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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. array:3 [▼
  2. "data" => []
  3. "status" => 500
  4. "message" => """
  5. <!DOCTYPE html>\n
  6. <html>\n
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  8. <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />\n
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  33. .container { max-width: 1024px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 15px; }\n
  34. .container::after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; }\n
  35. \n
  36. .exception-summary { background: #B0413E; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); flex: 0 0 auto; marg ▶
  37. \n
  38. .exception-message-wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; min-height: 70px; }\n
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  43. .exception-message a:hover { border-bottom-color: #ffffff; }\n
  44. \n
  45. .exception-illustration { flex-basis: 111px; flex-shrink: 0; height: 66px; margin-left: 15px; opacity: .7; }\n
  46. \n
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  49. \n
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  51. \n
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  57. \n
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  63. <body>\n
  64. <div class="exception-summary">\n
  65. <div class="container">\n
  66. <div class="exception-message-wrapper">\n
  67. <h1 class="break-long-words exception-message">Whoops, looks like something went wrong.</h1>\n
  68. <div class="exception-illustration hidden-xs-down"><svg viewBox="0 0 136 81" xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" clip ▶
  69. </div>\n
  70. </div>\n
  71. </div>\n
  72. \n
  73. <div class="container">\n
  74. <div class="trace trace-as-html">\n
  75. <table class="trace-details">\n
  76. <thead class="trace-head"><tr><th>\n
  77. <h3 class="trace-class">\n
  78. <span class="text-muted">(1/1)</span>\n
  79. <span class="exception_title"><abbr title="ErrorException">ErrorException</abbr></span>\n
  80. </h3>\n
  81. <p class="break-long-words trace-message">Undefined index: is_canceled</p>\n
  82. </th></tr></thead>\n
  83. <tbody><tr><td><span class="block trace-file-path">in <a title="/var/www/html/app/Http/Controllers/V1/ProjectController.php line ▶
  84. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  85. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="App\Http\Controllers\V1\ProjectController">ProjectController</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><s ▶
  86. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title=""></abbr></span><span class="trace-type"></span><span class="trace-method">call_user_func_array</span>(<span c ▶
  87. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod">BoundMethod</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">::</span><span class="trac ▶
  88. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod">BoundMethod</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">::</span><span class="trac ▶
  89. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod">BoundMethod</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">::</span><span class="trac ▶
  90. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Illuminate\Container\Container">Container</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-me ▶
  91. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  92. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  93. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  94. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  95. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  96. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  97. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  98. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  99. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  100. <tr><td>at <span class="trace-class"><abbr title="Laravel\Lumen\Application">Application</abbr></span><span class="trace-type">-></span><span class="trace-metho ▶
  101. </tbody>\n
  102. </table>\n
  103. </div>\n
  104. \n
  105. </div>\n
  106. </body>\n
  107. </html>
  108. """
  109. ]
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