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a guest
Jan 12th, 2020
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  1. options:
  3. GAME_PREFIX: &9》
  4. MATCH_TIME: 120
  5. STICK_TIME: 30
  8. CHEST_ROWS: 6
  10. command /sumoadm [<text>] [<text>]:
  11. permission: admin
  12. permission message: §7》 §c必要な権限を持っていません
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg 1 is "waitingpoint":
  15. set {stage.waitingPoint} to location of player
  16. message "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&7待機場所を&a%location of player%&7に設定しました"
  17. else if arg 1 is "lobby":
  18. set {lobby} to location of player
  19. message "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&7ロビーを&a%location of player%&7に設定しました"
  20. else if arg 1 is "standpoint":
  21. if arg 2 is "A":
  22. set {stage.standPoint::A} to location of player
  23. message "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&7プレイヤー&eA&7のスタート地点を&a%location of player%&7に設定しました"
  24. else if arg 2 is "B":
  25. set {stage.standPoint::B} to location of player
  26. message "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&7プレイヤー&eB&7のスタート地点を&a%location of player%&7に設定しました"
  27. else:
  28. message "&c使用方法: /sumoadm standpoint <A / B>"
  29. else if arg 1 is "start":
  30. clear {game.result::*}
  31. clear {game.firstJoiners::*}
  32. clear {game.totalRateChange::*}
  33. clear {game.matchTime}
  34. set {game.isStarted} to true
  35. clear inventory of {game.joiners::*}
  36. teleport {game.joiners::*} to {stage.waitingpoint}
  37. set {game.mode} to "RANKED"
  38. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  39. add loop-value to {game.firstJoiners::*}
  40. set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&e総当たり表を確認する"
  41. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  42. if loop-value-1 is not loop-value-2:
  43. set {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} to "NONE"
  44. else:
  45. set {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} to "MYSELF"
  46. gameLoop()
  47. else if arg 1 is "stop":
  48. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  49. clear inventory of loop-value
  50. set slot 4 of loop-value to slimeball named "&a参加する"
  51. teleport {game.joiners::*} to {lobby}
  52. clear {game.joiners::*}
  53. clear {game.firstJoiners::*}
  54. clear {game.result::*}
  55. clear {game.totalRateChange::*}
  56. set {game.isStarted} to false
  58. command /join:
  59. trigger:
  60. if {game.joiners::*} doesn't contain player:
  61. if {game.isStarted} is false:
  62. add player to {game.joiners::*}
  63. play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player with volume 1 and pitch 8
  64. broadcast "{@GAME_PREFIX}&e%player%&7がゲームに参加しました"
  65. else:
  66. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&c既に開始しています"
  67. else:
  68. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&c既に参加しています"
  70. command /evaluate <text>:
  71. permission: admin
  72. trigger:
  73. evaluate "%arg%"
  75. command /oi <text> <integer> <integer>:
  76. executable by: console
  77. trigger:
  78. openTable(arg 1 parsed as player, arg 2, arg 3)
  80. on drop:
  81. cancel event
  83. on damage:
  84. if {game.isStarted} is false:
  85. cancel event
  86. else if {game.joiners::*} doesn't contain victim:
  87. cancel event
  88. else if {game.isMatching::%attacker%} is false:
  89. cancel event
  90. else if {game.isMatching::%victim%} is false:
  91. cancel event
  92. else if "%damage cause%" is "void":
  93. set {_list::*} to getMatchingPlayers()
  94. remove victim from {_list::*}
  95. finishMatch(getSinglePlayer({_list::*}), victim, "O")
  96. else if {game.harmable} is false:
  97. heal victim
  98. else:
  99. if damage cause is projectile:
  100. set damage to damage * 0.3
  101. else if damage cause is attack:
  102. set damage to damage * 0.6
  103. else:
  104. cancel event
  106. on death:
  107. if {game.isMatching::%victim%} is true:
  108. heal victim
  109. set {_list::*} to getMatchingPlayers()
