
Sage unwittingly black-mances the troll Flelst.

Jun 3rd, 2015
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  1. infiniteFervor [IF] has begun espering turnstileGadabout [TG]
  2. [IF] hi
  3. [TG] Hi there, I don't know if we've like met before.
  4. [TG] I'm Sage.
  5. [IF] the memo was a clusterfuck and i cant be expected to remember everybody
  6. [IF] sage huh? like the plant?
  7. [TG] Yeah or like a wise old wizardly mastermind. Of which I am neither.
  8. [IF] are you sure? that esperhandle looks vaguely wizard like to me
  9. [IF] i can't even tell what that means
  10. [TG] Oh man my handle is like the opposite of old magic men its awesome.
  11. [IF] so this was random
  12. [IF] im bored
  13. [TG] A turnstile is like those weird turny things you see at the entrances of subways.
  14. [TG] You're... bored?
  15. [TG] What have you been doing?
  16. [IF] you know coolpenguins?
  17. [TG] Nope!
  18. [IF] well he's a fucking asshole jerkface
  19. [IF] anyway
  20. [IF] im on his planet because a went through my gate
  21. [IF] and now im stuck here
  22. [TG] By gate do you mean those floating portal things?
  23. [TG] You can get stuck in those??
  24. [IF] no i mean
  25. [IF] ..
  26. [IF] okay so i got a jetpack and flew through it
  27. [IF] i went from my land to his
  28. [IF] im stuck on his land
  29. [TG] A jetpackkkkkkkkk!? That's crazy. Can't you just fly through the portal gate whatever again?
  30. [IF] it, and i by extension
  31. [IF] exploded
  32. [TG] Uhhhhh wow.
  33. [TG] Are you... alright?
  34. [TG] Were you hurt in the explosion?
  35. [IF] Yeah! good think im so tough
  36. [IF] haha no sweat
  37. [IF] ...
  38. [TG] Oh cool : )
  39. [IF] but im still trapped here and nothing is happening
  40. [IF] i wanna get attacked by something!
  41. [IF] come on this is borrrringgg
  42. [TG] Yeah fighting these monster dudes can like really spice up your day.
  43. [TG] I've been pretty on edge since this whole thing started.
  44. [IF] i faught a man beast thing that was half horse and it hurt ray pretty bad and it was REALLY COOL
  45. [IF] fought?*
  46. [TG] Half horse? Haven't seen anything like that around here. I've mostly been fighting fish creatures.
  47. [TG] Well there's other onesss.....
  48. [TG] But the fish ones are giving me the most trouble >:(
  49. [IF] *after a fair amount of time passes IF finally gets back to responding*
  50. [IF] you should start working out
  51. [IF] or something
  52. [IF] hit everything with your fists until there is nothing left to hit
  53. [TG] Oh hey you responded. Haha I have knives trust me they're probably more effective than like...
  54. [TG] my bear hands.
  55. [TG] ^BARE hands. I'm not a bearrrr.
  56. [IF] i dont believe you
  57. [IF] that was such a shoddy cover up
  58. [IF] im not convinced
  59. [TG] Ok ok you've found me out mysterious chat person.
  60. [TG] The gig is up I've been like a 200 pound bear this whole time.
  61. [TG] You wouldn't BELIEVE how hard using a cursor is with bear hands.
  62. [TG] But I've found a way.
  63. [TG] Ironically, I keep getting my butt whooped by fish.
  64. [IF] dont bears fuck fish up
  65. [IF] you are a very shitty bear
  66. [TG] Yes exactly. It is sick, sick karmaaaaaa
  67. [TG] From my previous life as a mountain fish killer.
  68. [IF] as long as you never hunted any species of octopi/squid
  69. [IF] i wont have to murder you
  70. [TG] Haha murder me? I'd like to see you take on a bear!
  71. [TG] Rawr. >:)
  72. [IF] (wait fuck, is this flirting? this is so totally flirting..)
  73. [IF] (uhhhhhhhhh i read that book)
  74. [IF] (this is bad)
  75. [IF] (uh think no no no)
  76. [IF] i uh
  77. [IF] i left my coat running bye
  78. infiniteFervor [IF] has disconnected
  79. [TG] What?
  80. [TG] Wait uhhh....
  81. [TG] Man what was even your name???
  82. [TG] ...Talk to you later?
  83. turnstileGadabout [TG] has ceased espering infiniteFervor [IF]
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