Pastebin Monday #1

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. General things on my situation and thoughts
  3. So, I finally got a run into AGDQ. It wasn't the run I really wanted to get into AGDQ, but it's a game I've been playing on and off from when it came out in 2011. For those who don't know about Grief Syndrome, it's basically plays like an old school arcade side scroller beat em up, just with the world of Madoka Magica. I honestly don't know how to describe how I feel. I've always wanted to get a game into a GDQ since 2012, so this is something 5 years in the making, but now that I got the run in it just feels really meh.
  5. Also next month I'm going to New York for a weekend to play Weiss Schwarz. I won the regional tournament so now I'm qualified to play in the National tournament there. While it's going to be cool, it's also really taxing on my bank account and PTO for work and I'm scared I won't have enough to make it to AGDQ for as long as I want to. If I do somehow win Nationals I get a free trip to Japan to play in Worlds so that's actually really cool if it happens.
  7. I'm also doing a run of Attack on Titan for Turbodog's Rad Marathon, it'll be Sunday November 5th around 2pm PST, look forward to that because Attack on Titan is a really cool run and it's really fun to play.
  9. As for streaming, I haven't been streaming much at all since RPGLB. Right after RPGLB I moved so my situation on where to place all my stuff was a mess for about 2 months. My brother is really really loud and I really hate background noise, he also has to wake up early for work and I have to be quiet so I don't stream late at night anymore, and really speedrunning and streaming just aren't that much fun anymore. Streaming is a lot more fun when there's at least someone to talk to, which is why I make ever effort whenever I watch a stream to interact with the streamer because it's just more fun for both of us. I get no viewers/chatters and the games I've been running for years have all just devolved into hoping RNG co-operates, which really sucked out all the fun in it. I really do want to get back into speedrunning, I do plan on learning Resonance of Fate and submitting that to RPGLB. Maybe I'll get back into Eternal Sonata speedrunning later on, who knows.
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