this night memorable for the both of us.” He said appearing behind her.
  18. “That sounds wonderful, it really does. I mean its not often that you come across a prime cut of meat, but then again its not often you come across a gentleman such as yourself.” Said Susan hanging her pastel pink purse upon the back of a near by chair. A large snow white ‘S’ had been sewn upon the front. The ‘S’ as you guess stood for her first name, as middleschoolish as it seemed and appeared there was something cute about it. And that sense of cuteness it was she believed had drawn her boyfriend in at the first place.
  20. A sudden blush colored the fellows cheeks as words of his lovers praised reached his ears, his ears too seemed to flood with color as ghost of a smirk formed upon the bow of his lip. Feeling backed into a corner he reached and ran his fingers through his shoulder length coal black hair. Yes indeed there was something special about this one.
  24. Susan could only giggle as she watched the blush spread from one part of James face to the other, yes there was something cute about a blushing boy, or a boy that was speechless and it made her feel powerful that she had caused that blush. Then she caught sight of those pinking ears, and before she could catch herself she walked over and reached up and gently started to rub the red ears.
  26. “Who’s been a good little boy, Kenta’s been a good little boy, yes he has, yes he has.” She said folding showering the ear this a large amount of attention. There was something about the sight of a handsome follow with blushing ears that made Susan go insane. Maybe because she had always associated blushing ears with humiliation or poutiness? Or maybe a more clear cut answer would be maybe she found it cute and cute things made gush? The possibilities where endless but still one thing was certain she really enjoyed playing with his ears.
  28. Kenta blinked and blinked again as he narrowed his eyes toward Susan, his blush only seemed to deepen as she teased him by rubbing upon his ears. Truth be known he felt more like a pet than a lover the very second she had started to rub his flaming ears, the babyish tone of her voice, a tone of voice somebody would normally use on a puppy was just rubbing salt into the wound. So in order to call her off he reached down and brought his hand down upon her bottom. The swat was well aimed and carried enough sting he hoped to get her attention.
  30. It was Susan’s turned to blush once she felt the sting of her Kenta’s hand landing upon her bottom, sending a shockwave of sting rolling into her bottom. For a minute a brief mental image of that striking hand wrapping hits long skilled fingers around her bottom and squeezing her round bottom cheeks filled her hand, causing her blush to deepen tenfold. But the message was clear, she withdrew her hand and left his ear in peace.
  32. “Hey that was mean of you!” Said quickly as she felt her blush spreading from cheek to cheek, quickly she folded her hands across her chest and with the air of a spoiled brat the playfully puffed out her cheeks and turned her nose into the air.
  34. “Be careful dear,” Chuckled Kenta in response to the little show his lover was putting on. “We don’t want to ruin the after dinner show now do we, but if you feel the need to brat off, I will not mind hiking your dress up and pulling you over my lap right now, but this time it will not be my hand that tans that round bottom of yours, it will be Mr. Spoon.” He said nodding with his head toward one of the kitchen drawers.
  36. If this was a popular Saturday anime, then a large sweat drop would be appearing behind her forehead. But this was not a popular anime and as such no such sweat drop did appear. But her blush did become a bit more rosy and sudden shyness overtook her as she stepped toward her lover, reached her arms up and pressed her breast to his chest and linked her hands behind his neck.
  38. “I thought we where going to keep that till tonight.” She said smiling softy toward him as she moved in for a brief kiss.
  40. Kenta smiled as he reached down and planted the kiss upon his lovers lips and for a few minutes the two lost themselves in a exchange of passionate kiss’s. The effect both was seen within seconds, for soon Susan was blushing like a bride at the alter as Kenta’s kissed reached deeper into the confines of her mouth. And Kenta in turn felt like a noble prince, having just swept his princess off her feet and into her arms and was sealing there future marriage with a quick kiss. Finally after a few minutes the two broke apart.
  42. “I’ll fetch the wine my dear, and put the steaks on the griddle,” He said looking down into her sapphire pink eyes with his round coal black ones. There was a powerful energy rationing from his eyes, you know the kind of energy that made a girl go weak in the knees and made her feel her heart jump with winged feet.
  47. “Okay, but you please help me out of my coat?” Said Susan still blushing deeply as she held up the sleeve of her coat. She took a deep breath as she waited for her prince to come to her aid, yes it was his place to wait upon her hand a foot for tonight was a very special night. And as her mother had told her once when she stood on the cusp of women hood, ‘When you’ve found the man that will be your husband you must, keep your eye upon him. You must test him and you must prove your worth my daughter. Because anything worth having is worth fighting for.’ And even after all these years, her words still rung true in her head,
  49. “With pleasure my dear,” He said walking over to the place where Susan stood. And with a well practiced hand he helped her to remove the long sleeve, snow white jacket that she wore. Once the jacket had been removed and folded up did he feast his eyes upon the picture perfect image of a goddess that stood before him.
  51. “I think, you might like what you see,” Said Susan smiling as she peered over her shoulder and offered Kenta a suggestive wink. Susan had dressed herself to impress tonight for she had with a lot of effort on her part squeezed herself into a strapless cocktail dress that reached just below her shin. Her long coco brown hair had been styled up in a classic ponytail and a pair of mock diamonded ear rings aided in adding a classic air to her appearance. A pair of black leather high heels shoes rounded out the outfit.
