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Sep 24th, 2018
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  1. Residence includes many features that help server owners to manage protection. This includes:
  3. Allows players to define protected areas for themselves.
  4. Option for players to rent their own land for other people for the amount of money for defined time period.
  5. Teleport system to allow users to teleport to residences.
  6. Option for players to sell their land for other players
  7. Optional Land "leasing" system which requires users to renew the lease on their protection every X number of days or loose the protection. (off by default, see config file)
  8. Option to charge defined amount of money for each protected block or each block column.
  9. Support for moded blocks to be included into protection list as containers or interactable
  10. Option to include prefix in chat of your main residence
  11. Option to use teleportation to residence with delay to prevent running from PVP
  12. Option to kick players from your residence and prevent any future entry into it with simple command
  13. Integrated residence sign system to have easy way to buy/rent without using any commands
  14. Integrated unique system to have special residences as public shops
  15. Integrated system to vote for each shop by giving points or by giving "likes"
  16. Option to prevent negative potion effects in residence but allow positive ones.
  17. Shop sorting by most popular
  18. Possibility to restore residence area to the previous state on rent end event with help of WorldEdit Schematics
  19. Integrated residence chat system
  20. Support messages to be shown in ActionBar to avoid chat spamming.
  21. Option to get part of money back when deleting your residence
  22. Easy to use area selection tool with unique selection visualizer in the game.
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