
Finding Babies (Challenge No.08 disqualified entry)

Dec 8th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. takenoko, January 3, 2013; 19:16 / FB 7931
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >be Rarifluff
  4. >you're watching TV
  5. >'Lovely Days Knitting Club' just ended
  6. >now it's boring infomercial time
  7. >you press the button that makes the stories different
  8. >end up on FluffTV
  9. >Babies! is on
  10. >you watch a bit
  11. >a slim green girl fluffy is playing with her foals
  12. >they are just the most adorable things!
  13. >'Babbehs get wotsa huggies!', she tells them
  14. >'Wuv huggies! Wuv Mumma!', the foals reply
  15. >the family hugs
  16. >it makes you a little jealous
  17. >'Wan babbeh'
  18. >you lie back and watch Babies, imagining all the things you'll do with your babies
  19. >actually, you just look at the babies playing and ignore the stupid mummas
  20. >imagining hurts the thing under your pretty horn
  21. >after a few minutes, you realize that those aren't your babies
  22. >you don't have any
  23. >but you'd like some
  24. >maybe just one
  25. >'How get babbeh?', you question the TV
  26. >'Wuv baww', a baby on the TV replies
  27. >you leave your pillow and trot over to your ball
  28. >'Baww, how get babbeh?'
  29. >the ball doesn't answer
  30. >you pout
  31. >'Meanie baww!'
  32. >you go to your litterbox and make poopies while looking at the baww
  33. >it's called 'pretty sorry poopies'
  34. >Daddy taught you how to make pretty sorry poopies
  35. >they let you make sorry poopies without getting things icky!
  36. >they are the ultimate in sorry poopie warfare
  37. >you remember your Daddeh telling you something else:
  38. >'Special hugs give bad babies. NEVER let a fluffy give you special hugs!'
  39. >special hugs give babies
  40. >babies
  41. >your eyes widen as you fully appreciate the concept of babies
  42. >resolve builds up in you, giving you a drive beyond anything you've ever felt
  43. >'Wawity gon' get specha huggies, an' get babbehs!' you declare
  44. >you remember something else Daddeh said about bad special hugs:
  45. >'Yell 'Help! I'm a human girl being raped!' and poop as hard as you can'
  46. >you just won't do that!
  47. >that's how you'll know that you're having good special hugs
  48. >you venture into the kitchen and through the fluffy-safe fluffy door
  49. >the door leading to OUTSIDE
  50. >mister door doesn't let anyfluff come in, only out
  51. >that's okay, you understand it
  52. >you'll just play with your babies outside until Daddeh comes home!
  54. >you venture across the big lawn, towards the real outside
  55. >there's a big hole in the fence that Daddeh put up
  56. >it's hidden by a rock, but you just go around it
  57. >you carefully get through, not letting anything touch your fluff
  58. >the dirty fence and icky rock will make your fluff not pretty!
  59. >through the hole, there is an icky place
  60. >it is grey and not pretty
  61. >but you can hear a fluffy voice
  62. >'Sowwy babbehs, nuu fin' nuff nummies'
  63. >and then the most adorable little voices in the world
  64. >'Nuu wan icky nummies, wan miwkies!'
  65. >'Babbeh make poopies!'
  66. >you trot towards the sound
  68. >you find a wingie mumma with babbehs
  69. >she has a pointy babbeh, a wingie babbeh and a babbeh babbeh
  70. >babbeh babbeh is white like you, making poopies
  71. >pointy babbeh is all green, not moving
  72. >wingie babbeh is red and puffing its cheeks, demanding milk
  73. >a full assortment!
  74. >'Wha? Fwend!', she exclaims as she sees you
  75. >you happily rush over, a smile on your face
  76. >'Hewwo, daw'lin! Am Wawity!', you introduce yourself
  77. >'Am Bwita! Bwita wuv noo fwend! Wook pwetty, smeww wike sketties an' fwowas!'
  78. >you giggle and toss your permed mane
  79. >you love being pretty!
  80. >she hugs you, and you hug back
  81. >she's a little icky, but she gives good hugs
  82. >you wouldn't let your babbehs get this icky
  83. >they would give nice, clean huggies
  84. >OH
  85. >that's right!
  86. >maybe she can help you with your predicament
  87. >'Wawity wan specha huggies, haf babbehs'
  88. >she gives you a sad look
  89. >'Sowwy, am giwl fwuffy. An Wawity nuu wan specha huggies. Dey bad huggies.'
  90. >she pantomimes getting on top of a not-there fluffy and thrusting into it
  91. >'Meanies get on Bwita, do dis, touch nonos. Den Bwita haf babbehs.'
  92. >so THAT's how special hugs are special!
  93. >'WHA-HA-HA!', you cry out
  94. >give special huggies, get babbehs
  95. >it all makes sense
  96. >you carefully move all the babies away
  97. >then you get behind Brita
  98. >'Wha fwen' doin? Wan wook at Bwita taiw?'
  100. >you mount your new friend
  101. >your front hoofsies plunge into her fluff
  102. >'Wawity gif gud specha huggies', you quip cheerfully
  103. >a mare of your word, you give her the best special huggies you can
  104. >your underfluff rubs against her poopie place fluff
  105. >it's actually rather clean
  106. >at least she's somewhat classy
  107. >she's not very happy, though
  108. >'NUUU! Nuu fwen, nuu wan specha huggies! Nuu wan mow babbehs!'