  53. The only response Kenta would offer to Sue’s teasing was a little wink before he started about preparing dinner. The savory smell of searing beef filled the air for a time before the steaks where moved into the oven to broil for a bit. The fruity smell of a good aged wine soon added its own perfume to the air as the cap was unscrewed and a near by class was filled with the dark crimson beverage.
  55. Susan could just smile at wink Kenta offered her. The smell of the cooking beef, along with the smell of the wine really added a sense of magic to scene playing out before her. It was hard to summon up in words how she felt, it was kind of like being a princess, since she was at the center of Kenta’s attention and she loved being at the center of things when he was around and another part of her felt like she was a women looking for a piece of beef, as she was measuring everything and anything about him.
  57. “Here,” Kenta said turning from his preparations of dinner and offering her a smile, he held a glass of wine in his hand, “Something for my princess to sip on while the main course his being prepared.” He said easing the wine glass down before her and offering her a wink. And with that being said he returned to cooking the dish.
  59. Susan blushed a little as she peered toward the offered wine, there was something strange about this, strange in a good way, the once very proud tomboy was starting to find that she liked being treated like a princess, in fact one could go as far as saying she enjoyed the attention Kenta was pouring out upon her. Slowly she swirled the wine around a bit and just because she had seen the act repeated in countless movies and noonday drama’s she lowered her noise into the wine glass and sniffed it, once she had taken her sniff she then took a small sip. She took a fair minute to savor the taste of the wine upon her lips and to get a good feel for the year and the flavor.
  61. “Does the wine meet you meet your graces approval? Asked Kenta in a teasing tone of voice as he noticed Susan tasting the wine and balancing the flavor upon the tip of her tongue. Quickly he reached inside of the oven and gave the steaks a quick mental judgment. After a brief few minutes he took a deep breath and reached for a near by hot pad and with his hand safety covered he reached into the oven and pulled out the two steaks.
  63. “Steaks are ready,” He said setting them aside as he reached into the kitchen cabinets and pulled out two stone plates. Quickly he transferred the steaks to the plates, once the steaks where safety on the plates they where moved toward the table. What appeared to the largest one went toward Susan since tonight was her special night and the what appeared to the smallest one went to Kenta.
  67. “Wow it looks pretty good,” Said Susan as she peered toward her steak, she was halfway through her glass of wine and a healthy blush now shown upon her cheeks. Quickly she reached over and unfolded her napkin and spread it upon her lap and once her silverware was in place she waited for her lover to join her in there special feast.
  69. “Well I am a pretty decanted cook when I put my mind toward it.” Said Kenta in a boastful tone of voice, slowly he took a deep breath as he took his seat, once his napkin had been placed in its proper position and his silverware had been property placed he made the sign of the cross.
  71. The meal for the most part had been spent in silent. Only the sound of meats being cute, wine glass’s being filled and air, though the amount of information exchanged with the eyes was enough to fill countless volumes for with her sapphire pink eyes, Susan took the delightful chore of removing bit my bit of his clothing with her mind, first starting with his tie, then his shoes and socks, then his coat and with her lips locked to hers she would remove each button.
  73. Once every button had been removed and his dress shirt torn from his body she would then remove his belt from around his waist and once the belt was tossed to the side, she would force her hands down the waistline of his pants and with a forceful jerk she was pulled those down, then still kissing him, she would reach her hands down into his boxers and once her hand was in that warm moist space, she would reach over and stroke with loving hand his long hard shaft. Making it ready for her when the after dinner play commenced.
  75. And to his credit as well, Kenta spent most of the evening leaning back in his chair, peering toward Susan with lustful eyes as he pictured his hands reaching into the folds of her dress or better yet wrapping themselves around her waist and reaching up and slowly bringing the zipper down till the piece of fabric just fell down and pooled around her legs, Then those shoes of hers would come off and the panties as well. And once she was naked as the day she was born he would command that she undress him like any good slave would do.
  77. Because yes they enjoyed playing those kind of games, there where times in there relationship that he became the loving master, the one that always took to a keen interest in his ‘slaves’ and making sure there needs both spiritual, mental, physical and emotional was meet on a daily bases, after all this was just that a game.
  79. “My dear, since the dinner part is about to draw to a end soon, I think its only right I give you this now. Happy Valentines day my dear, hopefully next year we will celebrating this holiday as husband and wife.” He said reaching under the table and pulling out small box wrapped in light pink wrapping paper. A card had been fastened to the bow that set in the middle.
  81. Susan blinked as she reached over and took the box from Kenta’s hands. Slowly a small smile graced her face as she looked down in her lap, she felt a little shameful for she had no gift to give him in return. Slowly she placed the box upon her lap and with a sudden backwards jolt she moved her chair back to give herself a little space to work with.
  83. “Thank you my dear, but I’m afraid I have nothing to give you in return. Please forgive my rudeness.” She said offering him a bittersweet smile as the foul words rolled off her tongue and sailed passed her teeth. She then steeled herself to the icy response that was bound to whispered to her in return for her carelessness.
  85. Kenta blinked and softy he chucked a little as he peered toward his young lover, he had been expecting this, after all the women came from good ol’ Nippon stock.
  87. “My dear, you need not be sorry, for ever day I’m around you I feel more and more alive, I feel my cold heart melt away and I feel loves sweet embrace drape a warming blanked around me. Be at peace and open your gift you silly little girl.” He responded in a tone of voice that was both warm and teasing.
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