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Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. if u are considering suicide,and you are religious, read this. you may be in pain right now, but you can always turn to jesus. he wil ALWAYS be there for you i promise . he loves you, and killing yourself is a sin. the real pain comes after death, when you are being burned for eternity, by the horrd fire of hell.97% of suicide survivors say they ARE glad to be alive.i wanted to commit suicide, when i was about 14. I was raped, beaten, hit. i have had almost every bone in my body broken. i grew up with abusive parents. my dad raped me many times,i would say about twice a week and 4 times when he coulnt find any other girl to make love to. he was an alchoholic. he used to let his friends come over, and rape me also. he just watched and smiled. i just closed my eyes, and tried not to cry, just wishing it was over. my mother used to beat me.she shaved my head, and made me go to school with ragged dirty pants, and a holey t-shirt. everyday. i didnt get to eat lunch..,or breakfast or dinner for the matter, i was a loner, i had no friends.i have scars from the beatings. just something to help me remeber what she put me through. it started when i was 8 years old.i have 2 other sisters, and a brother. they didnt even know what was happening to me.i got to sleep in a room, but on the floor, and it had no lights , carpet,windows etc.i was to scared to tell anybody, because they both said they would kill me if i ever told anybody. about 1 year later, child services came to our house, my mom and dad cleaned up very nicely.they acted like eveything was perfect. i even got to take a shower, and i got a new shirt, and my jeans washed!i also got my nails done!after that , they started feeding me again, but i still got beat, and didnt get to take a shower or anything.and i got raped. i turned to god for help. i prayed everyday. when i was about 14 i got my period(late for lack or nourishment)i still only got to eat once a day, and never had thise clothes washed, unless somebody called child services in me again. i always said everything was ok, and i liked it here, bacuse i didnt want to die.anyways, i got my period, and i went home, and my parent saw, instant beating, and i didnt get to wash those jeans either. i had to go to school with a big blood stain right in the croch. i wanted to kill myself at that moment. i thought the only way to stop this, was to kill myself. i was taking computer class in school, so i had access to the internet(with a forged signature so i could go online, u cant with out an adults permission)and i was looking up, ways to kill your self . i came across a website, and on it, it had said, "the real pain comes after death, when your being burned in hell for eternity," and i thought GOD CAN HELP ME!i prayed, and prayed and prayed, and even cut class so i could go to church.finally the lord came to my restcue.the social worker, came without squeduling an appointment, and she came when i was having my daily beating. she immeadiatly opened the door, because of the screams, and crashes, and alled the police. my mom is in jail now, and i live with a foster family. i am currently in counseling.what happened to my dad you ask? well you will have to e-mail me, and i will tell you the rest of my story. i am happy to share. anyways wht this all comes down to is turn to the lord to end ur suffering,. he has a plan all worked out, when u get to go home.and it is also registered in your body. you will go soon enough. think about it. life isnt that long. godbless
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