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Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. Not bad not bad. I would say that my role model is my football coach from my sophomore and junior year I played all four years but there was a bunch of coaching changes and Coach Lowell was definitely my favorite of all four years because I dealt with not like the best experience in like Middle School when I played football I played for three years and then 7th and 8th grade I decided to not play and the reason being is just because I didn't feel like the coaches that I had really cared about me and I'm insane with my teammates as well I was only one from my school that played on that team so I don't know anybody and just to kind of show up and have I felt like coaches can I just cared about like the skill level and like what you could do and didn't really invest as far as character goes so to have this coach who isn't someone just going to yell at everyone and get mad about everything he's there to run a football team and also help you get better as an individual so for that reason it definitely was him and I learned a ridiculous amount through the years that I played for him and it's also really important to least in my opinion about me but more about how to run like a football team I guess it's really good to have a coach that you actually want to play for if the coaches really bad people don't like him good morning and come back out the next year and the whole team can fold as a whole so he was someone that not just people liked in general but they liked playing for him the reason why they were trying so hard or listening to what he has to say is because people actually like playing for him so that's definitely my reasons why
  3. Most important to me I guess to keep on like the sports team are coaches kind of talked about how important other things in life work and it wasn't about football even though they really did care about us doing well as a team but and I go to I went to the Christian School at this time so it might not apply to everyone but for me and my team it was definitely true but I coaches would say your list of priorities should be God family and friends then school work then the things outside of school so that would also include playing football so being a Christian the way that I conduct myself and what I believe in it's very important that I maintain those things and family is important because he's just family like they they care so much about you they do so many things for you and to me it's really important to reciprocate those things and act the same way that your family ask towards you and same deal with was like friends they invest a certain amount in you and you invest those same things back at them kind of how friendship and being a family member works and then after that it was school even though there might be some things you don't like we're not having the best high school experience whatever it is it still is really important I do value the education that I was given even after that as everything else I really really enjoyed Sports and video games and even though some people they would say okay that's not that important it is something I really enjoy so those are some things that are really important and influential to me so yeah
  5. okay well your family the way to your family treats you over the course of your life is extremely important right I mean people that have a really bad upbringing could influence the way that they look at people or the way that they will act towards others my my dad works at a juvenile detention center and there's a lot of kids there that think that because of their really bad upbringing that going out and stealing things is okay or doing is crimes are okay cuz it's what they need to do to get buyer they think you know as far as like welfare not to like political but like that they are owed something and I think that if if I grew up in a different place or with a different family just a different upbringing in general I think that the way that I would think and act and what I think is right or wrong are very very different as far as the way that the whole role model thing I mean not having that coach would probably shape me differently as far as the way that I act with my team and the lessons I learned from him I definitely wouldn't have learned otherwise maybe wouldn't have you ever even play Dino like I played basketball and had a really bad coach smells like you know what this isn't worth it and I decided not to play the next year so I think that not having all those things everything that I would think would be completely different not that it would be skewed necessarily but it definitely I would not live the same and believe the same things that I do right now so
  7. okay specifically with the role model talking about a football he explained to the whole team that when one person doesn't do things right I mean just to make a football analogy now there's a quarterback the running back for the lime and there's the receivers if it's like a running play if the lime and don't block a certain way that the play is intended to have blocking for it it won't work you won't get yards you won't score a touchdown and it wasn't because the running back wasn't fast enough for the quarterback didn't hand off the ball the right way it was because one or two guys did not block the correct way they didn't do something right and that made everyone else not be able to conduct the way that they're supposed to because it is like a unit you know so he kind of taught me that the things that I do have an influence on other people and you should really be not just looking at other people to hold you accountable you should hold yourself accountable so right now like being in college in Price is Right it's different than High School so in high school your parents probably wake you up maybe even like make your lunch you have teachers that are maybe hounding you a lot more about getting working and stuff like that and they care about you succeeding I mean not all teachers put some teachers and in college and not saying that teachers don't care but they do with the ridiculous amount of students and you know if you fail or you don't show up they're not going to get on you about that you're paying for the classes and they're going to get paid whether or not you show up or not it's not about getting good test scores or whatever and high school it's theirs getting paid to teach they instruct and that's what they do so being a college student now it's say okay you have to wake yourself up and you have to go to your classes and you have to spend time and do well in them you need to make sure that you prioritize correctly and things that you just want to do for fun there's a time for that you know so as far as my adulthood goes with the whole role model thing if I wasn't taught that by that coach that self-accountability it's not about other people everyone needs to be in their own land doing their own thing and doing the right thing and sometimes it'll affect a bunch of people but it starts off with how it affects you and the way you conduct yourself is very important so that's definitely how he has influenced the way that I act now in my adulthood as far as our responsibility and accountability goes.
