
Sheeking Advice (a SheZow fic)

Jan 3rd, 2013
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  1. School had ended for the day; all of the students in the classroom quickly gathered up their belongings and headed out, glad to be relatively free. Maz turned to a nearby desk. "Hey, G--" He paused when he remembered that Guy wasn't there. About fifteen minutes prior, Guy had said that he "had to go to the bathroom", which usually meant that Guy's She-S-P had kicked in. Maz sighed. He knew that Guy could handle himself, but had already missed out on a lot of sidekick opportunities when he had been sick not too long ago. He gathered his own belongings up and put them into his backpack. Unconsciously staring at the floor as he walked, Maz headed out of the classroom.
  2. "Hey, Maz, why the glum look?"
  3. Maz looked up only to see Kelly standing just outside the entrance to the classroom. She had a puzzled look on her face at first, but then smiled at him. "Oh, hey Kelly."
  4. "What, you LONELY without Guy around?"
  5. "NO, I'm not!"
  6. Kelly snickered. "You're so easy to read. C'mon, lets go to you-know-where and see if Guy's done yet."
  7. "...Okay, sure," Maz agreed. He let Kelly lead the way as the two made their way out of the school.
  9. The two of them arrived at the Hamdon household and went inside. Droosha greeted the two of them. "Welcome home, Kelly! And hi, Maz!...Is Guy not with you?"
  10. "Oh, Mom...Guy said that he had something to do before he came home," Kelly lied.
  11. "Is that so? Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon."
  12. Kelly nodded in response. "C'mon, Maz." The two of them headed down the secret entrance to the She-Lair. The Shehicle was in its usual spot; since Guy had gone directly from school to the source of the danger, he didn't have a chance to pick it up.
  13. "Looking for Guy and/or SheZow?" Sheila asked.
  14. Maz ran up to Sheila's screen. "Do you know where he is?"
  15. "That I do. Looks like that SheBang girl is up to her usual antics." Sheila showed video footage of SheZow chasing SheBang throughout Megadale. While fleeing, SheBang was taking bites of a couple of sub sandwiches that he had stolen.
  16. "...Sandwich theft? Really?" Kelly asked, raising an eyebrow as she sat down in one of the chairs in front of Sheila.
  17. "What if SheBang is a hobo, and doesn't have any food of her own? Hahaha!" Maz laughed.
  18. Kelly rolled her eyes. "Oh, c'mon. Look around. I bet SheBang has a pretty nice setup herself. She's probably just picking fights with SheZow for the fun of it, like SheZap does."
  19. "I wish I was there..."
  20. "Please, you'd just get in the way," Kelly told. Maz glared at her.
  21. "Oh yeah? At least I always have SheZow's back! YOU barely do anything!"
  22. "I'm the brains, not the brawn," Kelly replied.
  23. "Yeah, I know. It's just..." Maz sat down in one of the chairs in front of Sheila. "I feel like I NEED to be with SheZow, out there."
  24. "It's not just you," Sheila told. "Did I ever get around to telling you how the Shehicle got hijacked? SheZow was in bad form that day..."
  25. "I still want to know how you got it back, Sheila," Kelly commented.
  26. "A magician never reveals their tricks," Sheila pointed out.
  27. "Hey, Kelly..." Maz looked over at Kelly. "You know a lot about this...superhero business. What can I do to be a BETTER sidekick?"
  28. Kelly tilted her head. "You're not giving me much to work with, you know."
  29. "C'mon, you said you're the brains!"
  30. "Hmmm..." Kelly crossed her arms and shut her eyes. "Well...I can't do anything to make you any better in a fight, yourself. But you COULD look at upgrading your arsenal of gadgets."
  31. "Oh, you mean like...guns? And bombs?" Maz asked. His eyes lit up.
  32. "NO GUNS, NO BOMBS!" Kelly yelled. "SheZow isn't one of THOSE kinds of crime fighters, and if you want to be, his...sidekick, you gotta play by the same rules!"
  33. "Okay, okay..." Maz sighed.
  34. "You clearly don't know what you're doing. Let's go." Kelly stood up from her chair and headed toward the She-Lair's exit. Maz jumped to his feet and followed her.
  35. "Go WHERE?" Maz asked as he caught up.
  36. "Heh...EVERYWHERE!" Kelly exclaimed. "There's lots of places around town that sell some good stuff. You've got money, I presume?"
