
Duel battle

Jul 14th, 2019
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  1. [17:12] Ichida Rikiya asks, "What if you both fight me?"
  2. [17:14] Boulderrain says, "Fight together. More later."
  3. [17:16] Moving next to Killian he wondered how this was about to go since he hadn't really had too much opportunity to fight alongside another in awhile. Perhaps they could claim victory over Ichida, then again he was a strong swordsman who had a lot to teach.
  5. "Together."
  7. That was all he had to say before getting down into a blazing stance, ready to crack off and fight without holding himself too far back. No punches would be thrown, but he had no intent to kill or maim.
  9. "Boulder Ready."
  11. With that he waited to strike.
  12. (Boulderrain)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [17:16] Killian faced towards Ichida as he proposed both him and Boulder fight him. Looking to him with another tilt of the head, then shrugging, Killian brandished his dagger once again. "Then team battle it is." He redirected his focus to Ichida, his winds once again beginning to stir with a chill.
  17. "Ready when you are."
  18. (Killian H. Grandia)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [17:19] Ichida would call forth the flames that his spirit connected to for this battle, he'd look over at Boulder and back towards Killian with a little smile on his face. He never fought more than one person before though he didn't expect it to be easy whatsoever.
  23. The flames surrounding his boy grew brighter sending forth extreme heat that begins to warm the entire area. He'd smile and it seems his partner begin to take the will of the flame making them burst.
  25. Ichida eyes would turn red as fire shot from them it seems he was forcing all of his will out all at once.
  27. "This should be interesting"
  29. The flames shot out from behind him as he dashed at the two of them.
  30. (Ichida Rikiya)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [17:28] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  34. [17:33] Ichida would dash though the field wildly like some sort of animal almost gripping the katana with his claw he target Killian first as he unleashed the full force upon him. He didn't hold anything back only forcing the will of his flames upon the younger male, possibly scorching the ground if not the tree near by from the extreme amounts of heat.
  36. After Ichida dealt with Killian he then focused his fiery gaze onto Boulder. Ichida new Boulder would give him and issue and possibly be the one to take him down, but the damage Ichida received didn't bother him, In-fact the little cuts Boulder did manage to make on Ichida would emit flames from them thus stopping any blood leaking from the wound.
  38. Ichida would pound on Boulder, dropping down several smoke bombs around him to cloud his vision. The flames could be felt, but that didn't make a difference in this battle between them Ichida wasn't holding anything back.
  40. The flames grew brighter and Ichida unleased a deadly combo upon boulder, shortly after he'd down Boulder and the excess heat that was built up was released in the form of steam.
  42. He'd open his mouth allowing the steam to be released from his both, embers begin to fall from his body and his skin was lava red. Ichida was almost as hot as a supernova and his blade looked the same as his skin.
  44. He'd walk over towards the river jumping in, doing this created a fog like mist that covered the area and a few moments past and Ichida emerged. He'd turn towards the both of them heavily panting due to him using a lot of energy.
  46. "That was a good match...sorry I went a little crazy back there."
  48. He'd chuckle.
  49. (Ichida Rikiya)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [17:48] Killian charged in along with boulder once the battle would begin, looking confused as multiple smoke bombs were dropped. Taking a sigh, Killian had no idea it was going to be one of those kind of fights. He was not a fan of this kind of fighting, being more a person for straight up encounters.
  54. Killian contributed what he could, but ultimately it led up to Boulderrain and Ichida fighting, considering he was the youngest and most inexperienced out of the three. Retreating to the river, the waters seemed to heal his wounds as he watched the rest of the fight go down.
  56. Ichida had come out the Victor, Boulder probably having been just as confused by the smoke bombs as Killian. For now though, Killian sat to rest. He only shook his head as Ichida spoke something of a good match.
  58. "That's all you and Boulder, for now."
  59. (Killian H. Grandia)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [17:55] Ichida was still cooling off after the battle and of course he didn't mind if that were they called it quits for today. It seems both Killian and Boulder had enough after their hours of spraining and it was understandable
  64. He'd step from the water allowing the excess water to drip from his armor, he'd remove it for now allowing another yawn to escape him.
  66. "This was a good battle I'm looking forward to doing more of this with you in the future."
  67. (Ichida Rikiya)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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