  9. so in high school I at least the first three way I'd I transfer my senior year but the first three years the school that I went to was a good 45 minutes to like an hour in like 15 minutes or more depending on traffic that's how far away I was from my school so it's not easy to wake up at 5 a.m. just so you can make like a 6:30 work out and play football there which is not it's not easy and I had teammates that really understood that and what I went through just to play there on the team with them and for them to help the team succeed right cuz light like I said you play a role as an individual to help out the whole something bigger than yourself and I had friends we had some football games like on Saturdays and my friends would know that I would have to wake up very early to then drive to where the game was but about three-quarters of my team would extend that invite like a if you stay at my house Friday night after school then we'll just wake up and go to the game my parents will take both of us and having friends like that was super nice my coach was a little bit more lenient on me being late to those one workout cuz he knows how far I would come from we would watch the film after football games like the next day and he would know like just how tired I was compared to the rest the team and wouldn't give me crap for it as much and just to know that people understand what you're going through just to go to a certain school or play for a certain team was super nice I like supporting my team was about that and just having friends throughout high school that I don't know you have freshman year you typically start with like a lot of friends and then it like simmers down as you go but like for me I feel like despite having friends that I would talk to everyday or not like I always had people that I could just like talk to you about whatever cuz even though High School in my opinion is not like a huge chunk of your life it's not as big of a deal as maybe people think it is out it was still like stressful and having friends really like helped out so I was just kind of Lucky and fortunate to have the people that I had on my team and just people at the school that I enjoyed my company and we're really good friends to me so yeah that definitely helped me out through High School
  11. if I could change anything I would definitely say that it is not not the way that I can okay not really the way that I acted like I was I don't like mess around or do any bad stuff right but I think the amount that I cared about like my image or like what other people thought of me like people to say like beat yourself or like you know don't worry about what other people think that everyone cares right so for me I felt like the first to you like really quiet that kind of carried on from Lake Middle School cuz I'm just said okay if I just don't like taco Bunch maybe I won't say like dumb stuff and then people won't think I'm weird or like the think I might have noxious or whatever so just being my kind of quiet Gave Me You Less opportunities to make a bad first impression I'm someone that's like a really big on First Impressions in it's weird because a first impression is not all that you get like Second Impressions are a thing like you don't just see someone one time and that's it and that's what they think of you forever but they are pretty big to me so I was really concerned more about not saying something dumb or not having a bad first impression with somebody so that was definitely a big thing and secondly when you worried about what everyone thinks of you I feel like you don't just like live in the moment as much so thinking back there was like a ridiculous amount of experiences that I like look back on like oh that was such a good time and that was like so much fun and that stuff is never going to happen again cuz high schools done like I've graduated in college but I feel like maybe there would be a lot more of those moments that I can look back and think of and talk about with friends if I was less invested in like acting a certain way and just more about living in the moment because like I said I don't think High School is as big of a deal as a lot of people think it is obviously doing your work and doing well and classes it is extremely important like don't get me wrong but I think the way that people handle the social aspect is like way too serious and the whole like social hierarchy and all that stuff is like come on now like this is not that big of a deal like no one's going to care who is popular only who was not popular when we graduate the social setting at least of college that experience is way different than high school it's not like high school at all so I would definitely change the way that I acted in the amount that I cared about what other people thought of me like just do your thing and try to make your friends try to be a good person and I think you're going to be just fine