  37. "Well, yeah, but..."
  38. "Good, you'll need it."
  39. "Goodbye, video game savings..." Maz mumbled as he kept up with Kelly's brisk pace.
  41. The streets and sidewalks of Megadale were relatively busy. There was no sign of SheZow or SheBang anywhere, so it was business as usual for the local shops. Maz and Kelly entered a rather small shop with all sorts of interesting-looking devices on display behind its front window. "This looks like a good place to start," Kelly commented.
  42. There was just one man taking care of the shop; he looked to be in his early forties, and slightly out of shape. He smiled at his two customers. "Hey, either of you kids wanna buy a knife?" Maz and Kelly paused. The shopkeeper took a switchblade out from the display case he had been sitting behind and flipped it open. "This one's a real beauty!"
  43. Maz stared. He looked at Kelly. "...Am I allow--"
  44. "NO," Kelly interrupted. She looked at the shopkeeper. "Aren't switchblades illegal?"
  45. The shopkeeper threw the knife over his shoulder, through an open doorway leading to the back of the store. "...Aren't what illegal?"
  46. "We're looking for something that doesn't make a huge mess," Kelly explained. "Pepper spray, stun guns...oh, and other little odds and ends like grappling hook guns. And maybe smoke bombs."
  47. "Wow, you sure know your stuff..." Maz was awestruck.
  48. "Comic books. Read more of them," Kelly advised.
  49. "Well, since you don't seem to want anything "illegal", how about this?" The shopkeeper took a box off of a shelf, opened it, and put the cell phone that it contained onto the counter.
  50. "Isn't that just a cell phone? I don't really want a 3-year contract." Maz stepped back.
  51. "That's the idea! It looks like a cell phone, but..." The shopkeeper picked it up, pointed it down at the counter, and pressed a button. The cell phone made a crackling sound as it created two somewhat burned spots on the counter. "It's a stun gun in disguise! And it's your lucky day! You can have this for only fifty bucks!"
  52. "Fifty bucks?!" Maz exclaimed. He took out his wallet and looked at it, trembling slightly.
  53. "C'mon, Maz, man up. Aren't you doing this for HER?" Kelly elbowed Maz and snickered.
  54. "Okay, I'll buy it!" Maz dug the money out of his wallet as the shopkeeper put the stun gun back into its box.
  55. "Oh, just so you know, no refunds, ever. This isn't a RENTAL place," the shopkeeper told. "Also, if your parents ask, you found that out on the street. Actually, no, it's just a malfunctioning cell phone. Yeah. Tell 'em that."
  56. "Will do," Maz nodded, handing him the money. The shopkeeper handed Maz his new gadget.
  57. "Sure you don't want a knife?"
  58. "Errr..."
  59. Kelly grabbed Maz by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the shop. "C'mon, let's go..." She opened the door and headed outside, still pulling Maz along.
  60. "You kids have fun!" the shopkeeper shouted before the door to his shop closed on its own.
  61. "That guy was creepy..." Kelly shuddered.
  62. "That guy was COOL!" Maz exclaimed.
  63. "Uh-huh. Yeah. I want a snack. There's a cafe over there; we can check more places out after."
  64. Maz nodded. "Sounds good."
  66. In another part of town, SheZow had lost track of SheBang. He was running up and down various streets, looking for him. "Ugh, that girl sure knows how to make an escape fast..." SheZow noticed a lot of the city's population out and about, indicating SheBang's absence. Some of them waved to him; he waved back. "Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but--" SheZow ducked into an alley as the ring transformed him back into Guy, the source of the danger gone. Walking back onto the sidewalk, he sighed. "Well, guess I'm walking...hmm?" Guy noticed a pair of familiar faces sitting at a cafe's outdoor table. "Maz, and...Kelly?" He ducked behind a garbage can. "...Is that...a DATE?!"
  68. "I could've sworn I just heard Guy...or SheZow...or both," Maz commented before taking a sip of his cola.
  69. Kelly was eating a chocolate chip muffin. She finished the mouthful she had before replying. "Yeah, lonely. You."
  70. "I'm not lonely!" Maz insisted. He coughed, the cola having gone down the wrong way. Kelly laughed and nearly fell out of her chair.
