

Aug 20th, 2017
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  1. B 1. Apollonia visits Frank's apartment, remarks on the mirror
  2. I. Mirror is explained
  3. B 2. Say goodbye, begin shitty day
  4. B 3. Stay up late and go to party
  5. I. Have freak-out over basically nothing
  6. B in transit, C at work; 4. Go back to work, tired; body takes small nap on the train. Keeps track of train via phone, but barely gets body up to disembark in time.
  7. I. Stops taking calls for a moment to disembark for home. Tabs back to work, is told off on the calling floor for long wait times and looking at his cell phone.
  8. II. Of course, it's illegal to keep people from making their connections; multiple bodies mandate transit accomodations, only suspended for emergencies, which this ain't.
  9. III. But you aren't allowed to argue with the supervisor on the calling floor, so he asks to take this argument outside, and his supervisor threatens him. "You want to take this outside? Why not here?" Fists raised.
  10. IV. "No. Are you insane?"
  11. V. "If you don't want to work, go home." Sent home early, not enough hours, not enough cash.
  12. C 5. Get home, try to look for more jobs, get frustrated, punch mirror, hurts like the dickens, breaks the mirror.
  13. 6. End up just reading about dissolution instead of finding work. Finds it oddly therapeutic, but unlikely. Starts putting his hat in for work at the next job; daily call-in thing.
  14. I. Work starts on time this time, begins transit, tabs back to self with injured hand.
  16. Story idea for tiamonds, as well as my Marathon prequel: gwo bonanj/ti bonanj, as in voudoun, as a parallel for a notion of communion. (Jumpex allergy, or The Pattern's Promise.)
  17. Kaworu talked about the AT field, the boundary of distinction between a person and everything he is not.
  18. (Worth rereading some Sartre for definitions of negation and abstraction.)
  19. The jumpex allergy might be dissolution of that boundary; pattern buffering and teleportation might be technological means to explore same.
  20. Some annoying scientist sets the AI to looking for the soul, or the AT field, in a pattern. This familiarity allows the AI to start recording over people in storage. Read head not found, only record.
  22. Right, right, okay, so the Pattern of course is just another phenomenon. You're not the Pattern, and you're not being while you're that pattern. When you die and they restore from the pattern, that's continuity, and is a person, but it's kind of irrelevant whether or not it's you.
  23. There's you, what you are and what you do and experience, and that's your self-experience, the meaning you assert. When you're not around to assert meaning, you're the prey of the living; the main difference is you aren't asserting your meaning. /You're not even there./
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