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MH4U paid DLC

a guest
Oct 30th, 2014
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  1. MH4G will be getting paid DLC (we saw hints of this a couple weeks back). Vuze found listings of DLC packs. It's just stuff like potions and armor spheres, then Relic armor (shit for skills, really grindy to get) and charms.
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  6. I'm not too worried about it. Excavated armor isn't very good as far as skills go, and getting a full set looks like a pain in the ass.
  7. Each quest gives one armor piece (head/chest/arm/waist/legs) of one armor set (depends on what monster the quest has) from subgroup (A/B/C/D/E/F) in one set group (Original/Dos/Tri), and then it could identify as gunner or blademaster. So you need five quests (unless they increased it in 4U you can only save 10) and you have no control over which group or subgroup you get, so you have to keep saving quests with the monster that gives the set you want until you get one that has thegoup+subgroup+armor piece that you want, then level it up. That's a lot of work for a set that probably won't even give a single complete skill.
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  11. Let's take a look at the packs Vuse found. The following 7 look like charm packs.
  12. 採取パック / Gathering Pack
  13. Gathering+2, Speed Gathering, Whim, etc. Nothing you wouldn't find on easily accessible Leather armor. Quite harmless.
  14. 耐地形パック / Terrain-proof Pack
  15. Heat Resist, Cold Resist, Wind Resist, Tremor Resist, maybe Earplugs but probably not. All low-end skills, still pretty harmless.
  16. 状態異常無効パック / Status Negation Pack
  17. Negate Poison, etc. I never use these skills, they really don't change much.
  18. 攻防強化パック / Attack Boost Pack
  19. Okay, here's where it starts to be actually useful. Depending on how much of the attack boosting skills you get it could be really powerful or just helpful. I doubt we'll be seeing Attack+14 charms, more likely 5-10. Still pretty good, but I'd hardly call it game breaking.
  20. 属性攻撃パック / Elemental Attack Pack
  21. Same as above. Possibly a little less of an effect.
  22. 剣士パック / Blademaster Pack
  23. Speed Sharpening, Razor Sharp, maybe Handicraft or Fencing. This one could make a bit more difference, but still not too huge. It's not like someone in low rank could get the rest of the points for Sharpness+1.
  24. ガンナーパック / Gunner Pack
  25. Recoil, Reload, Shot Type Up, Shot Type Add, all stuff you can get anyway. Good skills, but pretty easy to get. Not like new players gun much anyway.
  26. It doesn't look too bad to me. We also don't know if these will be single or double skill charms, what kind of skill point limits they have or or if they get slots. I highly doubt we'll see god charms from it. They might even price the better skill pack charms higher, who knows.
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