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- Eve is announced to the world.
- “Im very very pleased to know that the first baby clone umm is born.”
- (Timecodes 0:00 - 0:07)
- “First I wanted to tell you about the cloning stuff okay now human cloning I have to tell you it's been done since at the end of World War two…
- (Source -
- Timecodes 0:13 - 0:32)
- “I don’t get jealous of other girls, because I was raised in a cloning lab to be the perfect woman for Hugh M. Hefner…”
- (Source -
- Timecodes 0:00 - 0:07)
- Some hag trophy wife needs new skin for a face lift or one of them gets sick and they need a new heart they take it from you.”
- (Source -
- Timecodes 1:12 - 1:56)
- On that fateful day, July 5th, 1996, the world witnessed a seismic shift in the realm of scientific achievement. The Roslin Institute in Scotland proudly announced the successful cloning of a sheep, naming her Dolly. This extraordinary feat marked the first recorded instance of a mammal being cloned from an adult cell. Suddenly, the possibility of human cloning seemed closer than ever before, shattering preconceived notions and fueling both curiosity and controversy.
- (Source -,on%205th%20July%201996.)
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- The following year in 1997, Bill Clinton would even address the nation of America on the topic of human cloning.
- "Our administration believes that there are loopholes that could allow the cloning of human beings if such if the technology were developed therefore today I am issuing a directive that bans the use of any federal funds for any cloning of human beings effective immediately no federal agency may support fund or undertake such activity of course a great deal of research and activity in this area is supported by private funds that is why I am urging the entire scientific and medical community every foundation every University every industry that supports work in this area to heed the federal government's example I'm asking for a voluntary moratorium on the cloning of human beings until our bioethics Advisory Commission and our entire nation have had a real chance to understand and debate the profound ethical implications of the latest advances".
- (Source -
- Timecodes 0:09 - 1:02)
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- A couple of years later in 2001, 3 bills would be introduced to the United States Senate. In an attempt to ban the use of human cloning.
- The first bill, titled S.790 - Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001, sought to amend existing laws and completely ban human cloning, even extending its reach to prohibit any person or entity involved in interstate commerce from engaging in cloning activities. This bill failed to garner a single vote, relegating it to the annals of legislative history.
- The next bill, S.1758 - Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001, introduced on December 3rd, pursued a similar objective but aimed to preserve specific areas of medical research, including stem cell research. Despite its intentions, this bill, too, faltered and met the same fate as its predecessor.
- Finally the 3rd bill which was tried did find some success unlike the last two. It was introduced on July 16th, and was titled H.R.2505 - Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001.
- This bill was pushed by the president at the time George Bush and was even passed by the House of Representatives. Although it fell short in the Senate, they have viewed the bill two different times and that was the last action done on the bill.
- ClonAid, a company registered in the Bahamas, asserts expertise in cloning—a process that involves replicating the DNA and overall structure of a living organism to generate other living organisms with identical genetic makeup. According to their official website, the company was established in 1997 by Rael, who later created Valiant Venture Ltd, a corporation believed to provide financial support to ClonAid. Notably, French journalists expressed skepticism regarding their operations, and the Bahamian government reportedly revoked the LTD.
- Despite the articles highlighting their financial difficulties, Clonaid, during its establishment in the late 1990s, made bold assertions of having numerous customers. However, in the year 2000, due to increasing pressure, the founder Rael entrusted the company to Dr. Bridget Bossilier, an esteemed scientist and one of his most devoted followers.
- If one wished to sign up for these services back then, they would fill out a form on their website which is no longer valid today. Supposedly you would be contacted by them and send the required genetic material presumably through the male, then a donor mother selected by the company will give birth to your new clone. I’m assuming you would give them your address to have the child given to you since sending a baby in the mail is obviously not an option.
- ClonAid would even claim to have cloned a baby girl named Eve born just outside of America. Dr. Boisselier chose not to reveal the donor or any real information on Eve at the press conference she discussed the event at.
- “Im very very pleased to know that the first baby clone umm is born. She was born yesterday at 11:55 uh am in the country where she was born. So this will not give you more details on the location, she she’s fine we call her Eve.”
- (Timecodes 0:00 - 0:25)
- _____________________________
- The fate of Eve remains uncertain, and her existence is questionable at best.
