
Crock the Third

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. Name: Crock Ignitus Dile III
  3. Age: 24
  5. Ethnicity: Caucasian
  7. Background: Crock was born into the prestigious Dile Bloodline. His family of three generations had started with Crock the Senior whose life had begun long before modern times during the age of the crusades. Through working his way up through the Catholic church Crock the 1st had eventually been inducted into a small circle of crusaders who accessed the mystical arts through religious determination. With new found powers, Crock the First not only made large strides on the side of the Holy Roman Empire during a few crusades but also managed to prolong his life and have a backseat of power and respect amongst the christian elites. Later on as magic was frowned upon during the crusades he along with many magi that had sprung up during this time went into hiding where he eventually sired a son with a nameless wench who he had kidnapped from another magically inclined family to strengthen the bloodline. Then as his magic ran out he passed away. His son Crock the Second wasn't as big of a follower of faith as his father had been but had been instructed by his mother in the forces of magic himself and had used this to not only prolong his life like his father had, but to build a strong following of questionable and shady followers which he used to make a profit in the early European black market during the times of Industrialization. Eventually he made enough sums to spread his black network under the guise that he was just a extremely intelligent and wealthy gangster before moving to America where he topped off his extravagant life style by building up a credible source of funds as a stock broker before finally seeing an end to his magic and finding that he'd start aging again near modern times. At this point he like his father before him sired a son with a magically inclined women which he killed after birth. With some years still in him he spent the rest of his life building up the family wealth, researching further into magic then his father had by stepping out of the religious boundaries of christianity and looking at the magical community at large, and raising and educating his son, the hero of this tale Crock the Third! Crock was raised to be smart, cunning, and proficient in the use of magical arts and in running the family's underground network and various businesses that they now owned. In his adulthood he stumbled across some rumors of "The Grail Wars" and very recently underwent a lot of work to dig into his grandfather's past and discover a very illusive heirloom in the form of Goliath's giant skull hidden away in Israel during one of the Crusades. Of course after hiring the right people he obtained it and now has it holed up in his manor out in the sub-urban lands up Upper state New York.
  9. Magical schools of study: Prolonged youth. At a certain point in adulthood, the Diles have learned to put all of their magic into keeping their body strong and prolong aging. Depending on how strenuous they use their body is how long they can fend of aging. Before this point in adulthood, the Diles specialize in information magic. Being able to memorize texts with a glance of the eye, remember faces, store and call up information and communicate with others across the globe through the means of runes or magically imbued objects. Over the years the Diles have heavily researched into such objects and scrolls due to their lack of offensive magic.
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