
Dreaming: Fluttershy

Nov 29th, 2013
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  1. >It's almost over
  2. >You only have to visit one more dream, then you're done
  3. >As you trudge toward the last dream, you pray to whatever gods are listening to spare you
  4. >Considering her past actions, Fluttershy's dream should be the worst one yet
  5. >Marching through the forest to Fluttershy's cottage is a calming and peaceful experience
  6. >The calm before the storm, you think
  7. >As the yellow cloud comes into view, you take a deep breath
  8. "Alright can do this."
  9. >After your pep talk, you reach out to press a hand against the bubble
  10. >"Anonymous, we are glad you decided to carry this through."
  11. >You stop and turn around
  12. >Luna stands behind you, a smile on her face
  13. >Without a word, you turn back and touch the bubble
  15. >The yellow mist surrounds you and sets you at ease.
  16. >This place didn't feel like any of the other dreams.
  17. >You feel the environment spin around you.
  18. >Air flows past you as you slowly descend to a patch of grass standing alone in the empty yellow world.
  19. >>Recommended Listening:
  20. >Gently you touch down on the grass and the platform expands outward, revealing trees and a bright blue sky.
  21. >The sun shines brightly overhead as you can hear your own laugh from behind you.
  22. "What the..." you whisper under your breath.
  23. >You turn around, to hear the source of your own voice.
  24. >Sitting under the shade of a large oak tree is you and Fluttershy.
  25. >She lays cuddled up in your lap as your other self holds her close to him.
  26. >"I wish every day could be like today Anon... You holding me tightly as we guess what the clouds look like..."
  27. "Me too Fluttershy. I can't believe it took me this long to finally realize how much I needed you in my life."
  28. >The dream anon looks down into her eyes.
  29. "You complete me."
  30. >She blushes and buries her head into Anon's chest.
  31. "You know what else Fluttershy?"
  32. >She peeks up at her lover with caring eyes.
  33. >"What's that sweetie?"
  34. "I think... I think I want to wait until after we get married for us to make love."
  35. >Fluttershy looks up at Anon with the widest smile you've ever seen a pony give.
  36. >"Oh Anon! You don't know how much that means to me!"
  37. >She wraps her arms around Anon.
  38. >"I never liked guessing your fetish... I never wanted to do those things to you... I just wanted you to notice me."
  39. >Anon pulls away a strand of hair away from her face and wipes away one of her happy tears.
  40. "Noticing you, was the greatest thing to ever happen to me."
  41. >You stand rooted to the spot watching this display of romance.
  42. >Was all of this true?
  43. >Fluttershy, the crazed sex demon... never actually wanted you?
  44. >Instead, she just wanted... you.
  45. "Hey Shy?"
  46. >She stares into the sky while Anon plays with her hair.
  47. >"Yeah?"
  48. "What if this could last forever?"
  49. >She sits up to look at him.
  50. >"What do you mean?"
  51. >Anon smiles at her and chuckles to himself.
  52. >"What's so funny Anon?"
  53. >Anon pulls out a small slender box, and opens it up to her.
  54. >Fluttershy gasps and puts her hooves to her mouth.
  55. >"Anon... how did you afford this?"
  56. "It doesn't matter... what matters is your answer."
  57. >She sits up, awestruck.
  58. >Anon moves to his knee.
  59. "Will you marry me Fluttershy?"
  60. >The air around you shifts as you find yourself sitting in a pew as a yellow pegasus in a long white gown approaches the front of a church.
  61. >Princess Celestia stands at the front next to Anonymous, wearing the best tuxedo that Rarity could possibly make.
  62. >Fluttershy slowly makes her way down the aisle, tears streaming down her face and a smile that could make any man forget his woes.
  63. >"I have to be dreaming... I have to be..."
  64. >She reaches the front of the room and Anon pulls off her veil and wipes away a newly forming tear.
  65. "Not this time."
  66. >Her eyes go wide and new tears begin to form.
  67. "I.. I have to tell her..."
  68. >You stand up.
  69. >"No Anonymous."
  70. >Luna intervenes.
  71. >"This is her dream. You must let her have it."
  72. "But..."
  73. >"No."
  74. >You stand there in silence as Celestia begins the ceremony.
  75. >"If you do not wish to stay Anonymous... you do not have to."
  76. >It's true.
  77. >You could just leave.
  78. >She's so happy.
  79. >You might never get this chance again.
  80. "I know..."
  81. >Sitting back down, you watch as Fluttershy takes out a small golden ring from a box.
  82. >"With this ring. I, Fluttershy, take you, Anonymous..."
  83. >She stops to compose herself.
  84. >Fluttershys face is a flush red.
  85. >"to be my lawfully wedded husband..."