- Regarding ClonAid, we can consider two possibilities. Firstly, it could be a dubious but functioning company capable of cloning human children. Alternatively, it might serve as a cover or front for some other undisclosed activities.
- The basis for my reasoning lies in the numerous federal investigations, with one particular revelation standing out. In April 2003, it came to light that ClonAid had only two registered employees with no board of directors, which raised further suspicions.
- Given the absence of a board of directors and the presence of only two employees at ClonAid, a logical question arises: Who is overseeing their management? Interestingly, Valley Adventures seems to continue operating in some capacity, which raises the possibility that ClonAid could be nothing more than a front company, collecting payments from customers without delivering any substantial services or products.
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- ClonAid's clientele primarily consists of affluent and influential individuals who are often driven by a deep longing to revive their loved ones in any way possible. It is disheartening, though not unexpected, for a modern-day company capitalizing on the wealth and emotional vulnerability of desperate individuals who are yearning to witness miraculous reunions with their children, as promised by ClonAid.
- During my investigation, I stumbled upon countless numbers of famous and influential people talking about human cloning and trying to bring awareness to it.
- “B.o.B - Are you gonna talk about the cloning centers in the speech tonight? Please don’t take our rifles.”
- Peter Wentz
- “Happy Monday, try not to die in a ritual blood killing and get cloned today.”
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- Jack Baran
- “In honor of being gay for a mere 365 years I thought I’d let you guys know of some other coming outs I’ve yet to announce.”
- “Coming Out: I’m a clone.”
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- Chris Fowler and Daniel Roberts
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- Kristie Alley
- “You can’t clone a spirit… only a body”
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- Cory Booker
- “Because of a secret government cloning operation.”
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- Patrick J Adams
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- Interesting thing I noticed when discovering these posts was the fact that many of the photos or tweets exposing human cloning were removed or deleted.
- Like for the Daniel Roberts and Chris Fowler exchange. Here we see Daniel posts a photo of what he believes to be Chris Fowler's clone. But if you look up the tweet now, it's gone.
- And also Patrick J Adams tweet
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- You will also find that many musicians talk about human cloning in their songs. To give you some examples.
- Nas the rapper talked about it in his song “New World” in the 3rd verse.
- “Say hello to the sky, something's out there watching' you and I
- More enticing' than Star Trek, StarTAC phones
- Your genes and DNA is used to make clones
- You got CD-Rom, everything operates by computers
- Then what happens when circuit breaks?”
- The rapper Future talks about it as well in his song “I serve the base”.
- They should've told you I was overseas
- Say your last words, can't breathe
- They sent the ghetto bird out to peep me
- They finally did admit it, I was cloned
- Because I was ambitious, now I'm on”
- If this all isn’t strange enough there is a video of TV personality Holly Madison where she literally states that she was raised in a cloning lab so that she would be perfect for her then husband Hugh Hefner.
- “I don’t get jealous of other girls, because I was raised in a cloning lab to be the perfect woman for Hugh M. Hefner, so, other than the fact that my I.Q.’S probably a little higher than he would like, I have nothing to worry about.”
- But probably the most controversial one of them all, is the Brittney Spears case.
- Brittney Spears would also be a major controversial music figure when it came to human cloning, but we will get into her a little later in the video.
- (Begin the scene with this clip)
- “Brittney Spears put in her video, she said a fantasy of hers was to blow up a cloning station so they couldn't make any more hers right so for this video called break the ice she made a cheap animation video of her breaking into a cloning station and breaking the clone tubes and they look just like that right and two on two like one on top of each other they have warehouses underground with them aronia people right and oh man it's very heavy"
- (Source -
- Timecodes 17:40 - 18:03)
- (The video he is talking about is this music video
- (Use clips of the music video while he is talking)
- Strangely enough as you see right now, the video he is talking about is very real. It is an animation video where Brittney breaks into what looks like an ultra wealthy gathering of elites. She then takes out some of the guards and breaks into the underground facility. After bypassing the locks she walks into a room filled with clones of her inside of glass tubes. She then plants explosives and leaves the room to another room where she assassinates a man who looked like he owns the place. After this the explosives go off and she escapes.
- This video wouldn’t be some one off occurrence though, as there is another song in which Brittney sings about being cloned. It is called “Mona Lisa.”
