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Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. <html><head>
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  3. <title>Cryptonote</title>
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  27. <center> <img src="Cryptonote_files/logo.png" alt="logo" width="960px"> </center>
  28. <hr>
  29. <h1> Specifications </h1>
  30. <ul>
  31. <li> Algorithm: cryptoNight; </li>
  32. <li> Block time: 120 seconds; </li>
  33. <li>Difficulty retarget: each block; </li>
  34. <li> Block Reward: decreases each block according to the formula: <br> <p> BaseReward = (MSupply - A)/2 <sup> 18 </sup>, where </p> MSupply = (2<sup>64</sup> - 1) atomic units <br> A = amount of already generated coins <p></p> </li>
  35. <li> One coin is divisible down to 8 decimal places (divisible up to 10^8)</li>
  36. <li> Total coins: 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 atomic units (= 184.46 billion coins ) </li>
  37. </ul> <br>
  40. <h1> Downloads </h1>
  41. <a href="http://nd4hymhii2vsjvmp.onion/whitepaper.pdf" download="">Whitepaper</a> ( <a href="http://nd4hymhii2vsjvmp.onion/nvsaberhagen.asc" download="">pgp open key</a> | <a href="http://nd4hymhii2vsjvmp.onion/whitepaper.pdf.asc" download="">pdf signature</a>) <br>
  42. <br>
  43. <hr>
  44. <h1> Community news </h1><br>
  45. 2/27/2014 14:02 - <div class="holiday"> We are back to normal. </div><br>
  46. <center><img src="Cryptonote_files/yeah.gif" alt="yeah" width="200px"></center><br>
  47. Thxs to all for quick response. Our special gratitude (again) to our dear friend <em>test_node_6 </em>
  48. for his rapid p2p protocol vulnerability elimination. Everybody who
  49. wants to discuss the incident is welcome to join our usual chat. Attack
  50. summary via mails later.<br><br>
  51. 2/27/2014 05:11 - <div style="color:red; font-weight:bolder; font-size:46pt; text-align:center;"> Hot fix is available <br> UPDATE ASAP!</div> <center> Community information sharing required!</center><br>
  52. 2/27/2014 02:15 - <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:18pt"> We are under attack. </span> Don't worry and check your mails immediately! All team leaders are responsible for their members informing.<br><br>
  53. <div class="content"> 12/24/2013 - </div>
  54. <div class="holiday"> Special Christmas and New Year Message
  55. <img src="Cryptonote_files/ny2013.png" alt="New Year" width="50"> </div><br>
  56. <center> The 31st is coming, which spells the end of 2013. And it
  57. gives us immense pleasure to share our feelings about it with the whole
  58. CN community.<br>
  59. Some of us can remember that at the same time last year CryptoNote
  60. was like a little child doing his first steps. The system had been
  61. working only half of the year and was far from being perfect. And the
  62. first quarter of 2013 was the hardest time for us all, you know it. But
  63. then May-2013 started and became the turning point for the whole
  64. cryptocurrency world and for CryptoNote too. <br>
  65. We have done a lot since that time. We had grown even bigger then
  66. could imagine last January. That's why we would like to thank all devs,
  67. all teams' leaders and members, all individual miners and everybody else
  68. who believed in CN, who supported us and worked over our common
  69. project! <br>
  70. All of you should know: today - at the edge of 2013 - we are
  71. stronger than ever. We are full of hopes for the best, full of the
  72. brightest plans for the future and of strength for their realization. <br><br>
  73. <b> Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, dear friends! Let 2014 be even better for all of us!</b> </center><br>
  74. 12/06/2013 - <b>Good luck at Finals, dudes! And may the curve be ever in your favor </b> <br><br>
  75. 12/01/2013 - Community Meetings Schedule for 2014 is available now. <br> <br>
  76. 11/26/2013 - <b> How Did Dread Pirate Roberts Could Have Protected His Bitcoin Wealth </b>
  77. <p> We only want to note that you unlikely to see <a href="" target="_blank" )=""> similar paper </a> in regard to our system.
  78. Not because of our law-abiding users, but due to ring signature and one-time addresses.<br>
  79. All payments are truly untraceable, unless you make an effort to deanonymize yourself =)</p><br>
  80. 09/13/2013 - Updated "Einstein" is now ready for working in the new regime <br> <br>
  81. 09/01/2013 - One more changelog <br> <br>
  82. 08/30/2013 - <b> Welcome back from summer break, colleagues!</b> <br>
  83. <p>Hope everybody's batteries are recharged and you're ready for your
  84. new academic terms and further work on CryptoNote. Check your mails
  85. for details! </p><br>
  86. 07/15/2013 - "V.Hugo" is back, be ready for increase. <br> <br>
  87. 07/04/2013 - <center> <span class="holiday"> Happy Birthday, CryptoNote! </span> <br> It's one year from the launch.</center> <br> <br>
  88. 05/01/2013 - <b> Meeting-4. </b> <br>
  89. <p> Place is encrypted in blockchain (second decoding method). Exact time will be send later. </p><br>
  90. 04/29/2013 - <b> L00Rr is now officially out of the team. </b>
  91. <p>The community decided to use his funds for a giveaway. More info in the newsletter. </p> <br>
  92. 04/20/2013 - <b>! Zerocoin ! </b> <br>
  93. <p> In front of widespread talks about Zerocoin (ZC) we want to make a
  94. few notes about this tech and how it compares with our ring signature. <br>
  95. Leaving aside cryptographic mumbo-jumbo, we will consider only consumers features.</p>
  96. <p> First of all, let us boast our benefits. To spend a single
  97. zerocoin you should produce a signature sized of 30-40 KB. No
  98. alternative. It implies high user fees and blockchain bloating.Our
  99. system offers a user to choose his anonymity level and the size of his
  100. signature: 96 bytes or more. A conservative size about 500 bytes
  101. provides you almost the same practical level of privacy as ZC. Moreover,
  102. our solution relies on elliptic crypto, which works (in general)
  103. noticeably faster than RSA-based ZC.</p>
  104. <p> Yes, the flexibility of our scheme has one hypothetical downside.
