
Wayfarer Text

Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. Entry data
  2. string Key = "poi_contrib_cancel"
  3. string Translation = "CANCEL"
  4. [2903]
  5. Entry data
  6. string Key = "poi_contrib_edit_desc_desc"
  7. string Translation = "PokéStop Description"
  8. [2904]
  9. Entry data
  10. string Key = "poi_contrib_edit_desc_title"
  11. string Translation = "Edit Description"
  12. [2905]
  13. Entry data
  14. string Key = "poi_contrib_edit_title_desc"
  15. string Translation = "PokéStop Title"
  16. [2906]
  17. Entry data
  18. string Key = "poi_contrib_edit_title_details"
  19. string Translation = "The title should be concise, use an official name when possible, and not be copied from other sources if an official name is not available."
  20. [2907]
  21. Entry data
  22. string Key = "poi_contrib_edit_title_header"
  23. string Translation = "Edit Title"
  24. [2908]
  25. Entry data
  26. string Key = "poi_contrib_email_desc"
  27. string Translation = "You need a linked email to contribute to a PokéStop. To proceed, link a Google account in Settings or update your Facebook account with your email."
  28. [2909]
  29. Entry data
  30. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_add_photo"
  31. string Translation = "ADD PHOTO"
  32. [2910]
  33. Entry data
  34. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_details"
  35. string Translation = "Your contribution will be reviewed before being published."
  36. [2911]
  37. Entry data
  38. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_edit_description"
  39. string Translation = "ADD/EDIT DESCRIPTION"
  40. [2912]
  41. Entry data
  42. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_edit_location"
  43. string Translation = "EDIT LOCATION"
  44. [2913]
  45. Entry data
  46. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_edit_title"
  47. string Translation = "EDIT TITLE"
  48. [2914]
  49. Entry data
  50. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_header"
  51. string Translation = "Contribute to this PokéStop"
  52. [2915]
  53. Entry data
  54. string Key = "poi_contrib_entry_report_invalid"
  55. string Translation = "REPORT INVALID POKÉSTOP"
  56. [2916]
  57. Entry data
  58. string Key = "poi_contrib_failed_error"
  59. string Translation = "Submission failed. Please try again."
  60. [2917]
  61. Entry data
  62. string Key = "poi_contrib_identical_desc_error"
  63. string Translation = "Identical description. Please submit an updated description."
  64. [2918]
  65. Entry data
  66. string Key = "poi_contrib_identical_title_error"
  67. string Translation = "Identical title. Please submit an updated title."
  68. [2919]
  69. Entry data
  70. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_description"
  71. string Translation = "You have no contributions available for adding/editing descriptions at this time."
  72. [2920]
  73. Entry data
  74. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_location"
  75. string Translation = "You have no contributions available for editing locations at this time."
  76. [2921]
  77. Entry data
  78. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_photo"
  79. string Translation = "You have no contributions available for adding photos at this time."
  80. [2922]
  81. Entry data
  82. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_regen"
  83. string Translation = "More contributions may be available in {0} day(s)."
  84. [2923]
  85. Entry data
  86. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_report"
  87. string Translation = "You have no contributions available for reporting invalid PokéStops at this time."
  88. [2924]
  89. Entry data
  90. string Key = "poi_contrib_limit_title"
  91. string Translation = "You have no contributions available for editing titles at this time."
  92. [2925]
  93. Entry data
  94. string Key = "poi_contrib_location_desc"
  95. string Translation = "Move the marker to the most accurate location."
  96. [2926]
  97. Entry data
  98. string Key = "poi_contrib_location_header"
  99. string Translation = "Edit Location"
  100. [2927]
  101. Entry data
  102. string Key = "poi_contrib_no_report_reason_selected_error"
  103. string Translation = "Please select a reason for your report."
  104. [2928]
  105. Entry data
  106. string Key = "poi_contrib_ok"
  107. string Translation = "OK"
  108. [2929]
  109. Entry data
  110. string Key = "poi_contrib_photo_details"
  111. string Translation = "A great PokéStop photo is high quality, clear, compelling, and descriptive. The photo should show the location clearly, be in focus, and be free of visual obstructions, people, and animals. You must take the photo yourself for it to be eligible, so please do not use images found online."
  112. [2930]
  113. Entry data
  114. string Key = "poi_contrib_photo_existing"
  115. string Translation = "EXISTING PHOTO"
  116. [2931]
  117. Entry data
  118. string Key = "poi_contrib_photo_header"
  119. string Translation = "Add a Photo"
  120. [2932]
  121. Entry data
  122. string Key = "poi_contrib_photo_take"
  123. string Translation = "TAKE PHOTO"
  124. [2933]
  125. Entry data
  126. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_description_multiple"
  127. string Translation = "{0} description edits remaining"
  128. [2934]
  129. Entry data
  130. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_description_one"
  131. string Translation = "1 description edit remaining"
  132. [2935]
  133. Entry data
  134. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_location_multiple"
  135. string Translation = "{0} location edits remaining"
  136. [2936]
  137. Entry data
  138. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_location_one"
  139. string Translation = "1 location edit remaining"
  140. [2937]
  141. Entry data
  142. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_photo_multiple"
  143. string Translation = "{0} photo submissions remaining"
  144. [2938]
  145. Entry data
  146. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_photo_one"
  147. string Translation = "1 photo submission remaining"
  148. [2939]
  149. Entry data
  150. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_regen_short"
  151. string Translation = "More available in {0} day(s)."
  152. [2940]
  153. Entry data
  154. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_report_multiple"
  155. string Translation = "{0} invalid reports remaining"
  156. [2941]
  157. Entry data
  158. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_report_one"
  159. string Translation = "1 invalid report remaining"
  160. [2942]
  161. Entry data
  162. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_title_multiple"
  163. string Translation = "{0} title edits remaining"
  164. [2943]
  165. Entry data
  166. string Key = "poi_contrib_remaining_title_one"
  167. string Translation = "1 title edit remaining"
  168. [2944]
  169. Entry data
  170. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_duplicate"
  171. string Translation = "Duplicate PokéStop"
  172. [2945]
  173. Entry data
  174. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_no_pedestrian"
  175. string Translation = "No Pedestrian Access"
  176. [2946]
  177. Entry data
  178. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_obstruct_emergency"
  179. string Translation = "Obstructs Emergency Services"
  180. [2947]
  181. Entry data
  182. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_permanently_removed"
  183. string Translation = "Permanently Removed"
  184. [2948]
  185. Entry data
  186. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_residential"
  187. string Translation = "Private Residential Property"
  188. [2949]
  189. Entry data
  190. string Key = "poi_contrib_report_reason_school"
  191. string Translation = "School (K–12)"
  192. [2950]
  193. Entry data
  194. string Key = "poi_contrib_submit"
  195. string Translation = "SUBMIT"
  196. [2951]
  197. Entry data
  198. string Key = "poi_contrib_success_details"
  199. string Translation = "Your proposal has been submitted for review."
  200. [2952]
  201. Entry data
  202. string Key = "poi_contrib_success_header"
  203. string Translation = "Thank you for your contribution."
  204. [2953]
  205. Entry data
  206. string Key = "poi_contrib_unavailable_disabled"
  207. string Translation = "This feature is currently unavailable."
  208. [2954]
  209. Entry data
  210. string Key = "poi_contrib_unavailable_limit_distance"
  211. string Translation = "You are too far away from this PokéStop to contribute."
  212. [2955]
  213. Entry data
  214. string Key = "poi_contrib_unavailable_min_player_lvl"
  215. string Translation = "Unlocks at level {0}!"
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