- (Play this part of the song but distort it and make it creepy)
- “She's the original
- She's unforgettable
- She wanted you to know
- She's been cloned
- It's kind of incredible
- She's so unpredictable
- She wanted you to know
- She's been cloned, she's been cloned, she's been cloned”
- Link to the song -
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- What makes this song even more strange is the history behind it. In 2004, Britney would work on an independent album that she had kept a secret from her label Jive Records. The album was originally called “The Original Doll”, and on it was the track called “Mona Lisa”.
- However, the album's release was canceled. It is unknown why the album was canceled and there are many reasons as to possibly why. The only song recorded for the album that was released was "Mona Lisa,".
- In December 2004, Britney made a surprise appearance on KIIS-FM in Los Angeles to premiere a new song she recorded. She premiered the rough demo of her song "Mona Lisa." She was also given an interview, where she stated she was halfway through recording the album called "The Original Doll.”
- She also stated it would be released very soon, probably in the summer of 2005. Jive Records were apparently furious that Britney had premiered the song on the radio without their permission, and they stated she had only started recording the album. The album would never see the light of day.
- (Source -
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- The music video is strange as well. In the beginning Brittney is with 2 other friends in the city. A black woman appears in the distance (she looks like a handler) and is watching them. Brittney notices but the woman disappears down an alley. Brittney pursues her and the lady brings her to a wall. She then removes the wall with magic and behind the wall is a building called “The Mystic Lounge”. Then the scene changes and she’s in what looks like a mansion with a scene that looks like the one scene in eyes wide shut but sexualized. Everyone is wearing a mask except Brittney. Then the scene changes again and it starts to get glitchy and even more weird. Brittney is seen entering a elevator wearing a hoodie. She then gets stuck in the elevator and has a mental breakdown. Then the scene changes again and it looks like she’s in the Garden of Eden. She walks towards a piano covered in leaves and plays it. As she’s playing it the scene cuts out.
- (Source -
- Certain supporters of Brittney are of the opinion that these two videos serve as proof of her attempt to unveil the existence of human cloning. Additionally, some theorized that her emotional breakdown in 2007 stemmed from her awareness of being cloned and consequently deemed expendable, providing Jive Records with a motive to seek her replacement. Although there’s no definitive proof to this claim.
- Now before we get into the next part of the video, I do want to warn viewers that this chapter is definitely getting more into the conspiracy theory realm. So take it as you will.
- The next thing I found in my search was a man named Donald Marshall.
- (Transition to clips of Donald talking that are provided below)
- “First I wanted to tell you about the cloning stuff okay now human cloning I have to tell you it's been done since at the end of World War two…
- (Source -
- Timecodes 0:13 - 0:32)
- ____________
- "Picture this im memory repressed about everything, I couldn't remember anything I'm still getting side effects from this about as memory repressed about the cloning stuff until I was 30 years old they call it the awakening when they give you back the memories turns out they had me there since I was five years old"
- (Source -
- Timecodes 0:32 - 0:58)
- _____________
- "trust me I am NOT a crackpot like and I don't get anything from this I'm not writing a book or looking to write a book I'm looking to crush these people but the problem is they're the richest and most powerful people in the world and I'm just one person"
- (Source -
- Timecodes 10:28 - 10:40)
- _______
- What you just saw was a couple of clips from an interview Donald Marshall did with the Vinny Eastwood Show back in 2013. In the interview he describes that human cloning is very real, and that there is an extremely dark presence associated with it.
- “The way that this cloning works, okay there's two different kinds of cloning… There's replication cloning where it comes up as a baby right put the cells in make the same person as a baby well there's duplication cloning as well where they grow you in a big thick tank fill it full of water and well there's a few different grades of cloning there's Mark one two four that I know…”
- So apparently there are multiple kinds of cloning, what else can we learn about these different methods of human cloning and the different Mark grades?
- “... mark 2 is an REM driven clone okay now what that means is when you go to sleep the Illuminati this is their main form of communication - they don't call people on the phone they don't meet at the Bohemian Grove anymore since they got cloning they meet at the cloning station when they go to sleep each of them I don't know how they do it exactly okay or else I'd know how to block it but they can they can transfer your consciousness into a clone at the cloning station…”
- (Source -
- Timecodes 1:17 - 4:07)
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- Now this is where it really becomes a head scratcher, according to Donald the Elite or the Illuminati have the ability to transfer their consciousness to a cloned body when they're dreaming. Donald claims that this is how they meet in secret without anyone noticing.