  105. As we said, a user can choose his level of privacy. While we believe
  106. that ambiguity degree "one of ten" (~500 bytes) for each transaction
  107. input is enough for practical untraceability, some may disagree and
  108. choose "one of all-possible-inputs" with huge-sized signature. ZC
  109. already hides your payments among all transactions with the same
  110. constant: 30-40 KB. It perfectly suits for a low transaction rate, but
  111. our linear-sized ring signature is asymptotically better: both for
  112. users' pockets and the blockchain size.</p>
  113. <p>Another important note is about trusted setup in Zerocoin. In easy
  114. words the whole system is based on some secret values nobody should
  115. know (for example, this secret allows to make a double spend). How to
  116. acquire these values? ZC devs says: we can generate them and then
  117. "forget" OR we can implement the special algorithm to do in a
  118. distributed way at the system start (everybody know only his own part of
  119. the secret). The second option, of course, is preferable, but the
  120. problem of trust still remains: there is no way for new users to be sure
  121. they are not fooled by the early adopters, who has generated the secret
  122. values. As you guess, our system has no such trapdoors: every parameter
  123. is public, as in original Bitcoin. We consider this as a major
  124. advantage over ZC.</p>
  125. <p>And BTW we are already working =) </p><br>
  126. 02/16/2013 - Community meeting-3. Coordinates are in extranonce, meeting time in emails. <br><br>
  127. 03/01/2013 - <b> We have troubles with mail servers. </b>
  128. <p> Weekly newsletters will not be sent for some time. Sorry for
  129. inconvenience.Check your team's emails for instructions. Be careful. </p> <br>
  131. 01/01/2013
  132. <div class="holiday"> Happy New Year!</div>
  133. <center> <img src="Cryptonote_files/newyear.jpg" height="300" width="480"></center> <br>
  134. <p> P.S. Glad to see increasing nodes number. However the fact of non-increasing hashrate is a little bit strange.</p><br>
  135. 11/29/2012 - "Dante" has started working. <br> <br>
  136. 11/17/2012 - <b> Difficulty is back to `normal`. </b>
  137. <p>The last jump of difficulty value (from ~100k to 385513) was quite unexpected. But it's back what is even more surprising!
  138. Important note: no double-spend or forking attack were mentioned.<br>
  139. Some numbers were also inserted in the blocks; looks like a counter.
  140. Btw retargeting algo works out perfectly. We are ready for the next
  141. "wave".</p><br>
  142. 11/12/2012 - For hints contact j69f. <br><br>
  143. 11/10/2012 - "The R guy" team is onboard since today. <br> <br>
  144. 09/30/2012 - Community meeting. Coordinates will be in chain soon, meeting time in emails. <br><br>
  145. 09/10/2012 - <b> We are growing: average difficulty reached 100k a few days ago and keeps increasing. </b>
  146. <p>There is a stable growth of the network: we see more and more new
  147. connections daily. Also we hope to see you at the community meet-up in
  148. the London conference bar to discuss network growing and other important
  149. stuff personally.<br>
  150. More info via team mails. </p><br>
  151. 08/12/2012 - <b> Extranonce data.</b> <p> Changelog -- extranonce field added. </p> <br>
  152. 07/14/2012 - "V.Hugo" team are with us now. <br> <br>
  153. 07/05/2012 - <b> Transaction functional tests seem to be OK. Thanks twimc! </b>
  154. <p> Special thx to our test_node_6, more precisely, to it's
  155. administrator, who might think that "winter(-time) is coming" and put
  156. the clock back an hour. <br>
  157. It resulted in the wrong timestamp in block #3 -- minus 3599 sec (at
  158. the edge of allowed time window!). By the way this timestamp caused low
  159. difficulty,
  160. so you shouldn't complain! Moreover, it was the perfect test for out
  161. retargeting function. <br>
  162. <b>Long live test_node_6! </b></p><br>
  163. 07/04/2012 6:02 - <b> Congrats! Finally...We have done it (from the 4th attempt)! Thx to all devs and teams! </b>
  164. <p>The first block was found 07/04/2012 05:00:00 (GMT). Functional test runs well. More information via emails.<br>Happy Independence Day! </p> <br>
  165. 06/30/2012 12:50 - <b> Dear friends! We are proud to announce the launch of our project. <br>
  166. </b><p><b>The system will be started on July, 4th (according to the community democracy voting procedure results). </b> Every team will be informed about the exact launching time later via email to the responsible persons.<br>
  167. Please, be ready for the event: carefully check the code version on
  168. updates available (update files are in download section). The first
  169. functional tests will be performed just after the start.<br>
  170. In case of any questions, please contact 6H7QV3LK55m as usual. </p>
  171. <br>
  172. <hr>
  174. <div id="contact"><b> Emergency contact:</b> <br><br></div>
  175. <div id="pgp">
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