  110. remove victim from {_list::*}
  111. finishMatch(getSinglePlayer({_list::*}), victim, "O")
  113. on quit:
  114. set the quit message to "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&6%player%&7が退出しました"
  115. if {game.joiners::*} contains player:
  116. if {game.isStarted} is true:
  117. remove player from {game.joiners::*}
  118. if {game.isMatching::%player%} is true:
  119. set {_list::*} to getMatchingPlayers()
  120. remove player from {_list::*}
  121. finishMatch(getSinglePlayer({_list::*}), player, "O")
  122. loop {game.result::%player%::*}:
  123. set {game.result::%player%::%loop-index%} to "LOSE"
  124. set {game.result::%loop-index%::%player%} to "WIN"
  126. on join:
  127. set the join message to "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&6%player%&7がサーバーに参加しました"
  128. if {stats.rate::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  129. set {stats.rate::%uuid of player%} to 5000
  130. if {stats.playedTimes::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  131. set {stats.playedTimes::%uuid of player%} to 0
  132. clear player's inventory
  133. set slot 4 of player to 1 of slimeball named "&a参加する"
  135. on chat:
  136. cancel event
  137. broadcast "&e%player%&f》 %message%"
  139. on rightclick:
  140. if tool of player is nether star named "&e総当たり表を確認する":
  141. if {game.joiners::*} contains player:
  142. openTable(player, 1, 1)
  143. else:
  144. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&cそのアイテムは参加者以外は使えません"
  145. else if tool of player is slimeball:
  146. make player execute command "join"
  148. function getSinglePlayer(p: players) :: player:
  149. loop {_p::*}:
  150. if loop-value is set:
  151. return loop-value
  153. function openTable(player: player, pageX: integer, pageY: integer):
  154. open chest with {@CHEST_ROWS} rows named "総当たり表(%{_pageX}%, %{_pageY}%)" to {_player}
  155. wait a tick
  156. set {_a} to 0
  157. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  158. add 1 to {_a}
  159. if floor(({_a} - 1) / 6) + 1 is {_pageX}:
  160. set {_slot} to mod(({_a} - 1), 6) + 2
  161. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with skull of loop-value named "&c%loop-value%" with lore "&f" and "&7レート: &a%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  162. if floor(({_a} - 1) / ({@CHEST_ROWS} - 1)) + 1 is {_pageY}:
  163. set {_slot} to ((mod(({_a} - 1), ({@CHEST_ROWS} - 1)) + 1) * 9) + 1
  164. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with skull of loop-value named "&e%loop-value%" with lore "&f" and "&7レート: &a%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
  165. set {_b} to 0
  166. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  167. add 1 to {_b}
  168. set {_value2} to loop-value-2
  169. set {_value1} to loop-value-1
  170. if floor(({_b} - 1) / 6) + 1 is {_pageX}:
  171. set {_slot} to (mod({_a} - 1, {@CHEST_ROWS} - 1) + 1) * 9 + 2 + mod({_b} - 1, 6)
  172. #broadcast "1: %loop-value-1% 2: %loop-value-2% slot: %{_slot}%"
  173. if loop-value-1 is not loop-value-2:
  174. if {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} is "WIN":
  175. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of white stained glass pane named "&e%loop-value-1%" with lore "&f" and "&f&l勝利" to be unstealable
  176. else if {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} is "LOSE":
  177. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of black stained glass pane named "&e%loop-value-1%" with lore "&f" and "&0&l敗北" to be unstealable
  178. else if {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} is "DRAW":
  179. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of light gray stained glass pane named "&e%loop-value-1%" with lore "&f" and "&7&l引き分け" to be unstealable
  180. else if {game.result::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} is "NONE":
  181. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of glass pane named "&e%loop-value-1%" with lore "&f" and "&7&lまだ試合が行われていません" to be unstealable
  182. else:
  183. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of barrier named "&c" to be unstealable
  184. else:
  185. format slot {_slot} of {_player} with 1 of barrier named "&c" to be unstealable
  186. if {_pageY} > 1:
  187. format slot 0 of {_player} with 1 arrow named "&e上ページへ行く" to run "oi %{_player}% %{_pageX}% %{_pageY} - 1%"
  188. if {_pageX} > 1:
  189. format slot 27 of {_player} with 1 arrow named "&e左ページへ行く" to run "oi %{_player}% %{_pageX} - 1% %{_pageY}%"
  190. if {_pageY} < floor((size of {game.firstJoiners::*} - 1) / ({@CHEST_ROWS} - 1)) + 1:
  191. format slot 53 of {_player} with 1 arrow named "&e下ページへ行く" to run "oi %{_player}% %{_pageX}% %{_pageY} + 1%"
  192. if {_pageX} < floor((size of {game.firstJoiners::*} - 1) / 6) + 1:
  193. format slot 26 of {_player} with 1 arrow named "&e右ページへ行く" to run "oi %{_player}% %{_pageX} + 1% %{_pageY}%"
  195. function gameLoop():
  196. set {_isGameFinished} to true
  197. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  198. if {game.result::%loop-value%::*} contains "NONE":
  199. set {_isGameFinished} to false
  200. exit a loop
  201. if {_isGameFinished} is true:
  202. wait 1 second
  203. finishGame()
  204. else:
  205. makeMatch()
  207. function finishGame():
  208. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&7すべての試合が終了しました" to {game.joiners::*}
  209. play sound "ENTITY_ENDERDRAGON_AMBIENT" to {game.joiners::*} with volume 1 and pitch 7
  210. clear {_data::*}
  211. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  212. set {_wins} to 0
  213. set {_loses} to 0
  214. loop {game.result::%loop-value%::*}:
  215. if loop-value-2 is "WIN":
  216. add 1 to {_wins}
  217. else if loop-value-2 is "LOSE":
  218. add 1 to {_loses}
  219. set {_data::%loop-value%::wins} to {_wins}
  220. set {_data::%loop-value%::loses} to {_loses}
  221. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  222. set {_point} to {_data::%loop-value%::wins} - {_data::%loop-value%::loses}
  223. broadcast "%loop-value% : %{_point}%"
  224. set {_place} to 1
  225. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  226. set {_comparedPoint} to {_data::%loop-value-2%::wins} - {_data::%loop-value-2%::loses}
  227. if {_point} < {_comparedPoint}:
  228. add 1 to {_place}
  229. set {_data::%loop-value%::place} to {_place}
  230. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  231. send loop-value title "&a---- GAME END ----" with subtitle "&eあなたは &6&l##%{_data::%loop-value%::place}%&eでした" for 3 seconds
  232. message "&7----------------------------" to {game.joiners::*}
  233. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  234. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&a&l最終結果" to {game.joiners::*}
  235. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  236. set {_number} to 1
  237. loop size of {game.firstJoiners::*} times:
  238. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  239. if {_number} is {_data::%loop-value-2%::place}:
  240. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&e&l##%{_number}% &6%loop-value-2% &7(&f%{_data::%loop-value-2%::wins}%&7勝 &0%{_data::%loop-value-2%::loses}%&7敗)" to {game.joiners::*}
  241. add 1 to {_number}
  242. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  243. message "&7----------------------------" to {game.joiners::*}
  244. if {game.mode} is "RANKED":
  245. message "&7----------------------------" to {game.joiners::*}
  246. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  247. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&a&lレート変動" to {game.joiners::*}
  248. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  249. loop {game.firstJoiners::*}:
  250. if {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%} < 0:
  251. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&6%loop-value% &e%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}% &f> &c%{game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%}% &f> &4&l%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%} + {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%}%" to {game.joiners::*}