- He even states that over 14 leaders of the G20 countries meet in the cloning station.
- “...most of the leaders from the g20 countries go there about 14 of the g20 countries and then there's leaders from countries that don't even fit in the g20 that go there too right and cloning it's it's really normal”.
- (Source -
- Timecodes 4:14 - 5:13)
- _______
- Before I go any further, you might be asking why are we even listening to this guy? How does he even know about human cloning?
- The answer is we don’t know exactly for sure, it's up for you to decide if he is lying or not.
- "this is how I know everything okay when I was five they brought me there to be used as what they call a little kid okay but all I do was cry so they said do you have any other kind of use do you sing or dance or something so anyway when I was five keep them off and I started singing like original songs they're just afraid out of the blue it turns out the first one people liked it and they had a famous person use it and then they came back for more and I made more and other people came back I want to hear more it was just a kid that was making these songs right for hurry because they never paid me"
- (Source -
- Timecodes 13:05 - 13:38)
- So here we learn that according to Donald he was taken to these cloning facilities as a child, and was forced to make songs for the people at the facilities to keep them off of him. If any of this is true, this seems highly connected to child human trafficking. Because if people had the ability to continue making clones, pedophiles would have a surplus of children to enjoy their sick and disgusting fantasies.
- You might at first think that this is all just hogwash at first which I do not blame you for. But let me entertain you for a moment. There is an album cover of which Donald Marshal appears to be on the cover of in his 20’s all bloodied up.
- The album cover I am talking about is MegaDeth's album called “The World Needs A Hero”.
- Donald - My facebook profile picture okay just look at it you're gonna get you're gonna say okay something weird is happening here I'm on a Megadeth album cover all cut up it's like a picture of a clone of me all messed up with a skeleton coming out on my chest and Megadeth up on the top well anyway it's a close-up of my face and people look at that and they say okay now I got to look into this and trust me I'm telling you the biggest secrets..
- Interviewer - Holy cow it is your face!
- Donald - Ya it is kinda ya, not kinda ya that is me.
- (Source -
- Timecodes 16:00 - 16:34)
- _______
- Now me personally, I do see a resemblance but I won’t make any rash judgements just yet. Although I do find it intriguing.
- Link to the video -
- Diving deeper into the depths of this mysterious journey, I stumbled upon a video that captured my attention—the very one you just watched.
- The video in question is a film titled "La Fee aux Choux" (The Cabbage Fairy), created in 1900. However, controversy surrounds this film, as there is an original version from 1896, making it arguably the world's first narrative film.
- Directed by Alice Guy, the film portrays a peculiar scene where babies appear to be grown out of the ground through cabbages. This peculiar concept left me intrigued and questioning its significance.
- (Source -
- Strangely enough, this notion of cabbage babies isn't limited to the film alone. Thousands of postcards from the late 1800s to the early 1900s showcase similar depictions of these cabbage babies. It's astonishing to see the sheer volume of these postcards.
- Even more intriguing is the discovery that the woman featured in the film is the very same woman portrayed in the baby postcards. This connection raises further questions about the symbolism and purpose behind these representations.
- Among the multitude of postcards, two particular illustrations caught my attention.
- In the first image, we witness a device where cabbage and rose seeds are mixed, resulting in the mass production of babies. A woman dressed in red catches the babies as they emerge from her dress.
- The second illustration bears the words "Repopulation tank or center" in the top left corner. We observe a giant woman wearing a dress resembling the Cabbage Patch Kids symbol. This woman generates numerous children who soar through the air while a man with a top hat operates a pumping mechanism to fuel the operation. Maids can be seen attending to the cabbage babies, while new individuals arrive to claim them.
- These intriguing photos and videos seem to hint at the possibility of repopulation centers, which could be interpreted as cloning centers existing in the late 1800s. Could it be that these centers catered to the desires of wealthy individuals, allowing them to select and purchase their preferred child?
- As of now, definitive answers elude us, and further research is required to shed more light on this captivating topic. In an upcoming part 2, we will delve deeper into the investigation, hoping to uncover the truth behind these intriguing cabbage farms and their potential connection to possible cloning centers of the past.
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