  13. most proud of I'll kill a cop out with a sports cuz I think that's a good intro for me but in like Middle School you know we will we lost but we did go to the Championships in 8th grade for like basketball and I was like a big I would like a starter on that team so I was definitely an impact and it was like a lot of fun and when I go back and talk to those friends from middle school is like a really big deal. Despite not winning in the end I feel like that was like a super big accomplishment all of our friends were super hyped about it that a lot of people even came out to watch that championship game and Middle School sports are not that big of a deal but to us it was like man like we did we did we accomplish this big thing as a team like this is just middle school with all-weather championships like the past haven't done that before high school football we went to I think the quarterfinals so that was like really really far and that's a team where we felt like a certain things went write for us or you know things were just a little bit different we may have one at all and we always talk about like the old days like me and my friends always talk about the past seasons and it was like a really big deal to us and we're proud of what we did while we were there on that team as far as things outside of sports I think that I did my parents have expressed to me that they're like proud of like my character and like who I've become obviously I'm still pretty young but I think that like whatever they've told me to do I've made sure that I've done the kind of character that they've tried in standstill in me I really taken heart and tried to make sure that I'm living the way that they would want me to live not that you just not like controlled by your parents insane like in your childhood they teach you certain things they up bring you a certain way up bring but raise you a certain way and for them to see like wow like I did a pretty good job or I taught him these things and he's actually using it in his life I don't have parents really like to see that so as you become an adult or as I become an adult I've tried to take all those things to heart and that's something I'm like really really proud of I think they are two big accomplishments that's really all I can think of some sure most people would be able to come up with more but those were probably the three most significant things off the top of my head that I can think of
  14. That's
  15. that's aI would talk about sports like this whole time but like it's not just like playing on a team but I would say that I play me some It was always like this social thing was always like multiplayer stuff that you can play online with your friends in real life cuz like I said I lived a pretty good amount of miles away from my school and that wasn't just High School I still didn't live close to my school like grade school and middle school so the only time you can hang out with friends outside of school like I didn't have friends that were like neighbors they weren't lots of kids that would let live by me so like video games or like stuff that's on mine was kind of the only way to communicate with these people outside of school plus they're just fun but I would say that that for one is a big thing and then Sports is not just about playing on a team like I said but like just playing catch with like my brother is going to like a park to like run routes I was like a big thing I know that summer like lifting like training for football in high school was like like a growing thing like it definitely shouldn't have been fun at all but like when I look back in like think about the experience that I went through with everyone it was actually a good experience despite how hard it was so that was something like I really enjoyed and do enjoy now there's some football stuff that you like coaching wise that like I really really enjoy doing this cuz I can kind of share my knowledge of my past in football and then instill that on other people that are currently playing so yeah I'd say just like sports in general and Anna video games are pretty big so in high school I don't think anyone thought anything like bad of me I think there is some people that like I'm like
  17. I'm a nice dude and I didn't do any like crazier like any like bad stuff and there's some people that I actually like didn't like that they felt like like all like you're such a square you're like so boring or like I don't know maybe people will like a mess around in class and I didn't really find it that funny because it was just like a disruption so there's some people that didn't like how I wasn't someone that would like to mess around or be like super upbeat all the time cuz it is school so some people didn't like that but I think for the most part I was just I made sure that I was like a nice person. I didn't talk too much like I said before I think the less dumb stuff that you say and the better First Impressions that you make the more people will like you and you can have a better opportunity to have everyone think the same thing about you so I think everyone thought that I was just like to chill a nice dude I was like I wasn't popular in the sense that you would think you know like quarterback football team everyone knows who you are everyone loves you and stuff like that but I'd say everyone didn't know my name and would always like to say hi to me in the hallways even if they want people that I really talk to at all they just all knew who I was which was kind of cool compared to now I think I don't know what people think about me now because it's not as social as it used to be but with like friends in college in different states but I think my friends from high school think the same about me now cuz I made sure that I've tried tried to stay as consistent as possible with my looks like my my actions in the way that I like speak and the way that I think I don't think it's changed a whole lot I think maybe some people might think still that the whole not liking that I'm not about to do all this crazy stuff cuz I think in college everyone's able to drink and stuff like that and go out all these parties and I'm not really someone likes to do that I I kind of more frowned upon it because of the potential bad things that can happen so some of my friends that are still around but I hang out with will like make a big deal of the fact that old like there's this party in this party going on or we're going to do this and this next weekend but obviously Zach you won't be coming and stuff like that so I'm kind of like okay I was like hanging out with me but they would rather I join in with those types of events that I'm really not down with a not comfortable with so I'd would say essentially be the same as the way they thought about me in high school I'm just in a little bit different of a waste just cuz we're older you know oh I definitely