  252. else if {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%} > 0:
  253. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&6%loop-value% &e%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}% &f> &b+%{game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%}% &f> &9&l%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%} + {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%}%" to {game.joiners::*}
  254. else:
  255. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&6%loop-value% &e%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}% &f> &a±0 &f> &f&l%{stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%} + {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%}%" to {game.joiners::*}
  256. add {game.totalRateChange::%loop-value%} to {stats.rate::%uuid of loop-value%}
  257. add 1 to {stats.playedTimes::%uuid of loop-value%}
  258. message "&f" to {game.joiners::*}
  259. message "&7----------------------------" to {game.joiners::*}
  260. command "sumoadm stop"
  262. function makeMatch():
  263. set {_a} to random element out of {game.joiners::*}
  264. while {game.result::%{_a}%::*} doesn't contain "NONE":
  265. set {_a} to random element out of {game.joiners::*}
  266. while 1 is 1:
  267. if {_a} is not {_b}:
  268. if {game.result::%{_b}%::%{_a}%} is "NONE":
  269. exit a loop
  270. else:
  271. set {_b} to random element out of {game.joiners::*}
  272. else:
  273. set {_b} to random element out of {game.joiners::*}
  274. loop random integer between 5 and 20 times:
  275. play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" to {game.joiners::*} with volume 1 and pitch 8
  276. send {game.joiners::*} title "&e%random element out of {game.joiners::*}% &8> vs < &e%random element out of {game.joiners::*}%" with subtitle "&7抽選中です..." for 2 seconds
  277. wait 4 ticks
  278. set {_list::*} to {game.joiners::*}
  279. remove {_a} and {_b} from {_list::*}
  280. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to {game.joiners::*} with volume 1 and pitch 1
  281. send {_a} title "&6&l%{_a}% &8> vs < &e%{_b}%" with subtitle "&a試合に出場します" for 4 seconds
  282. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&6&l%{_a}% &8> vs < &e%{_b}%" to {_a}
  283. send {_b} title "&e%{_a}% &8> vs < &6&l%{_b}%" with subtitle "&a試合に出場します" for 4 seconds
  284. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&e%{_a}% &8> vs < &6&l%{_b}%" to {_b}
  285. send {_list::*} title "&e%{_a}% &8> vs < &e%{_b}%" with subtitle "&7試合を観戦します" for 4 seconds
  286. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&e%{_a}% &8> vs < &e%{_b}%" to {_list::*}
  287. wait 3 seconds
  288. startMatch({_a}, {_b})
  290. function changeTablist(p: player):
  291. set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
  292. set tablist name of {_p} to "&7[%{stats.rate::%{_u}%}%]"
  294. function startMatch(a: player, b: player):
  295. set {game.isMatching::%{_a}%} to true
  296. set {game.isMatching::%{_b}%} to true
  297. set {game.matching} to false
  298. set {game.harmable} to false
  299. set {game.moveable} to false
  300. set {game.stopMatch} to false
  301. set {game.matchTime} to 0
  302. teleport {_a} to {stage.standPoint::A}
  303. teleport {_b} to {stage.standPoint::B}
  304. clear inventory of getMatchingPlayers()
  305. set {_str} to "%random number between 0.9 and 4.0% seconds"
  306. set {_wait} to {_str} parsed as time span
  307. send getMatchingPlayers() title "&8---- &8&lREADY &8----" with subtitle "&f" for {_wait}
  308. wait {_wait}
  309. send getMatchingPlayers() title "&8---! &6&lFIGHT &8!---" with subtitle "&f" for {_wait}
  310. set {game.moveable} to true
  311. loop {@MATCH_TIME} times:
  312. wait 1 second
  313. add 1 to {game.matchTime}
  314. if {game.matchTime} is {@STICK_TIME}:
  315. giveStick()
  316. else if {game.matchTime} is {@SHOWDOWN_TIME}:
  317. showDown()
  318. else if {game.matchTime} is {@DEATHMATCH_TIME}:
  319. deathMatch()
  320. if {game.stopMatch} is true:
  321. stop