  72. Guy crept away and vaulted over a fence. He quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching. "You go, girl!" After transforming, SheZow jumped a great distance into the air, landing on top of a building. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop until he got close enough to observe them, but still staying out of their view thanks to the height difference. He narrowed his eyes as he muttered to himself. "Why am I so mad...? There's no way I'd be jealous of someone dating KELLY. She's my sister!"
  74. "So, where next?" Maz asked.
  75. "Nowhere in particular," Kelly replied. "Let's just get going and see what Megadale has to offer. Maybe we'll run into Guy at some point. He's pretty easy to spot when he' work. Hehe."
  76. "You got a point there." Maz chugged down the rest of his cola. He followed after Kelly, who had gotten up first.
  78. Sitting down and leaning against a building, Morgan looked up at the sky as he ate his second sandwich. Since it was SheBang who did the crime, not technically him, the townsfolk were none the wiser. "Hmmm...too early for bed...maybe I'll have fun once more today." Seeing a familiar pink-clad figure jump from one rooftop to another, Morgan choked on his mouthful of sandwich and coughed it up onto the ground. A few people looked at him. "SHEZOW...!!" Morgan got up and followed after SheZow as quickly as he could; SheZow wasn't moving that quickly himself, and thus Morgan was able to keep up easily enough. Morgan grumbled to himself as he ran along, in between bites of sandwich. "....Why is she transformed and I'M NOT?!" He took another bite, chewed, and swallowed. "It's only supposed to happen when there's danger...!"
  80. Maz and Kelly arrived at the same park where Guy and Maz had set up their half-pipe. It was still there. SheZow got as close to their location as possible, while remaining on the rooftops. He laid down on his stomach to make his presence smaller, but little did he know that Morgan was still tailing him. Morgan had finished the sandwich. Maz looked around with a puzzled look on his face. "What're we doing here?"
  81. Kelly turned to face him. "Little less crowded. We can talk in private. There IS the She-Lair, but Sheila's sometimes a little..."
  82. "Oh, yeah, I know what you mean." Maz laughed a little.
  83. "Yeah. Anyway, there's something you need to know."
  84. "Huh?"
  85. "Being a hero isn't about how strong you are or how many cool gadgets you have. I mean, as much as that stun gun will probably save your butt at some point. It's about never giving up."
  86. "You're not making any sense, Kelly...earlier you were talking like I'm completely useless."
  87. "Well, from a PRACTICAL viewpoint, you are. But you've somehow not gotten beat up TOO bad all this time, and even helped SheZow out of a few pinches. That's because you've got guts."
  88. "I...really?"
  89. "Yeah! The previous SheZow was fine without a sidekick, but this one messes up a lot and needs someone to watch, HER back." Kelly smiled and winked. Suddenly, SheZow jumped down from the building and used super speed to head into the park. He rolled into some bushes, but Maz and Kelly were too preoccupied with their conversation to pay it any mind.
  90. Maz smiled back and nodded. "I'll do it! I'll stay by SheZow's side no matter what!"
  91. "She-yeah!"
  92. Maz and Kelly both froze and looked around. Guy suddenly popped out from a bush. "...Guy?! What the--" Kelly's eyes widened.
  93. "Were you having a snooze?" Maz asked. "Were you...bushed?" Maz and Guy both started laughing at Maz's sense of humor.
  94. "Nah, I just...did a facePLANT," Guy replied. The two laughed even harder and were rolling around in the grass.
  95. Kelly groaned. "You're two of a kind....huh? That kid over there..." Kelly looked to see Morgan, frantically looking from side to side.
  96. "Damn...DAMN! I know she--" Morgan paused when he saw Kelly giving him a funny look. Guy and Maz looked at Morgan as well. Guy sat up and waved.
  97. "Hey!" Guy greeted. "You were watching me and Maz skateboarding, right?" Morgan sighed and walked over to the group, his eyes still darting from side to side.
  98. Maz sat up as well. "Oh yeah, I remember now!"
  99. "Sorry to disappoint, no awesome tricks today." Guy scratched the back of his head and laughed a little.
  100. "It' big deal. I was just looking for someone, but they're not here," Morgan informed.
  101. "Wanna hang out? You seem cool enough," Maz asked.
  102. "No. I just..." Morgan paused. "I'm not a lot of fun to be around." He then turned and headed back the way he came from.
  103. "...What a weirdo," Kelly commented.
  104. "Oh, shut up!" Guy told. "Any dude who recognizes my awesome boarding skills HAS to be a good person."
  105. "Well, it looks like he got BORED and took off," Kelly mocked. Maz laughed.