  109. >she isn't saying that she's a human girl, though
  110. >that means that these are good special hugs!
  111. >you remember the rest of what she said
  112. >you have to touch her nonos
  113. >that's a bad thing
  114. >but it's for your darling babies, so it's okay!
  115. >you pull yourself up with your front hooves
  116. >with skill, you balance yourself on one back weggie
  117. >the other back one, you stick into her fluff
  118. >it's a bit hard to find skin through the fluff
  119. >yet you manage
  120. >'Wha? Dis weiwd, Wawity. Wha fwen doin?', Brita queries
  121. >you find her poopie place
  122. >'Otay, den hoofsie go wowah down...'
  123. >...
  124. >there, warm and squishy!
  125. >you pull forward as hard as you can with your front hooves
  126. >your slender weggie plunges into Brita's nono place!
  127. >she makes a funny sound!
  128. >'Sowwy, Bwita. Wawity fowget gif specha huggies!'
  129. >you resume your thrusting
  130. >the labour is most unlike you
  131. >a light 'enf...enf...enf' escapes your lips with each thrust
  132. >Brita starts shaking and screaming
  133. >'Wawity! Haf owwies! Bwita nuu wan specha huggies! Stahp, meanie!'
  134. >you are shocked and appalled
  135. >you are no meanie!
  136. >the accusation causes you to lose your balance
  137. >your one ground leg slips
  138. >your front legs flail in surprise, leaving the soft, grippable fluff
  139. >you fall backwards, but your penetrating weggie remains in position
  140. >you flex it, hoping for it to make you go back up
  141. >dummy physics defies you!
  142. >through leverage, your full weight is pushed onto the bottom of her vagina
  143. >then, as you hit the ground, your weggie smashes into her vaginal roof before coming down
  144. >you hear a faint squelching sound
  145. >then you hit the ground with a *pomf*
  147. >'Wah! Wawity haf owwies!'
  148. >your side has big owwies from the fall!
  149. >you get up and cry a little
  150. >the weggie that was in Brita comes out
  151. >it's a bit sticky, and there's some booboo juice on it
  152. >you wipe it off on some garbage, hoping it won't stain
  153. >your worry for your pretty weggie makes you forget about the owwies
  154. >you feel better
  155. >'Owwies aww gone!'
  156. >like a good fluffy, you check up on Brita
  157. >'Huuhuuhuuuuu' is the only sound she makes
  158. >booboo juice comes out of her nonos
  159. >she must have put some of it on your weggie
  160. >'Nuu is nice, Bwita! Say sowwy!'
  161. >'Huuhuuhuuhuuuuu', she replies
  162. >oh well, as long as she follows the rest of the rules
  163. >"Wawity gif specha huggies, wan babbeh"
  164. >she doesn't respond
  165. >Brita just keeps making the funny sound
  166. >'Huuuuhuuhuuuuu!'
  167. >maybe she has owwies too?
  168. >you give her some normal huggies to fix the owwies
  169. >then you go over to the babies
  170. >you don't need her for this part, anyways
  172. >you gave special huggies, so you get a baby!
  173. >now, which one?
  174. >'Dummeh mawe! Babbeh wan miwkies!', one demands
  175. >how rude!
  176. >'Wawity nuu wan bad babbeh'
  177. >you slap it away
  178. >it smacks into a tree and makes booboo juice
  179. >'Eep!', goes the pointy babbeh, 'pwease nuu huwties!'
  180. >silly foal
  181. >you would never hurt a cute baby!
  182. >you consider taking that one
  183. >but it makes fear poopies
  184. >'Icky! Wawity nuu wan icky babbeh!', you declare
  185. >a bit of you really wanted a pointy baby, though
  186. >you look at the last one, the babbeh babbeh
  187. >'Wawity ask Daddeh fo' gif babbeh pointy an' be specha!'
  188. >you bite the babbeh babbeh by the neck fluff and begin to carry it away
  189. >'Nuu! Wan' mumma! Babbeh nee' nummies an' wuv!', it cries
  190. >aww, how cute
  191. >you set it down and give it a big hug
  192. >'Nuu wowwy, babbeh. Wawity gon' gif gud nummies and wuv foevah!'
  193. >the babbeh sniffs you
  194. >'Smeww pwetty. Betta den mumma. Gon' be noo mumma fo' babbeh?'
  195. >you nod
  196. >'Babbeh suuu happi!'
  197. >you pick it up with two hoofsies and place the babbeh on your head
  198. >then you head back home, leaving the other two for Brita
  199. >thoughts of the future flicker through your fluffy head
  200. >you don't even mind the mind owwies from having to use your imagination
  201. >you'll keep your babbeh pretty and train it to be a proper fluffy
  202. >and then?
  203. >makeovers and playtime!
  204. >'Babbeh gon' be FAB-U-WUUUUUS!', you declare as you skip through the hole
  205. >you go right up to your door
  206. >there's a noise
  207. >a vroom-vroom munsta sounds like it's close
  208. >that means one thing
  209. >Daddeh's home to let you in!
  210. >you patiently wait in front of the fluffy-safe door for Daddeh to let you in
  211. >'Babbeh wuv noo mumma', the babbeh gurgles as it hugs your pointy thing
  212. >you carefully pull the babbeh off of your head and give it huggies
  213. >'Wawity wuv sweetie babbeh!'
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