  322. finishMatch({_a}, {_b}, "X")
  324. function giveStick():
  325. give stick of sharpness 2 and knockback 1 named "&6タオルの腕" to be unbreakable to getMatchingPlayers()
  327. function showDown():
  328. send {game.joiners::*} title "&8--!! &c&lSHOWDOWN &8!!--" with subtitle "&7弓矢が使用可能になった" for 2 seconds
  329. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&cショーダウン!!" to {game.joiners::*}
  330. give bow of infinity 1 and punch 1 named "&6タオルの胸" to be unbreakable to getMatchingPlayers()
  331. give arrow named "&7タオルの脚" to getMatchingPlayers()
  333. function deathMatch():
  334. send {game.joiners::*} title "&8-!!! &4&lDEATHMATCH &8!!!-" with subtitle "&7ダメージを受けるようになった" for 2 seconds
  335. message "{@GAME_PREFIX}&4デスマッチ!!!" to {game.joiners::*}
  336. set {game.harmable} to true
  338. function finishMatch(winner: player, loser: player, xo: text):
  339. if {_xo} is "X":
  340. send {game.joiners::*} title "&8--- &a&lDRAW &8---" with subtitle "&7時間切れ" for 4 seconds
  341. set {game.result::%{_winner}%::%{_loser}%} to "DRAW"
  342. set {game.result::%{_loser}%::%{_winner}%} to "DRAW"
  343. else if {_xo} is "O":
  344. send {game.joiners::*} title "&8--- &7WINNER: &6&l%{_winner}% &8---" with subtitle "&7試合時間: &6%{game.matchTime}%&7秒" for 4 seconds
  345. message "{@SYSTEM_PREFIX}&6%{_winner}% &e》 勝利 》 &8%{_loser}%" to {game.joiners::*}
  346. set {_UUIDOfWinner} to uuid of {_winner}
  347. set {_UUIDOfLoser} to uuid of {_loser}
  348. set {game.result::%{_winner}%::%{_loser}%} to "WIN"
  349. set {game.result::%{_loser}%::%{_winner}%} to "LOSE"
  350. add 1 to {stats.aganist::%{_UUIDOfLoserWinner}%::%{_UUIDOfLoser}%::wins}
  351. add 1 to {stats.aganist::%{_UUIDOfLoser}%::%{_UUIDOfLoserWinner}%::loses}
  352. if {game.mode} is "RANKED":
  353. set {_x} to {stats.rate::%{_UUIDOfWinner}%} - {stats.rate::%{_UUIDOfLoser}%}
  354. add getRateChange({_x}) * 1 to {game.totalRateChange::%{_winner}%}
  355. add getRateChange({_x}) * -1 to {game.totalRateChange::%{_loser}%}
  356. set {game.matching} to false
  357. set {game.moveable} to false
  358. set {game.harmable} to false
  359. set {game.stopMatch} to true
  360. loop getMatchingPlayers():
  361. heal loop-value
  362. clear loop-value's inventory
  363. set slot 4 of loop-value to nether star named "&e総当たり表を確認する"
  364. teleport loop-value to {stage.waitingPoint}
  365. set {game.isMatching::%loop-value%} to false
  366. wait 1.5 seconds
  367. gameLoop()
  369. function getMatchingPlayers() :: players:
  370. clear {_temp::*}
  371. loop {game.joiners::*}:
  372. if {game.isMatching::%loop-value%} is true:
  373. add loop-value to {_temp::*}
  374. return {_temp::*}
  376. function getRateChange(val: number) :: integer:
  377. if {_val} > 6590:
  378. return 0
  379. else if {_val} > 4999:
  380. return 1
  381. else if {_val} > 3963:
  382. return 2
  383. else if {_val} > 3233:
  384. return 3
  385. else if {_val} > 2671:
  386. return 4
  387. else if {_val} > 2212:
  388. return 5
  389. else if {_val} > 1819:
  390. return 6
  391. else if {_val} > 1476:
  392. return 7
  393. else if {_val} > 1168:
  394. return 8
  395. else if {_val} > 889:
  396. return 9
  397. else if {_val} > 633:
  398. return 10
  399. else if {_val} > 395:
  400. return 11
  401. else if {_val} > 174:
  402. return 12
  403. else if {_val} > -34:
  404. return 13
  405. else if {_val} > -231:
  406. return 14
  407. else if {_val} > -418:
  408. return 15
  409. else if {_val} > -596:
  410. return 16
  411. else if {_val} > -767:
  412. return 17
  413. else if {_val} > -931:
  414. return 18
  415. else if {_val} > -1090:
  416. return 19
  417. else if {_val} > -1243:
  418. return 20
  419. else if {_val} > -1392:
  420. return 21
  421. else if {_val} > -1536:
  422. return 22
  423. else if {_val} > -1676:
  424. return 23
  425. else if {_val} > -1813:
  426. return 24
  427. else if {_val} > -1946:
  428. return 25
  429. else if {_val} > -2076:
  430. return 26
  431. else if {_val} > -2203:
  432. return 27
  433. else if {_val} > -2329:
