

Mar 27th, 2019
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  1. # Real 制御システム
  2. #Real (リアル) を荒らし等に使わせてしまいますと、サーバーを止める可能性もありますので、信用できる人のみに、パーミッションを与えてください by NAO
  3. #また、いろいろなプラグインを簡易化コマンドを追加します。
  4. #シンプルを目指したので、英語表記です。(一部日本語)
  5. options:
  6. r: &6{&aReal&6]
  8. command /r [<text>] [<text>] [<player>] [<text>] [<player>]:
  9. permission: real.admin
  10. usage: &c/r <system> <player> <text> <text>
  11. trigger:
  12. if arg 1 is not set:
  13. message "&b&l===================&c&lREAL&b&l==================="
  14. wait 5 tick
  15. message "&c&lReal&b&l使用法"
  16. wait 5 tick
  17. message "&c&linformation編"
  18. wait 5 tick
  19. message "/r i ping <player> &c&l- &b&lShow ping"
  20. wait 5 tick
  21. message "/r i online &c&l- &b&lOnline number display"
  22. wait 5 tick
  23. message "/r i uuid <player> &c&l- &b&lDisplay player's UUID"
  24. wait 5 tick
  25. message "/r i ip <player> &c&l- &b&lDisplay player's IP"
  26. wait 5 tick
  27. message "&c&lServersyastem編"
  28. wait 5 tick
  29. message "/r s stop &c&l- &b&lStop the server"
  30. wait 5 tick
  31. message "&c&lPlayer編"
  32. wait 5 tick
  33. message "/r p tab <player> <text> &c&l- &b&lChange tab"
  34. # infomation編↓
  35. if arg 1 is "i":
  36. if arg 2 is "ping":
  37. if arg 3 is not set:
  38. message "{@r} &cYour ping is &a%player's ping%"
  39. else:
  40. message "{@r} &cYour ping is &a%arg-3's ping%"
  41. if arg 2 is "online":
  42. message "&aonline member : &c%number of all players%"
  43. if arg 2 is "uuid":
  44. if arg 3 is not set:
  45. message "&aYour uuid : &c%player's uuid%"
  46. else:
  47. message "&a%arg 3% uuid : &c%arg-3's uuid%"
  48. if arg 2 is "ip":
  49. if arg 3 is not set:
  50. message "&aYour ip : &c%ip of player%"
  51. else:
  52. message "&a%arg 3% ip : &c%ip of arg-3%"
  53. # serversystem編↓
  54. if arg 1 is "s":
  55. if arg 2 is "stop":
  56. broadcast "&c10秒後に、サーバーをシャットダウンします"
  57. wait 5 second
  58. broadcast "&c5秒前"
  59. wait 1 second
  60. broadcast "&c4秒前"
  61. wait 1 second
  62. broadcast "&c3秒前"
  63. wait 1 second
  64. message "&c2秒前"
  65. wait 1 second
  66. message "&c1秒前"
  67. wait 1 second
  68. message "&cサーバーをシャットダウンします"
  69. wait 20 tick
  70. command "/stop"
  71. if arg 2 is "reload":
  72. broadcast "&c10秒後に、サーバーをリロードします"
  73. wait 5 second
  74. broadcast "&c5秒前"
  75. wait 1 second
  76. broadcast "&c4秒前"
  77. wait 1 second
  78. broadcast "&c3秒前"
  79. wait 1 second
  80. broadcast "&c2秒前"
  81. wait 1 second
  82. broadcast "&c1秒前"
  83. wait 1 second
  84. broadcast "&cサーバーをリロードします"
  85. wait 20 tick
  86. command "/reload"
  87. # Player編↓
  88. if arg 1 is "p":
  89. if arg 2 is "tab":
  90. if arg 3 is not set:
  91. message "&cIncorrect in player name (It is also displayed at tab reset)"
  92. if arg 4 is not set:
  93. message "&cIncorrect after change"
  94. else:
  95. set player's tablist name to "%arg 4%"
  96. message "&c%arg 3%'s tab change <%arg 4%>"
  97. if arg 2 is "tabreset":
  98. if arg 3 is not set:
  99. message "&cYour tab reset!"
  100. set player's tablist name to "%player%"
  101. else:
  102. set player's tablist name to "%arg 3%"
  103. message "&c%arg 2%'s tab reset"
  104. if arg 2 is "adminchat":
  105. message "&cAdminChat Join"
  106. if arg 4 is "join":
  107. set {} to 1
  108. message "&cYour Adminchat Join!"
  109. if arg 4 is "exit":
  110. set {} to 0
  111. message "&cYour Adminchat Exit!"
  113. on chat:
  114. if {} is 1:
  115. loop all players:
  116. loop-player is op:
  117. cancel event
  118. broadcast "<&cAdminchat&r> <%player%> %coloured message%" to loop-player
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