  19. I definitely there's some yes but basically I work at a school that I used to go to for like a grade school and middle school and bass guys to like the after-school care so basically you know you have the school day that goes on Bell Rings you take kids to their cars when the kids that are still at school I just make sure that they don't do bad stuff that is against the school rules or can hurt them or another kids so it's just that after school care that's really all that I do for my job during the week it's sick Monday through Friday and I definitely don't hate it I think it's nice to be able to have an influence on kids and they they value what I say and the way that I talk about the things that they shouldn't shouldn't be doing at school cuz I literally went there so they know that I went through the same things that they went through and I can like they can relate to me a lot more so I definitely like that aspect about it but with kids like don't respect you in all ways are a problem that doesn't make a work day very fun but I wouldn't say I hate it but yeah
  21. definitely not I know I talked about like video games before and I do like streaming which is basically people like watch you play video games with Kelly being an online personality, like a YouTuber and I think that being a YouTuber is a lot more unrealistic then be able to make it as like a streamer because that's live in personality-driven and kind of like what I talked about before like people you know they might not not everyone's going to like like you but I think that people have like my personality in the past and I don't think that's changed so I think that would be like my ideal dream job not because of video games but like the interaction with people through streaming is like really really fun and that would definitely be like the actual dream job what I'm going to school for and what I think I would enjoy is like real estate I think that buying a house is a really big deal and it's a really pivotal point in like any family's life it's a really big deal to buy and workout to own a house I think that's a huge so I think me being someone that they could make that happen and help that process like carry on for some family would would be a lot of fun as a job and something that I think is somewhat stable at least so I would definitely like to do that if I pull string doesn't work out cuz I am going to school for like business and real estate so yeah
  23. I've never been a morning person at all definitely not and my sleep habits aren't like the best I would say like this price started like eighth grade and I was always up really late because I like sports also in living so far away from school to the point where I was stood up really late so I would say in the current day because of my past habits I know it is weird but 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. I didn't really peaceful quiet time I like to drive sometimes late if I'm like stressed or whatever so yeah
  25. the best things in life just to make it short cuz I know I already talked about like things that are important so I said the whole like God family and friends and then education and then like any other things but you just enjoy the tinted to do right I would say that the best things in life are the things that like you really care about in the things you care about doing or like want to do nothing but like you have to do so I think that the best things in life are just times that you have with family times that you have with friends and you make all these memories and things that you can like look back on like all the good times that you had just really enjoy doing like for me like sports was such a pivotal think it's very influential sing like video games or something it also has been influential to me because I know it might to some people just feel like games but I think my social skills have gotten better in like team working skills and stuff like that have gotten better and it's stuff I just really enjoy and have even made some friends through which I think is also kind of interesting cuz I don't know I feel like that's not really a thing but as of recent it definitely has become a thing but if those are definitely just the the best things things you like to do just because of the enjoyment of it or because of what it will get you or the memories that it will make for the future because I don't know there's is nothing like it it's not like a force thing at all it's not it's not something you have and it might not even be an enjoyable thing like taking care of family or dealing with friends and problems that you have with friends but it's worth it in the end because those are relationships that are so influential on you in so so important for those are the best things to me I know it's kind of vague but I think it makes sense because it's different for every person that I can't think of specifics but yeah just things that things that I really enjoy and things that I do because of the enjoyment that will come out of it for sure no problem
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