  434. return 28
  435. else if {_val} > -2450:
  436. return 29
  437. else if {_val} > -2569:
  438. return 30
  439. else if {_val} > -2687:
  440. return 31
  441. else if {_val} > -2803:
  442. return 32
  443. else if {_val} > -2915:
  444. return 33
  445. else if {_val} > -3027:
  446. return 34
  447. else if {_val} > -3136:
  448. return 35
  449. else if {_val} > -3245:
  450. return 36
  451. else if {_val} > -3353:
  452. return 37
  453. else if {_val} > -3456:
  454. return 38
  455. else if {_val} > -3557:
  456. return 39
  457. else if {_val} > -3682:
  458. return 40
  459. else if {_val} > -3760:
  460. return 41
  461. else if {_val} > -3861:
  462. return 42
  463. else if {_val} > -3959:
  464. return 43
  465. else if {_val} > -4055:
  466. return 44
  467. else if {_val} > -4150:
  468. return 45
  469. else if {_val} > -4252:
  470. return 46
  471. else if {_val} > -4344:
  472. return 47
  473. else if {_val} > -4443:
  474. return 48
  475. else if {_val} > -4525:
  476. return 49
  477. else if {_val} > -4608:
  478. return 50
  479. else if {_val} > -4697:
  480. return 51
  481. else if {_val} > -4804:
  482. return 52
  483. else if {_val} > -4895:
  484. return 53
  485. else if {_val} > -4958:
  486. return 54
  487. else if {_val} > -5050:
  488. return 55
  489. else if {_val} > -5133:
  490. return 56
  491. else if {_val} > -5252:
  492. return 57
  493. else if {_val} > -5301:
  494. return 58
  495. else if {_val} > -5419:
  496. return 59
  497. else if {_val} > -5487:
  498. return 60
  499. else if {_val} > -5551:
  500. return 61
  501. else if {_val} > -5641:
  502. return 62
  503. else if {_val} > -5723:
  504. return 63
  505. else if {_val} > -5793:
  506. return 64
  507. else if {_val} > -5882:
  508. return 65
  509. else if {_val} > -5966:
  510. return 66
  511. else if {_val} > -6046:
  512. return 67
  513. else if {_val} > -6117:
  514. return 68
  515. else if {_val} > -6208:
  516. return 69
  517. else if {_val} > -6299:
  518. return 70
  519. else if {_val} > -6341:
  520. return 71
  521. else if {_val} > -6420:
  522. return 72
  523. else if {_val} > -6504:
  524. return 73
  525. else if {_val} > -6596:
  526. return 74
  527. else if {_val} > -6691:
  528. return 75
  529. else if {_val} > -6728:
  530. return 76
  531. else if {_val} > -6834:
  532. return 77
  533. else if {_val} > -6912:
  534. return 78
  535. else if {_val} > -7017:
  536. return 79
  537. else if {_val} > -7066:
  538. return 80
  539. else if {_val} > -7204:
  540. return 81
  541. else if {_val} > -7286:
  542. return 82
  543. else if {_val} > -7324:
  544. return 83
  545. else if {_val} > -7427:
  546. return 84
  547. else if {_val} > -7495:
  548. return 85
  549. else if {_val} > -7534:
  550. return 86
  551. else if {_val} > -7631:
  552. return 87
  553. else if {_val} > -7708:
  554. return 88
  555. else if {_val} > -7784:
  556. return 89
  557. else if {_val} > -7834:
  558. return 90
  559. else if {_val} > -8011:
  560. return 91
  561. else if {_val} > -8109:
  562. return 92
  563. else if {_val} > -8133:
  564. return 93
  565. else if {_val} > -8216:
  566. return 94
  567. else if {_val} > -8275:
  568. return 95
  569. else if {_val} > -8411:
  570. return 96
  571. else if {_val} > -8505:
  572. return 97
  573. else if {_val} > -8615:
  574. return 98
  575. else if {_val} > -8764:
  576. return 99
  577. else if {_val} > -8844:
  578. return 100
  579. else if {_val} > -8936:
  580. return 101
  581. else if {_val} > -9054:
  582. return 102
  583. else if {_val} > -9144:
  584. return 103
  585. else if {_val} > -9240:
  586. return 104
  587. else if {_val} > -9349:
  588. return 105
  589. else if {_val} > -9472:
  590. return 106
  591. else if {_val} > -9582:
  592. return 107
  593. else if {_val} > -9693:
  594. return 108
  595. else if {_val} > -9845:
  596. return 109
  597. else if {_val} > -9959:
  598. return 110
  599. else:
  600. return 111
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