  106. "C'mon, let's go to the arcade or something," Guy suggested. "Need to blow off some steam."
  107. "Tough battle today?" Maz asked.
  108. "Nah. I guess it's no big deal. But still. Arcade."
  109. Maz slapped Guy's shoulder. "Lead the way, pal!"
  111. Morgan walked along the sidewalk, his objective having changed to the usual. His plans were cut short, though, when a police officer noticed him.
  112. "Hey..." the police officer tapped his partner on the shoulder and motioned toward Morgan. "Isn't that that missing kid?"
  113. "Oh, screw this!" Morgan turned around and took off running.
  114. "Well, that answers that." The two officers quickly chugged their coffees, got into their car and sped off in pursuit. Morgan ran into an alley. The car stopped in front of it; one officer got out of the car and pursued on foot, while the other got the car moving again and took the long way around the block. The police car's siren came on.
  115. "Get away from me, GET AWAY FROM ME...!!" Morgan growled as he picked up the pace. Although he wasn't particularly tall or strong, he was a fast runner.
  116. "KID!" The officer chasing him on foot was trying to keep up as he yelled. "You're NOT in trouble! We just wanna get you home!"
  117. "I'M NOT GOING HOME!" Morgan quickly climbed onto the top of a dumpster, and then jumped and grabbed a fire escape ladder that was hanging down slightly. He climbed it. The officer followed, not allowing Morgan enough time to raise the ladder after climbing it. Morgan proceeded up several flights of stairs, the officer still on his tail. Not long after, Morgan reached the rooftop of the building. He hadn't been keeping track of the number of floors, but he estimated at least six. "Hee hee hee...." Hearing the siren and thus determining the police car's location, Morgan jumped from the side of the rooftop furthest from the car. By the time the officer on his tail reached the roof, Morgan was no longer there. Morgan transformed into SheBang as he headed toward the ground, the bright red light of the transformation attracting the attention of many people in the area. SheBang hit the ground and rolled. "YES! I knew it would work!" Panting heavily, SheBang stood up, only slightly hurt by the fall that would have killed him without his powers. He teleported away, putting as much distance between himself and the police as possible.
  119. The officer in the car turned the siren off as he noticed his partner walk out of the alley. He got into the car.
  120. "What happened?"
  121. "Hell if I know. I followed the kid up to the roof, but he was gone. The door on the roof was locked, and I doubt he had a key."
  122. "Sooo...what, then? You telling me he jumped off of the roof?"
  123. "Well, I looked toward the ground after about a minute...on all sides...but there was nothing. And I mean NOTHING. No blood, no screaming."
  124. "Right. We're just gonna say that he had a key to that door. At least then you won't sound crazy when we're filling out the reports, right?"
  125. "....Yeah, sure. I still don't buy it, though, just between you and me. And the chief is gonna ask why we didn't search the building."
  126. "He's a missing kid, not a crook. We used our better judgement and decided not to smash the place up over it."
  127. "Good thinking."
  129. Guy, Maz, and Kelly walked along the sidewalk. Kelly raised an eyebrow. "Huh."
  130. "What's up?" Guy asked.
  131. "Heard a police siren. I wonder why you didn' know," Kelly explained.
  132. "I didn't hear anything," Maz commented.
  133. "Me neither," Guy added. "And the police handle TONS of things that SheZow shouldn't have to. It was probably just some nutjob with a golf club or something that they ended up tazing." Maz snickered. Guy started laughing as well.
  134. "That's not FUNNY. People get hurt in those situations!" Kelly pointed out.
  135. "It's hilarious! Especially when someone gets a video and posts it online. You see the sucker spasming on the ground--HAHAHAHA!" Guy laughed. The three of them entered the arcade. Kelly immediately went for a light gun game involving zombies.
  136. "Really, Kelly?" Maz asked. "You don't seem the type."
  137. "I don't like real guns. Games like this, though..." Kelly grinned. "Maz, quarters."
  138. "Okay, okay..." Maz went to a change machine and inserted a five dollar bill. It spat out twenty quarters. He put two of them into the game Kelly wanted to play.
  139. "Hey, Maz, wanna race?" Guy asked, motioning toward two racing game cabinets set up side by side. "Your treat, of course."
  140. "You two are gonna bankrupt me..."
  141. "C'mon Maz, it's just a little...close QUARTERS combat."
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