  86. >She sniffs loudly and takes a deep breath.
  87. >"to h-have and to hold, f-from this day forward, for b-better, or for w-worse..."
  88. >Fluttershy's nervousness begins to set in as she stumbles over her lines.
  89. >Each word begins to become a new challenge as she professes her eternal love for Anon in front of all of these ponies.
  90. >"for r-richer, for p-poorer, in s-sickness and in health"
  91. >She looks up into Anon's eyes.
  92. >The eyes of her love.
  93. >Suddenly the words don't seem so difficult to her any more.
  94. >"until death do us part."
  95. >"I now pronounce you man... and mare."
  96. >The world begins to spin around you once more, as you see yourself coming home to Fluttershy's cottage.
  97. "Honey I'm home!"
  98. >Fluttershy flies to Anon and litters him with kisses.
  99. "How's the baby doing?"
  100. "Baby?"
  101. >Taking a closer look at Fluttershy, she does look larger.
  102. >"She's been kicking... but that probably means she can't wait to see her daddy."
  103. >Anon gets on his knee and places his face next to where his child rested.
  104. "Hey there baby girl. It's only going to be a few more days."
  105. >Fluttershy giggles.
  106. "Soon, you will be able to get out of there and see the most beautiful pegasus in the world... your mommy."
  107. >Anon strokes Fluttershy's mane and lightly kisses her neck.
  108. >"I love you Anon."
  109. "I love you too, Shy."
  110. >The world spins around you one more time.
  111. >Slowly Fluttershy's living room materializes into view one more time.
  112. >Fluttershy and you are playing with a satyr child.
  113. >Her flowing pink hair falls gently to her waist accentuating her yellow hooves.
  114. >"My turn Daddy!"
  115. "Okay go ahead Amber."
  116. >The smiling satyr grabs some dice and rolls them.
  117. >"Uhm... uhm. Mommy? What's that number?"
  118. >"Well let's count it sweetie. How many dots are there?"
  119. >Amber looks down at her hands and counts carefully on her fingers.
  120. >"Oh! Is it six?"
  121. >"That's right!" replies her proud mother.
  122. >She takes her piece on the game board and carefully moves it forward.
  123. >Her eyes widen.
  124. >"Dat means I win!"
  125. >Amber's face lights up and does a cheer that is perfect replica of her mother.
  126. >You stand looking on the scene with conflicted emotions.
  127. "Luna... that's my daughter."
  128. >"This is just a dream Anon."
  129. "I don't know. I just... don't know what to think anymore."
  130. >Your eyes return to the scene where it's changed to the small family huddled around a warm fireplace.
  131. >Outside it's snowing and you are reading to them.
  132. >Fluttershy cuddles up into your arms while she brushes Amber's hair.
  133. >"Anonymous. Moring is approching. We don't have long here."
  134. "Just a little longer... please."
  135. >The world spins around you viciously.
  136. >It must be harder for you to stay here since she's waking up.
  137. >Your body is pulled in many different directions.
  138. >A rhythmic beeping sound fills your ears.
  139. >Slowly, you open your eyes.
  140. >Fluttershy lays in a hospital bed while Anonymous holds her hand.
  141. >Her face looks old and tired, while Anon's hair has began to gray.
  142. >"Anon... I just want you to know that you gave everything that I could have ever wanted."
  143. >Your doppleganger holds her hand and begins to sob.
  144. "What am I going to do without you?"
  145. >Fluttershy gives a weak smile as her eyelids begin to droop.
  146. >"Live on... for me. I'll be waiting for you."
  147. >She wipes a tear from her husband's face.
  148. >"Anon... You complete me."
  149. >A tear leaks from your eye and slowly falls down your face.
  150. "Luna... I want to go home now."
  152. >Wake up.
  153. >Right on time, you hear a knock on your door.
  154. >It has to be her.
  155. >You move to the door and grip the handle.
  156. >Slowly you open it.
  157. >Fluttershy stands in front of you and looks down.
  158. >"Hi Anon. Are... uh."
  159. >She sits there, looking at the ground.
  160. "Fluttershy."
  161. >"Pony feathers. I forgot my guess for today. Sorry Anon."
  162. >She lifts herself up and turns away from you.
  163. "Hey... are you alright?"
  164. >Fluttershy slowly turns to you.
  165. >"Have you ever had a dream that you didn't want to wake up from Anon?"
  166. >You go silent.
  167. >"It just felt so real. Anyway, you don't need to tell me. I'll go home. I know you don't want me around."
  168. >You watch in silence as Fluttershy turns away and starts to walk back home
  169. >Fuck
  170. "Hey Fluttershy..."
  171. >She turns back to face you
  172. >You smile at her
  173. "I'll see you tomorrow."
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